www.carrhouse.org Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://carrhouse.org/
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Submission: On May 04 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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 * Plan your Visit
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    * School Groups
    * Upcoming Events
    * Frequently Asked Questions
    * Gallery

 * About the House
    * The life of Emily Carr
    * The Carr Family
    * Carr House Timeline
    * Restoration
    * Educational Resources

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    * Volunteer with Us
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    * Upcoming Events
    * Frequently Asked Questions
    * Gallery

 * About the House
    * The life of Emily Carr
    * The Carr Family
    * Carr House Timeline
    * Restoration
    * Educational Resources

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This beautifully restored provincial and national historic site was the
birthplace and childhood home of famed writer and artist, Emily Carr.
Visit Carr House to learn about Emily Carr and her legacy of inspiration.

Carr House is open Friday and Saturday, 10am-3pm. Visitors are welcome to
explore the house, take a tour, or visit our gift shop during these times.

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Explore the magical world of trees through the work of local artist Helga



Book a guided tour, find answers to our FAQ, or see our upcoming events at the

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Learn about the history of Carr House, the life of Emily Carr and her work.

About The House


Become a Carr House member, find volunteer opportunities or donate to Carr

Support Carr House


Carr House
207 Government Street
Victoria, British Columbia V8V2K8
(250) 383-5843

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10:00 a.m.
3:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m.
3:00 p.m.

Connect with us on social media! @officialemilycarrhouse on Instagram and



Carr House is on the traditional land of the Lekwungen speaking peoples, known
today as the Esquimalt and Songhees First Nations. Carr House acknowledges and
thanks the Lkwungen People, also known as the Songhees and Esquimalt First
Nations communities, for allowing us to live, work and play on their lands. We
also give thanks to the ancestors, supernatural ones, hereditary leaders and
matriarchs, creatures big and small for looking after the rich resources and
cultural teachings of this beautiful land.

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 * About the House
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