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Research Publications series Climate control on banded iron formations linked to
orbital eccentricity iPhone Screenshots

A key problem is the uncertainty in BIF depositional rates due to the lack of
high-quality radio-isotopic ages. This metre-thick BIF succession is a suitable
target for exploring our Milankovitch working hypothesis, because it contains
several volcanic ash layers 22 which can be dated with high accuracy and
precision using U-Pb high-precision isotope dilution techniques, and shows
rhythmic bedding on multiple scales 23 , 24 ,.

Previous observations from the Kuruman BIF were solely based on drill-core 16 ,
Instead, we concentrated on field exposures, as stratigraphic changes in
composition are often visually enhanced by the effects of weathering. Field
exposures of the Kuruman BIF show clearly-defined, regular alternations in the
weathering profile Fig. S1, S2. More specifically, a rhythmic alternation is
visible between well-exposed, protruding BIF, and deeply weathered, poorly
exposed intervals. The weathering-resistant intervals tend to form steep cliffs,
whereas the unexposed sections form gentle slopes, thus causing variations in

These alternations occur on two distinct scales, namely at ca 5 m and 20 m,
producing a hierarchical stacking pattern with typically two to four indurated
ridges grouped together into larger scale bundles. Lithological observations
indicate higher concentrations of iron oxide-rich beds in the indurated and iron
carbonate-rich beds in the soft intervals Supplementary Fig. S3 — S5. The
alternations show a consistent pattern between different sections in the
Griqualand West basin.

Photos are from sections Whitebank a , Prieska b and Woodstock c. The
alternations form a characteristic pattern that is laterally continuous over km.
We subsequently recognised the same pattern near Prieska, km towards the south.
In total, we logged eight characteristic bundles labelled 1- 8 , each made up of
a number of exposed intervals labelled a — d with a typical weathering profile

Proposed correlations are shown in Figure 2. Blue zones mark our proposed
correlations of the characteristic ridges labelled a-d and bundles labelled 1 —
8 between the sections. Bandpass filter outputs are indicated on the righthand
side of each log. However, its stratigraphic position with respect to our
characteristic cycles is inferred from correlations with drill-core, because it
does not crop out in the field.

S2, S4. Yellow colors indicate carbonate-dominated intervals, blue colors the
oxide-dominated see Supplementary Fig. S3 for a complete legend. Spectral
analysis results suggest a cyclic origin for the two scales of alternations
observed in the Kuruman BIF weathering profile. Bandpass filtering confirms the
link between the 4. The two filtered signals reveal a to cycle ratio, with the
longer-period waveform following the amplitude modulation of the shorter-period

Additional filtering Supplementary Fig. S8 and evolutive harmonic analysis
Figure 3b indicate that the pronounced peak splitting double peaks in the two
main frequency bands Fig. In Figure 3b , the two high amplitude peaks in the
lower portion of the stratigraphy show a systematic shift towards higher
frequencies between cycle 3b and 5a, suggesting an upward decrease in
depositional rate.

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Blue zones indicate the two areas of enhanced spectral power that are linked to
the characteristic alternations and bundles. The peaks at 1 - 3 m are considered
artefactual harmonics Supplementary Fig. White arrows mark the frequency shift
of the two main high amplitude components between cycle 3b and 5a mean periods
are indicated in metres. Our cyclostratigraphic results strongly argue for a
Milankovitch influence on the formation of the Kuruman BIF.

The discovery of rhythmic alternations that are continuous over km forms direct
evidence for widespread, cyclic paleoenvironmental changes affecting the
deposition. Astronomical climate forcing is the only mechanism that can explain
the cyclic nature and hierarchical ordering of the characteristic alternations.
Moreover, the systematic shift of the two dominant wavelengths with
stratigraphic height Fig.

A possible argument against our Milankovitch interpretation are the somewhat
lower confidence levels of the 16 — 22 m components Supplementary Table S2 , but
this can be explained in a number of ways Supplementary Text S5. Both cycles are
known to have a strong stratigraphic imprint as amplitude modulators of the
climatic precession cycle Moreover, their periods are thought to be relatively
robust in deep time.

In particular the kyr cycle is considered very stable, resulting from the
rotational orbital motions of Venus and Jupiter g 2 — g 5 Alternatively, the
pattern could be linked to the superposition of the kyr and moderately strong,
very long now 2. In contrast to the kyr cycle, the very long 2.

As a consequence, its period may become shorter than 2. In this case, a shorter
period around 1. Other Milankovitch options that include precession or obliquity
are unlikely since they do not match the observed ratio between the two cycles
Supplementary Text S6. Precise and accurate U-Pb geochronology should be able to
distinguish between options 1 and 2.

Therefore, significant Pb loss is still observed in most grains.

Fortunately, at least one grain from each sample gave concordant results where
both U-Pb geochronometers agree within uncertainty , which provides a high level
of confidence in the calculated age. The grey band represents the uncertainty on
the Concordia curve due to the decay constant uncertainties. Therefore, the
consistency between the U-Pb and the cyclostratigraphic results strongly argues
for Hypothesis 2.

Tying the small-scale alternations to the stable kyr cycle, a to cycle ratio
would suggests a period between 1. This is shorter but within uncertainty
consistent with the average 1. Bandpass filtering Supplementary Fig. S8 suggests
that the actual cycle ratio lies between If Rockwell cannot continue to acquire
properties to explore for mineral resources, it may be required to reduce or
cease operations.


The mineral exploration, development, and production industry is largely
unintegrated. Rockwell competes with other exploration companies looking for
mineral resource properties and the resources that can be produced from them.
However, the mining business operates in a worldwide market, and prices for
minerals are derived from relatively pure market forces. Accordingly,
competition to sell any metals or concentrates produced should not be an issue
if metals prices warrant production.

Rockwell competes with many companies possessing greater financial resources and
technical facilities.

This competition could adversely affect Rockwell's ability to acquire suitable
prospects for exploration in the future. Accordingly, there can be no assurance
that Rockwell will acquire any interest in additional mineral resource
properties that might yield reserves or result in commercial mining operations.
In January , the Company completed all the conditions under the Definitive
Agreement to acquire Durnpike. Rockwell requires additional financing in order
to continue in business as a going concern, the availability of which is
uncertain. Rockwell requires additional financing to fund its operations.

The Company has estimated that it will have adequate funds from existing working
capital to meet our corporate, operational, development, administrative and
property obligations for the coming year.

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The Company will periodically need to obtain additional financing, and while it
has been successful in the past, there can be no assurance that it will be able
to do so in the future. Any additional equity financing that Rockwell undertakes
could be dilutive to existing shareholders, and any debt financing that Rockwell
undertakes could involve restrictive covenants with respect to future capital
raising activities and other financial and operational matters.

Management recognizes that the group will need to generate additional financial
resources in order to discharge its liabilities and achieve its planned business
objectives. Although Rockwell has obtained the usual industry standard title
reports with respect to its properties, this should not be construed as a
guarantee of title. Properties may be subject to prior unregistered agreements
or transfers, or native land claims, and title may be affected by undetected
defects. Certain of the claims may be under dispute and resolutions of a dispute
may result in the loss of all of such property or a reduction in Rockwell's
interest therein.

Not all of Rockwell's properties have been surveyed and, accordingly, the
precise location of the boundaries of the properties and ownership of mineral
rights on specific tracts of land comprising the. It is therefore possible that
if Rockwell discovers a mineral deposit near the boundary of one of its
properties, such mineral deposit may end up being outside the boundary of its
property and therefore not owned by Rockwell.

Some of Rockwell's directors and officers serve on the boards of other
exploration companies, which could potentially give rise to conflicts of
interest. Some of Rockwell's directors and officers are engaged, and will
continue to be engaged, in the search for additional business opportunities on
their own behalf and on behalf of other companies.


S. Afr., Univ. of the Orange Free State, Bloemfontein (), pp. Bristow, C.B.
SmithImproved precision of Rb Sr dating of kimberlitic micas. Clean-up of the
site, which is about two hours' drive from Prieska, only began four years ago,
courtesy of the new South African government.

Situations may arise where these directors and officers will be in direct
competition with Rockwell. Conflicts, if any, will be dealt with in accordance
with the relevant provisions of the Business Corporations Act British Columbia
and applicable law. The loss of any of Rockwell's key management employees could
have a material adverse effect on Rockwell's business.

The nature of Rockwell's business and Rockwell's ability to continue its
exploration activities and to exploit any mineral reserves that it may find in
the future depends, in large part, on Rockwell's ability to attract and maintain
qualified key management personnel. Competition for such personnel is intense,
and there can be no assurance that Rockwell will be able to attract and retain
such personnel.

Rockwell's development now and in the future will depend on the efforts of key
management figures, such as John W. The loss of any of these key people could
have a material adverse effect on Rockwell's business. Rockwell does not
currently maintain key-man life insurance on any of its key employees.
Rockwell's properties are located in South Africa, the Democratic Republic of
the Congo, and Chile and its operations there may be affected by varying degrees
of political and economic uncertainties.

Operations also may be affected in varying degrees by government regulations
with respect to restrictions on production, repatriation of profits, price
controls, export controls, income taxes, expropriations or property,
environmental legislation and mine safety.


The DRC has been the subject to significant political and civil unrest. In , the
DRC completed a transition to multi-party democracy after a long history of
one-party Marxist rule. However, the s were subject to periods of violent civil
unrest, including a low-level guerrilla war waged against the government by a
group known as the "Ninjas" in the Pool region of the country.

The DRC has remained stable and calm since the signing of a peace accord with
the Ninjas in March Any resources that are freed by interim debt relief granted
to Congo must be used for poverty reduction under a reform program closely
monitored by the international financial institutions. There is no assurance
that Rockwell's operations in the DRC will not be affected in the future by
political and economic instability, terrorism, crime, extreme fluctuations in
currency exchange rates and inflation.

There can be no assurance that the current economic and political stability in
Chile will continue throughout the period in which Rockwell is looking to
explore and operate its properties or that government regulations will not be
changed in a way that will adversely affect Rockwell's operations in the
country. Any shifts in political or economic conditions, and any changes to
government regulations relating to the mining industry and foreign investors in
Chile are beyond the control of Rockwell and may adversely affect its business.

South African government empowerment initiatives may adversely affect Rockwell's
ability to obtain or maintain permits and licenses for mining rights in South
Africa. In order to address inequalities to Historically Disadvantaged Persons
"HDP" engendered by South Africa's former apartheid system, the South African
Government has initiated certain government empowerment initiatives.

In October , the South African government enacted the Mineral Development Act
that deals with the state's policy towards the future of ownership of minerals
rights and the procedures for conducting mining transactions in South Africa.



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