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                                  <h1 class="font-light">MyFax Features &amp; Services</h1>
                                  <p>MyFax is the most convenient way to send and receive faxes. Whether you're an occasional fax user or the owner of a thriving business, MyFax is packed with tools to help you streamline your business
                                  <p><a class="cta cta-green" href="/pricing" title="Sign Up Now">Sign Up Now</a></p>
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                              <h2 class="font-light">Your Choice of Fax Numbers</h2>
                              <p class="mb-20">MyFax<sup>®</sup> gives you plenty of number options to <a href="https://www.myfax.com/how-myfax-works/get-a-fax-number">get a fax number</a>&nbsp;that's just right for your business, whether it's local,
                                toll free, or international. You can also <a href="https://www.myfax.com/features/port-fax-number">transfer your existing fax number</a>&nbsp;to
                                <a href="/how-myfax-works/fax-without-a-phone-line">eliminate the cost of your landline</a>.</p>
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                                <h4><em class="fa fa-map-marker fa-2x fa-blue"></em>Local Fax Number</h4>
                                <p>Select a fax number with a <a href="/features/fax-numbers" title="Local Area Code">local area code</a> to present the image of a trusted neighborhood business.</p>
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                                <h4><em class="fa fa-tty fa-2x fa-blue"></em>Toll Free Fax Numbers</h4>
                                <p>Choose a <a href="/features/fax-numbers" title="Toll Free Fax Number">toll free fax number</a> if you want to project the image of a larger business. Customers will also be more inclined to contact you because they
                                  know they won't be charged for the call.</p>
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                                <h4><em class="fa fa-fax fa-2x fa-blue"></em>International Fax Numbers</h4>
                                <p>You can select an <a href="/features/fax-numbers" title="International Fax Number">international fax number</a> if you want to establish a presence in one of the dozens of countries around the world where MyFax
                                  offers fax numbers.</p>
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                              <h3 class="mb-20">Included MyFax Features</h3>
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                                <h4><a href="/features/fax-by-email" title="Fax by Email"><em class="fa fa-paper-plane fa-lg fa-blue"></em>Fax by Email</a></h4>
                                <p class="nomargin">MyFax lets you easily send faxes by email. Simply open a new message and attach up to 10 MB of files you want to fax. If you need a cover page, MyFax<sup>®</sup> offers a selection of over 100 free
                                  cover template options to choose from.</p>
                                <a href="/features/fax-by-email" title="Learn More">Learn More <em class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></em></a>
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                                <h4><a href="/features/mobile-app" title="MyFax Mobile App"><em class="fa fa-android fa-lg fa-blue"></em> <em class="fa fa-apple fa-lg fa-blue"></em>MyFax Mobile App</a></h4>
                                <p class="nomargin">The MyFax Mobile App for iOS and Android makes it easy to fax on the go. Our mobile fax app lets you receive, view, and send faxes right from your smartphone. The MyFax Mobile App is available in
                                  the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and is free to use with your MyFax<sup>®</sup> subscription.</p>
                                <a href="/features/mobile-app" title="Learn More">Learn More <em class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></em></a>
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                                <h4><a href="/features/share-with-5" title="Share with 5"><em class="fa fa-share-alt fa-lg fa-blue"></em>Share with 5</a></h4>
                                <p class="nomargin">Send faxes from up to 5 email addresses of your choice. Your colleagues can fax from the same business number using their own email addresses to keep your costs low and still maintain a consistent
                                  professional image. You can also use the Share With 5 capability to fax easily from web-based email services like Gmail when you're on the road and can't access your business email.</p>
                                <a href="/features/share-with-5" title="Learn More">Learn More <em class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></em></a>
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                                <h4><a href="/features/fax-archive" title="Fax Archive"><em class="fa fa-server fa-lg fa-blue"></em> Fax Archive</a></h4>
                                <p class="nomargin">As a MyFax subscriber, digital copies of all your sent and received faxes are stored online for the life of your MyFax account. You can quickly search for your archived faxes by name, date, or fax
                                  number. You can also tag your faxes with keywords to make them easy to find later. Online Fax Archiving means you're one step closer to a paperless office.</p>
                                <a href="/features/fax-archive" title="Learn More">Learn More <em class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></em></a>
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                                <h4><a href="/features/myaccount" title="My Account"><em class="fa fa-cogs fa-lg fa-blue"></em>My Account</a></h4>
                                <p class="nomargin">MyAccount is a simple way to manage all of your faxing needs on a centralized, user-friendly web interface. Your portal gives you convenient online access to all of your MyFax account details
                                  including fax activity reports, account statements, custom cover pages, and your archived faxes.</p>
                                <a href="/features/myaccount" title="Learn More">Learn More <em class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></em></a>
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                                <h4><em class="fa fa-users fa-lg fa-blue"></em>Fax to 50</h4>
                                <p class="nomargin">Fax to 50 is MyFax's convenient multiple-send feature that saves you and your team time. If you need to send the same fax to several recipients, you no longer need to send it more than once. MyFax
                                  lets you send a fax to 50 different fax numbers simultaneously. </p>
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                            <li><a href="/features/port-fax-number" title="Port Your Fax Number">Port Your Fax Number</a></li>
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MyFax is the most convenient way to send and receive faxes. Whether you're an
occasional fax user or the owner of a thriving business, MyFax is packed with
tools to help you streamline your business communications.

Sign Up Now


MyFax® gives you plenty of number options to get a fax number that's just right
for your business, whether it's local, toll free, or international. You can also
transfer your existing fax number to eliminate the cost of your landline.


Select a fax number with a local area code to present the image of a trusted
neighborhood business.


Choose a toll free fax number if you want to project the image of a larger
business. Customers will also be more inclined to contact you because they know
they won't be charged for the call.


You can select an international fax number if you want to establish a presence
in one of the dozens of countries around the world where MyFax offers fax

Sign Up Now



MyFax lets you easily send faxes by email. Simply open a new message and attach
up to 10 MB of files you want to fax. If you need a cover page, MyFax® offers a
selection of over 100 free cover template options to choose from.

Learn More


The MyFax Mobile App for iOS and Android makes it easy to fax on the go. Our
mobile fax app lets you receive, view, and send faxes right from your
smartphone. The MyFax Mobile App is available in the Apple App Store or Google
Play Store and is free to use with your MyFax® subscription.

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Send faxes from up to 5 email addresses of your choice. Your colleagues can fax
from the same business number using their own email addresses to keep your costs
low and still maintain a consistent professional image. You can also use the
Share With 5 capability to fax easily from web-based email services like Gmail
when you're on the road and can't access your business email.

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As a MyFax subscriber, digital copies of all your sent and received faxes are
stored online for the life of your MyFax account. You can quickly search for
your archived faxes by name, date, or fax number. You can also tag your faxes
with keywords to make them easy to find later. Online Fax Archiving means you're
one step closer to a paperless office.

Learn More


MyAccount is a simple way to manage all of your faxing needs on a centralized,
user-friendly web interface. Your portal gives you convenient online access to
all of your MyFax account details including fax activity reports, account
statements, custom cover pages, and your archived faxes.

Learn More


Fax to 50 is MyFax's convenient multiple-send feature that saves you and your
team time. If you need to send the same fax to several recipients, you no longer
need to send it more than once. MyFax lets you send a fax to 50 different fax
numbers simultaneously.

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 * Fax by Email
 * Fax Numbers
 * Port Your Fax Number
 * MyFax Central
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 * Free Fax Cover Sheets

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700 S. Flower St., 15th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90017.

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