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Submitted URL: https://feedingwisconsin.com/
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Submission: On July 20 via api from US — Scanned from GB

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Text Content

 * Hunger in Wisconsin
   * Hunger Study
   * State of Hunger
   * Stories
 * Public Policy & Advocacy
   * State Policy
   * Federal Policy
   * Hunger Action Center
   * Tell Your Hunger Story
 * Data & Research
   * Map the Meal Gap
   * Hunger and Health
   * Food Insecurity Rates
   * COVID-19 Pantry Visitor Pulse Survey
 * Programs
   * FoodShare Outreach
   * Farmers Feeding Wisconsin
   * Pantry Network Engagement
   * Tribal Food Security
   * Conferences
 * About Us
   * Our Impact
   * Staff
   * Board
   * FAQs
   * Partners
   * Jobs
 * Media
   * Publications
   * Press Releases
   * News
 * Get Help
 * Get Involved
 * Forward Together Blog
 * Contact us
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 * Get Help
 * Get Involved
 * Forward Together Blog


 * Hunger in Wisconsin
   * Hunger Study
   * State of Hunger
   * Stories
 * Public Policy & Advocacy
   * State Policy
   * Federal Policy
   * Hunger Action Center
   * Tell Your Hunger Story
 * Data & Research
   * Map the Meal Gap
   * Hunger and Health
   * Food Insecurity Rates
   * COVID-19 Pantry Visitor Pulse Survey
 * Programs
   * FoodShare Outreach
   * Farmers Feeding Wisconsin
   * Pantry Network Engagement
   * Tribal Food Security
   * Conferences
 * About Us
   * Our Impact
   * Staff
   * Board
   * FAQs
   * Partners
   * Jobs
 * Media
   * Publications
   * Press Releases
   * News

Visit our Hunger Action Center to learn ways you can take action to end hunger!

Visit Hunger Action Center
The issues and how you can help...
Our advocacy priorities
advocate for
the cause
our blog
Learn about food banking
Need help? Find your nearest food bank.
 * Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin
 * Second Harvest Foodbank of Southern Wisconsin
 * Feed My People Food Bank
 * Second Harvest Heartland
 * Second Harvest Northern Lakes Food Bank
 * Channel One Regional Food Bank


Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin
1700 W. Fond du Lac Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53205

Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin - Fox Valley
2911 W. Evergreen Drive
Appleton, WI 54913


Second Harvest Foodbank Southern Wisconsin
2802 Dairy Drive
Madison, WI 53718


Feed My People Food Bank
2610 Alpine Road
Eau Claire, WI 54703


Second Harvest Heartland
7101 Winnetka Avenue N.
Brooklyn Park, MN 55428


Second Harvest Northern Lakes Food Bank
4503 Airpark Boulevard
Duluth, MN 55811


Channel One Regional Food Bank
131 35th Street SE
Rochester, MN 55904

Latest news and media


Senate Passes Bipartisan Farm Bill
June 29, 2018 - The Senate passes their version of the Farm Bill, which protects
SNAP and strengthens TEFAP, on a strong, bipartisan vote of 86-11!
Download PDF

Senate Agriculture Committee Passes Farm Bill
June 13, 2018 - The Senate Agriculture Committee passed its version of the Farm
Bill out of Committee. The Senate Farm Bill presents a responsible,
forward-looking vision to fight hunger, improve health and strengthen rural
Download PDF

The House REJECTS H.R. 2
May 18, 2018 - The House of Representatives rejected a Farm Bill that would have
made indiscriminate cuts to SNAP and reduced state flexibility and local control
to implement the program. Feeding Wisconsin hopes that Congress will revisit the
Farm Bill and work toward passing a bipartisan bill that fights hunger and
supports our rural communities by strengthening SNAP.
Download PDF



Feeding Wisconsin, the statewide association of Feeding America food banks,
announced today that Jackie Anderson has been hired as its new Executive
Director. In her new role, Anderson will oversee the organization’s advocacy,
outreach, and coalition-building efforts to support its member food banks' work
to end hunger in Wisconsin.
April 22, 2024 via "Forward Together" Blog


Hunger in America Wisconsin Report
March 25, 2015
View publication

Wisconsin Hunger in America Summary Report
March 25, 2015
View publication

COVID-19 Pantry Visitor Pulse Survey
July 1, 2021
View publication

View All Publications »


Feeding Wisconsin Releases 2023 Wisconsin Advocacy Priorities
February 14, 2023
Download PDF
View press release

Feeding Wisconsin Welcomes David W. Pluymers as FoodShare Outreach Program
December 1, 2021
Download PDF

Food Distribution for Tribal Elders Hosts Virtual Press Conference with
Government Officials, Community Organizations and Academic Partners
August 11, 2021
Download PDF
View press release

View All Press Releases »

Striving forward toward a hunger free Wisconsin

86 million meals distributed in 2021

1000+ programs including pantries, afterschool and weekend programs, meal
programs and residential shelters

$153 million distributed in food purchased and recovered by network Food Banks
in FY21

About Feeding Wisconsin


Feeding Wisconsin is the statewide association of the six Feeding America food
banks that provide food to local food programs in all 72 counties of the state.

Our mission is to coordinate and enhance the statewide work of our member food
banks to ensure that everybody in Wisconsin has access to the food and benefits
they need to work, learn, play and live healthy lives.

We assist our members raising statewide food and funds, increasing awareness
about hunger in Wisconsin, strengthening the public and private solutions to
hunger and food insecurity, and catalyzing the statewide public-private
partnerships so that we can all strive Forward together toward our collective
vision of a hunger-free Wisconsin.

Learn more About Us »


Founding Partner, UnitedHealthcare, is dedicated to helping people nationwide
live healthier lives by simplifying the health care experience, meeting consumer
health and wellness needs, and sustaining trusted relationships with care


Feeding Wisconsin's Board of Directors is comprised of the six food banks
leaders of our six network food banks that serve Wisconsinites across all 72
counties. The board, along with insights from their board, staff, ending hunger
allies, and most importantly Wisconsinites with lived experiences of hunger,
provides strategic guidance for Feeding Wisconsin's activities and initiatives,
and lends a magnifying voice in the effort to end hunger in the state.

Michelle Orge
Second Harvest Foodbank of Southern Wisconsin Allison O'Toole
Second Harvest Heartland Patti Habeck
Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin Suzanne Becker
Feed My People Food Bank Shaye Moris
Second Harvest Northern Lakes Food Bank Virginia Merritt
Channel One Regional Food Bank

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