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Submitted URL: http://lt-links.perryellis.com/q/-ZBNBBB9lBg0Xrz5ntjFzDlyF8tl-41nlTkZcOJbW9iaWNlbnRydW1AYXR0Lm5ldMOI7sIXHtVlfogLU_0NT4AjY0ejCEw
Effective URL: https://www.perryellis.com/products/solid-tech-turtleneck-sweater-blue-4ehg7706rt-405?trk_sid=OPDBLOEH2R0HDU68RV7HI5EHEO&ut...
Submission Tags: phishing
Submission: On March 02 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 9 forms found in the DOM

GET /pages/search-results

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POST /cart/add

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  <div id="VariantsJson-4815785492558" class="hide" aria-hidden="true"> [{"id":32568803295310,"title":"Toasted Coconut \/ S","option1":"Toasted
    Tech Turtleneck Sweater - Toasted Coconut \/ S","public_title":"Toasted Coconut \/ S","options":["Toasted
    Coconut \/ M","option1":"Toasted
    Tech Turtleneck Sweater - Toasted Coconut \/ M","public_title":"Toasted Coconut \/ M","options":["Toasted
    Coconut \/ L","option1":"Toasted
    Tech Turtleneck Sweater - Toasted Coconut \/ L","public_title":"Toasted Coconut \/ L","options":["Toasted
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    Tech Turtleneck Sweater - Toasted Coconut \/ XL","public_title":"Toasted Coconut \/ XL","options":["Toasted
    Coconut \/ XXL","option1":"Toasted
    Tech Turtleneck Sweater - Toasted Coconut \/ XXL","public_title":"Toasted Coconut \/ XXL","options":["Toasted
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Genuine Glazed Leather Wallet

Slim Fit Check Quick Dry Shirt

Roberto Oxford

Slim Fit 5-Pocket Performance Stretch Pant

Luxe Stripe Boxer Brief

Slim Fit 5-Pocket Performance Stretch Pant

4 Pack Assorted Solid Stretch Boxer Brief

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4EHG7706RT - 795570237320

4.5 star rating 54 Reviews

Regular price Sale price €‌99.00 €‌44.00 56%

Color — Dark Sapphire
Dark Sapphire

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[{"id":39418726056014,"title":"Dark Sapphire \/ S","option1":"Dark
Tech Knit Turtleneck Sweater - Dark Sapphire \/ S","public_title":"Dark Sapphire
\/ S","options":["Dark
Sapphire \/ M","option1":"Dark
Tech Knit Turtleneck Sweater - Dark Sapphire \/ M","public_title":"Dark Sapphire
\/ M","options":["Dark
Sapphire \/ L","option1":"Dark
Tech Knit Turtleneck Sweater - Dark Sapphire \/ L","public_title":"Dark Sapphire
\/ L","options":["Dark
Sapphire \/ XL","option1":"Dark
Tech Knit Turtleneck Sweater - Dark Sapphire \/ XL","public_title":"Dark
Sapphire \/ XL","options":["Dark
Sapphire \/ XXL","option1":"Dark
Tech Knit Turtleneck Sweater - Dark Sapphire \/ XXL","public_title":"Dark
Sapphire \/ XXL","options":["Dark
{"id":39418726056014,"title":"Dark Sapphire \/ S","option1":"Dark
Tech Knit Turtleneck Sweater - Dark Sapphire \/ S","public_title":"Dark Sapphire
\/ S","options":["Dark



SIZE(US) CHEST NECK WAIST SLEEVE XS 32" - 34" 13" - 13 1/2" 26" - 28" 32" S 35"
- 37" 14" - 14 1/2" 29" - 31" 33" M 38" - 40" 15" - 15 1/2" 32" - 34" 34" L 41"
- 43" 16" - 16 1/2" 35" - 37" 35" XL 44" - 46" 17" - 17 1/2" 38" - 40" 36" XXL
47" - 49" 18" - 18 1/2" 41" - 43" 37"


SIZE(US) XS S M L XL XXL WAIST 26" - 28" 29" - 31" 32" - 34" 35" - 37" 38" - 40"
41" - 43"



Regular SLEEVE
Short 34 35" 32" 36 ½" 33 ½" 34 ¾" 32 ¼" 36 37" 34" 38 ½" 34" 35 ¼" 32 ¼" 38 39"
36" 40 ½" 34 ½" 35 ¾" 33 ¼" 40 41" 38" 42 ½" 35" 36 ¼" 33 ¼" 42 43" 40" 44 ½" 35
½" 36 ¾" 34 ¼" 44 45" 42" 46 ½" 36" 37 ¼" 34 ¼" 46 47" 44" 48 ½" 36 ½" 37 ¾" 35
¼" 48 49" 46" 50 ½" 37" 38 ¼" 35 ¼" 50 51" 48" 52 ½" 37 ½" 38 ¾" 36 ¼" 52 53"
50" 54 ½" 38" 39 ¼" 36 ¼"

Regular SLEEVE
Short 34 34 ½" 31" 36" 33 ½" 34 ¾" 32 ¼" 36 36 ½" 33" 38" 34" 35 ¼" 32 ¾" 38 38
½" 35" 40" 34 ½" 35 ¾" 33 ¼" 40 40 ½" 37" 42" 35" 36 ¼" 33 ¾" 42 42 ½" 39" 44"
35 ½" 36 ¾" 34 ¼" 44 44 ½" 41" 46" 36" 37 ¼" 34 ¾" 46 46 ½" 43" 48" 36 ½" 37 ¾"
35 ¼" 48 48 ½" 45" 50" 37" 38 ¼" 35 ¾" 50 50 ½" 47" 52" 37 ½" 38 ¾" 36 ¼" 52 52
½" 49" 54" 38" 39 ¼" 36 ¾"

Regular SLEEVE
Short 34 36" 34" 37 ½" 33 ½" 34 ¾" 32 ¼" 36 38" 36" 39 ½" 34" 35 ¼" 32 ¾" 38 40"
38" 41 ½" 34 ½" 35 ¾" 33 ¼" 40 42" 40" 43 ½" 35" 36 ¼" 33 ¾" 42 44" 42" 45 ½" 35
½" 36 ¾" 34 ¼" 44 46" 44" 47 ½" 36" 37 ¼" 34 ¾" 46 48" 46" 49 ½" 36 ½" 37 ¾" 35
¼" 48 50" 48" 51 ½" 37" 38 ¼" 35 ¾" 50 52" 50" 53 ½" 37 ½" 38 ¾" 36 ¼" 52 54"
52" 55 ½" 38" 39 ¼" 36 ¾"


SIZE(US) XS S M L XL XXL WAIST 26" - 28" 29" - 31" 32" - 34" 35" - 37" 38" - 40"
41" - 43"


SIZE   US 7 8 8 ½ 9 9 ½ 10 10 ½ 11 11 ½ 12 13 EUR 39 ½ 40 ½ 41 ½ 42 42 ½ 43 44
44 ½ 45 45 ½ 47

Big & Tall


SIZE(US) 2X 3X 4X HEIGHT 6'3" and Under NECK 18" - 18 ½" 19" - 19 ½" 20" - 20 ½"
CHEST 51" - 54" 55" - 58" 59" - 62" WAIST 45" - 48" 49" - 52" 53" - 56" SLEEVE
36 ½" 37" 37 ½"

SIZE(US) LT XLT 2XLT 3XLT 4XLT HEIGHT 6'4" and Under NECK 16" - 16 ½" 17" - 17
½" 18" - 18 ½" 19" - 19 ½" 20" - 20 ½" CHEST 43" - 46" 47" - 50" 51" - 54" 55" -
58" 59" - 62" WAIST 37" - 40" 41" - 44" 45" - 48" 49" - 52" 53" - 56" SLEEVE 37
½" 38" 38 ½" 39" 39 ½"


SIZE(US) 1X 2X 3X 4X 5X LT XLT 2XLT 3XLT 4XLT CHEST 55" 59" 63" 67" 71" 51" 55"
59" 63" 67" COLLAR 19 ½" 20 ½" 21 ½" 22 ½" 23 ½" 18 ½" 29 ½" 20 ½" 21 ½" 22 ½"
SLEEVE 37 ¼" 38" 38 ¾" 39 ½" 40 ¼" 38 ½" 39 ¼" 40" 40 ¾" 41 ½" WAIST 55" 59" 63"
67" 71" 51" 55" 59" 63" 67"


                      SIZE(US) LT XLT 2XLT 3XLT 4XLT HEIGHT Tall - 6'4" and Over
Big - 6'3" and Under WAIST 55" 59" 63" 67" 71" 55" 59" 63" 67" 71" INSEAMS 55"
59" 63" 67" 71" 55" 59" 63" 67" 71"


Regular SLEEVE
Long 42 47 ½" 47 ¼" 51 ¼" 35 ¾"" 37 ¾" 44 49 ½" 49 ¼" 53 ¼" 36 ¼" 38 46 51 ½" 51
¼" 55 ¼" 36 ¾" 38 ½" 48 53 ½" 53 ¼" 57 ¼" 37 ¼" 39 50 55 ½" 55 ¼" 59 ¼" 37 ¾""
39 ½" 52 57 ½" 57 ¼" 61 ¼" 38 ¼" 40 54 59 ½" 59 ¼" 63 ¼" 38 ¾" 40 ½" 56 61 ½" 59
¼" 65 ¼" 40 ¼" 41 58 63 ½" 63 ¼" 67 ¼" 40 ¾" 41 ½" 60 65 ½" 65 ¼" 69 ¼" 41 ¼" 42


WAIST SMALL MEDIUM LARGE X-LARGE INCHES 28-30 32-34 36-38 40-42 CM 71-76 81-86
91-97 102-107

4-Way Stretch


Moisture Wicking

 * Description
     This men's turtleneck sweater from Perry Ellis has a sleek, flattering fit
     and supremely comfortable design. Moisture-wicking technology keeps you
     feeling dry. Stretch in the material lets you move with ease and ribbed
     cuffs, hem and neck offer a casual finish. Geared to your sustainable
     lifestyle, the sweater's soft and smooth fabric contains viscose fibers
     derived from sustainable wood pulp.
   * 72% Sustainable Viscose / 28% Polyester
   * Regular Fit
   * Moisture Wicking to Keep You Dry
   * Antimicrobial Fabric to Prevent Odor and Protect Against Bacteria
   * Breathable to Keep You Cool
   * 4-Way Stretch
   * Viscose Derived From Sustainable Wood and Pulp Generates 50% Lower
     Emissions and Water Impact When Compared to Regular Viscose
   * Turtleneck
   * Long Sleeve
   * Machine Wash
   * Imported
     Model Measurements:
      * Height: 6'1"
      * Waist: 32"
      * Wearing Size Medium
      * Customer Reviews / Q&A

4-Way Stretch


Moisture Wicking

Shipping & Returns

We offer the following convenient delivery options within the United States.

Standard €‌14.00 Expedited €‌25.00 Overnight €‌31.00 Free Shipping for Rewards
Members SIGN UP

Perry Perks members get access to exclusive free shipping offers. The program is
free to join and also rewards you with points for every purchase.

Shipping Information Return Information

Easy Returns:
We will issue a refund, excluding any shipping and handling fees, for all
unused, undamaged and/or defective products returned within 60 days of purchase.
All products must be returned in its original packaging and with all accessories
to ensure a full credit.

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4EHG7706RT - 795570226119

4.5 star rating 54 Reviews

Regular price Sale price €‌99.00 €‌44.00 56%

Color — Cream
S - Sold Out M L - Sold Out XL XXL - Sold Out

− +
Size Chart

Runs small

True to size

Runs big

Only 30 in stock
Add to cart

4 interest-free payments of €‌11.00.  Learn more


Pay in 4 interest-free installments so you can spread the cost.

 * Add item(s) to your cart

 * Go to checkout and choose

 * Enter your debit or credit card information

 * Pay later in 4 installments. The first payment is taken when the order is
   processed and the remaining 3 are automatically taken every two weeks.

Pay later in 4 installments complete terms.

[{"id":39418726187086,"title":"Cream \/
Tech Knit Turtleneck Sweater - Cream \/ S","public_title":"Cream \/
Tech Knit Turtleneck Sweater - Cream \/ M","public_title":"Cream \/
Tech Knit Turtleneck Sweater - Cream \/ L","public_title":"Cream \/
Tech Knit Turtleneck Sweater - Cream \/ XL","public_title":"Cream \/
Tech Knit Turtleneck Sweater - Cream \/ XXL","public_title":"Cream \/
{"id":39418726318158,"title":"Cream \/
Tech Knit Turtleneck Sweater - Cream \/ M","public_title":"Cream \/



SIZE(US) CHEST NECK WAIST SLEEVE XS 32" - 34" 13" - 13 1/2" 26" - 28" 32" S 35"
- 37" 14" - 14 1/2" 29" - 31" 33" M 38" - 40" 15" - 15 1/2" 32" - 34" 34" L 41"
- 43" 16" - 16 1/2" 35" - 37" 35" XL 44" - 46" 17" - 17 1/2" 38" - 40" 36" XXL
47" - 49" 18" - 18 1/2" 41" - 43" 37"


SIZE(US) XS S M L XL XXL WAIST 26" - 28" 29" - 31" 32" - 34" 35" - 37" 38" - 40"
41" - 43"



Regular SLEEVE
Short 34 35" 32" 36 ½" 33 ½" 34 ¾" 32 ¼" 36 37" 34" 38 ½" 34" 35 ¼" 32 ¼" 38 39"
36" 40 ½" 34 ½" 35 ¾" 33 ¼" 40 41" 38" 42 ½" 35" 36 ¼" 33 ¼" 42 43" 40" 44 ½" 35
½" 36 ¾" 34 ¼" 44 45" 42" 46 ½" 36" 37 ¼" 34 ¼" 46 47" 44" 48 ½" 36 ½" 37 ¾" 35
¼" 48 49" 46" 50 ½" 37" 38 ¼" 35 ¼" 50 51" 48" 52 ½" 37 ½" 38 ¾" 36 ¼" 52 53"
50" 54 ½" 38" 39 ¼" 36 ¼"

Regular SLEEVE
Short 34 34 ½" 31" 36" 33 ½" 34 ¾" 32 ¼" 36 36 ½" 33" 38" 34" 35 ¼" 32 ¾" 38 38
½" 35" 40" 34 ½" 35 ¾" 33 ¼" 40 40 ½" 37" 42" 35" 36 ¼" 33 ¾" 42 42 ½" 39" 44"
35 ½" 36 ¾" 34 ¼" 44 44 ½" 41" 46" 36" 37 ¼" 34 ¾" 46 46 ½" 43" 48" 36 ½" 37 ¾"
35 ¼" 48 48 ½" 45" 50" 37" 38 ¼" 35 ¾" 50 50 ½" 47" 52" 37 ½" 38 ¾" 36 ¼" 52 52
½" 49" 54" 38" 39 ¼" 36 ¾"

Regular SLEEVE
Short 34 36" 34" 37 ½" 33 ½" 34 ¾" 32 ¼" 36 38" 36" 39 ½" 34" 35 ¼" 32 ¾" 38 40"
38" 41 ½" 34 ½" 35 ¾" 33 ¼" 40 42" 40" 43 ½" 35" 36 ¼" 33 ¾" 42 44" 42" 45 ½" 35
½" 36 ¾" 34 ¼" 44 46" 44" 47 ½" 36" 37 ¼" 34 ¾" 46 48" 46" 49 ½" 36 ½" 37 ¾" 35
¼" 48 50" 48" 51 ½" 37" 38 ¼" 35 ¾" 50 52" 50" 53 ½" 37 ½" 38 ¾" 36 ¼" 52 54"
52" 55 ½" 38" 39 ¼" 36 ¾"


SIZE(US) XS S M L XL XXL WAIST 26" - 28" 29" - 31" 32" - 34" 35" - 37" 38" - 40"
41" - 43"


SIZE   US 7 8 8 ½ 9 9 ½ 10 10 ½ 11 11 ½ 12 13 EUR 39 ½ 40 ½ 41 ½ 42 42 ½ 43 44
44 ½ 45 45 ½ 47

Big & Tall


SIZE(US) 2X 3X 4X HEIGHT 6'3" and Under NECK 18" - 18 ½" 19" - 19 ½" 20" - 20 ½"
CHEST 51" - 54" 55" - 58" 59" - 62" WAIST 45" - 48" 49" - 52" 53" - 56" SLEEVE
36 ½" 37" 37 ½"

SIZE(US) LT XLT 2XLT 3XLT 4XLT HEIGHT 6'4" and Under NECK 16" - 16 ½" 17" - 17
½" 18" - 18 ½" 19" - 19 ½" 20" - 20 ½" CHEST 43" - 46" 47" - 50" 51" - 54" 55" -
58" 59" - 62" WAIST 37" - 40" 41" - 44" 45" - 48" 49" - 52" 53" - 56" SLEEVE 37
½" 38" 38 ½" 39" 39 ½"


SIZE(US) 1X 2X 3X 4X 5X LT XLT 2XLT 3XLT 4XLT CHEST 55" 59" 63" 67" 71" 51" 55"
59" 63" 67" COLLAR 19 ½" 20 ½" 21 ½" 22 ½" 23 ½" 18 ½" 29 ½" 20 ½" 21 ½" 22 ½"
SLEEVE 37 ¼" 38" 38 ¾" 39 ½" 40 ¼" 38 ½" 39 ¼" 40" 40 ¾" 41 ½" WAIST 55" 59" 63"
67" 71" 51" 55" 59" 63" 67"


                      SIZE(US) LT XLT 2XLT 3XLT 4XLT HEIGHT Tall - 6'4" and Over
Big - 6'3" and Under WAIST 55" 59" 63" 67" 71" 55" 59" 63" 67" 71" INSEAMS 55"
59" 63" 67" 71" 55" 59" 63" 67" 71"


Regular SLEEVE
Long 42 47 ½" 47 ¼" 51 ¼" 35 ¾"" 37 ¾" 44 49 ½" 49 ¼" 53 ¼" 36 ¼" 38 46 51 ½" 51
¼" 55 ¼" 36 ¾" 38 ½" 48 53 ½" 53 ¼" 57 ¼" 37 ¼" 39 50 55 ½" 55 ¼" 59 ¼" 37 ¾""
39 ½" 52 57 ½" 57 ¼" 61 ¼" 38 ¼" 40 54 59 ½" 59 ¼" 63 ¼" 38 ¾" 40 ½" 56 61 ½" 59
¼" 65 ¼" 40 ¼" 41 58 63 ½" 63 ¼" 67 ¼" 40 ¾" 41 ½" 60 65 ½" 65 ¼" 69 ¼" 41 ¼" 42


WAIST SMALL MEDIUM LARGE X-LARGE INCHES 28-30 32-34 36-38 40-42 CM 71-76 81-86
91-97 102-107

4-Way Stretch


Moisture Wicking

 * Description
     This men's turtleneck sweater from Perry Ellis has a sleek, flattering fit
     and supremely comfortable design. Moisture-wicking technology keeps you
     feeling dry. Stretch in the material lets you move with ease and ribbed
     cuffs, hem and neck offer a casual finish. Geared to your sustainable
     lifestyle, the sweater's soft and smooth fabric contains viscose fibers
     derived from sustainable wood pulp.
   * 72% Sustainable Viscose / 28% Polyester
   * Regular Fit
   * Moisture Wicking to Keep You Dry
   * Antimicrobial Fabric to Prevent Odor and Protect Against Bacteria
   * Breathable to Keep You Cool
   * 4-Way Stretch
   * Viscose Derived From Sustainable Wood and Pulp Generates 50% Lower
     Emissions and Water Impact When Compared to Regular Viscose
   * Turtleneck
   * Long Sleeve
   * Machine Wash
   * Imported
     Model Measurements:
      * Height: 6'1"
      * Waist: 32"
      * Wearing Size Medium
      * Customer Reviews / Q&A

4-Way Stretch


Moisture Wicking

Shipping & Returns

We offer the following convenient delivery options within the United States.

Standard €‌14.00 Expedited €‌25.00 Overnight €‌31.00 Free Shipping for Rewards
Members SIGN UP

Perry Perks members get access to exclusive free shipping offers. The program is
free to join and also rewards you with points for every purchase.

Shipping Information Return Information

Easy Returns:
We will issue a refund, excluding any shipping and handling fees, for all
unused, undamaged and/or defective products returned within 60 days of purchase.
All products must be returned in its original packaging and with all accessories
to ensure a full credit.

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4EHG7706RT - 795570226409

4.5 star rating 54 Reviews

Regular price Sale price €‌99.00 €‌44.00 56%

Color — Coffee
S M L XL - Sold Out XXL - Sold Out

− +
Size Chart

Runs small

True to size

Runs big

Only 84 in stock
Add to cart

4 interest-free payments of €‌11.00.  Learn more


Pay in 4 interest-free installments so you can spread the cost.

 * Add item(s) to your cart

 * Go to checkout and choose

 * Enter your debit or credit card information

 * Pay later in 4 installments. The first payment is taken when the order is
   processed and the remaining 3 are automatically taken every two weeks.

Pay later in 4 installments complete terms.

[{"id":39411980042318,"title":"Coffee \/
Tech Knit Turtleneck Sweater - Coffee \/ S","public_title":"Coffee \/
Tech Knit Turtleneck Sweater - Coffee \/ M","public_title":"Coffee \/
Tech Knit Turtleneck Sweater - Coffee \/ L","public_title":"Coffee \/
Tech Knit Turtleneck Sweater - Coffee \/ XL","public_title":"Coffee \/
Tech Knit Turtleneck Sweater - Coffee \/ XXL","public_title":"Coffee \/
{"id":39411980042318,"title":"Coffee \/
Tech Knit Turtleneck Sweater - Coffee \/ S","public_title":"Coffee \/



SIZE(US) CHEST NECK WAIST SLEEVE XS 32" - 34" 13" - 13 1/2" 26" - 28" 32" S 35"
- 37" 14" - 14 1/2" 29" - 31" 33" M 38" - 40" 15" - 15 1/2" 32" - 34" 34" L 41"
- 43" 16" - 16 1/2" 35" - 37" 35" XL 44" - 46" 17" - 17 1/2" 38" - 40" 36" XXL
47" - 49" 18" - 18 1/2" 41" - 43" 37"


SIZE(US) XS S M L XL XXL WAIST 26" - 28" 29" - 31" 32" - 34" 35" - 37" 38" - 40"
41" - 43"



Regular SLEEVE
Short 34 35" 32" 36 ½" 33 ½" 34 ¾" 32 ¼" 36 37" 34" 38 ½" 34" 35 ¼" 32 ¼" 38 39"
36" 40 ½" 34 ½" 35 ¾" 33 ¼" 40 41" 38" 42 ½" 35" 36 ¼" 33 ¼" 42 43" 40" 44 ½" 35
½" 36 ¾" 34 ¼" 44 45" 42" 46 ½" 36" 37 ¼" 34 ¼" 46 47" 44" 48 ½" 36 ½" 37 ¾" 35
¼" 48 49" 46" 50 ½" 37" 38 ¼" 35 ¼" 50 51" 48" 52 ½" 37 ½" 38 ¾" 36 ¼" 52 53"
50" 54 ½" 38" 39 ¼" 36 ¼"

Regular SLEEVE
Short 34 34 ½" 31" 36" 33 ½" 34 ¾" 32 ¼" 36 36 ½" 33" 38" 34" 35 ¼" 32 ¾" 38 38
½" 35" 40" 34 ½" 35 ¾" 33 ¼" 40 40 ½" 37" 42" 35" 36 ¼" 33 ¾" 42 42 ½" 39" 44"
35 ½" 36 ¾" 34 ¼" 44 44 ½" 41" 46" 36" 37 ¼" 34 ¾" 46 46 ½" 43" 48" 36 ½" 37 ¾"
35 ¼" 48 48 ½" 45" 50" 37" 38 ¼" 35 ¾" 50 50 ½" 47" 52" 37 ½" 38 ¾" 36 ¼" 52 52
½" 49" 54" 38" 39 ¼" 36 ¾"

Regular SLEEVE
Short 34 36" 34" 37 ½" 33 ½" 34 ¾" 32 ¼" 36 38" 36" 39 ½" 34" 35 ¼" 32 ¾" 38 40"
38" 41 ½" 34 ½" 35 ¾" 33 ¼" 40 42" 40" 43 ½" 35" 36 ¼" 33 ¾" 42 44" 42" 45 ½" 35
½" 36 ¾" 34 ¼" 44 46" 44" 47 ½" 36" 37 ¼" 34 ¾" 46 48" 46" 49 ½" 36 ½" 37 ¾" 35
¼" 48 50" 48" 51 ½" 37" 38 ¼" 35 ¾" 50 52" 50" 53 ½" 37 ½" 38 ¾" 36 ¼" 52 54"
52" 55 ½" 38" 39 ¼" 36 ¾"


SIZE(US) XS S M L XL XXL WAIST 26" - 28" 29" - 31" 32" - 34" 35" - 37" 38" - 40"
41" - 43"


SIZE   US 7 8 8 ½ 9 9 ½ 10 10 ½ 11 11 ½ 12 13 EUR 39 ½ 40 ½ 41 ½ 42 42 ½ 43 44
44 ½ 45 45 ½ 47

Big & Tall


SIZE(US) 2X 3X 4X HEIGHT 6'3" and Under NECK 18" - 18 ½" 19" - 19 ½" 20" - 20 ½"
CHEST 51" - 54" 55" - 58" 59" - 62" WAIST 45" - 48" 49" - 52" 53" - 56" SLEEVE
36 ½" 37" 37 ½"

SIZE(US) LT XLT 2XLT 3XLT 4XLT HEIGHT 6'4" and Under NECK 16" - 16 ½" 17" - 17
½" 18" - 18 ½" 19" - 19 ½" 20" - 20 ½" CHEST 43" - 46" 47" - 50" 51" - 54" 55" -
58" 59" - 62" WAIST 37" - 40" 41" - 44" 45" - 48" 49" - 52" 53" - 56" SLEEVE 37
½" 38" 38 ½" 39" 39 ½"


SIZE(US) 1X 2X 3X 4X 5X LT XLT 2XLT 3XLT 4XLT CHEST 55" 59" 63" 67" 71" 51" 55"
59" 63" 67" COLLAR 19 ½" 20 ½" 21 ½" 22 ½" 23 ½" 18 ½" 29 ½" 20 ½" 21 ½" 22 ½"
SLEEVE 37 ¼" 38" 38 ¾" 39 ½" 40 ¼" 38 ½" 39 ¼" 40" 40 ¾" 41 ½" WAIST 55" 59" 63"
67" 71" 51" 55" 59" 63" 67"


                      SIZE(US) LT XLT 2XLT 3XLT 4XLT HEIGHT Tall - 6'4" and Over
Big - 6'3" and Under WAIST 55" 59" 63" 67" 71" 55" 59" 63" 67" 71" INSEAMS 55"
59" 63" 67" 71" 55" 59" 63" 67" 71"


Regular SLEEVE
Long 42 47 ½" 47 ¼" 51 ¼" 35 ¾"" 37 ¾" 44 49 ½" 49 ¼" 53 ¼" 36 ¼" 38 46 51 ½" 51
¼" 55 ¼" 36 ¾" 38 ½" 48 53 ½" 53 ¼" 57 ¼" 37 ¼" 39 50 55 ½" 55 ¼" 59 ¼" 37 ¾""
39 ½" 52 57 ½" 57 ¼" 61 ¼" 38 ¼" 40 54 59 ½" 59 ¼" 63 ¼" 38 ¾" 40 ½" 56 61 ½" 59
¼" 65 ¼" 40 ¼" 41 58 63 ½" 63 ¼" 67 ¼" 40 ¾" 41 ½" 60 65 ½" 65 ¼" 69 ¼" 41 ¼" 42


WAIST SMALL MEDIUM LARGE X-LARGE INCHES 28-30 32-34 36-38 40-42 CM 71-76 81-86
91-97 102-107

4-Way Stretch


Moisture Wicking

 * Description
     This men's turtleneck sweater from Perry Ellis has a sleek, flattering fit
     and supremely comfortable design. Moisture-wicking technology keeps you
     feeling dry. Stretch in the material lets you move with ease and ribbed
     cuffs, hem and neck offer a casual finish. Geared to your sustainable
     lifestyle, the sweater's soft and smooth fabric contains viscose fibers
     derived from sustainable wood pulp.
   * 72% Sustainable Viscose / 28% Polyester
   * Regular Fit
   * Moisture Wicking to Keep You Dry
   * Antimicrobial Fabric to Prevent Odor and Protect Against Bacteria
   * Breathable to Keep You Cool
   * 4-Way Stretch
   * Viscose Derived From Sustainable Wood and Pulp Generates 50% Lower
     Emissions and Water Impact When Compared to Regular Viscose
   * Turtleneck
   * Long Sleeve
   * Machine Wash
   * Imported
     Model Measurements:
      * Height: 6'1"
      * Waist: 32"
      * Wearing Size Medium
      * Customer Reviews / Q&A

4-Way Stretch


Moisture Wicking

Shipping & Returns

We offer the following convenient delivery options within the United States.

Standard €‌14.00 Expedited €‌25.00 Overnight €‌31.00 Free Shipping for Rewards
Members SIGN UP

Perry Perks members get access to exclusive free shipping offers. The program is
free to join and also rewards you with points for every purchase.

Shipping Information Return Information

Easy Returns:
We will issue a refund, excluding any shipping and handling fees, for all
unused, undamaged and/or defective products returned within 60 days of purchase.
All products must be returned in its original packaging and with all accessories
to ensure a full credit.

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4EHG7706RT - 030672973791

4.5 star rating 54 Reviews

Regular price Sale price €‌99.00 €‌44.00 56%

Color — Toasted Coconut
Toasted Coconut
S M L XL - Sold Out XXL - Sold Out

− +
Size Chart

Runs small

True to size

Runs big

Only 46 in stock
Add to cart

4 interest-free payments of €‌11.00.  Learn more


Pay in 4 interest-free installments so you can spread the cost.

 * Add item(s) to your cart

 * Go to checkout and choose

 * Enter your debit or credit card information

 * Pay later in 4 installments. The first payment is taken when the order is
   processed and the remaining 3 are automatically taken every two weeks.

Pay later in 4 installments complete terms.

[{"id":32568803295310,"title":"Toasted Coconut \/ S","option1":"Toasted
Tech Turtleneck Sweater - Toasted Coconut \/ S","public_title":"Toasted Coconut
\/ S","options":["Toasted
Coconut \/ M","option1":"Toasted
Tech Turtleneck Sweater - Toasted Coconut \/ M","public_title":"Toasted Coconut
\/ M","options":["Toasted
Coconut \/ L","option1":"Toasted
Tech Turtleneck Sweater - Toasted Coconut \/ L","public_title":"Toasted Coconut
\/ L","options":["Toasted
Coconut \/ XL","option1":"Toasted
Tech Turtleneck Sweater - Toasted Coconut \/ XL","public_title":"Toasted Coconut
\/ XL","options":["Toasted
Coconut \/ XXL","option1":"Toasted
Tech Turtleneck Sweater - Toasted Coconut \/ XXL","public_title":"Toasted
Coconut \/ XXL","options":["Toasted
{"id":32568803295310,"title":"Toasted Coconut \/ S","option1":"Toasted
Tech Turtleneck Sweater - Toasted Coconut \/ S","public_title":"Toasted Coconut
\/ S","options":["Toasted



SIZE(US) CHEST NECK WAIST SLEEVE XS 32" - 34" 13" - 13 1/2" 26" - 28" 32" S 35"
- 37" 14" - 14 1/2" 29" - 31" 33" M 38" - 40" 15" - 15 1/2" 32" - 34" 34" L 41"
- 43" 16" - 16 1/2" 35" - 37" 35" XL 44" - 46" 17" - 17 1/2" 38" - 40" 36" XXL
47" - 49" 18" - 18 1/2" 41" - 43" 37"


SIZE(US) XS S M L XL XXL WAIST 26" - 28" 29" - 31" 32" - 34" 35" - 37" 38" - 40"
41" - 43"



Regular SLEEVE
Short 34 35" 32" 36 ½" 33 ½" 34 ¾" 32 ¼" 36 37" 34" 38 ½" 34" 35 ¼" 32 ¼" 38 39"
36" 40 ½" 34 ½" 35 ¾" 33 ¼" 40 41" 38" 42 ½" 35" 36 ¼" 33 ¼" 42 43" 40" 44 ½" 35
½" 36 ¾" 34 ¼" 44 45" 42" 46 ½" 36" 37 ¼" 34 ¼" 46 47" 44" 48 ½" 36 ½" 37 ¾" 35
¼" 48 49" 46" 50 ½" 37" 38 ¼" 35 ¼" 50 51" 48" 52 ½" 37 ½" 38 ¾" 36 ¼" 52 53"
50" 54 ½" 38" 39 ¼" 36 ¼"

Regular SLEEVE
Short 34 34 ½" 31" 36" 33 ½" 34 ¾" 32 ¼" 36 36 ½" 33" 38" 34" 35 ¼" 32 ¾" 38 38
½" 35" 40" 34 ½" 35 ¾" 33 ¼" 40 40 ½" 37" 42" 35" 36 ¼" 33 ¾" 42 42 ½" 39" 44"
35 ½" 36 ¾" 34 ¼" 44 44 ½" 41" 46" 36" 37 ¼" 34 ¾" 46 46 ½" 43" 48" 36 ½" 37 ¾"
35 ¼" 48 48 ½" 45" 50" 37" 38 ¼" 35 ¾" 50 50 ½" 47" 52" 37 ½" 38 ¾" 36 ¼" 52 52
½" 49" 54" 38" 39 ¼" 36 ¾"

Regular SLEEVE
Short 34 36" 34" 37 ½" 33 ½" 34 ¾" 32 ¼" 36 38" 36" 39 ½" 34" 35 ¼" 32 ¾" 38 40"
38" 41 ½" 34 ½" 35 ¾" 33 ¼" 40 42" 40" 43 ½" 35" 36 ¼" 33 ¾" 42 44" 42" 45 ½" 35
½" 36 ¾" 34 ¼" 44 46" 44" 47 ½" 36" 37 ¼" 34 ¾" 46 48" 46" 49 ½" 36 ½" 37 ¾" 35
¼" 48 50" 48" 51 ½" 37" 38 ¼" 35 ¾" 50 52" 50" 53 ½" 37 ½" 38 ¾" 36 ¼" 52 54"
52" 55 ½" 38" 39 ¼" 36 ¾"


SIZE(US) XS S M L XL XXL WAIST 26" - 28" 29" - 31" 32" - 34" 35" - 37" 38" - 40"
41" - 43"


SIZE   US 7 8 8 ½ 9 9 ½ 10 10 ½ 11 11 ½ 12 13 EUR 39 ½ 40 ½ 41 ½ 42 42 ½ 43 44
44 ½ 45 45 ½ 47

Big & Tall


SIZE(US) 2X 3X 4X HEIGHT 6'3" and Under NECK 18" - 18 ½" 19" - 19 ½" 20" - 20 ½"
CHEST 51" - 54" 55" - 58" 59" - 62" WAIST 45" - 48" 49" - 52" 53" - 56" SLEEVE
36 ½" 37" 37 ½"

SIZE(US) LT XLT 2XLT 3XLT 4XLT HEIGHT 6'4" and Under NECK 16" - 16 ½" 17" - 17
½" 18" - 18 ½" 19" - 19 ½" 20" - 20 ½" CHEST 43" - 46" 47" - 50" 51" - 54" 55" -
58" 59" - 62" WAIST 37" - 40" 41" - 44" 45" - 48" 49" - 52" 53" - 56" SLEEVE 37
½" 38" 38 ½" 39" 39 ½"


SIZE(US) 1X 2X 3X 4X 5X LT XLT 2XLT 3XLT 4XLT CHEST 55" 59" 63" 67" 71" 51" 55"
59" 63" 67" COLLAR 19 ½" 20 ½" 21 ½" 22 ½" 23 ½" 18 ½" 29 ½" 20 ½" 21 ½" 22 ½"
SLEEVE 37 ¼" 38" 38 ¾" 39 ½" 40 ¼" 38 ½" 39 ¼" 40" 40 ¾" 41 ½" WAIST 55" 59" 63"
67" 71" 51" 55" 59" 63" 67"


                      SIZE(US) LT XLT 2XLT 3XLT 4XLT HEIGHT Tall - 6'4" and Over
Big - 6'3" and Under WAIST 55" 59" 63" 67" 71" 55" 59" 63" 67" 71" INSEAMS 55"
59" 63" 67" 71" 55" 59" 63" 67" 71"


Regular SLEEVE
Long 42 47 ½" 47 ¼" 51 ¼" 35 ¾"" 37 ¾" 44 49 ½" 49 ¼" 53 ¼" 36 ¼" 38 46 51 ½" 51
¼" 55 ¼" 36 ¾" 38 ½" 48 53 ½" 53 ¼" 57 ¼" 37 ¼" 39 50 55 ½" 55 ¼" 59 ¼" 37 ¾""
39 ½" 52 57 ½" 57 ¼" 61 ¼" 38 ¼" 40 54 59 ½" 59 ¼" 63 ¼" 38 ¾" 40 ½" 56 61 ½" 59
¼" 65 ¼" 40 ¼" 41 58 63 ½" 63 ¼" 67 ¼" 40 ¾" 41 ½" 60 65 ½" 65 ¼" 69 ¼" 41 ¼" 42


WAIST SMALL MEDIUM LARGE X-LARGE INCHES 28-30 32-34 36-38 40-42 CM 71-76 81-86
91-97 102-107

4-Way Stretch


Moisture Wicking

 * Description
     This men's turtleneck sweater from Perry Ellis has a sleek, flattering fit
     and supremely comfortable design. Moisture-wicking technology keeps you
     feeling dry. Stretch in the material lets you move with ease and ribbed
     cuffs, hem and neck offer a casual finish. Geared to your sustainable
     lifestyle, the sweater's soft and smooth fabric contains viscose fibers
     derived from sustainable wood pulp.
   * 72% Sustainable Viscose / 28% Polyester
   * Regular Fit
   * Moisture Wicking to Keep You Dry
   * Antimicrobial Fabric to Prevent Odor and Protect Against Bacteria
   * Breathable to Keep You Cool
   * 4-Way Stretch
   * Viscose Derived From Sustainable Wood and Pulp Generates 50% Lower
     Emissions and Water Impact When Compared to Regular Viscose
   * Turtleneck
   * Long Sleeve
   * Machine Wash
   * Imported
     Model Measurements:
   * Height: 6'1"
   * Waist: 32"
   * Wearing Size Medium

 * Customer Reviews / Q&A

4-Way Stretch


Moisture Wicking

Shipping & Returns

We offer the following convenient delivery options within the United States.

Standard €‌14.00 Expedited €‌25.00 Overnight €‌31.00 Free Shipping for Rewards
Members SIGN UP

Perry Perks members get access to exclusive free shipping offers. The program is
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This tech-packed fabric offers antimicrobial properties, 4-way stretch, and is
made from sustainable viscose - a breathable, ultra-soft fabric that comes from
certified sustainable wood pulp and generates up to 50% lower emissions and
water impact when compared to regular viscose.



Sustainable viscose is a breathable, ultra soft fabric that comes from certified
sustainable wood and pulp, which generates up to 50% lower emissions and water
impact when compared to regular viscose.




Fabric that is resistant to the growth of odor-causing microorganisms.


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Carolyn S.
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5.0 star rating

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Runs small

True to size

Runs big

I loved the fit and

Review by Carolyn S. on 21 Feb 2022 review stating I loved the fit and
I loved the fit and feel of this sweater. Also, it looks good on my husband.
On Solid Tech Knit Turtleneck Sweater
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by Carolyn S. on 21 Feb 2022 twitter twitter Share Review by Carolyn S. on 21
Feb 2022 LinkedIn linkedin Share Review by Carolyn S. on 21 Feb 2022
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Reza R.
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5.0 star rating

Runs small

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Runs small

True to size

Runs big

I got two sweaters, one

Review by Reza R. on 17 Jan 2022 review stating I got two sweaters, one
I got two sweaters, one online and one from the strore. Everything was as
expected. Ireally like it.
On Solid Tech Knit Turtleneck Sweater
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Reza R. on 17 Jan 2022 twitter twitter Share Review by Reza R. on 17 Jan 2022
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Eugene R.
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Runs small

True to size

Runs big

Very good

Review by Eugene R. on 10 Jan 2022 review stating Very good
Very good
On Solid Tech Knit Turtleneck Sweater
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by Eugene R. on 10 Jan 2022 twitter twitter Share Review by Eugene R. on 10 Jan
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Catrell A.
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Runs small

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Runs small

True to size

Runs big

True to size

Review by Catrell A. on 7 Jan 2022 review stating True to size
True to size
On Solid Tech Knit Turtleneck Sweater
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Robert T.
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5.0 star rating

Runs small

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Runs big

Runs small

True to size

Runs big

I am very picky on

Review by Robert T. on 16 Nov 2021 review stating I am very picky on
I am very picky on turtlenecks. This one is great. The most important part is
how the neck fits and this has the proper stretch and fit to stay in place and
look great all the time. Medium size amazingly fits my 34 inch long arms and
slim body which is also a plus. I bought two and love them.
On Solid Tech Knit Turtleneck Sweater
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6618449281102 Solid Tech Knit Turtleneck Sweater 34.99
USD InStock Sweaters 30-50% Off Fall Essentials 30-50% Off Fall Essentials 48
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for Men Sweaters for Men Tech Knit Tech Turtleneck - 4EHG7706RT The Fall Suiting
Event The Getaway Shop The Holiday Sale Wedding Suits for Men Wedding Suits for

This men's turtleneck sweater from Perry Ellis has a sleek, flattering fit and
supremely comfortable design. Moisture-wicking technology keeps you feeling dry.
Stretch in the material lets you move with ease and ribbed cuffs, hem and neck
offer a casual finish. Geared to your sustainable lifestyle, the sweater's soft
and smooth fabric contains viscose fibers derived from sustainable wood pulp.

 * 72% Sustainable Viscose / 28% Polyester
 * Regular Fit
 * Moisture Wicking to Keep You Dry
 * Antimicrobial Fabric to Prevent Odor and Protect Against Bacteria
 * Breathable to Keep You Cool
 * 4-Way Stretch
 * Viscose Derived From Sustainable Wood and Pulp Generates 50% Lower Emissions
   and Water Impact When Compared to Regular Viscose
 * Turtleneck
 * Long Sleeve
 * Machine Wash
 * Imported

Model Measurements:

 * Height: 6'1"
 * Waist: 32"
 * Wearing Size Medium

79.50 Perry Ellis bestsellinggifts Clothing doorbusters Fall 2021 Collection
Feature: 4-Way Stretch Feature: Sustainable Material Featured_BlackFriday
Featured_CyberMonday Featured_HolidaySpecials Featured_PreBlackFriday
Fit:Regular Fit Gender:Men's Getaway Shop giftguide HexColor:#232b33
HexColorSwatches:#232b33-#794b39-#a46f48-#e2d9ce HexNameColorSwatches:Dark
Sapphire-Coffee-Toasted Coconut-Cream Icon: 4-Way Stretch Icon: Breathable Icon:
Moisture Wicking Labor Day Add LaborNo3Tier master Material:Sustainable Viscose
Blend MGroup:PROGRAM party looks Pattern:Solid ProductGroup:4EHG7706RT
promo-included Promotion_48HourFlash Promotion_BlackFriday Promotion_CyberMonday
Promotion_Doorbusters Promotion_EOSSale Promotion_FallEssentials
Promotion_FallSuitingEvent Promotion_FFMarkdowns Promotion_HolidaySale
Promotion_HolidaySpecial Promotion_Loyal25Code Promotion_PreBlackFriday
Promotion_PresDaySale Promotion_SweaterDoorbusters Rating:4.5|53 RefColor:Blue
RemoveNewArrivals Sale Sale Sweaters & Outerwear Scode:FA2022 Sleeve:Long Sleeve
Sweaters Tech Shop techknit Tops Turtleneck Type:Sweaters Wedding Ready
YCRF_tops YCRP_tops YGroup_4EHG7706
39418726056014 Dark Sapphire / S 34.99 79.50
InStock Dark Sapphire S 39418725990478 Dark Sapphire / M 34.99 79.50
InStock Dark Sapphire M 39418726023246 Dark Sapphire / L 34.99 79.50
InStock Dark Sapphire L 39418726121550 Dark Sapphire / XL 34.99 79.50
InStock Dark Sapphire XL 39418726088782 Dark Sapphire / XXL 34.99 79.50
InStock Dark Sapphire XXL

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