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About Us

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Welcome To Lloyds Shipping Australia Pty Ltd

The logistics involved in importing and exporting goods can be very complicated
and time consuming There are many issues that need to be taken into account such
as geographical location, infrastructure limitations, as well as obtaining and
completing correctly all the documentation required. This and all the facets of
importing or exporting goods requires specialised knowledge and expertise that
is always up-to-date.

The Team at Lloyds have the knowledge, the track record and offer an unsurpassed
level of personal service to help you and your organisation with all your import
or export logistics including:-



 * International Freight Forwarding
 * Customs Broking
 * Postal
 * Sea Freight
 * Air Freight
 * Road and Rail Transport
 * Packaging
 * Cargo Handling
 * Warehousing
 * Bond Storage
 * Distribution Options
 * All Documentation


Amongst the many services we offer, many of our clients take advantage of our
advice on foreign trade regulations and insurance, our ability to consolidate
shipments to reduce costs, the arranging of all documentation, assistance with
packaging and warehousing issues and supervision of the movements of your goods.

We have fully licensed Customers Brokers on staff, who are available to advise
you on Customs Law and Practice.

At Lloyds we are most proud of our ability to provide you with a level of
personal service without equal in our industry.





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