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   Loungewear Activewear Swim Basics Rompers + Jumpsuits Dresses
   * Maxi Dresses
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   * Party Dresses
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Loungewear Activewear Swim Basics Rompers + Jumpsuits Dresses
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New Arrivals drop every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday in limited quantities,
join our email list to get alerts! From tops and jeans to dresses, loungewear
and accessories we've got the wardrobe staples and elevated basics you need! Get
ready to fall in love with something new from Closet Candy. Always must-have,
drool-worthy pieces, which means that they’re likely to sell out fast, so get
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Spread Love Flannel - Khaki long-sleeve-topsnewtops
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Spread Love Flannel - Khaki $35.00


KANCAN Sandra Distressed Jeans - Medium Wash bottomsjeansnew
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KANCAN Sandra Distressed Jeans - Medium Wash $59.00


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Class Act Longline Coat - Blush jacketsnewouterwear
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Class Act Longline Coat - Blush 2 reviews $45.00


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Top Notch Coat - Black jacketsnewouterwear
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Top Notch Coat - Black 12 reviews $49.00

See what our customers are saying

Quality & beauty
Business As Usual Blazer - Black
The cut and quality was awesome for the price point. The material is soft and
the shipping wrinkles came out easily with a hand held steamer. The jacket is
lined and looks like the expensive brands.
Rhonda G.
United States
More than expected … in a good way!
Uptown Girl Open Front Jumpsuit - Navy
This one piece out is so versatile! It’s super comfy yet can still be dressed
up! I love the option of the top being able to come untied and tucked or left
out. The back is super cute to add a little flair. The fabric felt amazing and
of good quality. Can be worn so many ways. Over all a 10/10! I’d stay true to
size or size up one based on your torso length. Height: 5’4” Weight 125 lbs Slim
build, long torso Ordered a small!
Jennifer G.
United States
My fave!
Checked Out Cardigan - Pink
I love this cardigan. Oversized and super comfy. What a great addition to my
United States
It's a Need Tencel Denim Jacket - Light Wash
Let me just say the material is S0 good! This is light weight and you can dress
it up or just be casual I sized up because I like to wear a cute sweater under
it I'm 5'10 140lbs 34DD normally a med but got a large
Lori N.
United States
Beautiful Soul Frayed Button Down Top - Black
Loved the Shirt. Would like to even better if it didn’t come crease it came very
Caryn M.
United States
Love it!
Lead The Way Solid Tunic - Dark Ivy
Definitely oversized and so perfect. I love this tunic, plus it has pockets.
This color is so good, great on its on or can be layered!
Amber H.
United States
Vegan experience
CBRAND Back to Business Vegan Leather Blazer - Black
I bought a medium. I am 5 '6" 140 lbs fits great. My first experience with Vegan
clothing. Love it!
Marilyn D.
United States
Love the fit
"Rock & Roll" Distressed Denim Jacket - Black
I love this jacket. It’s so cute on and fun to wear. It’s not extra heavy so it
can be worn on warm or cool days. A lot of reviews have said it runs big but it
didn’t on me.
Suzanne P.
United States
Beautiful sweater!
About That Time Confetti Sweater - Mocha
Absolutely gorgeous sweater! Love the confetti specks. So cozy. I was blown away
by the quality!
Jennifer C.
United States
Love this bodysuit
Seeing Things My Way Bodysuit - Sage
Looks exactly as pictured. Fits true to size and I get compliments every time I
wear it!
Michele G.
United States
Fabulous jacket - just the right color
Bold Moves Blazer - Hot Pink
Such a great pop of pink - love the generous pockets, love that it’s limes, love
the fit!
Gina H.
United States
most comfortable slides
Smile and Wink Slide Sandals - Black
Really comfortable and cute
Joyce J.
United States
Love love!
Nash Bash Fringe Sling Bag - Light Coffee
This sling bag was the perfect match to my outfit. Fit all my essentials in bag.
Erika M.
United States
Super Comfortable & Cute!
Nightingale Sleeveless Romper - Camel
I actually wore this today and got lots of compliments on it. It is super
comfortable and true to size. I'm normally a medium and got a medium. I weigh
about 140 lbs & am about 5' 3", 34c.
United States
Must have!
Make Yourself At Home Star Hoodie - Lt Heather Grey
Love this hoodie, it's cute, and warm and perfect for us California people where
it's not real cold I wear it to the gym as well I'm 5'10 140lbs 34DD and I
bought a large because I like it bigger
Lori N.
United States
Cute and Stylish
Back To Basics Long Sleeve Top - Off White
This shirt is soft and comfortable and is the perfect length to go over leggings
even for someone like me that is 5'7.
Cara G.
United States
Cropped light wash denim jacket
Sunset Ridge Cropped Denim Jacket - Light Blue
Perfect fit. 5'3" 112 lbs. Size S
Carol D.
United States
Going In Circles Belt - Cocoa
This is my favorite belt!
Mary S.
United States
Super Cute Jeane
RISEN Della Flare Jeans - Black
Risen Dellas are Really Cute. I love the distressing. I'm 5'5 and wear a Size 18
typically in jeans. I could have sized down as they do run big.
Bobbie B.
United States
Keep the Peace Sweater - Cream
Loved the fit. I am very curvy and the length was good- not too tight. Super
Stacey E.
United States
Soft and Comfortable
About That Time Confetti Sweater - Mocha
This sweater is soft and goes with everything!
Cara G.
United States
Love this set!
Staying In 2-Piece Set - Dusty Teal
I absolutely LOVE this set! It is so soft and comfortable! It’s my favorite
thing to put on when I get home from work!
Karen S.
United States
Love it
Alexia Flannel Hooded Top - Black
So comfortable, fits perfectly. Would buy another In this style, but different
color in a heartbeat
Jenny C.
United States
So good I had to get a 2nd pair!
KANCAN Cora High Rise Skinny Jeans - Dark Wash
These are my favorite dark jeans. They have the perfect amount of stretch and no
distressing. I had to have a back up pair.
Barb S.
United States
Adorable dress
In This Moment Dress - White
Perfect summer dress, compliments well with tanned skin.
Jessica A.
United States
She lights up the room dress, Ivery.
She Lights Up The Room Dress - Ivory
It’s very comfortable and pretty and light, true to size
Lorraine D.
United States
Amazing results!!!
Angel Status Teeth Whitening Smile Kit
After only a week of using this whitening system for 15 minutes every night I am
seeing AMAZING results! This is super easy and way more convenient than any
strips I’ve ever tried as all those strips do is slide off my teeth. No
sensitivity and sooooo easy!
Rachel V.
United States
Cute Cute Sweater
Fresh Starts Sweater - Mint
Fits relaxed and perfect. Super Duper Cute!
Raney B.
United States
Baddie Bodysuit😍
She A Baddie Leopard Bodysuits
So soft, like butter, I like to wear it un snapped, so comfy and cute, I need
every color in this bodysuit
United States
Checked Out Cardigan - Pink
This cardigan is so beautiful and looks great on. I can wear it with so many
things and I love it.
Suzanne P.
United States


Tops Tops

Bottoms Bottoms

Outerwear Outerwear

Dresses Dresses

Shoes Shoes

Basics Basics


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