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      <option value="nf">Norfolk Island</option>
      <option value="mk">North Macedonia</option>
      <option value="mp">Northern Mariana Islands</option>
      <option value="no">Norway</option>
      <option value="om">Oman</option>
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      <option value="ps">Palestinian Territories</option>
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      <option value="pe">Peru</option>
      <option value="ph">Philippines</option>
      <option value="pn">Pitcairn Islands</option>
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      <option value="pt">Portugal</option>
      <option value="pr">Puerto Rico</option>
      <option value="qa">Qatar</option>
      <option value="xk">Republic of Kosovo</option>
      <option value="ro">Romania</option>
      <option value="ru">Russia</option>
      <option value="rw">Rwanda</option>
      <option value="re">Réunion</option>
      <option value="ws">Samoa</option>
      <option value="sm">San Marino</option>
      <option value="sa">Saudi Arabia</option>
      <option value="sn">Senegal</option>
      <option value="rs">Serbia</option>
      <option value="sc">Seychelles</option>
      <option value="sl">Sierra Leone</option>
      <option value="sg">Singapore</option>
      <option value="sk">Slovakia</option>
      <option value="si">Slovenia</option>
      <option value="sb">Solomon Islands</option>
      <option value="so">Somalia</option>
      <option value="za">South Africa</option>
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      <option value="bl">St. Barthélemy</option>
      <option value="sh">St. Helena</option>
      <option value="kn">St. Kitts &amp; Nevis</option>
      <option value="lc">St. Lucia</option>
      <option value="mf">St. Martin</option>
      <option value="pm">St. Pierre &amp; Miquelon</option>
      <option value="vc">St. Vincent &amp; Grenadines</option>
      <option value="sd">Sudan</option>
      <option value="sr">Suriname</option>
      <option value="sj">Svalbard &amp; Jan Mayen</option>
      <option value="se">Sweden</option>
      <option value="ch">Switzerland</option>
      <option value="st">São Tomé &amp; Príncipe</option>
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      <option value="tj">Tajikistan</option>
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      <option value="tn">Tunisia</option>
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      <option value="tc">Turks &amp; Caicos Islands</option>
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Phone: 860 674-1009
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   * Ken’s Bio
   * Coaching Programs
   * Silva Mastery Seminar
   * Home Study Programs
   * Personal Message
   * Resources
 * About Silva Method
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   * Intro to the Programs
   * Silva Life System
   * Silva Intuition System
   * Silva Mastery System
   * The Ultra Seminar on Holistic Healing
 * Class Schedule
 * Blog
 * Contact Me
 * Menu Menu

   Unleash the Hidden Power of Your Mind and Lead the Next Stage of Human
   Evolution with the Scientifically Proven & Time-Tested Silva Method Life &
   Intuition System Program
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   Seminar (Day 1 & 2 of The 4 Day Immersion Experience)
   Learn More

   Seminar (Part 2 day 3 – 4 of the four day immersion experience)
   Learn More

   The Silva Mastery Seminar teaches you the “WHAT and WHY” behind the
   foundation of the Silva Method. You’ll be better able to apply the How To Do
   It Applications.
   Learn More

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   A guided relaxation exercise to gain freedom from stress. Eliminate the
   physical effects of tension and anxiety, stress and gain vitality and peace
   of mind. This is a 30-minute exercise that you can download to any of your
   devices and have ready access 24/7.
   Learn More



Welcome to the original world-famous Silva Method of Mind Development. This is
the mind power program, formerly known as Silva Mind Control, which was created
by Jose Silva in 1966.

The Silva Method is based on over 22 years of initial research (1944 – 1966)

The Silva Method is an evidence-based proven Dynamic Meditation System of easy
to learn practical techniques.

Silva gives you the tools to achieve and sustain personal success, optimal
health, happiness, accelerated learning, intuitive development, and spiritual


I believe that every man, woman, and child possess the inner resources to live a
life filled with love, joy, health, and abundance to create a life of their

I will help you discover and apply the practical dynamic meditation skills to
naturally and easily increase productivity, promote self-healing to lower
medical costs and get focused.

You’ll enhance your intuitive ability to create solutions, get clear and into a
“Flow” State of focused intuition.

Our mission together is to create a new state of being that is defined by a
vision of the future to help make this a better world.


The mission of the Silva Method is to awaken people to their own inherent human

We guide you with structured life-transforming tools and techniques that result
in positive and lasting change for yourself and those around you. 

Our purpose is to create and leave a better world for those who follow us.

We do this by teaching you the Dynamic Meditation skills you need to enhance
your intuition and take command of your life.

You will, as a result, find yourself navigating life with GRACE AND EASE.


Long before the mind-body connection became mainstream, Jose Silva was already
teaching it to those searching for more meaning.

Many of the thought leaders in the personal development field, in fact, have
either directly or indirectly been inspired by Jose Silva’s work.

Luminaries such as Wayne Dwyer, Louise Hay, T. Harv Ecker, Bill Harris, Bob
Proctor, Vishen Lakhiani, Jack Canfield and Shakti Gawain have each attested to
the impactful value of the Silva Method.


The mission of the Silva Method is to awaken people to their own inherent human

We guide you with structured life-transforming tools and techniques that result
in positive and lasting change for yourself and those around you. 

Our purpose is to create and leave a better world for those who follow us.

We do this by teaching you the Dynamic Meditation skills you need to enhance
your intuition and take command of your life.

You will, as a result, find yourself navigating life with GRACE AND EASE.


Jose Silva passed away in 1999.

Since 2007, a select team of Silva trainers including Ken Coscia leads the Silva

The team has ushered in some very powerfully effective revisions and upgrades
to the program.

Ken was mentored and selected out of hundreds of global instructors by
Jose Silva to serve on the advanced training staff and instructor development
team in 1984.

At the time there were only four Silva trainers who held this position,
including Mr. Silva himself.



The Silva Life System gives you the tools to unleash the Power of Your Mind.

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Awaken Develop And Focus Your Intuition To Access Inner Wisdom For Creative
Problem Solving

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The Silva Mastery System teaches you the “WHAT and WHY” behind the foundation of
the Silva Method.

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We now offer the most effective and powerful way for you to experience the Silva
Method over four consecutive days – The Immersion Experience of Silva Life
System & Intuition System.

The Immersion is now available with Ken Coscia in Connecticut, and Chicago.

It represents the core – foundation of the Proprietary System developed by Jose
Silva with some added advanced concepts.

You will experience and learn how to use Dynamic Meditation for
self-improvement, self-healing, and focused intuition.

Imagine the Possibilities!

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The Silva Method is one of the most powerful single tools that I have to offer
the patient.

Dr. O. Carl Simontonfounder of the Simonton Research Institute, award winning
specialist and pioneer in imagery therapy

By offering the Silva Method to our employees we provide an opportunity to
experience for themselves the power of the mind. Silva demonstrates that there
is no limit to what the mind can do.

Robert Stillerformer president and CEO of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters and
Forbes Magazine 2001 Entrepreneur of the Year

Changed my life . . . Nothing has been the same since.

Neal BoortzNationally Syndicated Radio Host, the Neal Boortz Show from Atlanta,

I feel confident that many of the methods, as taught by Silva International, can
stimulate gene expression in the brain that are involved in reducing physical
and psychological stress and boosting immune functioning.

Mark Robert Waldmanthe world-famous bestselling author of How God Changes Your

I’ve used the Silva Method for many years. It helped me to overcome my own
illnesses. I urge you to attend Mr. Silva’s training sessions that are presented
around the world.

Dr. Wayne Dyermotivational speaker, author, and popular self-improvement guru
from the best- selling book: Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life.

Silva changed my life so radically for the better, I cannot begin to express my
appreciation for it. There is no doubt whatsoever that the Silva method works! I
highly recommend it to anyone who wants to improve the quality of his or her

Lexi LyonsStockbroker, Silva Method Graduate

Creative visualization is really what’s behind the Silva Method; that is,
whatever you can visualize, you can actualize.

Richard BachBest-selling author of publishing phenomenon “Jonathan Livingston

I just wanted to thank you for the amazing class you taught last weekend. Silva
has already started to change my life… Thanks again for everything!

Brittany ReedSilva Mind Method Graduate

If you are looking for an experienced professional who walks his talk, and lives
his life with integrity, put Ken on your list. Ken’s intuitive ability will
quickly assess your needs and objectives and powerfully support you in realizing
them in a calm yet focused manner.

John FelittoBusiness and Personal Coach, Silva Mind Method Graduate


Ken Coscia, the International Training Director for all Silva Instructors, has
facilitated transformation and coached over 200,000 people from all over the
world in live training.

Ken is committed to The Silva Method and the mission of enriching the planet by
empowering the individual. He has been teaching the work of Jose, Juan, and
Laura Silva, for over 50 years.

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Get the latest free video training, updates, seminar schedules and offers.


 * Road Map to Life Mastery with the Silva MethodJuly 9, 2024 - 6:31 pm
 * Ken Coscia’s Silva Method 53rd Anniversary – Origin StoryJune 1, 2024 - 8:29
 * Mastering Your Daily Meditation PracticeMay 24, 2024 - 2:49 pm


Connecticut, Boston, MA, & Chicago, IL


335 Meadow Road,
Farmington, CT 06032
Voice: 860-674-1009
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