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Effective URL: https://www.which.co.uk/campaigns
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Join our growing community of supporters and together we can build a brighter future for everyone. * End the Insurance Rip-Off Insurance companies are getting away with ripping us off when we need them most. It’s time for the regulator to get tough with badly behaving companies. Demand action by signing the petition. * Customer Service Counts What happened to customer service? We're passed around from pillar to post, on hold for ages in frustrating phone queues. Companies say we're important to them - it's time to show us they mean it and put customers first. * Stamp Out Scams Fraudsters are tricking consumers into transferring money from their accounts to scammers. Government and businesses need to do more to protect us from scams. Sign our petition to Stamp Out Scams! * The Right to Connect Mobile and broadband providers are duping consumers with their sneaky mid-contract price hikes. We're demanding big broadband and mobile phone providers drop these shady practices now. * Make Tech Giants Take Responsibility Tech companies aren't doing enough to protect us from unsafe products. We're demanding strong new laws that make tech giants do better. * Policy & insight * POLICY & INSIGHT * Our Policy and Insight Our policy and insights work combines our cutting-edge research with our technical, legal and policy expertise to drive change for consumers. * Policy papers Our evidence-based proposals for ways to make life simpler, fairer and safer for consumers * Consumer insight Our latest research, analysis and data on the challenges facing consumers * Press releases Read all of our press releases and responses to breaking news * About our policy work Learn more about the Policy and Insights team at Which? and our mission to create a fairer and safer world for consumers. * Press team Meet our press office team and media spokespersons, and find all the information you need to contact them. * Which? 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Home 2. Home 3. Campaigns 4. Campaignstype="NavigationLink" CAMPAIGNS Our purpose is to tackle consumer harm by making life simpler, fairer and safer for consumers. Join our growing community of supporters, and together we can build a brighter future for everyone. IN THIS ARTICLE * Take action * Our campaign wins * Our campaign history * Become a supporter TOGETHER WE CAN CHANGE THINGS FOR THE BETTER Your actions make a difference. Join us and help campaign for meaningful change. 4 Campaigns 625k Signatures 789k Supporters MAKE TECH GIANTS TAKE RESPONSIBILITY Online platforms are getting away with allowing the sale of dangerous products to harm users on their websites. We're demanding robust new laws to ensure tech giants do better. Sign our petition for a safer online future! 108,374 Signatures 72 CUSTOMER SERVICE COUNTS What happened to customer service? We're passed around from pillar to post, on hold for ages in frustrating phone queues. Or sent online to chats that won't connect and AI bots that just don't get it. Companies say we're important to them - it's time to show us they mean it and put customers first. STAMP OUT SCAMS Fraudsters are tricking consumers into transferring money from their accounts to scammers. Government and businesses need to do more to protect us from scams. Sign our petition to Stamp Out Scams! 450,677 Signatures 90 END THE INSURANCE RIP-OFF Insurance companies are getting away with ripping us off when we need them most. It’s time for the regulator to get tough with badly behaving companies. Demand action by signing the petition. 67,206 Signatures 67 OUR CAMPAIGN WINS These are just some of our recent campaign achievements for UK consumers Won 2024 THE DMCC ACT Following our calls for stronger digital rights and consumer protections, the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Act has successfully passed through parliament. The new laws will empower consumers with protections against fake reviews, hidden fees and subscription traps in this major step towards fairer, safer marketplaces. Won 2023 OFCOM CONFIRMS THE RIGHT TO CONNECT Listening to our calls, Ofcom has proposed a ban on unpredictable inflation-linked mid-contract price rises. Once in effect this ban will protect millions of households from being blindsided by unfair price hikes. Won 2023 THE ONLINE SAFETY BILL After years of campaigning, consumers will now have stronger protections against online harms with the implementation of new internet safety regulations. The Online Safety Bill has received Royal Assent and now is law, marking a major step towards a safer internet. Show more A CAMPAIGNING HISTORY Which? was created in 1957 to empower and inform consumers. Our founders wanted to make the average shopper in the street just as powerful as the companies they bought their goods and services from - and we've been fighting your corner ever since. Again and again, we've achieved major campaigning victories, changing the direction of governments and industries. > The impact of your work has been profound. Your campaigns and magazines have > transformed the world in which we live, improving products and services in the > public and private sectors. I know that you will use this platform to achieve > even more for consumers in the future. Gordon BrownPrime Minister (2007-10) From lead-free paint in children's toys in the '60s to seat belts in cars in the '80s, our campaigning has been leading the fight for consumer protection for sixty years. Whether we're exposing dangerous products, enforcing hygiene and safety standards or intervening to fix broken markets and reduce costs, our collective vigilance ensures that people are protected and empowered. 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s 2020s -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1960S Buoyed by a big increase in membership, Which? moved to investigate and tackle some wide ranging issues that hadn’t been challenged before. 1964 Following our investigations and warnings, the government bans toxic lead paint from children's toys and introduces new rules to make electric blankets safer. 1967 We carried out our first full test of child car seats in 1967. Since then, we've maintained our position as the only UK organisation carrying out extensive crash safety tests of child car seats. 1970S The 70s was the decade when we began to take a much more active campaigning role. We campaigned strongly for law changes and over this decade important new rights for consumers came in. 1972 The government creates a new Minister for Consumer Affairs post, after extensive campaigning from us – Geoffrey Howe is the first to take on the role. 1978 Our campaign helped persuade the government to introduce the Unfair Contract Terms Act, which put an end to many of the problems caused by small print. 1980S The 80s was a decade of rapid technological and economic change, which brought us the first home computers and handheld mobile phone. For Which?, it was a decade of strong membership growth with some landmark victories. 1980 The Competition Act came into force, ensuring companies could no longer monopolise markets and consumers get the fairest price for goods and services. 1983 Front seatbelts become compulsory after our long running campaigning on the issue. 1986 The government passes the Financial Services Act, after we pressure them to regulate the financial services industry. 1990S The 90s were an era of rapid technological expansion and we were surfing the wave from the start– launching our website in 1996 (before even Google existed). But we also won victories closer to home in automotive safety and food standards. 1994 Car seatbelts in the front and back are made compulsory for any car carrying children – another important win in our product safety campaigning. 1997 We co-founded the European New Car Assessment Program (Euro NCAP). Hundreds of thousands of lives are claimed to have been saved since its foundation. 1999 The Independent Food Standards Agency is created in light of our demands following the BSE crisis. 2000S The new millennium saw us building on past successes – and winning again and again on nuisance calls, debit and credit card surcharges, unarranged overdraft fees and many other campaigns. 2000 We campaigned against the introduction of fees for using cash machines. The banks swiftly dropped their plans. 2010S The 2010s were a time of accelerated change. To safeguard consumers, we fought for their access to cash and helped to launch the rail Ombudsman. We also successfully campaigned to fine nuisance call bosses and secured auto-compensation for poor broadband. Post Brexit, we fought to protect British food standards and thoroughly scrutinised trade deals so there is no compromise on quality, standards or consumer rights. 2017 After years of campaigning, we secured auto-compensation for poor broadband and a crackdown on misleading ads. 2018 The independent rail Ombudsman is launched following 2 years of our campaigning. 2019 We won our campaign against nuisance calls, the government rolling out a law that can inflict fines of up to £500,000 on anyone found responsible for nuisance calls. 2019 After years of campaigning, Whirlpool was forced to recall hundreds of thousands of unmodified fire-risk tumble dryers from UK homes. 2020S It’s the 2020s, and we’re as dedicated as ever to ensuring a fairer, simpler and safer world for consumers. Together we can drive further change. Become a Campaigns supporter. 2021 Plans for the Pensions dashboard were launched. The project is set for completion by 2026. We campaigned for seven years for a simplified, all-in-one place, platform for consumers to keep track of their pensions. 2023 The Financial Services and Markets Act becomes law, protecting consumers' access to cash with free ATMs and measures to ensure scam victims are reimbursed if they are tricked into transferring money to fraudsters. The new reimbursement requirement will come into force in 2024. 2023 After years of campaigning, consumers will now have stronger protections against online harms with the Royal Assent of the Online Safety Bill. 2023 Listening to our calls, Ofcom proposed a ban on unpredictable inflation-linked mid-contract price rises. Once in effect, this ban will protect millions of households from being blindsided by unfair price hikes. 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