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Bürgenstock Resort Lake Lucerne

CH-6363 Obbürgen

+41 (0) 41 612 60 00 information@burgenstockresort.com


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Scenic Suites
Enjoy up to CHF 200 credit per night for ultimate dining or spa experiences.
Book now
Summer for the Senses
Awaken your senses this summer. Inhale pure alpine air and revitalise in our Sky
High Yoga & Brunch session. Harmonise your Qi energy and try the multi-sensory
Napshell loungers at the Alpine Spa. Find inspiration with the world’s most
famous spy and our Goldfinger anniversary series. This summer, escape to our
super sensory mountainside.
Summer for the Senses
James Bond Month
Goldfinger Dinner
Waldhotel Stay & Dine
Our Hotels
Bürgenstock Resort Lake Lucerne is a spectacular landscape destination on a
mountain ridge 500 metres above Lake Lucerne. Our resort’s three hotels and
residences are acclaimed for breathtaking designs that immerse you in the Alpine

Bürgenstock Hotel & Alpine Spa 211 rooms of sky-high luxury, ten restaurants,
lounges and bars and one of the world’s most fabulous spas. Choose between The
Contemporary and The Heritage. Discover More

Waldhotel Health & Wellbeing Sustainable architecture connects you to the
healing power of nature at every opportunity. A place to focus on life’s two
essentials, your health and wellbeing. Discover More

Taverne 1879 Taverne 1879 presents 12 cozy double rooms meticulously crafted in
the authentic Swiss chalet style. Discover More

Bürgenstock Residences Architecturally stunning homes served by exceptional
Swiss hospitality, with panoramic Alpine views. A discreet location 500 metres
above Lake Lucerne. Discover More

Our Resort

Spanning over 60 hectares, the Bürgenstock Resort Lake Lucerne is a luxury
resort destination hosting guests from all over the world over-viewing majestic
sceneries of Lake Lucerne and the Alps.
Discover our Resort
Residence Suites Panorama
Residence Suites Diamond Domes Bürgenstock
Alpine Spa Bürgenstock Hotel & Alpine Spa
The Contemporary Bürgenstock Hotel & Alpine Spa
The Heritage Taverne 1879 Waldhotel
Health & Wellbeing
All restaurants and bars
Discover more

Spices Kitchen & Terrace Restaurant Spices Kitchen & Terrace with its Asian
cuisine brings authentic flavours from Japan, China, India and Thailand to the
heart of Switzerland with 16 Gault & Millau points. Discover More

Oak Grill & Pool Patio The Oak Grill Restaurant, awarded with 14 Gault & Millau
points, celebrates "Farm-to-Table from Nose-to-Tail". Our fine wood-fired grill
imparts exclusive flavours to Swiss gourmet meats. Discover More

Brasserie Ritzcoffier Exclusively available for private functions & events.
Discover More

Parisa - Persian Cuisine Parisa offers authentic Persian dining experience with
classic flavors expertly represented in vibrant and unique ways. An experience
that makes the everyday feel special and the special feel magnificent. Discover

Lakeview Bar & Cigar Lounge Let your gaze drift into the distance from the
Lakeview Bar & Cigar Lounge s floor-to-ceiling panoramic windows overlooking
Lake Lucerne and enjoy lobby favourites classics and exquisite afternoon tea in
addition to our Signature Cocktails, inspired by the many illustrious guests of
the long history of Bürgenstock. Discover More

Osteria Alpina Terrazza Nestled in an idyllic Alpine setting, surrounded by fir
trees, undulated meadows and a finely groomed golf course, the Italian
restaurant Osteria Alpina Terrazza creates a variety of soulful dishes. Discover

Seven Kitchens at Verbena Restaurant & Bar Discover More

Taverne 1879 At the Restaurant Taverne 1879 at Bürgenstock Resort Lake Lucerne,
you can expect hearty food, personal service and rustic charm in this historic
Swiss chalet restaurant. Swissness at its best. Discover More

A World of Spa
Two luxury spas make your stay a special retreat. Enjoy the peace and seclusion
of our exclusive spa resort location.
Discover Spa

Discover offers

Activities Bürgenstock Sunrise - Hammetschwand Lift CHF 47 Discover more

Spa Dr Burgener Treatments From CHF 315 Discover more

Spa Biologique Recherche Facials From CHF 280 Discover more

Spa Dr. Barbara Sturm Facials From CHF 270 Discover more

Spa 111SKIN Treatments From CHF 270 Discover more

Spa AMRA Treatments From CHF 450 Discover more

Spa KOS Paris Treatments From CHF 260 Discover more

Activities Bürgenstock Resort Lake Lucerne Gift Voucher From CHF 25 Discover

Rooms & Suites Golf & Stay From CHF 1,443 Discover more

Rooms & Suites Tennis & Stay From CHF 1,500 Discover more

Rooms & Suites Regeneration Retreat From CHF 1,800 Discover more

Rooms & Suites Spirit of Bürgenstock From CHF 780 Discover more

Dining Signature Peking Duck at Spices Kitchen & Terrace From CHF 385 Discover

Rooms & Suites Diamonds & Romance From CHF 2,950 Discover more

Rooms & Suites Family Getaway From CHF 1,300 Discover more

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Sign up for our news, deals and 

special offers.

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Bürgenstock Resort Lake Lucerne

CH-6363 Obbürgen

+41 (0) 41 612 60 00 information@burgenstockresort.com

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