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For  sustainability consultants seeking growth


Finally revealed, our never-before-seen approach to... Ethical Advertising! Your
golden-ticket to paradise, almost literally. Never again compromise ethics for
profit, by clicking the button below you'll get the chance to apply for a free
consulting call. During this call one of our expert advisors will help you
identify what is holding your business back and reveal our ethical advertising
secrets to ruthlessly grow your business beyond your wildest belief!
Click here to apply for your free 45-min consulting

For 9 businesses this month we offer an exclusive opportunity to receive
personal consulting from experienced professionals and for a limited time only
we will include our secret blueprint that have generated millions of dollars.
All revealed during your session. That is a total value of $750!

Performance &
Data Driven
24/7 Customer
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Updated Aug 28th, 2022
Running a business is hard...
Getting new customers, even harder...

Believe me, I understand what you are feeling...

Been there, done that!

Stressed out of my mind, wondering...

"How the heck am I supposed to pay rent next month!?"

"What am I going to do if I don't land this client!?!?"

"Will I need to settle for some nine-to-five!?!?!?"

"Why am I not getting any clients!?!?!?!?"

I was stressed out of my mind and unable to sleep.

Just laid there staring at the roof...

It is an absolute nightmare that I wouldn't wish even on my worst enemy!

But then as a light bulb in my head, my brain finally put the puzzle pieces
together and created what I call...

Ethical Advertising.

Actually it was my good friend Nicke who came up with the name, back to the

A plug-and-play platform to acquire qualified sales-ready customers ethically...
A magic machine where you put in $1 and get back $2, $3, $5, $10 or even $100,
all while helping create a more sustainable world!
A golden ticket to the got damn chocolate factory.

Yes, yes, I know it sounds too good to be true.

Let me reassure you, it is just that good...

And better!

See this system doesn't just let you acquire more customers faster, more
predictable and more sustainable...

It enables you to stop worrying every damn day...

It lets you focus on the things that actually matter!

Family time when it's family time...

Spending time on yourself, your health and well-being...

And planning for that vacation you've been dreaming of the past five years now!
I understand this is all hard to take in and after all words are just words...
How can you be sure I am not like every other advertiser out there talking a
bunch of hocus-pocus?

You can't, at least not by reading, unless I show you how!

That is why I have a gift for you...

value $750


Hold your horses now... As you can imagine we get A LOT of applications and can
only handle so many... So I ask you to only apply if you are 100% serious about
getting new customers. If so... Click the button below and apply now!
Click here to apply for your free 45-min consulting


Yes, we've done this before. And if it were up to me I'd say we know a thing or
two about what we're doing. But words are just words. Numbers don't lie! So let
me show you the truth...

Generated Revenue.
We have helped our customers generate over $10M.
Unique Industries.
We've dominated 25 unique industries.
Average NPS.
Don't take our word for it, listen to 50+ previous clients.
Click here to apply for your free 45-min consulting

For 9 businesses this month we offer an exclusive opportunity to receive
personal consulting from experienced professionals and for a limited time only
we will include our secret blueprint that have generated millions of dollars.
All revealed during your session. That is a total value of $750!


We're not like other marketers.

You see, I don't care about creating artsy, creative and astonishing work...

I care about astonishing results!

Not only for your business though...

We do it for the greater good, for the world.

Because I believe change-makers like you and I can move mountains...

If we just work together.

That is why our mission is to enable impactful business-owners like you...

To acquire more customers and grow your business...

And by doing so making sustainable solutions like yours more available.

Click here to apply for your free 45-min consulting

For 9 businesses this month we offer an exclusive opportunity to receive
personal consulting from experienced professionals and for a limited time only
we will include our secret blueprint that have generated millions of dollars.
All revealed during your session. That is a total value of $750!

The secret ingredient...


Most owners try the path of trail and error...
Ending up so severely bruised that they don't make it back up.

But I won't let that be you.

The days of hoping for results are over...

No more wishing for things to be better...

No more waiting for the pain to be over...
You are going to be a got damn rockstar!

A superhero with the power of your own time.

A superparent with the power of 200% concentration on your kids.

And a superhuman with the power to make a dent in the universe.

Without further due...
Let me share with you the secret ingredient to your success...


Pain killers...

You heard me.

"Anton, did I really just listen to a weird preach about taking pain killers?"

Indeed you did my friend!

But more precisely...

How to turn vitamins into pain killers.

You see, most businesses offer dull vitamins with some weird artificial orange

Plain and flat solutions that only scrape the surface of peoples actual needs.

I on the other hand am going to teach you how to turn your vitamin solution into
a pain killer!

Something that isn't just nice to have...

Something that your customers can't bare a second without.

Something that makes them question their lives choices every time they're going
to sleep.

A solution that they'd pay almost anything to get their hands on...

All you have to do is click the button and claim your free 45-minute consulting.

Click here to apply for your free 45-min consulting

For 9 businesses this month we offer an exclusive opportunity to receive
personal consulting from experienced professionals and for a limited time only
we will include our secret blueprint that have generated millions of dollars.
All revealed during your session. That is a total value of $750!


Elisabeth.H, HOC

It has been a great experience, liaising with Anton. He bring expertise, skills
and creative thinking – and in addition, his strong enthusiasm and engagement
will leave anyone inspired.

Daniel.N, CEO

Nued has a developed eye for both moving and still images, so if you need
something within that field, book a meeting with them and see what they can do
for you. I was not disappointed.

Carin.W, CEO

We are super satisfied with everything and also very impressed with how you
managed to understand our field of work so quickly.

Marcus.N, Manager

We are very happy with the result. It's almost as good as a Volvo commercial.

Lina S, CEO

Working with Anton is safe, inspiring and sustainable. It always feels very
safe, especially when I accidentally screw up... Then I think "let's call

Alfons.F, CEO

Accuracy, precision and professional service is how I perceive Nued!

Click here to apply for your free 45-min consulting

For 9 businesses this month we offer an exclusive opportunity to receive
personal consulting from experienced professionals and for a limited time only
we will include our secret blueprint that have generated millions of dollars.
All revealed during your session. That is a total value of $750!

total value of $285


137 pages of ruthless strategies, secret techniques and copy-paste systems...

And guess what, it's all for free!

So that you can start growing your business today.

With our without me...

All you have to do is decide which you want first.

Ethical Advertising Report
Ethical Advertising Checklist
Google Ads Report
Facebook Ads Report
Conversion Optimization Report
Click here to apply for your free 45-min consulting




Ethical Advertising definition

Ethical advertising refers to the practice of creating and disseminating
advertising that is truthful, not misleading, and respectful of the audience's
intelligence and dignity. It also involves being sensitive to cultural and
societal norms, and avoiding the exploitation of vulnerable groups.
What is Ethical Advertising?

Ethical Advertising refers to the practice of creating and promoting products
and services in a way that is honest, fair, and respectful of the consumer. It
involves being transparent about the product or service being offered, not
making false or misleading claims, and not exploiting vulnerable groups or
engaging in deceptive practices. Ethical Advertising also involves being
socially responsible, such as by protecting the environment and supporting local
communities. Additionally, it also includes being aware of cultural and societal
norms and avoiding any form of discrimination.
How do I ensure my advertising is ethical?

There are several ways to ensure ethical advertising:
1. Adhere to industry standards: Advertisers should be familiar with and follow
industry standards for ethical advertising, such as guidelines set by the
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the National Advertising Division (NAD).
2. Fact-check: Advertisers should fact-check all claims made in advertising to
ensure that they are truthful and can be substantiated.
3. Avoid exploiting vulnerable groups: Advertisers should avoid creating ads
that target or exploit vulnerable groups, such as children or older adults.
4. Be culturally sensitive: Advertisers should be aware of and respect cultural
and societal norms and avoid creating ads that are culturally insensitive or
5. Be transparent: Advertisers should be transparent about the product or
service being offered, and avoid making false or misleading claims.
6. Be socially responsible: Advertisers should consider the social and
environmental impact of the products or services they are promoting and strive
to promote those that have a positive impact on society and the environment.
7. Seek feedback: Advertisers should seek feedback from a diverse group of
people to ensure that the ad is not offensive or insensitive to certain groups.
8. Use self-regulation: Advertisers should self-regulate their advertising, by
reviewing and monitoring their own ad campaigns, and taking action to correct
any ethical violations.

Or you could just download our Ethical Advertising Checklist...
Can you make the ethical case that advertising agencies should be banned from

It is possible to argue that advertising agencies should be banned from society,
as they can promote consumerism, materialism, and manipulation, as well as
reinforce negative stereotypes and be harmful to society. However, it's
important to note that advertising also has benefits such as promoting new
products and services and creating jobs. Banning advertising entirely is not a
simple solution and would have negative consequences such as loss of jobs and
impact on the economy. Instead, stricter regulations and guidelines should be
implemented to ensure ethical advertising.
Is ethical advertising a paradox?

Ethical advertising and the concept of advertising itself could be seen as a
paradox, as advertising by its nature aims to persuade and influence people to
buy products or services, while ethical advertising aims to be truthful and not
misleading. Advertising can be seen as inherently manipulative and deceitful, as
companies often use persuasive techniques to influence consumer behavior and
make it difficult for consumers to distinguish between truth and fiction in the
messages they receive. However, it is also possible to argue that ethical
advertising is not a paradox, but rather an effort to balance the goals of
advertising with the principles of truthfulness and respect for the consumer.
Ethical advertising strives to provide accurate and truthful information to
consumers, while also being sensitive to cultural and societal norms and
avoiding the exploitation of vulnerable groups. In conclusion, while the concept
of ethical advertising may seem to be in tension with the nature of advertising,
it is possible for advertising to be both effective and ethical if companies
adhere to industry standards, fact-check claims, avoid exploiting vulnerable
groups, be transparent and socially responsible, and seek feedback from diverse
groups of people.
Are ads ethical?

Advertising can be both ethical and unethical depending on the specific ad and
the way it is presented. Ethical advertising is truthful, not misleading, and
respects the audience's intelligence and dignity. It also avoids exploiting
vulnerable groups and is sensitive to cultural and societal norms. On the other
hand, unethical advertising can be misleading, exploit vulnerable groups, and be
culturally insensitive. It's important for advertisers to be aware of these
ethical considerations and ensure that their ads meet ethical standards.
What are ethical issues in advertising?

There are several ethical issues that can arise in advertising, including:
1. Deception: Making false or misleading claims in advertising is considered
unethical. This can include exaggerating the benefits of a product or service,
or making claims that cannot be substantiated.
2. Exploitation: Advertising that targets vulnerable groups, such as children or
older adults, or that exploits societal stereotypes, is considered unethical.
3. Discrimination: Advertising that promotes discrimination or prejudice based
on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or other factors is considered
4. Privacy invasion: Advertising that invades an individual's privacy, or that
uses personal information without consent, is considered unethical.
5. Cultural sensitivity: Advertising that is insensitive to cultural norms, or
that offends certain groups, is considered unethical.
6. Environmental impact: Advertising that promotes products or services that
have a negative impact on the environment, or that is not sustainable, is
considered unethical.
7. Misuse of public resources: Advertising that misuses public resources, such
as by littering or defacing public property, is considered unethical.
Advertisers should be aware of these ethical considerations and strive to create
advertising that is honest, fair, and respectful of consumers and society as a

Why is Ethical Advertising important for business growth

Ethical advertising is important for business growth for several reasons:
1. Building trust: Ethical advertising helps to build trust with consumers. When
consumers trust a brand, they are more likely to purchase from that brand and
recommend it to others.
2. Reputation: Ethical advertising helps to maintain a positive reputation for a
company. Companies with a good reputation are more likely to attract and retain
3. Compliance: Adhering to industry standards for ethical advertising helps
companies comply with legal requirements and avoid penalties and fines.
4. Long-term success: Ethical advertising practices can help a company to
achieve long-term success. Companies that engage in unethical advertising
practices may face legal action or negative publicity, which can harm their
reputation and financial success.
5. Social responsibility: Ethical advertising allows companies to promote
products or services that have a positive impact on society and the environment.
This can help to attract socially conscious consumers and improve the company's
6. Brand differentiation: Ethical advertising can help a company to
differentiate itself from its competitors. Companies that are known for their
ethical advertising practices can attract consumers who are looking for socially
responsible products and services.

In summary, ethical advertising is important for business growth because it
helps to build trust and maintain a positive reputation with consumers, ensures
compliance with legal requirements, and can help a company achieve long-term
success. It also allows companies to promote products or services that have a
positive impact on society and the environment, and differentiate themselves
from their competitors.


Click here to apply for your free 45-min consulting

For 9 businesses this month we offer an exclusive opportunity to receive
personal consulting from experienced professionals and for a limited time only
we will include our secret blueprint that have generated millions of dollars.
All revealed during your session. That is a total value of $750!

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We help businesses with sustainable solutions to acquire more customers


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