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7 Ways To Lose 20 Pounds In 30 Days

By Dr. K in Article | 193 Comments

(106 votes, average: 3.92 out of 5)







Losing absurd amounts of weight in relatively short periods of time used to be
thought of as unhealthy. Nowadays, there are many exceptions to the lose 1-2
pounds per week rule such as:

 1. Bariatric Surgery (pre & post)
 2. Cardiac Disease (increases risk by not losing weight quickly)
 3. Type II Diabetes (can be faster with benefits to glucose tolerance, but
    sugars must be monitored)

…just to name a few reasons why you might want to safely lose weight faster than
1-2 pounds per week. When your body or your organs depend upon it, it’s a good
idea to treat your body well and get the extra weight off as fast as possible.

The trouble with “losing weight too quickly” is the method, not the process.
Most people try radical things like extreme dieting with caloric deprivation,
dehydration, pills, nutrient-void cleanses, or other posh-type weight loss
strategies that infect us through the media.

These methods don’t work. They can help you lose weight quickly, but you’ll
often rebound with more weight gain later, or cause a lot of stress to your body
in the process. Muscle wasting can take place, as well as cardiac arrhythmia,
diarrhea, constipation, sugar-level fluctuations, and many other harmful bodily

Cortisol levels go up when your body is stressed, which adversely affects
insulin sensitivity. Your body quickly observes a chronic state of stress, and
it protects you with the storage of fat, amongst many other bodily functions,
such as alteration in other hormones, and loss/gain of appetite.

Instead, consider what you can do to actually reduce the stress to your body
through the weight loss program you choose. Think about the areas of your
exercise program that will look/feel different when you hit your goals
completely, and the obstacles that lie in your way.

It’s no secret that you’ll have to eat well, choose nutrient-dense foods, and
exercise. That said, let’s figure out the finer points of exercise and nutrition
that have prevented you from achieving results as fast as you would have

Below, you’ll see that I’ve listed the top 7 Ways To Lose Up To 20 Pounds In The
Next 30 Days. It’s extremely important that you understand your body is capable
of this, but it’s the minor tweaks and attitude adjustment that will make all
the difference.


Method #1: Model ‘Goal-Level’ Intensity Today

If you want to win big, play big.

This is true in so many facets of life, whether you want to earn more income,
meet a better partner, or improve your health. “Playing BIG,” so to speak, is
all about doing things, right now, in the way you would imagine yourself to when
the goal is realized.

For example, if you’re in sales, you might realize that you need to close 20
clients per day in order to realize your goal income. Then, you figure out how
many calls it takes you to close a client and multiply. If you need to hire a
sales force and write scripts in order to make enough calls, then you do so
right away. It’s a way faster way to hit the end goal.

In the case of health, this is best done through cumulative exercise and
increased intensity. When you’re in great shape, you naturally put yourself
through more in a given workout. In a sense, more “workout pain” hurts less, but
only because you’ve felt it before. The unfamiliar is the scariest part.

I’m not telling you to go crazy and end up in emergency level pain from your
muscle soreness, to the point that you can’t move. However, I am telling you
that on a sale of 0 to 10, where:

0 = no pain/muscle soreness the day after your workout


10 out of 10 = emergency level pain, cannot move or function

I’d like you to make sure you’re somewhere between 5 and 7 out of 10 when you’re
working out for fat loss. The goal is to create muscle repair and speed up your
metabolism in the process. This is done through controlled damage and improved
signaling to muscles, thereby getting more muscle involved in every repetition
of every set that you do.

Model the intensity you expect yourself to have when you realize your goal and
do this today. If you’re intimidated, increase your intensity by 10% every
workout until you’re there. Be careful, but be purposeful in your method of
losing fat quickly. You’ll be surprised by the result!

The first step to begin improving your intensity; download our Fit in Minutes
app and you’ll be finished with your first workout in just 5 minutes:

Fit in minutes


Method #2: Supercharge Your Diet & Double Your Fat Loss

You can search the internet high and low, but you’ll rarely find a resource even
half as helpful as the article that one of my best friends wrote, Kiwi Chris. I
first met Chris at an international Fitness conference in Austin, TX, and I was
immediately impressed by his knowledge, along with his incredible spirit for

Several months later, Chris ended up staying with my wife and I for 6 weeks
doing some specialized rehab for long-standing non-healing issues he was having.
Needless to say, you can really get to know someone while living with them for 6
weeks, and I’m proud to introduce you to someone who makes fat loss seem really

Oh, and he’s absolutely hilarious, so you’ll really enjoy reading his article

How to Double Your Fat Loss – 9 Easy Tricks to Supercharge ANY Diet

Planned cheat meals are a beautiful thing, and done right, they can be an
integral part of rapid fat loss, diet compliance, and being a happy person.

The problem is what happens when the unplanned cheat meals step in.

What am I talking about? Here are three examples most of my clients can relate

SCENARIO ONE: You wake up in the morning and walk past your laptop, deciding
against your better judgment to “quickly” check emails. Four hours and some
serious hypoglycemia later, your hands are shaking as you stagger out of your
chair and walk head first into the pantry door. You reach out, dying to eat
anything… and your hand lands on… Oreos. A whole packet of double chocolate
Oreos. I give it 9 to 1 odds that that packet won’t survive the next two minutes
of your life.

SCENARIO TWO: You are meeting your date for an evening cocktail event. Food will
be served and your date assures you, some of it will be healthy. You rock up
nice and early, looking and feeling amaaaaazing, although a tad bit hungry.
Things drag on and on and no food is coming out. Now you are famished, and the
feeling amazing has turned to what we call “HANGRY” the so hungry you are angry
combo. When food does finally appear, you find out that the “healthy low-fat”
solution is in fact a high fructose corn syrup wrap packed with white rice and a
tiny bit of something that genetically is chicken but grew up in a cage and is
now covered in sugary, “low fat” mayo. Oh boy.

SCENARIO THREE: Enjoying a night of fine dining with your health conscious
mates, you expect to eat cleanly and healthy, no cheat meal for you tonight. You
order grass fed steak, double serving of vegetables on the side, and ONE glass
of red wine. Perfect – you are hungry so you tuck in faster than a sumo wrestler
at an all-you-can eat sushi joint. Not so fast Kiwi, you are half way through
the meal when you realize the steak has been broiled in and then smothered in a
TON of sugary, corn syrup solid teriyaki sauce, that delicious brown sauce is in
fact sugar and food coloring, and to your horror, you notice that the veges were
sauteed in a refined vegetable oil too. I guess it WAS a cheat meal.

If you can avoid unplanned cheat meals, and keep your diet on the straight and
narrow at least 90 percent of the time, you are going to double your chances at
getting the body or performance you are looking for.

Ok ok ok you say…Give me solutions KIWI!!

Ok – Here are 9 Easy Tricks I use and tell my athletes to implement from Day 1.
Yes, that means you start from today.

Trick Number 1 – If it ain’t there, you CAN’T eat it

Take everything in your kitchen that is bad for you and throw it out or give it
away. (if you need help determining what is good or bad, don’t worry, we are
covering that in an upcoming article). This trick is so simple but it is SO
important that I put it at number 1.

Do it. Now.

Category: control food access

Trick Number 2 – Eat before you dine out, every time

Eat something healthy to take the edge off your hunger before you leave the
house to dine out. Every time.

The second you leave your house for a social event you have limited control over
what is served, and if you are meeting other people, when it is served.

If you eat a tiny bit prior you can keep the edge off your hunger to avoid
caving to craving if great food selections do not present themselves. You are
also likely to eat LESS.

My favorite pre dining combo: a handful of raw organic almonds and some organic,
grass-fed beef jerky, but even an apple is better than nothing.

Category: control food access

Category: never let yourself get super hungry

Trick Number 3 – Watch the dressings, condiments, and food prep ingredients

Not much point thinking you are eating a healthy meal if you are downing
dressings or sauces full of sugar or countless grams of unhealthy fats.

Same goes for how your food was prepared. There are often going to be some oils
and sugars in the cooking process, especially eating out, just watch how much
and what is used. Coconut oil and olive oil ROCK. For everything else, ditch the
oil and sugars and keep the cheat meals planned cheat meals people.

Category: control food access

Trick Number 4 – Eat nutrient dense foods regularly whenever you get hungry

If you find yourself starting to get very hungry, eat a healthy meal while you
still have some self-control.

Some intermittent fasting has its uses, and while there are advocates out there
for rampant fasting, I am not a big fan of the big fasts for a few reasons: 1)
athletic performance (and daily productivity) bomb for me when eating this way
when compared to other more regular feeding diets that have a surplus of
adequate nutrition (try it without ANY caffeine, I dare you) 2) most importantly
it is when super hungry that most serious binges occur, especially with
beginners 3) cortisol management. The adrenal/cortisol axis is SO important to
fat loss that it deserves its own book… don’t stress your body any more than you
have to.

Especially at the start of any new diet, eat enough and regularly to never get
super hungry – just make sure it is the good stuff.

For athletes, most especially those with a significant metabolic component to
their training, keeping the nutrition coming in and energy going is the key to
training hard and recovering quickly.

Then there is the question of energy and more frequent feeding: do your sense of
body heat and your energy levels go up after you eat a meal? Coming off the
rails is a big problem if you can’t get back on afterwards. Enough said.

Category: never let yourself get super hungry

Category: avoid deficiencies that will impair health or performance

Category: avoid brain confusion for EAT messages

Trick Number 5 – Keep some healthy snacks on hand with you at all times

Life happens. Have a selection of healthy ready to eat choices on hand at all
times for those occasions when you are forced to go longer between meals than
intended, or are stuck somewhere with only poor food choices (such as an

Some readily portable examples: organic raw nuts, premade grass feed beef or
bison in chili (ideally sans legumes) or as jerky, cold meat cuts from home,
hard boiled eggs, low salt cans of fish, organic vegetables, organic seeds,
organic nuts (I love almonds, macadamias, and walnuts) and if you must, low
glycemic fruit (blueberries rock).

Category: never let yourself get super hungry

Trick Number 6 – Cover your nutritional bases, EVERY day

Eat nutrient dense foods from a variety of sources. Nature loves variety, and if
you can eat a broad spectrum of all the good stuff daily, you will reduce the
likelihood of having any nutrient deficiencies.

While this is great for health, it is also important for dieting. Your brain’s
solution when it feels like it is missing nutrition? You get the craving to EAT,
even if your caloric needs are already being met.

(This is so important, it is getting its own chapter one day)

Category: avoid brain confusion for EAT messages

Category: avoid deficiencies that will impair health or performance

Trick Number 7 – Get more quality sleep

Remember the comment above about the adrenal/cortisol axis? This might sound
weird as a trick to improving diet results, but one thing is for sure, not only
does not getting enough sleep mess up your good hormones, if your body is
lacking energy, you will feel the pull to find it, somewhere, often from food.

“Fatigue makes cowards of us all” – a comment so true made famous by Patton,
Lombardi, and others.

Getting enough REGULAR sleep aids in health, mood, superior hormone levels, a
faster metabolism, higher daily activity levels, and general happiness. Put

you will find that with enough rest and sleep you will have faster fat loss
results, and more energy and will power to keep going for what you want. Stay on
the path, mate.

Category: avoid brain confusion for EAT messages

Category: maintain will power

Category: improve hormone states to maximize fat loss

Trick Number 8 – Have a cheat meal!

Yes, schedule it in, and MAKE SURE YOU DO IT.

Pick your favorite “nemesis” foods and for one meal a week, take that puppy
down, BIG time.

Knowing you have a cheat meal coming up will keep your will power where it
should be on the days when you are supposed to be behaving, which is so
important for compliance. If done right it will also reduce cravings for days

Having a cheat meal also allow you to enjoy some of the finer things in life
while doing all sorts of wonders for fat burning hormones and muscle glycogen.

(There are a lot of tricks and pointers to ensure you are doing this correctly
and getting the most out of it. Don’t worry if you have no idea how to do this,
I am going to bring in the biggest names in the business to help you guys out).

Want to take it to the next level? Try to avoid fried foods and make sure your
cheat meal has NO GLUTEN in it. Trust me, makes a big difference.

Category: maintain will power

Category: avoid brain confusion for EAT messages

Trick Number 9 – Don’t beat yourself up. Face forwards

Sometimes you are going to slip, fall, and pig out on the wrong stuff at the
wrong time. Or eat the wrong type of food because there was nothing else

It is ok, one unplanned cheat meal is not going to end it all for you. Just make
sure you stick to clean eating as often as you can, get back on the rails, and
face forwards, positively.

Category: maintain will power

Those are my 9 Tricks – now go for it!

What little tricks do you use to keep your diet and clean eating on track? Let
me know on Facebook.

Want a bonus trick that is MAGIC but with a bit more detail? Read on…

Trick Number 10 – Make every healthy meal a sequence of Protein, Good Fats, and
Non Starchy Veges… In that order.

This trick, which automatically ensures a superior macro nutrient ratio for fat
loss -has outstanding results with everyone who tries it.

1.) Protein FIRST. Every meal, start by eating a clean, CHEWABLE quality source
of protein. What do I mean?

Meat (preferably grass-fed), (non-farmed) fish, free range poultry, clean living
or game meats, and free range eggs.

That is it.

Aim for a DAILY intake of 1 gram of protein per lb. of bodyweight or more. Yes,
I really said that that, and yes, it is harder than it sounds.

Yes, it is so important it is going at number 1.

Break this protein intake over each of your daily meals (2 meals is ok, 3 meals
is perfect and 4 is more than enough), and make getting in that quota of high
quality animal sourced protein your priority at every meal.

Don’t like counting? (And I don’t like counting, so this is how I recommend you
do it)

HOW I RECOMMEND YOU DO IT (the food order part)

 * Eat your protein until you are about 75-80% of the way to satiety, check for
   fats, and fill up on veggies.
 * That means eat the animal-sourced protein component of your meal until you
   are nearly full (about 75-80% of the way there)


2.) Fat SECOND. After you get your real food protein down, ensure you are
getting some healthy, quality, FATS at every meal.

“Good fats are your friend”

If you cook in coconut oil, limit omega 6 intake, and eat nothing for protein
but grass fed meat, wild caught fish such as salmon, anchovies, and sardines,
game meats and wild fowl, and vegetables, you are probably good to go without
any supplementation, additives, or tricks whatsoever.

Since this is nearly NO ONE who is chasing fat loss, everyone else needs to
balance out their omega 3 to omega 6 ratios and reverse all the damage this
imbalance has caused you, as fast as possible.

You are aiming for a 1:1 to 1:3 ratio of Omega 3s to Omega 6s which are our
ancestral dietary norms and NOT what is happening with the bulk of the food you
eat (you need a LOT more omega 3 and a lot LESS omega 6 to get this balance,
trust me).

We do this two ways. 1) LIMIT Omega 6 intake FIRST and then 2) TOP up Omega 3

We also want to ensure that you are getting sufficient variety and quality in
your good fat intake, and that these are coming from clean sources.

Other than the protein selection guides above, to top up Omega 3, do the

Take down some high quality fish oil with every meal. Work up to 2-3 grams of
combined DHA/EPA per meal.

Daily amount as follows:

2-4 grams total EPA/DHA per day if you can see your abs even when sitting, never
eat any grain fed meat, have no auto-immune or inflammatory issues, and none of
your joints hurt, ever.

4-8 grams total EPA/DHA per day if you are carrying excess flab, any of your
joints hurt, or you suffer any form of auto-immune or inflammatory disease. If
you are anywhere in between, I recommend you build up, hold the slightly higher
dose for four weeks, then go back down to 2-4 grams total EPA/DHA per day.

Divide your daily intake across your meals equally.

Trust me on this, it may take some working up to, but the results are
outstanding. It will also help your BRAIN, and recent science suggests even the
health of your telomeres (the ”caps” on your DNA).

NOTE: Hold this dose for no more than four weeks, then DROP DOWN. Don’t make a
big deal of this – this is an intervention – the FOCUS IS ON FOOD.

“What If I Can’t Get Grass-fed Meat?”

Grain-Fed Meat

What about eating grain fed meat? Avoid it whenever budget and availability
allow, those cows are unhealthy and have a messed up omega 3 to omega 6 ratio
(omega 6 heavy, frequently higher than 1:20), but if you have limited options,
eating grain fed ruminants is STILL BETTER than not eating this way. However,
for Grain Fed meat go for the leanest cut you can (the fat on grain fed meat is

So cut the fat OFF grain fed meat, go for the leanest cuts.

To top up the fat content with CLEAN FATS (remember, we check for fats EVERY
meal), add a tablespoon of one of the below

CHECK FOR FATS: ADD 1 TABLESPOON OF THESE TO any meal that is not made up of
Grass-fed meat, wild caught salmon, or game meats.

 1. Grass-fed butter (the only dairy you will eat)
 2. Organic Ghee
 3. Coconut Oil

Or NUMBER 1: the rendered animal fat of a cleanly raised animal. Either because
you bought it, or because you saved it from another cooking session where you
cooked clean meat.

Some advise that you nibble away on almonds, macadamias, Brazil nuts or walnuts,
but these can potentially increase your Omega 6 load (macadamias, brazil nuts
and macadamias the best of the nuts but remember that ratio) and potentially
cause auto-immune issues, so personally, go for the other sources of fats given
here, and limit total daily nut intake to half a handful of raw nuts per day,
max. (Let’s call that “6 nuts per day” – no more).

Any meal that is made up of grass fed meat, wild game, wild salmon, anchovies,
or sardines, you can skip the tablespoon of clean fats, since your meal will
already provide you with them.

Feel free to leave the FAT ON when eating grass-fed ruminants or wild game. This
is clean fat and GOOD FOR YOU, and very good for your fat loss.

For Cooking: Cook in coconut oil (low to high heat), grass-fed organic ghee, or
in the animal’s own fat (or rendered lard from grass-fed animals, if you can
find it). Those stuck with grain-fed meat, can cook in grass-fed butter if they
want to.

Other than coconut oil (with impunity) and small amounts of olive oil (for
flavor, if you cook with olive oil, LOW TEMP only) ALL OTHER VEGETABLE OILS are
making you fat, inflamed, and unhealthy and they ARE BANNED FOR LIFE.


 1. Food quality is extremely important. Go for the clean cuts of meat and wild
    caught oily fish wherever you can find them/afford them, and you can chow
    down with the fat ON without even thinking about it. This is the BEST way to
    get your fats in your diet.
 2. Next step on the ladder is to add in clean fats to your meal as required,
    normally in what you cook in.
 3. Last step is the fish oil – NOTE: This slightly high dose fish oil approach
    is an INTERVENTION. It is designed to help you get rid of inflammation,
    start stripping fat and balance out your (likely horrible) current omega 3
    to omega 6 ratio.

You hold this level for 30 days MAXIMUM at which point you will drop back and
take from 2 to 4 grams of combined EPA/DHA from fish oil a day for the other
health benefits.


Read this again: At the end of the 30 days at the higher dose, you must back
right down.

Intervention means it is not forever.


3.) Veggies THIRD.

Yes, third. Fill up (keep going until you achieve satiety) with green, nutrient
dense vegetable choices.

You have eaten your animal sourced protein until you are 80% full. Checked for
clean fats, and added if required. You took your fish oil…

NOW, for Part THREE – VEGGIES! – Just close out the meal and keep chomping until
you are no longer hungry. You will get a TON of micronutrient goodness with very
little calories, so seriously, eat away until you are nicely satisfied! Here are
my favorites:

 * Spinach
 * Kale
 * Broccoli
 * Cabbage
 * Baby Bok Choy
 * Brussel Sprouts
 * Asparagus
 * Cauliflower
 * String beans

Feel free to add your own.

You can do this as a stir-fry, steamed veggies, raw veggies, a big salad, a
stew. Whatever makes you happy. Just watch sauces, olive oil and balsamic
vinegar in small quantities are fine. Other than coconut oil, ALL other
vegetable oils are banned.

Please make sure you cycle through the veggie choices, and don’t be afraid to
add plenty more, variety rocks, and there can be too much of a good thing.

Tip: Cook with herbs and spices to add variety in nutrients and flavors to your
cooking. There is no need to get bored.

What about carbs you ask?

My answer: This is about FAT LOSS, which generally implies that you have some
form of METABOLIC DERANGEMENT and INSULIN ISSUES… so what about them?

Limit fruit, eat NO carbs at all other than those naturally occurring in your
vegetable selection, and only drink sugar-free, unsweetened beverages.

This means water, tea, black coffee.

Sound extreme? Not really, extreme is forcing our bodies to survive on a diet
that is freaking terrible for us.

The result, lots and lots of FAT, SICK, and MISERABLE people.

I am all about happiness, so please, don’t be one of them.

Oh yeah, this also means NEVER EVER – EVER – EAT GLUTEN.

Ancestrally, we didn’t eat any processed carbs, or even a carb heavy diet, and
we sure as heck didn’t eat much, if any gluten.

The longer you go without by the way, the easier it is to get past any carb

Move your body over to this, our more ancestral and evolutionary format for
eating and quite simply…. prepare to be amazed.

This eating pattern puts Food Quality, Your Health, and FAT LOSS first… Crazy
right? If you are carrying excess body fat, then it is something you should have
done a long time ago. Now is your chance!

Exercise SMART. Lift weights with intensity 2-4 x per week, never more than 1
hour, and generally far less. Walk as often as you can. Sprint every now and
again when orthopedically ready. It not orthopedically ready, work towards it
aggressively with smart programming, since sprinting is your birthright and few
things beat it in terms of quality exercise.

Spend more time on relaxation outdoors than you do now.

Focus on SLEEP (chase 8-9 hours plus in a blacked-out room), and getting 30-60
minutes of sun daily. If you don’t get enough sun, supplement with some Vitamin
D3, and think about changing your lifestyle or moving.

If you do this FOOD for FAT LOSS plan, really truly do this, and don’t love me
at the end of it… well, there is always a first time for everything.


Method #3: Increase Intensity By Decreasing Restrictions

Pain signals increase your heart rate, but the sneeky thing about pain signals
is that you can’t always feel them. In the case of muscle tissue that has a
bunch of knots, restrictions, or scar tissue, there are pain receptors buried
within each restriction.

These bad boys are called Type IV mechanoreceptors, and they are there to tell
you not to bump into an injury while it is healing. Unfortunately, when you work
out just a bit too hard, or you go for a run and get ‘extra’ sore on one leg,
you are generally forming restrictions.

The pure nature of working out is that you create micro tears in your muscles,
these tears repair, and your muscle grows, or your metabolism rises, depending
upon your intended effect.

So, when the ‘minor’ injury turns to ‘moderate’ injury by accident, your body
heals with myofascial restriction and/or scar tissue. This is just a ‘bundling’
type effect that takes place in order to protect the area that experienced too
much stretch or compression until it is fully healed. However, when the
restriction is never released, it stays, and so do those Type IV pressure
receptors we were talking about…

Over time, you get used to this minor pull feeling, and you barely even notice
it taking place. It’s not until someone goes to massage the muscle that you
realize how restricted you are. All the while, there are sub-sensory pain
signals being sent to your brain and letting your brain know that there is an
injury in this area. Your brain, in turn, sends a signal to block a strong
muscle contraction from happening, thereby decreasing the risk of injuring the
muscle further.

It’s a smart system, at first, but then it can actually harm your fat loss

I recommend you take the time to release the various restrictions your body
might have. This is best done through using a foam roll or tennis ball and
releasing myofascial restrictions one at a a time. Essentially, you’re just
realigning small bits of scar tissue with pressure in a perpendicular direction
to your muscle fibers.

This strengthens the original muscle tissue and allows your Type IV pressure
receptors to be re-absorbed back into your bloodstream. The sub-sensory pain
signals go away, and your muscle recruitment improves.

Recruit more muscle and you can lose more fat.


Method #4: Have a Backup Plan For Busy Days

I often tell my clients that success is best predicted through personal training
by the people who make it in on the “bad days;” anyone can exercise when they
feel great. However, when timing is tight and you’re feeling tired, that’s when
it counts the most.

Overcoming the feeling of laziness, fatigue, etc. is monumental in your success.
With that said, sometimes it’s just a time crunch. In this case, I recommend you
find a short-burst program that helps you spike your heart rate as high as
possible, safely, within a very short duration of time. From a fat loss
perspective, it’s becoming apparent that it’s not necessary to exercise for 30
minutes, 60 minutes, or longer in order to lose fat quickly.

For clarification, there are many benefits to longer duration exercise, such as
the following:

Improved stress attenuation by your body (reduce overall body stress by spending
more time helping your body function at its highest level) Decreased joint pain,
by lubricating your joints for more time each day through slow, controlled
Habit formation, through dedicating adequate time towards exercise, often
throughout the week

And that’s just the beginning. Personally, I feel GREAT when I exercise for at
least 30-60 minutes, 4-5x per week. But when it comes to fat loss, I’m able to
get equal or better results in 10 minutes or less per workout.

That’s when ‘Exercise Sequencing’ and ‘Compound Movements’ come into play. The
more of your body you use with a given exercise, the less time you’ll have to
spend ramping up your metabolism. Similarly, when you train in the correct order
of exercise, you’re able to get more from each muscle you train, ultimately
speeding up your results.

Here are the rules that will help you speed up your weight loss and fat loss
goals to an extreme within the next 30 days, while decreasing the amount of time
you spend exercising:

 1. Lift heavy
 2. Train fast, not long (fast-twitch muscle fibers burn up sugars better than

Use time, not reps as your measure of intensity. For example, how many reps can
you get in the next 50 seconds? This is better for extremely fast workouts.

 * Whole body, lower body, trunk, upper extremities, lower extremities burnout
 * Exercise to complete exhaustion, but don’t push further


Follow these 5 rules with your exercise program on “busy days” and watch your
results go nuts!

The most important thing you can do is have a plan. On “slow days,” get your
full workout in and benefit by all the ways I’ve listed above. On “busy days,”
get your crazy fat loss workout in within 10 minutes and spike fat loss even
further through this level of alternating intensity.

Make sure to plot out your workouts ahead of time so that you don’t feel pinched
on time when you need it most.


Method #5: Fat Loss Fibonacci

Recruit, Load, Distribute, Stack. This ensures progression, by the principle of
Fat Loss Fibonacci.

Accelerate Your Results: Fat Loss Fibonacci

A Fibonacci number sequence is when you add the two numbers previous together.
For example:

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21

Fat Loss Fibonacci is when you add the fat loss effect of every portion of every
exercise together. It’s a simple formula.

Let’s give a practical example. Let’s say that you do the following 2 exercises,
back to back:

1. Squat

2. Lunge

1 Squat + 1 Lunge = 2 exercises.

Now, let’s say you take those same 2 exercises, except you add a movement to
exercise #2, and you leave the rest the same.


Lunge + Press = 2-part exercise

1 Squat + 2-part exercise = 3 exercises.

You get the idea. We can really build a lot more into a lot less time when we
learn to add exercises together. Fat loss skyrockets, as does the metabolic
effectiveness of every exercise.

Fat Loss Fibonacci wins.

Why am I explaining all this to you instead of asking you to pay for this

With complete integrity and modesty intended, I believe this method to be the
fastest and healthiest fat loss exercise method in the world today; and I want
you to know how you can lose fat at full speed without any more misinformation.

You might be wondering why I’m giving away all of this information for free when
I regularly charge thousands of dollars for it in person, at Global Fitness LLC,
our private physical therapy and personal training facility. The answer is

 1. I became a Doctor of Physical Therapy and Kinesiologist for a reason – I
    care about people, which means I truly care about you. You are my
    inspiration, and I take life-satisfaction out of helping people feel and
    look better. I’m in a unique position to share the intersection of physical
    therapy and personal training with you to teach your body how to do things
    its never been capable of doing before. It’s an honor, and I feel privileged
    every day that I wake up and have this opportunity.
 2. Frankly, I’m disgusted with the amount of misinformation in the health
    industry. Even I’ve felt scammed before by overly convincing marketing
    tactics and statements that sound like fact. It sucks, and I won’t stand for
 3. In my experience, the more I share, the more clients I end up with anyway….
    which gets back to #1. I feel more satisfied, my business grows, and my
    family is happy. You’ll see, I’m about to hook you up.

As you can see, Fat Loss Fibonacci is the fastest way to lose fat. Link more
exercises together and lose weight more quickly. Every movement counts for a
higher metabolic drive with Fat Loss Fibonacci.


Method #6: Sprint (2x)

Move at maximum speed, in all senses of the words. I don’t believe in rapid fat
loss as a standalone plan, but I certainly believe that rapid improvements in
your physique yield a higher level of motivation and greater commitment to your
health goals. After all, if you don’t see immediate results, how will you
convince yourself to keep exercising, eating right, or practicing proper mindset

When it comes to crushing fat on your body, sprinting is super effective. By
just doing 10 sprints that last between 10-20 seconds each, you can reinvent fat
storage patterns on your body in a matter of a few weeks. It’s important to note
that you should rest at least one day in between every day that you sprint.

One of the reasons that I love sprinting (outside is very preferable to me) is
that it takes relatively no time, excites my body, and drives my motivation
through the roof. It’s just one of those things that produce such measurable
results with so little effort that you can’t help but notice. This is the reason
that interval training became so popular, but I believe the value of sprinting,
alone, is often overlooked. Sprint, rest, sprint. It’s as easy as that!

Here’s a typical sprinting protocol that I use on a regular basis on a soccer
field nearby my house:

Dynamic Warm up – 5-7 minutes, including high knees, butt kicks, karaoke step,
side step swipe with an arm swing, rocker squats, reverse spider lunges, and
squat thrusts. Basically, I rotate through each of these exercises, progressing
speed as I go through until I reach fatigue and change it up.

Begin Sprinting, as follows:

10 yards x 1, rest 60 seconds

20 yards x 1, rest 60 seconds

30 yards x 8, resting a minimum of 90 seconds (up to 150) in between each sprint

That’s it! Couldn’t be simpler… just run, and run hard.

One important note is that I’ve learned to perform ‘pointed running’ with
sprints, meaning that I sprint by landing on my toes, rather than my heels. I
learned to do this while wearing Vibram 5 Fingers, which have been a huge impact
in my overall running mechanics. I find that these shoes have helped me develop
strength in the intrinsic (arch) muscles of my feet, protected my knees, and
helped me learn to enjoy sprinting again.

Just to be clear, I’m really not a fan of running, just sprinting. I find
running to be super hard on your body, breaks down knees, and tends to create a
lot of compression to the lower vertebrae of the spine. While I realize how
great it is to have the “healthy habit” of running in your routine, I’ve
personally found that it leads to faster deterioration of your body than other
forms of exercise. In particular, I’ve noticed that it creates low back pain,
knee pain, and a rapid spike in my heart rate when I run. Over 7 miles is
generally considered to create joint damage, just fyi, despite it’s great
cardiovascular effect.

Sprinting Method #2 – Rapid Fat Loss – Challenge yourself to lose as much fat as
you can within a 30 day period, but have a long-term plan to follow so you don’t
find yourself experiencing rebound weight gain.

There are a few important considerations when it comes to losing fat at record

 1. Any organ issues that might flare if you are susceptible (kidney stones,
    gallbladder stones, heart arrhythmias, blood sugar issues, or anything else
    that your doctor would warn you about if you experienced a rapid change in
    your BMI, dietary habits, or exercise habits.)
 2. Don’t sacrifice muscle for weight loss – make sure you always consume
    protein, no matter what the plan recommends. There’s a way to do both (i.e.
    eat an early breakfast, even if it’s a fast day – this will speed up your
    metabolism and help you sustain your muscle mass)
 3. Have a long-term plan to follow this “sprint” period. Find an exercise and
    nutritional routine that’s totally sustainable for you, long-term, before
    you ever begin a program geared towards rapid fat loss.
 4. Maintain your micronutrient levels during abnormal ‘diet days’ by
    supplementing with a super high quality multivitamin.
 5. Restoration of hormonal levels, at least once per week. Often times, extreme
    behavior has an effect on the hormonal levels inside your body, so be sure
    to reward yourself at least once a week with a day of rest and a cheat day
    in order to restore ‘Leptin’ levels and increase your fat-burning effect.
 6. Other than Leptin, be sure to pay attention to levels of ‘Adiponectin’ in
    order to maximize your fat-burning effect.

Other than that, go at it!


Method #7: Progressive Variety is King

It’s not just enough to exercise. You have to add variety, and you have to
advance your skill level all the time in order to continue to see amazing
results. This is where most people miss the bus with their workouts. If your
goal is to be able to progress weight loss, muscle building, or fat loss, the
key is going to be constantly challenging your body in a new way.

Every workout should advance, in some way, on the previous. Here are a few
parameters you can use to advance every workout you do and excite extreme fat
loss capable of producing up to 20 pounds of weight loss in as little as 30

 1. Speed variety (of each movement, with good form)
 2. Set variety (sequence of exercises should be changed up, in order to
    maximize the effect on both small and large muscle groups, even though most
    workouts will prioritize large muscle groups first.)
 3. Exercise modality variety (medicine ball, dumbbells, kettlebells, barbell,
 4. Mode variety (gym vs outdoor sprinting vs bodyweight routines, but try to
    stay away from cardio machines for rapid fat loss that is sustainable
    long-term. Cardio machines can produce results, for sure, but they’re not
    the best choice.)
 5. Frequency variety (shock your body by exercising 2 days in a row sometimes
    and every other day at other times)
 6. Intensity variety (how hard you plan to work out with each day, ranging from
    40% max to nearly 100%)
 7. Duration variety (how long you work out each time, ranging from 5 minutes to
    60 minutes)
 8. Skill level advancement (level of difficulty of each exercise needs to
    progress all the time, adding movements together and challenging your
    muscles to stabilize your body in new and innovative ways while driving a
    higher metabolic cost of each exercise)

Make sure you’re always changing things up. Some workouts should be maintenance
workouts, and most workouts should be progressive. When it comes to rapid fat
loss in 30 days, every workout needs to progress on the previous.

This is the main principle I use in the development of every program I design,
and it’s the very principle that makes Workout Builder such a phenomenal tool to
constantly improve your results. I’ve decided to make you a no-brainer offer and
give you access to Workout Builder for FREE, but you have to promise me that
you’re going to hit your goal and then comment up here, ok?:

$page_name = “7-ways-to-lose-20-pounds-in-30-days.php”;
$page_url = $ipclass->GetPageUrl();
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echo ““;
//echo “New Entry
$view_count = $ipclass->GetViewCount($user_ip,$page_name);
if($view_count == 1){
echo ““;
//echo $view_count.”<-IP addr


5 Pound Plan (in just 5 days) Flat Stomach In 30 Days — From 23% to 7.5% Bodyfat
Lose 10 Pounds 14 Easiest Pounds to Lose Lose Fat While You Build Muscle

14 Easiest Pounds to Lose » « Maximize Your Fat Loss Potential

COMMENT RULES: Be awesome. Your comments, feedback, and questions are hugely
appreciated, so thank you for being cool and using good judgment. All rude or
offensive comments will be deleted. Please do not put your url in the comment
text and please use your PERSONAL name, not your business or screen name. Have a
blast and thanks for adding to the conversation -- you rock!



 * Fat Loss Customization – The Solution 563 comments
 * Fat Loss Dilemma – Why You’re Not Getting Results (at least as fast as you
   should) 339 comments
 * 7 Ways To Lose 20 Pounds In 30 Days 222 comments
 * Low Back Pain and Fat Loss 159 comments
 * Lose 10 Pounds 110 comments


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