www.charbroil.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://account-test.charbroil.com/
Effective URL: https://www.charbroil.com/support
Submission: On September 28 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from DE

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<form class="quiz__content-wrapper" data-bind="scope: 'product_quiz'">
  <!-- ko template: getTemplate() -->
  <div data-bind="visible: isActive, css: { 'quiz__content--results' : resultsStage, 'quiz__content--quiz' : quizStage }, blockLoader: isLoading" class="quiz__content quiz__content--quiz" style="display: none;">
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      <div class="quiz__title-svg"><span data-bind="text: title" class="quiz__title-text">Grillfinder</span></div>
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      <div class="quiz__number h5">
        <span data-bind="i18n: 'Question'">Question</span>
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        <span data-bind="i18n: 'of'">of</span>
        <span data-bind="html: '&nbsp;'">&nbsp;</span>
        <span data-bind="html: questions().length">4</span>
      <div class="quiz__qa-set-container">
        <!-- ko foreach: { data: questions(), as: 'zquestion' } -->
        <div class="quiz__qa-set quiz__qa-set--active" data-bind="css: { 'quiz__qa-set--active': currentQuestion().id() === zquestion.id() }">
          <div data-bind="html: zquestion.title" class="quiz__question-title">Where are you grilling?</div>
          <div data-bind="foreach: { data: zquestion.answers(), as: 'answer' }" class="quiz__answers">
            <div class="quiz__answer" data-bind="visible: active() &amp;&amp; answer.title !== zquestion.quiz.skip_title, css: { 'quiz__answer--selected' : selected }, click: zquestion.quiz.selectAnswer.bind(zquestion.quiz, $data)">
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                <div data-bind="css: answer.icon_class" class="quiz__icon quiz__icon--grill-where-balcony"></div>
              <div data-bind="text: answer.title" class="quiz__stage-question">Rooftop or Balcony</div>
            <div class="quiz__answer" data-bind="visible: active() &amp;&amp; answer.title !== zquestion.quiz.skip_title, css: { 'quiz__answer--selected' : selected }, click: zquestion.quiz.selectAnswer.bind(zquestion.quiz, $data)">
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                <label class="quiz__checkbox"></label>
              <div class="quiz__icon-container">
                <div data-bind="css: answer.icon_class" class="quiz__icon quiz__icon--grill-where-patio"></div>
              <div data-bind="text: answer.title" class="quiz__stage-question">Patio or Backyard</div>
            <div class="quiz__answer" data-bind="visible: active() &amp;&amp; answer.title !== zquestion.quiz.skip_title, css: { 'quiz__answer--selected' : selected }, click: zquestion.quiz.selectAnswer.bind(zquestion.quiz, $data)">
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                <div data-bind="css: answer.icon_class" class="quiz__icon quiz__icon--grill-where-campsite"></div>
              <div data-bind="text: answer.title" class="quiz__stage-question">Campsite or Tailgate</div>
            <div class="quiz__answer" data-bind="visible: active() &amp;&amp; answer.title !== zquestion.quiz.skip_title, css: { 'quiz__answer--selected' : selected }, click: zquestion.quiz.selectAnswer.bind(zquestion.quiz, $data)"
              style="display: none;">
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                <div data-bind="css: answer.icon_class" class="quiz__icon"></div>
              <div data-bind="text: answer.title" class="quiz__stage-question">Unsure / Skip</div>
        <div class="quiz__qa-set" data-bind="css: { 'quiz__qa-set--active': currentQuestion().id() === zquestion.id() }">
          <div data-bind="html: zquestion.title" class="quiz__question-title">How much food are you cooking?</div>
          <div data-bind="foreach: { data: zquestion.answers(), as: 'answer' }" class="quiz__answers">
            <div class="quiz__answer" data-bind="visible: active() &amp;&amp; answer.title !== zquestion.quiz.skip_title, css: { 'quiz__answer--selected' : selected }, click: zquestion.quiz.selectAnswer.bind(zquestion.quiz, $data)">
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                <label class="quiz__checkbox"></label>
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                <div data-bind="css: answer.icon_class" class="quiz__icon quiz__icon--grill-for-two"></div>
              <div data-bind="text: answer.title" class="quiz__stage-question">Party of 2</div>
            <div class="quiz__answer" data-bind="visible: active() &amp;&amp; answer.title !== zquestion.quiz.skip_title, css: { 'quiz__answer--selected' : selected }, click: zquestion.quiz.selectAnswer.bind(zquestion.quiz, $data)">
              <div class="quiz__checkbox-container">
                <div class="checkbox checkbox--checked"></div>
                <label class="quiz__checkbox"></label>
              <div class="quiz__icon-container">
                <div data-bind="css: answer.icon_class" class="quiz__icon quiz__icon--grill-for-fam"></div>
              <div data-bind="text: answer.title" class="quiz__stage-question">Feeding the Family </div>
            <div class="quiz__answer" data-bind="visible: active() &amp;&amp; answer.title !== zquestion.quiz.skip_title, css: { 'quiz__answer--selected' : selected }, click: zquestion.quiz.selectAnswer.bind(zquestion.quiz, $data)">
              <div class="quiz__checkbox-container">
                <div class="checkbox checkbox--checked"></div>
                <label class="quiz__checkbox"></label>
              <div class="quiz__icon-container">
                <div data-bind="css: answer.icon_class" class="quiz__icon quiz__icon--grill-for-crowd"></div>
              <div data-bind="text: answer.title" class="quiz__stage-question">Hosting a Crowd</div>
            <div class="quiz__answer" data-bind="visible: active() &amp;&amp; answer.title !== zquestion.quiz.skip_title, css: { 'quiz__answer--selected' : selected }, click: zquestion.quiz.selectAnswer.bind(zquestion.quiz, $data)"
              style="display: none;">
              <div class="quiz__checkbox-container">
                <div class="checkbox checkbox--checked"></div>
                <label class="quiz__checkbox"></label>
              <div class="quiz__icon-container">
                <div data-bind="css: answer.icon_class" class="quiz__icon"></div>
              <div data-bind="text: answer.title" class="quiz__stage-question">Unsure / Skip</div>
        <div class="quiz__qa-set" data-bind="css: { 'quiz__qa-set--active': currentQuestion().id() === zquestion.id() }">
          <div data-bind="html: zquestion.title" class="quiz__question-title">What is your grill style?</div>
          <div data-bind="foreach: { data: zquestion.answers(), as: 'answer' }" class="quiz__answers">
            <div class="quiz__answer" data-bind="visible: active() &amp;&amp; answer.title !== zquestion.quiz.skip_title, css: { 'quiz__answer--selected' : selected }, click: zquestion.quiz.selectAnswer.bind(zquestion.quiz, $data)">
              <div class="quiz__checkbox-container">
                <div class="checkbox checkbox--checked"></div>
                <label class="quiz__checkbox"></label>
              <div class="quiz__icon-container">
                <div data-bind="css: answer.icon_class" class="quiz__icon quiz__icon--grill-style-easy"></div>
              <div data-bind="text: answer.title" class="quiz__stage-question">Keep it Easy</div>
            <div class="quiz__answer" data-bind="visible: active() &amp;&amp; answer.title !== zquestion.quiz.skip_title, css: { 'quiz__answer--selected' : selected }, click: zquestion.quiz.selectAnswer.bind(zquestion.quiz, $data)">
              <div class="quiz__checkbox-container">
                <div class="checkbox checkbox--checked"></div>
                <label class="quiz__checkbox"></label>
              <div class="quiz__icon-container">
                <div data-bind="css: answer.icon_class" class="quiz__icon quiz__icon--grill-style-versatility"></div>
              <div data-bind="text: answer.title" class="quiz__stage-question">I like versatility </div>
            <div class="quiz__answer" data-bind="visible: active() &amp;&amp; answer.title !== zquestion.quiz.skip_title, css: { 'quiz__answer--selected' : selected }, click: zquestion.quiz.selectAnswer.bind(zquestion.quiz, $data)">
              <div class="quiz__checkbox-container">
                <div class="checkbox checkbox--checked"></div>
                <label class="quiz__checkbox"></label>
              <div class="quiz__icon-container">
                <div data-bind="css: answer.icon_class" class="quiz__icon quiz__icon--grill-style-fire"></div>
              <div data-bind="text: answer.title" class="quiz__stage-question">Give me some live fire</div>
            <div class="quiz__answer" data-bind="visible: active() &amp;&amp; answer.title !== zquestion.quiz.skip_title, css: { 'quiz__answer--selected' : selected }, click: zquestion.quiz.selectAnswer.bind(zquestion.quiz, $data)"
              style="display: none;">
              <div class="quiz__checkbox-container">
                <div class="checkbox checkbox--checked"></div>
                <label class="quiz__checkbox"></label>
              <div class="quiz__icon-container">
                <div data-bind="css: answer.icon_class" class="quiz__icon"></div>
              <div data-bind="text: answer.title" class="quiz__stage-question">Unsure / Skip</div>
        <div class="quiz__qa-set" data-bind="css: { 'quiz__qa-set--active': currentQuestion().id() === zquestion.id() }">
          <div data-bind="html: zquestion.title" class="quiz__question-title">What price range feels right?</div>
          <div data-bind="foreach: { data: zquestion.answers(), as: 'answer' }" class="quiz__answers">
            <div class="quiz__answer" data-bind="visible: active() &amp;&amp; answer.title !== zquestion.quiz.skip_title, css: { 'quiz__answer--selected' : selected }, click: zquestion.quiz.selectAnswer.bind(zquestion.quiz, $data)">
              <div class="quiz__checkbox-container">
                <div class="checkbox checkbox--checked"></div>
                <label class="quiz__checkbox"></label>
              <div class="quiz__icon-container">
                <div data-bind="css: answer.icon_class" class="quiz__icon quiz__icon--grill-spend-199"></div>
              <div data-bind="text: answer.title" class="quiz__stage-question">Below $199</div>
            <div class="quiz__answer" data-bind="visible: active() &amp;&amp; answer.title !== zquestion.quiz.skip_title, css: { 'quiz__answer--selected' : selected }, click: zquestion.quiz.selectAnswer.bind(zquestion.quiz, $data)">
              <div class="quiz__checkbox-container">
                <div class="checkbox checkbox--checked"></div>
                <label class="quiz__checkbox"></label>
              <div class="quiz__icon-container">
                <div data-bind="css: answer.icon_class" class="quiz__icon quiz__icon--grill-spend-399"></div>
              <div data-bind="text: answer.title" class="quiz__stage-question">$200-399</div>
            <div class="quiz__answer" data-bind="visible: active() &amp;&amp; answer.title !== zquestion.quiz.skip_title, css: { 'quiz__answer--selected' : selected }, click: zquestion.quiz.selectAnswer.bind(zquestion.quiz, $data)">
              <div class="quiz__checkbox-container">
                <div class="checkbox checkbox--checked"></div>
                <label class="quiz__checkbox"></label>
              <div class="quiz__icon-container">
                <div data-bind="css: answer.icon_class" class="quiz__icon quiz__icon--grill-spend-599"></div>
              <div data-bind="text: answer.title" class="quiz__stage-question">$400-$599</div>
            <div class="quiz__answer" data-bind="visible: active() &amp;&amp; answer.title !== zquestion.quiz.skip_title, css: { 'quiz__answer--selected' : selected }, click: zquestion.quiz.selectAnswer.bind(zquestion.quiz, $data)">
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                <div class="checkbox checkbox--checked"></div>
                <label class="quiz__checkbox"></label>
              <div class="quiz__icon-container">
                <div data-bind="css: answer.icon_class" class="quiz__icon quiz__icon--grill-spend-600"></div>
              <div data-bind="text: answer.title" class="quiz__stage-question">$600+</div>
            <div class="quiz__answer" data-bind="visible: active() &amp;&amp; answer.title !== zquestion.quiz.skip_title, css: { 'quiz__answer--selected' : selected }, click: zquestion.quiz.selectAnswer.bind(zquestion.quiz, $data)"
              style="display: none;">
              <div class="quiz__checkbox-container">
                <div class="checkbox checkbox--checked"></div>
                <label class="quiz__checkbox"></label>
              <div class="quiz__icon-container">
                <div data-bind="css: answer.icon_class" class="quiz__icon"></div>
              <div data-bind="text: answer.title" class="quiz__stage-question">Unsure / Skip</div>
        <!-- /ko -->
      <div class="quiz__progression">
        <a class="quiz__progression-button quiz__progression-button--prev text-link text-link--arrow-back text-link--heading text-link--uppercase quiz__progression-button--hidden" data-bind="click: previous, css: { 'quiz__progression-button--hidden': index() === 0 }, i18n: 'Previous'">Previous</a>
        <div class="quiz__indexes" data-bind="foreach: questions()">
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          <span class="quiz__index" data-bind="css: { 'quiz__index--selected' : $parent.currentQuestion().id() === id() }"></span>
          <span class="quiz__index" data-bind="css: { 'quiz__index--selected' : $parent.currentQuestion().id() === id() }"></span>
          <span class="quiz__index" data-bind="css: { 'quiz__index--selected' : $parent.currentQuestion().id() === id() }"></span>
        <!-- ko if: currentQuestion().id() !== questions().length -->
        <a class="quiz__progression-button quiz__progression-button--next text-link text-link--arrow text-link--heading text-link--uppercase" data-bind="click: next, i18n: canProceedToNextStep() ? 'Next' : 'Skip'">Skip</a>
        <!-- /ko -->
        <!-- ko if: currentQuestion().id() === questions().length --><!-- /ko -->
    <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- ko if: resultsStage --><!-- /ko -->
    <!-- ko if: errorStage --><!-- /ko -->
  <!-- /ko -->


<form class="form form-login" method="post" data-bind="event: {submit: login }" id="login-form">
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    attr: {
        'id': getReCaptchaId() + '-wrapper'
    'afterRender': renderReCaptcha()
}" id="msp-recaptcha-popup-login-wrapper">
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