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Contaminants Detected in  Fruitland Water Special Service District

30  Total Contaminants in Your Water

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Fruitland Water Special Service District

Population Affected


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Ground water
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Turns Your Tap Water into A Rapid Refreshing Mineral-rich Flow
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Turns Your Tap Water into A Rapid Refreshing Mineral-rich Flow
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A1 Hot Cold Water Dispenser











A1 Hot Cold Water Dispenser
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Electric Water Pitcher(Alkaline)

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Chubby 10 Cups

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Replacement for Everydrop® Filter 1

Replacement for Everydrop® Filter 3

Replacement for RPWFE

Replacement for DA29-00020B

Replacement for LT1000P

Replacement for XWF

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King Tank with Stand
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Car Wash Water Filter

Garden Hose Filter

WHF3T-PG | Municipal tap water

WHF3T-FG | Municipal tap water & Well water

WHF21-PG | Municipal tap water

WHF21-FG | Municipal tap water & Well water

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Waterdrop CoreRO
Systems Launch
Your First Choice for Countertop RO
Up to 20% Off
Buy C1S Basic
Buy C1H Instant Hot
Waterdrop X Series
Reverse Osmosis System
Turns Your Tap Water into
A Rapid Refreshing Mineral-rich Flow
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Pay as low as $183.17/mo.
Hot or Cold,
Always Pure
Waterdrop A2 Hot Cold Countertop RO System New Launch: Enjoy $100 Off with
Exclusive Offers!
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K6 Instant Hot Undersink RO System
Instant Hot, Always Fresh
 * 5-stage deep filtration
 * Hot water at desired temperature in seconds
 * 600 GPD high capacity
 * More possibilities of household water

Shop now
Waterdrop CoreRO
Systems Launch
Your First Choice for Countertop RO
Up to 20% Off
Buy C1S Basic
Buy C1H Instant Hot
Waterdrop X Series
Reverse Osmosis System
Turns Your Tap Water into
A Rapid Refreshing Mineral-rich Flow
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Pay as low as $183.17/mo.


X12 Reverse Osmosis System

$1099.00 $1299.00
G3P800 Reverse Osmosis System

$849.00 $999.00
K6 RO Instant Hot Water Dispenser System

$599.00 $799.00
X8 Tankless Reverse Osmosis System

$699.00 $799.00
A1 Reverse Osmosis Hot Cold Water Dispenser

$529.00 $649.00
G3P600 Tankless RO System

$439.00 $539.00
A2 Reverse Osmosis Hot Cold Water Dispenser

$399.00 $499.00
X16 Reverse Osmosis System

$1,599.00 $1,999.00


Undersink RO
Countertop RO
Instant Hot RO
General Carbon Filters
Countertop Filters
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Refrigerator Filters
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Pitcher Filters
Wholehouse Filters
Faucet Filters
Beauty Filter

Undersink RO
Countertop RO
Instant Hot RO
General Cabon Filters
Countertop Filters
RO Replacement Filters
Refrigerator Filters
Single-stage Systems
Pitcher Filters
Wholehouse Filters
Faucet Filters
Beauty Filter



Waterdrop 2.25-gallon King Tank Gravity Water Filter System, With Stand

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Countertop Faucet Water Filter System

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Countertop Faucet Water Filter System

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K6 Instant Hot RO System

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K6 Instant Hot RO System

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X12 Reverse Osmosis System

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X12 Reverse Osmosis System

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Electric Pitcher Water Filter
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Electric Pitcher Water Filter
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A1 RO Hot Cold Water Dispenser

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A1 RO Hot Cold Water Dispenser
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Make Your House a Home
Countertop Reverse Osmosis Water Dispenser - Waterdrop WD-N1-W

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Countertop Reverse Osmosis Water Dispenser - Waterdrop WD-N1-W

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K19 Countertop RO System

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K19 Countertop RO System

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Timothy StClair
RV Water Filter | RV Inline Water Filter with Flexible Hose Protector
The product works perfectly and hooked right up. The ends had protective cover
and insert to protect the filter before installation. The filters arrived within
a week and were well packaged. The price was reasonable when ordering the 2
pack. Will order again in the future.
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Suzanne LaFollette
Countertop Reverse Osmosis System
I am extremely happy with my purchase. Water is supposed to taste this good! I
no longer buy bottled water. I love it!
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Steven Moore
800GPD Tankless RO System with UV Sterilizing Light - Waterdrop G3P800
quick and easy install for crisp clean water. loving it!
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K6 RO Instant Hot Water Dispenser System
Excellent device. Installation was very easy and the hardware top notch.
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Junaid Khan
Waterdrop G3 Reverse Osmosis Water Filter System
I love waterdrop. They have the best filters and the best products!!
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Paul Fisch
Waterdrop D6 600GPD Reverse Osmosis Water Filter System
Excellent RO system. Faucet looks and functions beautifully. I am happy with my
purchase along with my re-mineralization filter. Water tastes clean and smooth.
I notice the most difference in my morning coffee!
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Justin Thomas
Waterdrop G2P600 Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System for Home
Works even better than expected!
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Christopher Presing
Ultrafiltration Under Sink Water Filter System Waterdrop TSU-W
Pretty easy to setup and install. Works well, tastes great, looks good… so far
this is a fantastic water filter.
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3-stage Under Sink Ultrafiltration Stainless Steel Water Filter System Waterdrop
cat now will drink water from the filtered faucet
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Jerome Wilford
Inline Ultrafiltration Refrigerator Water Filter | Exterior Filtration
System-Universal Fit
Great water filters, also at a great price. If possible I will always buy
Waterdrop Filter.
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Carmen Avecillas
Waterdrop Gravity-fed Water Filter System, Metal Water Level Spigot and Stand
Two black filters
Love the taste of my water and the convenience of this water filter.
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June Gauthier
Water Purifier Pitcher, Chubby White
Great product. Very happy with it. It's delivery system for refilling is a super
feature on top. It refills the water to the below reservoir in record time.
Water taste good. Love this pitcher. Saving me money & having to lug water. And
at 70 yrs. Old that is very important.
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Timothy StClair
RV Water Filter | RV Inline Water Filter with Flexible Hose Protector
The product works perfectly and hooked right up. The ends had protective cover
and insert to protect the filter before installation. The filters arrived within
a week and were well packaged. The price was reasonable when ordering the 2
pack. Will order again in the future.
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Suzanne LaFollette
Countertop Reverse Osmosis System
I am extremely happy with my purchase. Water is supposed to taste this good! I
no longer buy bottled water. I love it!
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Unveil The New Stage Of Better Life With Water
We provide customized water purification solutions for families around the
world, keep drinking water safe and healthy to make your life comfortable and
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The G3P600 offers everything they expect from a reliable and efficient household
filtration system. It has all they need to safeguard the cleanliness and health
of the drinking water.
Reverse-osmosis systems have membranes that remove all your standard
contaminants, plus extras like viruses, bacteria and parasites. Waterdrop G3,
for example, carries an NSF 58 certification, which is one of the highest
filtrations possible.
Waterdrop (G3P800) is NSF 58 certified, one of the highest standards, so it can
stand up to everything from heavy metals to pharmaceuticals to PFAS.
This purifier is also great for RV road trips or camping. The upper bucket fits
into the lower bucket, taking up less space when packing it up to go. The water
tastes fantastic and clean.
Waterdrop G3 RO System is one of the most popular options for homeowners who are
interested in saving space and conserving water.
Ranked as one of the best reverse osmosis systems, the Waterdrop tankless model
has high output for large households.
Aside from its powerful filtration, the most significant advantage of this
instant hot water dispenser is its heating function. It is an excellent choice
for those who want to make tea, coffee, or brew baby infant powder.
The G3P800 reverse osmosis system a total of 800 gallons per day, making it one
of the fastest water filtration systems on the market. Furthermore, it maintains
a 3:1 pure-to-drain ratio.
320 gallons of purified water lasting up to 1 year. Tough on sediment for a
better taste. Reduces lead and removes dust. Made to eliminate unpleasant odors.
Easy to install and use.
Waterdrop D6 Smart LED Faucet. 600 GPD flow rate. Easy DIY installation.
Best Tankless System. Save space under your sink with this tankless reverse
osmosis system.
This 320-gallon capacity behemoth (FC-01) produces 3 months of clean water with
every filter, promising to remove up to 93% of contaminants with 4 water bottle
fills per minute.
Waterdrop is known for its large variety of water filters, with its under-sink
filters range topping the list among them.
Purity Day, initiated by Waterdrop, is a special day dedicated to celebrating
clean water and healthy living.

Over 1,000,000 single-use plastic bottles were discarded every single minute!
Over 60% of plastic bottles end up in landfills and oceans.
Measure your impact on the environment and your wallet.
Enter how many bottles of water you use weekly.

The average person uses 3.65 single-use bottles per week!
Based on your data,
Waterdrop products
would help you…
45.07 lb
of plastic waste every year
It is estimated that over 80% of single-use plastic bottles in the U.S. end up
in landfills. Each of them takes up to 1,000 years to decompose.
9.49 lb
off your carbon footprint per year
It is every Earth citizen’s responsibility to protect the environment. Our
future generations will be grateful for what you’ve done.
$ 457
on your yearly water bill
Using bottled water is much more expensive than investing in a water filter.
Waterdrop products can provide you with clean and safe water.
Based on your data,
Waterdrop products
would help you…
45.07 lb
of plastic waste every year
It is estimated that over 80% of single-use plastic bottles in the U.S. end up
in landfills. Each of them takes up to 1,000 years to decompose.
9.49 lb
off your carbon footprint per year
It is every Earth citizen’s responsibility to protect the environment. Our
future generations will be grateful for what you’ve done.
$ 457
on your yearly water bill
Using bottled water is much more expensive than investing in a water filter.
Waterdrop products can provide you with clean and safe water.
We would like to recommend the following products for you:
Waterdrop Chubby Water Filter Pitcher
• Certified filtration performance
• Long service life
• Meets different water needs
Learn more
Water Filter Dispenser with 1 Filter
• Large capacity design
• Push-and-pull design
• Monitor Filter Life
Learn more
Countertop RO Water Dispenser N1
• Touch Screen Intelligent
• No Installation
• Touch Screen Intelligent
Learn more
Countertop RO Water Dispenser N1
• Touch Screen Intelligent
• No Installation
• Touch Screen Intelligent
Learn more
Ultrafiltration Filter System Waterdrop TSU-W
• 0.01-micron uf membrane
• Smart Indicating System
• Easy Installation
Learn more
G3 Reverse Osmosis Water Filter System
• NSF 58 & 372 certified
• 7-stage deep filtration
• 400GPD fast water flow
Learn more
800GPD Tankless RO System G3P800
• Save 12X More Water
• UV Sterilizer
• Ultra-Large 800G Capacity
Learn more
2.25-gallon King Tank Gravity Water Filter System
• Upgraded Filter - Better Taste
• Upgraded - Visible Water Level
• 2.25 gal-Suitable For Big Family
Learn more
600GPD Under Sink Reverse Osmosis System -D6
• 600 GPD Fast Flow
• Upgraded 6-Stage Filtration
• Easy installation
Learn more
Measure again


How to Make Coffee: Improving the Taste of Your Coffee

Dr. Jonathan Doyle
May 05, 2024

Best Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration Systems of 2024

Dr. Jonathan Doyle
November 23, 2023

Best Water Filter Pitcher for 2024: Trusted Recommendations

Dr. Jonathan Doyle
February 20, 2024
Learn more

How to Make Coffee: Improving the Taste of Your Coffee

Best Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration Systems of 2024

Best Water Filter Pitcher for 2024: Trusted Recommendations

Learn more
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