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Submission: On May 01 via api from US — Scanned from DE
Submission: On May 01 via api from US — Scanned from DE
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<span class="btn px-10 py-2 bg-[#999999] border-[#999999] text-[14px] text-center font-medium leading-[18px] text-white peer-checked:bg-primary peer-checked:border-primary rounded-r-lg">Reply to Email</span>
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<div x-data="content" class="col-span-full">
<label class="space-y-1.5">
<span class="flex justify-between">
<span class="form-label">Purpose of the email</span>
<a class="text-sm text-primary hover:underline focus:underline" href="javascript:void(0)" x-on:click="fetchExample">Example</a>
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placeholder="Invitation to a meeting for the IT department on Tuesday at 12.00" name="content" cols="50"></textarea>
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<label class="space-y-1.5">
<span class="form-label">Tone</span>
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<option value="friendly" selected="selected">Friendly</option>
<option value="informative">Informative</option>
<option value="professional">Professional</option>
<option value="encouraging">Encouraging</option>
<option value="neutral">Neutral</option>
<option value="formal">Formal</option>
<option value="persuasive">Persuasive</option>
<option value="concise">Concise</option>
<option value="empathetic">Empathetic</option>
<option value="assertive">Assertive</option>
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<span class="form-label">Language</span>
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<option value="arabic">Arabic</option>
<option value="chinese-simplified">Chinese (Simplified)</option>
<option value="chinese-traditional">Chinese (Traditional)</option>
<option value="czech">Czech</option>
<option value="danish">Danish</option>
<option value="dutch">Dutch</option>
<option value="english-american" selected="selected">English (American)</option>
<option value="english-australian">English (Australian)</option>
<option value="english-british">English (British)</option>
<option value="finnish">Finnish</option>
<option value="french-canada">French (Canada)</option>
<option value="french-france">French (France)</option>
<option value="german">German</option>
<option value="greek">Greek</option>
<option value="hindi">Hindi</option>
<option value="hungarian">Hungarian</option>
<option value="indonesian">Indonesian</option>
<option value="italian">Italian</option>
<option value="japanese">Japanese</option>
<option value="korean">Korean</option>
<option value="norwegian">Norwegian</option>
<option value="polish">Polish</option>
<option value="portuguese-brazil">Portuguese (Brazil)</option>
<option value="portuguese-portugal">Portuguese (Portugal)</option>
<option value="romanian">Romanian</option>
<option value="russian">Russian</option>
<option value="spanish-latin-america">Spanish (Latin America)</option>
<option value="spanish-spain">Spanish (Spain)</option>
<option value="swedish">Swedish</option>
<option value="thai">Thai</option>
<option value="turkish">Turkish</option>
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<div class="col-span-full">
<div class="space-y-1.5">
<span class="form-label">Length</span>
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<span class="form-label">Sender <small>(optional)</small></span>
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<span class="form-label">Recipient <small>(optional)</small></span>
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<span class="group-[.oc-attach-loader]:hidden">Generate my email with AI</span>
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<span class="form-label">Result of the AI Generated Email</span>
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<span>Copy Email</span>
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content: '',
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fetchExample() {
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success: (data) => {
fetchReceivedExample() {
$.request('onGetReceivedExample', {
success: (data) => {
async typeContent(content) {
this.content = '';
for (let i = 0; i < content.length; i++) {
this.content += content[i];
await sleep();
Text Content
* Features * How does it work? * FAQ FREE AI EMAIL GENERATOR ONLINE Power the way you communicate with AI. Create impactful and persuasive emails in a smart way. Don't waste time in front of a blank screen! Generate ideas just by specifying the tone, language, length, and target. New Email Reply to Email Purpose of the email Example Tone FriendlyInformativeProfessionalEncouragingNeutralFormalPersuasiveConciseEmpatheticAssertive Language ArabicChinese (Simplified)Chinese (Traditional)CzechDanishDutchEnglish (American)English (Australian)English (British)FinnishFrench (Canada)French (France)GermanGreekHindiHungarianIndonesianItalianJapaneseKoreanNorwegianPolishPortuguese (Brazil)Portuguese (Portugal)RomanianRussianSpanish (Latin America)Spanish (Spain)SwedishThaiTurkish Length Short Medium Long Sender (optional) Recipient (optional) Generate my email with AI Result of the AI Generated Email Copy Email MAIL GENERATOR AI FEATURES * PERSONALIZED EMAIL CREATOR Our email creator adapts to your needs to generate personalized emails - no more generic and dull emails! * INCREASED EMAIL RESPONSE RATE Free and professional email generator prepares compelling messages that capture your receivers' attention and drive them to act! * IMPROVED EMAIL CONTENT QUALITY AI writer reviews and optimizes the email to ensure every word is powerful and persuasive. Your message will be delivered quick and clearly - as if you had a personal assistant! HOW TO GENERATE EMAILS ONLINE? It's easy! Just fill in the fields in the form, include relevant keywords, and can create email content tailored to your preference. Let’s see our pro email writer in action! FAQS: LEARN EVERYTHING ABOUT OUR FREE AI EMAIL GENERATOR! HOW DOES A PROFESSIONAL AI MESSAGES WRITER WORK? An AI email generator uses natural language processing techniques to understand user-specified prompts such as message tone, length, language, and goals. The free AI based writer analyzes existing text structures and auto creates consistent, relevant, and personalized email content for a predefined target audience. HOW TO CORRECTLY FILL IN THE EMAIL DATA FOR MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY? To optimize the results when using our AI-free email writing online, we recommend you provide all the relevant information to the AI writer, and ensure the email's objective, audience, and keywords are clear and precise. The more information you provide to the AI writer, the more personalized email content the free AI message writer can auto create to meet your needs. IS THE ONLINE AI EMAIL GENERATOR FREE TO USE? Yes. We offer our customers a free AI messages generator online. You can enjoy all the features of our quick email creator tool at no cost, with no limitations or hidden fees. Let our smart assistant write an email now! IS THE AI POWERED EMAIL TOOL EASY TO USE? The AI for email writing is intuitive, quick, and very easy to use. Our user-friendly AI interface will guide you through data entry and content generation in just a few seconds. You don't need to learn advanced technical skills to use an online AI message writer, as it is accessible to different users, regardless of the purpose of their email: business, marketing, and others. WHAT KIND OF EMAILS IS THE AI EMAIL WRITER ONLINE USED FOR? The generates emails for a wide variety of business purposes, such as ab email marketing strategy, follow-up emails, also it is helpful in composing emails for providing a complete response to customers (informational emails), for selling your products and services (sales emails), for requesting information, and much more – the tool is 100% useful for all needs. Its adaptability to various situations and uses makes it the best AI for writing emails. HOW DOES AN AI GENERATOR LETTER TOOL GENERATE EMAIL? Being one of the best AI email tools, our solution analyzes the patterns and text structures the user enters in order to auto generate email. It uses natural language processing techniques combined with machine learning algorithms to understand the user's context and preferences for their email. With that information, the AI email marketing tool generates personalized text that fits the requirements of the email. CAN THIS PROFESSIONAL EMAIL WRITING AI SOLUTION HANDLE MULTIPLE EMAIL DRAFTS SIMULTANEOUSLY? Yes, the best AI online email generator can handle multiple email drafts simultaneously so that you can speed up your idea generation, message delivery, and implementation of your marketing and sales strategies or shorten your customer response time. HOW FAST CAN AI FOR LETTERS WRITING CREATE EMAILS? It only takes a few seconds to create an email with our pro AI email writer free online tool; the AI writer auto analyzes and processes the text entered to create a message tailored to your instructions, allowing you to save time and effort to send the right message, so you can focus on your business. HOW CAN AN AI EMAIL WRITER BE USED IN BUSINESS? For sure, businesses can use our best AI email generator to help write emails. Our email writing AI free solution allows you to create compelling and persuasive emails in various areas, such as marketing, sales, customer service, and internal communications. It also helps you to streamline employees' work processes and increase customer response rates. CAN I TRUST THE AI EMAIL GENERATOR TO WRITE PROFESSIONAL EMAILS? Yes, you can use AI as a professional email writer. The high precision of the writer algorithms allows you to generate a formal, coherent, and well-structured message that fits your company's business standards and tone to respond to your partners, employees, and customers. CAN I CUSTOMIZE THE MESSAGES POWERED BY EMAIL MARKETING AI TOOLS? Once our AI-powered email generator has auto created a message, you can edit and adjust the content to tailor it further to your specific needs and objectives. Because of the AI writer flexibility, you can use this app to add or refine the message according to your preferences, giving it that personal touch to meet your brand voice. WHY IS OUR AI EMAIL WRITE SOLUTION BETTER THAN CHAT GPT OR ANOTHER CREATOR? Our AI tool is better than other apps to help write emails, because it is a writer solution designed specifically for email creation that will use AI to write email. Unlike Chat GPT writer, which is a natural language model, our AI writer solution's algorithms are more powerful and accurate because of its unique configuration to meet the specifics parameters of an email structure. CAN I USE AI EMAIL WRITING SOLUTION ON MOBILE DEVICES? Yes, this is one of the best AI powered email tools because it is available whenever and wherever you need it. Our AI writer interface is compatible with computers, tablets, smartphones, and different operating systems such as Windows, Android, and iOS, and works quick wherever you use it. IS THE AI TO WRITE AN EMAIL SOLUTION ANONYMOUS AND SECURE? Yes, we assure each of our users’ total anonymity. Our strict AI writer data privacy policy and protocols ensure that your personal information and messages about your business or email accounts provided are fully encrypted. DOES THE MAILGENERATOR.AI SUPPORT MULTIPLE LANGUAGES? Yes, our pro email generator can auto process text entries in different languages and issue a quick and accurate response in the same language. Our service helps people write emails with the aid of AI every day. * Privacy * Terms Contact: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- © 2024 Mail Generator AI