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urlscan Pro
Public Scan
Submitted URL: http://www.glennblightdental.com.au/ints.php
Effective URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
Submission Tags: phishing malicious Search All
Submission: On December 10 via api from NL — Scanned from AU
Effective URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
Submission Tags: phishing malicious Search All
Submission: On December 10 via api from NL — Scanned from AU
Form analysis
6 forms found in the DOM/w/index.php
<form action="/w/index.php" id="searchform" class="cdx-search-input cdx-search-input--has-end-button">
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d="M18.462 10.765c-1.923.222-2.776 2.077-2.961 2.553a.043.043 0 1 1-.087 0c-.185-.476-1.039-2.33-2.962-2.553-1.28-.155-3.66.513-3.66 3.95 0 4.329 6.251 7.797 6.647 8.038a.037.037 0 0 0 .037 0c.396-.216 6.647-3.666 6.647-8.038 0-3.437-2.38-4.105-3.66-3.95Z">
</svg> Thanks for your generous support
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<label for="frb-amt-ps1" class="frb-radio-label">$2.75</label>
<input class="frb-radio" name="amount" type="radio" id="frb-amt-ps2" value="15">
<label for="frb-amt-ps2" class="frb-radio-label">$15</label>
<input class="frb-radio" name="amount" type="radio" id="frb-amt-ps3" value="25">
<label for="frb-amt-ps3" class="frb-radio-label">$25</label>
<input class="frb-radio" name="amount" type="radio" id="frb-amt-ps4" value="50">
<label for="frb-amt-ps4" class="frb-radio-label">$50</label>
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<label for="frb-amt-ps5" class="frb-radio-label">$100</label>
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<label for="frb-amt-ps6" class="frb-radio-label">$250</label>
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<label for="frb-amt-ps7" class="frb-radio-label">$500</label>
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<label for="frb-amt-other-input" class="frb-amt-other-label sr-only">Other</label>
<div class="frb-ptf frb-checkbox-wrapper" style="display: none;">
<input class="frb-checkbox" type="checkbox" name="ptf" id="frb-ptf-checkbox" value="true" onclick="frb.updateFeeDisplay();">
<label class="frb-checkbox-label" for="frb-ptf-checkbox">I'll generously add <span class="frb-ptf-fee frb-replaced">a little</span> to cover the transaction fees so you can keep 100% of my donation.</label>
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<div class="frb-payment-options">
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<span class="frb-pm-cc-label">Credit / Debit Card</span>
<span class="frb-cc-logo-wrapper">
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d="M156.6 73.5v-1.2h.5V72h-1.2v.2h.5v1.2h.2zm2.4 0V72h-.4l-.4 1-.4-1h-.4v1.5h.3v-1.1l.4.9h.3l.4-.9v1.1h.2zm1.2-23.2c0 20.6-16.6 37.3-37.1 37.3-8.3 0-16.4-2.8-22.9-8 16.1-12.7 18.9-36.2 6.2-52.4-1.8-2.3-3.9-4.4-6.2-6.3 16.1-12.7 39.4-9.9 52.1 6.3 5.1 6.6 7.9 14.8 7.9 23.1z">
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia WELCOME TO WIKIPEDIA , the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit. 6,922,064 articles in English FROM TODAY'S FEATURED ARTICLE Shovel Knight Showdown is a 2019 fighting video game developed and published by Yacht Club Games. It is an add-on to the platform game Shovel Knight. Players battle using one fighter among twenty characters, each with various movesets and fighting styles. Modes include "Treasure Clash", to collect the most gems, and a "free for all" battle to death. In story mode, a single player battles against AI-controlled opponents across several stages before facing a boss. Completing this mode with each fighter allows the player to unlock new stages and characters. Yacht Club Games envisioned Showdown as a small minigame similar to modes in Mega Man 7 (1995) and Super Mario Bros. 3 (1988). The developers gradually built a more expansive title which they compared to a party game. Showdown was released for Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and Wii U on December 10, 2019. It received average reviews on release, with praise towards its characters and multiplayer gameplay, but many reviewers criticized the single-player mode for its difficulty balancing. (Full article...) Recently featured: * Golding Bird * "You Belong with Me" * Wilfred Arthur * Archive * By email * More featured articles * About DID YOU KNOW ... Head of the God of Amiens * ... that the God of Amiens (head pictured) seems to have lost his serpent? * ... that Bob Hobman recreated a possible sea journey by Paleolithic humans after 130,000-year-old tools were found on the island of Crete? * ... that Aucklanders have a reputation for making false earthquake reports on New Zealand's earthquake monitoring website GeoNet? * ... that in his first electoral victory, Aaron Kennedy defeated the premier of New Brunswick? * ... that "Vanishing" is the first song that Mariah Carey produced by herself? * ... that Kenneth Creer supported applying cosmology to geological problems? * ... that during World War II, Soviet atrocities against prisoners of war included the murder of tens of thousands of Polish soldiers in the Katyn massacre? * ... that basketball player Charel Allen was a five-time Bulgarian Cup champion despite knowing only a few words of Bulgarian? * ... that coconut cups were believed to have medical benefits? * Archive * Start a new article * Nominate an article IN THE NEWS Bashar al-Assad * Syrian rebel forces capture Damascus following multiple offensives as overthrown president Bashar al-Assad (pictured) flees to Russia. * Notre-Dame de Paris reopens following reconstruction after the 2019 fire. * The first round of the Romanian presidential election is annulled by the Constitutional Court following allegations of Russian electoral interference. * The French government, led by Michel Barnier, collapses following a vote of no confidence by the National Assembly. Ongoing: * Israel–Hamas war * Israeli invasion of Lebanon * Russian invasion of Ukraine * timeline * Sudanese civil war * timeline Recent deaths: * Michael Ruetz * Paolo Pillitteri * Maggie Tabberer * Kelly Powers * Mohamed Ali Yusuf * Debbie Mathers * Nominate an article ON THIS DAY December 10: Human Rights Day; Nobel Banquet in Stockholm, Sweden Raúl Alfonsín * 1508 – The Papal States, France, Aragon and the Holy Roman Empire formed the League of Cambrai, an alliance against the Republic of Venice. * 1848 – Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte won France's first presidential election, and was elected as the first and only president of the French Second Republic. * 1901 – On the fifth anniversary of the death of their founder, Swedish chemist and industrialist Alfred Nobel, the first Nobel Prizes were awarded in Stockholm. * 1970 – Around the northern Thai village of Mae Salong, remnants of Chinese anti-communist forces now fighting on behalf of the Thai government launched a five-year campaign against local communist insurgents. * 1983 – Raúl Alfonsín (pictured) became the first democratically elected president of Argentina to take office after more than seven years of military dictatorship. * Stede Bonnet (d. 1718) * María Bibiana Benítez (b. 1783) * Diane Schuur (b. 1953) * Lalji Singh (d. 2017) More anniversaries: * December 9 * December 10 * December 11 * Archive * By email * List of days of the year * About TODAY'S FEATURED PICTURE Kitt Peak National Observatory is a United States astronomical observatory located on Kitt Peak in the Quinlan Mountains, 55 miles (88 km) southwest of Tucson, Arizona, in the Sonoran Desert and the Tohono Oʼodham Nation. With more than twenty optical telescopes and two radio telescopes, it is one of the largest gatherings of astronomical instruments in the Northern Hemisphere. The observatory was founded in 1958, and was administered by the National Optical Astronomy Observatory from the early 1980s until 2019, after which it has been overseen by NOIRLab. This photograph, titled A Breeze of Color, shows a portion of Kitt Peak National Observatory at sunset, and was taken as part of a 2022 photographic expedition to all the NOIRLab sites. Photograph credit: Tomáš Slovinský Recently featured: * Leucojum vernum * Jean Ritchie * Ugandan kob * Archive * More featured pictures OTHER AREAS OF WIKIPEDIA * Community portal – The central hub for editors, with resources, links, tasks, and announcements. * Village pump – Forum for discussions about Wikipedia itself, including policies and technical issues. * Site news – Sources of news about Wikipedia and the broader Wikimedia movement. * Teahouse – Ask basic questions about using or editing Wikipedia. * Help desk – Ask questions about using or editing Wikipedia. * Reference desk – Ask research questions about encyclopedic topics. * Content portals – A unique way to navigate the encyclopedia. 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