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Good Sunday morning, I’m still reporting on the coup.

This was just sent to me over the transom. I don’t know who this is, but she’s
right. Trump was impeached twice for less than any ONE of these items she lists,
and that’s before Afghanistan. Any time this lady wants to speak out on this
channel, she’s welcome.
She can email me at:


I’m still reporting from the soon-to-be-restored citadel of world freedom. Good

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Good evening, I’m still reporting on the coup.

Unless you watched Tucker Carlson’s show on Friday night you did not get the
news that the propaganda the MSM and the DNC has been feeding the general public
concerning the Jan. 6th Capitol riot has now been fact checked by no less that
the FBI and found to be a political fiction to serve their political goals.

This is a stunning development. Typically, politically-motivated disinformation
simply disappears off the radar screens of the MSM, never to be brought to a
final conclusion. But not this whopper.

But the reason the FBI had to come clean on the Capitol riot, was to prevent a
far more damning truth from coming out.

[insert to “… after a castle.”]

The second I first this picture, I knew it was staged by the left or the FBI or
deep state or whatever you want to call them.

Having been to many Trump rallies, Trump people would never act like this. And
what’s the point of scaling a wall like a leftie rock climber?
Look at this picture. There are gentle elegant steps on either sides of these
show offs. This was a staged photograph to perfectly fit in with the planned
narrative that former FBI Director James Comey and others would repeat – “it was
a planned assault like on a castle.”

Exactly, and that’s not Trump people would ever, ever do. Why? Because it would
be disrespectful to our nation’s Capitol and there was absolutely no practical
reason to do it other than create a setup photo to run in newspapers around the
world the next day.

Why? To encourage the notion that Trump people were dangerous and needed to be
dealt with harshly.

[insert to “… that day.”]

My guess is every one of these rock climbers were just that - FBI agents or


I’m still reporting from the soon-to-be-restored citadel of world freedom. Good

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Good evening, I’m still reporting on the coup.

Supporters of the COVID vaccines are quick to emphasize that relatively few
recipients have experienced post-vaccination blood clotting. However, recent
findings of a Canadian physician about microscopic blood clots in most of his
patients have been largely ignored by major news media.

Dr Charles Hoffe has been practicing medicine for 28 years in a small, rural
town in British Columbia, Canada. He has given about 900 doses of the Moderna
experimental mRNA vaccine to his patients. So, contrary to some critics, he is
no anti-vaccine doctor.

The core problem he has seen are microscopic clots in his patients’ tiniest

“[These are] blood clots occurring at a capillary level. This has never before
been seen. This is not a rare disease. This is an absolutely new phenomenon.”

Most importantly, Dr. Hoffe has emphasized these micro-clots are too small to
show up on CT scans, MRI, and other conventional tests, such as angiograms, and
can only be detected using the D-dimer blood test.
Using this test, he found that 62% of his patients injected with an mRNA vaccine
show the presence of these tiny clots. As he explained it, the spike proteins in
the vaccine become:

“… part of the cell wall of your vascular endothelium. This means that these
cells which line your blood vessels, which are supposed to be smooth so that
your blood flows smoothly now have these little spikey bits sticking out. … when
the platelet comes through the capillary it suddenly hits all these COVID spikes
and it becomes absolutely inevitable that blood clots will form to block that

Dr. Hoffe’s assessment appeared in the Aug. 6 edition of “TrialSiteNews.

“The most alarming part of this is that there are some parts of the body like
the brain, spinal cord, heart and lungs which cannot re-generate. When those
tissues are damaged by blood clots they are permanently damaged,” said Dr.

Dr. Hoffe’s findings quickly landed him in trouble with British Columbia health
authorities. After writing the B.C. College of Physicians and Surgeons and
B.C.’s public health officer, Bonnie Henry, he had his hospital privileges
suspended. Since Dr. Hoffe was responsible for covering the Emergency Room for 2
weeks out of the month in his little town of Lytton, B.C., the hospital
announced that they would have to close the ER for those two weeks out of each

Subsequently, Dr. Hoffe’s home was burned down in what was called the White Lake
A GoFund Me page has been set up for Dr. Hoffe in the “Accidents and
Emergencies” category.

To date, a total of $1510 CAD has been raised out of a goal of $5000.

In the same Aug. 6 edition of TrialSiteNews, it was revealed that similar
findings have been published by the Salk Institute which provide a rationale for
seeing spike proteins as causing clots.

“The chief finding was that the spike protein associated with the COVID virus
and with vaccines was connected to strokes, heart attacks and blood clots.”

According to the Salk Institute:

“The paper, published in Circulation Research, [April 30, 2021] also shows
conclusively that COVID-19 is a vascular disease, demonstrating exactly how the
SARS-CoV-2 virus damages and attacks the vascular system on a cellular level. …
the paper provides clear confirmation and a detailed explanation of the
mechanism through which the [spike] protein damages vascular cells.”

“Salk researchers and collaborators show how the protein damages cells,
confirming COVID-19 as a primarily vascular disease.”

The quote from the Salk Institute continues:

“A lot of people think of it as a respiratory disease, but it’s really a
vascular disease,” says Assistant Research Professor Uri Manor, who is co-senior
author of the study. “That could explain why some people have strokes, and why
some people have issues in other parts of the body. The commonality between them
is that they all have vascular underpinnings.”

According to the Daily Expose’s explanation of the meaning of the Salk study:

“Therefore any person who does not suffer a serious adverse reaction to the
Covid vaccine only does so because their innate immune system is protecting them
from the vaccine, not with the vaccine as authorities want you to believe. The
vaccine is the weapon. Your immune system is your defense.”

I’m still reporting from the soon-to-be-restored citadel of world freedom. Good

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Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on the coup.

This morning, I posted something on my channel which you will find
very, very interesting – something I could not post here.

This morning, Maria Bartiromo blasted Biden’s Secretary of Homeland Insecurity,
Alejandro Mayorkas, for lying to the American people.

If ever there was a person in a cabinet-level position of our federal government
who looks like one of the minions of Satan, it is Mr. Mayorkas.

On Thursday, he told cameras at a southern border press avail that there was
nothing to worry about concerning the border crisis – that the administration
had it all under control.
[insert Maria
Remember, these are the people they have apprehended. But where are the numbers
for those who were quietly waved on to busses and airplanes for distribution to
Red State airports, landing in the middle of the night in Florida, Georgia,
North Carolina and Virginia?


I’m still reporting from the soon-to-be-restored citadel of world freedom. Good

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Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on the coup.

This morning, I posted something on my channel which you will find
very, very interesting – something I could not post here.

This morning, Maria Bartiromo blasted Biden’s Secretary of Homeland Insecurity,
Alejandro Mayorkas, for lying to the American people.

If ever there was a person in a cabinet-level position of our federal government
who looks like one of the minions of Satan, it is Mr. Mayorkas.

On Thursday, he told cameras at a southern border press avail that there was
nothing to worry about concerning the border crisis – that the administration
had it all under control.
[insert Maria
Remember, these are the people they have apprehended. But where are the numbers
for those who were quietly waved on to busses and airplanes for distribution to
Red State airports, landing in the middle of the night in Florida, Georgia,
North Carolina and Virginia?


I’m still reporting from the soon-to-be-restored citadel of world freedom. Good

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JULY 2021








Good evening, I’m still reporting on the coup.
One of the hallmarks of authoritarian nations governing without the consent of
the governed is to conduct sham elections, and then, if anyone dares to question
the legitimacy of those elections, lock them away in jail to await trial and
throw away the key.
Well ……. The Biden Dept. of Justice today threatened states conducting election
audits and states about to begin audits that conducting an election audit may be
a violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1960.
This is the act that mandated the retention of election records for 22 months
after a federal election with the express purpose of allowing plenty of time for
states to conduct election audits.
However, it also states in part that no person:
“… shall intimidate, threaten, or coerce, or attempt to intimidate, threaten, or
coerce any person for voting or attempting to vote, or intimidate, threaten, or
coerce, or attempt to intimidate, threaten, or coerce any person for urging or
aiding any person to vote or attempt to vote.”
However, to the Justice Dept. retaining records for 22 months is for the use of
federal law enforcement officials – a clear swipe at the states ability to
control their elections at the state level.
A new guidance document just sent out to all states and counties by the DOJ
clearly threatens local authorities with prosecution and incarceration should
the DOJ find that in conducting election audits, local authorities threaten the
integrity of election records by hiring auditors to review them.
“Where election records leave the control of elections officials, the systems
for maintaining the security, integrity, and chain of custody of those records
can easily be broken [and can] lead to a significant risk of the records being
lost, stolen, altered, compromised, or destroyed.”
But what happens if a state legislature suspects that local officials simply
printed extra ballots, marked the with their favored candidate, and thru
skullduggery inserted into unattended ballot boxes scattered across the
Well, that’s exactly what members of the Arizona Senate fear happened. So what’s
the control on that? Turn them over to Biden’s federal officials to audit? That
makes no sense.
According to the DOJ missive, violators of the Civil Rights Act could face fines
of up to $1,000 and a jail sentence of up to one year per violation.
According to a DOJ official quoted by the Epoch Times:
“This document sets down a marker that says the Justice Department is concerned
about this and we will be following this closely….”
Now we all know that none of these election irregularities could have changed
the outcome of an election, however, shouldn’t a state have sufficient
sovereignty over the integrity of elections in their states so that they could
see if any of the local officials were cheating?
Arizona Senate President Sen. Karen Fann, who ordered the audit told the Epoch
“Democrats have been trying every avenue they can to stop or discredit this
audit. I’m sure this will be one of many avenues they will pursue post audit as
Arizona’s attorney general, Republican Mark Brnovich, warned Biden’s new
Attorney General, Merrick Garland in a letter on June 14th that his office would
“not tolerate” any attempt to thwart the audit.
“We stand ready to defend federalism and state sovereignty against any partisan
attacks or federal overreach.”
Auditors are expected to complete their months-long work this week, and issue
their final report on the results which has now been moved back to August.
The audit is expected to show that tens of thousands of mail-in ballots that
were counted in the election, were never mailed out by election officials. They
apparently just appeared when the votes were tallied.
President Trump lost Arizona by 10,457 votes – a 0.4% margin – out of 3.3
million votes cast in the 2020 election.
I’m still reporting from just outside the soon-to-return citadel of world
freedom. Good day.






















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Good evening, I’m still reporting on the economy.

I’m still reporting from just outside the one-time citadel of world freedom.
Good day.









JUNE 2021








Good evening, I’m still reporting on the coup.
Everybody knows that Joe Biden is having problems.
The mainstream media can ignore stuff like Hunter Biden’s laptop because they
are afterall the mainstream media and if they don’t report something, it didn’t
happen. But Uncle Joe is obviously getting worse. He wanders around like he’s
lost, because he is and now has to be led by the hand. Biden loves to mix it up
with reporters and just regular folks who ask him questions. He always has. His
instincts tell him when he is being asked a question, he needs to answer it.
None of his aides have come up and put their hands over his mouth yet, but that
might be next.
And his behavior which always has been strange for an elected official, has
become bizarre. That whispering into the microphone made him appear demented.
The US mainstream media, the least trusted in the entire world, ignore actions
like that at their own peril. Far too many people today, get on the internet to
see things for themselves. The foreign media can’t believe that Biden is allowed
to continue to be president, continues to be the man who has his finger on the
nuclear trigger. Although nobody really believes that Biden is the one with his
finger on the trigger, but theoretically he is.
It appears that the Democrats plan had a tiny little flaw. A lot of people
expected Biden to take the oath of office and within weeks take a leave of
absence due to his health and then after some respectable period of time resign
for unspecified health reasons and turn the office over to Kamala Harris.
The plan looked great on paper. The Democrats would get credit for the first
woman and the first woman of color president all without having to figure out
some way to make Kamala more palatable to voters.
It’s worth remembering that in the Democratic presidential primaries Kamala was
polling at less than 3 percent in her home state of California. If a candidate
can’t even get a reasonable number of votes in their home state they have no
chance nationwide.
And Kamala - not Biden in this case - is the problem with the Plan. The top
Democrats who picked Joe and Kamala to lead the Democratic ticket, didn’t vet
Kamala quite enough, or probably not at all.
She was a US Senator, the former Attorney General of her California, certainly
she was qualified to sit in the Oval Office and take their orders.
But what the people calling the shots have found is that Kamala is much worse at
getting along with people than they imagined.
Uncle Joe can be presented as a kindly old senior statesman, who though long in
the tooth is essentially a good guy. Yes, he mumbles and stumbles through
speeches and has trouble pronouncing unusual names like “Murphy.” He forgets
things like the little known fact that the US has never been at war with Iran,
or his present geographic location. But with the willing assistance of the
mainstream media all of those things can be pushed aside.
Some presidents would be riled about their aides giving them a list of reporters
to call on in a particular order. Joe is so OK with that he announces what he is
In one way you have to admire Biden for being so open about his shortcomings.
But as the powers behind the White House have now discovered, the reason Kamala
was polling so poorly in her home state is because the people in California know
her and don’t like her.
She is evidently unmanageable and while Uncle Joe mumbles and stumbles, Kamala
enrages people by laughing when she is asked a legitimate question she doesn’t
want to answer.
She also is such a narcissist that she believes saying something makes it true.
When she was asked by NBC’s Lester Holt when she was going to the border, she
said, “We’ve been to the border. We’ve been to the border.” When everyone knew
that the question was not have you ever in your life been to the US border, but
why haven’t you been to the border since being put in charge of US border policy
by the president.
Kamala’s second attempt was just as bad if not worse “Well, I haven’t been to
Europe either.”
This was not a gotcha question. Kamala knew she was going to be asked about not
going to the border and had plenty of time to come up with an answer that would
enrage her enemies and disappoint her supporters, but she didn’t bother.
The trip Harris did make to Guatemala was a disaster, even the mainstream media
had difficulty spinning it into a success.
The White House couldn’t get Kamala to the border, but President Trump did.
Trump doesn’t need to be in the White House to control what other people do.
There was no way the Democrats could allow Trump to go to the border before
Kamala Harris. But even then, Kamala didn’t actually go to the border and didn’t
go anywhere near the portion of the border where thousands of illegal immigrants
are crossing into the US every day.
Kamala went to El Paso about 800 miles from the real problem areas and even in
El Paso, Kamala didn’t actually go to the border. Technically she went to a
border town, but not to the border and she only stayed a few hours.
Kamala insists on doing whatever she wants, can’t conduct an interview even with
a sympathetic journalist that doesn’t send her already low ratings lower, and is
evidently causing such problems for the people running the White House that they
have decided that they are better off with a senile old man than with Kamala.
The Democrats have to be considering the Spiro Agnew solution. When it became
clear that President Richard Nixon was not going to be able to finish out his
term, the Republicans were faced with what the Democrats are faced with now, a
vice president who nobody wanted to be president. Nixon reportedly hated Agnew
and he wasn’t alone. So they put Agnew in a position where he had to resign. The
charges were accepting bribes when Baltimore County executive and governor of
Maryland, but the way it went down was pretty clear, resign and you won’t have
to go to prison. Fight this and we will convict you and you will go to prison
for a long time. After resigning, Agnew pled guilty to one charge of tax evasion
and went on his merry way.
So when Nixon resigned, Gerald Ford became president and he was no threat to
The problem with Kamala is that the slightest attack on her and she plays not
just the race card, but the woman of color card. An attack on Kamala is an
attack on every minority and every woman in the country.
The Democrats have made a bed they can’t lie in and can’t get out of. They might
actually be relieved if the Trump forces prove that the big lie is actually the
big truth and get their man back in the White House.
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good day.








Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on the coup.
The election audit in Arizona came to an end yesterday, and audit workers will
deliver their election audit report to the Arizona Senate on Monday.
The Gateway Pundit reports that the preliminary report will detail the accuracy
of the number of certified ballots.
Later on, the full forensic report will be released which will contain forensic
images and ballot findings.
The report is expected to be a bombshell that, according to former Missouri Gov.
Eric Greitens, who was also a former Navy SEAL, there are such large
discrepancies in ballot totals that this could lead to decertification of the
2020 election results in Arizona.
On Friday, the last day of the counting, Wisconsin representatives toured the
facility. Wisconsin was one of the states which received a massive 100,000
ballot drop in the early morning hours that suddenly gave Biden a
come-from-behind victory in that state.
Gov. Greitens told the Gateway Pundit:

“This is catching on, I think you’re gonna see a freight train of audits across
the country as patriots stand up and demand to know what really happened in the
2020 election.”
“It’s really simple. … you need to have the ballots to prove that you won. And
if they don’t have the ballots, they don’t have the victory.”
“I think all 50 states should be sending representatives here to see what a
quality audit looks like. And for sure, we have got to have an audit in the
state of Georgia, you’ve got to have an audit in the state of Pennsylvania,
you’ve got to have an audit in Wisconsin, you’ve got to have an audit in
Michigan, those are just some of the states … because, again, the people have to
have confidence in their elections….”
Former National Security Advisor to President Trump, Gen. Michael Flynn said
earlier last week on the podcast Steel Truth that the results of the Arizona
election audit are going to be so damaging to the left that they may provoke
some sort of false flag event to try to force news coverage of that instead of
Arizona as the results are rolled out.
“… there is going to be something that is going to happen and I’m afraid …. It’s
going to be ugly and that creates a lot of media attraction and everybody has to
cover it…. Because they must create noise prior to the Arizona audit starting to
really bubble out.“
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good day.






















Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on the coup.
A new study done by economists at the Univ. of Southern Calif., and the RAND
Corporation found that the COVID lockdowns not only severely damaged the U.S.
economy, they actually increased the death toll.
According to the study:
“We fail to find that shelter-in-place [SIP] policies saved lives.”
“[W]e use data from 43 countries that implemented SIP policies and all 50 U.S.
states. We estimate the effect of SIP policies using an event study approach. We
also examine the change in excess deaths following the introduction of SIP
policies separately for each country and U.S. state.
“In both settings, we fail to find that SIP policies saved lives. To the
contrary, we find a positive association between SIP policies and excess deaths.
We find that following the implementation of SIP policies, excess mortality
Among the unintended consequences of the shelter-in-place policies were:
• unemployment or reduced economic activity
• increased stress and anxiety due to social isolation potentially leading to
increased substance use and suicides
• reduced physical mobility potentially causing increases in child abuse and
domestic violence
• reduced use of high value non-COVID care such as cancer screenings and
According to Jay Bhattacharya, a professor of medicine at Stanford Univ., the
COVID lockdowns were:
“…the single biggest public health mistake, possibly in all history.”
The ten states with the highest unemployment all implemented early and awful
COVID lockdowns. All those states have Democrat governors. All those states
stand to benefit the most from Biden’s new so-called infrastructure bill.
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good day.

MAY 2021








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Good morning, I’m still reporting on the coup.
Never fear, the truth is coming out on the COVID aspect of the coup.
I mean, nations war against each other; that’s normal business for them. But to
have the entire conclave of medicine go completely off the rails is without
precedent in the history of modern medicine, which means the last 100 years or
It reminds me of that 1967 song by Scottish singer, Donovan, entitled “Season of
the Witch.”
Prof. Peter McCullough is no pretender at medicine. He’s the most
widely-published researcher in the fields of the heart and the kidneys in
history, and he is a professor of medicine at Texas A&M University School of
His observations from the 50,000-foot level will shock those of you who are
still drinking Dr. Grouchy’s kool-aid.
Dr. McCullough shows you exactly what shocking conclusions medicine will
eventually draw about the absurdity of its response to the COVID-19 outbreak
over last 16 months.
[insert to: “… total block”]
He’s absolutely right. A near-total block on any news about any sort of
treatments that would knock out the disease before people became so critically
ill that they had to be hospitalized.
This was certainly the most evil suppression of the truth in my lifetime, and it
cannot go unpunished if we are ever to return to a great, advanced civilization
once again. We let the minions of satan overwhelm us, and they must be brought
to justice in the eyes of history for the benefit of future generations.
[insert to “… no treatment”]
Can it be true that the average person still thinks that a positive COVID test
is a death sentence?
I just hope that when the American people eventually realize what has been
perpetrated on them, that they do not forget it and just move on – but that they
insist that certain people be humiliated as the reprehensible scoundrels they
are in the eyes of history.
[insert – to thrombosis]
And do you know what he treats thrombosis with? You won’t believe it when you
hear it. It’s an ancient remedy that is sitting in your medicine cabinet right
now – simple aspirin. Please hang in on this for another 8 minutes because this
is one of the most important dissertations in medical history.
[insert commercial 2]

Can you believe this? Or is this just a very long and very bad dream I’m having?
How could medicine not tried to kill off this disease at its roots? The answer
is, of course, corruption – on a scale never before imaginable in world history.
[insert to “… one doctor
Notice how gently Dr. McCullough is tip toeing around the primary antagonist in
this evil stage-play.
[insert to “… complete & durable]
This is such an important fact. Once you get it and survive it you will never
get it again. Your natural immune system will take care of the rest.
[insert, “… you can’t find it]
This is just one of the great lies – asymptomatic spread - that has fueled the
fear that has brought about what will soon become the near destruction of the
U.S. economy. Asymptomatic spread means one person without any symptoms can
spread the virus to another. As Dr. McCullough just said, you cannot find a
single example of this in the medical literature, yet the term still circulates
as a high-and-mighty-sounding term that must be true – but it’s not.
In other words, according to the top doc on these issues, 85% of the 500,000
deaths in the U.S. – and that’s about 425,000 people – could have been saved.
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good Day.








Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on Starlink from my YouTube 2-week
Most of us didn’t know what the heck Elon Musk was up to when he first started
launching not one satellite at a time, but 54 at a time, then, on top of that,
sending the Falcon 9 launch vehicle back to earth to land on a huge barge in the
middle of the pitching Atlantic ocean – almost always successfully.
What Starlink is up to is to fill a dire need for high-speed internet services
to the entire world and – hopefully – for a fraction of the current price. Right
now, only a small percentage of the planet has high-speed internet – just the
wealthy and well-populated areas.
What is high-speed internet speed? The Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
defines high-speed internet as 25 megabits per second down and 3 Mbps up.
SpaceX promises that download speeds will hit 210 and presumably the same for
upload speeds. That’s faster than 95% of existing internet connections in the
U.S. right now.
As of today, SpaceX has deployed 1,729 of these satellites into orbit, and says
that 12,000 more will be launched in the next decade, and eventually as many as
42,000 will be deployed into low-earth orbit, between 210 miles and 690 miles
Why low-earth orbit? Because the lower the orbits, the closer the satellites
will be to ground stations and their connection to the wired internet, and
therefore the less time it takes a signal to make the round trip up and back to
The Star Link system just opened up its beta test last week, started starting
with services to some of the most underserved areas. Prices are expected to run
around $100 per month for the service, with initial set up fees of about $200
for a small dish and a router.
More info at
The following is the final 11 minutes of the countdown, through the return of
the first stage for a successful landing on the drone barge. The host, a SpaceX
systems engineer, provides a lot of interesting detail on the system and the
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good day.















APRIL 2021








Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on the coup.
There is an emerging group of anti-vac people who believe that even the U.S.
vacs will cause severe irreparable problems 6 mos. to 24 mos down the road. I've
been skeptical enough of this that I have not yet published on it.
Yesterday the following video came in from an unknown source via a secure
messaging app. I do not know who the lady is who is making this appeal to fellow
women in general and mothers in particular. However, I ask you to consider what
she has to say and see if the spirit of truth moves you to give her the benefit
of the doubt.
It seems to me that it is reasonable to watchful of the possibility that these
vaxes could be harmful in the long term, when, in fact, the wonderful world of
2020 medicine, for the first time, is pushing the entire population to take them
despite lacking the long-term safety and efficacy scientific studies.
It seems to this reporter, that it is just as prudent to take this position as
it is to watch the weather radar to predict the future path of a hurricane or

I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good day.








Strange black worm-like strands inside brand new masks








Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on the coup.
The 2020 election was by any reasonable analysis, unusual.
States passed laws to allow people to vote by mail supposedly because of the
pandemic. They also extended the time for those mail-in ballots to get to the
Board of Elections to be counted days after election day.
In many states the laws passed by the state legislature were set aside and even
more liberal voting laws were enacted by Secretaries of State and by Election
Boards. The necessity for these changes was said to be COVID-19.
Even though the CDC said that voting as long as people wore masks and adhered to
social distancing guidelines – not laws – but guidelines - was not dangerous,
many states relaxed the existing laws about voting to ensure that people who did
not feel comfortable going to the polls and standing in line could still vote.
The new voting regulations were absolutely needed - it was said over and over in
state after state - because of COVID and not because the existing laws which
encouraged people to vote in person were unfair.
Now, with the pandemic nearly over, the Democrats, particularly as laid out in
their new HR-1 proposal, are saying that these emergency regulations must become
the law of the land and any attempt to go back to the way people voted before
the pandemic is racist because it disenfranchises minority voters.
The result of all the changes encouraging people to vote by mail - was a chaotic
election. Rather than having enough votes counted on election night to declare a
winner, it took days.
The Georgia boards of elections and Secretary of State has so far been unable to
provide chain-of-custody information for over 400,000 ballots. Perhaps in
Georgia, given time, they will find the missing documents, perhaps there are no
missing documents and the election officials can’t prove where or how those
votes were cast. But it seems like five months would be enough to sort
everything out.
Under the pre-pandemic laws the restrictions on absentee voting were strict, to
prevent voter fraud as they should be. If the ballot cannot be linked to a
registered voter, it is far too easy for someone to fill out 100 or 1,000 or
10,000 absentee ballots and stuff them in unmanned drop boxes.
Now, reducing the number of drop boxes which didn’t exist at all before the
pandemic, is labeled “voter suppression”.
In fact, changing any of the regulations that were put in place specifically for
voting during a pandemic, is now labeled, “voter suppression”.
It’s an incredible case of bait and switch. The Democrats said we have to have
these special voting procedures in place because of the pandemic, and now they
are saying that those special procedures have to be permanent because if they
aren’t that is “voter suppression”.
The amazing thing is that some people actually believe it.
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good Day.

MARCH 2021








Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on the virus.
We are finally winning this year-long battle over the truth about the COVID-19
virus. Never before has politically motivated propaganda completely overwhelmed
the ability of the medical media to broadcast the truth to the American people –
and, in this case, the people of the world.
However, slowly but surely, the truth is standing firm and the lies and liars
are being exposed. But it’s still going to take a while to work its way down to
the generally public. Beth just came back from the grocery store and she reports
that there was only one other person in the biggest grocery store in town who
was not wearing a mask.
In fact, today is the first day I’ve been bold enough to put up a COVID-related
story on YouTube in many months. Over the course of the last year, I was
suspended from YouTube twice. In fact I’ve only been back on YouTube for 2 weeks
now. We even had to remove over 3,000 of our legacy reports for fear of having
said something in the past that would have them ban our channel permanently.
However, this report on this day perhaps represents a turning point. Yes, I’m
not putting this up on YouTube yet, but I put a slightly weaker version up just
a couple of hours ago on YouTube and it has not yet been rejected.
By Memorial day I think we will see mask burning parties breaking out across the
fruited plains of the United States. The CDC’s new suggestions about social
distancing being reduced from 6 feet to 3 feet is a key indicator that the coup
against the United States is making the turn around second base and it will now
start to become fashionable once again to pursue truth - and consequently -
freedom once again.
Monday night, Laura Ingraham interviewed famed epidemiologist Prof. Harvey Risch
of the Yale School of Public Health. An epidemiologist studies patterns of
health and disease because sometimes that is the only way to understand why a
disease is happening, or how best to treat it. They scrutinize thousands of
studies and know exactly what to look for.
Dr. Risch is one of the most prominent epidemiologists in the world. He has
appeared frequently on Laura Ingraham’s show for the past year and has always
been skeptical of the prevailing propaganda line in the MSM that COVID can only
be treated by expensive new drugs and vaccines.
Dr. Risch is difficult to understand sometimes because he talks so quickly, but
he is blunt with the truth and here it is.
Because they would have nothing to sell, so they have not been straightforward
with the American public about what works.
¬And here comes the answer that I would be too fearful to put up on YouTube just
yet – too much concentrated truth.
Because they are a threat to higher-priced medications and vaccines. There it
is, the unvarnished truth of the last 15 months of untold, unnecessary misery –
not just in the U.S., but the rest of the world.
No research in generic medications for a full year. Of course, he means the most
prestigious medical outfits are the ones who participated in this coverup of the
truth about COVID – and they did it because of Big Pharma money – pure greed and
bridbery! Their reputations which took decades to build will soon be shattered
for generations to come.
But more than that, someone has got to go after the perpetrators of this crime
against all humanity, and I think – as reported in our March 19th report #3548,
the Council of Europe has clearly signaled that this would be the perfect case
for the Commissioner for Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights to
take on in future months.
Every MD who participated in this war crime against humanity needs to at least
lose his medical license permanently and humiliated in the eyes of history.
Once the truth is fully known, the world should be outraged about this, and
justice should be swift and severe for all of those involved – no matter what
role they played in it.
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good day.









Good morning, I’m still reporting on the coup.
But first, this announcement. I’ve been taking a little break from YouTube for
one week. I should be back up on Tuesday. March 2. Why? Because I put up a video
on Dr. Scott Atlas being interviewed by Laura Ingraham on the fact that it’s
long-overdue time to re-open the public schools in the United States.
So, I’ll be posting on my own secure server, as well as Twitter,
Facebook, Bitchute, Mewe, and Rumble for the next few days. I try to post on
Parler, but for some reason it looks
Now, that’s enough for announcements.
Sen. Marsha Blackburn spoke yesterday at CPAC – the largest conservative
Blackburn, apparently completely unafraid of censorship, blasted the connection
between Big Tech and the Chinese Communist Party, or CCP.
“China is trying to cancel the United States of America. China and big tech …
have a cozy relationship.”
Blackburn's remarks mirrored those of former Secretary of State and former
director of the CIA, Mike Pompeo, who recently commented that:
“The chicoms are inside the fences.”
To anyone who has lived behind the fences an American military facility, that's
about the scariest thing you can hear a leader say: that the enemy is within
your compound, especially if it is trying to hide that fact.
And I don't need to talk to this audience about the Hunter Biden/Chicom
connection, but the problem has been ongoing for decades now. It was a major
topic of my second documentary video, entitled, “Impeach Clinton: is it
But back then, no one was paying attention to the evils of the communist
dictatorship in China. And China used the new-found wealth that their early
trade relationship with the United States had blessed them with, funding an
elaborate long-ranged spying program which promoted politicians at all levels of
Today, more and more people are paying attention, and therefore more and more
blatant forms of totally un-American censorship is taking place via the big tech
media complex.
“Conform or they will cancel you. Sounds a lot like communist China, doesn't
it?” asked senator Blackburn yesterday at CPAC.
“Big tech is aiding and abetting that Chinese Communist party in their push for
global dominance, and we are going to have to stand against it,” trumpted
The Trump administration determined that the Chinese regime is committing
“genocide” against the Uyghur Muslims in the remote regions of north-western
China. Equally horrible is that the CCP condones, if not encourages, organ
harvesting on live patients without anesthesia – in other words, murdering
someone to sell their “live” organs.
If you are an enemy of the CCP, one way or the other, you are unlikely to live
out a happy, peaceful life, and again, these people are now behind the fences of
the American institutions that are supposed to guard our freedoms.
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good day.








Good morning, I’m still reporting on the coup.
An essential part of the ongoing coup is seeing just how far they can push the
American people into submission with this fear of COVID.
Laura Ingraham last night had doctor Scott Atlas on and both of them are just so
disgusted with the doublespeak uttering from the mouths of public health
officials in this obvious effort to prolong the mask wearing, social distancing
, and worst of all the closure as schools across America , going into year two

The data on children is unequivocal . Children have almost a 0% chance of
getting covid . Children also have a nearly 0% chance of passing covid to
teachers. This is irrefutable! Without the ability to distribute the truth to
the population , the population has a virtually 0% chance of waking up anytime
soon. Hats off to Laura Ingraham for this brilliant segment last night.
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of American freedom. Good day.

Good evening, I’m still reporting on the coup.








Good morning, I’m still reporting on the coup.
So this is numbered Still Report #3505b. The “b” versions of reports means that
these are only for consumption on my super-safe website.
So we're going to do something a little different for the next 27 days. This
morning I ran across a website entitled Bible study tools dot com, so it's
They are starting a feature of a one-sentence summary of all 27 chapters of the
New Testament – one new one per day, which I’m going to run instead of my usual
verse of the day before the regular report.
The reason for this is I see a storm coming. The people behind this storm want
to destroy The United States because the United States is still the bastion of
world freedom, and that's something the minions of Satan cannot stand.
As some of you may remember, I have vowed never to give a hopeless message in
anything I write. This was primarily, initially, for the benefit of my children,
but it has wider application now. But as of today, that is growing increasingly
difficult if I rely only on my human instincts. So, I can only turn to God for
strength and encouragement.
Some of you remember the vision I had on Election Day 2018 as I was leaving the
polling place. I saw a massive field of battle against a black sky of boiling
clouds and smoke amid the shouts and cries of millions of people engaged in
And to the left of the picture was a fortress city on a hill, under sunny, blue
And to my right stretching across a flat unending plain was the battlefield. One
of the most memorable stimuli was the sound - the sound of millions of people
engaged in battle. I could smell the smoke, hear the clang of metal on metal.
I've never had a vision like that. I remember there were tears running from my
eyes to the point where I think I had to pull my vehicle over, and stop for a
minute until the vision faded.








Good Morning, I’m still reporting on the coup.
During the 2020 election cycle some conservatives said there was a nationwide
conspiracy to illegally manipulate the election by the far left which included
the media, big tech, groups such as Black Lives Matter, unions and other far
left organizations.
These conservatives were derided in the media as crazed conspiracy theorists who
wore tin foil hats and saw black helicopters circling over their houses.
Now, no less than Time magazine, in a lengthy article by Molly Ball, confirms
all of those suspicions and more. The conspiracy was much bigger and far more
active than even the most ardent conservative conspiracy theorist surmised.
In effect, what Ball has reported is what conservatives warned about - a far
left cabal, worked together for almost a year with weekly Zoom meetings once
COVID-19 hit, to take the election process away from state and local governments
and replace it with one of their own making where, of course, their candidates
had a huge advantage.
Big Tech didn’t start taking down conservatives because they violated some
regulation or rule, but because this Cabal told them to.
When Joe Biden was not declared the winner on Nov. 3rd or 4th or 5th , huge
demonstrations by the left that had torn the country apart over the summer, were
anticipated. Buildings all over the country were boarded up in anticipation of
the riots that were expected. But the riots didn't’ happen because the Cabal
said no. The fear of the Cabal leadership was that violence in the streets could
Fox News declared Arizona for Biden on Nov. 3 long before all the votes were
counted, and Biden eked out a win by 10,457 votes. There is no political analyst
alive who can call an election that close, days before the votes are counted.
The call didn’t make any sense at the time, but it was a call by the Cabal that
had been pressuring the networks. If they could get Arizona in Biden’s column,
then his path to victory was clear. The Fox News analyst who made that call has
since been fired.
Mark Zuckerberg donated over $350 million for things like placing ballot drop
boxes in heavily Democratic areas. Those drop-boxes made it far easier for
Democrats to vote than Republicans. Since the drop boxes were not monitored as
the law requires, people could stuff as many ballots as they liked into these
boxes. And since scrutinizing the mail-in ballots to make certain that it was
the actual ballot of a living registered voter was, by the Cabal, considered
voter suppression. Whatever was in the drop box was counted - no questions
The article states:
“Their work touched every aspect of the election. They got states to change
voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and
private funding. They fended off voter-suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of
poll workers and got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time. They
successfully pressured social media companies to take a harder line against
disinformation and used data-driven strategies to fight viral smears.”
If you believe - as members of the Cabal did - that Trump and Trump supporters
are evil and must be stopped at all costs then, all of the activities are
justified as Ball repeatedly states as a matter of fact in her article.
If you, by contrast, believe in free and fair elections, then this Cabal managed
to pull off one of the greatest thefts in world history. It manipulated an
election and gave it to the man they supported.
It is stunning not just how widespread, well organized and secretive the Cabal
was, but also that now that they see the election as over, that they would brag
about their role in the manipulation of it. Really, what they are doing is an
attempt to normalize these activities. Perhaps they know that eventually they
will get caught; the truth will come out; and now all of the conspirators will
rally behind the banner that it was an act of ingenious patriotism to stop Trump
from getting another four years to what Trump does.
According to the article, Mike Podhorzer, who had been a senior adviser to the
president of the AFL-CIO, was the man behind setting up the Cabal and they
managed to even get the support of the National Chamber of Commerce. How? Why?
The Cabal controlled the rioters. It was a huge cudgel to be able to say if the
election doesn’t go our way, the cities will burn, businesses already struggling
because of COVID-19 restrictions would be closed and many destroyed.
And the Cabal used the pandemic to their huge advantage. The CDC said that there
was no problem with in-person voting. How could standing in line to vote be any
more dangerous than standing in line at the grocery store? However, according to
the Time magazine story, the Cabal convinced people, with the help of the MSM,
that they had to vote by mail.
It’s also amusing that Ball keeps calling it a bipartisan organization because
some Republican never-Trumpers were involved. There are Democrats in this
country who have not voted for a Democratic candidate in decades, and
Republicans who would vote for the devil rather than vote for Donald Trump.
It is a fact that Trump is a highly divisive elected official. He doesn’t follow
the rules that politicians are supposed to follow which absolutely infuriates
some RINOs out of pure jealousy.
It is an incredible article that paints the successful effort to take over the
election from governments across the country as a noble and righteous cause.
According to Ball, the Cabal has disbanded, but 2022 isn’t far away and if they
controlled the 2020 election why wouldn’t they take control of the 2022 election
as a practice for 2024 when the presidency is once more on the line.
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good day.








Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on the coup.
There are mysteries aplenty surrounding why Trump couldn’t do more than he did.
Why have there been no arrests of the coup participants? That alone has allowed
a huge swath of leftist and centrist Americans unsure that there was any coup –
unsure that this was all some giant conspiracy theory on the part of deranged
Trump supporters.
Well, eventually something this big one way or another the truth has to start
leaking out, and what to me was the keystone piece of this strange puzzle was
revealed this morning in the very last segment of Maria Bartiromo’s show. Yes,
indeed, the best was saved for last, and from a rather unlikely source.
The source was Peter Navarro, the former U.S. Trade Representative for President
Trump. Boy did he ever let the cat out of the bag.
[insert to: “… all these Biden E.O.’s]]
Now, just let that sink in for one minute. Could this possibly be true? If it
is, it’s the blockbuster of this entire coup d’état story.
Trump’s Attorney General, Bill Barr, was fast-tracking the Executive Orders that
Joe Biden signed on day one of his stay in White House. That’s why on day one he
had 17 to sign and admitted that he didn’t even know what he was signing at one
To hear the rest of this story, go to my back channel.
I’m still reporting from the citadel of American freedom, good day.

As Navarro tells it, Barr was in essence, Joe. Biden’s first Attorney General –
a total betrayal of President Trump.
Now let’s hear some more of this twisted tale:
[insert to: “… unwind that order.”]
Whoahhhh! I knew this Biden Executive Order was trouble for the United States.
That’s why it was the subject of Report #3475, “Did Biden Open Power Grid to
Yes, I mean we got trouble; right here in River City….
[insert to: “… so many things he did.”]
So there you have it. The bottleneck was always at Justice. Now I had mistakenly
attributed this to Obama deep-state players who Obama had appointed by the
hundreds – if memory serves me, Mr. O bragged at one point that he would appoint
1,000 young Ivy League lawyers into the DOJ very early on in his first term. I
trembled at that thought at the time.
But no, the problem was right at the top with AG Barr. Could he have been the
reason Comey, McCabe, & company have never been charged with anything? Someday,
Mr. Barr will write his memoir of this era and it will be interesting to see how
he explains this.
So, before we go one step further, I’ve got to apologize to my audience, over
and over again, I affirmed my belief that Bill Barr was this nation’s salvation.
But apparently, he was not, and if so, I was horribly wrong.
Navarro was then asked about his assessment of the U.S. economy going forward.
[insert to: “… ain’t coming back.”]
Maria then broke news to me.
[insert from “Hunter Biden….” To: “… Chinese company.”]
This is soooo in your face. Even with the MSM totally on Biden’s side, do you
actually think they can put this one over on the American people, too?
Navarro says that minutes after Joe Biden took the oath of office, Navarro, Mike
Pompeo, Steve Bannon and others had sanctions slapped on them personally by
China for their work for the Trump administration.
[insert from: “Four minutes…” to end]
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good day.









Good evening and Happy New Year to all of you. I’m Still reporting on the coup.
According to a tweet a week after the elections, ANTIFA from ANTIFA’s hometown
of Portland, Oregon, will be mixing in with the crowd of Trump supporters
dressed just like they are to blend in with what is expected to be a massive
Here is the tweet announcing this bit of information that could prove to be very
important in coming days:
“But just in case I spoke to my antifa operative in Portland and she said the
ones going to DC are going to wear camouflage cut offs and trump paraphernalia
to blend in, but turning their mega hats backwards for identification so feel
free to pass along.”
There could be much more ambitious plan afoot with these ANTIFA thugs then we’ve
ever seen them attempt before. Remember, the voting machine gambit was clearly a
couple of orders of magnitude than the United States has ever seen before. I
think we would be making a similar mistake in not taking this ANTIFA gambit
capable of a similarly well-organized attack on the U.S. Capitol itself.
There, no doubt, could be several objectives, but the most damaging one would be
to breach the well-staffed entry points, especially the ones nearest the floor
of the House of Representatives, which is on the south side of the Capitol
building – the one on the right side of the Capitol from the vantage point of
standing on the National Mall facing the Capitol.
So what if even 100 well-armed ANTIFA thugs – disguised as Trump supporters
attacked what their operatives determined was the softest of the entry points
that day, and even 10 or 15 of them made their way into the House chamber and
attacked their primary target, the President of the Senate?
So, by the time Jan. 6th rolls around, probably, the now signature reversed MAGA
hat will be replaced by something more subtle. Just be on the lookout around the
entry points for people trying to jostle their way to the front and especially
if you suspect they might be packing, quickly find a Capitol Police officer and
report it.
Do not trust calling 911. That goes to the DC police and – well on this matter -
that might not be your best option.
Beth and I will be livestreaming from outside of DC. Someone has to be ready to
pass along instant updates of the proceedings and my knowledge of the City and
especially the Mall area is based on 30 years of living and working in the west
side of town.
If anyone wants to call in with an on-the-scene report, please let me know and
we will try to arrange the technical aspect to make this feasible.
I’m still reporting from the citadel of American freedom. Good day.






















Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on the coup.
Joe diGenova took to the airwaves of WMAL in Washington yesterday with hosts
Mary Walter and Vince Caglianese. Joe cited chapter and verse how this
impeachment 2.0 is totally without Constitutional support or legal common sense.
It is merely a political exercise - one that Democrats will likely regret.
However,¬¬ Joe touches on so many other important issues as well. This is
certainly one of his best performances and is why I just can’t cut much - if any
of it.
The program opened with the now infamous verbal gaff of Senate majority leader
Chuck Schumer:
Joe says a whole lot more, but I’ll put the second half of his blockbustering
interview up on my channel.
I'm still reporting from just outside the Citadel of American freedom. Good day.









Good evening, I’m still reporting on the coup.
I’m hot and cold on Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell. I can’t figure him
It’s not being billed as such, but it appears that McConnell has won once again
in the battle over a second coronavirus stimulus bill.
It is billed in the mainstream media as “compromise” between the House Democrats
led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Republican Senate and White House - but was
That’s the way the mainstream media - which now sadly includes Fox News - will
present it.  Both sides gave in and finally reached a bill they could support.
But if you look at the facts, that is not what has happened.
Pelosi was pushing an enormous stimulus package of over $2 trillion that was
loaded with special interests that she knew would never pass on their own merit,
baling out Democratic cities and states that have squandered their money among
other things.
Pelosi once again overplayed her hand.  She thought that the Republicans would
be so desperate to get a second stimulus package passed before the election that
they would allow the Democrats to stuff it full to overflowing with Democratic
pork and policy.
McConnell simply said no.  The Senate has produced several stimulus plans that
eliminated the Democratic pork and although still enormous spending bills, were
not nearly as enormous as the Democrats.
The bill that looks like it will be approved in the next few days is less than
$1 trillion.  Much closer to what McConnell proposed than what Pelosi had the
House pass. 
The position of Pelosi and the Democrats not surprisingly is completely
illogical.  They argued that people were in desperate need of immediate help,
but that help had to be $3.4 trillion.  Pelosi earlier refused to consider the
Republican offerings because they didn’t spend enough money. 

If people are in desperate need of immediate help and you can’t give them $3.4
trillion immediately, it makes sense to bite the bullet and give them $1
trillion immediately and then argue about $2 trillion dollars later.  It’s not
logical to say the need is so immediate that it has to be $3.4 trillion or
If someone really needs $1,000 to pay their rent and all you can offer is $500,
not many people would turn down the $500 because it’s not as much as they need.
Maybe some Democrats who have the ability to think, convinced Pelosi that her
position was absurd, or maybe because she is over 80 years old, she just got
tired.  But for whatever reason, McConnell is winning this battle also, by
waiting and plotting which are things he does really well.
McConnell is an easy guy to hate and it seems that Democrats and Republicans who
don’t happen to be Republican senators, join forces against McConnell regularly.
But when the rubber hits the road, McConnell produces.  President Trump wanted
Amy Coney Barrett confirmed before the election.  McConnell said she would be
and she was.  Earlier he wanted Brett Kavanaugh confirmed and despite the fact
that he had to defend comments made in his high school year book before the
Senate Judiciary Committee, he was.
McConnell couldn’t stop Trump from being impeached, but he held his votes
together, with the notable exception of Sen. Mitt Romney.
Trump with good reason brags about the over 230 judicial appointments he has
made.  Those appointments are all for life which means long after Trump leaves
the White House he will be having an impact on how the laws and Constitution of
this country are interpreted.
Trump made the nominations, but it is McConnell who got them confirmed. 
McConnell is not flashy and not the least bit telegenic, but he is a master of
backroom politics which is why the people who know him best his fellow
Republican senators show him such support.
Now McConnell is in trouble or saying that Joe Biden was elected president.  It
doesn’t seem to have been a wise statement, but McConnell tends to be four or
five moves ahead of most of us.  It’s a case when, for all he has done, he
deserves the benefit of the doubt. 
McConnell keeps coming through for Trump and there is no reason to doubt that he
will in this case also.
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of American freedom. Good day.








T H E I M M A C U L A T E D E C E P T I O N:

Six Key Dimensions of Election Irregularities

The Navarro Report
Executive Summary
This report assesses the fairness and integrity of the 2020 Presidential
Election by examining six
dimensions of alleged election irregularities across six key battleground
states. Evidence used to
conduct this assessment includes more than 50 lawsuits and judicial rulings,
thousands of affidavits
and declarations,1 testimony in a variety of state venues, published analyses by
think tanks and
legal centers, videos and photos, public comments, and extensive press coverage.

The matrix below indicates that significant irregularities occurred across all
six battleground states
and across all six dimensions of election irregularities. This finding lends
credence to the claim
that the election may well have been stolen from President Donald J. Trump.

From the findings of this report, it is possible to infer what may well have
been a coordinated
strategy to effectively stack the election deck against the Trump-Pence ticket.
Indeed, the observed
patterns of election irregularities are so consistent across the six
battleground states that they
suggest a coordinated strategy to, if not steal the election outright,
strategically game the election
process in such a way as to “stuff the ballot box” and unfairly tilt the playing
field in favor of the
Biden-Harris ticket. Topline findings of this report include:

 The weight of evidence and patterns of irregularities are such that it is
irresponsible for
anyone – especially the mainstream media – to claim there is “no evidence” of
fraud or

 The ballots in question because of the identified election irregularities are
more than
sufficient to swing the outcome in favor of President Trump should even a
relatively small
portion of these ballots be ruled illegal.

 All six battleground states exhibit most, or all, six dimensions of election
However, each state has a unique mix of issues that might be considered “most
To put this another way, all battleground states are characterized by the same
or similar
election irregularities; but, like Tolstoy’s unhappy families, each battleground
state is
different in its own election irregularity way.

 This was theft by a thousand cuts across six dimensions and six battleground
states rather
than any one single “silver bullet” election irregularity.

 In refusing to investigate a growing number of legitimate grievances, the
anti-Trump media
and censoring social media are complicit in shielding the American public from
the truth.
This is a dangerous game that simultaneously undermines the credibility of the
media and
the stability of our political system and Republic.

 Those journalists, pundits, and political leaders now participating in what
has become a
Biden Whitewash should acknowledge the six dimensions of election irregularities
conduct the appropriate investigations to determine the truth about the 2020
election. If
this is not done before Inauguration Day, we risk putting into power an
illegitimate and
illegal president lacking the support of a large segment of the American people.

 The failure to aggressively and fully investigate the six dimensions of
election irregularities
assessed in this report is a signal failure not just of our anti-Trump
mainstream media and
censoring social media but also of both our legislative and judicial branches.

o Republican governors in Arizona and Georgia together with Republican
in both chambers of the State Legislatures of five of the six battleground
states –
Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin2 – have had both the
power and the opportunity to investigate the six dimensions of election
irregularities presented in this report. Yet, wilting under intense political
these politicians have failed in their Constitutional duties and
responsibilities to do
so – and thereby failed both their states and this nation as well as their

o Both State courts and Federal courts, including the Supreme Court, have failed
American people in refusing to appropriately adjudicate the election
that have come before them. Their failures pose a great risk to the American

 If these election irregularities are not fully investigated prior to
Inauguration Day and
thereby effectively allowed to stand, this nation runs the very real risk of
never being able
to have a fair presidential election again – with the down-ballot Senate races
scheduled for
January 5 in Georgia an initial test case of this looming risk.

I. Introduction
At the stroke of midnight on Election Day, President Donald J. Trump appeared
well on his way
to winning a second term. He was already a lock to win both Florida and Ohio;
and no Republican
has ever won a presidential election without winning Ohio while only two
Democrats have won
the presidency without winning Florida.3

At the same time, the Trump-Pence ticket had substantial and seemingly
insurmountable leads in
Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. If these leads held, these four
key battleground
states would propel President Trump to a decisive 294 to 244 victory in the
Electoral College.

Shortly after midnight, however, as a flood of mail-in and absentee ballots
began entering the
count, the Trump red tide of victory began turning Joe Biden blue. As these
mail-in and absentee
ballots were tabulated, the President’s large leads in Georgia, Pennsylvania,
Michigan, and
Wisconsin simply vanished into thin Biden leads.

At midnight on the evening of November 3, and as illustrated in Table 1,
President Trump was
ahead by more than 110,000 votes in Wisconsin and more than 290,000 votes in
Michigan. In
Georgia, his lead was a whopping 356,945; and he led in Pennsylvania by more
than half a million
votes. By December 7, however, these wide Trump leads would turn into razor thin
Biden leads –
11,779 votes in Georgia, 20,682 votes in Wisconsin, 81,660 votes in
Pennsylvania, and 154,188
votes in Michigan.

Table 1: A Trump Red Tide Turns Biden Blue

There was an equally interesting story unfolding in Arizona and Nevada. While
Joe Biden was
ahead in these two additional battleground states on election night – by just
over 30,000 votes in
Nevada and less than 150,000 votes in Arizona – internal Trump Campaign polls
predicted the
President would close these gaps once all the votes were counted. Of course,
this never happened.

In the wake of this astonishing reversal of Trump fortune, a national firestorm
has erupted over
the fairness and integrity of one of the most sacrosanct institutions in America
– our presidential
election system. Critics on the Right and within the Republican Party –
including President Trump
himself – have charged that the election was stolen. They have backed up these
damning charges
with more than 50 lawsuits,4 thousands of supporting affidavits and
declarations, and seemingly
incriminating videos, photos, and first-hand accounts of all manner of

Critics on the Left and within the Democrat Party have, on the other hand,
dismissed these charges
as the sour grapes of a whining loser. Some of these critics have completely
denied any fraud,
misconduct or malfeasance altogether. Others have acknowledged that while some
irregularities may have existed, they strenuously insist that these
irregularities are not significant
enough to overturn the election.

There is a similar Battle Royale raging between large anti-Trump segments of the
“mainstream” media and alternative conservative news outlets. Across the
anti-Trump mainstream
media diaspora – which includes most prominently print publications like the New
York Times
and Washington Post and cable TV networks like CNN and MSNBC – a loud chorus of
voices has
been demanding that President Trump concede the election.

These same anti-Trump voices have been equally quick to denounce or discredit
anyone –
especially anyone within their own circle – that dares to investigate what may
well turn out to be
THE biggest political scandal in American history. Social media outlets like
Facebook, Twitter,
and YouTube likewise have been actively and relentlessly censoring anyone who
dares to call the
results of the election into question.

In contrast, alternative news outlets, primarily associated with the American
movement, have provided extensive, in-depth coverage of the many issues of
fraud, misconduct,
and other irregularities that are coming to light. From Steve Bannon’s War Room
Pandemic6 and
John Solomon’s Just the News7 to Raheem Kassam’s National Pulse,8 to Newsmax,9
and One
America News Network,10 Americans hungry for facts and breaking developments
have been able
to find such critical information only by following this alternative coverage.

That the American public is not buying what the Democrat Party and the
anti-Trump media and
social media are selling is evident in public opinion polls. For example,
according to a recent
Rasmussen poll: “Sixty-two percent (62%) of Republicans say it is ‘Very Likely
the Democrats
stole the election’” while 28% of Independents and 17% of Democrats share that

If, in fact, compelling evidence comes to light proving the election was indeed
stolen after a fait
accompli Biden inauguration, we as a country run the very real risk that the
very center of our
great American union will not hold.

To put this another way, if the greatest democracy in world history cannot
conduct a free and fair
election, and if much of the mainstream media of this country won’t even fully
investigate what is
becoming a growing mountain of evidence calling into question the election
result, there is little
chance that our democracy and this Republic will survive as we know it. It is
therefore critical
that we get to the bottom of this matter. That is the purpose of this report.

II. Six Dimensions of Election Irregularities across Six Battleground States
This report assesses the fairness and integrity of the 2020 presidential
election across six key
battleground states where the Democrat candidate Joe Biden holds a slim lead,
and the results
continue to be hotly contested. As documented in the extensive endnotes, the
evidence used to
conduct this assessment includes more than 50 lawsuits and judicial rulings,
thousands of affidavits
and declarations, testimony presented in a variety of state venues, published
reports and analyses
by think tanks and legal centers, videos and photos, public comments and
first-hand accounts, and
extensive press coverage.

From a review and analysis of this evidence, six major dimensions of alleged
election irregularities
have been identified and assessed on a state-by-state basis across six key
battleground states:
Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. These six
dimensions include
outright voter fraud, ballot mishandling, contestable process fouls, Equal
Protection Clause
violations, voting machine irregularities, and significant statistical

The matrix in Table 2 provides an overview of the presence or absence of each of
the six
dimensions of alleged election irregularities in each of the six battleground
states. Column 1 lists
each of the six dimensions along with the alleged Biden victory margin and the
possible illegal
ballots due to election irregularities. Columns 2 through 7 in the matrix then
indicate the presence
or absence of the election irregularities in any given state.

Note that a checkmark in matrix cell indicates there is widespread evidence in a
given state for a
particular dimension of election irregularity while a star indicates there is at
least some evidence.

Table 2: 2020 Alleged Election Irregularities across the Six Battleground States

Two key points stand out immediately from the matrix. First, significant
irregularities appear to
be ubiquitous across the six battleground states. Only Arizona is free of any
apparent widespread
ballot mishandling while only Pennsylvania lacks significant statistical
anomalies. The rest of the
matrix in Table 2 is a sea of checkmarks and occasional stars.

Second, if one compares the alleged Biden victory margin in Column 7 of the
figure with the
possible illegal ballots in Column 8, it should be clear that the number of
possible illegal ballots
dwarfs the alleged Biden victory margin in five of the six states.

For example, the alleged Biden victory margin in Nevada is 33,596 votes yet the
number of ballots
in question is more than three times that. In Arizona, which has the narrowest
alleged Biden
victory margin at 10,457 votes, there are nearly 10 times that number of
possible illegal ballots;
and the ratio of the alleged Biden vote lead to possible illegal ballots is even
higher for Georgia.

Only Michigan is the exception to the rule. This is not because it is likely to
be a true exception
but simply because there remains insufficient estimates of how the various types
of irregularities
in Michigan translate into possible illegal votes.

Clearly, based on this matrix, the American people deserve a definitive answer
as to whether this
election was stolen from Donald J. Trump. Absent a thorough investigation prior
to Inauguration
Day, a cloud and a stain will hang over what will be perceived by many Americans
as an
illegitimate Biden administration.

The next six sections of this report examine in more detail each of the six
dimensions of alleged
election irregularities.

III. Outright Voter Fraud
Outright voter fraud ranges from the large-scale manufacturing of fake ballots,
bribery, and dead
voters to ballots cast by ineligible voters such as felons and illegal aliens,
ballots counted multiple
times, and illegal out-of-state voters. Table 3 provides an overview across the
six battleground
states of the various types of outright voter fraud that have been alleged to be

Table 3: Outright Voter Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election

From the figure, we see that different types of fraud may be present in all six
states. Let’s more
precisely define each of these different types of fraud using examples that are
designed to be
illustrative rather than exhaustive.


In a voter fraud context, bribery refers to the corrupt solicitation,
acceptance, or transfer of value
in exchange for official action, such as voter registration or voting for a
preferred candidate.12 At
least in Nevada, there is a slam dunk case that such bribery occurred.

What is so stunning about the Nevada case is the brazen disregard for our
federal bribery laws. In
the Silver State, in an effort orchestrated by the Biden campaign, Native
Americans appear to have
traded their votes not for pieces of silver but rather for Visa gift cards,
jewelry, and other “swag.”13
According to the Epoch Times, such vote buying schemes also may have occurred in
eight other
states, including Arizona and Wisconsin.14

Fake Ballot Manufacturing and Destruction of Legally Cast Real Ballots

Fake ballot manufacturing involves the fraudulent production of ballots on
behalf of a candidate;
and one of the most disturbing examples of possible fake ballot manufacturing
involves a truck
driver who has alleged in a sworn affidavit that he picked up large crates of
ballots in New York
and delivered them to a polling location in Pennsylvania.15 There may be well
over 100,000 ballots
involved, enough fake ballots alone to have swung the election to Biden in the
Keystone State.

Likewise in Pennsylvania, there is both a Declaration and a photo that suggests
a poll worker used
an unsecured USB flash drive to dump an unusually large cache of votes onto vote
machines. The resultant tabulations did not correlate with the mail-in ballots
scanned into the

Arguably the most flagrant example of possible fake ballot manufacturing on
behalf of Joe Biden
may have occurred at the State Farm Arena in Atlanta, Georgia. The possible
perpetrators were
caught in flagrante delicto on surveillance video.

In one version of this story, poll watchers and observers as well as the media
were asked to leave
in the middle of the night after a suspicious water leak. Once the room was
cleared, several election
officials pulled out large boxes of ballots from underneath a draped table. They
then proceeded to
tabulate a quantity of fake manufactured ballots estimated to be in the range of
tens of thousands.17
Note that a large surge in Biden votes following the tabulation of these ballots
can be clearly
observed after these votes were processed.18

Despite what appears to be damning evidence of a possible crime, a spate of
stories appeared
across the anti-Trump media diaspora dismissing any concerns. According to these
stories, these were regular and authorized ballot boxes, observers in the media
were not asked to
leave but simply left on their own, and it is perfectly acceptable to count
ballots in the absence of
observers.19 Or so the spin goes.

Of course, this is precisely the kind of incident that should be fully
investigated both by Georgia’s
Attorney General as well as by the Federal Department of Justice. Yet it remains
unclear as to
whether such investigations are underway. Meanwhile, the videotape itself,
absent an adequate
explanation, has contributed to the current climate of skepticism surrounding
the fairness and
integrity of the election.

Finally, as an example of the possible destruction of legally cast real ballots
there is this allegation
from a court case filed in the United States District Court for the District of
Arizona: Plaintiffs
claim that over 75,000 absentee ballots were reported as unreturned when they
were actually
returned. These absentee ballots were then either lost or destroyed (consistent
with allegations of
Trump ballot destruction) and/or were replaced with blank ballots filled out by
election workers
or other third parties.20

Indefinitely Confined Voter Abuses

Indefinitely confined voters are those voters unable to vote in person because
of old age or some
disability. There are two types of possible abuses associated with such
indefinitely confined voters.

The first kind of abuse involves exploiting the elderly or the infirm by
effectively hijacking their
identities and votes. For example, in Georgia, the family of an elderly man in a
nursing home
facility discovered that a mail-in ballot had been requested and submitted under
his voter
registration identity, yet it was done without his consent.21 In a similar
situation in Pennsylvania,
two parents and their daughter who has Downs Syndrome went to vote in person and
that a mail-in ballot had both been requested and submitted for the daughter
without her consent.22

The second kind of indefinitely confined voter abuse is far more consequential,
at least in the state
of Wisconsin. The key allegation here in several court filings is that
“bad-faith voters” registering
as “indefinitely confined” intentionally broke “Wisconsin election law to
circumvent election
integrity photo identification requirements.” In a nutshell, they were able to
vote without showing
a voter identification photo and therefore underwent a far less rigorous I.D.
check than would
otherwise have been conducted.

This abuse happened, according to one press account, after “clerks in Dane and
counties offered illegal advice that encouraged individuals to use indefinite
confinement as a way
to ignore the state’s photo I.D. requirement.”23 The Trump side has called this
correctly an open
invitation to fraud; and stories and pictures abound of Wisconsin voters who
registered as
indefinitely confined but were seen also attending weddings, riding their bikes,
going on vacation,
and otherwise be anything but confined.24

Here is what is most important about this particular type of election fraud: In
the wake of the
expanded definition of indefinitely confined voters – a definition ruled legally
incorrect by the
Wisconsin Supreme Court25 – the number of indefinitely confined voters surged
from just under
70,000 voters in 2019 to over 200,000 in 2020.26 This 130,000 vote increment of
new indefinitely
confined voters is more than five times the Biden victory margin in Wisconsin.

Ineligible Voters and Voters Who Voted in Multiple States

Ineligible voters include felons deemed ineligible, underage citizens,
nonregistered voters, illegal
aliens, illegal out-of-state voters, and voters illegally using a post office
box as an address.27

In a court filing by the Trump campaign legal team, lead counsel Ray Smith
provided a list of more
than 70,000 allegedly ineligible voters casting ballots in Georgia in the 2020
election. 28 Also in
Georgia, over 20,000 people appear to have filed a Notice of Changed Address
form to the Georgia
state government or had other indications of moving out of state. Yet, these
clearly ineligible out-
of-state voters appeared to have remained on the voter rolls and voted in the
2020 election.29

As additional data points regarding ineligible out-of-state voters, there are
these: Between 80 and
100 self-proclaimed Black Lives Matter-affiliated members from other states have
admitted to
having voted in Pennsylvania.30

As for those voters who vote in multiple states, one lawsuit claims that roughly
15,000 mail-in or
absentee ballots were received in Nevada from voters who were known to have
voted in other
states.31 It is useful to note here that in Nevada, poll workers allegedly were
not consistent in their
procedures when checking voters in to vote about whether they accepted
California or Nevada
Voter Identification as proof of eligibility to register to vote.32

Dead Voters and Ghost Voters

According to widespread evidence, there was a surprising number of ballots cast
across several
key battleground states by deceased voters, sparking one wag to quip, in
reference to a classic
Bruce Willis movie, this was the “Sixth Sense” election – I see dead people

In Pennsylvania, for example, a statistical analysis conducted by the Trump
Campaign matching
voter rolls to public obituaries found what appears to be over 8,000 confirmed
dead voters
successfully casting mail-in ballots.33 In Georgia – underscoring the critical
role any given
category of election irregularities might play in determining the outcome – the
estimated number
of alleged deceased individuals casting votes almost exactly equals the Biden
victory margin.

In Michigan, according to one first-hand account offered in a declaration,
computer operators at a
polling location in Detroit were manually adding the names and addresses of
thousands of ballots
to vote tabulation systems with voters who had birth dates in 1900.34 And in
Nevada, a widower
since 2017 saw that his deceased wife had successfully cast a mail-in ballot on
November 2, 2020,
three and a half years after her death. 35

It may be useful to note here that dead voters played a critical role in
stealing the election from
Richard Nixon, a theft orchestrated by Mayor Richard Daley and his Chicago
political machine.
According to one report “more than 3,000 votes [were] cast in the names of
individuals who were
dead, and more than 31,000 individuals voted twice in different locations in the
city.” President
Kennedy’s victory margin in Illinois was less than 9,000 votes.

On the Ghost Voter front, a “Ghost Voter” is a voter who requests and submits a
ballot under the
name of a voter who no longer resides at the address where that voter was
registered. In Georgia
for example, it is alleged that over 20,000 absentee or early voters – almost
twice the Biden victory
margin – cast their ballots after having moved out of state.36 In Nevada, a poll
worker reported that
there were as many as 50 ballots per day being delivered to homes vacated by
their former

Counting Ballots Multiple Times

Counting ballots multiple times occurs most egregiously when batches of ballots
are repeatedly
rescanned and re-tabulated in electronic voting machines. It can also happen
when the same person
votes multiple times within the same day. Evidence of these particular kinds of
“ballot stuffing”
are present across all six battleground states.

For example, in Wisconsin, poll workers were observed running ballots through
machines more than once.38 In Wayne County, Michigan, Republican poll watchers
canvassers re-scanning batches of ballots through vote tabulation machines up to
3 to 4 times.39

In Pennsylvania, a poll worker observed a woman vote twice in the same day by
changing her
appearance.40 Another poll worker observed people in voting lines in one corner
of a polling
location voting, and then coming to another polling location at the other side
of the building to
vote.41 Still another poll worker witnessed a woman voting twice at voting
machines on Election

IV. Ballot Mishandling
Ballot mishandling represents the second major dimension of alleged election
irregularities in the
2020 presidential election. As Table 4 illustrates, this is a multifaceted
problem across the
battleground states. Let’s work our way through this figure starting with the
failure to properly
check the identification of voters.

Table 4: Ballot Mishandling in the Battleground States

No Voter I.D. Check

It is critical for the integrity of any election for poll workers to properly
verify a voter’s identity
and registration when that voter comes in to cast an in-person ballot. However,
there is at least
some evidence of a lack of adequate voter ID check across several of the
battleground states.

For example, in Michigan, the chairperson of a polling location permitted an
individual to vote
without presenting voter identification and another with only a photocopy of a
driver’s license.43

In Nevada, poll workers were instructed to advise people who wanted to register
to vote and did
not have proper Nevada IDs or Driver’s Licenses to do the following: These
unregistered voters
could go outside into the parking lot and make an appointment with the
Department of Motor
Vehicles as late as January 2021 to obtain a Nevada Driver’s License as proof of
their identity.
They could then bring in confirmation of their DMV appointment in either paper
or digital form;
and that would be sufficient to allow them to be registered.44

Signature Matching Abuses

It is equally critical that ballot counters legally verify mail-in and absentee
ballots by checking if
the signatures on the outer envelopes match the voters’ registration records.45
Note, however, that
a variety of signature matching abuses represent a major issue in Nevada,
Pennsylvania, and
especially in Georgia.

In Georgia, contrary to state law, the Secretary of State entered into a Consent
Decree with the
Democrat Party that weakened signature matching to just one verification instead
of two. This
illegal weakening of the signature match test has called into question more than
1.2 million mail-
in ballots cast in Georgia.46

Georgia is not the only state where signature match check abuses have surfaced.
Nevada law
requires that persons – not machines – review all signatures and ballots. Yet
the Clark County
Registrar of Voters used a defective signature matching computer system called
Agilis to conduct
such checks.47 As will be discussed further below, this problem of machines
replacing humans
contrary to Nevada state law was compounded by the fact that the Agilis system
has an
unacceptably low accuracy rate, making it easier for illegal ballots to slip
through its screen. 48

Signature match abuses also surfaced in Wisconsin where mandatory voter
certifications for mail-in ballots were reduced and/or eliminated, again
contrary to state law. As
noted in one lawsuit, this change “undermined the authority of the state
legislature, reduced the
security and integrity of the election by making it easier to engage in mail-in
ballot fraud and
created another standard-less rule in conflict with the clear terms of the
Wisconsin Election Code,
preventing uniform treatment of absentee ballots throughout the State.”49

“Naked Ballots” Lacking Outer Envelope

A naked ballot is a mail-in or absentee ballot lacking an outer envelope with
the voter’s signature
on it. It is illegal to accept the naked ballot as the outer envelope provides
the only way to verify a
voter’s identity.

The illegal acceptance of naked ballots appears to be particularly acute in
Pennsylvania as a result
of ill-advised “guidance” issued by the Secretary of State – a registered
Democrat50 – that such
naked ballots be counted.

This issuance of such guidance, in violation of state law,51 appears to be a
blatant attempt by a
Democrat politician to boost the count for Joe Biden as it was clear that
Democrats would be voting
disproportionately higher through mail-in ballots. This incident is especially
egregious because
when the Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected this guidance, the Secretary of
State refused to
issue new guidance directing election officials to NOT count non-compliant
mail-in or absentee

Broken Chain of Custody & Unauthorized Ballot Handling or Movements

The maintenance of a proper chain of custody for ballots cast is the linchpin of
fair elections. Chain
of custody is broken when a ballot is fraudulently transferred, controlled, or
moved without
adequate supervision or oversight.53

While chain of custody issues can apply to all ballots, the risk of a broken
chain of custody is
obviously higher for mail-in and absentee ballots. This is because the ballots
have to go through
more hands.

In the 2020 presidential election, the increased use – often illegal use – of
unsupervised drop boxes
arguably has enhanced the risk of a broken chain of custody. So, too, has the
increased practice of
so-called “ballot harvesting” whereby third parties pick up ballots from voters
and deliver them to
drop boxes or directly to election officials.

Both drop boxes and ballot harvesting provide opportunities for bad actors to
insert fraudulent
ballots into the election process. That this is a very serious matter is evident
in this observation by “In court cases, chain of custody violations can result in
refusal to admit
evidence or even throwing a case out. In elections, chain of custody violations
can result in
‘incurable uncertainty’ and court orders to redo elections.”54 (emphasis added)

As an example of the drop box problem, in Pennsylvania, ballots were illegally
dumped into drop
boxes at the Nazareth ballot drop center in violation of state law.55 Likewise
in Pennsylvania, a
man caught on videotape and photos came out of an unmarked Jeep extracting
ballots from an
unsupervised ballot drop-box to bring them into a ballot counting center. That
same man was
observed to come back with an empty ballot container to place in the
unsupervised drop box.56

In Wisconsin, the state’s Election Committee illegally positioned five hundred
drop boxes for
collection of absentee ballots across the state. However, these drop boxes were
located in urban areas which tend to have much higher Democrat registration,
thereby favoring the
candidacy of Joe Biden. Note: Any use of a drop box in Wisconsin is illegal by
statute. Therefore,
the votes cast through them cannot be legally counted in any certified election

As an example of ballot harvesting – in this case at the front end of the
process – 25,000 ballots
were requested from nursing home residents in Pennsylvania at the same time.58

As additional examples of a possible broken chain of custody, there are these:
Large bins of
absentee ballots arrived at the Central Counting Location in Wisconsin with
already opened
envelopes, meaning that ballots could have been tampered with.59 They were
nonetheless counted.

Also in Wisconsin, an election worker was observed moving bags of blank ballots
into a vehicle
and then driving off without supervision.60 There is also the previously
referenced case whereby
a truck driver has offered a firsthand account of moving large quantities of
fake manufactured
ballots from New York to Pennsylvania.

As a final note on the unauthorized handling or movement of ballots, there is
the problem of illegal
ballot counters. These are persons who not legally permitted and/or certified to
be counting ballots.

In one curious case, an individual who worked as an official photographer for
Kamala Harris’
campaign in 201961 was alleged to be involved in scanning ballots in Floyd
County, Georgia.
Ballot counters cannot have any ties to candidates in a presidential election.

Ballots Accepted Without Postmarks and Backdating of Ballots

Across all of the battleground states, it is against state law for poll workers
to count either mail-in
or absentee ballots that lack postmarks. It is also illegal to backdate ballots
so that they may be
considered as having met the election deadline for the receipt and counting of
such ballots. There
is some evidence of these irregularities in several of the battleground states.

For example, in Wisconsin, according to one Declaration, employees of the United
States Postal
Service (USPS) in Milwaukee were repeatedly instructed by two managers to
backdate late-
arriving ballots so they could still be counted.62 In addition, the USPS was
alleged to have
backdated as many as 100,000 ballots in Wisconsin.63

Similarly, in Detroit, Michigan, as noted in a court case, poll workers were
instructing ballot
counters to backdate absentee ballots so they could be counted.64 One poll
watcher also observed
ballots in Michigan being run through vote tabulation machines without postmarks
on them.65

V. Contestable Process Fouls
Contestable process fouls represent the third dimension of election
irregularities in the 2020
presidential election. The various forms such process fouls can take are
illustrated in Table 5 across
the six battleground states.

Table 5: Contestable Process Fouls in the Battleground States

Abuses of Poll Watchers and Observers

Central to the fairness and integrity of any election is the processes by which
observers monitor
the receipt, opening, and counting of the ballots. You can see in the Table 5
that poll watcher and
observer abuses were present across all six battleground states.

In Georgia,66 Michigan,67 and Pennsylvania,68 poll watchers and observers were
denied entry to
ballot counting centers by Judges of Elections and other poll workers. This was
despite presenting
proper certification and identification.

In Georgia,69 Michigan,70 Nevada,71 and Pennsylvania,72 Republican poll watchers
were also forced
inside confined areas, thereby limiting their view. In some cases, this
confinement was enforced
by local law enforcement.

Across these four battleground states, Republican poll watchers were also
directed to stand at
unreasonably lengthy distances from ballot counters. In Michigan – arguably the
“first among
equals” when it comes to observer abuses – poll workers put up poster boards on
the windows of
the room where ballots were being processed and counted so as to block the
view.73 In
Pennsylvania, tens of thousands of ballots were processed in back rooms where
poll observers
were prohibited from being able to observe at all.74

This is an extremely serious matter because it is these poll watchers and
observers who represent
the frontline defenders of a fair election process. Their job is to make sure
all ballots are handled
properly and tabulated accordingly. They seek to answer questions like: Is there
a signature match
process being conducted? Does each ballot have an outer envelope or is it a
naked ballot? Are
ballots being run more than once through the tabulation machines?

When poll watchers or observers are barred from viewing or forced to view from
large distances, these watchdogs cannot accurately answer these questions. They,
therefore, cannot
fulfill their critical watchdog function.

Mail-In Ballot and Absentee Ballot Rules Violated Contrary to State Law

In Georgia, more than 300,000 individuals were permitted to vote who had applied
for an absentee
ballot more than 180 days prior to the Election Day. This is a clear violation
of state law.75

In both Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, Democrat election officials acted
unilaterally to accept both
mail-in and absentee ballots after Election Day. State Republicans have argued
this is contrary to
state law.

In Pennsylvania, absentee and mail-in ballots were accepted up to three days
after Election Day.76
On November 7th, in anticipation of a legal challenge, the United States Supreme
Court ordered
that the approximately 10,000 absentee and mail-in ballots that had arrived past
November 3rd be
separated from ballots that had arrived on Election Day.77 This direction
notwithstanding, a poll
watcher reported on November 7th that, in Delaware County, ballots received the
previous night
were not being separated from ballots received on Election Day, contrary to
state law.78

Wisconsin state law does not permit early voting. Nonetheless, city officials in
the Democrat
stronghold of Madison, Wisconsin assisted in the creation of more than 200
“Democracy in the
Park” illegal polling places.

These faux polling places were promoted and supported by the Biden campaign.
They provided
witnesses for absentee ballots and acted in every way like legal polling places.
Moreover, they
received ballots outside of the limited 14-day period preceding an election that
is authorized by
statute for in-person or absentee balloting. These were clear violations of
state law.79

Voters Not Properly Registered Allowed to Vote

One of the jobs of poll workers is to ensure that in-person voters are legally
registered and are who
they say they are. Across at least three of the six battleground states –
Georgia, Nevada, and
Wisconsin – this job may not have been effectively done.

In Wisconsin, for example, officials refused to allow poll watchers to challenge
the qualifications
of people applying to vote or require proof of such persons’ qualifications.80
In Georgia, more than
2,000 individuals appear to have voted who were not listed in the State’s
records as having been
registered to vote.81

In Pennsylvania, a poll watcher observed poll workers taking individuals whose
names did not
appear in voter registration books back into a separate area that was unobserved
by any poll
watchers. There, these apparently unregistered voters met with a Judge of
Elections who allegedly
told them: “you go back in, tell them this is your name, and you can vote.”82
Illegal Campaigning at Poll Locations

Poll workers are supposed to remain politically neutral. When a poll worker
displays bias for one
political candidate over another at a polling location, this is contrary to
state law. Unfortunately,
this law appears to have been repeatedly violated in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and

For example, in Pennsylvania, poll workers were wearing paraphernalia from a
group called
“Voter Protection.” This is a 100% Democrat-funded Political Action Committee
dedicated to
Democrat redistricting in Pennsylvania; and the wearing of its paraphernalia
constitutes illegal
campaigning at the polls.83

In a similar type of illegal campaigning in Michigan, poll workers were allowed
to wear Black
Lives Matter shirts and were seen carrying tote bags of President Obama
paraphernalia. 84 In
addition, poll workers with Biden and Obama campaign shirts on were allowed on
the ballot
counting floor.85

In Wisconsin, representatives from the Biden campaign were outside with
clipboards talking to
voters on their way in to vote. They were clearly inside the prohibited
perimeter for electioneering.
Poll workers did nothing to address this illegal campaigning despite the
objections of observers.86

Ballots Cured by Poll Workers or Voters Contrary to Law

Under prescribed circumstances, both poll workers and voters may fix ballots
with mistakes or
discrepancies. This process is known as “ballot curing.”

In nineteen states, poll workers must notify voters if there are errors or
discrepancies on their
ballots and allow them to “cure” or correct any errors so their votes will
count.87 However, in states
that do not allow curing, ballots with discrepancies such as missing or
mismatched signatures must
be discarded.88

In Pennsylvania, and contrary to state law, poll workers were trained to allow
voters to cure or
“correct” their ballots.89 According to one court filing, Democrat-controlled
counties in
Pennsylvania participated in pre-canvass activities prior to Election Day “by
reviewing received
mail-in ballots for deficiencies.”90 Such discrepancies included “lacking the
inner secrecy
envelope or lacking a signature of the elector on the outer declaration
envelope.” Voters were then
notified so that they could cure their ballots – a clear violation of state

Numerous other examples of illegally cured ballots abound. For example, in
Wisconsin, tens of
thousands of ballots were observed to be corrected or cured despite election
observer objections.92

In Pennsylvania, poll workers sorted approximately 4,500 ballots with various
errors into bins.
Poll workers then re-filled out the 4,500 ballots so that they could be read by
tabulation machines,
an action contrary to state law.93

In Michigan, poll workers altered the dates on the outer envelopes of the
ballots so that they would
be able to count them.94 Michigan poll workers also filled out blank ballots to
“correct” mail-in
and absentee ballots according to what they believed the “voter had intended.”95

VI. Equal Protection Clause Violations
The Equal Protection Clause is part of the 14th Amendment of the U.S.
Constitution and a
fundamental pillar of the American Republic. This Equal Protection Clause
mandates that no State
may deny its citizens equal protection of its governing laws.96

Table 6 illustrates three major alleged violations of the Equal Protection
Clause in the 2020
presidential election. As the table illustrates, each violation was observed to
occur across all six
battleground states.

Table 6: Equal Protection Clause Violations in the Six Battleground States

Higher Standards of Certification & I.D. Verification Applied to In-Person

The first alleged violation focuses on the application of higher standards of
certification and voter
identification for in-person voters than mail-in and absentee ballot voters. In
effect, these higher
standards disproportionately benefited the candidacy of Joe Biden because
President Trump had a
much higher percentage of in-person voters than mail-in and absentee voters.
Indeed, mail-in and
absentee ballots were largely skewed for Joe Biden across the country by ratios
as high as 3 out of
4 votes in some states.97

Note here that much of the alleged fraud and ballot mishandling focused on
mail-in voters and
absentee ballots. Therefore, the lower the level of scrutiny of these voters,
the more illegal votes
for Joe Biden relative to Donald Trump could slip in. It should likewise be
noted here that this
particular violation of the Equal Protection Clause was further enabled by poll
watchers being
denied meaningful observation.
Perhaps the most egregious examples of this particular violation of the Equal
Protection clause
occurred in Georgia and Michigan. Georgia, for example, requires ID for voting
in-person and
Michigan will only allow provisional voting without an ID. However, in both
Georgia and
Michigan, a valid ID is not required to vote by mail so long as the person has
already registered in
a previous election.

These procedures are ripe for fraud. In fact, there is evidence that election
fraudsters targeted voters
who had voted in past elections but not voted in more recent ones. These
fraudsters could then cast
ballots on behalf of these infrequent voters with little likelihood they would
be caught. Numerous
affidavits, however, detail persons arriving to vote at polls only to be
informed that records indicate
they had already voted. At least fourteen such affidavits have been made by

As a further example, in Wisconsin, mail-in ballots were accepted without
witness signatures
placed properly in the allocated envelope location.98 A comparable process for
in-person voting
would have resulted in the invalidation of the vote.

Different Standards of Ballot Curing

As a second major violation of the Equal Protection Clause, likewise observed
across all six
battleground states, different standards for correcting mistakes on ballots
(ballot curing) were
applied across different jurisdictions within the states. Often, jurisdictions
with predominantly
Democrat registration were more expansive about allowing the curing of ballots
than jurisdictions
with predominantly Republican registration.

In Pennsylvania, there was a clear difference between how ballots were – or were
not – cured in
Republican counties versus Democrat counties. When Pennsylvania’s Secretary of
State Kathy
Boockvar issued illegal guidance authorizing counties to cure ballots, this
illegal guidance was not
followed in at least eight different Republican counties.99 Meanwhile, ballots
were cured in
Democrat counties under this illegal guidance.100

In Arizona, there likewise was a clear difference between how in-person voters
were treated versus
mail-in ballots. On the one hand, mail-in voters had up to 5 days to “cure” or
“fix” invalid mail-in
ballots sent prior to Election Day.101 On the other hand, in-person voters in
Maricopa County, for
example, had to deal with poll workers who did not know how to work electronic
voting machines
properly. This resulted in thousands of in-person votes being marked incorrectly
and disregarded
rather than cured.102

Differential and Partisan Poll Watcher Treatment

In most states, political party candidates and ballot issue committees are able
to appoint poll
watchers and observers to oversee the ballot counting process.103 Such poll
watchers and observers
must be registered voters and present certification to the Judge of Elections in
order to be able to
fulfill their duties at a polling location.104

Such certified poll watchers should be free to observe at appropriate distances
regardless of their
party affiliation. Yet in key Democrat strongholds, e.g., Dane County in
Wisconsin and Wayne
County in Michigan, which yielded high Biden vote counts, Republican poll
watchers and
observers were frequently subject to different treatment ranging from denial of
entry to polling
places to harassment and intimidation.

For example, in Georgia, a certified poll watcher witnessed other poll workers
at a polling location
discussing how they should not speak to her due to her party affiliation. 105 In
Pennsylvania, a
Republican poll watcher was harassed and removed from the polling location due
to his party
affiliation.106 In Wisconsin, a Republican poll watcher was prevented from
observing due to the
fact that polling locations were not allowing Republicans in.107

Note the synergy here between the problem of the process foul involved with
denying access to
certified poll watchers (discussed in the previous section) and the violation of
the Equal Protection
Clause such conduct entails when such denial, harassment, and intimidation
differs by party

VII. 2020 Election Voting Machine Irregularities

Perhaps no device illustrates that technology is a double-edged sword than the
machines and
associated software that have come to be used to tabulate votes across all 50
states. 108 Types of
voting equipment include optical scanners used to process paper ballots, direct
recording electronic
systems which voters can use to directly input their choices, and various
marking devices to
produce human-readable ballots.109

Two main types of voting machine irregularities have been alleged in the 2020
election. As Table 7 illustrates, these types of irregularities include
large-scale voting machine
inaccuracies together with inexplicable vote switching and vote surges, often in
favor Joe Biden.

Table 7: 2020 Voting Machine Irregularities

Large-Scale Voting Machine Inaccuracies

Much has been made about the shadowy genesis of a company called Dominion which
voting machines and equipment to 28 states.110 According to critics, Dominion’s
roots may be
traced to an effort by the Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez to rig his sham
elections.111 Dominion
is also alleged to have ties to the Clinton Foundation,112 while the Smartmatic
software used in the
Dominion machines is alleged to have links to the shadowy anti-Trump globalist
financier George

The controversy swirling over Dominion and Smartmatic notwithstanding, one of
the biggest
problems with machine inaccuracies may be traced to a company called Agilis.
Nevada election
officials in Clark County, a Democrat stronghold in Nevada, used Agilis
signature verification
machines to check over 130,000 mail-in ballot signatures.

According to a court case filed in the First Judicial District Court in Carson
City, the Agilis
machines used a “lower image quality than suggested by the manufacturer.” Clark
Election Department officials also lowered the accuracy rate below the
recommendations, making the whole verification process unreliable. 114

In a test run, it was proven that, at the manufacturer’s setting, the Agilis
machine already had a
high tolerance for inaccuracies—as high as 50% non-matching. In other words,
half of the ballots
that might be moved through the machine would be impossible to verify; and Clark
officials lowered that threshold even further.115

As a final comment on this case, there is also the broader legal matter that the
Agilis machines
were used to “entirely replace signature verification by election personnel.”
This is contrary to
Nevada state law.

As noted in a court case: “In violation of Nevada law, the Clark County Election
allows the Agilis machine to solely verify 30% of the signatures accompanying
the mail-in ballots
without ever having humans inspect those signatures.”116

A similar problem has been alleged in a court filing in Arizona with a software
known as the Novus In cases where ballots were too damaged or illegible to be read by vote
machines, Novus was used in an attempt to cure or restore the ballots. The
system would do so by
trying to read the applicable scans of the original rejected ballots. However,
as noted in a court
case filed by Kelli Ward, Chairwoman of the Arizona Republican Party: “the
software was highly
inaccurate, and it often flipped the vote.” 117

Inexplicable Vote Switching and Vote Surges In Favor of Biden

As a further complication to the Novus software problem in Arizona referenced
above, the
software was not only highly inaccurate. According to observers, and as an
example of
inexplicable vote switching, “the software would erroneously prefill ‘Biden’
twice as often as it
did ‘Trump.’”118

At least one instance of a large and inexplicable vote switching and vote surge
in favor of Joe
Biden took place in Antrim County, Michigan – and it is associated with the
aforementioned Dominion-Smartmatic voting machine hardware-software combo.119 In
Republican stronghold, 6,000 votes were initially, and incorrectly, counted for
Joe Biden. The
resulting vote totals were contrary to voter registration and historical
patterns and therefore raised
eyebrows. When a check was done, it was discovered that the 6,000 votes were
actually for Donald
J. Trump.

A subsequent forensic audit of the Antrim County vote tabulation found that the
Dominion system
had an astonishing error rate of 68 percent.120 By way of comparison, the
Federal Election
Committee requires that election systems must have an error rate no larger than
0.0008 percent.121

Perhaps even more troubling given concerns over hackers and Dominion’s alleged
ties to bad
foreign actors, the records that would have allowed the detection of remote
internet access went
missing from the Antrim County system. This was in direct violation of Michigan
state law,122
which requires retention of voting records for 22 months -- such information was
in place for
previous election years, but not this election. At the very least, the results
of this audit indicates
the need for further investigation of the Dominion system across other states in
the country.

In Georgia, there were numerous "glitches" with the Dominion machines where the
results would
change. The most notable of these changes was a 20,000 vote surge for Biden and
1,000 vote
decrease for Trump.123

VIII. Statistical Anomalies in the Six Battleground States
The 2020 presidential election appears to feature at least four types of
statistical anomalies that
raise troubling questions. Table 8 illustrates the incidence of these
statistical anomalies across the
six battleground states. As you can see from the table, Wisconsin and Georgia
are characterized
by the highest degree of statistical anomalies, with three of the four anomalies
present. Nevada
and Arizona show two anomalies present while Michigan has at least one. Let’s
take a more
granular look now at each of these types of statistical anomalies.

Table 8: Statistical Anomalies in the Battleground States

Dramatic Changes in Mail-in and Absentee Ballot Rejection Rates from Previous

It is routine across the 50 states for mail-in-and absentee ballots to be
rejected for any number of
reasons. These reasons may include: the lack of a signature or adequate
signature match, a late
arrival past a deadline,124 the lack of an external envelope that verifies
voter-identification (a naked
ballot),125 or if voters provide inaccurate or incomplete information on the

In the 2020 presidential race, Joe Biden received a disproportionately high
percentage of the mail-
in and absentee ballots. Perhaps not coincidentally, we saw a dramatic fall in
rejection rates in
Pennsylvania, Nevada, and especially Georgia.

For example, in Nevada, the overall rejection rate dropped from 1.6%127 in 2016
to 0.58% in
2020.128 In Pennsylvania, the 2016 rejection rate of 1.0%129 dropped to
virtually nothing at
0.28%.130 The biggest fall in the overall absentee ballot rejection rate came,
however, in Georgia.
Its rejection rate fell from 6.8%131 in 2016 to a mere 0.34%132 in 2020.

These dramatically lower rejection rates point to a conscious effort by Democrat
election officials
across these key battleground states to subject mail-in and absentee ballots to
a lower level of
scrutiny. That this kind of government conduct and gaming of our election system
may have
contributed to tipping the scales in favor of Joe Biden can be illustrated in
this simple calculation:

In the 2020 race, Georgia election officials received 1,320,154 mail-in and
absentee ballots. If
these ballots had been rejected at the 2016 rate of 6.8% instead of the 2020
rate of 0.34%, there
would have been 81,321 ballots rejected instead of the 4,489 ballots that were
actually rejected.

Under the conservative assumption that 60% of these mail-in and absentee ballots
went to Joe
Biden,133 this dramatic fall in the rejection rate provided Joe Biden with an
additional 16,264 votes.
That’s more than the margin of the alleged Biden victory in Georgia.

Excessively High Voter Turnout (at times exceeding 100%)

When there are more ballots cast than registered or eligible voters, fraud has
likely taken place.
During the 2020 presidential election, excessively high voter turnout occurred
across all six swing

In analyzing this problem, it is important to distinguish between states that
have same-day
registration and those that don’t. States with same-day registration can
plausibly have voter turnout
that is higher than 100%. However, is impossible for that to happen in states
without same-day
registration without fraud having taken place.

Consider, then, Arizona which does not allow same-day voter registration.
According to testimony
from an MIT-trained mathematician, Candidate Biden may have received a weighted
130% total
of Democrat votes in Maricopa County to help him win the state due to an
algorithm programmed
into the Dominion voting machines used there.134

Although Michigan does allow same-voter registration, voter turnout was still
high. Here again, the Dominion voting system has been implicated. To wit:

Cybersecurity executive and former NASA analyst, Russ Ramsland, testified that
in Wayne
County, Michigan, where Dominion Voting Systems equipment was used, 46 out of 47
in the county displayed greater than a 96% voter turnout. 25 out of those
precincts showed a 100%
voter turnout.135

Wisconsin, which also allows same-day voter registration, also reported
abnormally high voter
turnout when compared to 2016 numbers. For example, Milwaukee reported a record
84% voter
turnout during the 2020 presidential election versus 75% in 2016.136 Of the
city’s 327 voting wards,
90 reported a turnout of greater than 90%.137

Statistically Improbable Vote Totals Based on Party Registration and Historical

The 2020 presidential election was characterized by strong partisan voting
patterns consistent with
historical patterns. As a rule, heavily Republican jurisdictions voted heavily
for President Trump
and heavily Democrat jurisdictions voted heavily for Joe Biden.

In some cases, however, there were instances where these partisan and historical
patterns were
violated. It is precisely in such instances where either outright fraud or
machine inaccuracies or
manipulations are most likely to be operative.

As one example of such statistically improbable vote totals, there are the
results in Arizona’s Fifth
Congressional District. In one precinct in the suburb of Queen Creek, the vote
percent for President
Trump dropped dramatically relative to 2016, from 67.4 to 58.5 percent.138 This
was attributed to
an “unusually high” number of duplicate ballots.139
Unusual Vote Surges

Several unusual vote surges took place in the very early hours of the morning of
November 4 th in
Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin. An analysis conducted by the Voter Integrity
Project of The
New York Times publicly reported data on Election Day that showed several vote
“spikes” that
were unusually large in size with unusually high Biden-to-Trump ratios. Such
spikes or surges
could well indicate that fraudulent ballots had been counted.

In Georgia, for example, an update at 1:34 AM on November 4th showed 136,155
additional ballots
cast for Joe Biden, and 29,115 additional votes cast for President Trump.140 An
update in Michigan
at 3:50 AM on November 4th showed an update of 54,497 additional votes cast for
Joe Biden, and
4,718 votes cast for President Trump.141 And an update in Wisconsin at 3:42 AM
on November
4th showed 143,379 additional ballots cast for Joe Biden, and 25,163 votes cast
for President

IX. A State-By-State Analysis and Signal Failure of Our Legislative and
Judicial Branches
All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
– Anna Karenina, by Leo Tolstoy

It should be clear at this point that all six battleground states suffer from
most or all of the six
dimensions of election irregularities documented in this report. However, like
Tolstoy’s unhappy
families, it is also true that each battleground state is different in its own
election irregularity way.
That is, each battleground state may be characterized by a unique mix of issues
impressionistically, might be considered “most important” in swinging that state
for Joe Biden.

Consider Arizona, a state with the lowest alleged Biden victory margin at 10,457
votes. This is a
state with statistically improbable high voter turnouts in Maricopa and Pima
counties; widespread
ballot mishandling; and 1.6 million mail-in ballots (which tended towards Biden)
subjected to
much lower standards of certification and ID verification than in-person voters
(who tended
towards Trump).

In Georgia, the alleged Biden victory margin was just 11,779 votes. What perhaps
jumps out most
in the Peach State is the illegal Consent Decree that effectively gutted the
signature match
requirements for millions of mail-in ballots. There is also the quite unresolved
fake ballot
manufacturing matter of the roughly 100,000 ballots that were mysteriously
pulled, in the dead of
night, out from underneath tables and expeditiously tabulated. Of course, we saw
that Georgia’s
electoral version of a Three-card Monte sleight-of-hand led to a strong Biden
vote surge.

Of all of the six battleground states which suffered from numerous observer and
poll watcher
abuses, Michigan must rank as “first among equals.” With its “board up the
windows” and “rough
up the observers” tactics, Detroit in Wayne County was the center of this “see
no evil” universe.
When two local Republica















Republicans trying to challenge election problems in Pennsylvania are caught in
a classic Catch-22.
The Republicans trying to sort out the election mess there are arguing that the
regulations used during the election were contrary to the Pennsylvania
Constitution and the US Constitution which gives state legislatures the sole
authority to decide how elections for president will be held in their respective
According to the Pennsylvania courts, the laws governing elections cannot be
challenged before the election because no one has been harmed. Of course, no one
had been harmed because the harm doesn’t come until after the election when the
illegal votes are counted and an illicit winner declared.
But after the election when the harm has been done, the courts are now saying it
is too late because to enforce the laws of the state would disenfranchise
It’s worth noting that in North Carolina in 2018, the completely opposite
decision was made when a Republican operative was found to be harvesting
absentee ballots. The election results were thrown out and a new election was
held, despite the fact that hundreds of thousands of legitimate voters were
disenfranchised and the district had to go without representation in Congress
until the new election was complete.
There’s another Catch 22 situation behind the recent refusal of the U.S. Supreme
Court to hear the Texas lawsuit. Texas didn’t have standing to challenge the
elections in other states. But the governors and attorney generals of the states
where fraudulent elections were held aren’t going to challenge them, to do so
would be to admit they were a party to fraud. Deciding that a plaintiff doesn’t
have standing is an easy out for courts because they don’t have to consider the
merits of the case.
It would appear, unless there is some sea change in the judicial thinking that
what the courts are saying is that when Democrats commit election irregularities
it’s none of the people’s business.
If people are allowed to vote illegally, if voting machines don’t count the
votes accurately, if voting machines are connected to the Internet so that
hackers from the governments of Iran, China and Russia to name a few can
manipulate vote totals, that’s not the court’s problem.
The question is then, whose problem is it?
It’s reminiscent of the old days before the FBI when all a bank robber had to do
was cross the state line and he or she was home free. They hadn’t broken any
laws in the state they were in, so that state simply benefitted from the money
they were spending.
The election has been held. The votes legitimate and fraudulent have been
counted, so it’s over.
It seems like that is where we are now, the areas where the elections were
controlled by Democrats were allowed to make any regulation they thought would
help their candidates regardless of the laws of the state, unmanned drop boxes,
counting absentee ballots that came in from who knows where long after the legal
deadline, counting all the absentee ballots whether they met the signature and
other security requirements of state law or not, refusing to allow Republican
election observers to actually observe the ballot counting as boxes of ballots
were run through voting machines more than once, and the list goes on.
If you can’t challenge these violations before the election, and can’t challenge
them after the election in state courts. And the Supreme Court won’t hear the
cases, it means it is open season on elections and there will never be another
free and fair election for president in the US.
The stakes in a presidential election are too high for someone to not try to
manipulate the vote, particularly if there is no downside. Even if the
perpetrators are caught red handed with ballots stuffed up their sleeves, in
their boots, and in suitcases hidden under tables nothing happens.
Who knows in the next election Democrats may decide that they want vote totals
like in corrupt countries where the sitting president is reelected by 99 percent
margins. Why not? And if the courts won’t step up to enforce the law, there is
no reason not to go for broke. The mathematical improbability of the Biden vote
totals in the late night and early morning counting alone should be enough to
overturn the results of the election, but if no court will hear the cases, it
doesn’t matter.
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of American freedom. Good day.








I’m still reporting on the coup.
New Mexico has now joined the seven battleground states by submitting an
alternative slate of electors who will cast that state’s 5 electoral votes for
President Trump should a recent lawsuit succeed in throwing out some percentage
of the mail-in ballots cast and there leading the House of Representatives to
vote to decertify New Mexico’s Democrat electors.
According to a release by the New Mexico Republican Party:
“Of course, there is precedent for our Republican electors…. Democrat electors
pledge to John F Kennedy convened in Hawaii in 1960, at the same time as
Republicans, even though the governor had certified Richard Nixon as the winner.
In the end, Hawaii's electoral votes were awarded to President Kennedy.”
The release went on to point out that even Democrat lawyers have recently
pointed out on CNN that it was a sensible thing to send two sets of electors to
“…just as the Democrat electors met in Hawaii in 1960, while awaiting a final
resolution of that states vote, so too the Republican electors met this year on
December 14th as we await a final resolution of New Mexico's five electoral
More than 40% of the 928,230 ballots cast in New Mexico were done by mail-in
ballots, but mail-in ballots are not tied to Voter ID. That lack of
accountability is exacerbated by mail-in ballot drop boxes where harvested
ballots can be dropped en masse without any accountability in the dead of night.
That, alone is enough to invalidate the election. According to Joe diGenova on
¬¬On top of that, New Mexico was one of 30 states using Dominion voting machines
and/or their proprietary Democracy Suite software.
Forensic data analysts are in the process of examining the Dominion voting
systems right now, but Republicans in New Mexico are also protesting the
election results on the basis of drop boxes that were supposed to be “secured
containers”; but were not.
“By law these ‘secured containers’ where supposed to be monitored at all times
and should have had video surveillance, but certain precincts failed to adhere
to these rules. There's no telling how many drop box votes are invalid.”
The party also supported the Trump's campaign in filing an Inspection of Public
Records Act request to verify or determine whether there were any problems or
serious glitches with Dominion voting systems machines during the November 3rd
“The Republican Party of New Mexico has questioned the validity of these
machines since the election. There are too many questions regarding whether
votes may have been changed. It's important that we take a look at these
machines and the software used.”
Although New Mexico has only 5 Electoral Votes, there are several scenarios
where those 5 Electoral Votes could make the difference.
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of American freedom. Good day.





































Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on the coup.
Say what you will about Tucker turning to the dark side, but I’m still a
supporter. Why? Because he has the biggest audience in cable, and this is what
he told them last night.
And I ran that story at the time. And it was no doubt immediately demonetized.
But now that Congress has embarrassed some of the big tech titans at
Congressional hearings, and after their dirty work during thet election has had
its evil effects, my sense is that they have lightened up on legit news, which
is a very helpful sign – but probably only temporarily – because of this new
mantra: Trump 410.
As a result of Fox’s unbelievable sucking up to Biden in the last two weeks,
NewsMax’s Greg Kelly Reports which runs from 7 to 8 pm eastern, has suddenly
exploded to 1.1 million viewers per night – 10 times more than one month ago.
Kelly, is the son of Ray Kelly, the longest serving Police Commissioner in the
history of New York City. Lt. Col. Greg Kelly is a retired marine fighter pilot
who made 158 aircraft carrier landings in a Marine Harrier Jump Jet.
Here’s what he had to say last night on the topic:
Tucker brought back Dr. Epstein to explain his chilling new findings about the
manipulations big tech had on the 2020 election.
Tucker then asked him why hasn’t something been done about this?
Dr. Epstein says he and his team will be all over the run-off election for two
senators in Georgia which will determine which party controls the Senate of the
United States.
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of American freedom. Good day.









Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on the polls.
Last night President Trump crushed opponent former Vice President Joe Biden
according to 22 of 26 snap polls taken by local newspapers, TV and Radio
stations across the nation according to Trump campaign.
But you would never know that if you woke up this morning and searched for snap
polls to see who won.
It’s so scary to realize that there can be such a total propagandized block on
normal news, but try it yourself. Go to Google and search – as I did for an hour
this morning – for “Debate Snap Polls” and all you will find are the ones that
begin with “Biden Wins….”.
These results of last night’s snap polls are astonishingly different from what
you get thru mainstream media sources – which we refer to as the MSM.
This is like the old days during World War 2 when villagers would huddle around
the one short wave radio in the village to find out the real news over Radio
Free Europe.
Fortunately, I saw the results of the snap poll taken by Chicago Radio station,
WGN, last Night Live at the tail end of the Fox News debate coverage.
I figured I could find it easily in the morning, but I could not. The only
reason I did find it was Beth – my genius wife - remembered the exact call
letters of the radio station and searched using those call letters and came up
with it:
Fortunately, I get invited to these Trump campaign calls. Trump is the only
president in my lifetime that has taken a 100% pro-American stance on all
foreign and domestic policy issues.
I mean, shouldn’t we nominate 100% pro-American candidates from both parties to
contest national elections?
But we aren’t. We haven’t. As you are about to hear, the word among Minnesota
Democrats is: we didn’t leave the Democrat party, the Democrat party left us.
On the call were Trump 2020 campaign Manager Bill Stepien, Senior Advisor Jason
Miller, and Minnesota Republican Senate Candidate Jason Lewis.
Ok, so let’s tune in now to what is essentially Radio Free Trump:
And then the President made a comment on the coming Monster Vote today at the
announcement of yet another nation signing onto his Middle East peace plan.

Yup, it’s true, the Monster Vote wave is starting to build already. It didn’t
really start until the last week of the 2016 race, but this time it’s earlier
and perhaps much, much bigger. You can’t burn down American cities and call for
defunding the police and expect us to vote for that? I guess it takes two
presidential races in a row before the Desperados either leave the Democrat
party, or the entire Democrat boat sinks beneath the waves for many years until
the Marxists are ejected.
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of American freedom. Good day.















Good evening, I’m still reporting on the coup.
Well, this is getting down to the root of the problem now – the collusion
between the large social media companies with the MSM and the Democrat party is
now surfacing for all to see in the recently-surfaced emails of Hunter Biden,
son of presidential candidate Jumpin’ Joe Biden.
Tucker Carlson put it all together tonight.
And I can assure you that had I been able to post that story last night on my
YouTube account, that would have been the last time I would be posting content
This is bad and if we don’t fix it, this great political experiment is done,
over, dead for all time.
That’s exactly right. And that is exactly the situation Beth and I are in. We
were warned that this may be coming and so we grudgingly opened an account on
Secure Server at as a backup channel. Now, we need enough paying
users to make a viable financial backup channel as well.

I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of American freedom. Good day.








Good evening, I’m still reporting on the virus.
The WHO, realizing that the entire masks-based lockdown hoax will fall apart
shortly after the election, and the World Health Organization will be suffering
next year without the financial support of the Trump White House, decided to
abandon the CCP/left-wing of the Desperado party and actually tell the truth –
that the lockdowns are clearly, demonstrably more deadly than this incarnation
of the Wuhan flu.
President Trump, in his first big airport rally since quickly recovering from
the COVID-19 virus, mentioned the turnaround for the WHO:
Since the virus emerged in January from China, the WHO has unflinchingly
supported the leftist idea that bankrupting every capitalist nation in the
western world was the best way to prevent the spread of the double-death virus.
But Trump eventually got sick of their leftist propaganda and so withdrew the
U.S. from the WHO. It was only then that the American public discovered that the
U.S. contributed nearly 16% of the total budget of the WHO in 2018-19, while
China contributed 0.2%.
Despite that, it seemed like the WHO’s director, Dr. Tedros was actually helping
cover up that China was totally responsible for the virus spreading across the
As it turned out, Dr. Tedros was not even a medical doctor, although he did have
a PhD in Public Health. He got his start working as the health minister of the
Marxist dictator of Ethiopia.
After the Marxist dictatorship was overthrown, he joined the Tigray People’s
Liberation Front, which was listed as a terrorist organization by the U.S.
government in the 1990s.
When Tedros campaigned for WHO Director, according to the Washington Post, China
worked tirelessly behind the scenes to help Tedros defeat a candidate from the
United Kingdom.
Once he secured the WHO position, Tedros worked tirelessly to do China’s
bidding, including masking the severity and nature of COVID-19 as it emerged
from China.
And that is why Dr. Tedros was nowhere to be seen today announcing the great
enlightenment which has struck the WHO like a medical lightning bolt – that the
COVID lockdown is provably killing many more people than the virus ever did. No,
the WHO yesterday marched a fresh new face out as part of their public relations
On top of that, the WHO is now supporting research into the legacy drug
Ivermectin. Horrors! What’s next encouraging studies on the efficacy of
hydroxychloroquine and the removal of the masked society?
The truth is that yes, you will see both of those topics now quietly gain WHO
support as they hope we won’t remember how wrong they were in the past about all
of this. Nope, the WHO is responsible for a significant percentage of the deaths
at the hands of COVID-19, and history will not forget about it.
Tucker Carlson took on this story tonight as well
Then Tucker put on the worst of the regularly-appearing doctors on Fox, Dr. Marc
Siegel, a man who did nothing but support the WHO/Dr. Fauci line since this all
began. Dr. Siegel added nothing to the conversation. He was obviously put on
just to plug his book.
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of American freedom. Good day.








Good evening, I’m still reporting on the Supremes.
I’m not the kind of reporter who feels qualified to insert myself into every
argument, especially when there is someone who covers every point I could
possibly make much better than I could.
Such is the case with one of the first Republican Senators to comment today on
the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to take Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat on
the United States Supreme Court.

I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of American freedom. Good day.









Beth Still








Good Labor day afternoon, I’m still reporting on the coup.

For some reason, the American public has bought into mask wearing.
Probably because the MSM continues to push this narrative that masks offer
someone some kind of protection. It would take me 30 minutes to just skim the
highlights of the many studies showing that the only protection masks may offer
is to protect the elderly or medically compromised from contracting COVID-19
from you – IF they live in the same home as you.
There is not a shred of legit evidence that wearing masks outdoors does anything
but reduce the vital oxygen content in your bloodstream.
Here is the most concise video clip that hammers home these points.
So if masks, generally, do not protect the general public against COVID-19,
what’s this all about?
There is no better example of what mask wearing is really all about than
Congressman Jerry Nadler yelling at Republican committee members who were not
wearing masks, while he himself was wearing his mask on his chin during the
recent questioning of Attorney General Bill Barr.
At the time some conservative commentators said this was hypocritical, but
perhaps at a deeper level, it was not.
If you think telling other people to wear masks while you wear yours on your
chin is hypocritical, you might not understand what the whole COVID-19 mask
issue is about.
Wearing a mask is a lot like wearing your school colors on game day. It’s not
actually going to make one whit of difference in the outcome of the game, but it
shows your support of the team.
The big difference is that you can’t go to jail for not wearing school colors
and in many states it is definitely against the law - or possibly an unlawful
governor’s edict - to not wear a mask in public places.
Wearing a mask is largely symbolic showing we are all on the same team and
Nadler, by his statements clearly gets it. Nadler with his mask on his chin is
on the team, the Republicans who weren’t wearing masks at all, were not.
So by Nadler wearing the mask on his chin, he demonstrates loyalty to the
impeach or resist club.
Of course, in reality Nadler with his mask on his chin was getting the same
medical benefit from mask wearing as his non-mask wearing Republican colleagues,
but that is beside the point.
If you need more proof that mask wearing is symbolic look at other politicians.
Even Uncle Joe and his sidekick don’t wear masks when they are at the
microphone. Why not, if it is a matter of life and death, especially for folks
of that age, why would they ever take their masks off in public?
They frequently put the masks on and take them off which also according to
scientific studies negates any amount of good that wearing a mask might do.
The leftist reporters at press conferences frequently take off their masks when
they think the camera isn’t on them or to ask a question, talk on their phone or
be filmed themselves.
So we are supposed to believe the virus is not going to be transmitted while
they are asking a question, on the air or on the phone?
The actual protocols for wearing a mask to help stop the spread of a virus are
that you put the mask on, get it adjusted properly and don’t touch it again
until you take it off and either throw it away or wash it.
According to few studies that show any efficacy at all, taking a mask off and on
- adjusting it - puts your hands in contact with your face which is one of the
worst things you can do if you’re trying to prevent the spread of the virus.
Wearing a mask is not about stopping COVID-19, it is about being part of the
“Stop COVID-19 team”, and in plain-speak, it’s really only about beating Trump.
So when the cameras are on, Nadar sometimes remembers he must wear a mask as an
example not supported by “the science.”
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of American freedom. Good day.








Good Sunday morning, I’m still reporting on the coup.
There were so many good comments in response to our last report #3209 – How the
Dems Could Win by Fraud, but one in particular really intrigued me.
TheGoodHeart1000 said:
The 14th Amendment does many wonderful things. First it does make All Americans
equal under the Constitution... unless you attack it.
The 14th amendment was ratified in 1868 – a little more than 3 years after the
end of the American Civil War. It was written in 1866 to prevent another Civil
War years into the future – exactly what the enemies of the freedom-loving
United States are trying to foment at this exact moment in our history.
According to our commenter:
There was a trap placed in the 14th which reanimates during times of rebellion
in order to prevent another civil war.
Section 2 strips voting rights and the ability to be counted towards the census
for those involved in rebellion. Hence, if a rebellion gets large enough a State
could stand to lose Congressional seats.
Whoah! So for every leftie who has unsworn allegiance to the Constitution, or in
other ways indicated that they are in a state of rebellion against our
Constitutional form of governance, their numbers are reduced from the population
of their state that counts towards how many Congressional representatives in the
House of Representatives that state is allowed.
I won’t read to you the exact wording, because there are only two sentences to
it, but the second sentence is 110 words in length, and would have to be reread
a dozen times to fully understand.
Section 3 points directly towards today’s riotous situations around the nation.
It immediately removes from their position, any office holder – civilian or
military – at the federal or state level whom has ever taken an oath to support
and uphold the Constitution of the United States; but then supported the
rebellion in any way.
Here is the specific language from Section 3. It removes from office anyone:
“… engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the [United States], or given
aid and comfort to the enemies thereof.”
In 1994, Congress even passed a federal law to clarify and reinforce this
section of the 14th amendment.
18 U.S. Code @sect 2383 explicitly states:
Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or
insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or
gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not
more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under
the United States.
Therefore, Nancy Pelosi, AOC and at least a dozen other lefty denizens currently
occupying the U.S. House of Representatives could be indicted by the Justice
Department for inciting or assisting rebellion or insurrection against laws of
the United States.
In addition, all financiers of BLM and ANTIFA, should be indicted because
members of these groups have recently even gone so far as to chant, “Death to
In fact, in this situation where Congress is not in session, and/or unwilling to
support the 14th Amendment, these removals should be done by Executive Order of
the President.
Interestingly, the burning of an American flag or the burning of draft cards
during the Vietnam War period by some young Americans was ruled by the Supreme
Court as sedition, but not illegal sedition because it was ruled to be a
non-violent form of political speech, protected by the 1st Amendment.
This is where the bright red line has been drown by the Supremes and today’s
Marxists have clearly stepped way over that line and need to be prosecuted to
firm up this federal law because there is no question that rioting, widespread
assault, looting and destruction of private and government property cannot be
tolerated by a free society.
Back to Section 3 of the 14 amendment; Congress did provide a remedy to office
holders, civilian or military, who are removed under Section 3:
“… Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.”
In other words, Speaker Pelosi could return to her job as Speaker of the House,
on the vote of two-thirds of both the House AND Senate. Good luck there, Nancy.
But never let it be said that no constitutional remedy has been provided for
Section 4 of the 14th amendment denies the following, that:
“… the United States nor any state shall assume or pay any debt or obligation
incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States….”
And that is why President Trump has refused to compensate states which denied
federal law-enforcement assistance which the President repeatedly offered to
send in to immediately stop the violence.
These states and/or municipalities cannot now turn around and whine that the
President has not sent federal aid to help bail them out financially for the
destruction that they allowed to happen for their political purposes. These
financial consequences will have to be borne by the states, along with the
resultant political consequences.
And the final clause of section 4 of the 14th Amendment specifically makes
unconstitutional any of the recent calls for reparations.
“… any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; … all such debts,
obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.”
This is absolutely unequivocal! The Constitution specifically states that none
of the so-called “reparations” can or will ever be paid by the U.S. government
because doing so is explicitly forbidden by the 14th amendment in Section 4.
As our commenter put it:
“If Americans knew this as they should we could have immediately enforced this
amendment and all this violence and destruction would cease to exist.”

Unfortunately, the current troubled situation we find ourselves in will not get
better, before it gets a whole lot worse, and we will do whatever we can to
determine the truth of the situation and stand firmly upon it.
So remember, please go to and hit the “subscribe” button for
unfettered access to future reports.
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of American freedom. Good day.








This morning I was awakened from a horrible dream and bolted out of bed with a
feeling of dread from a realization of how the Desperados could win this
election by voter fraud and it’s all caused by the mail-in ballot.
There are a variety of frauds associated with the mail-in ballot gambit –
ballots printed up wholesale and then dumped into sweat shops full of illegals
run by trusted Desperado operatives filling out millions of counterfeit mail-in
ballots destined for certification and tabulation by county boards of elections
in every state.
This certain tidal wave will just as certainly overwhelm officials at the county
level and bring on thousands of voter fraud lawsuits across the nation, at best
tying up the election results for days to weeks, and at worst causing the
Marxist takeover of the United States.
There is only one way out of this. President Trump needs to declare a state of
national emergency because the Desperados in power in several states have pushed
mail-in voting through at the state level.
What would the Founders of this great nation have done had they forseen that
certain states governed by one political party would become so completely taken
over by traitors hell-bent on destroying this, the greatest experiment in self
governance ever devised by the mind of man. What if these states, under the
guise of state jurisdiction, conspired together to rig the election in their
states so that each Democrat could vote twice?
Would the Founders simply say, “Ok, that’s the states’ prerogative”?
No! Forbid it almighty God!
No, the Founders would say such an electoral crisis where a system rampant with
voter fraud inserted by conspiratorial traitors had to somehow be averted by the
Chief Executive.
Congress is not in session, and under the current circumstance, a majority of
the lower house in controlled by the conspirators as well. So, Congress is
hamstrung from doing anything to avert the destruction of the Republic.
No, only the Chief Executive has any power to avert this disaster at this point
in our history.
One of the mantras of the Civil Rights movement was “one man, one vote.” Doesn’t
this still apply today? Would the Supreme Court rule against this still
applying? Forbid it Almighty God!
No, with the integrity of the voting process at stake, there can only be one way
to stop this? The President must one way or the other prevent voting until
absolute voter ID systems are in place from stem to stern.
Once the fraud has taken place, it’s over! No lawsuit can win a turn-around at
that point because the Constitutional crisis has now passed into history.
There are several ways to get to where a robust tamper-proof system of one man,
one vote can be applied, but it’s hard to see that without a delay in the
election. Of course, that, in itself, would receive an unprecedented uproar from
the left.
So something short of a delay must be applied. This is what the Chief Executive
must devise in short order. Do what you can and let Almighty God handle the








So, this is our first report of September 2020. We’ll continue to be on YouTube
as long as we can, but recent demonetizations have made us explore options –
just in case.
We’ve heard some complaints about the ads we put up, but hey, that’s the way we
pay the bills around here. So we’ve come up with another option that both
provides money to keep going with maximum safety.
So if you want to watch all our reports, every day, ad free, plus all my bonus
investigations that are too sensitive for some content managers I’ll be
uploading all my reports from now on to
Just go to and hit the subscribe button and strike a blow for
Ok, let’s go.
President Trump returned to the campaign rally trail this afternoon – with the
airport rally. It was just like 2016 all over again. Trump was 20 percent of the
time on teleprompter and 80% off script – where he’s much, much better.
There has never been a President who was such a boss – such a natural













































Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on the coup.
Say what you will about Tucker turning to the dark side, but I’m still a
supporter. Why? Because he has the biggest audience in cable, and this is what
he told them last night.
And I ran that story at the time. And it was no doubt immediately demonetized.
But now that Congress has embarrassed some of the big tech titans at
Congressional hearings, and after their dirty work during thet election has had
its evil effects, my sense is that they have lightened up on legit news, which
is a very helpful sign – but probably only temporarily – because of this new
mantra: Trump 410.
As a result of Fox’s unbelievable sucking up to Biden in the last two weeks,
NewsMax’s Greg Kelly Reports which runs from 7 to 8 pm eastern, has suddenly
exploded to 1.1 million viewers per night – 10 times more than one month ago.
Kelly, is the son of Ray Kelly, the longest serving Police Commissioner in the
history of New York City. Lt. Col. Greg Kelly is a retired marine fighter pilot
who made 158 aircraft carrier landings in a Marine Harrier Jump Jet.
Here’s what he had to say last night on the topic:
Tucker brought back Dr. Epstein to explain his chilling new findings about the
manipulations big tech had on the 2020 election.
Tucker then asked him why hasn’t something been done about this?
Dr. Epstein says he and his team will be all over the run-off election for two
senators in Georgia which will determine which party controls the Senate of the
United States.
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of American freedom. Good day.








Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on the coup.
Yesterday A federal judge in Pennsylvania dismissed a lawsuit by President
Donald Trump’s campaign that sought to block that state’s certification of the
presidential election despite evidence that hundreds of thousands of illegal
votes may have been injected into the system.
Sidney Powell, one of President Trump’s lead attorneys went on NewsMax to
comment on what she expected would be a loss in this court.
Powell was then asked what sort of evidence she has that she will be presenting
in a matter of days on her yet-to-be filed massive election fraud case.
[insert to: “… happened everywhere.”]
So even in the Congressional races, the system was set to add 35,000 votes to
the Democrat candidates across the nation.
She then pointed out that the team has so much evidence of vote rigging on a
massive scale that the Justice Department should be all over this by now because
of the criminality involved.
[insert. From: “But frankly, - to: “…in Pennsylvania.” ]
She was then asked why she thinks the Justice Dept. hasn’t moved on this as far
as we know.
[insert from: “I think the Justice…” to: “… pull it all together.”]
So how many people had to have been in on this scam?
[insert to: “… things himself.”]
She then revealed that contrary to information spread across the MSM that these
machines were hooked to the internet.
[insert from: “We also have…” to “… meddling in it.”]
Did you catch that? “… any number of VPN lines open to the internet, giving
foreign actors to be meddling in it.
She then explained why various states decided to shut down the vote counting in
the middle of the night.
[insert from: “Our witness….” To: “… and changed the numbers.}
Then she was asked if the certification by Georgia would stand.
[insert from: “…
I’m still reporting from just outside






































20200712 3134, COMMENTS, COMMENTS, 3134

























































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