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Covid-19 suddenly made widespread maintenance, transmission and receipt of
protected health information (PHI) by people working remotely from home a new
reality – and exposed that PHI to significant HIPAA breach risks. Protocols to
protect PHI during remote work had to be developed quickly on the fly with
little time to train or properly equip workforce members. It’s not surprising
that many remote work HIPAA protocols are incomplete and slapdash patchworks
because covered entities faced unprecedented patient surges and focused on
meeting vital patient care obligations. Business associates had to continue
serving covered entities while quickly hit by unexpected stay-at-home orders and
social distancing requirements in the office.

Remote work is not going away. Employers discovered they can save money by
having some jobs performed remotely at least part-time and the new Omicron
Coronavirus strain piling quickly on the Delta Coronavirus strain is sending
people back home again or delaying their return to the office. Surveys indicate
remote work will continue to grow when the pandemic ends but privacy and
security data protections are still inadequate.

This webinar summarizes remote work HIPAA compliance lessons learned during the


Attend this webinar to see how your remote work PHI safeguards measure up to
hard-learned best practices throughout the healthcare industry. Cyber-criminal
attacks on the healthcare industry have increased dramatically during the
pandemic. PHI in remote workplaces is low-hanging fruit for criminals and
unsecure remote workplaces give criminals access to the wider organization.
Remote work is not going away – so make sure to protect PHI maintained,
transmitted, created and received by remote workforce members.


 * The New Normal in Healthcare
   * Remote Work
   * Hybrid – Remote and Office Workplaces
 * HIPAA Rules for Remote Work
   * Key Privacy and Security Rule Safeguards
 * Remote Work Protocols
   * Securing the Remote Workplace
   * Remote Workforce Guidelines
   * Remote Work Technology Considerations


 * Health Care Provider compliance officials
 * Health Plan compliance officials
 * Business Associate compliance officials
 * Covered entity and business associate C-suite and board of director members
   responsible for HIPAA compliance and data privacy oversight
 * In-house and outside health law counsel



Paul R. Hales, J.D. is widely recognized for his expert knowledge and ability to
explain the HIPAA Rules clearly in plain language. Paul is an attorney licensed
to practice before the Supreme Court of the United States and a graduate of
Columbia University Law School with an international practice in HIPAA privacy
and security. He is the author of all content in The HIPAA E-Tool®, an
Internet-based, complete HIPAA compliance solution with separate editions for
Covered Entities, Business Associates, Health Plans and Third Party

Venue: Recorded Webinar


 *  * Recorded Webinar + Presentation $99.00

HIPAA Compliance for Remote Workers – Recorded Webinar + Presentation quantity
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Compliance Webinars
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The session will provide an overview of the Federal Civil False Claims Act (FCA)
and how it works. It will also provide an assessment of enforcement activities,
showing how healthcare providers may be at risk. In addition, the session will
review recent cases and show how they potentially impact healthcare providers.
We will start with a review of the Federal False Claims Act and discuss how it
works and how it is being used to fight health care fraud. We will discuss how
the various health care fraud task forces use the Federal False Claims Act and
its whistleblower provisions to identify and prosecute health care fraud. The
webinar will take the Federal False Claims Act apart and show step by step how
an action is filed, how the government responds and how the courts interpret
various elements of the Act. We will discuss proof, damages under the Act and
how the whistleblower is rewarded for bringing a successful case. The session
will also provide an overview of the Anti-Kickback Statute (AKS) and review what
it prohibits, as well as a general review the AKS available safe harbors. It
will also show how violation of the AKS can raise FCA concerns, and it will
provide an assessment of enforcement activities, showing how participants may be
at risk. In addition, the session will review recent cases and show how they
potentially impact participants. We will provide an in-depth review of the AKS,
focusing on what is prohibited under the Act and what the exceptions are. We
will also review the case law, particularly the early case law that sets the
stage and basis for how the courts interpret the law. We will also review the
changes made to both the False Claims Act and the AntiKickback Statute made by
the Affordable Care Act. Finally, the webinar will review various cases to show
how easy it is to run afoul of the Statute, and how the courts view compliance
with it. In addition, we will discuss the latest updates to both the False
Claims Act and the Anti-Kickback Statute. Who Can Benefit Hospital executives,
particularly CEOs, COOs, CFOs, CNOs, and CMOs,  Other healthcare provider
executives, Healthcare provider board members, Attorneys representing health
care providers and practitioners, and Chief compliance officers. Background
Recent cases and/or enforcement actions involving the FCA raise serious concerns
regarding compliance issues with hospital, physician practices and other
healthcare entities. Recoveries under the FCA are at an all-time high, and the
percentage of actions involving healthcare organizations has been increasing at
exponential rates. Why Should You Attend This session is designed for healthcare
executives, attorneys and consultants who advise health care executives and
others who want to learn about the False Claims Act. The health care executive,
physician or other health care provider, should be very concerned about the
potential for enforcement actions under the FCA. This is important because under
recently enacted health care laws, enforcement and health care fraud task forces
have been greatly enhanced. Recovery under the FCA last year resulted in over
$3.1 billion being recovered for the federal government, $24.2 billion since the
law was revised to make it more relator friendly in 1986. In FY 2020, the
Department of Justice (DOJ) opened 1,148 new criminal health care fraud
investigations. Federal prosecutors filed criminal charges in 412 cases
involving 679 defendants. A total of 440 defendants were convicted of health
care fraud related crimes during the year. Also, in FY 2020, DOJ opened 1,079
new civil health care fraud investigations and had 1,498 civil health care fraud
matters pending at the end of the fiscal year. Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI) investigative efforts resulted in over 407 operational disruptions of
criminal fraud organizations and the dismantlement of the criminal hierarchy of
more than 101 health care fraud criminal enterprises. In FY 2020, investigations
conducted by HHS’s Office of Inspector General (HHS-OIG) resulted in 578
criminal actions against individuals or entities that engaged in crimes related
to Medicare and Medicaid, and 781 civil actions, which include false claims and
unjust-enrichment lawsuits filed in federal district court, civil monetary
penalties (CMP) settlements, and administrative recoveries related to provider
selfdisclosure matters. HHS-OIG also excluded 2,148 individuals and entities
from participation in Medicare, Medicaid, and other federal health care
programs. Since 1986, whistleblowers have been awarded nearly $4 billion and
whistleblowers are where a majority of the FCA suits originate. Several recent
cases involving healthcare providers have resulted in huge settlements. If that
is not enough to get your attention, consider the recent cases finding that the
“responsible corporate officer doctrine” allows the government to hold hospital
CEOs and others directly responsible for the fraud. In a recent case, executives
paid $1 million to settle allegations of fraud and were excluded from
participation in federal health care programs. You will want to attend this
webinar to learn how to protect your healthcare providers. Objectives of the
Presentation Provide attendees with an understanding of the Federal False Claims
Act. Provide a perspective of how the courts and the Department of Justice (DOJ)
view compliance with the Federal False Claims Act. Discuss recent enforcement
actions taken by the DOJ. Show how the courts deal with violations of the
Federal False Claims Act. Areas Covered in the Presentation A review of the
Federal False Claims Act, its history, how it works, its proof requirements,
pleading requirements and damages. New enforcement actions and penalties under
the Affordable Care Act. A review of recent cases involving the False Claims

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Compliance Webinars
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The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) provides us with two
Conditions of Participation that apply to the work of case management
professionals. These include the Conditions of Participation for Discharge
Planning and the Conditions of Participation for Utilization Review. This
webinar will focus on these rules as they apply to the role of utilization
review.  In order for case management departments to be compliant with these
regulations, RN and social work case managers must understand these ‘rules of
the road’ for utilization review and work within their boundaries. In this
jam-packed program you will learn how to stream-line your utilization management
process as well as understand the Conditions of Participation for Utilization
Review and how they impact on your work as a case manager. We will discuss the
differences between utilization review and utilization management. The process
for incorporating medical necessity into the process of utilization management
will be explained. This will be followed by a discussion of the compliance
components for utilization review including the utilization management plan, the
utilization management committee, Condition Code 44, and the two-midnight rule.
How to incorporate the two-midnight rule into your utilization management
process. Also explained will be the various types of clinical reviews performed
by the case manager. The various types of Hospital-Issued Notices of
Non-Coverage (HINNs) will be described with examples of how they are used. You
will learn whether or not your utilization management committee is effective and
compliant. Webinar Objectives Learn what medical necessity is and how it applies
to utilization management. Learn how to effectively complete a clinical review.
Understand the compliance issues related to utilization management and how they
apply to your daily practice. Discuss utilization at all hospital access points
Review the various required documents to be shared with patients and families
Describe the utilization committee and a utilization management plan Webinar
Highlights The differences between utilization review and utilization management
The definition of medical necessity How to balance financial and clinical
medical necessity Compliance as it relates to utilization management Conditions
of participation for utilization review Components of a compliant utilization
review plan Components of a compliant utilization review committee Condition
Code 44 Provider Liable Guidelines for utilization review surveys Guidelines for
admission and continued stays Clinical aspects affecting medical necessity Three
types of utilization management Utilization management and access point case
management Sample utilization management reports The two-midnight rule and
utilization management Hospital Issued Notices of Non-Coverage – HINNs Denial
management as a component of utilization management Who Should Attend Director
of Case Management Director of Social Work Case Managers Social Workers Vice
President of Case Management Physician Advisor Emergency Department physicians
Directors of Nursing Directors of Compliance Directors of Finance Directors of

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Compliance Webinars
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This program will provide a foundation of knowledge and understanding of the DRG
system used as the structure for reimbursement under the Medicare and Medicaid
programs. Included in this will be a review of the DRG relative weights, case
mix index and expected lengths of stay. Medical record coding will be explained
in the context of how hospitals get reimbursed. This will be followed by a
discussion of managed care and managed care contracting as well as the various
managed care products currently on the market. Also, included will be a
discussion on bundled payments and what case management professionals need to
know to assist their organizations in controlling cost and length of stay in a
bundled payment environment where patients may access care and use resources at
any touch point on the continuum. A review of the state of the art in case
management from both the acute care and community sides will also be discussed
as well as the emerging trends that correlate directly with changes in health
care reimbursement over time. Webinar Objectives Understand the components of
the Medicare Prospective Payment System including DRGs and its relevance to case
management. Describe value-based purchasing and case management. Review the
elements of bundled payments including managing cost and length of stay Discuss
managed care contracting. Understand how Case Management can be applied across
the continuum and how reimbursement has shaped those trends. Webinar Highlights
Diagnosis related groups (DRG) Medicare Medicaid Managed care definition Managed
care contracting Case rate, per diem and % of charges contracts Managed care
products Bundled payments – Mandatory and voluntary Managing cost across the
continuum Who Should Attend RN Case Managers Social Workers Directors of Case
Management Directors of Social Work Post-Acute Care Providers Home Care
Physician Advisors Directors of Finance Hospitalists Directors of Nursing

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Compliance Webinars
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This webinar covers the following objectives regarding medical records
requirements and Medicare’s unique record keeping requirements: To identify
sources of legal and contractual requirements for the retention and disposition
of medical records; To understand different requirements and applications of
retention and disposition of electronic medical records; To review examples of
what information is mandated by state laws to be included in a medical record;
To distinguish between medical records requirements of a health care facility
versus medical records requirements of a specific health care practitioner; To
know about professional wills and business succession plans for the health care
practitioner, including solo practice and group or facility practice; To
describe how to make revisions to closed medical records, and; To cover
Medicare’s medical records requirements. Individual health care practitioners in
private practice and medical records directors at health care facilities may be
confused on how long to retain medical records in a complex health services
environment with many different health care practitioners. If or when a length
of time is established, the practitioners and directors need to know whether and
how to dispose of medical records. For example, does having digital records
require records to be kept indefinitely, or does it simply allow it? Even if you
can keep a medical record indefinitely in an electronic format, is it wise to do
so? There are differing and conflicting sources of requirements for the
retention and disposition of medical records, which may vary based upon the
specific health care practitioner. Attendees will review special rules existing
regarding the confidentiality, security, retention, and disposition of
electronic medical records. Attendees to this webinar will learn to identify and
apply these differing and conflicting rules with respect to the specific health
care practitioner, the specific health care facility practice, and the emerging
rules and regulations for electronic medical records confidentiality, security,
and disposition. This advanced webinar also educates Medicare health care
providers, including physicians, non-physician practitioners, hospitals, other
health care providers, and suppliers on the updated federal regulations for
medical record keeping. This webinar gives information on updated documentation
maintenance and access requirements for billing services to Medicare patients.
This webinar also answers how long to keep the documentation and who is
responsible for providing access.

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