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Form analysis
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Text Content
Contact Us Toggle navigation * Contact Us * SchoolsSchools * Secondary schools * MATs * Independent schools * Primary schools * ProductsProducts * Satchel One NEW * Show My Homework * Attendance * Seating * Timetables * Behaviour * Content * ResourcesResources * Resource centre * Blog * AboutAbout * Our Story * Careers * Contact Us * Status * Contact Us CONTACT US If you need help or have any questions, please contact our Support Team. Home Get in touch CHAT All members of staff have unlimited access to our knowledgebase and chat directly from the website. Login to your account and click the blue icon in the bottom right corner: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EMAIL If you are a student or parent, or you are unable to see the icon above on the website, please send us an email instead. For the best experience, please make sure to provide as much relevant information as possible, such as your name, school, and important details of the issue. Are you having trouble logging in? Make sure to view our student and parent video guides: We will not be able to provide new login details. Please follow our user guides or contact the school directly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your full name: (required) School name: (required) Email address: (required) Are you student or parent? (required)--None--Student Parent Other (recruitment etc.) Teacher SLT Network Manager/IT team Groupcall Topic: (required) Your message: (required) File Attachment: satchel: ABOUT US Get to know more about the people behind the products. * Our story * Blog * Contact us CUSTOMER SUPPORT Whatever you need, when you need it. We’re here to help. * View user guides * Log a support ticket * Watch video tutorials SOCIAL MEDIA Keep up-to-date with all things Satchel and education. * Follow us on Twitter * Like us on Facebook * Connect on Instagram © Teachercentric. All Rights Reserved 2008 - 2021 * Get In Touch * Site Map * Status Page * Legal * GDPR