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"We're warming up so we don't want to pull a muscle while we're cheering." Sullivan said. * STAFF PHOTO BY SCOTT THRELKELD * Facebook * Twitter * WhatsApp * SMS * Email * Print * Save Kansas Jayhawks fans are all fired up for the NCAA Final Four men's basketball game against the Villanova Wildcats at the Caesars Superdome in New Orleans on Saturday, April 2, 2022. * STAFF PHOTO BY DAVID GRUNFELD * Facebook * Twitter * WhatsApp * SMS * Email * Print * Save Fans head to the NCAA Final Four men's semifinal basketball games at the Caesars Superdome in New Orleans on Saturday, April 2, 2022. * STAFF PHOTO BY SOPHIA GERMER * Facebook * Twitter * WhatsApp * SMS * Email * Print * Save Fans swarm into Champions Square before the start of the NCAA Final Four men's semifinal basketball games at the Caesars Superdome in New Orleans on Saturday, April 2, 2022. * STAFF PHOTO BY SOPHIA GERMER * Facebook * Twitter * WhatsApp * SMS * Email * Print * Save Fans swarm into Champion Square before the start of the NCAA Final Four semifinal games at the Caesars Superdome in New Orleans, Saturday, April 2, 2022. (Photo by Sophia Germer, NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune | The New Orleans Advocate) * STAFF PHOTO BY SOPHIA GERMER * Facebook * Twitter * WhatsApp * SMS * Email * Print * Save Fans head to the NCAA men's Final Four semifinal basketball games at the Caesars Superdome in New Orleans on Saturday, April 2, 2022. * STAFF PHOTO BY SOPHIA GERMER * Facebook * Twitter * WhatsApp * SMS * Email * Print * Save prev next AT THE FINAL FOUR, IT'S 'VS UP,' 'ROCK CHALK, JAYHAWK' AND A SEA OF BLUE IN NEW ORLEANS THOUSANDS OF KANSAS, VILLANOVA, NORTH CAROLINA AND DUKE FANS TALK SMACK, SHOW OFF TEAM SWAG * BY KATY RECKDAHL | Contributing writer KATY RECKDAHL * Author email * Published Apr 2, 2022 at 7:04 pm | Updated Apr 3, 2022 at 8:53 am * Published Apr 2, 2022 at 7:04 pm | Updated Apr 3, 2022 at 8:53 am * * Facebook * Twitter * WhatsApp * SMS * Email 1 of 4 Kansas Jayhawks fans Alex Sullivan, left, and Martin Moore bump chests before the first NCAA Final Four men's basketball game at the Caesars Superdome in New Orleans on Saturday, April 2, 2022. "We're warming up so we don't want to pull a muscle while we're cheering." Sullivan said. * STAFF PHOTO BY SCOTT THRELKELD Fans head to the NCAA Final Four men's semifinal basketball games at the Caesars Superdome in New Orleans on Saturday, April 2, 2022. * STAFF PHOTO BY SOPHIA GERMER Fans swarm into Champions Square before the start of the NCAA Final Four men's semifinal basketball games at the Caesars Superdome in New Orleans on Saturday, April 2, 2022. * STAFF PHOTO BY SOPHIA GERMER Fans swarm into Champion Square before the start of the NCAA Final Four semifinal games at the Caesars Superdome in New Orleans, Saturday, April 2, 2022. (Photo by Sophia Germer, NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune | The New Orleans Advocate) * STAFF PHOTO BY SOPHIA GERMER prev next * Facebook * Twitter * WhatsApp * SMS * Email * Print * Save KATY RECKDAHL * Author email Follow Katy Reckdahl Close GET EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS ON {{SUBJECT}} DAILY! Your notification has been saved. There was a problem saving your notification. {{description}} Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. Save Manage followed notifications Close FOLLOWED NOTIFICATIONS PLEASE LOG IN TO USE THIS FEATURE Log In Don't have an account? Sign Up Today On a wide sidewalk in New Orleans’ Central Business District, a group of students in their 20s lit up Saturday as they met a group of white-haired men. “Vs up!” both groups yelled, flashing peace signs that matched the Villanova University Vs emblazoned on their dark blue and white shirts. In the lobby of the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, a group of students dressed in blue and crimson explained why fans from the University of Kansas yell “Rock chalk, Jayhawk:” It refers to the type of white limestone that surrounds their campus in Lawrence. Visitors such as these brought longtime rivalries and game-day smack talk to streets of the CBD and to the NCAA men’s basketball Final Four Fan Fest at the convention center, where thousands of people bought team and tournament swag, competed with their best slam-dunk shots and cheerleading moves, took selfies with the actual championship trophy and watched videos about the confluence between sports and social justice. 'WAVING THE WHEAT' Looking at Saturday night’s first game, pitting the Jayhawks against the Villanova Wildcats, Kansas students predicted a triumph - but not a blowout - with their team taking the game by a 5-point margin, thanks partly to Villanova star Justin Moore being out with a torn Achilles tendon. But they had considerably more swagger about the Kansas fan base. Villanova would be wildly outperformed, they said, by Kansas fans, who are renowned for their home-court chants at Allen Fieldhouse. They planned to give the Jayhawks a similar boost in the Caesars Superdome, said Ronnie-Sue Starnes, a first-year student who boasted that the university’s student section is “the loudest in the world.” Kansas Jayhawks fans are all fired up for the NCAA Final Four men's basketball game against the Villanova Wildcats at the Caesars Superdome in New Orleans on Saturday, April 2, 2022. STAFF PHOTO BY DAVID GRUNFELD Whenever the Jayhawks are doing well, fans sway with one arm in the air, a gesture known as “Waving the Wheat,” a nod to Kansas’ most familiar crop, said Hayley Lisak, also a first-year student. Overall, Kansas likely had many more alumni and students in New Orleans for the weekend, as Villanova’s student body of about 7,000 is less than a quarter of Kansas' enrollment. “It’s like David versus Goliath,” said George Coleman, 65, a 1978 graduate of Villanova and father of two Villanova alums. Of course, Coleman noted, in the Biblical story little David took the day, felling the giant Goliath. Despite Moore’s injury, Coleman hoped for a similar result on Saturday for the intimate Catholic university, located just outside Philadelphia, that he still sees as family. LOCAL FAVORITE Plus, for this year’s Final Four, his Wildcats stood to get some local assistance, from New Orleanians cheering for Villanova standout Caleb Daniels, who graduated from St. Augustine High School, said Jonathan Gust, the university’s vice president for communications. Other New Orleans area residents showed up at the convention center in jerseys printed in sky blue and navy blue, for the University of North Carolina and Duke University, which faced off in Saturday night’s second game. Fans head to the NCAA men's Final Four semifinal basketball games at the Caesars Superdome in New Orleans on Saturday, April 2, 2022. STAFF PHOTO BY SOPHIA GERMER A single household from Marrero was split in its loyalties, with Amanda Higgins dressed in a Carolina jersey while her partner, Beth Smock, wore a Duke T-shirt. Neither had personal affiliation with either school, having grown up near Pittsburgh, as did their childhood friend, Bill Hughes, who became a Duke fan after watching the Blue Devils win the Final Four championship in 1986, when he was 9. He’s since traveled to more than a dozen states to see Duke play. Though often he arrives to games certain that the Blue Devils will triumph, Hughes couldn’t be so sure this year. “Even though Duke had more talent, I’m nervous about Carolina ending Coach K’s career with a loss,” he said, referencing retiring Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski and noting that Carolina triumphed in the most recent matchup between the teams. Still, none of the past really mattered now, he said. “Because of the rivalry between these two teams, you can throw the records out the door.” NEXT 360p 720p HD 1080p HD Auto (360p) About Connatix V157383 About Connatix V157383 1/1 Skip Ad Continue watching after the ad Visit Advertiser websiteGO TO PAGE This Day in History Sponsored by Connatix SHOPPING Purchases made via links on our site may earn us an affiliate commission SAVE 28% ON THIS MASSAGING FOOTREST FOR THE ULTIMATE STRESS RELIEF HERE’S A TOP PERFORMING APPLE COMPUTER FOR A PRICE THAT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND GET CYBER MONDAY SAVINGS ON THIS 4-STAR-REVIEWED DATA BACK UP SYSTEM * Facebook * Twitter * WhatsApp * SMS * Email * Print * Save MORE INFORMATION Article with images+5 LIVE UPDATES: DUKE AND NORTH CAROLINA DO BATTLE FOR A SHOT AT KANSAS Kansas took down Villanova in a battle of first game of the Final Four on Saturday night at the Caesars Superdome in New Orleans You can follo… * Kansas hopes to avenge lost 2020 season with win in national championship * 'Corny' preseason motivation from Hubert Davis helps lead North Carolina to New Orleans * Rod Walker: Kansas vs. North Carolina title game has tough act to follow after epic semifinal * Breaking down the championship matchup of blue bloods Kansas and North Carolina Recommended for You Dogecoin price: Is it set for a new rally? 79.17% of retail CFD accounts lose money. 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