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Stakeholder Research


Businesses of all sizes are increasingly focused on ESG, social licence and
behaving as good corporate citizens of the communities in which they operate.
Doing this successfully requires stakeholder and community engagement strategies
and activities to be measured and assessed – one genuine way of doing this is by
stakeholder research.


unbiased stakeholder insights

What is it?


Engagement, done well, encourages two-way conversations and long-term

But sometimes we get so focused on what we are doing, we do not take time to
assess if it is hitting the mark. We work with clients to gather insight to how
their engagement activities align with corporate strategy, reporting and
responsibilities. On your behalf, Cannings Purple can encourage stakeholders to
open up and provide their views in a neutral and often confidential setting.

It’s not just market research – we are stakeholder engagement experts who delve
into stakeholder perception, insights and sentiment, assess this against a
backdrop of wider community, social and economic insights and trends, and
provide recommendations to maximise the success of existing and future
engagement activities.


What it can do for
your business

Stakeholder engagement – and especially community engagement in regional and
remote communities – can require significant resources. But often, especially
when decision makers are based in the city, it is hard to know if that
investment is being well spent, and meeting the wider needs of the business.

Businesses of all sizes are increasingly focused on ESG, social licence, and
behaving as good corporate citizens of the communities in which they operate.
Doing this successfully requires stakeholder and community engagement strategies
to be measured and assessed – one genuine way of doing this is by stakeholder

A specialist stakeholder engagement firm ensures stakeholder needs are accounted
for in the development of the research program. Once complete, the reporting
aspects will provide stakeholder engagement recommendations and becomes a
reliable and reportable data tool for organisations.


Our process

Energy industry - Stakeholder Perception Audit
Northern Australia

To gauge sentiment and overall awareness of our client and its perceived value
and contribution to local communities in which it operates, a bespoke,
multi-channel stakeholder survey program was delivered in 2022.

The overall goal of the perception surveys was to discover if, and to what
extent, the company is perceived to deliver economic and social value to
stakeholders and regions in Northern Australia where it operates.

The results
Our approach
The challenge

The findings of the perception program were analysed and summarised and a report
of the methodology, insights, stakeholder group sentiment, recommendations,
risks and opportunities for future engagement was prepared. The final report was
designed and included infographics which summarised the key findings.

During the early planning process, it was highlighted that the numerous
stakeholders and stakeholder groups identified had different engagement
preferences and needs. This was considered and reflected in the selected
methodology and positioning of questions.

During the engagement periods, Cannings Purple independently undertook a
broad-reaching program of engagement to gain maximum engagement. This included
travel to local communities to undertake face-to-face interviews, video
interviews with government representatives and service providers, phone
conversations with businesses, a digital community survey and a second digital
survey targeting local businesses.

Cannings Purple was engaged to deliver two bespoke, multi-channel stakeholder
survey programs to gauge sentiment and overall awareness of the company and its
perceived value and contribution to the regions in Northern Australia where it
operates. The data obtained from these two engagement programs will be used to
benchmark future engagement and community perception and sentiment.

Resource industry
Stakeholder Perception Audit

The company operates several mines and has existing operational and
philanthropic relationships with stakeholders across several very remote
regional communities, including a remote Aboriginal community.

To gauge sentiment and overall awareness of the company and its perceived value
and contribution to Western Australian, a bespoke, multi-channel stakeholder
survey program was delivered across a three-month period. The overarching goal
of this engagement was to provide a baseline to measure changes in performance
for future surveys.

The results
Our approach
The challenge

In total 45 face-to-face interviews with priority stakeholders across Perth and
the relevant region. Upon completion of the interviews and digital survey, a
review and analysis of the results was undertaken and a report prepared for the

This branded Outcomes Report included graphs and highlighted key themes,
insights, recommendations, demographic splits and identified risks and future

As part of this process, the company was committed to the wide consultation with
key stakeholders grouped by their geographical location. The research approach
was co-designed with the the company and considered the engagement preferences
and complexities regarding baselining perceptions coupled with varying
relationships experienced to date.  

During the early planning process, it was highlighted that the numerous
stakeholders and stakeholder groups identified have different engagement
preferences and needs. This was considered and reflected in the selected
methodology and positioning of questions.

Two Cannings Purple consultants travelled to the region to conduct face-to-face
interviews over a three day period. Follow up online and phone interviews were
offered to the priority stakeholders as well as the publication of a digital
survey to capture the broader community sentiment.

Engaging in community perception audits is beneficial to better understand key
stakeholders and the findings of such surveys provide meaningful data and
actionable opportunities to strengthen existing and build new relationships.

However, engaging with stakeholders presents a risk to the relationship and the
reputation of the business. The below risks were discussed with the project team
and were considered in the planning of the survey delivery methods and

 * Resistance, apathy and unwilling participation

 * Unsure about the purpose of engagement - for example a fear of change in
   operation / losing funding

 * Broken and unmanaged reputation

 * Remote geographical location of stakeholders

 * Languages other than English

State Government Department
Stakeholder engagement, reporting and analysis

The Department sought external support to activate engagement with the
community, industry, government, Traditional Owners and other key stakeholders
to inform the planning and drafting of a draft Management Plan.

This phase of engagement was critical to identifying the issues and
opportunities and managing the expectations of actively involved stakeholders.

The results
Our approach
The challenge

The survey received over 2,200 unique responses from diverse, interested and
impacted individuals across Western Australia. The survey was deemed successful
with a completion rate of 55% and an average completion time of 49 minutes. The
survey included benchmarking questions which were used to group and compare
responses, including key demographics and forest uses.

Following the completion of the survey, Cannings Purple was engaged for an
additional scope to compile a larger analysis and recommendations report that
included the findings of key stakeholder Focus Groups. The findings were
analysed and summarised and a report of key themes, insights, topics,
demographic splits as well as risks and opportunities for next steps was
prepared. The final report was formatted to include infographics which
summarised the survey responses an detailed how the information could inform the
draft management plan.

In October 2022, the Draft Management Plan was released for public feedback for
a period of two-months.

Cannings Purple developed and implemented an online survey that was embedded on
the Department's website and shared across its owned digital channels and within
State newspapers using a QR code. A second confidential and voluntary internal
digital survey was developed by Cannings Purple to capture staff feedback about
working in the area of operations as well as their experiences in relation to
unauthorised use of the area.

The survey was open for a three-week period and included 19 questions which were
displayed in various formats. A statistical method was used to analyse and tag
the raw data, using this approach ten top themes were identified and discussed
in detail within the final report.

Cannings Purple was presented with a number of challenges:

 * Developing questions that benchmarked respondents, were relevant to all
   stakeholders and provided valuable insights to the Department;

 * Analysing large quantities of data and identifying trends and risks within
   the long and short form responses;

 * Liaising with other third parties undertaking supporting stakeholder
   engagement activities such as Focus Groups to identify trends across a larger
   stakeholder group;

 * Ensuring the engagement method was inclusive and considered the various
   accessibility needs of interested and impacted community stakeholders.



Our work

Cameron Wong
Renee Wilkinson
Associate Director
Elizabeth Jones
Associate Director


Your team

Expert team of SE and Digital and Data specialists. The team that pitches to you
is the team conducting the research and analysis.




Perth Head Office
Level 1, Brookfield Tower 2,
123 St Georges Terrace,
Perth WA 6000

Property and infrastructure
Resources, Energy and Utilities
Professional Services
Health and Aged Care

Digital Marketing
Graphic Design
Government Relations
Investor Relations
Corporate Communications
Community Relations
Content Marketing
Crisis Communications  Part of WPP


Find out more


Our experienced specialists ensure that this process respects the delicate
balance between your organisation and its stakeholders. Complete the form below
to discover how Cannings Purple can enhance your stakeholder engagement efforts.

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