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      <p>Elite athlete, weekend warrior, or just on the go? Whether you train for competition or enjoy playing hard and achieving more, you need every advantage to push your body and mind to new limits. activ-X for men is scientifically developed for
        performance. You’ll feel the increased energy as you train harder, maximize endurance, and experience faster recovery.</p>
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Home / activ-X for Men


$55.39 CAD
{"37514824908973": {"sku": "234", "available": true ,"id": 37514824908973,
"price_raw": 5539, "sale_raw": false, "price": "$55.39 CAD", "sale": "",
"options": ["60"] },"37625844826285": {"sku": "235", "available": true ,"id":
37625844826285, "price_raw": 9769, "sale_raw": false, "price": "$97.69 CAD",
"sale": "", "options": ["120"] }}


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$55.39 CAD
{"37514824908973": {"sku": "234", "available": true ,"id": 37514824908973,
"price_raw": 5539, "sale_raw": false, "price": "$55.39 CAD", "sale": "",
"options": ["60"] },"37625844826285": {"sku": "235", "available": true ,"id":
37625844826285, "price_raw": 9769, "sale_raw": false, "price": "$97.69 CAD",
"sale": "", "options": ["120"] }}


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Elite athlete, weekend warrior, or just on the go? Whether you train for
competition or enjoy playing hard and achieving more, you need every advantage
to push your body and mind to new limits. activ-X for men is scientifically
developed for performance. You’ll feel the increased energy as you train harder,
maximize endurance, and experience faster recovery.

 * Increase energy
 * Maximize stamina
 * Faster recovery
 * Trusted by professional athletes
 * Omega Absorb™ delivery system

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Increase energy and stamina
Much more than a multivitamin, activ-X features essential vitamins, minerals,
antioxidants, omega oils and adaptogens to increase staying power.

EFA’s (Essential Fatty Acids) from fish oil decrease heart rate and oxygen
consumption during exercise, which increases your cardiovascular reserve so you
can train harder. activ-X contains 700 mg of Fish Oil in two softgels a day.

Speeds recovery time

Curcumin is a powerful anti-inflammatory herb. Inflammation is responsible for
post-workout soreness and stiffness, and slowing your recovery time. Curcumin
can help calm the inflammation so that you can get back to your workout, faster
and stronger.

Milk Thistle is an herb with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Studies show that Milk Thistle helps the liver to mediate cell damage caused by
the generation of lactic acid and free radicals during intense exercise. Lactic
acid and free radicals cause muscle fatigue, interfering with athletic

Alpha Lipoic Acid is a critical component of the cell’s antioxidant defense
system. It supports the maintenance of a healthy antioxidant defense system
including glutathione. Alpha Lipoic Acid counters oxidative stress and
inflammation and aids in recovery after a workout.

Powerful adaptogens fuel performance

Athletes worldwide use adaptogens such as Ginseng and Cordyceps to improve
performance and endurance without inducing jitters or nervousness. These potent
adaptogens are shown to boost stamina by increasing oxygen in the blood, thereby
enhancing athletic performance.

Fights stress

Rhodiola, another adaptogen in activ-X, fights stress and helps your body and
mind recuperate from physical workouts or stressful situations. Studies show
that Rhodiola works synergistically with Cordyceps to improve aerobic
performance and accelerate physiological adaptation during physical activity.

Free of substances banned in sport

Experience peace of mind knowing that activ-X is Informed-Sport certified.
Considered the global gold standard in sports nutrition quality control,
Informed-Sport gives athletes and consumers like you the highest levels of
confidence and support. 

Omega Absorb™
Through the power of healthy oils, our award-winning delivery system allows our
bodies to absorb the nutrients it needs to improve our health and achieve our
wellness goals.

Key Ingredients


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22 giorni fa

Great for performance. I use it on training days to improve focus.


Super Easymulti 45+ for Women from $62.19 CAD
Age is just a number. Good nutrition plays an important role in feeling your
best every day, as your ability to absorb nutrients may decrease over time.
Super Easymulti 45+ is a complete 10-in-1 anti-aging solution formulated to help
fight the effects of aging. Anti-aging Protects your heart with CoQ10 Maximize
brain power Bones and immune support Promotes hormonal health Omega Absorb™
delivery system View Ingredient Table   Description A 10 in 1 Solution Our
comprehensive formula is designed to give your body what it needs to thrive,
offering you the convenience of 10 supplements in one convenient softgel:
Multivitamin CoQ10 (heart, energy and antioxidant) Milk Thistle (liver support)
Ginkgo biloba (mind and circulation) Kelp (thyroid health) Cranberry Fruit
Powder (antioxidant) Grape seed extract (antioxidant) Hawthorn berries (heart)
Omega 3 & 6 Borage Oil Heart health Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a potent antioxidant
that is involved in energy production in the heart. It protects LDL cholesterol
from oxidizing and helps lower blood pressure. By age 40, we may no longer
produce enough CoQ10 to meet our daily needs. Super Easymulti 45+ for Women has
100mg of CoQ10, Omega-3 Fish Oils, and Hawthorn Berries plus a full complement
of B vitamins for heart health. Brain power To maximize brain power as we age,
Super Easymulti 45+ for Women has Ginkgo Biloba, CoQ10 and DHA from Omega-3 Fish
Oil to improve blood flow and nutrient supply to the brain. Grape Seed Extract
provides further antioxidant protection from free radicals. Liver, bones and
immune support Essential nutrients such as milk thistle help to detoxify and
support your liver function. Vitamin D and co-factors support your immune system
and healthy bones. Omega Absorb™ Through the power of healthy oils, our
award-winning delivery system allows our bodies to absorb the nutrients it needs
to improve our health and achieve our wellness goals Key Ingredients COQ10 MILK
Add to cart
Super Easymulti 45+ for Men from $62.19 CAD
Age is just a number. Good nutrition plays an important role in feeling your
best every day, Your ability to absorb nutrients may decrease over time. Super
Easymulti 45+ is a complete 10-in-1 anti-aging solution formulated to fight the
effects of aging. Anti-aging Protects your heart with CoQ10 Maximize brain power
Bones and immune support Promotes hormonal health Omega Absorb™ delivery system
View Ingredient Table   Description A 10 in 1 SolutionOur comprehensive formula
is designed to give your body what it needs to thrive, offering you the
convenience of 10 supplements in one convenient softgel: Multivitamin CoQ10
(heart, energy and antioxidant) Milk Thistle (liver support) Ginkgo biloba (mind
and circulation) Kelp (thyroid health) Cranberry Fruit Powder (antioxidant)
Grape seed extract (antioxidant) Hawthorn berries (heart) Omega 3 & 6 Pumpkin
Seed Oil Heart health Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a potent antioxidant that is
involved in energy production in the heart. It protects LDL cholesterol from
oxidizing and helps lower blood pressure. By age 40, we may no longer produce
enough CoQ10 to meet our daily needs. Super Easymulti 45+ for Men has 100mg of
CoQ10, Omega-3 Fish Oils, and Hawthorn Berries plus a full complement of B
vitamins for heart health. Brain power To maximize brain power as we age, Super
Easymulti 45+ for Men has Ginkgo Biloba, CoQ10 and DHA from Omega-3 Fish Oil to
improve blood flow and nutrient supply to the brain. Grape Seed Extract provides
further antioxidant protection from free radicals. Liver, bones and immune
support Essential nutrients such as milk thistle help to detoxify and support
your liver function. Vitamin D and co-factors support your immune system and
healthy bones. Omega Absorb™ Through the power of healthy oils, our
award-winning delivery system allows our bodies to absorb the nutrients it needs
to improve our health and achieve our wellness goals. Key Ingredients COQ10 MILK
Add to cart
activ-X for Women from $55.39 CAD
Elite athlete, weekend warrior, or just on the go? Whether you train for
competition or enjoy playing hard and achieving more, you need every advantage
to push your body and mind to new limits. activ-X for women is scientifically
developed for performance. You’ll feel the increased energy as you train harder,
maximize endurance and experience faster recovery. Improve energy Boost stamina
Faster recovery Trusted by professional athletes Omega Absorb™ delivery system
View Ingredient Table   Description “More energy” is our #1 feedback! Increase
energy and stamina Much more than a multivitamin, activ-X features essential
vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, omega oils and adaptogens to support hormone
health and raise energy and stamina. EFA’s (Essential Fatty Acids) from fish oil
decrease heart rate and oxygen consumption during exercise, which increases your
cardiovascular reserve so you can train harder. Speeds recovery time Curcumin is
a powerful anti-inflammatory herb. Inflammation is responsible for post-workout
soreness and stiffness, and slowing your recovery time. Curcumin can help calm
the inflammation so that you can get back to your workout, faster and stronger.
Milk Thistle is an herb with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Studies show that Milk Thistle helps the liver to mediate cell damage caused by
the generation of lactic acid and free radicals during intense exercise. Lactic
acid and free radicals cause muscle fatigue, interfering with athletic
performance. Alpha Lipoic Acid a critical component of the cell’s antioxidant
defense system. It supports the maintenance of a healthy antioxidant defense
system including glutathione. Alpha Lipoic Acid counters oxidative stress and
inflammation, and aids in recovery after a workout. Powerful adaptogens fuel
performance Athletes worldwide use adaptogens such as ginseng and cordyceps to
improve performance and endurance without inducing jitters or nervousness. These
two potent adaptogens are shown to boost stamina by increasing oxygen in the
blood, thereby enhancing athletic performance. Fights stress Rhodiola, another
adaptogen in activ-X, fights stress and helps your body and mind recuperate from
physical workouts or stressful situations. Studies show that Rhodiola works
synergistically with Cordyceps to improve aerobic performance and accelerate
physiological adaptation during physical activity. Free of substances banned in
sport Experience peace of mind knowing that activ-X is Informed Sport certified.
Considered the global gold standard in sports nutrition quality control,
Informed Sport gives athletes and consumers like you the highest levels of
confidence and support. Omega Absorb™ Through the power of healthy oils, our
award-winning delivery system allows our bodies to absorb the nutrients it needs
to improve our health and achieve our wellness goals. Key Ingredients EVENING
Add to cart
activ-X for Men from $55.39 CAD
Elite athlete, weekend warrior, or just on the go? Whether you train for
competition or enjoy playing hard and achieving more, you need every advantage
to push your body and mind to new limits. activ-X for men is scientifically
developed for performance. You’ll feel the increased energy as you train harder,
maximize endurance, and experience faster recovery. Increase energy Maximize
stamina Faster recovery Trusted by professional athletes Omega Absorb™ delivery
system View Ingredient Table   Description “More energy” is our #1 feedback!
Your browser does not support the video tag. Increase energy and staminaMuch
more than a multivitamin, activ-X features essential vitamins, minerals,
antioxidants, omega oils and adaptogens to increase staying power. EFA’s
(Essential Fatty Acids) from fish oil decrease heart rate and oxygen consumption
during exercise, which increases your cardiovascular reserve so you can train
harder. activ-X contains 700 mg of Fish Oil in two softgels a day. Speeds
recovery time Curcumin is a powerful anti-inflammatory herb. Inflammation is
responsible for post-workout soreness and stiffness, and slowing your recovery
time. Curcumin can help calm the inflammation so that you can get back to your
workout, faster and stronger. Milk Thistle is an herb with antioxidant and
anti-inflammatory properties. Studies show that Milk Thistle helps the liver to
mediate cell damage caused by the generation of lactic acid and free radicals
during intense exercise. Lactic acid and free radicals cause muscle fatigue,
interfering with athletic performance. Alpha Lipoic Acid is a critical component
of the cell’s antioxidant defense system. It supports the maintenance of a
healthy antioxidant defense system including glutathione. Alpha Lipoic Acid
counters oxidative stress and inflammation and aids in recovery after a workout.
Powerful adaptogens fuel performance Athletes worldwide use adaptogens such as
Ginseng and Cordyceps to improve performance and endurance without inducing
jitters or nervousness. These potent adaptogens are shown to boost stamina by
increasing oxygen in the blood, thereby enhancing athletic performance. Fights
stress Rhodiola, another adaptogen in activ-X, fights stress and helps your body
and mind recuperate from physical workouts or stressful situations. Studies show
that Rhodiola works synergistically with Cordyceps to improve aerobic
performance and accelerate physiological adaptation during physical activity.
Free of substances banned in sport Experience peace of mind knowing that activ-X
is Informed-Sport certified. Considered the global gold standard in sports
nutrition quality control, Informed-Sport gives athletes and consumers like you
the highest levels of confidence and support.  Omega Absorb™Through the power of
healthy oils, our award-winning delivery system allows our bodies to absorb the
nutrients it needs to improve our health and achieve our wellness goals. Key
Add to cart


Post-Workout Recovery Tactics

Do you feel sore, feel tight and inflexible, or are too tired to work out the
next day? Do you feel sore, tight and inflexible, or too ti...

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Practices and Ingredients to Manage Stress

If you are feeling overwhelmed by stress and not sure what steps to take to go
about handling your stress, keep reading!

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How NAC (N-Acetyl-Cysteine) Supports Detoxification in the Body

With detoxification and elimination being a vital aspect of overall health, it's
important to look at the ways we can support these vital...

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