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Effective URL: https://www.yahoo.com/
Submission: On October 16 via manual from JP — Scanned from JP
Effective URL: https://www.yahoo.com/
Submission: On October 16 via manual from JP — Scanned from JP
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Election board passed new rule in Sept. » * SYDNEY SWEENEY LOOKS UNRECOGNIZABLE AS SHE TRANSFORMS FOR NEW ROLE * FORMER MTV VJ ANANDA LEWIS: CANCER SPREAD AFTER I CHOSE TO 'KEEP MY TUMOR' * NCAA MULLS ACTION AFTER OREGON EXPLOITS LOOPHOLE IN WIN OVER OHIO STATE * A LA NIÑA WINTER IS COMING. HERE'S WHAT THAT COULD MEAN FOR THE U.S. * PARENTS SUE SON'S HIGH SCHOOL AFTER HE WAS PUNISHED FOR USING AI ON PAPER STORIES FOR YOU * Business·CNN Business TRUE VALUE DECLARES BANKRUPTCY AND SELLS ITSELF TO A HARDWARE RIVAL True Value, a 75-year old hardware store brand, has filed for bankruptcy and is selling substantially all of its operations to a rival, the company announced Monday. 2.8K·2 min read Thanks for your feedback! Hero Wars· AdAd 新たなヒーローが登場 [今すぐプレイ] Undo * Why this ad? * I don't like this ad * Go ad-free* * Celebrity·LA Times THIS 71-YEAR-OLD POLE DANCER DEFIES EXPECTATIONS — AND GRAVITY — IN AGE-OBSESSED L.A. Mary Serritella started pole dancing at 57. Fourteen years later she's inspiring others who are decades her junior. 1.5K·9 min read Thanks for your feedback! * Celebrity·Variety AL PACINO ACTED IN MOVIES HE DIDN’T ‘RELATE’ TO AT 70 YEARS OLD JUST FOR THE MONEY: ‘I WAS BROKE. I HAD $50 MILLION AND THEN I HAD NOTHING’ Al Pacino writes in his recently-published memoir “Sonny Boy” that he was forced to make dramatic career changes after losing all of his money due to a corrupt accountant who eventually served seven and a half years in prison for running a Ponzi scheme. The accountant mismanaged the Oscar winner’s funds, bringing Pacino’s savings from … 438·4 min read Thanks for your feedback! * Style·WWD CHER MARRIES EDGY AND SPARKLING EMBELLISHMENTS IN OFF-WHITE WITH BOYFRIEND ALEXANDER EDWARDS FOR VICTORIA’S SECRET FASHION SHOW 2024 RED CARPET Cher is no stranger to the runway after modeling in Balmain's spring 2023 show. 91·2 min read Thanks for your feedback! * Celebrity·Entertainment Weekly KRISTIN CAVALLARI 'WHOLEHEARTEDLY' BELIEVES KANYE WEST AND BRITNEY SPEARS HAVE BEEN CLONED: 'DON'T CANCEL ME!' She just wants to keep her podcast. 23·2 min read Thanks for your feedback! Lifestyletrendshq· AdAd 千葉の空き家を処分中 - 衝撃価格の物件一覧 Undo * Why this ad? * I don't like this ad * Go ad-free* * Technology·Tom's Hardware ELON MUSK SET UP 100,000 NVIDIA H200 GPUS IN 19 DAYS - JENSEN SAYS PROCESS NORMALLY TAKES 4 YEARS Elon Musk and the team behind xAI purportedly setup a total of 100,000 H200 Nvidia GPUs in just 19 days. That's a feat that should have taken four years to complete. 324·2 min read Thanks for your feedback! * US·WGHP Greensboro MAN ACCUSED OF THREATENING FEMA WORKERS IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA SPEAKS OUT (WGHP) — Recovery efforts in western North Carolina are being disrupted by safety concerns following threats against federal responders, including FEMA workers. While local officials confirm that no threats originated in some counties, FEMA has made operational changes across the region out of caution. FEMA teams continue to help residents register for disaster assistance, but […] 686·4 min read Thanks for your feedback! * Something went wrong. Try again. Refresh Page TRENDING NOW 1.Trump Dancing At Rally 2.San Francisco 49ers 3.Brooks Nader 4.Russia-Ukraine War 5.New York Yankees 6.Cher 7.Cruz Allred Debate 8.Argentina vs. Bolivia 9.Gold Price Increase 10.Rufus Wainwright Hallelujah WEATHER TOKYO View your Locations Remove from favorite locations Detect my locationView your LocationsPlease enable location service for your browser * Enter City or Zipcode * TodayRain with a high of 78 °F (25.6 °C) and a 63% chance of precipitation. Winds variable at 7 to 9 mph (11.3 to 14.5 kph). 82°70° ThuMostly sunny today with a high of 80 °F (26.7 °C) and a low of 68 °F (20 °C). 80°68° FriMostly cloudy today with a high of 80 °F (26.7 °C) and a low of 69 °F (20.6 °C). 80°69° SatShowers today with a high of 82 °F (27.8 °C) and a low of 58 °F (14.4 °C). 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