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 * 👽Welcome!
   * HackTricks Cloud
   * About the Author
   * HackTricks Values & faq
 * 🏭Pentesting CI/CD
   * Pentesting CI/CD Methodology
   * Github Security
      * Abusing Github Actions
         * Gh Actions - Artifact Poisoning
         * GH Actions - Cache Poisoning
         * Gh Actions - Context Script Injections
      * Basic Github Information
   * Gitea Security
      * Basic Gitea Information
   * Concourse Security
      * Concourse Architecture
      * Concourse Lab Creation
      * Concourse Enumeration & Attacks
   * CircleCI Security
   * TravisCI Security
      * Basic TravisCI Information
   * Jenkins Security
      * Basic Jenkins Information
      * Jenkins RCE with Groovy Script
      * Jenkins RCE Creating/Modifying Project
      * Jenkins RCE Creating/Modifying Pipeline
      * Jenkins Dumping Secrets from Groovy
   * Apache Airflow Security
      * Airflow Configuration
      * Airflow RBAC
   * Terraform Security
   * Atlantis Security
   * Cloudflare Security
      * Cloudflare Domains
      * Cloudflare Zero Trust Network
   * Okta Security
      * Okta Hardening
   * Ansible Tower / AWX / Automation controller Security
   * TODO
 * ⛈️Pentesting Cloud
   * Pentesting Cloud Methodology
   * Kubernetes Pentesting
      * Kubernetes Basics
      * Pentesting Kubernetes Services
         * Kubelet Authentication & Authorization
      * Exposing Services in Kubernetes
      * Attacking Kubernetes from inside a Pod
      * Kubernetes Enumeration
      * Kubernetes Role-Based Access Control(RBAC)
      * Abusing Roles/ClusterRoles in Kubernetes
         * Pod Escape Privileges
         * Kubernetes Roles Abuse Lab
      * Kubernetes Namespace Escalation
      * Kubernetes Pivoting to Clouds
      * Kubernetes Network Attacks
      * Kubernetes Hardening
         * Kubernetes SecurityContext(s)
   * GCP Pentesting
      * GCP - Basic Information
         * GCP - Federation Abuse
      * GCP - Permissions for a Pentest
      * GCP - Post Exploitation
         * GCP - App Engine Post Exploitation
         * GCP - Artifact Registry Post Exploitation
         * GCP - Cloud Build Post Exploitation
         * GCP - Cloud Functions Post Exploitation
         * GCP - Cloud Run Post Exploitation
         * GCP - Cloud Shell Post Exploitation
         * GCP - Cloud SQL Post Exploitation
         * GCP - Compute Post Exploitation
         * GCP - Filestore Post Exploitation
         * GCP - IAM Post Exploitation
         * GCP - KMS Post Exploitation
         * GCP - Logging Post Exploitation
         * GCP - Monitoring Post Exploitation
         * GCP - Pub/Sub Post Exploitation
         * GCP - Secretmanager Post Exploitation
         * GCP - Security Post Exploitation
         * GCP - Storage Post Exploitation
      * GCP - Privilege Escalation
         * GCP - Apikeys Privesc
         * GCP - AppEngine Privesc
         * GCP - Artifact Registry Privesc
         * GCP - BigQuery Privesc
         * GCP - ClientAuthConfig Privesc
         * GCP - Cloudbuild Privesc
         * GCP - Cloudfunctions Privesc
         * GCP - Cloudidentity Privesc
         * GCP - Cloudscheduler Privesc
         * GCP - Compute Privesc
            * GCP - Add Custom SSH Metadata
         * GCP - Composer Privesc
         * GCP - Container Privesc
         * GCP - Deploymentmaneger Privesc
         * GCP - IAM Privesc
         * GCP - KMS Privesc
         * GCP - Orgpolicy Privesc
         * GCP - Pubsub Privesc
         * GCP - Resourcemanager Privesc
         * GCP - Run Privesc
         * GCP - Secretmanager Privesc
         * GCP - Serviceusage Privesc
         * GCP - Sourcerepos Privesc
         * GCP - Storage Privesc
         * GCP - Misc Perms Privesc
         * GCP - Network Docker Escape
         * GCP - local privilege escalation ssh pivoting
      * GCP - Persistence
         * GCP - API Keys Persistence
         * GCP - App Engine Persistence
         * GCP - Artifact Registry Persistence
         * GCP - BigQuery Persistence
         * GCP - Cloud Functions Persistence
         * GCP - Cloud Run Persistence
         * GCP - Cloud Shell Persistence
         * GCP - Cloud SQL Persistence
         * GCP - Compute Persistence
         * GCP - Filestore Persistence
         * GCP - Logging Persistence
         * GCP - Non-svc Persistance
         * GCP - Secret Manager Persistence
         * GCP - Storage Persistence
      * GCP - Services
         * GCP - AI Platform Enum
         * GCP - API Keys Enum
         * GCP - App Engine Enum
         * GCP - Artifact Registry Enum
         * GCP - Bigquery Enum
         * GCP - Bigtable Enum
         * GCP - Cloud Build Enum
         * GCP - Cloud Functions Enum
         * GCP - Cloud Run Enum
         * GCP - Cloud Shell Enum
         * GCP - Cloud SQL Enum
         * GCP - Compute Enum
            * GCP - Compute Instances
            * GCP - VPC & Networking
         * GCP - Containers, GKE & Composer Enum
         * GCP - DNS Enum
         * GCP - Filestore Enum
         * GCP - Firebase Enum
         * GCP - Firestore Enum
         * GCP - IAM, Principals & Org Policies Enum
         * GCP - KMS Enum
         * GCP - Logging Enum
         * GCP - Memorystore Enum
         * GCP - Monitoring Enum
         * GCP - Pub/Sub Enum
         * GCP - Secrets Manager Enum
         * GCP - Security Enum
         * GCP - Source Repositories Enum
         * GCP - Spanner Enum
         * GCP - Stackdriver Enum
         * GCP - Storage Enum
      * GCP <--> Workspace Pivoting
         * GCP - Understanding Domain-Wide Delegation
      * GCP - Unauthenticated Enum & Access
         * GCP - API Keys Unauthenticated Enum
         * GCP - App Engine Unauthenticated Enum
         * GCP - Artifact Registry Unauthenticated Enum
         * GCP - Cloud Build Unauthenticated Enum
         * GCP - Cloud Functions Unauthenticated Enum
         * GCP - Cloud Run Unauthenticated Enum
         * GCP - Cloud SQL Unauthenticated Enum
         * GCP - Compute Unauthenticated Enum
         * GCP - IAM, Principals & Org Unauthenticated Enum
         * GCP - Source Repositories Unauthenticated Enum
         * GCP - Storage Unauthenticated Enum
            * GCP - Public Buckets Privilege Escalation
   * GWS - Workspace Pentesting
      * GWS - Post Exploitation
      * GWS - Persistence
      * GWS - Google Platforms Phishing
         * GWS - App Scripts
   * AWS Pentesting
      * AWS - Basic Information
         * AWS - Federation Abuse
      * AWS - Permissions for a Pentest
      * AWS - Persistence
         * AWS - API Gateway Persistence
         * AWS - Cognito Persistence
         * AWS - DynamoDB Persistence
         * AWS - EC2 Persistence
         * AWS - ECR Persistence
         * AWS - ECS Persistence
         * AWS - Elastic Beanstalk Persistence
         * AWS - EFS Persistence
         * AWS - IAM Persistence
         * AWS - KMS Persistence
         * AWS - Lambda Persistence
            * AWS - Abusing Lambda Extensions
            * AWS - Lambda Layers Persistence
         * AWS - Lightsail Persistence
         * AWS - RDS Persistence
         * AWS - S3 Persistence
         * AWS - SNS Persistence
         * AWS - Secrets Manager Persistence
         * AWS - SQS Persistence
         * AWS - SSM Perssitence
         * AWS - STS Persistence
      * AWS - Post Exploitation
         * AWS - API Gateway Post Exploitation
         * AWS - CloudFront Post Exploitation
         * AWS - CodeBuild Post Exploitation
            * AWS Codebuild - Token Leakage
         * AWS - Control Tower Post Exploitation
         * AWS - DLM Post Exploitation
         * AWS - DynamoDB Post Exploitation
         * AWS - EC2, EBS, SSM & VPC Post Exploitation
            * AWS - EBS Snapshot Dump
            * AWS - Malicious VPC Mirror
         * AWS - ECR Post Exploitation
         * AWS - ECS Post Exploitation
         * AWS - EFS Post Exploitation
         * AWS - EKS Post Exploitation
         * AWS - Elastic Beanstalk Post Exploitation
         * AWS - IAM Post Exploitation
         * AWS - KMS Post Exploitation
         * AWS - Lambda Post Exploitation
            * AWS - Steal Lambda Requests
         * AWS - Lightsail Post Exploitation
         * AWS - Organizations Post Exploitation
         * AWS - RDS Post Exploitation
         * AWS - S3 Post Exploitation
         * AWS - Secrets Manager Post Exploitation
         * AWS - SES Post Exploitation
         * AWS - SNS Post Exploitation
         * AWS - SQS Post Exploitation
         * AWS - SSO & identitystore Post Exploitation
         * AWS - STS Post Exploitation
         * AWS - VPN Post Exploitation
      * AWS - Privilege Escalation
         * AWS - Apigateway Privesc
         * AWS - Chime Privesc
         * AWS - Codebuild Privesc
         * AWS - Codepipeline Privesc
         * AWS - Codestar Privesc
            * codestar:CreateProject, codestar:AssociateTeamMember
            * iam:PassRole, codestar:CreateProject
         * AWS - Cloudformation Privesc
            * iam:PassRole, cloudformation:CreateStack,and
         * AWS - Cognito Privesc
         * AWS - Datapipeline Privesc
         * AWS - Directory Services Privesc
         * AWS - DynamoDB Privesc
         * AWS - EBS Privesc
         * AWS - EC2 Privesc
         * AWS - ECR Privesc
         * AWS - ECS Privesc
         * AWS - EFS Privesc
         * AWS - Elastic Beanstalk Privesc
         * AWS - EMR Privesc
         * AWS - Gamelift
         * AWS - Glue Privesc
         * AWS - IAM Privesc
         * AWS - KMS Privesc
         * AWS - Lambda Privesc
         * AWS - Lightsail Privesc
         * AWS - Mediapackage Privesc
         * AWS - MQ Privesc
         * AWS - MSK Privesc
         * AWS - RDS Privesc
         * AWS - Redshift Privesc
         * AWS - Route53 Privesc
         * AWS - SNS Privesc
         * AWS - SQS Privesc
         * AWS - SSO & identitystore Privesc
         * AWS - Organizations Privesc
         * AWS - S3 Privesc
         * AWS - Sagemaker Privesc
         * AWS - Secrets Manager Privesc
         * AWS - SSM Privesc
         * AWS - STS Privesc
         * AWS - WorkDocs Privesc
      * AWS - Services
         * AWS - Security & Detection Services
            * AWS - CloudTrail Enum
            * AWS - CloudWatch Enum
            * AWS - Config Enum
            * AWS - Control Tower Enum
            * AWS - Cost Explorer Enum
            * AWS - Detective Enum
            * AWS - Firewall Manager Enum
            * AWS - GuardDuty Enum
            * AWS - Inspector Enum
            * AWS - Macie Enum
            * AWS - Security Hub Enum
            * AWS - Shield Enum
            * AWS - Trusted Advisor Enum
            * AWS - WAF Enum
         * AWS - API Gateway Enum
         * AWS - Certificate Manager (ACM) & Private Certificate Authority (PCA)
         * AWS - CloudFormation & Codestar Enum
         * AWS - CloudHSM Enum
         * AWS - CloudFront Enum
         * AWS - Codebuild Enum
         * AWS - Cognito Enum
            * Cognito Identity Pools
            * Cognito User Pools
         * AWS - DataPipeline, CodePipeline & CodeCommit Enum
         * AWS - Directory Services / WorkDocs Enum
         * AWS - DocumentDB Enum
         * AWS - DynamoDB Enum
         * AWS - EC2, EBS, ELB, SSM, VPC & VPN Enum
            * AWS - VPC & Networking Basic Information
         * AWS - ECR Enum
         * AWS - ECS Enum
         * AWS - EKS Enum
         * AWS - Elastic Beanstalk Enum
         * AWS - ElastiCache
         * AWS - EMR Enum
         * AWS - EFS Enum
         * AWS - Kinesis Data Firehose Enum
         * AWS - IAM Enum
         * AWS - KMS Enum
         * AWS - Lambda Enum
         * AWS - Lightsail Enum
         * AWS - MQ Enum
         * AWS - MSK Enum
         * AWS - Organizations Enum
         * AWS - Redshift Enum
         * AWS - Relational Database (RDS) Enum
         * AWS - Route53 Enum
         * AWS - Secrets Manager Enum
         * AWS - SES Enum
         * AWS - SNS Enum
         * AWS - SQS Enum
         * AWS - S3, Athena & Glacier Enum
         * AWS - STS Enum
         * AWS - Other Services Enum
      * AWS - Unauthenticated Enum & Access
         * AWS - Accounts Unauthenticated Enum
         * AWS - API Gateway Unauthenticated Enum
         * AWS - Cloudfront Unauthenticated Enum
         * AWS - Cognito Unauthenticated Enum
         * AWS - CodeBuild Unauthenticated Access
         * AWS - DocumentDB Unauthenticated Enum
         * AWS - DynamoDB Unauthenticated Access
         * AWS - EC2 Unauthenticated Enum
         * AWS - ECR Unauthenticated Enum
         * AWS - ECS Unauthenticated Enum
         * AWS - Elastic Beanstalk Unauthenticated Enum
         * AWS - Elasticsearch Unauthenticated Enum
         * AWS - IAM & STS Unauthenticated Enum
         * AWS - IoT Unauthenticated Enum
         * AWS - Kinesis Video Unauthenticated Enum
         * AWS - Lambda Unauthenticated Access
         * AWS - Media Unauthenticated Enum
         * AWS - MQ Unauthenticated Enum
         * AWS - MSK Unauthenticated Enum
         * AWS - RDS Unauthenticated Enum
         * AWS - Redshift Unauthenticated Enum
         * AWS - SQS Unauthenticated Enum
         * AWS - SNS Unauthenticated Enum
         * AWS - S3 Unauthenticated Enum
   * Azure Pentesting
      * Az - Basic Information
      * Az - Unauthenticated Enum & Initial Entry
         * Az - Illicit Consent Grant
         * Az - Device Code Authentication Phishing
         * Az - Password Spraying
      * Az - Services
         * Az - ACR
         * Az - Application Proxy
         * Az - ARM Templates / Deployments
         * Az - Automation Account
            * Az - State Configuration RCE
         * Az - Azure App Service & Function Apps
         * Az - Blob Storage
         * Az - Intune
         * Az - Key Vault
         * Az - Logic Apps
         * Az - SQL
         * Az - Virtual Machines & Network
            * Az - Azure Network
      * Az - Permissions for a Pentest
      * Az - Lateral Movement (Cloud - On-Prem)
         * Az AD Connect - Hybrid Identity
            * Az- Synchronising New Users
            * Az - Default Applications
            * Az - Cloud Kerberos Trust
            * Az - Federation
            * Az - PHS - Password Hash Sync
            * Az - PTA - Pass-through Authentication
            * Az - Seamless SSO
         * Az - Local Cloud Credentials
         * Az - Pass the Cookie
         * Az - Pass the Certificate
         * Az - Pass the PRT
         * Az - Phishing Primary Refresh Token (Microsoft Entra)
         * Az - Primary Refresh Token (PRT)
      * Az - Persistence
      * Az - Device Registration
      * Az - AzureAD (AAD)
         * Az - Conditional Access Policies / MFA Bypass
         * Az - Dynamic Groups Privesc
   * Digital Ocean Pentesting
      * DO - Basic Information
      * DO - Permissions for a Pentest
      * DO - Services
         * DO - Apps
         * DO - Container Registry
         * DO - Databases
         * DO - Droplets
         * DO - Functions
         * DO - Images
         * DO - Kubernetes (DOKS)
         * DO - Networking
         * DO - Projects
         * DO - Spaces
         * DO - Volumes
   * IBM Cloud Pentesting
      * IBM - Hyper Protect Crypto Services
      * IBM - Hyper Protect Virtual Server
      * IBM - Basic Information
 * 🛫Pentesting Network Services
   * HackTricks Pentesting Network
   * HackTricks Pentesting Services

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Welcome to the page where you will find each hacking trick/technique/whatever
related to CI/CD & Cloud I have learnt in CTFs, real life environments,
researching, and reading researches and news.


In the HackTricks CI/CD Methodology you will find how to pentest infrastructure
related to CI/CD activities. Read the following page for an introduction:

pagePentesting CI/CD Methodology

In the HackTricks Cloud Methodology you will find how to pentest cloud
environments. Read the following page for an introduction:

pagePentesting Cloud Methodology

Check them in:

pageHackTricks Values & FAQLearn AWS hacking from zero to hero with htARTE
(HackTricks AWS Red Team Expert)!

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NextPentesting CI/CD Methodology

Last updated 9 days ago

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 * Pentesting Cloud Methodology
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