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The O.H. Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory (HWRL), established at Oregon State
University in 1972, is a state-of-the-art coastal engineering research and
education center with two specialized large-scale resources for physical model
testing of coastal systems subject to the action of tsunamis created by
earthquakes and storm surge and waves created by wind storms. OSU was awarded an
NSF grant to establish the Tsunami Experimental Facility at the HWRL as part of
the Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES) program from 2000 to
2004, and operated the NEES Tsunami Facility from 2004 to 2014. Over the past 10
years, the HWRL received several major upgrades, including state-of the art
instrumentation, a large-stroke piston-type wavemaker, and over 465 m2 (5,000
ft2) of new office and meeting space for staff and visiting researchers.

The NHERI Experimental Facility at Oregon State University, known as the NHERI
Coastal Wave/Surge and Tsunami (NHERI CWST-EF), consist of two main resources to
support a wide base of users: the Large Wave Flume (LWF) and the Directional
Wave Basin (DWB). Both the flume and basin are capable of generating wind waves
and tsunamis. The flume is a two-dimensional representation of the coast
(looking directly out to sea), eliminating the complexity of longshore currents
and wave direction and allowing a cross-section of test specimens to be studied
at a large scale. The directional wave basin (DWB) increases the system
complexity to three dimensions by extending laterally, allowing multifaceted
specimens and generation of waves from a range of directions. In addition to
these two resources, the Experimental Facility provides standard and
state-of-the-art instrumentation to assess wave conditions, velocity, and
response variables such as stress, strain, load and sediment transport (scour
and erosion).

The CWST-EF at Oregon State University supports the overall vision of the
Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) program to increase
the resilience of civil infrastructure and communities to coastal storms and
tsunamis. Hurricanes and other coastal windstorms are extreme hazards with
elevated surge and waves, high winds, and intense rains that threaten near-coast
structures and critical lifelines such as bridges, roads, power and
communication, and water supplies. Tsunamis can be triggered by seismic events,
including fault displacement and landslides, and also represent extreme hazards
with rapid inundation and damage. An additional challenge related to tsunami
waves is the relative short time for advanced warning and evacuation strategies,
not to mention the scarcity of tsunami events and unfeasibility to predict an


The Oregon State University NHERI Experimental Facility is supported by a grant
from the National Science Foundation (#2037914).