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Submission: On June 30 via api from US — Scanned from DE
Effective URL:
Submission: On June 30 via api from US — Scanned from DE
Form analysis
0 forms found in the DOMText Content
function CreateDateRangeInput( container, id ) { var sourceInput = $J( id ); var dateObj = new Date( sourceInput.val() * 1000 ); var dateOptions = { day: 'numeric', month: 'long', year: 'numeric', timeZone: 'UTC' }; var dateString = dateObj.toLocaleDateString( undefined, dateOptions ); var input = $J( '<input/>', { type: 'input', class: 'date_range_filter_input', value: sourceInput.val() == 0 ? '' : dateString } ); container.append( input ); input.datepicker( { dateFormat: '@', showOtherMonths: true, changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, maxDate: "+1d", defaultDate: sourceInput.val() != 0 ? dateObj : null, onSelect: function( newDate, instance ) { var dateObj = new Date( parseInt( newDate ) ); var dateOptions = { day: 'numeric', month: 'long', year: 'numeric', timeZone: 'UTC' }; var dateString = dateObj.toLocaleDateString( undefined, dateOptions ); $J( this ).val( dateString ); } } ); return input; } function ShowDateRangeSelectionDialog() { var content = $J( '<div/>', { class: 'date_range_filter_dialog' } ); content.append( $J( '<div/>', { class: 'title', text: 'Posted date' } ) ); var createdContainer = $J( '<div/>', { class: 'date_range_filter_dates' } ); createdContainer.append( $J( '<div/>', { class: 'date_range_word', text: 'Between' } ) ); var created_date_range_start = CreateDateRangeInput( createdContainer, "#created_date_range_filter_start" ); createdContainer.append( created_date_range_start ); createdContainer.append( $J( '<div/>', { class: 'date_range_word', text: 'And' } ) ); var created_date_range_end = CreateDateRangeInput( createdContainer, "#created_date_range_filter_end" ); createdContainer.append( created_date_range_end ); content.append( createdContainer ); content.append( $J( '<div/>', { class: 'title', text: 'Date last updated'} ) ); var updatedContainer = $J( '<div/>', { class: 'date_range_filter_dates' } ); updatedContainer.append( $J( '<div/>', { class: 'date_range_word', text: 'Between' } ) ); var updated_date_range_start = CreateDateRangeInput( updatedContainer, "#updated_date_range_filter_start" ); updatedContainer.append( updated_date_range_start ); updatedContainer.append( $J( '<div/>', { class: 'date_range_word', text: 'And' } ) ); var update_date_range_end = CreateDateRangeInput( updatedContainer, "#updated_date_range_filter_end" ); updatedContainer.append( update_date_range_end ); content.append( updatedContainer ); var dialog = ShowConfirmDialog( 'Filter by Date', content ); dialog.done( function() { $J( '#created_date_range_filter_start' ).val( Date.parse( created_date_range_start.val() ) / 1000 ); $J( '#created_date_range_filter_end' ).val( Date.parse( created_date_range_end.val() ) / 1000 ); $J( '#updated_date_range_filter_start' ).val( Date.parse( updated_date_range_start.val() ) / 1000 ); $J( '#updated_date_range_filter_end' ).val( Date.parse( update_date_range_end.val() ) / 1000 ); FilterByTags(); } ); } function DownloadFile( publishFileID, revision ) { $ "" + publishFileID + "&revision=" + revision ) .done( function(response) { if ( response.success == 1 ) { // Need to make sure the filename is set, in case there is no Content-Disposition on the result // So cook up an anchor, set the href and download attributes, and click it. // Apparently the download attribute does not work on IE. . . var f = $J("<a>").hide().appendTo(document.body); f.attr("href", response.url ); f[0].download = response.filename; f[0].click(); setTimeout( function() { f.remove() }, 0 ); } else { ShowAlertDialog( 'Error', 'Unable to download file: ' + response.message ); } }); } function SharedFilesSelectApp( workshopAppURL ) { HideMenu( $('appselect'), $('appselect_options') ); window.location = workshopAppURL; } function SharedFilesSelectTrendDayPeriod( workshopDayURL ) { HideMenu( $('dayselect'), $('dayselect_options') ); window.location = workshopDayURL; } function DisplayErrorMessage( strMessage ) { $('saved_payment_info').style.display = "none"; $('error_display').innerHTML = strMessage; $('error_display').style.display = 'block'; Effect.ScrollTo( 'error_display' ); new Effect.Highlight( 'error_display', { endcolor : '#000000', startcolor : '#ff9900' } ); } function ValidationMarkFieldBad( elem ) { if ( $(elem).hasClassName( 'highlight_on_error' ) ) new Effect.Morph( elem, {style: 'color: #FF9900', duration: 0.5 } ); else new Effect.Morph( elem, {style: 'border-color: #FF9900', duration: 0.5 } ) } function ValidationMarkFieldOk( elem ) { if ( $(elem).hasClassName( 'highlight_on_error' ) ) $(elem).style.color=''; else $(elem).style.borderColor = ''; } function ReportJSError( message, e ) { try { if (typeof e == 'string') e = new Error(e); DisplayErrorMessage( message + ": " + e ); } catch( e ) { } } var rgIBANCountries = { AD : 1, AT : 1, BE : 1, BA : 1, BG : 1, HR : 1, CY : 1, CZ : 1, DK : 1, EE : 1, FI : 1, FR : 1, DE : 1, GI : 1, GR : 1, HU : 1, IS : 1, IE : 1, IT : 1, LV : 1, LI : 1, LT : 1, LU : 1, MK : 1, MT : 1, MC : 1, ME : 1, NL : 1, NO : 1, PL : 1, PT : 1, RO : 1, SM : 1, RS : 1, SK : 1, SI : 1, ES : 1, SE : 1, CH : 1, TR : 1, GB : 1 }; function IsIBANCountry( countryCode ) { return rgIBANCountries[ countryCode ] != null; } var rgUSATaxTreaties = { AM : 0, AU : 5, AT : 0, AZ : 0, BD : 10, BB : 5, BY : 0, BE : 0, BG : 5, CA : 0, CN : 10, CY : 0, CZ : 0, DK : 0, EG : 15, EE : 10, FI : 0, FR : 0, DE : 0, GR : 0, HU : 0, IS : 0, IN : 15, ID : 10, IE : 0, IL : 10, IT : 0, JM : 10, JP : 0, KZ : 10, KR : 10, KG : 0, LV : 10, LT : 10, LU : 0, MT : 10, MX : 10, MD : 0, MA : 10, NL : 0, NZ : 5, NO : 0, PK : 0, PH : 15, PL : 10, PT : 10, RO : 10, RU : 0, SK : 0, SI : 5, ZA : 0, ES : 5, LK : 10, SE : 0, CH : 0, TJ : 0, TH : 5, TT : 0, TN : 15, TR : 10, TM : 0, UA : 10, GB : 0, US : 0, UZ : 0, VE : 10 }; function UpdateTaxRequirement() { if ( $J("#tax_usa").length == 0 ) { return; } try { $('tax_usa').style.display = 'none'; $('tax_usa_treaty').style.display = 'none'; $('tax_usa_no_treaty').style.display = 'none'; if ( $('country').value == 'US' || $J('#uscitizen').prop('checked') ) { $('tax_usa').style.display = 'block'; return; } for ( var key in rgUSATaxTreaties ) { if ( $('country').value == key ) { $('tax_usa_treaty').style.display = 'block'; return; } } $('tax_usa_no_treaty').style.display = 'block'; } catch( e ) { ReportJSError( 'Failed in UpdateTaxRequirement()', e ); } } var gValidFieldAlphaNumericRegex = /^[A-Za-z0-9 &.,#'\/\-]+$/ function OnIsCompanyChange() { if ( $('iscompany').checked ) { $('lastnameblock').style.display = 'none'; $J('#uscitizenblock').hide(); $J('#uscitizen').prop( 'checked', false ); $('firstnamelabel').innerHTML = 'Company Name'; } else { $('lastnameblock').style.display = 'block'; $J('uscitizenblock').show(); $('firstnamelabel').innerHTML = 'First Name (as written on bank records)'; } } function OnUSACitizenChange() { UpdateTaxRequirement(); } function OnLoad_UserPaymentForm() { OnIsCompanyChange(); UpdateTaxRequirement(); UpdateBankInfo(); } function UpdateCountrySelectState() { try { if ( $('country').value == 'US' ) { $('state_input').style.display = 'none'; $('state_select').style.display = 'block'; } else { $('state_input').style.display = 'block'; $('state_input').value = ''; $('state_select').style.display = 'none'; } UpdateTaxRequirement(); } catch( e ) { ReportJSError( 'Failed in UpdateStateSelectState()', e ); } } function UpdateBankInfo() { if ( $J( "#bankaccountnumberrow").length == 0 ) { return; } try { $('bankaccountnumberrow').style.display = 'block'; $('bankroutingnumberrow').style.display = 'none'; $('bankibanrow').style.display = 'none'; $('bankswiftrow').style.display = 'none'; $('bankstate_input').style.display = 'none'; $('bankstate_select').style.display = 'none'; if ( $('bankcountry').value == 'US' ) { $('bankstate_select').style.display = 'block'; $('bankroutingnumberrow').style.display = 'block'; $('bankroutingnumberlabel').innerHTML = 'Routing Number'; } else { $('bankstate_input').style.display = 'block'; if ( $('bankcountry').value == 'CA' ) { $('bankroutingnumberrow').style.display = 'block'; $('bankroutingnumberlabel').innerHTML = 'Canadian Transit Number'; } else if ( IsIBANCountry( $('bankcountry').value ) ) { $('bankibanrow').style.display = 'block'; $('bankswiftrow').style.display = 'block'; $('bankaccountnumberrow').style.display = 'none'; } else { $('bankswiftrow').style.display = 'block'; } } } catch( e ) { ReportJSError( 'Failed in UpdateBankInfo()', e ); } } function IsValidRequiredField( fieldName, regex ) { var field = $J( fieldName ); var value = field.val(); value = v_trim( value ); if ( value.length == 0 ) { return false; } if ( !regex.test( value ) ) { return false; } field.val( value ); return true; } function ValidateUserPaymentInfo( baseURL ) { var errorString = ''; bOk = true; try { if ( $('country').value == 'US' ) { $('state').value = $('state_select').value; } else { $('state').value = $('state_input').value; } if ( $J( "#firstname").length != 0 ) { if ( $( 'iscompany' ).checked ) { if ( !IsValidRequiredField( "#firstname", gValidFieldAlphaNumericRegex ) ) { errorString += 'Please enter a company name.<br/>'; } $( 'lastname' ).value = ''; } else { if ( !IsValidRequiredField( "#firstname", gValidFieldAlphaNumericRegex ) ) { errorString += 'Please enter a valid first name.<br/>'; } if ( !IsValidRequiredField( "#lastname", gValidFieldAlphaNumericRegex ) ) { errorString += 'Please enter a valid last name.<br/>'; } } } if ( !IsValidRequiredField( "#address1", gValidFieldAlphaNumericRegex ) ) { errorString += 'Please enter a valid address.<br/>'; } if ( !IsValidRequiredField( "#city", gValidFieldAlphaNumericRegex ) ) { errorString += 'Please enter a valid city.<br/>'; } if ( $('country').value == 'US' || $('country').value == 'UA' ) { if ( !IsValidRequiredField( "#zip", gValidFieldAlphaNumericRegex ) ) { errorString += 'Please enter a valid zip or postal code.<br/>'; } } if ( $( 'phone' ).value.length < 1 ) { errorString += 'Please enter your phone number, including area code.<br/>'; } } catch(e) { ReportJSError( 'Failed validating payment info form', e ); } try { if ( errorString != '' ) { var rgErrors = errorString.split( '<br/>' ); DisplayErrorMessage( errorString ); } else { // submit the form $J.ajax( { url: baseURL + '/ajaxsaveuserpaymentinfo/', method: "POST", data: $J( "#WorkshopPaymentInfoForm" ).serialize(), success : function( response ) { var dialog = ShowAlertDialog( 'Saved!', response.redirect_url.length != 0 ? 'Your contact and address information have been saved. Since you updated your country, you will now be redirected to an external service to update your tax information.' : 'Your contact and address information have been saved. If you haven\'t already, please fill in your bank account and tax information.' ); dialog.done( function() { if ( response.redirect_url.length != 0 ) { top.location.assign( response.redirect_url ); } else { top.location.reload(); } } ); }, error: function( jqXHR ) { var json = jqXHR.responseJSON; if ( json.hasOwnProperty( "msg" ) ) { ShowAlertDialog( 'Error', json.msg ); } else { ShowAlertDialog( 'Error', 'An unknown error occurred while trying to save your contact information.' ); } } } ); } } catch(e) { ReportJSError( 'Failed showing error or submitting payment info form', e ); } } function validateFields() { var errorString = ''; bOk = true; try { if ( $('country').value == 'US' ) { $('state').value = $('state_select').value; } else { $('state').value = $('state_input').value; } if ( $('bankcountry').value == 'US' ) { $('bankstate').value = $('bankstate_select').value; } else { $('bankstate').value = $('bankstate_input').value; } if ( !IsIBANCountry( $('bankcountry').value ) ) { $('bankiban').value = ''; } if ( $( 'iscompany' ).checked ) { if ( !IsValidRequiredField( "#firstname", gValidFieldAlphaNumericRegex ) ) { errorString += 'Please enter a company name.<br/>'; } $( 'lastname' ).value = ''; } else { if ( !IsValidRequiredField( "#firstname", gValidFieldAlphaNumericRegex ) ) { errorString += 'Please enter a valid first name.<br/>'; } if ( !IsValidRequiredField( "#lastname", gValidFieldAlphaNumericRegex ) ) { errorString += 'Please enter a valid last name.<br/>'; } } if ( !IsValidEmailAddress( $( 'email' ).value ) ) { errorString += 'Please enter a valid email address.<br/>'; } if ( !IsValidRequiredField( "#address1", gValidFieldAlphaNumericRegex ) ) { errorString += 'Please enter a valid address.<br/>'; } if ( !IsValidRequiredField( "#city", gValidFieldAlphaNumericRegex ) ) { errorString += 'Please enter a valid city.<br/>'; } if ( $('country').value == 'US' || $('country').value == 'UA' ) { if ( $( 'zip' ).value.length < 1 ) { errorString += 'Please enter a valid zip or postal code.<br/>'; } } if ( $( 'phone' ).value.length < 1 ) { errorString += 'Please enter your phone number, including area code.<br/>'; } if ( !IsValidRequiredField( "#bankname", gValidFieldAlphaNumericRegex ) ) { errorString += 'Please enter a valid bank name.<br/>'; } if ( !IsValidRequiredField( "#bankaccountholdername", gValidFieldAlphaNumericRegex ) ) { errorString += 'Please enter a valid bank account holder name (must match bank records).<br/>'; } if ( !IsValidRequiredField( "#bankaddress1", gValidFieldAlphaNumericRegex ) ) { errorString += 'Please enter a valid address for your bank.<br/>'; } if ( !IsValidRequiredField( "#bankcity", gValidFieldAlphaNumericRegex ) ) { errorString += 'Please enter a valid city for your bank.<br/>'; } if ( $('bankcountry').value == 'US' || $('bankcountry').value == 'UA' ) { if ( $( 'bankzip' ).value.length < 1 ) { errorString += 'Please enter a valid zip or postal code for your bank.<br/>'; } } if ( $( 'bankaccountnumber' ).value.length < 1 && !IsIBANCountry( $('bankcountry').value ) ) { errorString += 'Please enter your bank account number.<br/>'; } if ( $( 'bankcountry' ).value == 'US' ) { $('bankiban').value = ''; $('swiftcode').value = ''; if ( $( 'bankaccountroutingnumber' ).value.length != 9 && $( 'bankaccountroutingnumber' ).value != $( 'storedroutingnumber' ).value) { errorString += 'Please enter your bank\'s routing number (9 digits).<br/>'; } } else if ( $( 'bankcountry' ).value == 'CA' ) { $('bankiban').value = ''; $('swiftcode').value = ''; if ( $( 'bankaccountroutingnumber' ).value.length != 9 && $( 'bankaccountroutingnumber' ).value != $( 'storedroutingnumber' ).value) { errorString += 'Please enter the Canadian Transit Number (9 digits with a leading 0).<br/>'; } } else if ( IsIBANCountry( $('bankcountry').value ) ) { if ( $( 'bankiban' ).value.length < 1 ) { errorString += 'Please enter your bank\'s IBAN.<br/>'; } if ( $( 'swiftcode' ).value.length < 1 ) { errorString += 'Please enter your bank\'s SWIFT code.<br/>'; } } else { $('bankiban').value = ''; if ( $( 'swiftcode' ).value.length < 1 ) { errorString += 'Please enter your bank\'s SWIFT code.<br/>'; } } } catch(e) { ReportJSError( 'Failed validating payment info form', e ); } try { if ( errorString != '' ) { var rgErrors = errorString.split( '<br/>' ); DisplayErrorMessage( errorString ); } else { // submit the form document.getElementById( 'WorkshopPaymentInfoForm' ).submit(); } } catch(e) { ReportJSError( 'Failed showing error or submitting payment info form', e ); } } function SharedFileBindMouseHover( elemId, loggedIn, itemData ) { var elem = $( elemId ); Event.observe( elem, "mouseover", function() { SharedFileHover( elem, null, itemData['id'], loggedIn, itemData ); } ); Event.observe( elem, "mouseout", function( event ) { HideWorkshopItemHover( elem, event ); } ); } function SharedFileHover( elem, event, id, loggedIn, itemData ) { divHover = $('workshop_item_hover'); if (!event) var event = window.event; elem = $(elem); var hover = $(divHover); if ( hover.visible() && == elem ) { return; } else if ( ( !hover.visible() || != elem ) ) { var description = itemData['description'] ? itemData['description'] : ''; if ( description.length == 0 ) { description = itemData['short_description'] ? itemData['short_description'] : ''; } hover.down('.content').update( '<div class="hoverWorkshopItemTitle">' + itemData['title'] + '</div>' + '<div class="hoverWorkshopItemDesc">' + description + '</div>' ); if ( itemData['user_subscribed'] ) { $( 'hover_subscribed' ).show(); } else { $( 'hover_subscribed' ).hide(); } if ( itemData['user_favorited'] ) { $( 'hover_favorited' ).show(); } else { $( 'hover_favorited' ).hide(); } if ( itemData['played'] ) { $( 'hover_played' ).show(); } else { $( 'hover_played' ).hide(); } if ( itemData['user_subscribed'] || itemData['user_favorited'] || itemData['played'] ) { $( 'hover_user_action_history' ).show(); } else { $( 'hover_user_action_history' ).hide(); } var hoverSubscriptions = $( 'hover_subscriptions' ); // retrieve favorited by friends info var targetId = "favorited_by_friends_" + id; var elemData = $( targetId ); ShowWorkshopItemHover( elem, divHover, loggedIn ? targetId : null ); if ( loggedIn && !elemData && !elem.ajaxRequest ) { var newDiv = new Element( 'div', { id: targetId } ); hoverSubscriptions.down('.contentNoTopPadding').appendChild( newDiv ); window.setTimeout( function() { if ( !elem.ajaxRequest ) { elem.ajaxRequest = new Ajax.Updater( newDiv, '' + id + '&appid=' + itemData['appid'], { method: 'get', onComplete: function() { UpdateWorkshopItemHover( elem, divHover, targetId ); } } ); } }, 0 ); } } } function HideWorkshopItemHover( elem, event ) { divHover = $('workshop_item_hover'); if (!event) var event = window.event; var reltarget = (event.relatedTarget) ? event.relatedTarget : event.toElement; if ( reltarget && $(reltarget).up( '#' + elem.identify() ) ) { return; } divHover.hide(); } function UpdateWorkshopItemHover( elem, divHover, targetContent ) { divHover = $('workshop_item_hover'); if ( !divHover.visible() ) return; ShowWorkshopItemHover( elem, divHover, targetContent ); } function ShowWorkshopItemHover( elem, divHover, targetContent ) { var hover = $(divHover); = 'hidden';; if ( targetContent == null || $( targetContent ) == null ) { $( 'hover_subscriptions' ).hide(); } else { $( targetContent ).siblings().invoke('hide'); $( targetContent ).show(); if ( $( targetContent ).childElements().size() > 0 ) { $( 'hover_subscriptions' ).show(); } else { $( 'hover_subscriptions' ).hide(); } } hover.clonePosition( elem, {setWidth: false, setHeight: false} ); var hover_box = hover.down( '.hover_box' ); var hover_arrow_left = hover.down( '.hover_arrow_left' ); var hover_arrow_right = hover.down( '.hover_arrow_right' ); var hover_arrow = hover_arrow_left; var nHoverHorizontalPadding = (hover_arrow ? -4 : 8); var boxRightViewport = elem.viewportOffset().left + parseInt( elem.getDimensions().width ) + hover_box.getWidth() + ( 24 - nHoverHorizontalPadding ); var nSpaceRight = document.viewport.getWidth() - boxRightViewport; var nSpaceLeft = parseInt( ) - hover.getWidth(); if ( boxRightViewport > document.viewport.getWidth() && nSpaceLeft > nSpaceRight) { = ( parseInt( ) - hover.getWidth() + nHoverHorizontalPadding ) + 'px'; hover_arrow = hover_arrow_right; } else { = ( parseInt( ) + parseInt( elem.getDimensions().width ) - nHoverHorizontalPadding ) + 'px'; } if ( hover_arrow ) { hover_arrow_left.hide(); hover_arrow_right.hide();; } var nTopAdjustment = 0; if ( elem.getDimensions().height < 98 ) nTopAdjustment = elem.getDimensions().height / 2 - 49; = ( ( parseInt( ) - 13 ) + nTopAdjustment ) + 'px'; var boxTopViewport = elem.viewportOffset().top + nTopAdjustment; if ( boxTopViewport + hover_box.getHeight() + 8 > document.viewport.getHeight() ) { var nViewportAdjustment = ( hover_box.getHeight() + 8 ) - ( document.viewport.getHeight() - boxTopViewport ); nViewportAdjustment = Math.min( hover_box.getHeight() - 74, nViewportAdjustment ); = ( parseInt( ) - nViewportAdjustment ) + 'px'; if ( hover_arrow ) = ( 48 + nViewportAdjustment ) + 'px'; } else { if ( hover_arrow ) = ''; } hover.hide(); = '';; } function ToggleModalMediaDetails() { if ( $('ModalDetailsContainer').visible() ) { $('ModalDetailsContainer').hide(); $('ShowModalCommentsAndDetailsBtn').show(); $('HideModalCommentsAndDetailsBtn').hide(); } else { $('ModalDetailsContainer').show(); $('ShowModalCommentsAndDetailsBtn').hide(); $('HideModalCommentsAndDetailsBtn').show(); } } function TogglePopupVisibility( popupId, buttonId ) { if ( $(popupId).visible() ) { HideWithFade( $(popupId) ); $(buttonId).removeClassName( 'toggled' ); } else { ShowWithFade( $(popupId) ); $(buttonId).addClassName( 'toggled' ); } } function HideGreenlightCallout() { $('Greenlight_Callout').hide(); SetCookie('hideGreenlightCallout', 1, 365, '/'); } function toggleAutoPlay() { var button = $('workshop_autoplay'); var value="false"; if( button.hasClassName('toggled') ) { value = "true"; button.removeClassName('toggled'); } else { value = "false"; button.addClassName('toggled'); } var exdate=new Date(); exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate() + 365); var c_value=escape(value) + "; expires="+exdate.toUTCString(); document.cookie="bGameHighlightAutoplayDisabled=" + c_value; } function ShowEnlargedImagePreview( imageURL ) { var enlargedImage = $J( '<img/>', {id: 'enlarged_image_carousel', src:imageURL } ); var Dialog = ShowDialog( '', ); Event.observe( 'enlarged_image_carousel', 'load', function() { Dialog.AdjustSizing(); } ); return false; } function ShowEnlargedImagePreviewFromHighlightPlayer( id, HighlightPlayer ) { var rgScreenshots = HighlightPlayer.GetFullScreenshotURLs(); var rgScreenshotURLs = []; var iCurIndex = 0; for ( var i = 0; i < rgScreenshots.length; ++i ) { var item = rgScreenshots[i]; rgScreenshotURLs.push( item.url ); if ( item.previewid == id ) iCurIndex = i; } var content = $J( '<div/>', { class: 'enlarged_image_viewer' } ); var container = $J( '<div/>', { class: 'enlarged_image_container' } ); var enlargedImage = $J( '<img/>', { class: 'enlarged_image', src: rgScreenshotURLs[id] } ); container.append( enlargedImage ); content.append( container ); var $Footer = $J('<div/>', {'class': 'popup_modal_footer' } ); var $ScreenshotCount = $J('<div/>'); var $BtnPrev = $J('<div/>', {'class': 'btnv6_blue_hoverfade btn_medium previous'}).append( $J('<span/>').text( 'Previous' ) ); var $BtnNext = $J('<div/>', {'class': 'btnv6_blue_hoverfade btn_medium next'}).append( $J('<span/>').text( 'Next' ) ); enlargedImage.load( function() { enlargedImage.stop(); enlargedImage.fadeTo( 'fast', 1.0 ); } ); var fnShowScreenshot = function( index ) { enlargedImage.stop(); enlargedImage.fadeTo( 'fast', 0.1 ); enlargedImage.attr( 'src', rgScreenshotURLs[index] ); }; var fnNextScreenshot = function() { iCurIndex = ( iCurIndex + 1 ) % rgScreenshotURLs.length; fnShowScreenshot( iCurIndex ); fnUpdateFooter(); }; var fnPrevScreenshot = function() { iCurIndex = ( iCurIndex - 1 + rgScreenshotURLs.length ) % rgScreenshotURLs.length; fnShowScreenshot( iCurIndex ); fnUpdateFooter(); }; var fnUpdateFooter = function() { $ScreenshotCount.text( '%1$s of %2$s Images'.replace( /%1\$s/, iCurIndex + 1 ).replace( /%2\$s/, rgScreenshotURLs.length ) ); }; $ fnNextScreenshot ); $ fnPrevScreenshot ); $Footer.append( $BtnPrev, $ScreenshotCount, $BtnNext ); content.append( $Footer ); fnShowScreenshot( iCurIndex ); fnUpdateFooter(); HighlightPlayer.PauseCycle(); $J(document).on('keydown.WorkshopImages', function( event ) { if ( event.which == 37 /* left */ || event.which == 38 /* up */ ) { fnPrevScreenshot(); event.preventDefault(); } else if ( event.which == 39 /* right */ || event.which == 40 /* down */ || event.which == 32 /* spacebar */ ) { fnNextScreenshot(); event.preventDefault(); } }); var Dialog = ShowDialog( '', content ).done( () => { HighlightPlayer.ResumeCycle(); $J(document).off('keydown.WorkshopImages'); } ); return false; } var bRetrievedFriendsPicker = false; var gFriendsPicker = null; function ShowContributorDialog( publishedfileid ) { var waitDialog = ShowBlockingWaitDialog( 'Manage Contributors', 'Loading Friends List' ); $J.get( "" + publishedfileid, {}, function( data, textStatus, jqXHR ) { waitDialog.Dismiss(); gFriendsPicker = ShowAlertDialog( 'Manage Contributors', '<div class="friendsPicker" id="friendsPicker">' + data + '</div>', 'Cancel' ); } ); } function AddContributor( steamid, profileName, avatarLink ) { var options = { method: 'post', postBody: 'steamid=' + steamid + '&sessionid=' + g_sessionID + '&id=' + publishedfileid, onSuccess: (function(publishedfileid){ return function(transport) { gFriendsPicker.Dismiss(); var responseJSON = transport.responseJSON; switch ( responseJSON.success ) { case 1: // Grey out modal or show spinner? location.reload(); break; default: ShowAlertDialog( 'Error', 'The specified profile could not be found.' ); break; } } }(publishedfileid)) }; new Ajax.Request( '', options ); } function RemoveContributor( steamid, profileName, avatarLink ) { var options = { method: 'post', postBody: 'steamid=' + steamid + '&sessionid=' + g_sessionID + '&id=' + publishedfileid, onSuccess: (function(publishedfileid){ return function(transport) { var json = transport.responseText.evalJSON(); // Grey out modal or show spinner? gFriendsPicker.Dismiss(); location.reload(); } }(publishedfileid)) }; new Ajax.Request( '', options ); } function AcceptSplit( publishedfileid ) { var options = { method: 'post', postBody: 'id=' + publishedfileid + '&sessionid=' + g_sessionID, onSuccess: (function(publishedfileid){ return function(transport) { location.reload(); } }(publishedfileid)) }; new Ajax.Request( '', options ); } function FinalizeContributors( publishedfileid ) { if ( confirm( 'Are you sure you want to finalize the contributors? You will be unable to add or remove them after this step.' ) != true ) { return; } var options = { method: 'post', postBody: 'id=' + publishedfileid + '&sessionid=' + g_sessionID, onSuccess: (function(publishedfileid){ return function(transport) { location.reload(); } }(publishedfileid)) }; new Ajax.Request( '', options ); } function KVPrompt( title, description, key, value ) { $('PromptTitle').innerHTML = title ; $('PromptDescription').innerHTML = description ; $('PromptValue').value = value; $('PromptValue').name = key; showModal('PromptModal'); } function HighlightSearchText( text, elem ) { if (!(elem instanceof Node) || elem.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) return; var children = elem.childNodes; for (var i=0; children[i]; ++i) { node = children[i]; if (node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE ) { var strEscaped = $J('<div>').text(node.nodeValue).html(); strReplace = strEscaped.replace( new RegExp('(' + text.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&") + ')', 'gi' ), '<span class="searchedForText">$1</span>'); eleReplace = document.createElement('div'); eleReplace.innerHTML = strReplace; while( eleReplace.firstChild ) node.parentNode.insertBefore( eleReplace.firstChild, node ); node.parentNode.removeChild( node ); } else if ( node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE ) HighlightSearchText(text, node); } } var gExternalTagSelectorWaitDialog = null; function ShowExternalTagSelectorDialog_OnLoad() { if ( gExternalTagSelectorWaitDialog ) { gExternalTagSelectorWaitDialog.Dismiss(); gExternalTagSelectorWaitDialog = null; } $( 'ExternalTagSelectorDialogIFrame' ).show(); } function ShowExternalTagSelectorDialog( url, formID, submitFuncCB ) { if ( gExternalTagSelectorWaitDialog ) { gExternalTagSelectorWaitDialog.Dismiss(); gExternalTagSelectorWaitDialog = null; } gExternalTagSelectorWaitDialog = ShowBlockingWaitDialog( 'Please Wait', 'Loading options...' ); $( 'ExternalTagSelectorDialogIFrame' ).hide(); $( 'ExternalTagSelectorDialogIFrame' ).src = url; showModal( 'ExternalTagSelectorDialog' ); ListenToIFrameMessage( function( event ) { var allowedHostName = 'https://' + getHostname( url ); if ( event.origin !== allowedHostName ) return; var msg =; var msgType = msg['method']; switch( msgType ) { case 'resize': { var height = msg['height']; var width = msg['width']; // show the iframe and size it $( 'ExternalTagSelectorDialogIFrame' ).show(); $( 'ExternalTagSelectorDialogIFrame' ).effect = new Effect.Morph( 'ExternalTagSelectorDialogIFrame', { duration: 0.2, style: 'height: ' + height + 'px; width: ' + width + 'px' } ); // center the dialog vertically and size it var flInverseZoom = 1 / ( || 1); var w = document.viewport.getWidth() * flInverseZoom; var h = document.viewport.getHeight() * flInverseZoom; var sl = document.viewport.getScrollOffsets().left; var st = document.viewport.getScrollOffsets().top; var cw = width; var ch = height; var newTop = (Math.floor((h / 2) - (height / 2)) + st); var newLeft = (Math.floor((w / 2) - (cw / 2)) + sl); $( 'ExternalTagSelectorDialog' ).effect = new Effect.Morph( 'ExternalTagSelectorDialog', { duration: 0.2, style: 'height: ' + height + 'px; width: ' + width + 'px; top: ' + newTop + 'px; left: ' + newLeft + 'px;' } ); } break; case 'setfilter': { var tags = msg['tags']; var inputFields = $( formID ).getElementsByTagName('input'); for ( var i = 0; i < inputFields.length; ++i ) { var input = inputFields[i]; if ( input.checked === true ) { input.checked = false; } } for ( var i = 0; i < tags.length; ++i ) { var elem = new Element( 'input', { 'name' : "requiredtags[]", 'value' : tags[i], 'checked' : 'true' } ); $( formID ).appendChild( elem ); } submitFuncCB(); } break; } // switch } ) } function IncludeTag( elem ) { if ( elem.checked ) { var excludedTag = $J( '#excludetag_' + ); excludedTag.removeClass( 'checked' ); } FilterByTags(); } function ExcludeTag( elem ) { elem = $J( elem ); elem.toggleClass( 'checked' ); var tagCheckbox = $J( "#" + 'tagid' ) ); if ( elem.hasClass( 'checked' ) ) { tagCheckbox[0].checked = false; } FilterByTags(); } /** * Service Provider Revenue Sharing */ var gServiceProviderRevenueSliders = Array(); function PickWorkshopServiceProviders( publishedFileID, appID ) { // pass through current values var splits = Array(); for ( var i = 0; i < gServiceProviderRevenueSliders.length; ++i ) { var slider = gServiceProviderRevenueSliders[i]; splits.push( { 'steamid' : slider.GetSteamID(), 'split' : slider.GetValue() } ); } $ '', { 'id' : publishedFileID, 'appid' : appID, 'splits' : splits, 'sessionid' : g_sessionID } ).done( function( response ) { var strTitle = 'Select service providers'; var strSaveChanges = 'Continue'; var strDescription = response; var dialog = ShowConfirmDialog( strTitle, strDescription, strSaveChanges ); dialog.SetRemoveContentOnDismissal( false ); dialog.done( function() { // build list of service providers var service_providers = Array(); var checkboxes = dialog.GetContent().find('input[type="checkbox"]'); var existingValues = dialog.GetContent().find('input[type="hidden"]'); for ( var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; ++i ) { var checkbox = checkboxes[i]; if ( checkbox.checked ) { service_providers.push( { 'steamid' : checkbox.value, 'split' : existingValues[i].value } ); } } // get existing revenue splits, adding new and removing old $ '', { 'id' : publishedFileID, 'sessionid' : g_sessionID, 'service_providers' : service_providers, 'override' : true } ).done( function( response ) { gServiceProviderRevenueSliders = Array(); $J('#ServiceProviders').replaceWith( response ); }); dialog.GetContent().remove(); }); function() { dialog.GetContent().remove(); }); } ); } var gNormalizingServiceProviderRevenueSliders = false; function NormalizeServiceProviderRevenue( changingSlider ) { if ( gNormalizingServiceProviderRevenueSliders ) return; gNormalizingServiceProviderRevenueSliders = true; var total = 0; for ( var i = 0; i < gServiceProviderRevenueSliders.length; ++i ) { var slider = gServiceProviderRevenueSliders[i]; total += slider.GetValue(); } while ( total > 100 ) { for ( var i = 0; i < gServiceProviderRevenueSliders.length && total > 100; ++i ) { var slider = gServiceProviderRevenueSliders[i]; if ( changingSlider != slider ) { var value = slider.GetValue(); if ( value > 0 ) { slider.SetValue( value - 1 ); total -= 1; } } } } gNormalizingServiceProviderRevenueSliders = false; } function SaveWorkshopServiceProviders( publishedFileID ) { var splits = Array(); var total = 0; for ( var i = 0; i < gServiceProviderRevenueSliders.length; ++i ) { var slider = gServiceProviderRevenueSliders[i]; splits.push( { 'steamid' : slider.GetSteamID(), 'percentage' : slider.GetValue() } ); total += slider.GetValue(); } if ( total != 0 && total != 100 ) { ShowAlertDialog( 'Error', 'The service provider revenue percentages must total up to 100.' ); return; } $J( "#SavingServiceProviderRevenueShares" ).show(); $J( "#SavedServiceProviderRevenueShares" ).hide(); $ '', { 'id' : publishedFileID, 'splits' : splits, 'sessionid' : g_sessionID } ).done( function( response ) { $J( "#SavingServiceProviderRevenueShares" ).hide(); $J( "#SavedServiceProviderRevenueShares" ).show(); } ).fail( function( jqxhr ) { var rgResults = jqxhr.responseText.evalJSON(); switch ( rgResults['success'] ) { case 14: ShowAlertDialog( 'Error', 'You cannot choose a third party organization that is also a normal contributor on your item.' ); break; default: ShowAlertDialog( 'Error', 'An error was encountered while processing your request:' + ' ' + rgResults['success'] ); break; } $J( "#SavingServiceProviderRevenueShares" ).hide(); }); } var ServiceProviderRevenueSlider = Class.create( { m_steamID: null, m_elemSlider: null, m_elemSliderBGFill: null, m_elemInput: null, m_elemDisplay: null, m_slider: null, initialize: function( args ) { this.m_steamID = args.steamID; this.m_elemSlider = $( args.elemSlider ); this.m_elemSliderBGFill = $( args.elemSliderBGFill ); this.m_elemInput = $( args.elemInput ); this.m_elemDisplay = $( args.elemDisplay ); this.m_slider = new Control.Slider( this.m_elemSlider.down('.handle'), this.m_elemSlider, { range: $R( 0, 100 ), sliderValue: args.split, increment: 1, onSlide: this.SliderOnChange.bind( this ), onChange: this.SliderOnChange.bind( this ) } ); = args.split + '%'; gServiceProviderRevenueSliders.push( this ); }, SliderOnChange: function( value ) { value = Math.ceil( value ); this.m_elemInput.value = value; this.m_elemDisplay.innerHTML = value + '%'; = value + '%'; NormalizeServiceProviderRevenue( this ); }, GetSteamID: function() { return this.m_steamID; }, GetValue: function() { return parseInt( this.m_elemInput.value ); }, SetValue: function( value ) { if ( value != this.GetValue() ) { this.m_slider.setValue( value ); this.m_elemInput.value = value; this.m_elemDisplay.innerHTML = value + '%'; = value + '%'; } } } ); // enable seeking via dpad function GamepadYouTubeVideoOnDirection( event /* GamepadEvent */, ytplayer ) { // only handle the navigation if we're in fullscreen if ( ytplayer && ( document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.fullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement || document.msFullscreenElement ) ) { const nPositionStep = 10; if ( event.detail.button == 11 && ytplayer.getCurrentTime() > 0 ) // left ytplayer.seekTo( Math.max( ytplayer.getCurrentTime() - nPositionStep, 0 ) ); else if ( event.detail.button == 12 && ytplayer.getCurrentTime() < ytplayer.getDuration() ) // right ytplayer.seekTo( Math.min( ytplayer.getCurrentTime() + nPositionStep, ytplayer.getDuration() ) ); return true; // return true for moveup, movedown to prevent dpad navigation out of the video } return false; // allow event to propogate } function GamepadYouTubeVideoOnCancel( ytplayer ) { // if we're in fullscreen pause the video and exit fullscreen if ( document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.fullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement || document.msFullscreenElement ) { GamepadYouTubeVideoPause( ytplayer ); GamepadYouTubeVideoSetFullscreen( ytplayer, false ); return true; } return false; // allow event to propagate } function GamepadYouTubeVideoSetFullscreen( ytplayer, bFullscreen ) { var videoIFrame = ytplayer.getIframe(); if ( bFullscreen ) { if ( !document.webkitFullscreenElement && !document.fullscreenElement && !document.mozFullScreenElement && !document.msFullscreenElement ) { if ( videoIFrame.requestFullscreen ) { videoIFrame.requestFullscreen().catch( ( e ) => { console.error( "requestFullscreen exception:", e ); } ); } else if ( videoIFrame.webkitRequestFullscreen ) { videoIFrame.webkitRequestFullscreen().catch( ( e ) => { console.error( "webkitRequestFullscreen exception", e ); } ); } else if ( video.mozRequestFullScreen ) { videoIFrame.mozRequestFullScreen().catch( ( e ) => { console.error( "mozRequestFullScreen exception", e ); } ); } else if ( video.msRequestFullscreen ) { videoIFrame.msRequestFullscreen().catch( ( e ) => { console.error( "msRequestFullscreen exception", e ); } ); } } } else if ( document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.fullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement || document.msFullscreenElement ) { if ( document.exitFullscreen ) { document.exitFullscreen().catch( ( e ) => { console.error( "exitFullscreen exception:", e ); } ); } else if ( document.webkitExitFullscreen ) { document.webkitExitFullscreen().catch( ( e ) => { console.error( "webkitExitFullscreen exception", e ); } ); } else if ( document.mozCancelFullScreen ) { document.mozCancelFullScreen().catch( ( e ) => { console.error( "mozCancelFullScreen exception", e ); } ); } else if ( document.msExitFullscreen ) { document.msExitFullscreen().catch( ( e ) => { console.error( "msRequestFullscreen exception", e ); } ); } // make sure we scroll to the currently selected video setTimeout( function () { videoIFrame.scrollIntoView() }, 0 ); } } function GamepadYouTubeVideoPause( ytplayer ) { ytplayer.pauseVideo(); } function GamepadYouTubeVideoTogglePlay( ytplayer ) { if ( ytplayer.getPlayerState() != 1 ) { ytplayer.playVideo(); GamepadYouTubeVideoSetFullscreen( ytplayer, true ); } else { ytplayer.pauseVideo(); } } function GamepadYouTubeVideoToggleMute( ytplayer ) { if ( ytplayer.isMuted() ) { ytplayer.unMute(); } else { ytplayer.mute(); } } function DeleteSavedWorkshopSearchQuery( appid, queryid ) { var dialog = ShowConfirmDialog( 'Delete', 'Are you sure you want to delete this saved search query?' ); dialog.done( function() { $ '', { 'sessionid' : g_sessionID, 'appid': appid, 'queryid': queryid } ) .done( function() { top.location.reload(); } ).fail( function() { ShowAlertDialog( 'Error', 'Failed to delete your saved search query. Please try again later.' ); } ); } ); } function SaveWorkshopSearchQuery( appid, params ) { $J.get( '', { appid: appid } ) .done( function( json ) { if ( json.success != '1' ) { ShowAlertDialog( 'Error', 'Unable to retrieve your saved search queries!' ); return; } params['sessionid'] = g_sessionID; params['appid'] = appid; params['queryid'] = 0; var rgModalParams = { 'inputMaxSize': 45 }; var dialog = ShowPromptDialog( 'Save Your Search Query', 'Your search query name:', 'Save Query', null, rgModalParams ); var input = dialog.m_$Content.find( 'input' );; if ( json.queries && json.queries.length != 0 ) { var container = $J( '<div/>', { class: 'newmodal_prompt_description saved_workshop_query_dialog' } ); container.append( $J( '<div/>', { text: 'Select an existing search query to update it.' } ) ); var queries = $J( '<div/>' ); var select = $J( '<select/>' ); select.on( 'change', function() { params['queryid'] = this.value; if ( this.value != 0 ) { var selectedText = $J( this ).find("option:selected").text(); input.val( selectedText ); } } ); var newOption = $J( '<option/>', { value: 0, text: '<New Saved Search>' } ); select.append( newOption ); for ( var i = 0; i < json.queries.length; ++i ) { var query = json.queries[i]; var option = $J( '<option/>', { value: query.queryid, text: query.query_name } ); select.append( option ); } queries.append( $J( "<br/>" ) ); queries.append( select ); container.append( queries ); input.parent().parent().append( container ); } dialog.done( function( queryName ) { queryName = v_trim( queryName ); if ( queryName.length == 0 ) return; params['queryName'] = queryName; $ '', params ) .done( function() { ShowAlertDialog( 'Saved!', 'Saved your search query' ); } ).fail( function() { ShowAlertDialog( 'Error', 'There was a problem trying to save your search query. Please try again later.' ); } ); } ); } ); }