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Submitted URL: http://www.tndp.org/
Effective URL: https://www.tndp.org/
Submission: On August 19 via api from DE — Scanned from DE
Effective URL: https://www.tndp.org/
Submission: On August 19 via api from DE — Scanned from DE
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Text Content
CHIP IN $25 TO HELP DEFEAT BILL LEE! Official Website of the Tennessee Democratic Party * Home * Our Party * TNDP Chair * TNDP Staff * Elected Officials * Executive Committee * County Parties * Caucuses * Take Action * Shop * Media * Events * Contact DONATE NOW Three Star Dinner August 27th | Music City Center Buy Tickets 1 Three Star Dinner August 27th | Music City Center Buy Tickets ORGANIZE RUN FOR OFFICE DONATE REGISTER TO VOTE HELP US BUILD BACK BLUE SIGN UP NOW! Join the TNDP team! Contact Information First Name Last Name Email Mobile Phone (Optional) Yes, sign me up for email updates. (Optional) ORGANIZE YOUR COMMUNITY YOU ARE THE CHANGE TRAINING Comprehensive training for candidates, staffers, and organizers is essential to build back blue. RESOURCES In order to be successful every candidate and county party will need resources to help deliver wins. ORGANIZATIONS These organizations share our democratic values and our helping to move the needle in Tennessee. Our Urgent Cause We’re committed to registering 200,000 new voters ahead of the 2022 elections. We have the opportunity to reach this goal but it’s going to take all of us, working together. Given what’s a stake we can’t afford to miss our chance. VOTER REGISTRATION We’re getting there! This is the result of the work of our county party’s, allied organizations, and community partners like you. 0% REGISTERED 620 GOAL: 200,000 OUR PARTY LEADING OUR COMMUNITIES TNDP CHAIR ELECTED OFFICIALS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE TNDP STAFF COUNTY PARTIES CAUCUSES PARTY PLATFORM BUILD BACK BLUE View All Events 0 Volunteers 0 Campaigns 0 Events 0 New Donors AN SCYD AND TNYD PILOT PROGRAM WHEELS TO THE POLLS Sign Up UPCOMING OPPORTUNITIES VOLUNTEER! View All Events ABOUT US The Tennessee Democratic Party fights for an economy that puts working people first. We believe in a Tennessee where everyone gets a fair shot — a Tennessee where all of us can thrive. OUR PARTY Chair Elected Officials TNDP Staff Executive Committee County Parties Caucuses Jobs Bylaws QUICK LINKS Home Register to Vote Training Volunteer Young Democrats Donate Resources Votebuilder Login CONTACT INFO 319 Plus Park Blvd., Suite 202 Nashville, TN 37217 Phone: 615.327.9779 E-mail: hello@tndp.org Website: www.tndp.org Paid for by the Tennessee Democratic Party, 319 Plus Park Blvd., Suite 202, Nashville, TN 37217, Carol V. Abney, Treasurer. This Communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. © 2021 Tennessee Democratic Party * Home * Our Party * TNDP Chair * TNDP Staff * Elected Officials * Executive Committee * County Parties * Caucuses * Take Action * Shop * Media * Events * Contact THREE STAR DINNER Join for our biggest event of the year. August 27th Music City Center Buy Tickets