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Proper lubrication and maintenance have a significant impact on the performance
and lifespan of rolling contact bearings. Adequate lubrication ensures smooth
operation, reduces friction, prevents wear, and extends the service life of the
bearings. Here’s a detailed explanation of the impact of proper lubrication and
maintenance on rolling contact bearings:

 * Reduced Friction and Wear:

Proper lubrication forms a thin film of lubricant between the rolling elements
and the raceways of the bearing. This lubricating film reduces friction and wear
by minimizing direct metal-to-metal contact. It prevents the surfaces from
rubbing against each other, reducing frictional forces and minimizing wear on
the bearing components. Reduced friction and wear contribute to smoother
operation, improved efficiency, and increased bearing lifespan.

 * Heat Dissipation:

Lubrication in rolling contact bearings helps dissipate heat generated during
operation. The lubricant absorbs and carries away heat from the bearing,
preventing excessive temperature rise. Adequate heat dissipation is crucial for
maintaining proper operating conditions and preventing thermal damage to the
bearing components. Proper lubrication ensures efficient heat transfer, which in
turn contributes to the overall performance and durability of the bearing.

 * Protection Against Corrosion and Contamination:

Lubrication acts as a protective barrier, preventing corrosion and contamination
of rolling contact bearings. The lubricant creates a barrier that shields the
bearing surfaces from moisture, dust, dirt, and other contaminants that can lead
to corrosion and premature wear. By providing a protective layer, proper
lubrication helps maintain the integrity of the bearing components and extends
their lifespan.

 * Load Distribution:

Proper lubrication ensures effective load distribution within rolling contact
bearings. The lubricant helps distribute the applied loads evenly across the
rolling elements and the raceways, minimizing stress concentrations and
preventing premature fatigue failure. By promoting even load distribution,
lubrication enhances the load-carrying capacity and longevity of the bearing.

 * Prevention of Excessive Clearance:

Over time, rolling contact bearings may experience wear, which can result in
increased clearance between the rolling elements and the raceways. Proper
lubrication helps reduce this clearance by filling the gaps and providing a
cushioning effect. By minimizing excessive clearance, lubrication maintains the
proper functioning and performance of the bearing, preventing issues such as
vibration, noise, and reduced load-carrying capacity.

 * Maintenance and Inspection:

Regular maintenance and inspection are essential for optimizing the performance
and lifespan of rolling contact bearings. Maintenance activities may include
lubricant replenishment, cleaning, and periodic replacement of worn-out
bearings. Regular inspections allow for the early detection of any signs of
damage, excessive wear, or inadequate lubrication. Timely maintenance and
inspections help identify and address potential issues before they escalate,
ensuring the continued reliability and longevity of the bearings.

In conclusion, proper lubrication and maintenance significantly impact the
performance and lifespan of rolling contact bearings. Adequate lubrication
reduces friction, prevents wear, dissipates heat, and protects against corrosion
and contamination. It promotes even load distribution and helps maintain the
proper functioning of the bearing. Regular maintenance and inspections further
ensure optimal performance and allow for timely intervention to address any
potential issues. By following proper lubrication practices and conducting
regular maintenance, the service life of rolling contact bearings can be
extended, leading to improved efficiency, reduced downtime, and cost savings in
various applications.


Rolling contact bearing materials can contribute to eco-friendliness and
sustainability in several ways. Here’s a detailed explanation of the
eco-friendly and sustainable aspects of rolling contact bearing materials:

 * Recyclability:

Many rolling contact bearing materials, such as steel and certain types of
alloys, are highly recyclable. At the end of their service life, bearings can be
dismantled, and the materials can be recycled or reused. Recycling bearings
helps reduce the demand for raw materials, conserves energy, and minimizes waste
generation. By promoting a circular economy, the recyclability of bearing
materials contributes to resource conservation and waste reduction.

 * Energy Efficiency:

Rolling contact bearings play a crucial role in improving energy efficiency in
various applications. By reducing friction and minimizing power losses, bearings
help optimize the performance of machinery and equipment. When machines operate
more efficiently, they consume less energy, leading to reduced greenhouse gas
emissions and lower carbon footprints. The use of high-quality bearing
materials, coatings, and lubricants further enhances energy efficiency by
minimizing frictional losses.

 * Long Service Life:

Rolling contact bearings are designed to have long service lives under normal
operating conditions. Their ability to withstand heavy loads, resist wear, and
operate reliably contributes to extended equipment lifetimes. By reducing the
frequency of bearing replacements, industries can minimize material consumption,
waste generation, and environmental impact associated with manufacturing and
disposal processes. The longer service life of rolling contact bearings promotes
sustainability by reducing resource consumption and improving equipment
lifecycle management.

 * Reduced Maintenance:

The use of high-quality rolling contact bearing materials can contribute to
reduced maintenance requirements. Bearings that are resistant to wear,
corrosion, and fatigue offer longer maintenance intervals, reducing the need for
frequent inspections, replacements, and repairs. This not only saves time and
labor but also reduces the consumption of maintenance-related resources such as
lubricants and spare parts. The reduced maintenance needs of rolling contact
bearings contribute to sustainable operations by optimizing resource utilization
and minimizing maintenance-related waste.

 * Environmental Compliance:

Rolling contact bearing materials are subject to various environmental
regulations and standards. Manufacturers strive to comply with these regulations
by ensuring that their materials are free from hazardous substances or
restricted substances. Compliance with regulations such as the Restriction of
Hazardous Substances (RoHS) directive helps prevent the use of environmentally
harmful materials, reducing the potential environmental impact during the
manufacturing, use, and disposal stages of rolling contact bearings.

Overall, rolling contact bearing materials offer several eco-friendly and
sustainable aspects, including recyclability, energy efficiency, long service
life, reduced maintenance requirements, and compliance with environmental
regulations. These aspects contribute to resource conservation, waste reduction,
energy savings, and minimized environmental impact throughout the lifecycle of
rolling contact bearings.


Rolling contact bearings play a crucial role in reducing friction and improving
the efficiency of machinery. They achieve this through several design features
and operating characteristics. Here’s a detailed explanation of how rolling
contact bearings contribute to reduced friction and improved efficiency:

 * Rolling Motion:

Unlike sliding contact bearings, which rely on sliding friction between
surfaces, rolling contact bearings utilize rolling motion between the rolling
elements (balls or rollers) and the raceways. This rolling motion significantly
reduces friction compared to sliding friction, resulting in lower energy losses
and improved efficiency. The rolling contact between the elements and the
raceways minimizes surface contact and allows smooth rotation with reduced
frictional resistance.

 * Lubrication:

Rolling contact bearings are typically lubricated with oils or greases to
further reduce friction and wear. Lubricants form a thin film between the
rolling elements and the raceways, providing a protective layer that separates
the surfaces and minimizes direct metal-to-metal contact. This lubricating film
reduces friction and dissipates heat generated during operation, contributing to
smoother rotation and improved efficiency.

 * Reduced Sliding Friction:

As mentioned earlier, rolling contact bearings rely on rolling motion rather
than sliding friction. This design characteristic reduces the occurrence of
sliding friction between the bearing components, resulting in lower frictional
forces and decreased energy losses. The reduced sliding friction contributes to
improved efficiency and can translate into energy savings in various machinery

 * Load Distribution:

Rolling contact bearings distribute loads more evenly compared to sliding
contact bearings. The rolling elements in a bearing share the load and
distribute it over a larger contact area, reducing localized stress and
minimizing friction. This load distribution characteristic helps prevent
excessive wear and prolongs the service life of the bearing. By maintaining
efficient load distribution, rolling contact bearings contribute to improved
efficiency and reliability in machinery.

 * High-Speed Capability:

Rolling contact bearings are well-suited for high-speed applications due to
their low friction characteristics. The rolling motion and reduced sliding
friction allow these bearings to rotate at higher speeds with minimal heat
generation. This high-speed capability is essential for various machinery, such
as electric motors, machine tools, and automotive components, where efficient
power transmission and rotational precision are critical for optimal performance
and efficiency.

In summary, rolling contact bearings contribute to reduced friction and improved
efficiency in machinery through their rolling motion, effective lubrication,
reduced sliding friction, even load distribution, and high-speed capability.
These design features and operating characteristics minimize energy losses,
reduce wear, and enhance the overall performance and reliability of machinery in
a wide range of industries.

editor by CX 2024-05-17

This entry was posted in rolling-contact-bearing on May 16, 2024 by ep.



Proper installation and alignment are crucial for the optimal performance and
longevity of rolling contact bearings. Incorrect installation or misalignment
can lead to premature wear, increased friction, reduced load-carrying capacity,
and potential bearing failure. Here’s a detailed explanation of the installation
and alignment considerations for rolling contact bearings:

 * Clean and Proper Workspace:

Before installing rolling contact bearings, it is essential to ensure a clean
and suitable workspace. The work area should be free from dirt, dust, debris,
and contaminants that could enter the bearing during installation. Contamination
can cause damage to the bearing surfaces and compromise its performance.
Additionally, the workspace should have appropriate tools and equipment to
facilitate the installation process, including bearing pullers, mounting tools,
and measurement instruments.

 * Handling and Storage:

Rolling contact bearings should be handled with care to prevent damage to the
bearing surfaces. They should be stored in a clean and dry environment,
protected from moisture, dust, and extreme temperatures. During handling, it is
important to avoid dropping or impacting the bearings, as this can cause surface
damage or internal defects. Proper handling and storage practices help maintain
the integrity of the bearings and ensure their performance during installation.

 * Shaft and Housing Preparation:

Prior to installing the rolling contact bearings, the shaft and housing surfaces
must be prepared appropriately. The shaft and housing should be clean, free from
burrs, and have the correct dimensions and tolerances specified by the bearing
manufacturer. Any roughness or irregularities on the shaft or housing can affect
the fit and alignment of the bearing, leading to performance issues. It may be
necessary to use appropriate tools, such as emery cloth or a deburring tool, to
smooth the surfaces and ensure proper fitment.

 * Bearing Mounting:

When mounting rolling contact bearings, it is essential to follow the
manufacturer’s recommended procedures and guidelines. This includes using the
appropriate mounting tools and techniques to apply the necessary axial or radial
force evenly during installation. Overloading or uneven force application can
lead to bearing damage or misalignment. Proper mounting techniques may involve
using a press, heat, or specialized mounting tools to ensure the bearing is
seated securely and accurately on the shaft or in the housing.

 * Alignment:

Accurate alignment of rolling contact bearings is critical for their optimal
performance. Misalignment can cause increased friction, premature wear, and
reduced load-carrying capacity. It is important to align the bearing with
respect to the shaft and housing to ensure proper concentricity and parallelism.
Alignment methods may include visual alignment, feeler gauges, dial indicators,
laser alignment systems, or other precision alignment tools. The specific
alignment requirements may vary depending on the bearing type, application, and
manufacturer recommendations.

 * Lubrication:

Proper lubrication is essential during the installation of rolling contact
bearings. The bearing manufacturer’s recommendations should be followed
regarding the type, quantity, and method of lubrication. Lubrication helps
reduce friction, dissipate heat, and protect against wear and corrosion. It is
important to ensure that the bearing is adequately lubricated during
installation to facilitate smooth operation and prevent damage.

 * Verification and Testing:

After installation, it is recommended to verify the proper fitment, alignment,
and operation of the rolling contact bearings. This may involve checking the
axial and radial clearances, measuring runout, and performing functional tests
to ensure smooth rotation and proper load distribution. Verification and testing
help confirm the successful installation and identify any potential issues that
may require adjustment or corrective action.

In summary, proper installation and alignment considerations are essential for
the optimal performance and longevity of rolling contact bearings. Following
recommended procedures, handling the bearings carefully, preparing the shaft and
housing surfaces, ensuring accurate alignment, and providing appropriate
lubrication contribute to the successful installation and reliable operation of
rolling contact bearings in various applications.


Various types of seals and shields are used with rolling contact bearings to
prevent contamination and protect the bearing internals. Here’s a detailed
description of the commonly used seals and shields:

 * Contact Seals:

Contact seals, also known as lip seals or radial seals, are designed to provide
a barrier against contaminants while maintaining lubricant retention within the
bearing. These seals consist of a flexible lip that makes contact with the inner
or outer ring of the bearing. The lip is typically made of synthetic rubber or
elastomeric material. Contact seals effectively prevent the entry of solid
particles, liquids, and other contaminants into the bearing. They are suitable
for applications with moderate operating speeds and rotational requirements
where the sealing function takes priority over low friction.

 * Non-Contact Seals:

Non-contact seals, also known as labyrinth seals or gap seals, create a
labyrinthine path that hinders the entry of contaminants into the bearing. These
seals do not make physical contact with the bearing rings, resulting in lower
friction and reduced heat generation compared to contact seals. Non-contact
seals are typically constructed using metallic or non-metallic components with
precise geometries to create a tortuous path for contaminants. They are suitable
for high-speed applications and environments where low friction and minimal heat
generation are important considerations.

 * Shields:

Shields, also referred to as metal shields or non-contact shields, provide a
physical barrier between the rolling elements and the external environment.
Shields are typically made of metal, such as steel, and are attached to the
outer ring of the bearing. They cover a portion of the bearing’s circumference,
leaving a small gap for the rolling elements to function. Shields offer
effective protection against larger particles and prevent the direct contact of
contaminants with the rolling elements. However, they do not provide a complete
seal, allowing for limited air circulation and lubricant flow within the

 * Hybrid Seals:

Hybrid seals combine the advantages of contact seals and non-contact seals.
These seals use a combination of contacting and non-contacting elements to
provide enhanced protection against contamination. Hybrid seals are designed to
reduce friction and heat generation while offering improved sealing performance
compared to contact seals. They typically incorporate a non-contacting labyrinth
or gap seal with additional contact elements, such as lip seals or brush seals,
to provide a more effective barrier against contaminants.

 * Ingress Protection (IP) Ratings:

In addition to the specific seal and shield types, rolling contact bearings may
also be assigned Ingress Protection (IP) ratings. IP ratings indicate the level
of protection provided against solid particles, such as dust and dirt, as well
as liquids, such as water and oil. The IP rating is typically represented by a
two-digit number, where the first digit represents the level of protection
against solid particles, and the second digit represents the level of protection
against liquids. Higher IP ratings indicate greater protection against

The selection of the appropriate seal or shield type depends on various factors,
including the application requirements, operating conditions, contamination
risks, and desired friction characteristics. Manufacturers typically provide
information on the recommended sealing options for their bearing products,
considering the specific application needs and environmental conditions.


Rolling contact bearings and plain bearings are two different types of bearings
used in mechanical systems, and they differ in their design, operation, and
characteristics. Here’s a detailed explanation of the differences between
rolling contact bearings and plain bearings:

 * Design and Construction:

Rolling contact bearings, as the name suggests, utilize rolling elements (such
as balls or rollers) to facilitate smooth motion between the rotating or moving
parts. They consist of an inner ring, an outer ring, rolling elements, and a
cage or retainer that keeps the rolling elements in position. The rolling
elements roll between the raceways of the inner and outer rings, reducing
friction and enabling relative motion.

Plain bearings, on the other hand, rely on a sliding interface between the
bearing surfaces. They typically consist of two surfaces: a stationary bearing
surface and a moving surface. The stationary surface is often a metal shell or
housing, while the moving surface is a separate bearing material, such as a
low-friction metal or polymer. The two surfaces slide against each other, with a
lubricating film separating them to minimize friction.

 * Friction and Efficiency:

One of the key differences between rolling contact bearings and plain bearings
is the amount of friction generated during operation. Rolling contact bearings
have lower friction compared to plain bearings. The rolling elements in rolling
contact bearings reduce the contact area and allow for rolling motion, resulting
in reduced friction and improved efficiency. In contrast, plain bearings rely on
sliding motion, which generates more friction and can lead to higher energy

 * Load Capacity and Performance:

Rolling contact bearings are typically designed to handle higher loads and
provide better load distribution compared to plain bearings. The rolling
elements in rolling contact bearings distribute the loads across their contact
surfaces, reducing stress concentrations and enabling the bearings to support
heavier loads. This makes rolling contact bearings suitable for applications
with higher load requirements, such as heavy machinery and industrial equipment.

Plain bearings, while generally having lower load capacities, offer advantages
in applications that require self-lubrication or the ability to operate in harsh
environments. The sliding motion in plain bearings helps distribute lubrication
evenly across the bearing surfaces, reducing the need for external lubrication
systems. Additionally, plain bearings can better tolerate contaminants, such as
dirt or debris, which can cause problems in rolling contact bearings.

 * Maintenance and Service Life:

Rolling contact bearings typically require less maintenance compared to plain
bearings. Rolling contact bearings are designed with pre-defined lubrication
systems, and periodic lubrication or inspection is usually sufficient to ensure
their proper operation. Plain bearings, on the other hand, may require regular
lubrication or replacement of the bearing material to maintain optimal

In terms of service life, rolling contact bearings often have a longer service
life compared to plain bearings. The rolling motion and reduced friction in
rolling contact bearings result in less wear and longer operational durability.
Plain bearings, due to the sliding motion, may experience more wear over time,
especially in high-load or high-speed applications.

 * Application and Usage:

Rolling contact bearings and plain bearings find their applications in different
scenarios. Rolling contact bearings are commonly used in applications that
require high-speed rotation, precise motion control, and heavy load-carrying
capacity. They are found in various industries, including automotive, aerospace,
industrial machinery, and more.

Plain bearings, on the other hand, are often utilized in situations where
self-lubrication, resistance to contaminants, or low-speed and oscillating
motion are required. They are commonly found in applications such as engines,
pumps, turbines, and construction equipment.

In summary, rolling contact bearings and plain bearings differ in their design,
operation, friction characteristics, load-carrying capacity, maintenance
requirements, and applications. Rolling contact bearings utilize rolling
elements for reduced friction, higher load capacity, and efficient motion,
making them suitable for high-speed and heavy-load applications. Plain bearings
rely on sliding surfaces, offer self-lubrication advantages, and are often used
in low-speed or oscillating motion scenarios.

editor by CX 2024-05-17

This entry was posted in rolling-contact-bearing on May 16, 2024 by ep.



Identifying signs of wear or damage in tapered roller bearings is crucial for
maintaining optimal performance and preventing costly failures. Here are the
common signs to look for:

 * Abnormal Noise:

Unusual noises, such as grinding, clicking, or rumbling sounds, may indicate
damage within the bearing. These noises could result from worn rollers,
raceways, or insufficient lubrication.

 * Vibration:

Excessive vibration or unusual vibrations not typically present during operation
may indicate an issue with the bearing. Vibration can result from misalignment,
worn components, or uneven loading.

 * Increased Operating Temperature:

If the bearing becomes excessively hot during operation, it could indicate
inadequate lubrication, excessive friction, or other issues. Monitoring
temperature changes can help identify potential problems.

 * Irregular Rotation:

If the bearing experiences irregular rotation, such as sticking or rough
movement, it could be due to damaged rollers, misalignment, or improper preload.

 * Visible Wear:

Inspect the bearing for visible signs of wear or damage, such as pitting,
scoring, discoloration, or deformation of the bearing components.

 * Increased Noise or Vibration Under Load:

If the bearing makes more noise or vibrates noticeably when subjected to load,
it could indicate that the bearing is unable to handle the applied load

 * Uneven Wear:

Uneven wear patterns on the rollers or raceways can suggest misalignment or
inadequate lubrication, causing the bearing to experience uneven loading.

 * Loss of Performance:

If the bearing’s performance decreases, such as reduced efficiency or increased
friction, it may indicate wear, contamination, or other issues affecting the
bearing’s operation.

 * Looseness or Play:

If there’s excessive play or looseness in the bearing assembly, it could be a
sign of worn components or inadequate preload, impacting the bearing’s stability
and performance.

 * Leaks or Contaminants:

Inspect for leaks of lubricant or the presence of contaminants around the
bearing. Leaks can indicate seal damage, and contaminants can accelerate wear.

 * Observable Damage to Components:

If any bearing components, such as rollers, cages, or raceways, appear visibly
damaged or deformed, immediate attention is necessary to prevent further issues.

Regular inspection and maintenance are essential to catch these signs early and
prevent further damage. Addressing wear or damage promptly can extend the
bearing’s lifespan and avoid costly downtime.


Identifying signs of wear or damage in tapered roller bearings is crucial for
maintaining optimal performance and preventing costly failures. Here are the
common signs to look for:

 * Abnormal Noise:

Unusual noises, such as grinding, clicking, or rumbling sounds, may indicate
damage within the bearing. These noises could result from worn rollers,
raceways, or insufficient lubrication.

 * Vibration:

Excessive vibration or unusual vibrations not typically present during operation
may indicate an issue with the bearing. Vibration can result from misalignment,
worn components, or uneven loading.

 * Increased Operating Temperature:

If the bearing becomes excessively hot during operation, it could indicate
inadequate lubrication, excessive friction, or other issues. Monitoring
temperature changes can help identify potential problems.

 * Irregular Rotation:

If the bearing experiences irregular rotation, such as sticking or rough
movement, it could be due to damaged rollers, misalignment, or improper preload.

 * Visible Wear:

Inspect the bearing for visible signs of wear or damage, such as pitting,
scoring, discoloration, or deformation of the bearing components.

 * Increased Noise or Vibration Under Load:

If the bearing makes more noise or vibrates noticeably when subjected to load,
it could indicate that the bearing is unable to handle the applied load

 * Uneven Wear:

Uneven wear patterns on the rollers or raceways can suggest misalignment or
inadequate lubrication, causing the bearing to experience uneven loading.

 * Loss of Performance:

If the bearing’s performance decreases, such as reduced efficiency or increased
friction, it may indicate wear, contamination, or other issues affecting the
bearing’s operation.

 * Looseness or Play:

If there’s excessive play or looseness in the bearing assembly, it could be a
sign of worn components or inadequate preload, impacting the bearing’s stability
and performance.

 * Leaks or Contaminants:

Inspect for leaks of lubricant or the presence of contaminants around the
bearing. Leaks can indicate seal damage, and contaminants can accelerate wear.

 * Observable Damage to Components:

If any bearing components, such as rollers, cages, or raceways, appear visibly
damaged or deformed, immediate attention is necessary to prevent further issues.

Regular inspection and maintenance are essential to catch these signs early and
prevent further damage. Addressing wear or damage promptly can extend the
bearing’s lifespan and avoid costly downtime.


Identifying signs of wear or damage in tapered roller bearings is crucial for
maintaining optimal performance and preventing costly failures. Here are the
common signs to look for:

 * Abnormal Noise:

Unusual noises, such as grinding, clicking, or rumbling sounds, may indicate
damage within the bearing. These noises could result from worn rollers,
raceways, or insufficient lubrication.

 * Vibration:

Excessive vibration or unusual vibrations not typically present during operation
may indicate an issue with the bearing. Vibration can result from misalignment,
worn components, or uneven loading.

 * Increased Operating Temperature:

If the bearing becomes excessively hot during operation, it could indicate
inadequate lubrication, excessive friction, or other issues. Monitoring
temperature changes can help identify potential problems.

 * Irregular Rotation:

If the bearing experiences irregular rotation, such as sticking or rough
movement, it could be due to damaged rollers, misalignment, or improper preload.

 * Visible Wear:

Inspect the bearing for visible signs of wear or damage, such as pitting,
scoring, discoloration, or deformation of the bearing components.

 * Increased Noise or Vibration Under Load:

If the bearing makes more noise or vibrates noticeably when subjected to load,
it could indicate that the bearing is unable to handle the applied load

 * Uneven Wear:

Uneven wear patterns on the rollers or raceways can suggest misalignment or
inadequate lubrication, causing the bearing to experience uneven loading.

 * Loss of Performance:

If the bearing’s performance decreases, such as reduced efficiency or increased
friction, it may indicate wear, contamination, or other issues affecting the
bearing’s operation.

 * Looseness or Play:

If there’s excessive play or looseness in the bearing assembly, it could be a
sign of worn components or inadequate preload, impacting the bearing’s stability
and performance.

 * Leaks or Contaminants:

Inspect for leaks of lubricant or the presence of contaminants around the
bearing. Leaks can indicate seal damage, and contaminants can accelerate wear.

 * Observable Damage to Components:

If any bearing components, such as rollers, cages, or raceways, appear visibly
damaged or deformed, immediate attention is necessary to prevent further issues.

Regular inspection and maintenance are essential to catch these signs early and
prevent further damage. Addressing wear or damage promptly can extend the
bearing’s lifespan and avoid costly downtime.

editor by CX 2024-05-17

This entry was posted in rolling-contact-bearing on May 16, 2024 by ep.



Angular Contact Ball Bearing

Basic Info. 

Model NO. GE 55 SX Separated Separated MOQ 1PCS Quality Guaranteed Mainly Market
America Europe Asia Africa Serive OEM Stock Rich Stocks Feature High Precision,
Small Torque, Low Noise Transport Package Industrial Packing or as Per
Requirement Specification GE 55 SX Trademark FOS Bearing or OEM Origin YANDIAN,
ZheJiang HS Code 8482200000 Production Capacity 7000PCS/Month

Angular Contact Ball Bearing

Knuckle-bearing is a spherical plain bearing, its sliding contact surface is an
inner sphere and an outer sphere, which can rotate and swing at any Angle when
moving, it is made of surface phosphating, blasting, insert pad, spraying and
other special process processing methods. Joint bearing has the characteristics
of large load capacity, impact resistance, corrosion resistance, wear
resistance, self-aligning, good lubrication and so on.
Product  Serie
Angular Contact Ball Bearing


Production Process
Production Process

Our Advantage

Package and shipment

Company Profile

HangZhou Siruibo Bearing Technology Co., Ltd. is a company mainly engaged in
manufacturing and selling outer spherical bearings. The registered capital is
Five million.

Since its establishment 20 years ago, the company is committed to Mounted
Bearing Unit (maintenance-free bearings, engraving machine bearings, holding
machine shaft Bearing, no-tillage machine bearing, fan bearing, high temperature
bearing, zinc alloy bearing, food grade bearing unit) research and
development. With the most complete varieties and best advanced manufacturing
technology in production of Mounted Bearing Unit, to be a reliable enterprises,
we welcome your cooperation.  Currently, our company produce 10 series of more
than 260 varieties of outer spherical bearings and 13 different structural
categories of outer spherical bearing special seats, all adopted  International
standard design and manufacturing. Registered trademark “FOS” .

Through the efforts and unremitting pursuit of all employees of the company, all
products accepted by international standards. Over the years of Expansion and
technical transformation, we developed into a Mounted Bearing Unit with large
scale of professional manufacturers, for the bearing industry in China, has made
a contribution to the development of Bearing.

HangZhou Siruibo Bearing Technology Co., Ltd. has a production capacity of 1
million sets/year, with an annual output value of 30 million yuan. We produce 30
varieties monthly , with 45-60 days lead time.

The company has a perfect material and product quality inspection equipment,
according to the strict scientific Quality assurance system,  to prove
satisfactory to our customers.  Our products widely used in
agricultural Industry machinery, textile machinery and light industry, chemical
industry, metallurgy, printing, food, transportation, coal, packaging and other
industries and the introduction of machinery .Our products have exported to
Europe, America and many countries and regions in South east Asia.


About us:
We are 1 manufactuer of bearing for more than 20 years.
Give us a chance, we will cooperate with our passion.
Our professional, reliable, experienced  products and service can meet your
Why choose us? 

1. Samples quantity: 1-10 PCS are available. 
2. Free samples: It depends on the Model No., material and quantity. Some of the
bearings samples need client to pay samples charge and shipping cost. 
3. It’s better to start your order with Trade Assurance to get full protection
for your samples order. 

The customized LOGO or drawing is acceptable for us. 

1. MOQ: 10 PCS mix different standard bearings. 
2. MOQ: 3000 PCS customized your brand bearings. 

1. We can printing your brand (logo, artwork)on the shield or laser engraving
your brand on the shield. 
2. We can custom your packaging according to your design
3. All copyright own by clients and we promised don’t disclose any info. 

Please visit our bearings website, we strongly encourge that you can communicate
with us through email, thanks! 
We have all kinds of bearings, just tell me your item number and quantity, best
price will be offered to you soon
The material of the bearings, precision rating, seals type, OEM service, etc,
all of them we can make according to your requirement. 
  /* January 22, 2571 19:08:37 */!function(){function s(e,r){var

View More

Contact Angle: 15° Aligning: Non-Aligning Bearing Separated: Unseparated Rows
Number: Single Load Direction: Radial Bearing Material: Bearing Steel

US$ 1/Piece
1 Piece(Min.Order)

Request Sample



Customized Request


Identifying signs of wear or damage in tapered roller bearings is crucial for
maintaining optimal performance and preventing costly failures. Here are the
common signs to look for:

 * Abnormal Noise:

Unusual noises, such as grinding, clicking, or rumbling sounds, may indicate
damage within the bearing. These noises could result from worn rollers,
raceways, or insufficient lubrication.

 * Vibration:

Excessive vibration or unusual vibrations not typically present during operation
may indicate an issue with the bearing. Vibration can result from misalignment,
worn components, or uneven loading.

 * Increased Operating Temperature:

If the bearing becomes excessively hot during operation, it could indicate
inadequate lubrication, excessive friction, or other issues. Monitoring
temperature changes can help identify potential problems.

 * Irregular Rotation:

If the bearing experiences irregular rotation, such as sticking or rough
movement, it could be due to damaged rollers, misalignment, or improper preload.

 * Visible Wear:

Inspect the bearing for visible signs of wear or damage, such as pitting,
scoring, discoloration, or deformation of the bearing components.

 * Increased Noise or Vibration Under Load:

If the bearing makes more noise or vibrates noticeably when subjected to load,
it could indicate that the bearing is unable to handle the applied load

 * Uneven Wear:

Uneven wear patterns on the rollers or raceways can suggest misalignment or
inadequate lubrication, causing the bearing to experience uneven loading.

 * Loss of Performance:

If the bearing’s performance decreases, such as reduced efficiency or increased
friction, it may indicate wear, contamination, or other issues affecting the
bearing’s operation.

 * Looseness or Play:

If there’s excessive play or looseness in the bearing assembly, it could be a
sign of worn components or inadequate preload, impacting the bearing’s stability
and performance.

 * Leaks or Contaminants:

Inspect for leaks of lubricant or the presence of contaminants around the
bearing. Leaks can indicate seal damage, and contaminants can accelerate wear.

 * Observable Damage to Components:

If any bearing components, such as rollers, cages, or raceways, appear visibly
damaged or deformed, immediate attention is necessary to prevent further issues.

Regular inspection and maintenance are essential to catch these signs early and
prevent further damage. Addressing wear or damage promptly can extend the
bearing’s lifespan and avoid costly downtime.


Identifying signs of wear or damage in tapered roller bearings is crucial for
maintaining optimal performance and preventing costly failures. Here are the
common signs to look for:

 * Abnormal Noise:

Unusual noises, such as grinding, clicking, or rumbling sounds, may indicate
damage within the bearing. These noises could result from worn rollers,
raceways, or insufficient lubrication.

 * Vibration:

Excessive vibration or unusual vibrations not typically present during operation
may indicate an issue with the bearing. Vibration can result from misalignment,
worn components, or uneven loading.

 * Increased Operating Temperature:

If the bearing becomes excessively hot during operation, it could indicate
inadequate lubrication, excessive friction, or other issues. Monitoring
temperature changes can help identify potential problems.

 * Irregular Rotation:

If the bearing experiences irregular rotation, such as sticking or rough
movement, it could be due to damaged rollers, misalignment, or improper preload.

 * Visible Wear:

Inspect the bearing for visible signs of wear or damage, such as pitting,
scoring, discoloration, or deformation of the bearing components.

 * Increased Noise or Vibration Under Load:

If the bearing makes more noise or vibrates noticeably when subjected to load,
it could indicate that the bearing is unable to handle the applied load

 * Uneven Wear:

Uneven wear patterns on the rollers or raceways can suggest misalignment or
inadequate lubrication, causing the bearing to experience uneven loading.

 * Loss of Performance:

If the bearing’s performance decreases, such as reduced efficiency or increased
friction, it may indicate wear, contamination, or other issues affecting the
bearing’s operation.

 * Looseness or Play:

If there’s excessive play or looseness in the bearing assembly, it could be a
sign of worn components or inadequate preload, impacting the bearing’s stability
and performance.

 * Leaks or Contaminants:

Inspect for leaks of lubricant or the presence of contaminants around the
bearing. Leaks can indicate seal damage, and contaminants can accelerate wear.

 * Observable Damage to Components:

If any bearing components, such as rollers, cages, or raceways, appear visibly
damaged or deformed, immediate attention is necessary to prevent further issues.

Regular inspection and maintenance are essential to catch these signs early and
prevent further damage. Addressing wear or damage promptly can extend the
bearing’s lifespan and avoid costly downtime.


Proper lubrication is essential for ensuring optimal performance and longevity
of tapered roller bearings. Lubrication plays a critical role in reducing
friction, preventing wear, and managing heat generated during operation. Here’s
how proper lubrication impacts tapered roller bearings:

 * Reduced Friction:

Lubrication forms a thin film between the rolling elements and raceways,
reducing direct metal-to-metal contact. This minimizes friction and the
associated heat generation, allowing the bearing to operate smoothly and

 * Wear Prevention:

Lubrication forms a protective barrier that prevents wear and surface damage.
Without proper lubrication, friction can lead to accelerated wear, pitting, and
even surface scoring, shortening the bearing’s lifespan.

 * Heat Dissipation:

Effective lubrication helps dissipate heat generated during operation. This is
especially crucial in high-speed applications where excessive heat can lead to
premature bearing failure or degradation of lubricant properties.

 * Corrosion Protection:

Lubrication helps create a barrier that protects bearing surfaces from
environmental factors that could lead to corrosion. This is particularly
important in applications exposed to moisture, chemicals, or other corrosive

 * Noise and Vibration Reduction:

Proper lubrication can dampen vibrations and reduce noise by providing a
cushioning effect between the rolling elements and raceways. This contributes to
smoother and quieter operation.

 * Longevity:

Well-lubricated bearings experience less wear and stress, leading to extended
service life. Bearings that are inadequately lubricated or run dry are prone to
premature failure due to excessive wear, heat buildup, and damage to bearing

 * Efficiency:

Adequate lubrication maintains the bearing’s efficiency by minimizing energy
losses due to friction. Bearings that lack proper lubrication require more
energy to overcome higher friction levels, resulting in reduced efficiency.

 * Lubrication Methods:

Various lubrication methods are available, including grease lubrication and oil
lubrication. The choice depends on factors such as speed, load, temperature, and
application requirements.

To ensure proper lubrication:

 * Follow Manufacturer Recommendations:

Consult the bearing manufacturer’s recommendations for lubricant type,
viscosity, and replenishment intervals.

 * Monitor and Maintain:

Regularly monitor the condition of the lubricant and the bearing’s performance.
Implement a maintenance schedule for lubricant replacement or replenishment.

 * Environmental Considerations:

Consider the operating environment’s temperature, contamination levels, and
exposure to external elements. Some applications may require special lubricants
for extreme conditions.

In summary, proper lubrication is crucial for maintaining tapered roller
bearings’ performance, preventing wear, reducing friction and heat, and
extending their lifespan. A well-lubricated bearing contributes to smoother
operation, lower maintenance costs, and improved efficiency.

editor by CX 2024-05-17

This entry was posted in rolling-contact-bearing and tagged angular bearing,
angular contact ball bearing, angular contact bearing, ball bearing, ball
bearing groove, ball bearing price, ball bearings bearing, bearing, bearing
bearings, bearing china, bearing double, bearing double row, bearing groove,
bearings bearing bearing, bearings manufacturer, china bearing bearing, china
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ball bearing, deep groove ball bearing price, deep groove bearing, double
bearing, double row ball bearing, double row bearings, groove ball bearing,
groove bearing, price ball bearing, price bearing on May 16, 2024 by ep.



Innovations and advancements in rolling contact bearing technology have a
significant impact on their use in various industries. These advancements drive
improvements in performance, reliability, efficiency, and versatility of rolling
contact bearings. Here’s a detailed explanation of how innovations and
advancements in rolling contact bearing technology impact their use:

 * Enhanced Performance:

Innovations in rolling contact bearing technology lead to enhanced performance
characteristics. Advancements in bearing design, materials, and manufacturing
processes result in bearings with improved load-carrying capacity, higher speed
capabilities, and increased resistance to wear and fatigue. These enhancements
enable rolling contact bearings to withstand higher loads, operate at higher
speeds, and provide superior performance in demanding applications. For
industries that rely on bearings to support heavy loads or operate in
challenging conditions, these advancements translate into improved equipment
performance and reliability.

 * Extended Service Life:

Advancements in rolling contact bearing technology contribute to extended
service life. Innovations in bearing materials, surface treatments, and
lubrication techniques help reduce friction, wear, and the risk of premature
failure. Newer bearing designs and manufacturing processes ensure better
distribution of loads and improved stress distribution, resulting in longer
bearing life. The ability of rolling contact bearings to operate reliably for
extended periods reduces maintenance requirements, downtime, and overall
operating costs for industries that heavily rely on bearings.

 * Increased Efficiency:

Advancements in rolling contact bearing technology lead to increased efficiency
in various applications. Reduced frictional losses, improved sealing
arrangements, and optimized lubrication systems contribute to lower energy
consumption and higher overall system efficiency. Bearings with lower friction
characteristics result in less power loss, allowing equipment to operate with
higher energy efficiency. This is particularly important in industries where
energy efficiency is a key consideration, such as automotive, aerospace, and
wind energy.

 * Expanded Application Range:

Innovations in rolling contact bearing technology enable their use in a broader
range of applications. Advancements in bearing materials, coatings, and sealing
arrangements enhance their resistance to extreme temperatures, corrosive
environments, or other challenging operating conditions. This expands the
application possibilities for rolling contact bearings in industries such as oil
and gas, mining, chemical processing, and food and beverage. Additionally,
advancements in bearing design allow for more compact and lightweight solutions,
opening up opportunities for their use in space-constrained applications.

 * Integration with Digital Technologies:

The integration of rolling contact bearings with digital technologies is another
significant impact of advancements in bearing technology. Sensors and monitoring
systems can be incorporated into bearings to collect real-time data on operating
conditions, such as temperature, vibration, and load. This data can be used for
predictive maintenance, condition monitoring, and optimizing equipment
performance. The integration of bearings with digital technologies enables
industries to implement proactive maintenance strategies, reduce unplanned
downtime, and improve overall equipment reliability.

Overall, innovations and advancements in rolling contact bearing technology have
a profound impact on their use in various industries. These advancements result
in enhanced performance, extended service life, increased efficiency, expanded
application range, and integration with digital technologies. As a result,
industries can benefit from improved equipment reliability, reduced maintenance
costs, increased productivity, and optimized operational performance.


When selecting rolling contact bearings for applications with extreme operating
conditions or high precision requirements, there are specific considerations to
take into account. Here’s a detailed explanation of these considerations:

 * Operating Conditions:

In applications with extreme operating conditions, such as high temperatures,
high speeds, or corrosive environments, special attention must be given to the
bearing’s ability to withstand these conditions. Considerations include:

 * Temperature: High-temperature applications require bearings with
   heat-resistant materials and lubricants designed to withstand elevated
   temperatures without degradation. Specialized heat treatment processes may be
   necessary to enhance the bearing’s ability to handle thermal expansion and
   avoid premature failure.
 * Speed: High-speed applications demand bearings that can operate at
   significantly higher rotational speeds without excessive friction, heat
   generation, or loss of precision. Factors such as cage design, lubrication,
   and material selection play a crucial role in achieving reliable performance
   at high speeds.
 * Corrosion and Chemical Resistance: In corrosive environments or applications
   exposed to chemicals, bearings with corrosion-resistant materials, such as
   stainless steel or ceramic, and appropriate sealing mechanisms are essential
   to prevent premature failure due to chemical attack or rust formation.
 * Vibration and Shock: Applications subject to high vibration or shock loads
   require bearings capable of withstanding these dynamic forces. Special
   designs, such as extra internal clearance or improved cage stability, may be
   necessary to ensure reliable operation under such conditions.

 * Precision Requirements:

In applications with high precision requirements, such as precision instruments,
machine tools, or optical equipment, specific considerations are essential to
meet the desired level of accuracy and repeatability. Some key factors include:

 * Tolerance and Dimensional Stability: Bearings used in high-precision
   applications must have strict dimensional tolerances and excellent
   dimensional stability to ensure precise positioning and alignment. This
   requires careful control during the manufacturing process and the use of
   high-quality materials.
 * Runout and Radial Clearance: Runout, which refers to the deviation from
   perfect circularity, and radial clearance, which affects the internal play
   between the rolling elements and the raceways, must be tightly controlled to
   achieve the desired precision. Bearings with low runout and minimal radial
   clearance are preferred for high-precision applications.
 * Noise and Vibration: High-precision applications often require low noise and
   vibration levels. Bearings with optimized designs, such as improved cage
   stability, precision-ground raceways, and high-quality lubrication, help
   minimize noise and vibrations, ensuring accurate and quiet operation.
 * Lubrication: Proper lubrication is crucial for high-precision bearings to
   reduce friction, minimize wear, and maintain consistent performance.
   Lubricants with low viscosity, high stability, and excellent temperature
   characteristics are typically used in precision applications.

Choosing the right rolling contact bearings for applications with extreme
operating conditions or high precision requirements requires careful
consideration of factors such as temperature, speed, corrosion resistance,
dimensional stability, and lubrication. Consulting with bearing manufacturers or
experts can provide valuable guidance in selecting the most suitable bearings to
meet the specific application’s demands.


Rolling contact bearings are mechanical components used to facilitate smooth and
efficient motion between two or more parts in a mechanical system. They utilize
rolling elements, such as balls or rollers, to minimize friction and enable
relative motion between the rotating or moving parts. Here’s a detailed
explanation of rolling contact bearings and their utilization in mechanical

 * Definition and Construction:

Rolling contact bearings consist of an inner ring, an outer ring, rolling
elements (balls or rollers), and a cage or retainer that holds the rolling
elements in position. The inner and outer rings have raceways, which are
carefully machined surfaces that guide the rolling elements. The rolling
elements roll between the raceways, reducing friction and enabling smooth
rotation or linear motion.

 * Types of Rolling Contact Bearings:

There are various types of rolling contact bearings, including:

 * Ball Bearings: These bearings use spherical balls as rolling elements and are
   suitable for applications with light to moderate loads and high-speed
   requirements. Ball bearings are commonly used in motors, fans, household
   appliances, and automotive applications.
 * Roller Bearings: Roller bearings use cylindrical or tapered rollers as
   rolling elements. They can handle higher loads and provide better shock
   absorption than ball bearings. Roller bearings are often found in heavy
   machinery, construction equipment, and industrial applications.
 * Needle Bearings: Needle bearings are a type of roller bearing with long, thin
   rollers. They have a high load capacity and are used in applications where
   space is limited and high radial load support is required.
 * Thrust Bearings: Thrust bearings are designed to support axial loads and
   allow for rotational or linear motion in the axial direction. They are
   commonly used in automotive transmissions, machine tools, and thrust
 * Tapered Roller Bearings: Tapered roller bearings have conical rollers and are
   designed to handle both radial and axial loads. They are commonly used in
   wheel bearings, gearboxes, and heavy-duty applications.

 * Utilization in Mechanical Systems:

Rolling contact bearings are utilized in various mechanical systems for several

 * Reduced Friction: By utilizing rolling elements, rolling contact bearings
   minimize friction compared to sliding contact bearings. This reduces energy
   losses, heat generation, and wear, resulting in improved efficiency and
   extended service life of the mechanical system.
 * Smooth Motion: Rolling contact bearings enable smooth and controlled motion
   between components. They allow for low-friction rotation or linear movement,
   providing precise and reliable operation in a wide range of applications.
 * Load Distribution: Rolling contact bearings distribute loads evenly across
   their contact surfaces, reducing stress concentrations and preventing
   premature wear or failure. This enables mechanical systems to handle various
   loads and forces without compromising performance.
 * Positional Accuracy: Rolling contact bearings help maintain accurate
   positioning of components in mechanical systems, ensuring alignment and
   reducing the risk of misalignment-related issues. This is crucial in
   precision machinery, robotics, and other applications where positional
   accuracy is essential.
 * Versatility: Rolling contact bearings are available in different sizes,
   configurations, and materials to suit a wide range of applications. They can
   accommodate different load capacities, speeds, and environmental conditions,
   making them adaptable and versatile in various mechanical systems.

In summary, rolling contact bearings are essential components in mechanical
systems. They utilize rolling elements to minimize friction, enable smooth
motion, distribute loads, and provide positional accuracy. By utilizing rolling
contact bearings, mechanical systems can achieve efficient and reliable
operation in a wide range of applications, from small appliances to heavy
machinery and industrial equipment.

editor by CX 2024-05-16

This entry was posted in rolling-contact-bearing on May 16, 2024 by ep.



Proper installation and alignment are crucial for the optimal performance and
longevity of rolling contact bearings. Incorrect installation or misalignment
can lead to premature wear, increased friction, reduced load-carrying capacity,
and potential bearing failure. Here’s a detailed explanation of the installation
and alignment considerations for rolling contact bearings:

 * Clean and Proper Workspace:

Before installing rolling contact bearings, it is essential to ensure a clean
and suitable workspace. The work area should be free from dirt, dust, debris,
and contaminants that could enter the bearing during installation. Contamination
can cause damage to the bearing surfaces and compromise its performance.
Additionally, the workspace should have appropriate tools and equipment to
facilitate the installation process, including bearing pullers, mounting tools,
and measurement instruments.

 * Handling and Storage:

Rolling contact bearings should be handled with care to prevent damage to the
bearing surfaces. They should be stored in a clean and dry environment,
protected from moisture, dust, and extreme temperatures. During handling, it is
important to avoid dropping or impacting the bearings, as this can cause surface
damage or internal defects. Proper handling and storage practices help maintain
the integrity of the bearings and ensure their performance during installation.

 * Shaft and Housing Preparation:

Prior to installing the rolling contact bearings, the shaft and housing surfaces
must be prepared appropriately. The shaft and housing should be clean, free from
burrs, and have the correct dimensions and tolerances specified by the bearing
manufacturer. Any roughness or irregularities on the shaft or housing can affect
the fit and alignment of the bearing, leading to performance issues. It may be
necessary to use appropriate tools, such as emery cloth or a deburring tool, to
smooth the surfaces and ensure proper fitment.

 * Bearing Mounting:

When mounting rolling contact bearings, it is essential to follow the
manufacturer’s recommended procedures and guidelines. This includes using the
appropriate mounting tools and techniques to apply the necessary axial or radial
force evenly during installation. Overloading or uneven force application can
lead to bearing damage or misalignment. Proper mounting techniques may involve
using a press, heat, or specialized mounting tools to ensure the bearing is
seated securely and accurately on the shaft or in the housing.

 * Alignment:

Accurate alignment of rolling contact bearings is critical for their optimal
performance. Misalignment can cause increased friction, premature wear, and
reduced load-carrying capacity. It is important to align the bearing with
respect to the shaft and housing to ensure proper concentricity and parallelism.
Alignment methods may include visual alignment, feeler gauges, dial indicators,
laser alignment systems, or other precision alignment tools. The specific
alignment requirements may vary depending on the bearing type, application, and
manufacturer recommendations.

 * Lubrication:

Proper lubrication is essential during the installation of rolling contact
bearings. The bearing manufacturer’s recommendations should be followed
regarding the type, quantity, and method of lubrication. Lubrication helps
reduce friction, dissipate heat, and protect against wear and corrosion. It is
important to ensure that the bearing is adequately lubricated during
installation to facilitate smooth operation and prevent damage.

 * Verification and Testing:

After installation, it is recommended to verify the proper fitment, alignment,
and operation of the rolling contact bearings. This may involve checking the
axial and radial clearances, measuring runout, and performing functional tests
to ensure smooth rotation and proper load distribution. Verification and testing
help confirm the successful installation and identify any potential issues that
may require adjustment or corrective action.

In summary, proper installation and alignment considerations are essential for
the optimal performance and longevity of rolling contact bearings. Following
recommended procedures, handling the bearings carefully, preparing the shaft and
housing surfaces, ensuring accurate alignment, and providing appropriate
lubrication contribute to the successful installation and reliable operation of
rolling contact bearings in various applications.


Various types of seals and shields are used with rolling contact bearings to
prevent contamination and protect the bearing internals. Here’s a detailed
description of the commonly used seals and shields:

 * Contact Seals:

Contact seals, also known as lip seals or radial seals, are designed to provide
a barrier against contaminants while maintaining lubricant retention within the
bearing. These seals consist of a flexible lip that makes contact with the inner
or outer ring of the bearing. The lip is typically made of synthetic rubber or
elastomeric material. Contact seals effectively prevent the entry of solid
particles, liquids, and other contaminants into the bearing. They are suitable
for applications with moderate operating speeds and rotational requirements
where the sealing function takes priority over low friction.

 * Non-Contact Seals:

Non-contact seals, also known as labyrinth seals or gap seals, create a
labyrinthine path that hinders the entry of contaminants into the bearing. These
seals do not make physical contact with the bearing rings, resulting in lower
friction and reduced heat generation compared to contact seals. Non-contact
seals are typically constructed using metallic or non-metallic components with
precise geometries to create a tortuous path for contaminants. They are suitable
for high-speed applications and environments where low friction and minimal heat
generation are important considerations.

 * Shields:

Shields, also referred to as metal shields or non-contact shields, provide a
physical barrier between the rolling elements and the external environment.
Shields are typically made of metal, such as steel, and are attached to the
outer ring of the bearing. They cover a portion of the bearing’s circumference,
leaving a small gap for the rolling elements to function. Shields offer
effective protection against larger particles and prevent the direct contact of
contaminants with the rolling elements. However, they do not provide a complete
seal, allowing for limited air circulation and lubricant flow within the

 * Hybrid Seals:

Hybrid seals combine the advantages of contact seals and non-contact seals.
These seals use a combination of contacting and non-contacting elements to
provide enhanced protection against contamination. Hybrid seals are designed to
reduce friction and heat generation while offering improved sealing performance
compared to contact seals. They typically incorporate a non-contacting labyrinth
or gap seal with additional contact elements, such as lip seals or brush seals,
to provide a more effective barrier against contaminants.

 * Ingress Protection (IP) Ratings:

In addition to the specific seal and shield types, rolling contact bearings may
also be assigned Ingress Protection (IP) ratings. IP ratings indicate the level
of protection provided against solid particles, such as dust and dirt, as well
as liquids, such as water and oil. The IP rating is typically represented by a
two-digit number, where the first digit represents the level of protection
against solid particles, and the second digit represents the level of protection
against liquids. Higher IP ratings indicate greater protection against

The selection of the appropriate seal or shield type depends on various factors,
including the application requirements, operating conditions, contamination
risks, and desired friction characteristics. Manufacturers typically provide
information on the recommended sealing options for their bearing products,
considering the specific application needs and environmental conditions.


Rolling contact bearings possess several key characteristics and offer numerous
benefits in mechanical systems. Here’s a detailed explanation of these
characteristics and benefits:

 * Key Characteristics of Rolling Contact Bearings:

The key characteristics of rolling contact bearings include:

 * Low Friction: Rolling contact bearings utilize rolling elements, such as
   balls or rollers, which reduce friction compared to sliding contact bearings.
   This characteristic minimizes energy losses, heat generation, and wear,
   resulting in improved efficiency and performance of the mechanical system.
 * Load Distribution: Rolling contact bearings distribute loads evenly across
   their contact surfaces, minimizing stress concentrations and preventing
   premature wear or failure. This characteristic allows mechanical systems to
   handle various loads and forces without compromising performance.
 * Smooth Motion: Rolling contact bearings enable smooth and controlled motion
   between components. The rolling elements facilitate low-friction rotation or
   linear movement, providing precise and reliable operation in a wide range of
 * Positional Accuracy: Rolling contact bearings help maintain accurate
   positioning of components in mechanical systems, ensuring alignment and
   reducing the risk of misalignment-related issues. This characteristic is
   crucial in precision machinery, robotics, and other applications where
   positional accuracy is essential.
 * Versatility: Rolling contact bearings are available in different sizes,
   configurations, and materials, making them adaptable and versatile in various
   mechanical systems. They can accommodate different load capacities, speeds,
   and environmental conditions, providing flexibility in design and
 * Durability: Rolling contact bearings are designed to withstand the demands of
   various operating conditions. They are constructed with high-quality
   materials and undergo extensive testing to ensure durability and long service
 * Reduced Maintenance: Rolling contact bearings require minimal maintenance
   compared to other types of bearings. Proper lubrication and periodic
   inspection are typically sufficient to ensure their reliable operation over
   an extended period.

 * Benefits of Rolling Contact Bearings:

The utilization of rolling contact bearings offers several benefits in
mechanical systems:

 * Efficiency: Rolling contact bearings reduce friction and energy losses,
   resulting in improved overall system efficiency. This benefit translates to
   energy savings, reduced operating costs, and increased productivity.
 * Smooth Operation: Rolling contact bearings enable smooth and controlled
   motion, minimizing vibration, noise, and unwanted movement. This benefit
   enhances the comfort, precision, and reliability of the mechanical system.
 * Extended Service Life: Rolling contact bearings, when properly selected,
   installed, and maintained, can provide long service life. Their ability to
   distribute loads and resist wear ensures reliable operation and reduces the
   frequency of replacements or repairs.
 * Wide Range of Applications: Rolling contact bearings are utilized in various
   industries and applications, including automotive, aerospace, industrial
   machinery, appliances, and more. Their versatility and availability in
   different sizes and configurations make them suitable for diverse mechanical
 * Cost-Effectiveness: Rolling contact bearings offer a cost-effective solution
   for many applications. Their initial cost is typically lower compared to
   other types of bearings, and their long service life reduces maintenance and
   replacement expenses over time.

In summary, rolling contact bearings possess key characteristics such as low
friction, load distribution, smooth motion, positional accuracy, versatility,
durability, and reduced maintenance. Their benefits include improved efficiency,
smooth operation, extended service life, wide application range, and
cost-effectiveness. By utilizing rolling contact bearings in mechanical systems,
designers and engineers can achieve reliable and efficient performance across
various industries and applications.

editor by CX 2024-05-16

This entry was posted in rolling-contact-bearing on May 16, 2024 by ep.



Tapered roller bearings offer several advantages that make them a preferred
choice in various applications compared to other bearing types. These advantages
stem from their unique design and capabilities. Here’s a look at the benefits of
tapered roller bearings:

 * High Load-Carrying Capacity:

Tapered roller bearings can handle both radial and axial loads simultaneously,
making them suitable for applications with combined loads. Their conical
geometry allows for effective load distribution, enabling them to support heavy
loads without premature wear.

 * Efficient Axial Load Handling:

Tapered roller bearings excel at managing axial (thrust) loads in one direction.
This capability is crucial in applications where axial loads are present, such
as automotive transmissions or industrial machinery.

 * Reduced Friction and Heat Generation:

The conical shape of the rollers and the matching raceways result in point
contact, reducing friction and minimizing heat generation. This efficiency
contributes to improved overall performance and energy savings.

 * Adjustable Clearance and Preload:

Tapered roller bearings often allow for adjustable internal clearance or
preload. This feature enables fine-tuning of the bearing’s play, optimizing
performance and extending the bearing’s lifespan.

 * High Precision:

Tapered roller bearings are available in various precision classes to meet
different application requirements. Their precision makes them suitable for
applications demanding accurate motion control and positioning.

 * Versatility:

Tapered roller bearings are used in a wide range of industries and applications,
from automotive and heavy machinery to aerospace and industrial equipment. Their
ability to handle diverse loads and conditions contributes to their versatility.

 * Durability:

Tapered roller bearings are designed to withstand shocks and impacts, making
them suitable for applications with dynamic loads or vibrations. Their robust
construction contributes to their overall durability.

 * High-Speed Capability:

Tapered roller bearings can operate at high speeds due to their efficient
contact geometry and reduced friction. This makes them suitable for applications
requiring rapid rotation.

 * Cost-Effectiveness:

While the initial cost may vary, tapered roller bearings are often
cost-effective due to their long service life and ability to handle heavy loads.
Their durability can lead to reduced maintenance and replacement costs over

 * Compatibility with Combined Loads:

Tapered roller bearings are well-suited for applications where radial and axial
loads occur simultaneously, eliminating the need for multiple bearing types and
simplifying design and installation.

In summary, tapered roller bearings offer a combination of load-carrying
capacity, efficiency, adjustability, precision, and versatility that sets them
apart from other bearing types. Their ability to handle a variety of loads and
conditions makes them an advantageous choice in numerous industrial


Tapered roller bearings offer several advantages that make them a preferred
choice in various applications compared to other bearing types. These advantages
stem from their unique design and capabilities. Here’s a look at the benefits of
tapered roller bearings:

 * High Load-Carrying Capacity:

Tapered roller bearings can handle both radial and axial loads simultaneously,
making them suitable for applications with combined loads. Their conical
geometry allows for effective load distribution, enabling them to support heavy
loads without premature wear.

 * Efficient Axial Load Handling:

Tapered roller bearings excel at managing axial (thrust) loads in one direction.
This capability is crucial in applications where axial loads are present, such
as automotive transmissions or industrial machinery.

 * Reduced Friction and Heat Generation:

The conical shape of the rollers and the matching raceways result in point
contact, reducing friction and minimizing heat generation. This efficiency
contributes to improved overall performance and energy savings.

 * Adjustable Clearance and Preload:

Tapered roller bearings often allow for adjustable internal clearance or
preload. This feature enables fine-tuning of the bearing’s play, optimizing
performance and extending the bearing’s lifespan.

 * High Precision:

Tapered roller bearings are available in various precision classes to meet
different application requirements. Their precision makes them suitable for
applications demanding accurate motion control and positioning.

 * Versatility:

Tapered roller bearings are used in a wide range of industries and applications,
from automotive and heavy machinery to aerospace and industrial equipment. Their
ability to handle diverse loads and conditions contributes to their versatility.

 * Durability:

Tapered roller bearings are designed to withstand shocks and impacts, making
them suitable for applications with dynamic loads or vibrations. Their robust
construction contributes to their overall durability.

 * High-Speed Capability:

Tapered roller bearings can operate at high speeds due to their efficient
contact geometry and reduced friction. This makes them suitable for applications
requiring rapid rotation.

 * Cost-Effectiveness:

While the initial cost may vary, tapered roller bearings are often
cost-effective due to their long service life and ability to handle heavy loads.
Their durability can lead to reduced maintenance and replacement costs over

 * Compatibility with Combined Loads:

Tapered roller bearings are well-suited for applications where radial and axial
loads occur simultaneously, eliminating the need for multiple bearing types and
simplifying design and installation.

In summary, tapered roller bearings offer a combination of load-carrying
capacity, efficiency, adjustability, precision, and versatility that sets them
apart from other bearing types. Their ability to handle a variety of loads and
conditions makes them an advantageous choice in numerous industrial


Tapered roller bearings are a type of rolling element bearing designed to handle
both radial and axial loads by providing a conical geometry. They consist of
inner and outer rings, tapered rollers, and a cage that holds the rollers in
place. Tapered roller bearings are commonly used in various machinery and
equipment for their ability to support high radial and axial loads
simultaneously. Here’s how they function in machinery:

 * Geometry:

Tapered roller bearings have an inner ring with a conical surface and an outer
ring with a matching conical surface. The rollers are also shaped like truncated
cones. This geometry allows the rollers to make contact with both the inner and
outer raceways at a common point on the bearing axis, distributing loads more

 * Load Distribution:

The conical shape of tapered rollers enables them to handle both radial and
axial loads. Radial loads are supported by the larger diameter of the rollers
near the large end of the cone, while axial loads are absorbed by the smaller
diameter near the small end of the cone.

 * Adjustable Clearance:

Tapered roller bearings often allow for adjustable clearance or preload. This
feature permits fine-tuning of the bearing’s internal play to optimize
performance, reduce friction, and prevent excessive wear.

 * Thrust Capability:

Tapered roller bearings can handle thrust (axial) loads in one direction, making
them suitable for applications where axial loads need to be managed along with
radial loads.

 * Applications:

Tapered roller bearings are commonly used in various machinery and equipment:

 * Automotive Industry:

Tapered roller bearings are widely used in wheel hubs, transmissions, and
differential systems in automobiles, where they handle radial and axial loads
experienced during driving.

 * Heavy Machinery:

In construction equipment, mining machinery, and industrial machinery, tapered
roller bearings support heavy loads and shocks, making them suitable for
applications like earthmoving and material handling.

 * Aerospace:

Tapered roller bearings are used in aircraft landing gear, where they support
both vertical and horizontal loads during takeoff, landing, and taxiing.

 * Railways:

In trains, tapered roller bearings are used in wheelsets and axles to manage
radial and axial loads that occur as the train moves along curves and straight

 * Wind Energy:

Tapered roller bearings are employed in wind turbine gearboxes, where they
handle the radial and axial loads associated with converting wind energy into
electrical power.

 * Installation:

Installation of tapered roller bearings often involves adjusting the internal
clearance or preload to optimize performance. Proper lubrication is crucial to
ensure smooth operation and longevity.

In summary, tapered roller bearings function by utilizing their conical geometry
to support both radial and axial loads, making them versatile components in a
wide range of machinery and equipment across various industries.

editor by CX 2024-05-16

This entry was posted in rolling-contact-bearing on May 16, 2024 by ep.

BALL BEARING 3800 3801 3802 3803 3804 3805 BEARING ASSEMBLY





production name 71952 C Angular contact ball bearing Single row ground brand
AUTO/OEM/SEMRI Model Number 71952 C Dimension 12*32*10mm Basic dynamic load
rating 284.6kn Basic static load rating 528.8kn Attainable speed for grease
lubrication 3800r/Min Attainable speed for oil-air lubrication 4500r/min
Ring Material Gcr15/ Carbon Steel/ Stainless Steel/ Si3N4/ ZrO2 Cage Material 
Steel/ Brass/ Nylon/ Custom Precision P0, P6, P5, or as requested Vibration
ZV1, ZV2, ZV3, or as requested Clearance  C0,C2,C3, or as requested 
Quality standard ISO9001:2000/ SGS Quality Control Process  1.Assembly
2.Windage test2.Windage test 3.Cleaning 4.Rotary test 5.Greasing and gland
6.Noise inspection 7.Appearance inspection 8.Rust prevention 9.Product packaging
Application  low noise machine,automobile,motorcycle,and the general machinery
and etc. 

718 Series Angular Contact Bearings 719 Series Angular Contact Bearings H719
Series Angular Contact Bearings 70 Series Angular Contact Bearings H70
Series Angular Contact Bearings B70 Series Angular Contact Bearings 72
Series Angular Contact Bearings


Part No. d/mm D/mm B/mm Load Rating(KN) Limited  Speed(r/min) Load Rating(KN)
Limited  Speed(r/min) Cr/KN Cor/KN Grease  Oil  Cr/KN Cor/KN Grease  Oil  718
serie       α=15°(C) α=25°(AC) 71800 10 19 5 1.8 1.1 75000 120000 1.7 1.1 70000
110000 71801 12 21 5 2 1.4 70000 110000 1.9 1.3 63000 95000 71802 15 24 5 2.2
1.8 60000 90000 2.1 1.7 53000 80000 71803 17 26 5 2.3 1.9 53000 80000 2.1 1.8
50000 75000 71804 20 32 7 3.9 3.4 45000 67000 3.7 3.2 40000 60000 71805 25 37 7
4.2 4.1 38000 56000 3.9 3.9 34000 50000 71806 30 42 7 4.4 4.8 32000 48000 4.1
4.5 28000 43000 71807 35 47 7 4.6 5.5 26000 40000 4.3 5.2 24000 38000 71815 75
95 10 14.2 21.7 12000 19000 13.3 20.5 11000 18000 71816 80 100 10 14.5 23.1
11000 18000 13.6 21.8 9500 16000 71817 85 110 13 21.5 32.2 10000 17000 20.2 30.5
9000 15000 71818 90 115 13 21.7 33.5 9500 16000 20.4 31.6 8500 14000 71819 95
120 13 21.9 34.7 9000 15000 20.6 32.8 8500 14000 71820 100 125 13 22.5 37 8500
14000 21.2 34.9 8000 13000 71821 105 130 13 22.7 38.3 8500 14000 21.3 36.1 8000
13000 71822 110 140 16 31.8 51.6 8000 13000 29.9 48.7 7500 12000 71824 120 150
16 33.1 56.9 7000 11000 31.1 53.7 6700 10000 71826 130 165 18 38.7 67.6 6700
10000 36.3 63.8 6000 9000 71828 140 175 18 44.8 79.2 6000 9000 42 74.7 5600 8500
71830 150 190 20 51.2 92 5600 8500 48 86.8 5000 7500 71832 160 200 20 52.4 97.7
5000 7500 49.2 92.2 4800 7000 71834 170 215 22 66.5 123.4 4800 7000 62.4 116.5
4300 6300 71836 180 225 22 83.8 151.6 4800 7000 78.6 143 4300 6300 71838 190 240
24 100 179 4500 6700 94.4 169.2 4000 6000 71840 200 250 24 102.5 189.3 4300 6300
96.2 178.6 3800 5600 71844 220 270 24 106.4 209.3 3800 5600 99.8 197.4 3400 5000
71848 240 300 28 145 277 3400 5000 136 261 3000 4500 71852 260 320 28 148.8
299.3 3100 4600 139.6 282.3 2700 4100 71856 280 350 33 182 363.8 2800 4100 170.8
343.3 2400 3700


Part No. d/mm D/mm B/mm Load Rating(KN) Limited  Speed(r/min) Load Rating(KN)
Limited  Speed(r/min) Cr/KN Cor/KN Grease  Oil  Cr/KN Cor/KN Grease  Oil  719
serie       α=15°(C) α=25°(AC) 71907 35 55 10 11 10.9 26000 40000 10.4 10.3
20000 34000 H71907 35 55 10 7.7 5.4 36000 53000 7.4 5.1 30000 45000 H71907/HQ1
35 55 10 7.7 5.4 40000 60000 7.4 5.1 34000 50000 71908 40 62 12 14 14.2 20000
34000 13.3 13.5 18000 30000 H71908 40 62 12 9.8 7 30000 45000 9.3 6.6 26000
40000 H71908/HQ1 40 62 12 9.8 7 34000 50000 9.3 6.6 28000 43000 71909 45 68 12
14.7 16.1 18000 30000 13.9 15.2 17000 28000 H71909 45 68 12 10.3 7.7 26000 40000
9.7 7.3 22000 36000 H71909/HQ1 45 68 12 10.3 7.7 28000 43000 9.7 7.3 26000 40000
71910 50 72 12 19 21.2 17000 28000 17.9 20.1 15000 24000 H71910   72 12 13.2
10.2 22000 36000 12.5 9.5 19000 32000 H71910/HQ1 50 72 12 13.2 10.2 26000 40000
12.5 9.5 22000 36000 71911 55 80 13 23.7 27.4 15000 24000 22.4 26 14000 22000
H71911 55 80 13 16.2 12.5 19000 32000 15.2 11.8 16000 26000 H71911/HQ1 55 80 13
16.2 12.5 22000 36000 15.2 11.8 22000 36000 71912 60 85 13 24.8 30.3 14000 22000
23.3 28.7 13000 20000 H71912 60 85 13 16.5 13.8 18000 30000 15.8 13.2 15000
24000 H71912/HQ1 60 85 13 16.5 13.8 19000 32000 15.8 13.2 20000 34000 71913 65
90 13 25.1 31.9 13000 20000 23.6 30.2 12000 19000 H71913 65 90 13 16.8 14.5
17000 28000 16.2 13.8 15000 24000 H71913/HQ1 65 90 13 16.8 14.5 19000 32000 16.2
13.8 17000 28000 71914 70 100 16 34.5 43.4 12000 19000 32.6 41.2 11000 18000
H71914 70 100 16 20.8 17.8 16000 26000 19.8 16.8 13000 20000 H71914/HQ1 70 100
16 20.8 17.8 19000 32000 19.8 16.8 17000 28000 71915 75 105 16 25 45.6 11000
18000 33 43.2 95000 16000 H71915 75 105 16 21.8 19.2 15000 24000 20.5 18.2 13000
20000 H71915/HQ1 75 105 16 21.8 19.2 17000 28000 20.5 18.2 15000 24000 71916 80
110 16 35.5 47.8 10000 17000 33.5 45.3 9000 15000 H71916 80 110 16 22.5 20.8
14000 22000 21.2 19.5 12000 19000 H71916/HQ1 80 110 16 22.5 20.8 16000 26000
21.2 19.5 14000 24000 71917   120 18 46.5 61.9 9500 16000 43.8 58.6 8500 14000
H71917 85 120 18 26.2 24.2 13000 20000 24.8 22.8 11000 18000 H71917/HQ1 85 120
18 26.2 24.2 15000 24000 24.8 22.8 13000 20000 71918 90 125 18 47.2 64.8 9000
15000 44.5 61.4 8000 13000 H71918 90 125 18 27.2 26.2 13000 20000 25.5 24.5
11000 18000 H71918/HQ1 90 125 18 27.2 26.2 15000 24000 25.5 24.5 13000 20000
71919 95 130 18 47.9 67.8 9000 15000 45.2 64.1 8000 13000 H71919 95 130 18 27.2
26.8 12000 19000 25.8 25.5 11000 18000 H71919/HQ1 95 130 18 27.2 26.8 14000
22000 25.8 25.5 13000 20000 71920 100 140 20 60.4 84.4 8500 14000 56.9 79.9 8000
13000 H71920 100 140 20 40.2 37.5 11000 18000 37.8 35.5 9000 15000 H71920/HQ1
100 140 20 40.2 37.5 13000 20000 37.8 35.5 11000 18000 71921 105 145 20 61.4
88.2 8000 13000 57.8 83.5 7500 12000 H71921 105 145 20 40.8 39.2 10000 17000
38.5 36.8 8500 14000 H71921/HQ1 105 145 20 40.8 39.2 12000 19000 38.5 36.8 10000
17000 71922 110 150 20 62.3 91.9 7500 12000 58.7 87 7000 11000 H71922 110 150 20
41.2 40.5 9000 15000 39.2 38.2 7500 12000 H71922/HQ1 110 150 20 41.2 40.5 11000
18000 39.2 38.2 9500 16000 71924 120 165 22 73.7 107.6 7000 11000 69.5 101.9
6700 10000 H71924 120 165 22 43.2 44.8 8500 14000 40.5 42.5 7500 12000
H71924/HQ1 120 165 22 43.2 44.8 10000 17000 40.8 42.5 9000 15000 71926 130 180
24 76.3 117.1 6700 10000 71.9 110.9 6000 9000 H71926 130 180 24 53.2 56.5 8000
13000 50.2 53.5 7500 12000 H71926/HQ1 130 180 24 53.2 56.5 9000 15000 50.2 53.5
8000 14000 71928 140 190 24 78.9 126.4 6000 9000 74.4 119.7 5600 8500 H71928 140
190 24 53.8 59.2 7000 11000 50.8 55.8 6700 10000 H71928/HQ1 140 190 24 53.8 59.2
8000 13000 50.8 55.8 7500 12000 71930 150 210 28 118.2 175.1 5600 8500 111.4
165.8 5000 7500 H71930 150 210 28 65.2 72.8 6700 10000 61.5 68.8 6000 9000
H71930/HQ1 150 210 28 65.2 72.8 7500 12000 61.5 68.8 7000 11000 71932 160 220 28
123.6 191.2 5000 7500 116.5 181.1 4800 7000 H71932 160 220 28 66.2 75.8 6000
9000 62.5 71.5 5600 8500 H71932/HQ1   220 28 66.2 75.8 7000 11000 62.5 71.5 6700
10000 71934 170 230 28 125.7 200 4800 7000 118.5 189.4 4300 6300 H71934 170 230
28 66.8 78.8 5600 8500 63.2 74.5 5000 7500 H71934/HQ1 170 230 28 66.8 78.8 6700
10000 63.2 74.2 6000 9000 71936 180 250 33 159.7 249.1 4500 6700 150.6 235.9
4000 6000 H71936 180 250 33 79.5 95.2 5000 7500 75.2 89.8 4800 7000 H71936/HQ1
180 250 33 79.5 95.2 6000 9000 75.2 89.8 5600 8500 71938 190 260 33 162.8 260.8
4300 6300 153.5 247 3800 5600 H71938 190 260 33 80.5 98.5 4800 7000 76.2 93.2
4300 6300 H71938/HQ1 190 260 33 80.5 98.5 5600 8500 76.2 93.2 5000 7500 71940
200 280 38 198.4 311.4 3800 5600 187.1 294.9 3600 5300 H71940 200 280 38 82.8
105.5 4500 6700 78.2 99.5 4000 6000 H71940/HQ1 200 280 38 82.8 105.5 5000 7500
78.2 99.5 4500 6700 71944 220 300 38 206.6 341.1 3600 5300 194.8 323 3200 4800
H71944 220 300 38 96.9 125.4 4300 6300 91.5 118.4 3800 5600 H71944/HQ1 220 300
38 96.9 125.4 5000 7500 91.5 118.4 4300 6300 71948 240 320 38 219.2 384.2 3200
4800 206.7 363.8 3000 4500 H71948 240 320 38 153 216 3900 5800 146 200 3500 5200
H71948/HQ1 240 320 38 153 216 4500 6500 146 200 4000 5800 71952 260 360 46 284.6
528.8 3000 4500 268.3 500.8 2600 4000 71956 280 380 46 288.7 554.6 2600 4000
272.2 525.5 2200 3600



  /* January 22, 2571 19:08:37 */!function(){function s(e,r){var

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Aligning: Non-Aligning Bearing Separated: Unseparated Rows Number: Single
Material: Bearing Steel ISO: 9001 Transport Package: Standard Export Package

US$ 0.1/Piece
1 Piece(Min.Order)

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The design and construction of tapered roller bearings are characterized by
their conical geometry and specific components that enable them to handle radial
and axial loads simultaneously. Here’s an overview of their design and

 * Components:

Tapered roller bearings consist of the following components:

 * Inner Ring:

The inner ring has a conical raceway on its inner surface, which matches the
conical shape of the rollers. It serves as the raceway for the rollers and
provides support to the rotating assembly.

 * Outer Ring:

The outer ring also features a conical raceway on its inner surface that
complements the shape of the rollers. The outer ring provides a rigid structure
to house the entire bearing assembly.

 * Tapered Rollers:

The rollers have a conical shape with varying diameters along their length. This
design allows the rollers to make point contact with the inner and outer
raceways, distributing loads efficiently.

 * Cage:

The cage or retainer holds the rollers in position, maintaining proper spacing
and preventing them from coming into contact with each other. The cage material
can vary, and its design may affect factors like friction and heat generation.

 * Conical Geometry:

The distinguishing feature of tapered roller bearings is their conical geometry.
The conical angle is defined by the contact angle between the roller axis and
the bearing axis. This angle facilitates effective load distribution and axial
load support.

 * Load Distribution:

The conical shape of the rollers and raceways allows tapered roller bearings to
handle both radial and axial loads. Radial loads are primarily supported by the
larger diameter of the rollers at the large end of the cone, while axial loads
are absorbed by the smaller diameter near the small end of the cone.

 * Adjustable Clearance and Preload:

Many tapered roller bearings allow for adjustable internal clearance or preload.
This feature enables fine-tuning of the bearing’s internal play, optimizing
performance and minimizing friction.

 * Thrust Capability:

Tapered roller bearings can handle thrust (axial) loads in one direction, making
them suitable for applications where axial loads need to be managed along with
radial loads.

 * Applications:

Tapered roller bearings find applications in various industries, including
automotive, heavy machinery, aerospace, and more. They are used in scenarios
that require efficient load distribution and handling of combined loads.

In summary, tapered roller bearings are designed with conical geometry to
accommodate both radial and axial loads. Their specific components, such as
tapered rollers and a cage, work together to ensure effective load distribution,
making them suitable for a wide range of industrial applications.


Proper lubrication is essential for ensuring optimal performance and longevity
of tapered roller bearings. Lubrication plays a critical role in reducing
friction, preventing wear, and managing heat generated during operation. Here’s
how proper lubrication impacts tapered roller bearings:

 * Reduced Friction:

Lubrication forms a thin film between the rolling elements and raceways,
reducing direct metal-to-metal contact. This minimizes friction and the
associated heat generation, allowing the bearing to operate smoothly and

 * Wear Prevention:

Lubrication forms a protective barrier that prevents wear and surface damage.
Without proper lubrication, friction can lead to accelerated wear, pitting, and
even surface scoring, shortening the bearing’s lifespan.

 * Heat Dissipation:

Effective lubrication helps dissipate heat generated during operation. This is
especially crucial in high-speed applications where excessive heat can lead to
premature bearing failure or degradation of lubricant properties.

 * Corrosion Protection:

Lubrication helps create a barrier that protects bearing surfaces from
environmental factors that could lead to corrosion. This is particularly
important in applications exposed to moisture, chemicals, or other corrosive

 * Noise and Vibration Reduction:

Proper lubrication can dampen vibrations and reduce noise by providing a
cushioning effect between the rolling elements and raceways. This contributes to
smoother and quieter operation.

 * Longevity:

Well-lubricated bearings experience less wear and stress, leading to extended
service life. Bearings that are inadequately lubricated or run dry are prone to
premature failure due to excessive wear, heat buildup, and damage to bearing

 * Efficiency:

Adequate lubrication maintains the bearing’s efficiency by minimizing energy
losses due to friction. Bearings that lack proper lubrication require more
energy to overcome higher friction levels, resulting in reduced efficiency.

 * Lubrication Methods:

Various lubrication methods are available, including grease lubrication and oil
lubrication. The choice depends on factors such as speed, load, temperature, and
application requirements.

To ensure proper lubrication:

 * Follow Manufacturer Recommendations:

Consult the bearing manufacturer’s recommendations for lubricant type,
viscosity, and replenishment intervals.

 * Monitor and Maintain:

Regularly monitor the condition of the lubricant and the bearing’s performance.
Implement a maintenance schedule for lubricant replacement or replenishment.

 * Environmental Considerations:

Consider the operating environment’s temperature, contamination levels, and
exposure to external elements. Some applications may require special lubricants
for extreme conditions.

In summary, proper lubrication is crucial for maintaining tapered roller
bearings’ performance, preventing wear, reducing friction and heat, and
extending their lifespan. A well-lubricated bearing contributes to smoother
operation, lower maintenance costs, and improved efficiency.


Proper lubrication is essential for ensuring optimal performance and longevity
of tapered roller bearings. Lubrication plays a critical role in reducing
friction, preventing wear, and managing heat generated during operation. Here’s
how proper lubrication impacts tapered roller bearings:

 * Reduced Friction:

Lubrication forms a thin film between the rolling elements and raceways,
reducing direct metal-to-metal contact. This minimizes friction and the
associated heat generation, allowing the bearing to operate smoothly and

 * Wear Prevention:

Lubrication forms a protective barrier that prevents wear and surface damage.
Without proper lubrication, friction can lead to accelerated wear, pitting, and
even surface scoring, shortening the bearing’s lifespan.

 * Heat Dissipation:

Effective lubrication helps dissipate heat generated during operation. This is
especially crucial in high-speed applications where excessive heat can lead to
premature bearing failure or degradation of lubricant properties.

 * Corrosion Protection:

Lubrication helps create a barrier that protects bearing surfaces from
environmental factors that could lead to corrosion. This is particularly
important in applications exposed to moisture, chemicals, or other corrosive

 * Noise and Vibration Reduction:

Proper lubrication can dampen vibrations and reduce noise by providing a
cushioning effect between the rolling elements and raceways. This contributes to
smoother and quieter operation.

 * Longevity:

Well-lubricated bearings experience less wear and stress, leading to extended
service life. Bearings that are inadequately lubricated or run dry are prone to
premature failure due to excessive wear, heat buildup, and damage to bearing

 * Efficiency:

Adequate lubrication maintains the bearing’s efficiency by minimizing energy
losses due to friction. Bearings that lack proper lubrication require more
energy to overcome higher friction levels, resulting in reduced efficiency.

 * Lubrication Methods:

Various lubrication methods are available, including grease lubrication and oil
lubrication. The choice depends on factors such as speed, load, temperature, and
application requirements.

To ensure proper lubrication:

 * Follow Manufacturer Recommendations:

Consult the bearing manufacturer’s recommendations for lubricant type,
viscosity, and replenishment intervals.

 * Monitor and Maintain:

Regularly monitor the condition of the lubricant and the bearing’s performance.
Implement a maintenance schedule for lubricant replacement or replenishment.

 * Environmental Considerations:

Consider the operating environment’s temperature, contamination levels, and
exposure to external elements. Some applications may require special lubricants
for extreme conditions.

In summary, proper lubrication is crucial for maintaining tapered roller
bearings’ performance, preventing wear, reducing friction and heat, and
extending their lifespan. A well-lubricated bearing contributes to smoother
operation, lower maintenance costs, and improved efficiency.

editor by CX 2024-05-16

This entry was posted in rolling-contact-bearing and tagged 3803 bearing,
angular bearing, angular contact ball bearing, angular contact bearing, ball
bearing, bearing, bearing assembly, bearing china, bearing double, brand ball
bearing, china bearing bearing, contact bearing, double bearing on May 16, 2024
by ep.



Proper lubrication and maintenance have a significant impact on the performance
and lifespan of rolling contact bearings. Adequate lubrication ensures smooth
operation, reduces friction, prevents wear, and extends the service life of the
bearings. Here’s a detailed explanation of the impact of proper lubrication and
maintenance on rolling contact bearings:

 * Reduced Friction and Wear:

Proper lubrication forms a thin film of lubricant between the rolling elements
and the raceways of the bearing. This lubricating film reduces friction and wear
by minimizing direct metal-to-metal contact. It prevents the surfaces from
rubbing against each other, reducing frictional forces and minimizing wear on
the bearing components. Reduced friction and wear contribute to smoother
operation, improved efficiency, and increased bearing lifespan.

 * Heat Dissipation:

Lubrication in rolling contact bearings helps dissipate heat generated during
operation. The lubricant absorbs and carries away heat from the bearing,
preventing excessive temperature rise. Adequate heat dissipation is crucial for
maintaining proper operating conditions and preventing thermal damage to the
bearing components. Proper lubrication ensures efficient heat transfer, which in
turn contributes to the overall performance and durability of the bearing.

 * Protection Against Corrosion and Contamination:

Lubrication acts as a protective barrier, preventing corrosion and contamination
of rolling contact bearings. The lubricant creates a barrier that shields the
bearing surfaces from moisture, dust, dirt, and other contaminants that can lead
to corrosion and premature wear. By providing a protective layer, proper
lubrication helps maintain the integrity of the bearing components and extends
their lifespan.

 * Load Distribution:

Proper lubrication ensures effective load distribution within rolling contact
bearings. The lubricant helps distribute the applied loads evenly across the
rolling elements and the raceways, minimizing stress concentrations and
preventing premature fatigue failure. By promoting even load distribution,
lubrication enhances the load-carrying capacity and longevity of the bearing.

 * Prevention of Excessive Clearance:

Over time, rolling contact bearings may experience wear, which can result in
increased clearance between the rolling elements and the raceways. Proper
lubrication helps reduce this clearance by filling the gaps and providing a
cushioning effect. By minimizing excessive clearance, lubrication maintains the
proper functioning and performance of the bearing, preventing issues such as
vibration, noise, and reduced load-carrying capacity.

 * Maintenance and Inspection:

Regular maintenance and inspection are essential for optimizing the performance
and lifespan of rolling contact bearings. Maintenance activities may include
lubricant replenishment, cleaning, and periodic replacement of worn-out
bearings. Regular inspections allow for the early detection of any signs of
damage, excessive wear, or inadequate lubrication. Timely maintenance and
inspections help identify and address potential issues before they escalate,
ensuring the continued reliability and longevity of the bearings.

In conclusion, proper lubrication and maintenance significantly impact the
performance and lifespan of rolling contact bearings. Adequate lubrication
reduces friction, prevents wear, dissipates heat, and protects against corrosion
and contamination. It promotes even load distribution and helps maintain the
proper functioning of the bearing. Regular maintenance and inspections further
ensure optimal performance and allow for timely intervention to address any
potential issues. By following proper lubrication practices and conducting
regular maintenance, the service life of rolling contact bearings can be
extended, leading to improved efficiency, reduced downtime, and cost savings in
various applications.


Rolling contact bearing materials can contribute to eco-friendliness and
sustainability in several ways. Here’s a detailed explanation of the
eco-friendly and sustainable aspects of rolling contact bearing materials:

 * Recyclability:

Many rolling contact bearing materials, such as steel and certain types of
alloys, are highly recyclable. At the end of their service life, bearings can be
dismantled, and the materials can be recycled or reused. Recycling bearings
helps reduce the demand for raw materials, conserves energy, and minimizes waste
generation. By promoting a circular economy, the recyclability of bearing
materials contributes to resource conservation and waste reduction.

 * Energy Efficiency:

Rolling contact bearings play a crucial role in improving energy efficiency in
various applications. By reducing friction and minimizing power losses, bearings
help optimize the performance of machinery and equipment. When machines operate
more efficiently, they consume less energy, leading to reduced greenhouse gas
emissions and lower carbon footprints. The use of high-quality bearing
materials, coatings, and lubricants further enhances energy efficiency by
minimizing frictional losses.

 * Long Service Life:

Rolling contact bearings are designed to have long service lives under normal
operating conditions. Their ability to withstand heavy loads, resist wear, and
operate reliably contributes to extended equipment lifetimes. By reducing the
frequency of bearing replacements, industries can minimize material consumption,
waste generation, and environmental impact associated with manufacturing and
disposal processes. The longer service life of rolling contact bearings promotes
sustainability by reducing resource consumption and improving equipment
lifecycle management.

 * Reduced Maintenance:

The use of high-quality rolling contact bearing materials can contribute to
reduced maintenance requirements. Bearings that are resistant to wear,
corrosion, and fatigue offer longer maintenance intervals, reducing the need for
frequent inspections, replacements, and repairs. This not only saves time and
labor but also reduces the consumption of maintenance-related resources such as
lubricants and spare parts. The reduced maintenance needs of rolling contact
bearings contribute to sustainable operations by optimizing resource utilization
and minimizing maintenance-related waste.

 * Environmental Compliance:

Rolling contact bearing materials are subject to various environmental
regulations and standards. Manufacturers strive to comply with these regulations
by ensuring that their materials are free from hazardous substances or
restricted substances. Compliance with regulations such as the Restriction of
Hazardous Substances (RoHS) directive helps prevent the use of environmentally
harmful materials, reducing the potential environmental impact during the
manufacturing, use, and disposal stages of rolling contact bearings.

Overall, rolling contact bearing materials offer several eco-friendly and
sustainable aspects, including recyclability, energy efficiency, long service
life, reduced maintenance requirements, and compliance with environmental
regulations. These aspects contribute to resource conservation, waste reduction,
energy savings, and minimized environmental impact throughout the lifecycle of
rolling contact bearings.


Rolling contact bearings play a crucial role in reducing friction and improving
the efficiency of machinery. They achieve this through several design features
and operating characteristics. Here’s a detailed explanation of how rolling
contact bearings contribute to reduced friction and improved efficiency:

 * Rolling Motion:

Unlike sliding contact bearings, which rely on sliding friction between
surfaces, rolling contact bearings utilize rolling motion between the rolling
elements (balls or rollers) and the raceways. This rolling motion significantly
reduces friction compared to sliding friction, resulting in lower energy losses
and improved efficiency. The rolling contact between the elements and the
raceways minimizes surface contact and allows smooth rotation with reduced
frictional resistance.

 * Lubrication:

Rolling contact bearings are typically lubricated with oils or greases to
further reduce friction and wear. Lubricants form a thin film between the
rolling elements and the raceways, providing a protective layer that separates
the surfaces and minimizes direct metal-to-metal contact. This lubricating film
reduces friction and dissipates heat generated during operation, contributing to
smoother rotation and improved efficiency.

 * Reduced Sliding Friction:

As mentioned earlier, rolling contact bearings rely on rolling motion rather
than sliding friction. This design characteristic reduces the occurrence of
sliding friction between the bearing components, resulting in lower frictional
forces and decreased energy losses. The reduced sliding friction contributes to
improved efficiency and can translate into energy savings in various machinery

 * Load Distribution:

Rolling contact bearings distribute loads more evenly compared to sliding
contact bearings. The rolling elements in a bearing share the load and
distribute it over a larger contact area, reducing localized stress and
minimizing friction. This load distribution characteristic helps prevent
excessive wear and prolongs the service life of the bearing. By maintaining
efficient load distribution, rolling contact bearings contribute to improved
efficiency and reliability in machinery.

 * High-Speed Capability:

Rolling contact bearings are well-suited for high-speed applications due to
their low friction characteristics. The rolling motion and reduced sliding
friction allow these bearings to rotate at higher speeds with minimal heat
generation. This high-speed capability is essential for various machinery, such
as electric motors, machine tools, and automotive components, where efficient
power transmission and rotational precision are critical for optimal performance
and efficiency.

In summary, rolling contact bearings contribute to reduced friction and improved
efficiency in machinery through their rolling motion, effective lubrication,
reduced sliding friction, even load distribution, and high-speed capability.
These design features and operating characteristics minimize energy losses,
reduce wear, and enhance the overall performance and reliability of machinery in
a wide range of industries.

editor by CX 2024-05-16

This entry was posted in rolling-contact-bearing on May 15, 2024 by ep.



Innovations and advancements in rolling contact bearing technology have a
significant impact on their use in various industries. These advancements drive
improvements in performance, reliability, efficiency, and versatility of rolling
contact bearings. Here’s a detailed explanation of how innovations and
advancements in rolling contact bearing technology impact their use:

 * Enhanced Performance:

Innovations in rolling contact bearing technology lead to enhanced performance
characteristics. Advancements in bearing design, materials, and manufacturing
processes result in bearings with improved load-carrying capacity, higher speed
capabilities, and increased resistance to wear and fatigue. These enhancements
enable rolling contact bearings to withstand higher loads, operate at higher
speeds, and provide superior performance in demanding applications. For
industries that rely on bearings to support heavy loads or operate in
challenging conditions, these advancements translate into improved equipment
performance and reliability.

 * Extended Service Life:

Advancements in rolling contact bearing technology contribute to extended
service life. Innovations in bearing materials, surface treatments, and
lubrication techniques help reduce friction, wear, and the risk of premature
failure. Newer bearing designs and manufacturing processes ensure better
distribution of loads and improved stress distribution, resulting in longer
bearing life. The ability of rolling contact bearings to operate reliably for
extended periods reduces maintenance requirements, downtime, and overall
operating costs for industries that heavily rely on bearings.

 * Increased Efficiency:

Advancements in rolling contact bearing technology lead to increased efficiency
in various applications. Reduced frictional losses, improved sealing
arrangements, and optimized lubrication systems contribute to lower energy
consumption and higher overall system efficiency. Bearings with lower friction
characteristics result in less power loss, allowing equipment to operate with
higher energy efficiency. This is particularly important in industries where
energy efficiency is a key consideration, such as automotive, aerospace, and
wind energy.

 * Expanded Application Range:

Innovations in rolling contact bearing technology enable their use in a broader
range of applications. Advancements in bearing materials, coatings, and sealing
arrangements enhance their resistance to extreme temperatures, corrosive
environments, or other challenging operating conditions. This expands the
application possibilities for rolling contact bearings in industries such as oil
and gas, mining, chemical processing, and food and beverage. Additionally,
advancements in bearing design allow for more compact and lightweight solutions,
opening up opportunities for their use in space-constrained applications.

 * Integration with Digital Technologies:

The integration of rolling contact bearings with digital technologies is another
significant impact of advancements in bearing technology. Sensors and monitoring
systems can be incorporated into bearings to collect real-time data on operating
conditions, such as temperature, vibration, and load. This data can be used for
predictive maintenance, condition monitoring, and optimizing equipment
performance. The integration of bearings with digital technologies enables
industries to implement proactive maintenance strategies, reduce unplanned
downtime, and improve overall equipment reliability.

Overall, innovations and advancements in rolling contact bearing technology have
a profound impact on their use in various industries. These advancements result
in enhanced performance, extended service life, increased efficiency, expanded
application range, and integration with digital technologies. As a result,
industries can benefit from improved equipment reliability, reduced maintenance
costs, increased productivity, and optimized operational performance.


Rolling contact bearing materials can contribute to eco-friendliness and
sustainability in several ways. Here’s a detailed explanation of the
eco-friendly and sustainable aspects of rolling contact bearing materials:

 * Recyclability:

Many rolling contact bearing materials, such as steel and certain types of
alloys, are highly recyclable. At the end of their service life, bearings can be
dismantled, and the materials can be recycled or reused. Recycling bearings
helps reduce the demand for raw materials, conserves energy, and minimizes waste
generation. By promoting a circular economy, the recyclability of bearing
materials contributes to resource conservation and waste reduction.

 * Energy Efficiency:

Rolling contact bearings play a crucial role in improving energy efficiency in
various applications. By reducing friction and minimizing power losses, bearings
help optimize the performance of machinery and equipment. When machines operate
more efficiently, they consume less energy, leading to reduced greenhouse gas
emissions and lower carbon footprints. The use of high-quality bearing
materials, coatings, and lubricants further enhances energy efficiency by
minimizing frictional losses.

 * Long Service Life:

Rolling contact bearings are designed to have long service lives under normal
operating conditions. Their ability to withstand heavy loads, resist wear, and
operate reliably contributes to extended equipment lifetimes. By reducing the
frequency of bearing replacements, industries can minimize material consumption,
waste generation, and environmental impact associated with manufacturing and
disposal processes. The longer service life of rolling contact bearings promotes
sustainability by reducing resource consumption and improving equipment
lifecycle management.

 * Reduced Maintenance:

The use of high-quality rolling contact bearing materials can contribute to
reduced maintenance requirements. Bearings that are resistant to wear,
corrosion, and fatigue offer longer maintenance intervals, reducing the need for
frequent inspections, replacements, and repairs. This not only saves time and
labor but also reduces the consumption of maintenance-related resources such as
lubricants and spare parts. The reduced maintenance needs of rolling contact
bearings contribute to sustainable operations by optimizing resource utilization
and minimizing maintenance-related waste.

 * Environmental Compliance:

Rolling contact bearing materials are subject to various environmental
regulations and standards. Manufacturers strive to comply with these regulations
by ensuring that their materials are free from hazardous substances or
restricted substances. Compliance with regulations such as the Restriction of
Hazardous Substances (RoHS) directive helps prevent the use of environmentally
harmful materials, reducing the potential environmental impact during the
manufacturing, use, and disposal stages of rolling contact bearings.

Overall, rolling contact bearing materials offer several eco-friendly and
sustainable aspects, including recyclability, energy efficiency, long service
life, reduced maintenance requirements, and compliance with environmental
regulations. These aspects contribute to resource conservation, waste reduction,
energy savings, and minimized environmental impact throughout the lifecycle of
rolling contact bearings.


Rolling contact bearings play a crucial role in reducing friction and improving
the efficiency of machinery. They achieve this through several design features
and operating characteristics. Here’s a detailed explanation of how rolling
contact bearings contribute to reduced friction and improved efficiency:

 * Rolling Motion:

Unlike sliding contact bearings, which rely on sliding friction between
surfaces, rolling contact bearings utilize rolling motion between the rolling
elements (balls or rollers) and the raceways. This rolling motion significantly
reduces friction compared to sliding friction, resulting in lower energy losses
and improved efficiency. The rolling contact between the elements and the
raceways minimizes surface contact and allows smooth rotation with reduced
frictional resistance.

 * Lubrication:

Rolling contact bearings are typically lubricated with oils or greases to
further reduce friction and wear. Lubricants form a thin film between the
rolling elements and the raceways, providing a protective layer that separates
the surfaces and minimizes direct metal-to-metal contact. This lubricating film
reduces friction and dissipates heat generated during operation, contributing to
smoother rotation and improved efficiency.

 * Reduced Sliding Friction:

As mentioned earlier, rolling contact bearings rely on rolling motion rather
than sliding friction. This design characteristic reduces the occurrence of
sliding friction between the bearing components, resulting in lower frictional
forces and decreased energy losses. The reduced sliding friction contributes to
improved efficiency and can translate into energy savings in various machinery

 * Load Distribution:

Rolling contact bearings distribute loads more evenly compared to sliding
contact bearings. The rolling elements in a bearing share the load and
distribute it over a larger contact area, reducing localized stress and
minimizing friction. This load distribution characteristic helps prevent
excessive wear and prolongs the service life of the bearing. By maintaining
efficient load distribution, rolling contact bearings contribute to improved
efficiency and reliability in machinery.

 * High-Speed Capability:

Rolling contact bearings are well-suited for high-speed applications due to
their low friction characteristics. The rolling motion and reduced sliding
friction allow these bearings to rotate at higher speeds with minimal heat
generation. This high-speed capability is essential for various machinery, such
as electric motors, machine tools, and automotive components, where efficient
power transmission and rotational precision are critical for optimal performance
and efficiency.

In summary, rolling contact bearings contribute to reduced friction and improved
efficiency in machinery through their rolling motion, effective lubrication,
reduced sliding friction, even load distribution, and high-speed capability.
These design features and operating characteristics minimize energy losses,
reduce wear, and enhance the overall performance and reliability of machinery in
a wide range of industries.

editor by CX 2024-05-16

This entry was posted in rolling-contact-bearing on May 15, 2024 by ep.


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