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 * Support
 * Dokumentation
 * Contact Us

 * Home
 * Documentation
    * Login With Amazon for Android/Fire apps
    * Login With Amazon for IOS apps
    * Login With Amazon for Websites
    * Login With Amazon for TVs, Gaming, Other device
    * Style Guidelines
    * Button Guidelines
    * Solution-Providers
    * FAQ
    * Glossary

 * Login with Amazon Console

 * Support
    * Support
    * Dokumentation
    * Contact Us

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Login with Amazon (LWA)

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 * Login with Amazon Overview
   * Documentation Overview
   * Release Notes
   * Frequently Asked Questions
   * Glossary
 * LWA for Websites
   * LWA for Websites Overview
   * Step 1: Register your Website
   * Step 2: Add a LWA Button
   * Step 3: Add the LWA SDK for JavaScript
   * Step 4: Implement Authorization Code Grant
   * Step 5: Dynamically Redirect Users
   * Step 6: Obtain Customer Profile Information
   * Step 7: Log out Users
   * Step 8: Integrate with your Existing Account System
   * Reference LWA SDK Docs for JavaScript
   * Requesting Scopes as Essential/Voluntary
 * LWA for iOS Apps
   * Login with Amazon for iOS Apps Overview
   * Customer Experience in iOS Apps
   * Step 1: Install the SDK for iOS
   * Step 2: Run the Sample app
   * Step 3: Register your iOS app with LWA
   * Step 4: Create a LWA Project
   * Step 5: Add a LWA Button to your App
   * Step 6: Use the SDK for iOS APIs
   * Step 7: Integrate with your Existing Account System
   * Reference SDK Docs for LWA iOS
   * Login with Amazon SDK for iOS 3.0.x Migration Guide
   * Login with Amazon SDK for iOS 3.1.x Migration Guide
 * LWA for Android and Fire Apps
   * LWA for Android and Fire Apps Overview
   * Customer Experience in Android and Fire Apps
   * Step 1: Install the SDK for Android
   * Step 2: Run the Sample app
   * Step 3: Register your Android/Fire app
   * Step 4: Create a LWA Project
   * Step 5: Add a LWA Button to your app
   * Step 6: Use the SDK for Android APIs
   * Step 7: Integrate with your Existing Account System
   * Reference LWA SDK Docs for Android
   * Login with Amazon SDK for Android 3.x Migration Guide
 * LWA for TVs and Other Devices
   * LWA for TVs and Other Devices Overview
   * Step 1: Register your Application
   * Step 2: Retrieve a User Code and Verification URL
   * Step 3: Display the User Code and Verification URL
   * Step 4: Retrieve an Access Token and Refresh Token
   * Step 5: Obtain Customer Profile Information
   * Step 6: Log out Users
   * Step 7: Integrate with your Existing Account System
 * Understanding LWA
   * LWA Conceptual Overview
   * Access Tokens
   * Authorization Code
   * Refresh Tokens
   * Customer Profile
   * Authorization Grants
   * Security Profile
   * Essential/Voluntary Scopes
 * Security Considerations
   * Cross-site Request Forgery
   * Impersonating a Resource Owner
   * Open Redirectors
   * Code Injections
   * Risks for Using WebView for Mobile Applications
 * Resources for Buttons, Styles, Providers
   * Button Guidelines
   * Style Guidelines
   * Solution Providers
   * Plugins
 * Older Documentation
   * Implicit Grant (Deprecated)
   * Choose an Authorization Grant
   * Use the Login with Amazon SDK for Android APIs (v2.0.2 and below)
   * Use the Login with Amazon SDK for iOS APIs (v2.1.2 and below)


Other Resources
 * LWA Product Overview
 * LWA Forums
 * Amazon Blogs with LWA tags
 * Fire TV
 * Catalog Integration
 * Fire Tablets
 * Appstore Submission
 * App Testing
 * Revenue Reports and Promotions
 * Policy Center
 * Fling SDK
 * In-App Purchasing API
 * Submit Your Apps



Register for LWA
Add a LWA Button to Your Website
Add the LWA SDK for JavaScript
Implement Authorization Code Grant
Dynamically Redirect Users
Obtain Customer Profile Info
Log Out Users
Integrate with Your Account System

Before you can use Login with Amazon on a website, you must register a Security
Profile through the Developer Console. During registration, you’ll be asked to
provide the name of your application, your logo, and a link to your privacy
policy. Users will see this information each time they use Login with Amazon on
your website or mobile app.

 * Create a New Security Profile
 * Enable your Existing Security Profile for Login with Amazon
 * Add your Website to your Security Profile
 * Delete your Security Profile


Skip this section if you have already created a security profile in the Amazon
Developer Console.

 1. Visit
    You will be asked to login to the Developer Console, which handles
    application registration for Login with Amazon. If this is your first time
    using the Developer Console, you will be asked to set up an account.

 2. Click Create a New Security Profile. This will take you to the Security
    Profile Management page.
    1. Enter a Name and a Description for your security profile. A security
       profile associates user data and security credentials with one or more
       related apps. The Name is the name displayed on the consent screen when
       users agree to share information with your application. This name applies
       to Android, iOS, and website versions of your application.
    2. You must enter a Consent Privacy Notice URL for your application. The
       Privacy Notice URL is the location of your company or application's
       privacy policy (for example, This
       link is displayed to users on the consent screen. It applies to Android,
       iOS, and website versions of your application.
    3. If you want to add a Consent Logo Image for your application, click
       Upload Image. This logo is displayed on the sign-in and consent screen to
       represent your business or website. It applies to Android, iOS, and
       website versions of your application. The logo will be shrunk to 50
       pixels in height if it is taller than 50 pixels; there is no limitation
       on the width of the logo.

 3. Click Save. Your security profile should look similar to this:


Skip this section if you used the instructions above to create a new security
profile. Security profiles created using the instructions above are already
enabled for Login with Amazon.

 1. Visit
    You will be asked to login to the Developer Console.

 2. Click Select a security profile, then choose your security profile from the
    drop-down menu.

 3. Click the Confirm button that appears to the right.

 4. A form appears, where you must enter consent screen information.

 5. You must enter a Consent Privacy Notice URL for your application. The
    Privacy Notice URL is the location of your company or application's privacy
    policy (for example, This link is
    displayed to users on the consent screen. It applies to Android, iOS, and
    website versions of your application.

 6. If you want to add a Consent Logo Image for your application, click Upload
    Image. This logo is displayed on the sign-in and consent screen to represent
    your business or website. It applies to Android, iOS, and website versions
    of your application. The logo will be shrunk to 50 pixels in height if it is
    taller than 50 pixels; there is no limitation on the width of the logo.

 7. Click Save. The screen will refresh, and show a message underneath the
    Confirm button that states: "Login with Amazon successfully enabled for
    security profile".


After creating a security profile (or) enabling an existing security profile for
login with amazon on the Developer Console, you can add settings for specific
websites and mobile apps that will use Login with Amazon with that profile.
Follow these steps to add a website to your profile:

 1. Visit
 2. Go to the Web Settings of the security profile that you want to use for your
    1. Locate the security profile you want to modify from the table.
    2. Hover over the button shown in the Manage column.
    3. Select the Web Settings menu item. Note: If your desired security profile
       is not shown in the table, it is not yet enabled for Login with Amazon.
       In this case, use the drop-down menu above the table to Select a Security
       Profile, then click Confirm. You'll be required to enter a Consent
       Privacy Notice URL and optionally select a Consent Logo Image, both of
       which will be displayed on the sign-in and consent screens. If you don't
       have an existing security profile for your app, see Create a New Security
 3. Click Edit.
 4. To use Login with Amazon with a website, you must specify either Allowed
    Origins or Allowed Return URLs. Specify Allowed Origins to provide a popup
    authentication experience to your users, or Allowed Return URLs to provide a
    redirect authentication experience.
    * If your website will use the Login with Amazon SDK for JavaScript, add
      your website origin to Allowed Origins. An origin is the combination of
      protocol, domain name, and port (for example, Allowed Origins must use the HTTPS
      protocol. If you are using a standard port (port 80 or port 443) you need
      only include the domain name (for example,
      Adding your domain here allows the Login with Amazon SDK for JavaScript to
      communicate with your website directly during the login process. Web
      browsers normally block cross-origin communication between scripts unless
      the script specifically allows it.
    * If your website will be making HTTPS calls to the Login with Amazon
      authorization service and specifying a redirect_uri for replies, add those
      redirect URIs to Allowed Return URLs. The return URL includes the
      protocol, domain, path, and query string(s) (for example,
 5. Click Save. Your security profile should look similar to this:


If needed, you can delete any security profile not associated with an app
distributed through the Amazon Appstore. Navigate to the Security Profile
Management page, select a profile, and then click Delete Security Profile. A
confirmation form appears. Type the word delete into the text field then click
Delete to confirm the action.

If a security profile is mistakenly deleted, it’s fully recoverable from the
Security Profile Management page. Click the Show Deleted Security Profiles
button, click on the name of the profile you’d like to restore, then click
Restore Security Profile. A confirmation form appears. Click the Restore button
to recover the security profile, including its Web, Android/Kindle, and iOS


Last updated: Dec 20, 2023

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 * App Distribution Agreement
 * Program Materials License Agreement
 * Mobile Ad Network Publisher Agreement
 * Mobile Ad Network Program Participation Requirements
 * Trademark Guidelines
 * Terms of Use
 * Alexa Voice Service Agreement


 * Amazon Fire TV
 * Fire Tablets
 * Fire OS & Android
 * Cross-Platform Engines


 * Alexa Skills Kit
 * Alexa Voice Service
 * Alexa Fund
 * Amazon Tap


 * Amazon Fling SDK
 * App Testing Service
 * App Submission API
 * Device Messaging
 * In-App Purchasing
 * Live App Testing
 * Login with Amazon
 * Amazon Data Portability
 * Merch by Amazon
 * Mobile Ads


 * Amazon Developer Blog
 * AWS Blog


 * Amazon Developer Support
 * Forums
 * FAQs

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