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4.8 star rating 1019 Reviews
5.0 star rating 12/13/23
Love this company bought 2
Love this company bought 2 MacBook Pros great customer service. Staff is awesome
and very helpful
Quian J.
5.0 star rating 12/13/23
Love this company bought 2

Love this company bought 2 MacBook Pros great customer service. Staff is awesome
and very helpful
Quian J.
5.0 star rating 11/02/23
Really happy with the MacBook
Really happy with the MacBook Air M2. Refurbished but you would not know it.
Quick shipping they were a delight to deal with. Woul...
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Dave T.
5.0 star rating 11/02/23
Really happy with the MacBook

Really happy with the MacBook Air M2. Refurbished but you would not know it.
Quick shipping they were a delight to deal with. Woul...
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Dave T.
5.0 star rating 09/27/23
Ideal purchasing experience
Can't complain - website is fast and responsive, has all the info I need to make
my purchase decision. Checking out was quick and ...
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Dave L.
5.0 star rating 09/27/23
Ideal purchasing experience

Can't complain - website is fast and responsive, has all the info I need to make
my purchase decision. Checking out was quick and ...
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Dave L.
5.0 star rating 08/06/23
Staff couldn't have been more
Staff couldn't have been more helpful! Arrived prompt and properly packaged,
looks brand new. Will definitely refer friends and be...
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Cynthia K.
5.0 star rating 08/06/23
Staff couldn't have been more

Staff couldn't have been more helpful! Arrived prompt and properly packaged,
looks brand new. Will definitely refer friends and be...
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Cynthia K.
5.0 star rating 02/28/24
Customer support was first class.
Customer support was first class. Would definitely do business with again. Very
5.0 star rating 02/28/24
Customer support was first class.

Customer support was first class. Would definitely do business with again. Very
5.0 star rating 02/22/24
All expectation cover with you,
All expectation cover with you, my second MacBook buy with iPowerResale
Andres C.
5.0 star rating 02/22/24
All expectation cover with you,

All expectation cover with you, my second MacBook buy with iPowerResale
Andres C.
5.0 star rating 02/09/24
Excellent service, prices, and product quality
I’ve done two transactions with them and both were handled efficiently and
professionally. Would be happy to do business in the fu...
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Bryce S.
5.0 star rating 02/09/24
Excellent service, prices, and product quality

I’ve done two transactions with them and both were handled efficiently and
professionally. Would be happy to do business in the fu...
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Bryce S.
5.0 star rating 01/04/24
Great help with product selection,
Great help with product selection, arrived early, packaged well, looks and works
Artis R.
5.0 star rating 01/04/24
Great help with product selection,

Great help with product selection, arrived early, packaged well, looks and works
Artis R.
5.0 star rating 01/01/24
Awesome, thanks for the quick
Awesome, thanks for the quick service and excellent packing! Will definitely
come back when in need of a new laptop.
Louis P.
5.0 star rating 01/01/24
Awesome, thanks for the quick

Awesome, thanks for the quick service and excellent packing! Will definitely
come back when in need of a new laptop.
Louis P.
5.0 star rating 12/13/23
Love this company bought 2
Love this company bought 2 MacBook Pros great customer service. Staff is awesome
and very helpful
Quian J.
5.0 star rating 12/13/23
Love this company bought 2

Love this company bought 2 MacBook Pros great customer service. Staff is awesome
and very helpful
Quian J.
5.0 star rating 11/02/23
Really happy with the MacBook
Really happy with the MacBook Air M2. Refurbished but you would not know it.
Quick shipping they were a delight to deal with. Woul...
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Dave T.
5.0 star rating 11/02/23
Really happy with the MacBook

Really happy with the MacBook Air M2. Refurbished but you would not know it.
Quick shipping they were a delight to deal with. Woul...
Read More
Dave T.
5.0 star rating 09/27/23
Ideal purchasing experience
Can't complain - website is fast and responsive, has all the info I need to make
my purchase decision. Checking out was quick and ...
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Dave L.
5.0 star rating 09/27/23
Ideal purchasing experience

Can't complain - website is fast and responsive, has all the info I need to make
my purchase decision. Checking out was quick and ...
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Dave L.
5.0 star rating 08/06/23
Staff couldn't have been more
Staff couldn't have been more helpful! Arrived prompt and properly packaged,
looks brand new. Will definitely refer friends and be...
Read More
Cynthia K.
5.0 star rating 08/06/23
Staff couldn't have been more

Staff couldn't have been more helpful! Arrived prompt and properly packaged,
looks brand new. Will definitely refer friends and be...
Read More
Cynthia K.
5.0 star rating 02/28/24
Customer support was first class.
Customer support was first class. Would definitely do business with again. Very
5.0 star rating 02/28/24
Customer support was first class.

Customer support was first class. Would definitely do business with again. Very
5.0 star rating 02/22/24
All expectation cover with you,
All expectation cover with you, my second MacBook buy with iPowerResale
Andres C.
5.0 star rating 02/22/24
All expectation cover with you,

All expectation cover with you, my second MacBook buy with iPowerResale
Andres C.
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Cynthia K.
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Staff couldn't have been more

Review by Cynthia K. on 6 Aug 2023 review stating Staff couldn't have been more
Staff couldn't have been more helpful! Arrived prompt and properly packaged,
looks brand new. Will definitely refer friends and be purchasing from iPower in
the future! Thanks!
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