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Submission: On December 11 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 3 forms found in the DOM


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                  <span class="js_gdpr_terms_text">I confirm that I am at least 16 years of age or older<br>
                    <br> I have read and accept any EULA, Terms and Conditions, Acceptable Use Policy, and/or Data Processing Addendum which has been provided to me in connection with the software, products and/or services. <br>
                    <br> I have been fully informed and consent to the collection and use of my personal data for any purpose in connection with the software, products and/or services. <br>
                    <br> I understand that certain data, including personal data, must be collected or processed in order for you to provide any products or services I have requested or contracted for. I understand that in some cases it may be
                    required to use cookies or similar tracking to provide those products or services.. <br>
                    <br> I understand that I have the right to request access annually to any personal data you have obtained or collected regarding me. You have agreed to provide me with a record of my personal data in a readable format. <br>
                    <br> I also understand that I can revoke my consent and that I have the right to be forgotten. If I revoke my consent you will stop collecting or processing my personal data. I understand that if I revoke my consent, you may be
                    unable to provide contracted products or services to me, and I can not hold you responsible for that. <br>
                    <br> Likewise, if I properly request to be forgotten, you will delete the data you have for me, or make it inaccessible. I also understand that if there is a dispute regarding my personal data, I can contact someone who is
                    responsible for handling data-related concerns. If we are unable to resolve any issue, you will provide an independent service to arbitrate a resolution. If I have any questions regarding my rights or privacy, I can contact the
                    email address provided.</span>
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          style="background-color: rgb(51, 137, 174); color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font-weight: 700;">YES! I NEED TO REDUCE AD SPEND NOW</button>


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            <div class="kartra-optin-checkbox">
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                <span class="js_gdpr_label_terms">I agree to the GDPR Terms &amp; Conditions</span><!--
                --><button type="button" class="kartra_gdpr_popover_button js_gdpr_button_popover_trigger js_theme_border">
                  <i class="kartraico-info_letter js_kartra_popover_trigger js_kartra_popover_gdpr_trigger" data-popover="js_kartra_gdpr_popover"></i>
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                <div class="kartra_optin_popover-content kartra_optin_popover-content-npadding">
                  <span class="js_gdpr_terms_text">I confirm that I am at least 16 years of age or older<br>
                    <br> I have read and accept any EULA, Terms and Conditions, Acceptable Use Policy, and/or Data Processing Addendum which has been provided to me in connection with the software, products and/or services. <br>
                    <br> I have been fully informed and consent to the collection and use of my personal data for any purpose in connection with the software, products and/or services. <br>
                    <br> I understand that certain data, including personal data, must be collected or processed in order for you to provide any products or services I have requested or contracted for. I understand that in some cases it may be
                    required to use cookies or similar tracking to provide those products or services.. <br>
                    <br> I understand that I have the right to request access annually to any personal data you have obtained or collected regarding me. You have agreed to provide me with a record of my personal data in a readable format. <br>
                    <br> I also understand that I can revoke my consent and that I have the right to be forgotten. If I revoke my consent you will stop collecting or processing my personal data. I understand that if I revoke my consent, you may be
                    unable to provide contracted products or services to me, and I can not hold you responsible for that. <br>
                    <br> Likewise, if I properly request to be forgotten, you will delete the data you have for me, or make it inaccessible. I also understand that if there is a dispute regarding my personal data, I can contact someone who is
                    responsible for handling data-related concerns. If we are unable to resolve any issue, you will provide an independent service to arbitrate a resolution. If I have any questions regarding my rights or privacy, I can contact the
                    email address provided.</span>
                <button type="button" class="js_gdpr_popover_close kartra_optin_popover-close js_utility_popover_close">
                  <i class="kartraico-clear"></i>
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          style="background-color: rgb(255, 213, 79); color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-weight: 700;">Submit</button>


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          <div class="kartra_optin_asterisk"></div><input type="text" placeholder="First name" class="required_8s34SL9Zpc9c js_kartra_santitation kartra_optin_ti" name="first_name" data-santitation-type="name">
      <div class="kartra_optin_cg">
        <div class="kartra_optin_controls kartra_optin_input_giant kartra_optin_icon"><i class="kartra_optin_i kartraico-email"></i>
          <div class="kartra_optin_asterisk"></div><input type="text" placeholder="Email Address (Where You Want The Daily Training Sent?)" class="required_8s34SL9Zpc9c js_kartra_santitation kartra_optin_ti" name="email"
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                <span class="js_gdpr_label_terms">I agree to the GDPR Terms &amp; Conditions</span><!--
                --><button type="button" class="kartra_gdpr_popover_button js_gdpr_button_popover_trigger js_theme_border">
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            <div class="js_kartra_gdpr_popover js_kartra_popover kartra_optin_gdpr_terms_offer" style="display: none;">
              <div class="kartra_optin_popover">
                <div class="kartra_optin_popover-content kartra_optin_popover-content-npadding">
                  <span class="js_gdpr_terms_text">I confirm that I am at least 16 years of age or older<br>
                    <br> I have read and accept any EULA, Terms and Conditions, Acceptable Use Policy, and/or Data Processing Addendum which has been provided to me in connection with the software, products and/or services. <br>
                    <br> I have been fully informed and consent to the collection and use of my personal data for any purpose in connection with the software, products and/or services. <br>
                    <br> I understand that certain data, including personal data, must be collected or processed in order for you to provide any products or services I have requested or contracted for. I understand that in some cases it may be
                    required to use cookies or similar tracking to provide those products or services.. <br>
                    <br> I understand that I have the right to request access annually to any personal data you have obtained or collected regarding me. You have agreed to provide me with a record of my personal data in a readable format. <br>
                    <br> I also understand that I can revoke my consent and that I have the right to be forgotten. If I revoke my consent you will stop collecting or processing my personal data. I understand that if I revoke my consent, you may be
                    unable to provide contracted products or services to me, and I can not hold you responsible for that. <br>
                    <br> Likewise, if I properly request to be forgotten, you will delete the data you have for me, or make it inaccessible. I also understand that if there is a dispute regarding my personal data, I can contact someone who is
                    responsible for handling data-related concerns. If we are unable to resolve any issue, you will provide an independent service to arbitrate a resolution. If I have any questions regarding my rights or privacy, I can contact the
                    email address provided.</span>
                <button type="button" class="js_gdpr_popover_close kartra_optin_popover-close js_utility_popover_close">
                  <i class="kartraico-clear"></i>
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          style="background-color: rgb(255, 213, 79); color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-weight: 700;">Submit</button>

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*Earnings and income representations made byTrip Funnels,, Paul
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typical and results will vary.


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I would like to receive future communications
I agree to the GDPR Terms & Conditions
I confirm that I am at least 16 years of age or older

I have read and accept any EULA, Terms and Conditions, Acceptable Use Policy,
and/or Data Processing Addendum which has been provided to me in connection with
the software, products and/or services.

I have been fully informed and consent to the collection and use of my personal
data for any purpose in connection with the software, products and/or services.

I understand that certain data, including personal data, must be collected or
processed in order for you to provide any products or services I have requested
or contracted for. I understand that in some cases it may be required to use
cookies or similar tracking to provide those products or services..

I understand that I have the right to request access annually to any personal
data you have obtained or collected regarding me. You have agreed to provide me
with a record of my personal data in a readable format.

I also understand that I can revoke my consent and that I have the right to be
forgotten. If I revoke my consent you will stop collecting or processing my
personal data. I understand that if I revoke my consent, you may be unable to
provide contracted products or services to me, and I can not hold you
responsible for that.

Likewise, if I properly request to be forgotten, you will delete the data you
have for me, or make it inaccessible. I also understand that if there is a
dispute regarding my personal data, I can contact someone who is responsible for
handling data-related concerns. If we are unable to resolve any issue, you will
provide an independent service to arbitrate a resolution. If I have any
questions regarding my rights or privacy, I can contact the email address

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Where Shall I Send The Access Links To The Course?

I would like to receive future communications
I agree to the GDPR Terms & Conditions
I confirm that I am at least 16 years of age or older

I have read and accept any EULA, Terms and Conditions, Acceptable Use Policy,
and/or Data Processing Addendum which has been provided to me in connection with
the software, products and/or services.

I have been fully informed and consent to the collection and use of my personal
data for any purpose in connection with the software, products and/or services.

I understand that certain data, including personal data, must be collected or
processed in order for you to provide any products or services I have requested
or contracted for. I understand that in some cases it may be required to use
cookies or similar tracking to provide those products or services..

I understand that I have the right to request access annually to any personal
data you have obtained or collected regarding me. You have agreed to provide me
with a record of my personal data in a readable format.

I also understand that I can revoke my consent and that I have the right to be
forgotten. If I revoke my consent you will stop collecting or processing my
personal data. I understand that if I revoke my consent, you may be unable to
provide contracted products or services to me, and I can not hold you
responsible for that.

Likewise, if I properly request to be forgotten, you will delete the data you
have for me, or make it inaccessible. I also understand that if there is a
dispute regarding my personal data, I can contact someone who is responsible for
handling data-related concerns. If we are unable to resolve any issue, you will
provide an independent service to arbitrate a resolution. If I have any
questions regarding my rights or privacy, I can contact the email address

Powered by KARTRA


Where Shall I Send The Access Links To The Course?

I would like to receive future communications
I agree to the GDPR Terms & Conditions
I confirm that I am at least 16 years of age or older

I have read and accept any EULA, Terms and Conditions, Acceptable Use Policy,
and/or Data Processing Addendum which has been provided to me in connection with
the software, products and/or services.

I have been fully informed and consent to the collection and use of my personal
data for any purpose in connection with the software, products and/or services.

I understand that certain data, including personal data, must be collected or
processed in order for you to provide any products or services I have requested
or contracted for. I understand that in some cases it may be required to use
cookies or similar tracking to provide those products or services..

I understand that I have the right to request access annually to any personal
data you have obtained or collected regarding me. You have agreed to provide me
with a record of my personal data in a readable format.

I also understand that I can revoke my consent and that I have the right to be
forgotten. If I revoke my consent you will stop collecting or processing my
personal data. I understand that if I revoke my consent, you may be unable to
provide contracted products or services to me, and I can not hold you
responsible for that.

Likewise, if I properly request to be forgotten, you will delete the data you
have for me, or make it inaccessible. I also understand that if there is a
dispute regarding my personal data, I can contact someone who is responsible for
handling data-related concerns. If we are unable to resolve any issue, you will
provide an independent service to arbitrate a resolution. If I have any
questions regarding my rights or privacy, I can contact the email address

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