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                          data-csa-c-value-proposition="" data-csa-c-delivery-type="delivery" data-csa-c-delivery-time="Tuesday, 10 December" data-csa-c-delivery-destination="" data-csa-c-delivery-condition="" data-csa-c-pickup-location=""
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                        <span class="a-size-small tabular-buybox-text-message">Inetrade India</span>
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                          <div class="a-row a-spacing-micro"> <span class="a-size-small">We work hard to protect your security and privacy. Our payment security system encrypts your information during transmission. We don’t share your credit card
                              details with third-party sellers, and we don’t sell your information to others.</span>
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Stephen BreyerStephen Breyer
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23 AUGUST 2016

by Stephen Breyer (Author)
4.3 4.3 out of 5 stars 105 ratings

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In this original, far-reaching, and timely book, Justice Stephen Breyer examines
the work of the Supreme Court of the United States in an increasingly
interconnected world, a world in which all sorts of activity, both public and
private—from the conduct of national security policy to the conduct of
international trade—obliges the Court to understand and consider circumstances
beyond America’s borders.  

Written with unique authority and perspective, The Court and the World reveals
an emergent reality few Americans observe directly but one that affects the life
of every one of us. Here is an invaluable understanding for lawyers and
non-lawyers alike.

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 1. Print length
    382 pages
 2. Language
 3. Publisher
    Vintage Books
 4. Publication date
    23 August 2016
 5. Dimensions
    13.34 x 2.06 x 20.35 cm
 6. ISBN-10
 7. ISBN-13
 8. See all details

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“[A] tour de force analysis of the role of the Supreme Court vis-a-vis the rest
of the world . . . the book's main message is inarguable: in a world that is
smaller and more tightly interconnected than it has ever been, the Supreme Court
cannot stand aloof from the legal universe beyond America's shores. . . . In his
characteristically measured, above-the-fray style . . . Mr. Breyer provides
in-depth yet lucid accounts of how the court has approached many instances of
cross-border justice, from anti-trust lawsuits to child custody battles to
purported human rights violations. . . . Readers of all political and
ideological persuasions might learn something.” —The Economist
“[A] lucid new book. . . . Playing the judge as enlightened modern technocrat,
[Breyer] offers a reasoned elaboration of the mounting costs that judicial
isolationism would entail in our increasingly interconnected world.
Globalization, he argues, has made engagement with foreign law and international
affairs simply unavoidable. . . . Why not learn from the efforts of others as we
try to solve the same basic problems. . . . Democracy has never been a nativist
straitjacket. Breyer’s book offers a powerful description of the price we would
pay for allowing it to become one.” —John Fabian Witt, The New York Times
 “A serious, insightful work, complete with a concrete, highly detailed analysis
of scores of cases decided by his court and by others around the world . . .
[Breyer’s] new book reflects his international interests but also his view of
how his job has changed over two decades on the court.” —Noah Feldman, The
Washington Post

“There is no better or wiser source on the intersection of American
jurisprudence and international law than Justice Stephen Breyer. He offers
insights on every page and his attention to both principle and common sense
points the way for harmonizing national and global concerns while strengthening
law and reason.” —Martha Minow, Morgan and Helen Chu Dean and Professor, Harvard
Law School
“The book is insightful, clearly written, well informed, free of legal jargon,
and accessible to a lay audience as well as informative to lawyers, judges, and
law professors.” —Judge Richard Posner, Foreign Affairs


STEPHEN BREYER is an associate justice of the United States Supreme Court. He is
a resident of Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Washington, D.C.


Chapter 1


Cicero and His “Political Question” Counterpart

“The Laws Fall Silent”

   Cicero set forth what would eventually become one of the best-­known legal
principles concerning the role of courts during wartime. Two thousand years ago
he wrote, “Silent enim leges inter arma,” which I should like to translate as
“When the cannons roar, the laws fall silent.” When the senator wrote those
words, he was responding to civil strife that had erupted in Rome, where armed
gangs had taken control of the streets. They were never punished, for their
leaders had been elected to public office. Still, we see the point of Cicero’s
remark: When the security of the state is threatened, do not expect the laws to
apply. To what extent has that principle governed the actions of American

   Consider the principle in the context of the American Civil War. At the very
outset, President Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus. That ancient writ
traditionally allows anyone in detention to challenge the lawfulness of his
confinement by getting word to a judge that he is being held, in his view,
without legal authority. And the judge can then tell the jailer, the local
sheriff, say, to “bring me the body.” Questioning both the jailer and the
prisoner, the judge can discover the legal basis, or the lack thereof, for the
prisoner’s detention. It would be difficult to point to a more important legal
protection against arbitrary imprisonment.

   President Lincoln’s suspension of the writ in effect allowed his military to
arrest civilians arbitrarily, without court review. He had seen firsthand a
pressing need for such an extraordinary measure. On the way to his inauguration,
he had been forced to sneak through Baltimore under cover of night in order to
avoid a pro-­secession mob, while transferring from one train station to
another. Lincoln knew that Union troops from the West and the North would have
to negotiate the same station transfer on their way south. And he feared the
effect this might have on their ability to travel, on the city of Baltimore
itself, and on the State of Maryland, which itself stood on the brink of

   By suspending the writ, Lincoln intended to allow Northern troops to arrest
disloyal Baltimore citizens. And that is just what they did. Early on the
morning of May 25, 1861, on the orders of General William H. Keim, they arrested
John Merryman, who had been a ringleader in anti-­Northern riots that spring,
and held him at Fort McHenry, a nearby post under the command of General George
Cadwalader. Merryman immediately asked a nearby federal court to issue a writ of
habeas corpus. And the court’s judge, Supreme Court Chief Justice Roger Taney,
sitting as a local circuit judge, agreed to do so.

   At first glance, Lincoln’s actions to stop judges like Taney from issuing the
writ might seem constitutional, for the Constitution authorizes suspension of
the writ of habeas corpus “when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public
safety may require it.” But this grant of authority appears in Article I, which
deals with Congress’s powers, not in Article II, which addresses the powers of
the President. Hence, Taney concluded, the President, by acting without
congressional authority, had violated the Constitution.

   President Lincoln’s reaction to the court’s decision is well known. He did
not release John Merryman. Neither did he appeal the ruling, as he might have
done. Rather, he defended his right to take decisive unilateral action. A few
weeks after Merryman’s arrest, he asked Congress, “Are all the laws, but one, to
go unexecuted, and the government itself go to pieces, lest that one be
violated?” A week later Attorney General Edward Bates presented Congress with a
report justifying Lincoln’s decision to suspend the writ of habeas corpus.

   Still, the same day as the Bates report, Merryman was released on bail, and
Lincoln did not prosecute him. And two years later Congress itself suspended the
writ of habeas corpus, thereby curing the constitutional defect. The controversy
about the President’s powers fizzled out without any definite resolution.

   Merryman’s detention, however, is but one of many examples of how President
Lincoln suspended or sidestepped constitutional protections of civil liberty in
the name of national security. He also authorized his generals to censor the
press, to prevent citizens from speaking vociferously against the war (accusing
the President of “malfeasance,” for example), to arrest suspected supporters of
the enemy, and, often, to hold prisoners without trial irrespective of whether
ordinary courts where they might have been tried were open and functioning. The
generals exercising this authority did so by general order; they did not need to
prove that, say, hostilities required their actions. In this way, they
imprisoned about thirteen thousand citizens during the war. Secretary of State
William H. Seward once told a British minister,

   I can touch a bell on my right hand and order the imprisonment of a citizen
   Ohio; I can touch a bell again and order the imprisonment of a citizen of
   York; and no power on earth, except that of the President, can release them.
   Can the Queen of England do so much?

   This attitude reflects that of many American presidents during wartime.
During World War I, the Wilson administration successfully prosecuted
distributors of leaflets urging resistance to the draft. It barred leftist
magazines from using the mails. And it jailed Eugene V. Debs, the leader of the
American Socialist Party (who subsequently received nearly one million votes in
the presidential election of 1920 while incarcerated). During World War II,
President Roosevelt ordered the internment of more than seventy thousand
Americans of Japanese origin, an action that the Supreme Court upheld.

   Roosevelt’s attorney general, Francis Biddle, once said that “[t]he
Constitution has not greatly bothered any wartime President.” During war, the
executive and legislative branches typically believe that the foreign
threat—­not the preservation of civil liberties—­is the paramount concern. And
at times throughout American history, the judiciary has agreed. While the Civil
War raged, with the exception of Merryman, the courts did not meaningfully
interfere with presidential or legislative decisions.

   Once the Civil War was over, however, the Court was in a position to take a
different view, and in 1866 it heard the case of Ex parte Milligan. Two years
earlier, just before the war’s conclusion, a Northern general stationed with his
troops in Indiana had arrested Lambdin P. Milligan and four other civilians. The
general charged them with conspiring to foment an insurrection designed to help
the South. He set up a special military tribunal, which tried the accused,
convicted them, and passed a sentence of death. The defendants asked an ordinary
federal court to hear their claim that the army could not try American citizens
in a special military court, at least not when conditions in the area were
peaceful and ordinary civil courts were open. The case eventually reached the
Supreme Court.

   Urging the Court to deny the defendants’ claim, the government’s lawyer took
a page from Cicero and argued that “[t]he officer executing martial law is at
the same time supreme legislator, supreme judge, and supreme executive. As
necessity makes his will the law, he only can define and declare it.” The
government maintained that the Constitution’s provisions protecting basic human
rights are “peace provisions . . . and, like all other conventional and
legislative laws and enactments, are silent amidst arms, and when the safety of
the people becomes the supreme law.”

   The Court unanimously rejected this claim. All its members agreed that the
Constitution’s protections applied and that Milligan must be released. A
minority of the justices added an explanation to the effect that Congress had
not enacted legislation permitting military trials for civilians, implying that
the result might have been different under such circumstances. The majority,
however, held that the Constitution did not permit military trials of American
civilians in places where, and at times when, ordinary civil courts were open,
whether or not Congress enacted laws authorizing such proceedings.

   Milligan, then, represents something of a retreat on the part of the Court
from the absolutism of Cicero, and a willingness to enforce constitutional
protections in the face of a claim by the executive that the laws should be
silent “amidst arms.” Still, it bears emphasizing that the case was decided only
after the war had ended and relative normalcy had returned. We should not be
surprised to find a different judicial attitude in later cases decided in the
heat of battle, such as the World War II case of Korematsu. If Milligan signaled
to the executive branch that there were limits to what the Court would permit in
the name of wartime necessity, it was something less than a full or permanent
flight from Cicero.

“The Political Thicket”

The doctrine of the “political question” is more specific and better developed
than Cicero’s maxim as crisis jurisprudence, but as applied to questions of
national security, it is nonetheless in the same spirit. It provides a technical
legal basis for courts to refuse to consider the lawfulness of presidential
action taken pursuant to either his wartime or his foreign affairs powers.
Indeed, by walling off many of the President’s wartime and foreign affairs
decisions from review, it is but one step removed from Cicero.

   The doctrine says that in certain instances, the Constitution gives not to
the courts but to other branches of government the power to decide whether an
action violates the Constitution. In this way, the laws, including the
Constitution, do not necessarily fall “silent.” They still apply to the
government action in question. But it is for Congress or the President, not the
courts, to determine what the law requires given the national security threat.

   The doctrine has a venerable provenance. In 1803 Chief Justice John Marshall
wrote in Marbury v. Madison: “By the constitution of the United States, the
president is invested with certain important political powers, in the exercise
of which he is to use his own discretion, and is accountable only to his country
in his political character, and to his own conscience.”

   The Court has since invoked the doctrine in both wartime and foreign
relations cases. During the War of 1812, for example, the President called up
the New York State militia for service. Jacob Mott, a member of the militia,
refused to comply. He was court-martialed and convicted of refusing to report
for duty. He appealed, and his case came to the Supreme Court.

   Mott conceded that the Constitution gives Congress the power to “provide for
calling forth the militia, to execute the laws of the Union, suppress
insurrections, and repel invasions.” He agreed that Congress had enacted a
statute stating that

   whenever the United States shall be invaded, or be in imminent danger of
   from any foreign nation or Indian tribe, it shall be lawful for the President
of the
   United States to call forth such number of the militia of the State or States
   convenient to the place of danger, or scene of action, as he may judge
necessary to
   repel such invasion.

But, Mott argued, the President had failed to establish the presence of an
“imminent danger of invasion.” Hence he had not met the statutory requirement.
And since the Constitution gave him no independent power to call up the militia,
Mott argued his call-up was impermissible.

   The Court rejected Mott’s claim, not because it agreed with the President
about the risk of invasion, but because it thought this risk was the kind of
question that the Constitution denied the Court the power to decide. Justice
Joseph Story wrote that

the power to call the militia into actual service is certainly felt to be one of
no ordinary magnitude. But . . . it is, in its terms, a limited power, confined
to cases of actual invasion, or of imminent danger of invasion. . . . [I]s it to
be considered as an open question .  . . to be contested by every militia-­man
who shall refuse to obey the orders of the President? We are all of opinion,
that the authority to decide whether the exigency has arisen, belongs
exclusively to the President, and that his decision is conclusive upon all other

   The Court further developed the “political question” doctrine during the
1840s, in a case concerning the government of Rhode Island. The petitioners had
argued that the new state constitution—­under which their rivals had claimed
authority and called upon the federal government for military support—­violated
the federal Constitution’s guarantee of a “republican form of government.” But
the Supreme Court held that the matter was a “political question,” grounding its
decision in the idea that the political branches should have unfettered power
over national security matters. Referring back to Mott’s case, Chief Justice
Taney explained why the Court could not second-­guess a determination by
Congress or the President as to the legitimacy of a state’s government:

   After the President has acted and called out the militia [in support of one
group alleging to be the true state government], is a Circuit Court of the
United States authorized to inquire whether his decision was right? Could the
court, while the parties were actually contending in arms for the possession of
the government, call witnesses before it and inquire which party represented a
majority of the people? If it could, then it would become the duty of the court
(provided it came to the conclusion that the President had decided incorrectly)
to discharge those who were arrested or detained by the troops in the service of
the United States or the government which the President was endeavoring to
maintain. If the judicial power extends so far, the guarantee contained in the
Constitution of the United States is a guarantee of anarchy, and not of order.

   The same theme would be expounded by the Court into the twentieth century, in
Chicago & Southern Airlines, Inc. v. Waterman S.S. Corp., a case involving the
award of an international airline route. A statute had given the courts the
power to review route awards to airlines by the Civil Aeronautics Board. The
Court, however, held that this power did not apply when the President himself
had approved the final decision. That is because, as Justice Robert H. Jackson
wrote, the

   President, both as Commander-­in-­Chief and as the Nation’s organ for foreign
affairs, has available intelligence services whose reports neither are nor ought
to be published to the world. It would be intolerable that courts, without the
relevant information, should review and perhaps nullify actions of the Executive
taken on information properly held secret. Nor can courts sit in camera in order
to be taken into executive confidences. But even if courts could require full
disclosure, the very nature of executive decisions as to foreign policy is
political, not judicial. Such decisions are wholly confided by our Constitution
to the political departments of the government, Executive and Legislative. They
are delicate, complex, and involve large elements of prophecy. They are and
should be undertaken only by those directly responsible to the people whose
welfare they advance or imperil. They are decisions of a kind for which the
Judiciary has neither aptitude, facilities nor responsibility and have long been
held to belong in the domain of political power not subject to judicial
intrusion or inquiry. We therefore agree that whatever of this order emanates
from the President is not susceptible of review by the Judicial Department.

   Not surprisingly, then, during the Vietnam War, lower courts invoked the
“political question” doctrine in refusing to decide whether Congress had
properly authorized the Cambodian bombing or the war itself. And the Supreme
Court did not intervene.

   Many of these decisions—­particularly the Vietnam cases—­involve challenges
to the lawfulness of a war itself. They do not necessarily prevent federal
courts from deciding whether a presidential action violates an individual’s
civil liberties, a different question. But in any event, during the past
half-­century, the “political question” doctrine has gone into decline, having
reached its jurisprudential high-­water mark in 1946, in Colegrove v. Green.
There the Court decided that the doctrine prevented it from reviewing a claim
that Illinois had unconstitutionally redrawn its voting districts as to ensure
that some counties (typically rural ones) received representation
disproportionate to their numbers, with the effect that each voter in the more
populous districts now exercised less political influence than a voter in the
less populous districts with the same congressional representation. The Court
held that it “ought not to enter this political thicket” and that the remedy for
unfairness in districting was for the electorate “to secure State legislatures
that will apportion properly, or to invoke the ample powers of Congress.”

   Less than twenty years later the Court would overturn Colegrove. In Baker v.
Carr, it did indeed enter the “political thicket,” deciding the constitutional
question at issue and ultimately interpreting the Equal Protection Clause as
obligating legislatures to draw districts according to the “one person, one
vote” principle. The Baker Court would still acknowledge, however, that the
“political question” doctrine remained valid outside the realm of electoral
apportionment. In particular, it would continue to apply where there was “a
textually demonstrable constitutional commitment of the issue to a coordinate
political department[,] . . . a lack of judicially discoverable and manageable
standards for resolving” the question, and where the Court could not decide the
issue presented “without an initial policy determination of a kind clearly for
nonjudicial discretion.” In other words, the doctrine apparently continued to
have force in matters of war and national security.

   But since Baker, the Court has hesitated to apply the “political question”
doctrine even to cases involving foreign affairs. In 1979, for example, several
members of Congress petitioned to the effect that the President could not,
without the consent of Congress, withdraw from a treaty with Taiwan. The Court
debated whether it had the power to decide the case. Some justices maintained
that it could not, for the case presented a political question. Others pointed
out that the Court frequently decides whether the Constitution limits the
President’s or Congress’s powers. Still others wrote that, even if the Court
could sometimes determine the boundaries of congressional or presidential
authority, it would not be prudent to do so in this case. Ultimately, the Court
refused to decide even whether a political question presented itself. Instead,
it dismissed the case in a per curiam order, without hearing oral arguments or
addressing the underlying issue.

   More recently the Court considered a case questioning the lawfulness of a
long-standing State Department policy specifying that the birthplace of an
American citizen born in Jerusalem be given as “Jerusalem” rather than “Israel
or Jordan” in his passport. The courts were asked to review this policy in light
of a congressional statute requiring the State Department to describe the
birthplace as “Israel” if the citizen so wished. Did the statute
unconstitutionally interfere with the President’s power to conduct foreign

   The lower courts had decided that the case presented an unreviewable
political question. But the Supreme Court held to the contrary. All the justices
but one (and I was the one) considered the matter of deciding what the statute
meant and whether it was constitutional to be “a familiar judicial exercise.” My
colleagues believed the courts should not avoid the question by invoking the
“political question” doctrine. They consequently sent the case back to the lower
court for a decision on the merits.

   Though alone, I saw the case differently. “In the Middle East,” I wrote,
“administrative matters can have implications that extend far beyond the purely
administrative.” The secretary of state had argued that requiring her to stamp
the word Israel on a passport would represent an “official decision by the
United States to begin to treat Jerusalem as a city” under Israeli sovereignty.
She maintained that upholding the statute would have significant foreign policy
implications (a conclusion that others denied). Because of our inability to know
the answer to this kind of dispute, I concluded that the merits of the case
raised a political question, which the other two branches should resolve between
themselves. What matters for our purposes, however, is that the other members of
the Court disagreed with me. They thought that, even there, the doctrine did not
prevent the Court from reviewing the merits of this foreign policy-­related

   The upshot is that neither the classical view of Cicero nor the “political
question” doctrine prevents today’s Court from reaching, and deciding the merits
of, many questions in which security and civil liberties collide. But there are
other doctrines, embodied in other cases, that have had much the same effect.
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 * Publisher ‏ : ‎ Vintage Books; Reprint edition (23 August 2016)
 * Language ‏ : ‎ English
 * Paperback ‏ : ‎ 382 pages
 * ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1101912073
 * ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1101912072
 * Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1 kg 50 g
 * Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 13.34 x 2.06 x 20.35 cm

 * Best Sellers Rank: #599,827 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
    * #18,758 in Politics

 * Customer Reviews:
   4.3 4.3 out of 5 stars 105 ratings



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Ronald H. Clark
5.0 out of 5 stars The U.S. encounters foreign law and complex legal issues
Reviewed in the United States on 4 July 2016
Verified Purchase
I wanted to read Justice Breyer's book for several reasons. I had found his
debate appearances with the late Justice Scalia, where they discussed the role
of foreign law in construing the Constitution, most interesting. Moreover, talk
radio is full of allegations about possible displacement of American law by
Sharia law, and I thought Breyer might have some insights on this topic as well.
Finally, I had found his two most recent books which I reviewed on Amazon to be
full of insights and extremely cogent.

This new and quite hefty volume (382 pp. including index) is somewhat different.
I don't think this work is aimed so centrally at the general reader as the
previous volumes. Breyer here is tackling some quite challenging legal issues
which can be complex, especially for the general reader. I mention this because
while Breyer's masterful prose is again in evidence, at points for those without
legal training the book may prove daunting. So while it is not "light bedtime
reading," it is cogent and skillfully written.

For me the core of the volume is found in the Postscript (pp. 236-246), where
Breyer gets into the key issues of the role of foreign law in the domestic legal
system, including constitutional interpretation (the very area where he so
challenged Scalia). The preceding several hundred pages are designed to prepare
the reader to focus on these key issues. Basically, the general theme is as a
result of international integration, American courts are facing an increasing
amount of foreign legal issues and concepts as they discharge their
responsibilities. This situation gives rise to all manner of issues: limits on
presidential power; extent of the treaty power; rights of Guantanamo prisoners;
application of American law abroad; the role of international legal comity; and
laws such as the Alien Tort Statute which impose liability for foreign actions
in American courts.

American judges and legislators must be prepared to deal with these new issues.
How are treaties, conventions, the UN Charter and international law to be
applied? What role does the International Court of Justice play and are its
decisions binding upon American courts? These are the very kinds of issues that
in part led to the recent British departure from the European Community--and
they can be extremely tough. Can judges participating in international law
teaching or panels, as well as exchanges of lawyers and law students, use these
opportunities to improve judicial understanding of the new complexities of the
world's legal systems as they interact?

As for the issue of the role and possible dominance of foreign law in American
domestic law, Breyer's excellent analysis can be boiled down to a
straightforward proposition: "don't fret,"some manner of Kantian universal law
is not a likely prospect, and the American system can adjust to these new
international developments. A very fine introduction to these vitally important
issues by the author several of the key Supreme Court cases in this area. That
Breyer alerts us to so many crucial aspects bears special commendation for a job
well done. You will understand more of what is going on in the world for having
read this book--and that is its greatest contribution.

Read more
Z. Iqbal
5.0 out of 5 stars How judges perceive the legal system by Zafar Iqbal
Reviewed in the United States on 7 June 2021
Verified Purchase
Stephen Breyer, a judge of the United States Supreme Court, is known for having
leanings towards freedom oriented approach and practical considerations in
judicial decision making. He is also known for his research and development in
matters concerning the world affairs. The book under review presents his
outstanding brilliance based on moderate approach in decision making relating to
application of international law.[2]

Justice Breyer has previously written many books on the role of judiciary and
legal philosophy.[3] The present book places emphasis more on extra-territorial
application of US Law. In the present days scenario instances of application of
US law in extra territorial instances is becoming more common and the
confronting complex situations present challenging task for the Judges.

The book presents discussions on important topics like national security,
statutory interpretations, treaty interpretation and applications. Interactions
among judges of different states have also been discussed in detail. Detailed
description and analysis of the relevant Supreme Court cases has been provided
by the author and these include both historical and recently decided cases. Two
major themes have emerged from these case discussions including the judicial
resolution of institutional disputes, where such disputes are contested the
focus is on the interest of other nations, the outcome leads to the application
of rule of law, and the considerations required by judges to take notice of
foreign laws, procedures and practices. In this regard the author observes:
“There is no Supreme Court of the world with power to settle harmonic
differences among the approaches of different nations”.

As per author, where complex problems are confronted, a collaborative approach
is needed. He accordingly observes: “Judicial awareness can no longer stop at
the borders”.

In a number of cases discussed in this work the author presents the conflict
arising out of individual liberty and national security. He observes, the US
Supreme Court has maintained a balanced approach to interpret the presidential
actions concerning national security and in many instances the Court restrained
to intervene following the principle that laws are silent during wartime. The
author observes that during major wars namely, civil war, World War I and World
War II, the US Supreme Court restrained itself to intervene in matters relating
to protection of individual liberty. In his opinion the lower Courts invoked the
political question doctrine as a basis for declining to decide issues concerning
Vietnam War. The Supreme Court, according to him showed willingness to resolve
cases of national security but interpreted presidential powers very broadly, for
example, Curtis-Wright decision,[4] and the infamous Korematsu decision, the
Court showed broad deference to executive powers.[5]

As per author it was the steel case in which the US Supreme Court held that
president Truman had exceeded his powers by seizing the steel mills in the
country during the Korean War.[6] As per justice Breyer this case marked a shift
in the Court's approach. He observes: "the Court took the view that during war,
the President does not have a blank check'." In author's perspective the
decisions on war on terror lead to the development of contextual case by case

The author emphasizes that compared to the past and in order to decide national
security cases, the Courts require information on the events in more detail. As
per author, US Courts also consider how other countries in the world have sorted
out such problems; these examples enable US Courts to find out the real
constitutional problems of the United States.

In chapter 5- 6 the author deliberates on recent decisions pronounced by US
Courts on international relations, and more specifically, on international
commerce which is the subject matter of chapter 5, the dimension in the chapter
revolves around four important cases namely, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. v.
Empagran SA.[7] Intel Corp. v. Advance Micro Devices Inc,[8] Morrison v.
National Australia Bank Ltd,[9] and Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons Inc.[10] In
these cases the Court was confronted with the following problems:

a) The extraterritorial application of US antitrust law;

b) The ability to obtain discovery of evidence relating to foreign proceedings;

c) Extraterritorial application of the securities fraud statute; and

d) Application of first sale' doctrine in US copyright law in respect of goods
first sold outside the United States.

As per author, the US Supreme Court considered the reciprocity of the
application of US laws abroad and the Court came to the following conclusions:

a) The US Supreme Court ordinarily construes ambiguous statues to avoid
unreasonable interference with the Sovereign authority of other nations.[11]

b) The Supreme Courts considers the international comity in deciding whether and
to what extent to apply US laws abroad. In the court's conception of comity,
contends Justice Breyer, "from one emphasizing the more formal objective of
simple conflict avoidance to the more practical objective of maintaining
cooperative working arrangements with corresponding enforcement authorities of
different nations".

The author discusses Human Rights in chapter 6 particularly with reference to
Alien Tort Statute (ATS). The author refers to the case of Filartiga v.
Pena-Irala.[12] He then explains how US Supreme Courts in the case of Sosa v.
Alvarez-Machain[13] closed this open issue. He observes that the Sosa case was
misinterpreted by the lower Courts as suits under ATS law against Multinational
Corporations continued to increase and led to emergence of conflict in foreign
relations, he specifically refers to the issue of judicial legitimacy under ATS.

The author draws our attention to US Supreme Court's decision namely, Kiobel v.
Royal Dutch Petroleum Co[14] in more detail and observes that the Court held

i. Under ATS law claims are subject to presumption against extraterritoriality;

ii. Relief sought in the case was refused as these claims demanded a relief for
the violations of the laws of foreign nations occurring outside United

The author suggests that many readers interpreted this case in a narrow sense;
the fact is that the decision does not bar claims by victims of foreign human
rights abuses when brought against individuals who resides in United States.

In chapter 7- 10, the author has analyzed issues relating to interpretation and
application of treaties. In chapter 7, the author emphasizes on the Hague
convention and on the civil aspects of international child Abduction.[16] As per
author in another case namely, Abbot v. Abbott the US Supreme Court considered
the custody right under the said convention.[17] In Lozano v. Montoya Alvarez,
the court considered whether or not the given time frame under the convention
fell within the framework of equity.[18] These cases show, how the court
extended its learning scope with regard to foreign laws, customs and practices.

Chapter 8 of the book is concerned with the laws of treaties and commercial
arbitration. The author argues that a special note has been taken in the case
namely, BG Group PLC v. Republic of Argentina.[19] In that case the Court
concludes that:

i. A US court should give defense to an arbitral panel’s interpretation of a
local litigation requirement in an investment treaty arbitration clause.

ii. How can Courts exercise judicial review of arbitral decisions to ensure that
awards are fair and consistent with domestic laws, without undermining the
efficiency and neutrality of the arbitral system?

The issue of Government’s power to conclude treaties stands discussed in Chapter
9. As per author, new developments have taken place in this regard. For example,
the author observes, many international organizations have now taken over the
traditional tasks of domestic governments. And an element of uncertainty has
emerged relating to what extent the National Constitution permits the role
assumed by the international organizations or in other words to what extent the
Constitution permits delegation of authority to such international institutions.
For example in the case of NRDC v. EPA[20] a circuit court questioned the
validity and binding effect of a decision made on the basis of Montreal Protocol
on substances. The issue of International delegation, as per author has not yet
been dealt by the US Supreme Court.[21] In Sanchez Llamas v. Oregon, the Court
gave respect and full consideration to the ICJ’s reasoning concerning the effect
of Article 36 on domestic rules of procedural default, yet the court disagreed
with the reasoning[22] of the ICJ.

The issue, "whether or not a judgment of the International Court of Justice was
self executing", also came for consideration before the Court in the case of
Medellin v. Texas, and the Court took the view that commitment of United States
under Article 94 of the United Nations Charter to comply with ICI's decision was
not self executing and did not cause to pre-empt state law.[23]

The Court’s decision namely, Bond v. United States has also been discussed by
the author. The case involved a federal criminal prosecution relating to
chemical weapons convention.[24] As per author, the court did not address the
constitutional scope of treaty powers and the earlier decision on the subject,
however, courts decision namely; Missouri v. Holland[25] still remains valid in
the field, in that case the court had held that the treaty power is not subject
to constraints of federalism which apply in domestic legislation.[26]

The author has emphasized that, “One must keep in mind the fact that the Supreme
Court of the United States is a domestic Court, not an international Court”. And
where the Court intended to learn and apply foreign laws and practices, the
author shows his sympathy towards this attitude; in this regard he rejects the
critics of the Court’s practices on the ground that new realities of the world
are to be accepted, yet author is of the view that decision making is a kind of
problem solving.

In chapter 11 – 12 the author discusses the mutual relationship and
understanding of the Supreme Court Judges with the judges of foreign courts. He
emphasizes that US institution can take benefit from ECJ's practice of
proportionality analysis and its approach towards regulations relating to
commerce, similarly he notes with approval of the Indian Courts experience with
ADR for to decrease the pendency, He also shares, his learning experience with
Chinese legal system, interaction with Tunisian intellectuals and the Chief
Justice of Ghana. In his opinion such interactions can support the rule of law
particularly with reference to independence of judiciary.

In the chapter on Court and world, he discusses the cases decided by the US
Supreme Court, and highlights cross boarder nature of disputes before the Court.
He also highlights cross border nature of disputes before the court. He
appreciates Court's judgments in this field which he finds as balanced and
engaging. He draws our attention towards comparative foreign relations law[27]
and proposes that a serious attention is required to be given to this subject as
both judges and scholars can learn a lot from this experience.[28]

The author being quite careful while discussing the cases which have been heard
by him as being part of the Court and except Kiobel case; his comments portray
what has been stated by the Court. In his personal opinions he is too cautious
and does not say much about the way international problems can be solved, in his
opinion in this regard more clarity is wanting.

In respect of Court's approach towards international cases, he brings out the
following trends for the readers:

a) A serious judicial engagement;

b) Contextual case by case deliberation.[29]

However, it is notable that the trends discussed by author are general, as in
many cases the Court has gone for a categorical approach rather than contextual
and in Medellin case the author's point of view was rejected by the
majority.[30] Even in cases related to war on terror, baring a few, the Court
allowed the government to work and avoided review on detention and use of
force.[31] The author notes that even in Kiobel case the extraterritorial
presumption though became applicable, yet in view of the majority; the claimants
living in United States could still sue for compensation.[32] However, as per
majority where the conduct under review took place outside US, the Claims under
ATS became liable for rejection.[33]

Despite the said arguments, in Kiobel case his point of view is that:

a. The approach of limiting the ATS to situations in which relevant conduct
occurs outside the United States is not correct;

b. The statute should be applied whenever defendant's conduct implicates an
important American national interest;[34] and

c. The country is to be prevented from becoming a safe harbor for the common
enemies of mankind.[35]

It looks as if he did not seem to believe that he was describing what was
entailed by the majority opinion.[36]

All said and done, as per author's views it is established that in Kiobel the
Supreme Court was not standing as a world court. The author despite all that
tends to see that:

a) More attention is to be paid by US Courts to international and foreign laws
and practices while interpreting and applying US law.

In absence of guidance and limitations from administration, Court is free in
applying US laws abroad, evaluating foreign conduct and incorporating

[1] LL.M (WashULaw), MPA (USC), JSD (TJSL), Attorney at law

[2] See e.g, Kiobel Dutch Petroleum Co, 133 S.Cr. 1659, 1670 (2013) (Breyer, 1,
concurring), Morrison v. Nat'l Austl. Bank Ltd, 561 U.S. 247, 273 (2010)
(Breyer, J, concurring in part): Medellin v. Texas, 552 U.S. 491, 538 (2008)
(Breyer, 1, dissenting); Sosa v. Alvarez-Machain, 542 US. 692, 760 (2004)
(Breyer, 1, concurring in part),F. Hoffman-La-Roche Ltd v. Empagran SA, 542 U.S.
155 (2004) (writing for the Court).

[3] See Stephen Breyer, Active Liberty: Interpreting our democratic constitution
(2006). Stephen Breyer, making our democracy work: A judge's view (2010)

[4] See United States v. Curtiss-Wright Export Corp, 299 U.S. 304, 319 (1936).
Recently in Zivotofsky v. Kerry, 135 S.C. 2076, 2090 (2015). The Supreme Court
distanced itself from some of the dicta in Curtiss Wright.

[5] See Korematsu v. United States, 323 US. 214, 218-19 (1944).

[6] See Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. V. Sawyer (Steel Seizure). 343 U.S. 579

[7] Empagran, 542 U.S. 155

[8] Intel Corp v. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., 542 U.S. 241 (2004).

[9] Morrison v. Nat’l Austl. Bank Ltd, 561 U.S 247 (2010).

[10] Kirtsaeng v. John Wiey & Sons, Inc

[11] Empagran, 542 U.S at 164

[12] Filartiga v. Pena-Irala, 630 F. 2d 876 (2d Cit. 1980)

[13] Sosa v. Alverez-Machain, 542 U.S 962 (2004).

[14] Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co., 133 S.ct 1659 (2013)

[15] Id. At 1669.

[16] Convention on the Civil Aspects of international Child Abduction opened for
signature Oct. 25, 1980, TIAS 11,760, 1343 UNTS 98.

[17] See Abbott v. Abbott, 560 U.S. 1 (2010).

[18] See Lozano v. Montoya Alvarez, 134 S. Cr. 1224 (2014).

[19] BG Group PLC v. Republic of Argentina. 134 S. C. 1198 (2014).

[20] See NRDC v. EPA, 464 F.3d 1, 9 (D.C. Cir. 2006) (discussing Montreal
Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer, Sept, 16, 1987, 5. Treaty
Doc. No 100-10 (1987). 1522 UNTS 3, 26 LM 1550 (1987).

[21] "Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, Article 36, Apr. 24 1963, 21 UST
77 596 UNTS 261 The closest that it has come has been in cases considering the
effect of decisions by the International Court of Justice (IC) concerning US
noncompliance with Article 36 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations,
which provides that when a party country arrests nationals from another party
country, the former is supposed to advise them of their right to have their
consulate notified of the arrest and to communicate with the consulate.

[22] Medellin v. Texas, 552 US. 491, 508-10 (2008) (quoting UN Charter Art. 94
(1)). Despite being a dissenter in Sanchez Llamas, Justice Breyer fairly
presents the majority's reasoning and usefully underscores that the majority was
not claiming that the United States may ignore ICI judgments.

[23] Modellin v. Texas S52 U.S. 491, S08-10 (2008) (quoting UN Charter Art. 94
(1). Again despite not having joined the majority opinion, Justice Breyer treats
it with respect noting "Naturally, since I wrote the dissent, I am persuaded by
its reasoning but that is beside the point. The Courts majority opinion is
authoritative, not the dissent. So it is more important to consider the
significance of that opinion".

[24] "See Bond v. United States, 134 S. C. 2077 (2014) (discussing ratification
of the Convention on the prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling
and use of Chemical Weapon and on their Destruction, Jan. 13, 1993, S. Treaty
Dor. No. 103-21 (1993), 1974 UNTS 45, 32 RM B00 (1993)).

[25] "Missouri v Holland, 252 US 416 (1920)

[26] See Bond, 134S Ct at 2091; see also Curtis A Bradley, Bond, Clear Statement
Requirements, and Political Process, AJIL UNBOUND (June 3, 2014). Instead, the
Court in Bond made use of statutory interpretation to cut back on the domestic
application of the Chemical Weapons Conventions, reasoning that even a statute
implementing a treaty should not be presumed to alter the usual balance of
federal and state power absent a clear indication of congressional intent to do

[27] How other nations handle comparable legal issues.

[28] For an effort to prompt greater dialogue among scholars about competitive
foreign relations law, see Courts, Treaties, Customs and the Use of Force, Duke
University Geneva Conference on Comparative Foreign Relations Law (July 10-11,

[29] In Morrison and Kiobel the Court opted for a categorical approach to extra
territoriality rather than more contextual approach.

[30] Compare Medellin, 552 U.S. at 550-51 (Breyer, 1, dissenting), with id. At
514-15 (majority opinion) (rejecting the dissent's proposed approach on the
ground that it is too indeterminate and ad hoc)."

[31] See Curtis A. Bradley, Foreign Relations Law and the Purported Shift Away
from "Exceptionalism," 128 HARV. L REV. F. 294, 298-99 (2014)

[32] Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co, 133 S.ct. 1659, 1669 (2013).

[33] Id. (emphasis added).

[34] "See id, at 1674 (Breyer, 1, concurring) (emphasis added).

[35] Id. at 1671.

[36] Although the lower courts have differed to some extent in their
interpretation of the "touch and concern" test from Kiobel, no court so far has
held that the mere US residence of a defendant is sufficient to meet that test

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Ed Barton
4.0 out of 5 stars Critical Look at the Intersection of SCOTUS and International
Reviewed in the United States on 14 May 2020
Verified Purchase
There is no Supreme Court of the World. This statement underpins the analysis of
the intersection of international law and international legal practices with
those of the United States in Stephen Breyer's well written book on the subject.
Citing domestic and international cases, and focusing on treaties, treaty
implementation, cross-border regulation, foreign citizens, norms and customs,
the book provides a 30,000 foot view of some of the more critical elements of
the issues facing the US Supreme Court. It reads like a law book, but is very
readable. An interesting and thoughtful perspective.

Read more
5.0 out of 5 stars An astounding achievement and long overdue by a brilliant
legal mind
Reviewed in the United States on 29 January 2016
Verified Purchase
Justice Stephen Breyer's new book, "The Court and the World," should be required
reading for every candidate running for president, every candidate for an
appointment to federal bench, and every American! It's an astounding achievement
by a brilliant legal mind.

I can remember being a first-year graduate student in political science
discussing the disdain with which some viewed death penalty opinions which cited
foreign courts and/or laws and practices. Today (some years later!), it's with
pleasure that I read Breyer's book. He makes an eloquent argument regarding why
the court must be in dialogue with the world for just as America has evolved
over the past two-hundred years, so too has the world. Today's challenges - and
achievements - necessitate a legal environment that sees the Court has been a
critical institution/actor as the United States embarks on actions without
precedent to guide us.

Overall, Breyer's book is SUPERB. He skillfully avoids turning "The Court and
the World" into a legal textbook and instead makes it an enjoyable and
informative read for academics and lay readers alike. Highly recommended.

Read more
5.0 out of 5 stars Great perspective!
Reviewed in the United States on 31 May 2022
Verified Purchase
The kind of perspective and voice only a justice on the Court can provide. Great

Read more


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