dashboard.hunsy.dev Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

URL: https://dashboard.hunsy.dev/
Submission: On November 21 via api from US — Scanned from US

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

<form type="button" class="flex flex-col justify-center first:ml-auto ml-2 mr-2  grow information-widget-search information-widget-form">
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Text Content



 * Jenkins
   Jenkins Server Loginpage
 * Bitbucket
   Bitbucket Server Login Page: Requires Tailscale VPN to be Enabled.
 * Traefik
   Traefik Dashboard for Jenkins Server
 * Verdaccio
   Verdaccio NPM Registry
 * MongoDB
   MongoDB Database


 * https://hunsy.dev/
   Stage Landingpage
 * https://app.hunsy.dev/
   Stage App
 * https://admin.hunsy.dev/
   Stage Admin Panel
 * Grafana
   Grafana Dashboard for Hunsy Stage
 * ArgoCD
   ArgoCD Dashboard for Hunsy Stage
 * Traefik
   Traefik Dashboard for Hunsy Stage
 * Pritunl
   Pritunl VPN for Hunsy Stage
 * AmazonMQ
   AmazonMQ for Hunsy Stage
 * Kibana
   Kibana Dashboard for Hunsy Stage. Requires Open-VPN for Stage to be Enabled.
 * Kubecost
   Kubecost Dashboard for Hunsy Stage


 * https://suggie.com/
   Production Landingpage
 * https://app.suggie.com/
   Production App
 * https://admin.suggie.com/
   Production Admin Panel
 * Grafana
   Grafana Dashboard for Hunsy Production
 * ArgoCD
   ArgoCD Dashboard for Hunsy Production
 * Traefik
   Traefik Dashboard for Hunsy Production
 * Pritunl
   Pritunl VPN for Hunsy Production
 * AmazonMQ
   AmazonMQ for Hunsy Production
 * Kibana
   Kibana Dashboard for Hunsy Production. Requires Open-VPN for PROD to be
 * Kubecost
   Kubecost Dashboard for Hunsy Production


 * Twilio
   Loginpage for Twilio
 * SendBird
   Loginpage for SendBird
 * GoDaddy
   Loginpage for GoDaddy
 * Postmark
   Loginpage for Postmark
 * Giphy
   Loginpage for Giphy
 * Hetzner
   Loginpage for Hetzner
 * Hivemoderation
   Loginpage for Hivemoderation
 * au10tix | Stage
   Loginpage for au10tix | Stage
 * au10tix | Production
   Loginpage for au10tix | Production
 * Fixer
   Loginpage for Fixer
 * Cookie-Script
   Loginpage for Cookie-Script