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Submission: On June 20 via api from BE — Scanned from DE
Submission: On June 20 via api from BE — Scanned from DE
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Feeding America uses cookies to ensure that you have the best experience on our website. If you continue browsing, we'll assume that you are happy to receive all our cookies. FIND OUT MORE > Close Skip to main content Search × search Need Help Sign UpSign up for our Newsletter Email Update my FastAction profile with this information. (Optional) * Donate * Give Today * Give Monthly * Give in Honor Toggle navigation * Hunger in America * Our Work * Take Action * Find a Food bank * Hunger Blog 1. Our Work 2. Our Network THE FEEDING AMERICA NETWORK The Feeding America network is a nationwide network of food banks, food pantries, and meal programs that work together to provide food to people facing hunger in the United States. WHAT DOES THE FEEDING AMERICA NETWORK DO? Feeding America helps local food banks with food, funds, and capacity building so that together we can serve more of our neighbors facing hunger across the United States. See a full list of partner food banks > Collecting Food Donations Feeding America secures food and grocery donations from national food businesses and government agencies. Feeding America also rescues food from going to waste. Moving Food to Communities The Feeding America network moves donated food and groceries to where they are needed most. Everyone should have access to affordable, nutritious food no matter where they live. Distributing Food to our Neighbors Food banks in the network collect, sort, and store food donations and distribute food to local food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters, and meal programs. Food pantries and meal programs in the network then distribute the food directly to individuals and families in their communities. These organizations may also provide additional services like nutrition education and job training. Ending Hunger for Good Feeding America's vision is an America where no one is hungry. In addition to providing food assistance, we raise awareness about the root causes of hunger, advocate for legislation to protect our neighbors from going hungry, and partner with people facing hunger to create new solutions to the hunger crisis. On WHAT IS A FOOD BANK? A food bank is a non-profit organization that collects and distributes food to hunger-relief charities and community organizations like food pantries, soup kitchens, and shelters. They work with local grocery stores, restaurants, and other food donors to gather surplus food that would otherwise go to waste. Food banks in the U.S. are very diverse. Some are small and serve people across a large rural area. Others are very large and distribute many millions of pounds of food each year. All food banks rely on donors and volunteers to carry out their mission. FOOD BANKS A food bank is a warehouse for millions of pounds of food and other products that go out to the community. FOOD PANTRIES A food pantry is an organization that distributes food directly to people. On * Visit our Facebook page * Visit our Twitter feed * Visit our Instagram 161 North Clark Street, Suite 700 Chicago, IL 60601 tel: 1-800-771-2303 * CONTACT * ABOUT US * Careers * Programs * Equity Impact Fund * Partners * Leadership * History * Annual Report * Why Feeding America * Press Releases * Podcast * RESEARCH * Map the Meal Gap * Charitable Food Assistance * Coronavirus and Food Insecurity * Hunger and Health * Interactive Data * Program Evaluation * Race and Ethnicity * Senior Hunger Research * Technical Advisory Group * Teen Hunger Research * WAYS TO GIVE * Give Monthly * Fundraise * Honor & Memorial Gifts * Donor Advised Funds * Planned Giving * Give Stocks and Funds * Give by Mail or Phone * Give Cryptocurrency * Workplace Giving * Food Drives * FAQ * HUNGER FACTS * Children * Seniors * African Americans * Latinos * Native Americans * Rural Communities * Hunger and Nutrition * Impact of Hunger -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Privacy Policy Donor Privacy Contact Us En Español Manage Gift HungerNet Copyright © 2023 Feeding America. All Rights Reserved. Feeding America is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit recognized by the IRS. Tax ID Number: 36-3673599 Photos associated with client stories feature the actual person referenced. Other images are for illustrative purposes only. Open Close HUNGRY TO HELP? YOUR FREE GUIDE IS HERE! Get tips on easy ways to fight hunger! This guide is full of fun hunger fighting activities for all ages. Email Address Update my FastAction profile with this information. (Optional) Thank you. You'll receive news and email updates from Feeding America. You can unsubscribe at any time. Close Popup GET OUR KID-FRIENDLY ACTIVITY GUIDE TO ENDING HUNGER. ? Take future action with a single click. Log in or Sign up for FastAction Email Address Update my FastAction profile with this information. (Optional) Thank you. You'll receive news and email updates from Feeding America. You can unsubscribe at any time.