Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submission: On March 30 via api from CH — Scanned from DE

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Marriott Hotel, Hamburger Allee 2, 60486 Frankfurt

April 18th, 2023, 09.00 CEST
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08:30 - 09:00


09:00 - 09:05


Lucinda Guthrie Executive Editor, Mergermarket & Dealreporter

09:05 - 09:35


Ryan Terpstra Chief Product Officer, ION Analytics

09:35 - 10:20


The German economy has remained resilient in the face of rising interest rates,
surging inflation and war in Europe. Recently, Germany’s rising inflation rate
has slowed, and employment rates have picked up; largely driven by the
government’s gas price break. However, dealmakers globally have experienced
plunging M&A activity since 2021’s record highs. Looking to the future, experts
cite ample dry powder amongst financial sponsors as a driver for dealmaking to
rebound in 2023 and point to activity in the TMT sector as a hotspot. This panel
will discuss:

o    What is the current deal pipeline in the DACH region?
o    How are corporates and private equity professionals originating deals?
o    What are corporates doing to ‘recession-proof’ their businesses?
o    How are M&A deals being financed in 2023?

Timo Tauber Head of M&A, Viessmann Group

Tobias Levedag Partner, Mergers & Acquisitions, TD Cowen

Sebastian Bladt Executive Director, Investment Banking, JP Morgan

Holger Kleingarn Managing Director, H.I.G Capital

Dr. Malte Bruhns Partner, Co-Head of the CMS Corporate/M&A Group, CMS

Patrick Costello Germany Reporter, Mergermarket

10:20 - 10:50


Macro-economists expect the German economy to retract in the first half of 2023,
but to make a recovery in the latter part of the year. High energy costs will
weigh on production which will dampen exports, but from the second half of 2023,
the German economy is expected to gradually recover due to foreign demand
increases, abated uncertainty, and diminished price 

Carsten Brzeski Global Head of Macro, ING Research

10:50 - 11:20


11:20 - 12:05


Corporate due diligence fell by the wayside during the pandemic bull market, but
in the face of a tech downturn, and notably FTX’s bankruptcy and Elon Musk’s
Twitter rollercoaster, will investors start to get serious about due diligence
in an economic downturn? And how can investors support a digital equity story
through due diligence to prepare for a favourable exit? This panel will discuss:

 * How are dealmakers conducting due diligence in the current environment? 
 * How can dealmakers set themselves up for success when reviewing tech assets? 
 * What are the consequences for shareholders of a deal conducted without
   airtight due diligence?  
 * How can dealmakers use digital transformation to ensure exit readiness?

Philip Whitchelo Chief Marketing & Strategy Officer, Sterling Technology

Andrejs Klisans Country Manager, Germany, 36Brains

Hartwig Ostermeyer Partner, Active Capital Company

Dr. Stefan Sambol Partner / Co-Founder, Ommax

Lucinda Guthrie Executive Editor, Mergermarket & Dealreporter

12:05 - 12:30


In this fireside chat, PwC will discuss the findings of their recent private
equity outlook report which surveys the sentiment of private equity funds in the
DACH region for the next 12 months.

Steven Roberts Private Equity Leader, PwC Germany

Harriet Matthews Private Equity Reporter, Unquote

12:30 - 13:15


Cracks in the private equity industry are beginning to show following a decade
of high activity. Companies taken public have slumped in share value and
fundraising is also showing signs of slowing. The layers of leverage carried by
portfolio companies as well as funds could be scaled back in the face of a
liquidity crunch. This panel will discuss:

o    What is the fundraising landscape in Germany and DACH?
o    How are private equity funds originating deals?
o    What are valuations of portfolio companies like in the face of stretched
o    What are the exit opportunities in DACH?

Inna Gehrt Managing Partner, Mindful Capital Partners

Stephan Werlen Partner, CMS Switzerland

Dirk Halboni Senior Vice President, Brookfield

Teresa Schawe Partner, Strategy& Germany

Mario Sabljo Principal, EMH Partners

Harriet Matthews Private Equity Reporter, Unquote

13:05 - 13:40


Dr. Kai Wallisch Partner, CMS

Janin Kauffmann Director, M&A Germany and Austria, Corporate Risk and Broking,

Lukas Nazaruk Head of FINEX & Specialties, WTW

Cristiano Dalla Bona Equity Markets Reporter, ION Analytics

13:40 - 14:40


14:40 - 15:20


In this fireside chat, hear from the head of M&A compliance about Volkswagen’s
views on compliance and future M&A activity including ESG criteria.

Sven Steinbach Head of M&A Compliance, Volkswagen

Alessandra Castelli Global Head Editorial Development, M&A and ECM, ION

15:20 - 15:50


The Supply Chain Due Diligence act, which is enforced by the Federal Office of
Economics and Export Control, will require large companies to conduct supply
chain due diligence activities to identify, prevent and address human rights and
environmental abuses within their own and their direct suppliers’ operations.
The law, which came into effect in 2023, applies to companies based in Germany
with more than 3,000 employees, and from 2024, will include companies in Germany
with more than 1,000 employees. This fireside chat will discuss:

o    What practical next steps should companies take to adhere to the law?
o    How can companies take steps to identify, prevent and mitigate ESG risk?
o    What new technologies can assist companies with adherence to the Supply
Chain Due Diligence Act? Has there been M&A in the space?

Andrew Probert EMEA Head of ESG Advisory, Kroll

Dr Christoph Schröder Counsel, CMS

Dr. Michael Rolle CFO & Managing Director, DHL Supply Chain

Alice Hohenlohe Impact Manager, Trill Impact

Hetal Damani Impact Partner, Trill Impact

Gustav Sandstrom Senior News Editor EMEA, Public Markets, Mergermarket

15:50 - 16:10


16:10 - 16:40


Less than a month between the $75bn listing of Porsche, Linde announced that it
will delist from the Frankfurt stock exchange, DAX, arguing that its listing has
been a drag to its valuation. Other German success stories are also choosing to
list outside of Germany, favouring NYSE. The DAX remains dominated by a few
conglomerates and their spin-offs – Volkswagen/Porsche, Mercedes, Fresenius and
Bayer. This session will review recent listings and de-listings on the DAX and
the pipeline for IPOs in Germany. 

Thorsten Pauli Head Equity Capital Markets Germany, Switzerland and Austria,
Bank of America

Samuel Kerr Senior ECM Editor, Mergermarket and Dealogic

16:40 - 17:20


In the face of stretched liquidity, how are corporates financing M&A deals? This
session will review financing opportunities including private debt, leveraged
loans and high yield bonds. This panel will review:

o   What opportunities are there for sponsor-less lending for mid-cap companies?
o   How has documentation evolved as the market enters a downturn and liquidity
is stretched?
o   What returns are direct lending for private equity and private debt funds
o   How is pricing affecting valuations? And are debt / equity rations being
called into question?

Rene Hartert Head of Direct Lending Origination DACH, DWS Investment

Christine Weis Managing Director, CVC Credit Partners

Michael Schulze Director- Leveraged Finance, BofA Securities

Daniel Heine Co-Founder, Managing Director, Private Debt division, Patrimonium

Thomas PÖHLER Head of Germany, Kartesia

Johannes Koch Senior Reporter, Debtwire

17:20 - 17:50


Global antitrust officials are cracking down on tech giants and private equity
funds to quell the influence of investors on global economies. Deals in the tech
and healthcare sectors are expected to come under more scrutiny. This
presentation will review the regulatory updates from the European Commission
affecting merger control in the DACH region.

Jacob Parry Chief Regulatory Correspondent of EMEA, PaRR

17:50 - 19:00


Lucinda Guthrie Executive Editor, Mergermarket & Dealreporter

19:00 - 22:00



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Ryan Terpstra Chief Product Officer ION Analytics

Ryan Terpstra is the Chief Product Officer of ION Analytics and the former Chief
Technology Officer of Acuris. Prior, he was Founder & CEO of Selerity, an AI
powered contextual search and analytics company until its successful sale to
Dealogic, an ION Analytics company. Before Selerity, Terpstra held several
senior roles at Thomson Reuters including Director of Quantitative News and a
Senior Strategist in the Corporate Strategy group. Terpstra also worked for the
World Economic Forum in the Center for Global Industries, working on projects
for the Forum’s financial services and alternative investment members. He was a
New York Power 30 Under 30 and holds a B.A. in Finance & Entrepreneurship,
graduating with honors from Miami University (Ohio).


Tobias Levedag Partner, Mergers & Acquisitions TD Cowen

Tobias Levedag is Managing Director of Investment Banking at Cowen Europe. Based
in Munich, he has over 13 years of experience providing M&A advice and
fundraising services to companies and shareholders in the natural resources,
consumer and healthcare industries.

At Cowen he is responsible for the coverage of the healthcare provider and life
sciences and pharma space in Europe.

Mr. Levedag holds an LLB from King’s College London and an MBA from Columbia
Business School.


Holger Kleingarn Managing Director H.I.G Capital

Holger Kleingarn, Managing Director and Head of Germany at H.I.G. Capital, is a
German national who has been working in the Private Equity Industry since
fifteen years. Throughout his private equity career, Holger has emphasized on
mid-cap buyouts, growth investments and turnarounds across Europe with a focus
on the German-speaking countries. Prior to joining H.I.G. Capital, he was a
Partner and Member of the Management Committee at London-based Palamon Capital
Partners, a private equity group focusing on mid-sized companies across Europe.
Previously Holger has lead the management-buy-out of a Mittelstand software
company as CEO. He started his career in strategic management consulting with
Bain & Company and Roland Berger, latterly as Partner and member of its
financial services management team. Holger holds a doctoral degree in business
administration and graduated from the University of Hamburg.


Dr. Malte Bruhns Partner, Co-Head of the CMS Corporate/M&A Group CMS

Malte is a corporate lawyer at CMS and serves as the firm’s Global Co-Head for
Corporate M&A. For nearly 20 years he has advised strategic and financial
investors on numerous complex and high-value transactions across various
business sectors.

Malte joined CMS in 2005 and was elected partner in 2011. He is often
recommended by clients and competitors in leading industry publications for his
competent, professional and efficient transaction advice.


Carsten Brzeski Global Head of Macro ING Research

Carsten Brzeski is the Global Head of Macro for ING Research. Previously, he
worked at ABN Amro, the Dutch Ministry of Finance and the European Commission.
He is a 2019 JFK Memorial Policy Fellow at Harvard University and member of the
Advisory Council on International Affairs for the Dutch government and
Parliament. Carsten has studied at the Free University of Berlin, Northeastern
University in Boston and Harvard University in Cambridge, USA.


Philip Whitchelo Chief Marketing & Strategy Officer Sterling Technology

Philip is chief strategy & marketing officer at Sterling Technology, a premium
provider of virtual data room solutions for M&A, capital markets, and real
estate. He has more than 30 years' experience working in strategy, M&A,
corporate development, and corporate finance leadership roles in management
consulting, investment banking, public companies, and private equity backed
firms. Philip is a non-executive adviser to startups, investment management and
private equity firms. He has served as an honorary visiting fellow in finance,
and as a member of the advisory board of the M&A Research Centre, at Cass
Business School. He is a co-author of over a dozen published M&A research
studies and papers, as well as a co-inventor and patent holder for computerised,
networked secure collaboration technology. Philip graduated from the University
of London with Masters degrees in computer science and finance.


Andrejs Klisans Country Manager, Germany 36Brains

With a multi-jurisdictional background in law, Andrejs displayed a keen and
early interest for corporate investigations. Having worked in high-profile
Southern European investigations for many years, he is now spearheading efforts
to expand 36Brains' presence in Germany and Central Europe.


Hartwig Ostermeyer Partner Active Capital Company

Hartwig Ostermeyer is Partner at Active Capital Company. He is leading our
German operations in Munich being responsible for local deal sourcing, screening
of investment opportunities and portfolio management.

Hartwig started his professional career in M&A advisory in London focusing on
the energy sector. After that, he worked as a project leader at Boston
Consulting Group in the Munich office and gained operational experience as a
manager at Sixt. Hartwig holds a 'Diplom-Ingenieur' from Technische Universität


Dr. Stefan Sambol Partner / Co-Founder Ommax

Dr. Stefan Sambol is a Partner at OMMAX and primarily responsible for
forward-thinking companies and international financial investors.

As a specialist for digital business advisory, strategy, and execution, he
advises companies strategically and operationally on digital value creation
programs focusing on organic growth strategies. Furthermore, he advises
financial investors on the acquisition and exit of digital business models and
value creation potentials. Stefan is a well-recognized player in digital
strategy, technologies, and digital go-to-market, which has led to his
invitation as a speaker and lecturer at various conferences and events, such as
the Triton Private Equity Fund: Digital CEO Day (2019, 2018, 2017), the
Executive Leadership Conference at Amazon (2017) and the BMW Marketing & Product
Conference BMW Group (2017). Before his engagement at OMMAX, Stefan worked for
the incubator company Rocket Internet, where he drove the development of new
digital ventures and spent 6 years in Management Consulting at Homburg &

Stefan holds a Master of Science in Economics from LMU Munich and a Ph.D. in
Economics from the University of Bayreuth.


Steven Roberts Private Equity Leader PwC Germany

Steve joined PwC in the UK in 1993, and qualified as an ACA in 1996. He joined
the Transaction Services team in January 1997 and has worked exclusively within
the M&A field since that date.

Having primarily worked on cross border transactions during his time in the UK,
he transferred to the Frankfurt office in July 2001 where he has focused upon
serving the private equity market and was promoted to partner in July 2005.With
a wide exposure to various industries advising on both the buy-side and
sell-side, Steve has significant experience in large cross border deals for
private equity and corporate clients.Since 2012 Steve leads the PwC Private
Equity Practice for PwC Germany and is a member of ‎the PwC Global Private
Equity Board.


Harriet Matthews Private Equity Reporter Unquote

Private Equity Reporter at Unquote, covering European private equity and venture
capital fundraising and industry news, as well as trend- and data-led analysis.
I began my time at Unquote focusing on the DACH region but now cover the
European market more broadly. I hold an MA in European Studies from King's
College London (including a semester at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) and
a BA (First Class) in Modern Languages (French and German) from Durham
University, which included Firsts in spoken French and German.


Inna Gehrt Managing Partner Mindful Capital Partners

In MCP since 2016, Inna Gehrt is a Managing Partner and member of the Advisory

Inna is part of the investment team serving the DACH region (Germany, Austria
and Switzerland), dealing with origination, structuring, negotiation, execution
and monitoring of investments. Currently, she manages MCP’s investment in Klapp,
as well as the fund-raising activity in the German market.

Inna has over fifteen years of experience in private equity and corporate
finance. Before joining MCP, Inna worked for over ten years at Quadriga, a
German private equity fund, and as an independent advisor to the Swiss family
office, Jacobs Holding AG. Inna holds an MBA from the University of Mannheim and
the University of North Carolina.


Stephan Werlen Partner CMS Switzerland

Stephan Werlen focuses on M&A and corporate law, joint ventures, MBOs,
acquisition finance, venture capital transactions, corporate restructuring and
corporate relocation. He has broad experience both in domestic and international
mergers and acquisitions (including auction processes) and the financing of such
transactions. In addition, he is an expert in W&I insurance transactions (M&A
insurance) with a long track record in this area. Stephan Werlen also regularly
advises foreign companies on their relocation to Switzerland and assists
companies in their ongoing corporate and commercial activities (e.g.
shareholders' agreements, capital measures and other corporate housekeeping
matters, supply contracts, general terms & conditions, etc.).


Teresa Schawe Partner Strategy& Germany

Teresa Schawe is a leading practitioner in M&A strategies, business services and
private equity. She is a Partner at Strategy& Germany, and based in Frankfurt.
As a member of the firm's Deals practice, she advises international clients on
medium to large-scale transactions and value enhancement programs.

With more than 14 years of professional experience in investment banking and
consulting, Teresa has a broad network, strategic skills and an in-depth
expertise in the international transaction market.

Prior to joining Strategy&, Teresa worked for an investment bank and
successfully led the Private Equity business of an international management
consultancy in Germany.

Teresa holds a diploma in economics from the University of Cologne.


Mario Sabljo Principal EMH Partners

Mario Sabljo is Principal at EMH.
Before joining EMH, Mario was a Principal at Paragon Partners for almost 9 years
leading many successful investments in the German speaking region as well as the
BeNeLux. He started his career at UniCredit Group‘s investment banking division
advising clients on corporate finance and M&A matters. After that he spend 5
years at Investmentbank boutique Ferber&Co advising clients on cross border M&A
transactions, successions and financing projects. In his entire career Mario has
put his focus on medium-sized companies and entrepreneurs understanding the need
of the Mittelstand.
Mario studied at Leibniz University Hannover as well as at San Francisco State
University and holds a graduate degree in Economics and Business Administration.


Harriet Matthews Private Equity Reporter Unquote

Private Equity Reporter at Unquote, covering European private equity and venture
capital fundraising and industry news, as well as trend- and data-led analysis.
I began my time at Unquote focusing on the DACH region but now cover the
European market more broadly. I hold an MA in European Studies from King's
College London (including a semester at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) and
a BA (First Class) in Modern Languages (French and German) from Durham
University, which included Firsts in spoken French and German.


Dr. Kai Wallisch Partner CMS

Corporate and M&A lawyer Kai Wallisch focusses on advising internationally
operating companies in the industrial and automotive sector, often from the US.
He is experienced in advising clients on the sale and acquisition of
shareholdings as well as on global carve-outs and M&A transactions. He also
regularly assists companies in other sectors with M&A transactions and corporate
law matters.

Kai joined CMS in 2010 and has been a partner since 2021. He is a lecturer at
the Stuttgart Bar Association and Stuttgart Higher Regional Court and acts as
examiner in the context of the second state examination in law (final exam in
German legal training). In the past, he also lectured at Steinbeis University


Janin Kauffmann Director, M&A Germany and Austria, Corporate Risk and Broking

Janin Kauffmann LL.M. is a Director in the M&A Team of Willis Towers Watson and
responsible for Transactional Risk Insurance in Germany and Austria. She is a
fully qualified lawyer in Germany, with a Master of Law in International Trade
law from Stellenbosch University, South Africa. Before starting at Willis Towers
Watson Janin was an M&A underwriter for DUAL and Zurich for around 5 years.
Janin underwrote M&A risks across all European jurisdictions and for both
Private Equity as well as strategic investors. Besides W&I policies she
underwrote numerous identified / contingent transactional risks, such as known
tax and litigation risks. 

Janin Kauffmann LL.M. is a Director in the M&A Team of Willis Towers Watson and
responsible for Transactional Risk Insurance in Germany and Austria. She is a
fully qualified lawyer in Germany, with a Master of Law in International Trade
law from Stellenbosch University, South Africa. Before starting at Willis Towers
Watson Janin was an M&A underwriter for DUAL and Zurich for around 5 years.
Janin underwrote M&A risks across all European jurisdictions and for both
Private Equity as well as strategic investors. Besides W&I policies she
underwrote numerous identified / contingent transactional risks, such as known
tax and litigation risks. 


Sven Steinbach Head of M&A Compliance Volkswagen

Sven Steinbach is Head of M&A Compliance at Volkswagen. In this role he is
responsible for Compliance related matters regarding global M&A activities of
Volkswagen Group, as well as strategic cooperations and industrialization

 Before joining Volkswagen, he worked in corporate banking in an international
bank in Frankfurt. He started his career working in debt capital markets at a
Magic Circle law firm also in Frankurt.


Andrew Probert EMEA Head of ESG Advisory Kroll

Andrew Probert is a managing director in the Growth Team, based in the London
office where he is the Deputy City Leader. Andrew leads Kroll’s EMEA business
development, enterprise sales and account management strategy, and also our
environmental, social and governance (ESG) advisory services in EMEA. He has
over 20 years of experience working on a range of client engagements involving
corporate transactions, accounting structuring, and ESG projects.


Dr Christoph Schröder Counsel CMS

Christoph Schröder advises companies on commercial and corporate law.

He is an expert in supply chain compliance. This includes the German Supply
Chain Act as well as Europe-wide and foreign regulations on corporate due
diligence and reporting obligations. In this area, he supports clients, for
example, in determining the applicability of legal regimes, setting up a risk
management system, conducting risk analyses, drafting contracts and internal
guidelines, as well as in infringement and liability cases.

Another focus of Christoph’s work is the China business. He has been assisting
German and Chinese companies with their investments and other activities in the
respective other country for many years. He is familiar with the typical
expectations and business customs in both countries and brings his experience to
bear in mutual communication. This is often of decisive importance for the
successful conclusion of a transaction. He often negotiates, presents and
communicates in Chinese.

Christoph has been a lawyer at CMS in Hamburg since 2006. From 2012 to 2020, he
worked in our Shanghai office.

He gives presentations and publishes articles, in particular on investments in
Germany and on supply chain compliance.


Alice Hohenlohe Impact Manager Trill Impact

Alice is an Impact Manager focused on Private Equity. Before joining Trill
Impact, she was a Consultant at the Boston Consulting Group specialising in
Industrial Goods, with a focus on strategy and sustainability.  She has further
professional experience from her internships in strategy and consulting
(Kearney, KPMG Strategy and Novartis).

Alice holds a M.Sc. in Management from London Business School and a B.Sc. in
Business Administration from University of Manheim.


Hetal Damani Impact Partner Trill Impact

Hetal is an Impact Partner focusing on private equity.  She has more than 18
years of industry experience within impact and ESG investing across public
equities, private equity and private debt. Before joining Trill Impact, she was
a Portfolio Manager for the Microfinance funds and Private Equity ESG specialist
at SEB Investment Management. She has further professional experience as Co-Head
of Responsible Investments and as Senior Analyst at Nordea Asset Management
specialised in ESG analysis and active ownership for the Nordea Stars fund range
(Global and Emerging Markets equities), ESG Consultant to Litorina Capital
Advisors, ESG Manager at 3i Group plc and as Sustainability Coordinator at ABN
AMRO Bank.

Hetal holds a Bachelor of Commerce in Business Technology Management from
Toronto Metropolitan University.


Samuel Kerr Senior ECM Editor Mergermarket and Dealogic

I am the senior ECM editor at Ion Analytics working on producing equity capital
markets intelligence for Dealogic and Mergermarket. 


Rene Hartert Head of Direct Lending Origination DACH DWS Investment

Rene is Head of Origination Direct Lending (DACH) at DWS Group. He has 20 years
of experience in origination and execution of financial sponsor driven leveraged
finance transactions with a focus on the German midmarket.

Prior to joining DWS in 2022, he worked for Natixis CIB as the Head of Sponsor
Coverage for the DACH & Nordic region and before that as Director Leveraged
Finance at Commerzbank.

Rene studied Business Administration at HAWK Hildesheim and is a CFA


Michael Schulze Director- Leveraged Finance BofA Securities

Michael is a Director in the EMEA Leveraged Finance team and based in Frankfurt.
In his current role he is responsible

for managing the bank's Leveraged Finance origination efforts in DACH region for
Germany, Austria and Switzerland. He

is involved in sourcing and executing leveraged loans and high yield bonds for
sponsor portfolio companies and

corporates in the region.

Prior to joining Bank of America in July 2021, Michael spent more than 10 years
at Credit Suisse in London and

Frankfurt, where he worked in the Leveraged Finance team for EMEA with a
particular focus on German clients and in

the Financial Sponsor Group dealing with Leveraged Finance for sponsor clients
and sponsor coverage.

Approx. 75 financings for acquisitions, re-pricings and add-ons for financial
sponsor owned portfolio companies and

corporates with a focus on the DACH region.

Michael holds a Master in Finance and Investments from the European Business
School ("ebs") in Oestrich-Winkel and

the Stockholm School of Economics.


Daniel Heine Co-Founder, Managing Director, Private Debt division Patrimonium

Daniel Heine is a co-founder of Patrimonium and Managing Director of the
company’s Private Debt division. Prior to the company’s formation he worked as a
Financial Consultant for Merrill Lynch International and before that, as a
management consultant at A.T. Kearney. He studied Business Administration at the
University of St. Gallen and received a Master of Arts from the University of
Oxford. He also holds a Ph.D. of the University of St. Gallen.


Thomas PÖHLER Head of Germany Kartesia

Thomas is a senior member of Kartesia’s Investment Team with 15 years of
experience in leveraged finance and private equity, sourcing, executing and
monitoring investments across Europe, with a specific focus on the DACH region,
where he is also heading the Munich office. 

Since joining in 2013 from Commerzbank, where he started his career in leveraged
finance, he helped building Kartesia’s franchise in the German-speaking
countries, raised the firm’s first fund financings and also established the
first hedging programme for funds raised. 

Thomas holds a M.Sc. degree in Finance from Frankfurt School.

He lives with his family in Munich and London.


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