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Text Content

Attract Christian Youth Groups via Innovative Ideas & Lessons

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Contact Number:- 631-242-2582

Empowering Christian Youth Leaders

with activities that are both fun and faith-based


August 6, 2024


Activity Guide for Youth Workers with Unique Indexing

More Activities with Unique Indexing: Makes Not the Same Old, Done-it-before
Youth Meetings Stand Out

Not the Same Old, Done-it-before Youth Meetings is carefully indexed. If you
want an activity to use to open a discussion on a topic such as "faith",
"justice" or "love", it is easily findable. If you want an activity that
references 52 passages from the Old Testiment or 129 New Testiment Verses, it is
here. Read more reviews like these reviews by clicking ... Not the Same Old,
Done-it-before Youth Meeting (the book) Read more reviews like these reviews by
clicking ... Not the Same Old, Done-it-before Youth Meeting (the book)

A Video of Hope for those who Dare to Dream

Visit Book Reviews



A Meditation shared in Community Presbyterian Church, Deer Park, NY on January
24, 2021. Please click: Seven Fruits of Spirit Plus One

Let's Get Started this Fall: activity ideas and references for Christian Youth
Group Activities. Click: Free Activity Guide of Christian Youth Group Activities
to Plan your fall meetings

Making a Difference ... We met with our 20 -30 year olds after church yesterday
and learned something interesting. After asking what they find most meaningful
about church, they unanimously agreed ... it was the opportunities the church
offered them to serve others and make a difference.

Read more at: Making a Difference

Click on the below arrow in the video for more information.

Activity Guide for Youth Workers

"I totally had to get this book"

Jo writes regarding Not the Same Old, Done-it-before Youth Meetings ... "I think
this book is really good and helpful. I first read the online version of the
book because I did not want to pay for it. But after reading a couple of program
ideas and having a very very successful youth program I totally HAD to get this
book. It is well worth the money."

Hear what Cara of Goodreads says about Review: "Wow! Its one of the few
realistic and useful youth books I've run across and is recommended for youth
pastors and adult volunteers in youth." Thanks, Cara, for reading and sharing.

New Review on Amazon.com dated January 7, 2018 gives "Not the Same Old,
Done-it-before Youth Meetings" 5.0 out of 5 stars and is entitled "Excellent
Ideas". It reads, "Excellent and unique ideas. I would recommend this to any
Christian youth group."

Read more reviews like these reviews by clicking ... Not the Same Old,
Done-it-before Youth Meeting (the book)

The Chest of Visions is a story of hope!

New Edition The Chest of Visions: Secrets of Caperston coming out in September
2020. THe edition is thirty percent longer with more details about the world of
Caperston, located in a parallel universe and its customs. Details about the
young people and significant adults in the story has also been added.

A review from Jim Penna, who read the new version summarized, "Tim Ferguson has
written a story with biblical themes and some Star Trek type science fiction.
The story moves right along, a real page-turner. I would recommend this book to
any reader. The illustrator is quite good also."

Pastor Jada Hodgson writes ... "Sometimes it seems different generations are
from different worlds. ... I am grateful for this book. It is a good story, well
told and delightfully illustrated."

Pastor Dianne Dunne writes ... "The Chest Of Visions is an excellent tool to
reach our youth today."

"it definitely made her think"

"I read this book with a thirteen year old girl and once we were finished I
asked her how she felt about our experience. She said it definitely made her
think about many things in her own life and in her walk with God."

Shirley Johnson, author/reviewer Sept. 19, 2012

The young man Mattpaul inspired hope in his world. His story will do the same
for us.

Additional Reviews can be read at: He Changed his World by acting on his Faith

         Hope is Seen from 2018

Don't miss this story of Hope ... the Malaysia Miracle... L's Story and much

New ... International Bible Study Group

Second Passage: Psalms 100 "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord"

Imaculatte of Uganda writes: "...others just close their eyes and meditate on
God's goodness. And that has made all the difference."

Read the rest of Immaculatte's account as well as an account from John of the
USA. Click: Bible Study:Psalms 100

We are looking for more writers. Please write to
Timferguson@christianyouthgroup.org if you are interested.

                What is Truly Timeless? We then did a second contest. I asked
the young man with the cell phone to do a search to find a Time Machine, a way
for him to go back in time. Arindam looked at me and said, "I can't".

Learn about a Time Machine we all have.

... The Time Machine

The Rich Young Ruler: Christian youth lesson that asks the question how to react
to the command of Jesus to give everything that you own to the poor, then follow
we are ready to follow Him.

Trust and Prayer: Christian youth lesson begins with trust exercise and ends
with activity that facilitates prayer amidst teens.

More Christian Youth Activity Ideas found at: Activity Ideas

                          Updated Information on Gun Control Discussion can be
found at:

                    Need for Gun Control guidelines?

August 12,2020

Please share this native American sentiment. Our charge is to focus on the
future and learn from the past. Borrowing from our children? So true. As
Christians, we are the "Light of the World" (Matthew 5:14). Spread the word to
our world.

VERSE ONE: "Then God said, 'Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and
let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the
livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the
ground.'" (Genesis 1:26)

We are to protect our wildlife and to do so we must protect our world.

Try a New Christian Youth Workers' Website at: Lessons for Christian Youth .

Activities for Fun

Ha Ha: Lots of fun - an icebreaker we used with Spanish speaking young people in
El Salvador, as well as with our own youth group. It has always been a great

Cross the Line: An icebreaker that gets young people sharing their experiences.

Bombs Away: A game that tests our ability to trust.


The Three Pens Game : The Icebreaker that challenges youth's attention and
teaches a valuable lesson.

The Fruits of the Spirit: Note that some of the more difficult fruits,in the
eyes of youth, are probably patience and self control. Determine which fruits
are most common and why.

Faith by Dennis:from a youth leader in New York ... it tells you that even a
little bit of faith is stronger than the strongest mountain

Banana Lesson: I break the group up into groups and give each group a banana and
tell them to cut it up...

          Free Monthly Newsletter

    I Want to receive ...

   Christian youth ministry lessons that are both fun

>                     and faith-based.



 * * Youth Youth Ministry Leaders Speakout
   * Personal History<
   * Book Release
   * Activities
   * Youth speak:     meet Danielle of Madagascar
   * mission

I am wondering if you could provide some guidance for me...

I was recently asked to establish a youth program for a small church in Toronto,
Canada. Without having much training in this area, I realize I need some
guidance on how to do this. M.D.

For information about starting a youth program, click Starting a Christian Youth
Ministry Program



Your ideas make this website special. Please share with the Christian Youth
Ministry Leaders who have done so from around the world. Guest Map



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Jesus promises Christian youth like Danielle of Madagascar Are you active in a
Christian youth group? Do you have Christian youth activities to share Your
shared ideas will be featured on our activities page. Just click on the Guestmap
Icon and let us know who you are and any activities that have been successful
for your group. Thank you.


Tim Ferguson, 30 Fairlawn Drive, Deer Park, New York, USA,11729

Contact Number: 631-242-2582

Contact: Timferguson@Christianyouthgroup.org

Copyright 2018