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Submitted URL: https://fdottree.info/
Effective URL: https://www.fdottree.org/
Submission: On July 20 via api from US — Scanned from IT

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    <div id="HeaderGraphic" class="row"> Welcome to FDOTree <div style="font-size: 15px; margin-left: 2px; margin-top: 20px;"> An initiative by FDOT District Two to educate, communicate and provide public outreach for our landscaping program </div>
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        <div class="SectionHeader" style="font-size: 28px;">What is FDOTree?</div>
        <div id="WelcomeText">
          <img src="images/map.png" style="float: right;" alt="District 2 Map"> FDOTree is an innovative landscape initiative developed in District Two to help educate the public about FDOT's landscaping program to elaborate on the program’s benefits
          and challenges. Another goal of the FDOTree initiative is to encourage our internal designers, planners and other professionals that build our roads to be more thoughtful regarding tree removal, pond placement and other aesthetic items that
          may affect the natural vegetation.<br>
          <div style="background-color: #CA782F;padding:7px;text-align:center;">
            <a href="EandO.aspx?x=4" style="color: white;">Click here to see an award winning FDOTree project!</a>
          <br> In essence, District Two's FDOTree Program has three main goals: Educate, Communicate and Outreach. <br>
          <a href="EandO.aspx?x=3">See FAQ</a>
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          <div class="SectionHeader">District Landscape and Beautification</div>
            <img src="images/Cheek%20photo.jpg" style="width: 80px; float: left; margin-right: 15px;" alt="Ken Cheek Photo">
            <p> Ken Cheek, RLA is the district landscape architect for district two. He began his work for the Florida Department of Transportation in 1997 and assisted district two with a variety of landscape projects. He has guided DOT Central
              Office to improve Florida’s landscaping efforts through specification modifications and policy considerations. Ken has been instrumental in influencing major roadway corridor improvements and developments in North Florida. </p>
            <p> Ken is a strong believer in FDOTree and has made it a priority to ensure that all future roadway projects are designed with both aesthetic and environmental sensitivity. He makes it a priority in his day-to-day tasks to engage and
              encourage all professionals within the department to treat each project with the same care for the environment as him. </p>
              <strong>FDOTree Contact Infomation</strong><br> 1109 South Marion Avenue<br> Lake City, FL 32025<br>
              <img src="images/phone-small-icon.png" alt="phone"> 386-961-7453<br>
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              <a href="mailto:Kenneth.Cheek@dot.state.fl.us">Send an email</a>
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Text Content

FDOT Emergency Travel Alert: For information on the current situation, please
visit the following page - Alerts.

Florida Department of
Safety, Innovation, Mobility, Attract, Retain & Train
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 * Welcome
 * About FDOTree
 * Upcoming Public Meetings
 * FDOTree Projects
 * Education & Outreach
 * Contact FDOTree

Welcome to FDOTree
An initiative by FDOT District Two to educate, communicate and provide public
outreach for our landscaping program
What is FDOTree?
FDOTree is an innovative landscape initiative developed in District Two to help
educate the public about FDOT's landscaping program to elaborate on the
program’s benefits and challenges. Another goal of the FDOTree initiative is to
encourage our internal designers, planners and other professionals that build
our roads to be more thoughtful regarding tree removal, pond placement and other
aesthetic items that may affect the natural vegetation.

Click here to see an award winning FDOTree project!

In essence, District Two's FDOTree Program has three main goals: Educate,
Communicate and Outreach.

District Landscape and Beautification

Ken Cheek, RLA is the district landscape architect for district two. He began
his work for the Florida Department of Transportation in 1997 and assisted
district two with a variety of landscape projects. He has guided DOT Central
Office to improve Florida’s landscaping efforts through specification
modifications and policy considerations. Ken has been instrumental in
influencing major roadway corridor improvements and developments in North

Ken is a strong believer in FDOTree and has made it a priority to ensure that
all future roadway projects are designed with both aesthetic and environmental
sensitivity. He makes it a priority in his day-to-day tasks to engage and
encourage all professionals within the department to treat each project with the
same care for the environment as him.

FDOTree Contact Infomation
1109 South Marion Avenue
Lake City, FL 32025

Send an email


FDOTree Projects
Education & Outreach
Contact FDOTree
 * Contact Us
 * Employment
 * FDOT Performance
 * MyFlorida.com
 * Statement of Agency
 * Web Policies & Notices

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Florida Department of Transportation