Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

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Submission: On June 27 via api from IT — Scanned from CH

Form analysis 3 forms found in the DOM

POST /erizone/

<form id="LoginForm" class="wp-login__form wp-form--vertical" action="/erizone/" method="post">
  <h2 class="wp-title wp-title--h2
    wp-fs--20 wp-fw--light "> Sign in </h2>
  <div class="wp-input  ">
    <input class="wp-input__input " type="hidden" value="Login" placeholder="" name="Action">
  <div class="wp-input  ">
    <input class="wp-input__input " type="hidden" value="Action=PreLogin;RequestedURL=" placeholder="" name="RequestedURL">
  <div class="wp-input  ">
    <input class="wp-input__input " type="hidden" value="de" placeholder="" name="Lang">
  <div class="wp-input  ">
    <input class="wp-input__input " type="hidden" value="" placeholder="" name="TimeOffset">
  <div class="wp-input  wp-input--error">
    <input class="wp-input__input " type="text" value="" placeholder="Benutzername" name="User" autofocus="">
    <span class="wp-input__error"><!-- error --></span>
  <div class="wp-input wp-input--error">
    <div class="wp-input__password">
      <input class="wp-input__input" type="password" value="" placeholder="Passwort" name="Password">
      <span class="wp-show-password wp-hide" style="display: none;"></span>
    <span class="wp-input__error">Login failed! Your user name or password was entered incorrectly.</span>
  <button title="Anmelden" type="submit" class="wp-btn 
		wp-mg-b--8 "> Anmelden </button>

POST /erizone/

<form id="RecoveryForm" class="wp-login__form wp-form--vertical u-hide" action="/erizone/" method="post">
  <h2 class="wp-title wp-title--h2
    wp-fs--20 wp-fw--light "> Neues Passwort anfordern </h2>
  <div class="wp-input  ">
    <input class="wp-input__input " type="hidden" value="CustomerLostPassword" placeholder="" name="Action">
  <div class="wp-input  ">
    <input class="wp-input__input " type="hidden" value="de" placeholder="" name="Lang">
  <div class="wp-input  ">
    <input id="PasswordUser" class="wp-input__input " type="text" value="" placeholder="Benutzername" name="User">
  <button title="Neues Passwort anfordern" type="submit" class="wp-btn 
		wp-mg-b--8 "> Neues Passwort anfordern </button>
  <a title="Zurück zur Anmeldung" href="#" class="wp-btn 
		wp-btn--link wp-btn--fill 
		wp-text--20 " onclick="'LoginForm')">

	Zurück zur Anmeldung

POST /erizone/

<form id="SignupForm" class="wp-login__form wp-form--vertical u-hide Validate" action="/erizone/" method="post" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" novalidate="novalidate">
  <h2 class="wp-title wp-title--h2
    wp-fs--20 wp-fw--light "> Konto erstellen </h2>
  <h5 class="wp-title wp-title--h5
    wp-fs--14 wp-fw--light "> Bitte füllen Sie dieses Formular aus, um Ihre Anmeldedaten zu erhalten. </h5>
  <div class="wp-input wp-input--error">
    <span class="wp-input__error">Login failed! Your user name or password was entered incorrectly.</span>
  <div class="wp-input  ">
    <input class="wp-input__input " type="hidden" value="CustomerCreateAccount" placeholder="" name="Action">
  <div class="wp-input  ">
    <input class="wp-input__input " type="hidden" value="de" placeholder="" name="Lang">
  <div class="wp-input NewLine ">
    <input id="FirstName" class="wp-input__input Validate_Required W50pc " type="text" value="" placeholder="First Name" name="Firstname" title="Ihr Vorname" aria-required="true">
    <div id="FirstNameError" class="TooltipErrorMessage">
      <p>Dieses Feld wird benötigt.</p>
  <div class="wp-input NewLine ">
    <input id="LastName" class="wp-input__input Validate_Required W50pc " type="text" value="" placeholder="Last Name" name="Lastname" title="Ihr Nachname" aria-required="true">
    <div id="LastNameError" class="TooltipErrorMessage">
      <p>Dieses Feld wird benötigt.</p>
  <div class="wp-input NewLine ">
    <input id="Email" class="wp-input__input Validate_Required Validate_Email W100pc " type="text" value="" placeholder="Email Address" name="Email" title="Ihre E-Mail-Adresse (das wird Ihr Benutzername)" aria-required="true">
    <div id="EmailError" class="TooltipErrorMessage">
      <p>Dieses Feld wird benötigt.</p>
  <button title="Erstellen" type="submit" id="CreateAccount" class="wp-btn 
		wp-mg-b--8 "> Erstellen </button>
  <a title="Zurück zur Anmeldung" href="#" class="wp-btn 
		wp-btn--link wp-btn--fill 
		wp-text--20 " onclick="'LoginForm')">

	Zurück zur Anmeldung

Text Content


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Login failed! Your user name or password was entered incorrectly.


Neues Passwort anfordern Zurück zur Anmeldung



Login failed! Your user name or password was entered incorrectly.

Dieses Feld wird benötigt.

Dieses Feld wird benötigt.

Dieses Feld wird benötigt.

Erstellen Zurück zur Anmeldung

EriZone basierend auf OTRS.

EriZone basierend auf OTRS.

Your browser was not able to communicate with EriZone properly, there seems to
be something wrong with your network connection. You could either try reloading
this page manually or wait until your browser has re-established the connection
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There was an error in communication with the server. Server might be
experiencing some temporary problems, please reload this page to check if they
have been resolved.

Die Verbindung wurde nach einer temporären Unterbrechung wiederhergestellt.
Möglicherweise funktionieren deshalb einige Elemente der aktuellen Seite nicht
(mehr) korrekt. Um alle Elemente wieder wie gewünscht nutzen zu können, sollten
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EriZone basierend auf OTRS.

Your browser was not able to communicate with EriZone properly, there seems to
be something wrong with your network connection. You could either try reloading
this page manually or wait until your browser has re-established the connection
on its own.

There was an error in communication with the server. Server might be
experiencing some temporary problems, please reload this page to check if they
have been resolved.

Die Verbindung wurde nach einer temporären Unterbrechung wiederhergestellt.
Möglicherweise funktionieren deshalb einige Elemente der aktuellen Seite nicht
(mehr) korrekt. Um alle Elemente wieder wie gewünscht nutzen zu können, sollten
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