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Diomidis Spinellis
Diomidis Spinellis



English Ελληνικά
English Ελληνικά





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Diomidis Spinellis, Professor of Software Engineering in the Department of
Management Science and Technology of the Athens University of Economics and
Business, Professor of Software Analytics in the Department of Software
Technology of the Delft University of Technology, and director of the Business
Analytics Laboratory (BALab), welcomes you to his home page. This site contains
about 12,000 pages linked by more than 94,000 hyperlinks; enjoy!

Teaching and research mentoring
 * Lecture notes (mostly in Greek)
 * Lecture notes in English (small subset of the above)
 * Research topics for students
 * Reading list for PhD students
 * More material for budding researchers (in Greek)
 * My personal book and paper library

Software and data
 * Open source software
 * My GitHub page and its atom feed
 * Popular: UMLGraph declarative UML diagrams, CScout C refactoring browser,
   dgsh directed graph Unix shell, Unix history on GitHub, ckjm Chidamber and
   Kemerer Java metrics, git-issue Git-based issue tracker.
 * Contributions to open source software projects
 * Open Science data sets

Biographical info
 * Curriculum vitae (PDF)
 * Conference programme committee member
 * Funded research projects
 * PhD students and their achievements
 * On LinkedIn
 * Member of ...

 * Contact information
 * Office hours
 * Frequently asked questions
 * Frequently asked questions on academic matters (in Greek)
 * Information for Athens visitors
 * Web site mirror at AUEB
 * Personal web site mirror

Updates through Mastodon by @CoolSWEng
2024/3/25 21:23

Good news for mining software repositories researchers. GitHub now allows
(securely) linking an ORCID to a profile. See e.g. https://github.com/dspinellis
If widely adopted it will allow many new interesting studies.

2024/3/9 11:16

Ever wondered about the peculiar ISO specification of how the C/C++ preprocessor
shall operate? Programming language researchers rediscovered that it thus
“solves” the Halting Problem. https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3632893#page=22
Here are the algorithm's full details:

2024/3/8 11:40

The GraphViz suite includes gvpr, which processes graphs as awk processes
records. I thought its programs were a few lines long, but today a student of my
Unix tools MOOC showed me 280 line beast that visualizes FlexFringe PDFA
learning process graphs.

2024/3/7 11:42

@dpiponi I pushed a patch that should fix it. Please let me know.

2024/3/6 23:43

@dpiponi No need to provide replication scenario. The log file should suffice.

2024/3/6 22:54

@dpiponi This sounds like a bug. I cannot replicate it. Can you please enable
logging and open an issue?
This is what I get with "model = claude-3-sonnet-20240229"

2024/3/6 22:47

@dpiponi You need much stronger models, not something you can run on a typical
laptop. With normal usage, the free Anthropic AI credits should last for months
and the minimal OpenAI API payment for a full year.

2024/3/6 22:18

@dpiponi You're joking right? In any case, this is why you have to press "enter"
after the command is displayed. It's not executed without your approval.

2024/3/6 19:27

Happy to announce that the ai-cli-lib AI-helper for command-line interface
programs now also supports Anthropic's Claude 3 model.

2024/3/5 12:03

What I've learned from processing big data. What am I missing?
• Chunk data & tasks
• Log
• Document
• Derive traceable data
• Expect corrupt data & faulty hardware
• Follow SE practices
• Automate (incremental) workflow
• Don't over-engineer
• Optimize the heavy lifting

2024/2/24 22:41

I thought I could use #ChatGPT to colorize the pictures in
https://www.spinellis.gr/blog/20151129/ It didn't work as intended.

2024/2/24 15:19

Apart from our code, infinite loop failures can also arise in nature. Here one
made of pine processionary caterpillars.

2024/2/24 12:12

Thanks to a contribution by Afan Chen, the Chidamber and Kemerer Java metrics
calculation tool ckjm now supports Java 11 syntax.

2024/2/22 19:36

@peterhoneyman That's what I knew, but then read "The commonly cited capacity of
7 items, found in Miller's Law, has been superseded by 4±1 items."

2024/2/22 16:12

There's the short-term memory with capacity 4±1 items, the large capacity
long-term memory, the "where did I park my car" memory with a single element
capacity, and the "where have I left my keys/glasses/wallet" memory with zero

2024/2/16 17:56

The video from my #fosdem 2024 talk on using Alexandria3k and open data to
conduct replicable systematic literature surveys and bibliometric or
scientometric studies is now available at
Source code: https://github.com/dspinellis/alexandria3k

2024/2/12 18:42

Jmcqg is a generator for Java multiple choice summative tests of basic concepts'
knowledge. It offers reflective question auto-discovery and verification. It
generates Moodle GIFT with PNGs to discourage academic dishonesty.

2024/2/6 9:04

Coming soon at code near you. ChatGPT's (4 here) woefully limited reasoning
abilities (here regarding Java's autoboxing) can generate needlessly verbose and
complex code. Expert human guidance is still required to write good code with

2024/2/5 17:08

I'm embarrassed to admit that, twenty years after I first encountered exceptions
and exception handling, I had an "Aha!" moment regarding their use. More at

View on mastodon.acm.org/
 * Complete list
 * Selected
 * Bibliometric data
 * In BibTeX format
 * Preprints on arXiv
 * On Google Scholar
 * On ACM Portal
 * On ORCiD
 * On ReseacherID
 * On Scopus
 * On Microsoft Academic
 * On dblp
 * On IEEE Xplore
 * On Web of Science / publons

Social web
 * My blog and its RSS feed
 * Follow @CoolSWEng@mastodon.acm.org Professional and technology-related topics
   (in English)
 * Follow @DSpinellis@mstdn.social Greece-related topics (in Greek)
 * Follow @CoolSWEng Professional and technology-related topics (in English)
 * Follow @DSpinellis Greece-related topics (in Greek)
 * Follow @ComputingStyle Advice on everyday computing (in English)
 * Follow @EffDbg Effective debugging of software and systems (in English)
 * Facebook profile
 * YouTube channel
 * GitHub repositories
 * On Stack Overflow
 * On LinkedIn
 * Mathematics genealogy
 * Erdos number

MOOC course "Unix Tools: Data, Software and Production Engineering"

Grow from being a Unix novice to Unix wizard status, with the award-winning,
free edX open online course (MOOC) Unix Tools: Data, Software and Production
Engineering. Process big data, analyze software code, run DevOps tasks and excel
in your everyday job through the amazing power of the Unix shell and
command-line tools. The course has been enrolled by more than 7000 learners from
about 100 countries. Enroll here.

The new and ongoing Adventures in Code IEEE Software column series aims is to
share advice as well as classic and cutting-edge knowledge through personal
experiences in code crafting. All installments are available here as open access

The Tools of the Trade IEEE Software column series explores the interplay
between software development and the tools we apply to the problem. All 52
installments are available here as blog pre-prints.

Diomidis Spinellis. Effective Debugging: 66 Specific Ways to Debug Software and
Systems. Addison-Wesley 2016.

Diomidis Spinellis. The Elements of Computing Style: 200+ Tips for Busy
Knowledge Workers. Leanpub (e-book), CreateSpace (print), 2014.

Diomidis Spinellis. Code Reading: The Open Source Perspective. Addison Wesley,
2003. Software Development Productivity Award

Diomidis Spinellis. Code Quality: The Open Source Perspective. Addison Wesley,
2006. Software Development Productivity Award


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