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<p><a href="/support/how-to/control-your-hearing-aid">Turn hearing aids on and off</a></p>
<p><a href="/support/how-to/ifttt">Get started with IFTTT</a></p>
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<h1><span class="like-h2">Hearing aids compatibility guide</span></h1>
<p>Here you can see which phones, tablets, and hearing aid accessories your hearing aids are compatible with. <br> Simply select your hearing aids and the device you want to know about from the drop-down menus below. <br>
<div class="cg__selection">
<div class="cg__section fetched">
<div class="cg__select products">
<div class="cg__title">
<h4>Hearing aids</h4>
<div class="cg__description">
<p>Which type will you use?</p>
<div class="cg__dropdown"><select id="products">
<option value="0">Choose hearing aids </option>
<option value="409561">Oticon CROS miniRITE T</option>
<option value="386733">Oticon CROS PX miniRITE R</option>
<option value="343763">Oticon More™ miniRITE T</option>
<option value="255443">Oticon More™ miniRITE R</option>
<option value="406468">Oticon More™ miniBTE R</option>
<option value="406471">Oticon More™ miniBTE T</option>
<option value="161227">Oticon Opn Play™ miniRITE</option>
<option value="161231">Oticon Opn Play™ miniRITE R</option>
<option value="161229">Oticon Opn Play™ miniRITE T</option>
<option value="161233">Oticon Opn Play™ BTE Plus Power</option>
<option value="161211">Oticon Opn S™ miniRITE</option>
<option value="161220">Oticon Opn S™ miniRITE R</option>
<option value="161217">Oticon Opn S™ miniRITE T</option>
<option value="161223">Oticon Opn S™ BTE Plus Power</option>
<option value="20355">Oticon Opn™ miniRITE</option>
<option value="100052">Oticon Opn™ miniRITE T</option>
<option value="100051">Oticon Opn™ BTE Plus Power</option>
<option value="148625">Oticon Opn™ Invisible-in-the-Canal (IIC)</option>
<option value="148628">Oticon Opn™ Completely-in-the-Canal (CIC)</option>
<option value="148631">Oticon Opn™ In-the-Canal (ITC)</option>
<option value="148635">Oticon Opn™ Half Shell</option>
<option value="148638">Oticon Opn™ Full Shell</option>
<option value="487318">Oticon Own™ Invisible-in-the-Canal (IIC)</option>
<option value="487311">Oticon Own™ Completely-in-the-Canal (CIC)</option>
<option value="487323">Oticon Own™ In-the-Canal (ITC)</option>
<option value="487328">Oticon Own™ In-the-Ear Half Shell (ITE HS)</option>
<option value="487333">Oticon Own™ In-the-Ear Full Shell (ITE FS)</option>
<option value="406489">Oticon Play PX miniRITE R</option>
<option value="406487">Oticon Play PX miniRITE T</option>
<option value="406483">Oticon Play PX miniBTE R</option>
<option value="406485">Oticon Play PX miniBTE T</option>
<option value="223004">Oticon Ruby miniRITE</option>
<option value="223008">Oticon Ruby miniRITE T</option>
<option value="223009">Oticon Ruby miniRITE R</option>
<option value="223011">Oticon Ruby BTE</option>
<option value="223010">Oticon Ruby BTE Plus Power</option>
<option value="148641">Oticon Siya miniRITE</option>
<option value="148643">Oticon Siya miniRITE T</option>
<option value="148645">Oticon Siya BTE</option>
<option value="148647">Oticon Siya Plus Power</option>
<option value="148682">Oticon Siya Invisible-in-the-Canal (IIC)</option>
<option value="148684">Oticon Siya Completely-in-the-Canal (CIC)</option>
<option value="148686">Oticon Siya In-the-Canal (ITC)</option>
<option value="148688">Oticon Siya Half Shell</option>
<option value="148690">Oticon Siya Full Shell</option>
<option value="202513">Oticon Xceed BTE Super Power</option>
<option value="202514">Oticon Xceed BTE Ultra Power</option>
<option value="202532">Oticon Xceed Play BTE Super Power</option>
<option value="202533">Oticon Xceed Play BTE Ultra Power</option>
<option value="406480">Oticon Zircon miniRITE R</option>
<option value="406478">Oticon Zircon miniRITE T</option>
<option value="406474">Oticon Zircon miniBTE R</option>
<option value="406476">Oticon Zircon miniBTE T</option>
<div class="cg__dropdown__arrow"></div>
</div><button type="button" class="button-modal"> I don’t know which hearing aids I have </button>
<div class="directStreaming-wrapper products"><button type="button" class="cg__checkbox-button direct_streaming disabled"> I want to be able to stream directly from my phone to my hearing aid </button></div>
<div class="cg__select devices">
<div class="cg__title">
<h4>Mobile device</h4>
<div class="cg__description">
<p>Which phone or tablet will you use?</p>
<div class="cg__dropdown"><select id="devices">
<option value="540316">Asus ROG Phone 3 </option>
<option value="540309">BLU G91s </option>
<option value="0">Choose phone/tablet </option>
<option value="453322">Doro 6060 </option>
<option value="453323">Doro 7030 </option>
<option value="453324">Doro 7080 </option>
<option value="453325">Doro 780X </option>
<option value="453321">Doro 8050 </option>
<option value="453320">Doro 8080 </option>
<option value="330324">Google Pixel </option>
<option value="331339">Google Pixel 2 </option>
<option value="339199">Google Pixel 3 </option>
<option value="540277">Google Pixel 3 XL </option>
<option value="331338">Google Pixel 3a </option>
<option value="540276">Google Pixel 3a XL </option>
<option value="331337">Google Pixel 4 </option>
<option value="368194">Google Pixel 4a </option>
<option value="540278">Google Pixel 4a 5G </option>
<option value="368193">Google Pixel 5 </option>
<option value="475140">Google Pixel 6 </option>
<option value="540279">Google Pixel 6 Pro </option>
<option value="340434">Google Pixel XL </option>
<option value="335328">HTC 10 </option>
<option value="254741">HTC U12+ </option>
<option value="339145">Huawei Mate 10 </option>
<option value="254751">Huawei Mate 10 Pro </option>
<option value="462487">Huawei Mate 30 Pro (2019) </option>
<option value="340445">Huawei Nova 5 Pro </option>
<option value="340442">Huawei P10 </option>
<option value="340443">Huawei P20 </option>
<option value="335331">Huawei P20 Lite </option>
<option value="335332">Huawei P30 </option>
<option value="368195">Huawei P30 Lite </option>
<option value="335333">iPad 5th generation 9.7" </option>
<option value="490767">iPad 6th generation 9.7" </option>
<option value="335335">iPad 7th generation 10.2" </option>
<option value="368189">iPad 8th generation 10.2" </option>
<option value="493047">iPad 9th generation </option>
<option value="475147">iPad 9th generation 10.2" (2021) </option>
<option value="340425">iPad Air </option>
<option value="331313">iPad Air 2 </option>
<option value="254767">iPad Air 3 </option>
<option value="409572">iPad Air 4 </option>
<option value="493049">iPad Air 5th generation (2022) </option>
<option value="340407">iPad mini 2 </option>
<option value="340406">iPad mini 3 </option>
<option value="331316">iPad mini 4 </option>
<option value="331315">iPad mini 5 </option>
<option value="475145">iPad mini 6th generation (2021) </option>
<option value="335336">iPad Pro 1st generation 11" </option>
<option value="335337">iPad Pro 1st generation 12.9" </option>
<option value="335338">iPad Pro 1st generation 9.7" </option>
<option value="335339">iPad Pro 2nd generation 10.5" </option>
<option value="520607">iPad Pro 2nd generation 11" (2020) </option>
<option value="335340">iPad Pro 2nd generation 12.9" </option>
<option value="496807">iPad Pro 3rd generation 11" (2018) </option>
<option value="475144">iPad Pro 3rd generation 11" (2021) </option>
<option value="335342">iPad Pro 3rd generation 12.9" (2018) </option>
<option value="335343">iPad Pro 4th generation 12.9" </option>
<option value="475143">iPad Pro 5th generation 12.9" (2021) </option>
<option value="330322">iPhone 11 </option>
<option value="331298">iPhone 11 Pro </option>
<option value="254760">iPhone 11 Pro Max </option>
<option value="335326">iPhone 12 </option>
<option value="335344">iPhone 12 mini </option>
<option value="335345">iPhone 12 Pro </option>
<option value="335346">iPhone 12 Pro Max </option>
<option value="462482">iPhone 13 </option>
<option value="462491">iPhone 13 mini </option>
<option value="462483">iPhone 13 Pro </option>
<option value="462484">iPhone 13 Pro Max </option>
<option value="340405">iPhone 5s </option>
<option value="340403">iPhone 6 </option>
<option value="340404">iPhone 6 Plus </option>
<option value="331309">iPhone 6s </option>
<option value="331308">iPhone 6s Plus </option>
<option value="331306">iPhone 7 </option>
<option value="331305">iPhone 7 Plus </option>
<option value="331304">iPhone 8 </option>
<option value="331303">iPhone 8 Plus </option>
<option value="331307">iPhone SE </option>
<option value="409568">iPhone SE (2020) </option>
<option value="493048">iPhone SE 3rd generation (2022) </option>
<option value="331302">iPhone X </option>
<option value="331301">iPhone XR </option>
<option value="331299">iPhone XS </option>
<option value="331300">iPhone XS Max </option>
<option value="340408">iPod touch 6th generation </option>
<option value="335348">iPod touch 7th generation </option>
<option value="340440">LG G5 </option>
<option value="254744">LG G6 </option>
<option value="339204">LG Nexus 5x </option>
<option value="340441">LG V20 </option>
<option value="540280">LG V60 ThinQ </option>
<option value="254736">Moto X4 </option>
<option value="540281">Motorola Edge 30 Pro </option>
<option value="254737">Motorola Moto E4 Plus (2017) </option>
<option value="540317">Motorola Moto E40 </option>
<option value="365818">Motorola Moto G G9 Plus </option>
<option value="540310">Motorola Moto G Power (2022) </option>
<option value="540311">Motorola Moto G Stylus (2022) </option>
<option value="540318">Motorola Moto G22 </option>
<option value="540319">Motorola Moto G31 </option>
<option value="540320">Motorola Moto G52 </option>
<option value="540321">Motorola Moto G60 </option>
<option value="540322">Motorola Moto G71 5G </option>
<option value="340438">Motorola Moto Z </option>
<option value="475141">Nokia XR20 </option>
<option value="540282">OnePlus 10 Pro 5G </option>
<option value="540283">OnePlus 10R </option>
<option value="540323">OnePlus 6T </option>
<option value="335351">OnePlus 7T </option>
<option value="540284">OnePlus 7T Pro </option>
<option value="335352">OnePlus 8T </option>
<option value="493052">OnePlus 9 </option>
<option value="540312">OnePlus Nord N10 5G </option>
<option value="540285">OnePlus Nord N20 5G </option>
<option value="540313">OnePlus Nord N200 5G </option>
<option value="540324">Oppo A55 </option>
<option value="540286">Oppo A74 5G </option>
<option value="368191">Samsung Galaxy A10 </option>
<option value="540314">Samsung Galaxy A11 </option>
<option value="475139">Samsung Galaxy A12 </option>
<option value="540287">Samsung Galaxy A13 </option>
<option value="475138">Samsung Galaxy A20e </option>
<option value="335353">Samsung Galaxy A20s </option>
<option value="540315">Samsung Galaxy A21 </option>
<option value="340411">Samsung Galaxy A21s </option>
<option value="520612">Samsung Galaxy A22 </option>
<option value="540325">Samsung Galaxy A31 </option>
<option value="368190">Samsung Galaxy A40 </option>
<option value="475137">Samsung Galaxy A41 </option>
<option value="331332">Samsung Galaxy A5 </option>
<option value="335355">Samsung Galaxy A50 </option>
<option value="490768">Samsung Galaxy A51 </option>
<option value="475136">Samsung Galaxy A52 </option>
<option value="540288">Samsung Galaxy A52 5G </option>
<option value="540289">Samsung Galaxy A52s 5G </option>
<option value="335357">Samsung Galaxy A70 </option>
<option value="335358">Samsung Galaxy A71 </option>
<option value="540290">Samsung Galaxy A71 5G </option>
<option value="335359">Samsung Galaxy A8 </option>
<option value="540291">Samsung Galaxy F23 5G </option>
<option value="340432">Samsung Galaxy J3 (2016) </option>
<option value="340431">Samsung Galaxy J3 (2017) </option>
<option value="335364">Samsung Galaxy J7 Pop </option>
<option value="540292">Samsung Galaxy M31 </option>
<option value="335365">Samsung Galaxy Note 10 </option>
<option value="335366">Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ </option>
<option value="368192">Samsung Galaxy Note 20 5G </option>
<option value="331334">Samsung Galaxy Note 8 </option>
<option value="330323">Samsung Galaxy Note 9 </option>
<option value="540293">Samsung Galaxy Note20 Ultra 5G </option>
<option value="331321">Samsung Galaxy S10 </option>
<option value="335367">Samsung Galaxy S10+ </option>
<option value="475135">Samsung Galaxy S10e </option>
<option value="335368">Samsung Galaxy S20 </option>
<option value="540294">Samsung Galaxy S20 5G </option>
<option value="540295">Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 5G </option>
<option value="540296">Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra 5G </option>
<option value="540297">Samsung Galaxy S20+ 5G </option>
<option value="371814">Samsung Galaxy S21 </option>
<option value="540298">Samsung Galaxy S21 5G </option>
<option value="540299">Samsung Galaxy S21 FE </option>
<option value="540300">Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G </option>
<option value="475134">Samsung Galaxy S21+ </option>
<option value="540301">Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G </option>
<option value="520611">Samsung Galaxy S22 </option>
<option value="540302">Samsung Galaxy S22 5G </option>
<option value="540303">Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra 5G </option>
<option value="520608">Samsung Galaxy S22+ </option>
<option value="340427">Samsung Galaxy S6 </option>
<option value="331327">Samsung Galaxy S7 </option>
<option value="340409">Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge </option>
<option value="331325">Samsung Galaxy S8 </option>
<option value="331324">Samsung Galaxy S8+ </option>
<option value="331323">Samsung Galaxy S9 </option>
<option value="331322">Samsung Galaxy S9+ </option>
<option value="335369">Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 </option>
<option value="520609">Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra </option>
<option value="475133">Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3 </option>
<option value="520610">Samsung Galaxy Z Fold3 </option>
<option value="335370">Sony Xperia XA </option>
<option value="254733">Sony Xperia XZ </option>
<option value="365817">Sony Xperia XZ3 </option>
<option value="540304">Vivo IQOO Z6 Pro </option>
<option value="540305">Vivo X70 Pro+ </option>
<option value="540306">Vivo X80 </option>
<option value="540307">Vivo X80 Pro </option>
<option value="493051">Xiaomi 11 Lite 5G NE </option>
<option value="493050">Xiaomi 11T Pro </option>
<option value="520613">Xiaomi 12 </option>
<option value="540308">Xiaomi 12 Pro </option>
<option value="340413">Xiaomi MI 10 5G </option>
<option value="475142">Xiaomi Mi 10T Pro </option>
<option value="335372">Xiaomi MI 9 SE </option>
<option value="335062">Xiaomi MI Mix3 </option>
<option value="335373">Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 </option>
<option value="339215">Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro </option>
<option value="340446">ZTE AXON 7 </option>
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<div class="directStreaming-wrapper additionalFeature"><button type="button" class="cg__checkbox-button direct_streaming disabled"> I want to directly stream audio using my hearing aids and phone </button></div>
<div class="directStreaming-wrapper additionalFeature"><button type="button" class="cg__checkbox-button direct_streaming disabled"> I want to stream via two-way hands-free audio </button></div>
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Hearing aids
Hearing aids
(53)</a><a href="#result2" class="" title="
(12)</a><a href="#result3" class="" title="
(2)</a><a href="#result4" class="" title="
<div id="result1">
<h4> Hearing aids (53)</h4>
<div class="cg__cards ">
<a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=343763&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/6eda9dc1-3f61-4863-b313-ad8f0073b5e1/Oticon_More_miniRITE_T_Left_C091SilverGrey_LEDoff_Speaker60_OpenBassDome_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon More™"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon More™ miniRITE T</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Oticon More is the world's first hearing aid with an on-board Deep Neural Network (DNN) that works more like the brain because it learned through experience. Oticon More miniRITE T uses a disposable battery. It can stream audio directly from iPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch®, and select Android™ devices. This is because Oticon More is a Made for iPhone® hearing aid with Bluetooth®, and is compatible with the new Android protocol for Audio Streaming for Hearing Aids (ASHA). To make handling easy, this miniRITE T style comes with a double push-button and an LED light. It also features a telecoil and Bluetooth® wireless technology for seamless connections with your favorite devices.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=255443&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/9bc75153-c580-43ee-9419-ac6b00f1e21c/Oticon_More_miniRITE_R_Left_C091SilverGrey_LEDoff_Speaker60_OpenBassDome_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon More™"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon More™ miniRITE R</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Oticon More is the world's first hearing aid with an on-board Deep Neural Network (DNN) that works more like the brain because it learned through experience. Oticon More miniRITE R uses a Lithium-Ion battery. It can stream audio directly from iPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch®, and select Android™ devices. This is because Oticon More is a Made for iPhone® hearing aid with Bluetooth®, and is compatible with the new Android protocol for Audio Streaming for Hearing Aids (ASHA). To make handling easy, this miniRITE R style comes with a double push-button and an LED light. It also features a telecoil and Bluetooth® wireless technology for seamless connections with your favorite devices.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=406468&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/d6a3bd43-23f3-44be-b5fd-add600f7f981/Oticon_More_miniBTE_R_Left_C091SilverGrey_LEDgreen_Hook_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon More™"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon More™ miniBTE R</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Oticon More is the world's first hearing aid with an on-board Deep Neural Network (DNN) that works more like the brain because it learned through experience. Oticon More miniBTE R uses a Lithium-Ion battery. It can stream audio directly from iPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch®, and select Android™ devices. This is because Oticon More is a Made for iPhone® hearing aid with Bluetooth®, and is compatible with the new Android protocol for Audio Streaming for Hearing Aids (ASHA). To make handling easy, this miniBTE R style comes with a single push-button and an LED light. It also features a telecoil and Bluetooth® wireless technology for seamless connections with your favorite devices.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=406471&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/11ee1aba-0a09-4697-965d-add600f7fa42/Oticon_More_miniBTE_T_Left_C091SilverGrey_LEDgreen_Hook_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon More™"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon More™ miniBTE T</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Oticon More is the world's first hearing aid with an on-board Deep Neural Network (DNN) that works more like the brain because it learned through experience. Oticon More miniBTE T uses a disposable battery. It can stream audio directly from iPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch®, and select Android™ devices. Oticon More is a Made for iPhone® hearing aid with Bluetooth®, and is compatible with the new Android protocol for Audio Streaming for Hearing Aids (ASHA). To make handling easy, this miniBTE T style comes with a single push-button and an LED light. It also features a telecoil and Bluetooth® wireless technology for seamless connections with your favorite devices.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><button
type="button" class="cg__cards__button"> Show all
</button><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=487318&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/2d94de92-39ff-46df-b503-aeba00df51c2/Oticon_Own_IIC_Right_C001BeigeShell_C001BeigeFP_Bat10_Angled_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Own™"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Own™ Invisible-in-the-Canal (IIC)</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">As the smallest in the Oticon Own family, the Invisible-In-the-Canal hearing aid is placed deep in the ear canal for ultimate discreetness*. A small removal string is used to easily remove the hearing aid. *Invisible in 9 out of 10 ears.
* Rumley et al. (2022). Oticon Own evidence. White paper.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=487311&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/9f5a1f3d-9b59-41ff-ae54-aeba00df4e1d/Oticon_Own_CIC_Right_C001Beige_Bat10_Angled_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Own™"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Own™ Completely-in-the-Canal (CIC)</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Oticon's very discreet Completely-in-the-Canal hearing aid is placed inside the ear canal. It is available in a range of colors to match your skin tone. A small removal string is accessible making removal easy and discreet.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=487323&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/2956f73f-bfdc-43d9-88ab-aeba00df55a8/Oticon_Own_ITC_Right_C001Beige_Bat312_NFM_2.4G_Angled_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Own™"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Own™ In-the-Canal (ITC)</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Oticon Own In-the-Canal hearing aid is placed discreetly in the ear. With optional Bluetooth® wireless technology, Oticon Own In-the-Canal offers seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. It also offers an optional telecoil for enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=487328&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/231f816d-63ca-4346-886a-aeba00df5b92/Oticon_Own_ITEHalfshell_Right_C001Beige_Bat312_NFM_2.4G_Angled_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Own™"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Own™ In-the-Ear Half Shell (ITE HS)</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">The Oticon Own ITE Half Shell hearing aid is an easy-to-handle instrument that is placed in the ear. It accommodates large manual control options. Oticon Own ITE Half Shell offers optional Bluetooth® wireless technology for seamless connectivity to your favorite devices, and an optional telecoil for enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=487333&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/0da97f6b-7135-4efe-9cbf-aeba00df589b/Oticon_Own_ITEFullshell_Right_C001Beige_Bat312_NFM_2.4G_Angled_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Own™"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Own™ In-the-Ear Full Shell (ITE FS)</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">The Oticon Own ITE Full Shell hearing aid is an easy-to-handle instrument. It accommodates large manual control options. Oticon Own ITE Full Shell offers Bluetooth® wireless technology for seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. It also offers an optional telecoil for enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=406489&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/ada74e58-c3de-43d2-8fa3-add600d9efd2/Oticon_Play_PX_miniRITE_R_Left_C045Purple_LEDgreen_Speaker60_OpenBassDome_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Play PX"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Play PX miniRITE R</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Oticon Play PX is the world's first pediatric hearing aid with an on-board Deep Neural Network (DNN) that learned the way children learn—through experience. Oticon Play PX miniRITE R uses a Lithium-ion battery. It can stream audio directly from iPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch®, and select Android™ devices. Oticon Play PX is a Made for iPhone® hearing aid with Bluetooth®, and is compatible with the new Android protocol for Audio Streaming for Hearing Aids (ASHA). To make handling easy, this miniRITE R style comes with a double push-button and an LED light. It also features a telecoil and Bluetooth® wireless technology for seamless connections with your child's favorite devices.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=406487&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/45436de3-8afa-4143-b292-add600d9f05e/Oticon_Play_PX_miniRITE_T_Left_C045Purple_LEDgreen_Speaker60_OpenBassDome_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Play PX"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Play PX miniRITE T</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Oticon Play PX is the world's first pediatric hearing aid with an on-board Deep Neural Network (DNN) that learned the way children learn—through experience. Oticon Play PX miniRITE T uses a disposable battery. It can stream audio directly from iPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch®, and select Android™ devices. Oticon Play PX is a Made for iPhone® hearing aid with Bluetooth®, and is compatible with the new Android protocol for Audio Streaming for Hearing Aids (ASHA). To make handling easy, this miniRITE T style comes with a double push-button and an LED light. It also features a telecoil and Bluetooth® wireless technology for seamless connections with your child's favorite devices.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=406483&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/e1497811-0b28-4318-b2b0-add600d9ed33/Oticon_Play_PX_miniBTE_R_Left_C045Purple_LEDgreen_Hook_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Play PX"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Play PX miniBTE R</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Oticon Play PX is the world's first pediatric hearing aid with an on-board Deep Neural Network (DNN) that learned the way children learn—through experience. Oticon Play PX miniBTE R uses a Lithium-ion battery. It can stream audio directly from iPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch®, and select Android™ devices. Oticon Play PX is a Made for iPhone® hearing aid with Bluetooth®, and is compatible with the new Android protocol for Audio Streaming for Hearing Aids (ASHA). To make handling easy, this miniBTE R style comes with a single push-button and an LED light. It also features a telecoil and Bluetooth® wireless technology for seamless connections with your child's favorite devices.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=406485&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/5aa22bcf-c33f-499d-91ce-add600d9ef45/Oticon_Play_PX_miniBTE_T_Left_C045Purple_LEDgreen_Hook_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Play PX"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Play PX miniBTE T</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Oticon Play PX is the world's first pediatric hearing aid with an on-board Deep Neural Network (DNN) that learned the way children learn—through experience. Oticon Play PX miniBTE T uses a disposable battery. It can stream audio directly from iPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch®, and select Android™ devices. Oticon Play PX is a Made for iPhone® hearing aid with Bluetooth®, and is compatible with the new Android protocol for Audio Streaming for Hearing Aids (ASHA). To make handling easy, this miniBTE T style comes with a single push-button and an LED light It also features a telecoil and Bluetooth® wireless technology for seamless connections with your child's favorite devices.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=406480&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/ab2254d6-9068-43c4-87f0-adef00dd2438/Oticon_Zircon_miniRITE_R_Left_C090ChromaBeige_LEDoff_Speaker60_OpenBassDome_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Zircon"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Zircon miniRITE R</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Oticon Zircon is a comprehensive essential family to meet your hearing needs. Oticon Zircon miniRITE R uses a Lithium-Ion battery. It can stream audio directly from iPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch®, and select Android™ devices. Oticon Zircon is a Made for iPhone® hearing aid with Bluetooth®, and is compatible with the new Android protocol for Audio Streaming for Hearing Aids (ASHA). To make handling easy, this miniRITE R style comes with a double push-button and an LED light. It also features a telecoil and Bluetooth® wireless technology for seamless connections with your favorite devices.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=406478&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/7deb572f-0378-4be4-b090-adef00dd24ef/Oticon_Zircon_miniRITE_T_Left_C090ChromaBeige_LEDoff_Speaker60_OpenBassDome_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Zircon"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Zircon miniRITE T</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Oticon Zircon is a comprehensive essential family to meet your hearing needs. Oticon Zircon miniRITE T uses a disposable battery. It can stream audio directly from iPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch®, and select Android™ devices. Oticon Zircon is a Made for iPhone® hearing aid with Bluetooth®, and is compatible with the new Android protocol for Audio Streaming for Hearing Aids (ASHA).To make handling easy, this miniRITE T style comes with a double push-button and an LED light. It also features a telecoil and Bluetooth® wireless technology for seamless connections with your favorite devices.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=406474&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/7a71d4bb-d173-4ccb-bcc7-adef00dd22c6/Oticon_Zircon_miniBTE_R_Left_C090ChromaBeige_LEDgreen_Hook_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Zircon"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Zircon miniBTE R</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Oticon Zircon is a comprehensive essential family to meet your hearing needs. Oticon Zircon miniBTE R uses a Lithium-Ion battery. It can stream audio directly from iPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch®, and select Android™ devices. Oticon Zircon is a Made for iPhone® hearing aid with Bluetooth®, and is compatible with the new Android protocol for Audio Streaming for Hearing Aids (ASHA). To make handling easy, this miniBTE R style comes with a single push-button and an LED light. It also features a telecoil and Bluetooth® wireless technology for seamless connections with your favorite devices.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=406476&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/669f49d3-a5cd-4b2f-aafa-adef00dd237d/Oticon_Zircon_miniBTE_T_Left_C090ChromaBeige_LEDgreen_Hook_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Zircon"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Zircon miniBTE T</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Oticon Zircon is a comprehensive essential family to meet your hearing needs. Oticon Zircon miniBTE T uses a disposable battery. It can stream audio directly from iPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch®, and select Android™ devices. Oticon Zircon is a Made for iPhone® hearing aid with Bluetooth®, and is compatible with the new Android protocol for Audio Streaming for Hearing Aids (ASHA). To make handling easy, this miniBTE T style comes with a single push-button and an LED light. It also features a telecoil and Bluetooth® wireless technology for seamless connections with your favorite devices.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=161211&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/4616b6c2-a5a9-4a6d-8eae-abf800d831f4/Oticon_Opn_S_miniRITE_Left_C044Silver_Speaker60_OpenDome_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Opn S™"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Opn S™ miniRITE</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Oticon OPN S improves on the open sound experience. Oticon Opn S miniRITE uses a disposable battery and is easy to operate with a convenient single push-button for volume and program control. Featuring Bluetooth® wireless technology, Oticon Opn S miniRITE offers seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. </div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=161220&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/4c1cd97c-30cf-4c43-ba56-abf900c62cc5/Oticon_Opn_S_miniRITE_R_Left_C044Silver_LEDoff_Speaker60_OpenDome_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Opn S™"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Opn S™ miniRITE R</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Oticon OPN S improves on the open sound experience. Oticon Opn S miniRITE R uses a rechargeable Lithium-ion battery, has an LED indicator to monitor hearing aid status and a convenient double push-button for volume and program control. Featuring Bluetooth® wireless technology, Oticon Opn S miniRITE R offers seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. Its' built-in telecoil offers enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=161217&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/e0fb516f-d999-45d0-a674-abf800d832ac/Oticon_Opn_S_miniRITE_T_Left_C044Silver_Speaker60_OpenDome_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Opn S™"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Opn S™ miniRITE T</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Oticon OPN S improves on the open sound experience. Oticon Opn S miniRITE T uses a disposable battery and has a convenient double push-button for volume and program control. Featuring Bluetooth® wireless technology, Oticon Opn S miniRITE T offers seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. Its' built-in telecoil offers enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=161223&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/f5a84dc9-86ce-4618-9065-abf800d83117/Oticon_Opn_S_BTE_PP_Left_C044Silver_LEDoff_Hook_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Opn S™"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Opn S™ BTE Plus Power</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Oticon OPN S improves on the open sound experience. Oticon Opn S BTE Plus Power uses a disposable battery, has an LED indicator to monitor hearing aid status and a convenient double push-button for volume and program control. Featuring Bluetooth® wireless technology, Oticon Opn S BTE Plus Power offers seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. Its' built-in telecoil offers enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=161227&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/0d94eaf5-fd8d-41fa-a6e2-abf800d82f63/Oticon_Opn_Play_miniRITE_Left_C058Aquamarine_Speaker60_OpenDome_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Opn Play™"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Opn Play™ miniRITE</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Oticon Opn Play introduced the open sound experience for children. Oticon Opn Play miniRITE uses a disposable battery and is easy to operate with a convenient single push-button for volume and program control. Featuring Bluetooth® wireless technology, Oticon Opn Play miniRITE offers seamless connectivity to your child's favorite devices.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=161231&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/2fd5cf0e-eb54-48ae-b365-abf900c62bac/Oticon_Opn_Play_miniRITE_R_Left_C058Aquamarine_LEDoff_Speaker60_OpenDome_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Opn Play™"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Opn Play™ miniRITE R</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Oticon Opn Play introduced the open sound experience for children. Oticon Opn Play miniRITE R uses a rechargeable Lithium-ion battery, has an LED indicator to monitor hearing aid status and a convenient double push-button for volume and program control. Featuring Bluetooth®wireless technology, Oticon Opn Play miniRITE R offers seamless connectivity to your child's favorite devices. Its' built-in telecoil offers enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=161229&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/12a68fb4-00f6-4ca3-a390-abf800d83032/Oticon_Opn_Play_miniRITE_T_Left_C058Aquamarine_LEDoff_Speaker60_OpenDome_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Opn Play™"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Opn Play™ miniRITE T</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Oticon Opn Play introduced the open sound experience for children. Oticon Opn Play miniRITE T uses a disposable battery and has a convenient double push-button for volume and program control. Featuring Bluetooth® wireless technology, Oticon Opn Play miniRITE T offers seamless connectivity to your child's favorite devices. Its' built-in telecoil offers enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=161233&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/e1a8dfd8-750a-4581-be28-abf800d82e8c/Oticon_Opn_Play_BTE_PP_Left_C058Aquamarine_LEDoff_Hook_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Opn Play™"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Opn Play™ BTE Plus Power</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Oticon Opn Play introduced the open sound experience for children. Oticon Opn Play BTE Plus Power uses a disposable battery, has an LED indicator to monitor hearing aid status and a convenient double push-button for volume and program control. Featuring Bluetooth® wireless technology, Oticon Opn Play BTE Plus Power offers seamless connectivity to your child's favorite devices. Its' built-in telecoil offers enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema. For classroom settings, Bluetooth technology can be used for remote microphone access or an FM receiver can be connected directly to the hearing aids.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=202513&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/798a207b-c36e-4ea4-a5f7-abf800d85083/Oticon_Xceed_BTE_SP_Left_C044Silver_LEDoff_Hook_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Xceed"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Xceed BTE Super Power</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Xceed BTE Super Power introduced the open sound experience for people with severe-to-profound hearing loss. Oticon Xceed BTE Super Power uses a disposable battery, has an LED indicator to monitor hearing aid status, a convenient double push-button for volume control, and a seperate push-button for program control. Featuring Bluetooth® wireless technology, Oticon Xceed BTE Super Power offers seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. Its' built-in telecoil offers enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=202514&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/e481ab60-555f-42a5-914a-abf800d85578/Oticon_Xceed_BTE_UP_Left_C044Silver_LEDoff_Hook_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Xceed"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Xceed BTE Ultra Power</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Xceed BTE Ultra Power is the most powerful hearing aid for people with severe-to-profound hearing loss. Oticon Xceed BTE Ultra Power uses a disposable battery, has an LED indicator to monitor hearing aid status, a convenient double push-button for volume control, and a seperate push-button for program control. Featuring Bluetooth® wireless technology, Oticon Xceed BTE Ultra Power offers seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. Its' built-in telecoil offers enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=202532&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/b44b18dc-11fe-4ab8-a6ad-abf800d85cb8/Oticon_Xceed_Play_BTE_SP_Left_C047CoolBlue_LEDgreen_Hook_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Xceed Play"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Xceed Play BTE Super Power</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Designed for children with severe-to-profound hearing loss, Oticon Xceed Play BTE SP supports your child's ability to hear. Oticon Xceed BTE Super Power uses a disposable battery, has an LED indicator to monitor hearing aid status, a convenient double push-button for volume control, and a seperate push-button for program control. Featuring Bluetooth®wireless technology, Oticon Xceed Play BTE Super Power offers seamless connectivity to your child's favorite devices. For classroom settings, Bluetooth technology can be used for remote microphone access or an FM receiver can be connected directly to the hearing aids.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=202533&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/e2cf1209-f50b-421c-96ac-abf800d861ec/Oticon_Xceed_Play_BTE_UP_Left_C047CoolBlue_LEDgreen_Hook_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Xceed Play"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Xceed Play BTE Ultra Power</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">The most powerful hearing aid for children with severe-to-profound hearing loss, Oticon Xceed Play BTE Ultra Power supports your child's ability to hear. Oticon Xceed BTE Ultra Power uses a disposable battery, has an LED indicator to monitor hearing aid status, a convenient double push-button for volume control, and a seperate push-button for program control. Featuring Bluetooth® wireless technology, Oticon Xceed Play BTE Ultra Power offers seamless connectivity to your child's favorite devices. For classroom settings, Bluetooth technology can be used for remote microphone access or an FM receiver can be connected directly to the hearing aids.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=223004&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/cb8ad084-e032-4e3e-b6ca-abf800d7f0d7/Oticon_Ruby_miniRITE_Left_C090ChromaBeige_Speaker60_OpenDome_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Ruby"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Ruby miniRITE</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Oticon Ruby provides Oticon sound quality in the essential category. Oticon Ruby miniRITE uses a disposable battery and is easy to operate with a convenient single push-button for volume and program control. Featuring Bluetooth® wireless technology, Oticon Ruby miniRITE offers seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. </div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=223008&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/7f121f76-b58d-4b98-ad31-abf800d7f164/Oticon_Ruby_miniRITE_T_Left_C090ChromaBeige_Speaker60_OpenDome_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Ruby"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Ruby miniRITE T</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Oticon Ruby provides Oticon sound quality in the essential category. Oticon Ruby miniRITE T uses a disposable battery and has a convenient double push-button for volume and program control. Featuring Bluetooth® wireless technology, Oticon Ruby miniRITE T offers seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. Its' built-in telecoil offers enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=223009&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/8d9e9380-9273-48db-9d72-abf900c6299b/Oticon_Ruby_miniRITE_R_Left_C090ChromaBeige_LEDoff_Speaker60_OpenDome_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Ruby"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Ruby miniRITE R</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Oticon Ruby provides Oticon sound quality in the essential category. Oticon Ruby miniRITE R uses a rechargeable Lithium-ion battery, has an LED indicator to monitor hearing aid status and a convenient double push-button for volume and program control. Featuring Bluetooth® wireless technology, Oticon Ruby miniRITE R offers seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. Its' built-in telecoil offers enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=223011&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/e77d5a8e-00b4-4e34-8afc-abf800d83397/Oticon_Ruby_BTE_Left_C090ChromaBeige_Hook_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Ruby"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Ruby BTE</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Oticon Ruby provides Oticon sound quality in the essential category. Oticon Ruby BTE uses a disposable battery and a convenient double push-button for volume and program control. Featuring Bluetooth® wireless technology, Oticon Ruby BTE offers seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. Its' built-in telecoil offers enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=223010&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/983d7371-5686-40cc-b2c7-abf800d7f038/Oticon_Ruby_BTE_PP_Left_C090ChromaBeige_Hook_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Ruby"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Ruby BTE Plus Power</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Oticon Ruby provides Oticon sound quality in the essential category. Oticon Ruby BTE Plus Power uses a disposable battery, has an LED indicator to monitor hearing aid status and a convenient double push-button for volume and program control. Featuring Bluetooth® wireless technology, Oticon Ruby BTE Plus Power offers seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. Its' built-in telecoil offers enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=20355&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/1f36fcb3-c505-4875-a24a-abf800d7eb1b/Oticon_Opn_miniRITE_L_C068RoyalBlue_Speaker60_OpenDome_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Opn™"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Opn™ miniRITE</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">The smallest behind-the-ear style in the Oticon Opn family, Oticon Opn miniRITE is discreet and easy to operate with a smart single push button for volume and program control. Oticon Opn miniRITE features Bluetooth wireless technology for seamless connectivity to your favorite devices and much more. </div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=100052&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/f560f3d9-56f5-4c3b-bf1b-abf800d7ebb6/Oticon_Opn_miniRITET_L_C090ChromaBeige_Speaker60_OpenDome_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Opn™"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Opn™ miniRITE T</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Based on the popular miniRITE, Oticon Opn miniRITE T is discreet and easy to operate with a convenient double push button for volume and program control. It features Bluetooth wireless technology for seamless connectivity to your favorite devices, and a built-in telecoil for improved hearing in public settings with hearing loop systems, such as the cinema or the theater.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=100051&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/6e9e2782-4905-44c5-8b20-abf800d7e808/Oticon_Opn_BTE_PP_L_C091SilverGrey_LED_Hook_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Opn™"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Opn™ BTE Plus Power</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Oticon Opn BTE PP features a compact design with a convenient double push button for easy operation of volume and programs. Featuring Bluetooth wireless technology, Oticon Opn BTE PP delivers seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. With a built-in telecoil, it offers enhanced listening in public settings with hearing loop systems, such as the theater or cinema. It also has an optional discreet, two-color LED indicator to monitor hearing aid status.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=148625&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/2993e247-165c-467b-a9a7-abf800d82635/Oticon_Opn_IIC_R_C001BeigeShell_C001BeigeFP_Bat10_Angled_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Opn™"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Opn™ Invisible-in-the-Canal (IIC)</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Oticon Opn Invisible-in-the-Canal* hearing aid sits deep in the ear canal where no one will notice it. A small plastic removal string is accessible but not noticeable, making removal easy and discreet.
*Invisible for 8 out of 10 people</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=148628&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/52f6bafe-5285-40c3-9155-ac5300d78849/Oticon_Opn_CIC_R_C001Beige_Bat10_Angled_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Opn™"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Opn™ Completely-in-the-Canal (CIC)</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Oticon's very discreet Completely-in-the-Canal hearing aid sits completely inside the ear canal. Available in a range of shades to match your skin tone, Oticon Opn CIC is barely visible. A small plastic removal string is accessible but not noticeable, making removal easy and discreet.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=148631&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/e12a8136-e7c7-44ee-ae8b-abf800d8273c/Oticon_Opn_ITC_R_C001Beige_Bat312_NFM_Angled_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Opn™"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Opn™ In-the-Canal (ITC)</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">The Oticon Opn In-the-Canal hearing aid sits discreetly in the ear canal. A small part of the hearing aid is visible in the lower part of the ear. With optional Bluetooth wireless technology, Oticon Opn ITC can deliver seamless connectivity to your favorite devices and much more. It also offers an optional telecoil, for enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=148635&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/2cdfe084-bfd3-4085-9009-abf800d82aef/Oticon_Opn_ITEHalfshell_R_C001Beige_Bat312_NFM_Angled_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Opn™"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Opn™ Half Shell</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">For people with dexterity issues who prioritize an easy-to-handle instrument, Oticon Opn Half Shell hearing aid sits visibly in the ear. Because it is larger than other types of in-the-ear hearing aids, it can accommodate longer-lasting batteries and larger manual control options. Oticon Opn Half Shell offers optional Bluetooth wireless technology for seamless connectivity to your favorite devices and an optional telecoil, for enhanced listening in public settings with hearing loop systems, such as the theater or cinema.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=148638&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/ac6031ef-7f6d-47b9-9bd7-abf800d829e0/Oticon_Opn_ITEFullshell_R_C001Beige_Bat312_NFM_Angled_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Opn™"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Opn™ Full Shell</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Optimal for people with dexterity issues who prioritize an easy-to-handle instrument, Oticon Opn Full Shell hearing aid fills out most of the visible part of the ear rather than just the ear canal. Because it is larger than other types of in-the-ear hearing aids, it can accommodate longer-lasting batteries and larger manual control options. Oticon Opn Full Shell offers optional wireless connectivity and an optional built-in telecoil for enhanced listening in public settings with hearing loop systems, such as the theater or cinema.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=148641&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/25710a35-fc67-4ee1-8bc7-abf800d7f5ff/Oticon_Siya_miniRITE_L_C090ChromaBeige_Speaker60_OpenDome_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Siya"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Siya miniRITE</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Oticon Siya miniRITE is a small and discreet hearing aid with a smart single push button for easy operation of volume and programs. Featuring Bluetooth wireless technology, Oticon Siya miniRITE delivers seamless connectivity to your favorite devices and much more.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=148643&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/f2b6b867-0f00-43b2-86f1-abf800d7f6b6/Oticon_Siya_miniRITET_L_C090ChromaBeige_Speaker60_OpenDome_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Siya"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Siya miniRITE T</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Based on the popular miniRITE, Oticon Siya miniRITE T is easy to operate with a convenient double push button for volume and program control. Featuring Bluetooth wireless technology, Oticon Siya miniRITE T delivers seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. And its built-in telecoil offers enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=148645&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/d696b32e-259c-4fc7-96f0-abf800d7f1f5/Oticon_Siya_BTE_L_C090ChromaBeige_Hook_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Siya"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Siya BTE</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">The Oticon Siya BTE hearing aid features a compact design with a convenient double push button for easy volume and program control. Featuring Bluetooth wireless technology, Oticon Siya BTE delivers seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. It also has a built-in telecoil, which offers enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema. Available both as a thin tube or hook solution. </div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=148647&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/f3d87894-cbf6-4d02-9b1f-abf800d7f26a/Oticon_Siya_BTE_PP_L_C090ChromaBeige_Hook_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Siya"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Siya Plus Power</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Designed for severe-to-profound hearing loss, Oticon Siya Plus Power is a robust, powerful hearing aid fitted behind the ear. Featuring Bluetooth wireless technology, Oticon Siya BTE delivers seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. It also includes a built-in telecoil for enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=148682&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/2993e247-165c-467b-a9a7-abf800d82635/Oticon_Opn_IIC_R_C001BeigeShell_C001BeigeFP_Bat10_Angled_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Siya"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Siya Invisible-in-the-Canal (IIC)</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">The smallest in the Oticon Siya family, Oticon Siya Invisible-In-the-Canal* hearing aid sits deep in the ear canal where no one will notice it. A small plastic removal string is accessible but not noticeable, making removal easy and discreet.
*Invisible for 8 out of 10 people</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=148684&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/52f6bafe-5285-40c3-9155-ac5300d78849/Oticon_Opn_CIC_R_C001Beige_Bat10_Angled_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Siya"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Siya Completely-in-the-Canal (CIC)</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Oticon's very discreet Completely-in-the-Canal hearing aid sits completely inside the ear canal. Available in a range of shades to match your skin tone, Oticon Siya Completely-in-the-Canal is barely visible. A small plastic removal string is accessible but not noticeable, making removal easy and discreet.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=148686&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/e12a8136-e7c7-44ee-ae8b-abf800d8273c/Oticon_Opn_ITC_R_C001Beige_Bat312_NFM_Angled_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Siya"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Siya In-the-Canal (ITC)</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Oticon Siya In-The-Canal hearing aid sits discreetly in the ear canal. A small part of the hearing aid is visible in the lower part of the ear. With optional Bluetooth wireless technology, Oticon Siya In-The-Canal offers seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. It also offers an optional telecoil for enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=148688&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/2cdfe084-bfd3-4085-9009-abf800d82aef/Oticon_Opn_ITEHalfshell_R_C001Beige_Bat312_NFM_Angled_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Siya"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Siya Half Shell</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">The Oticon Siya Half Shell hearing aid is an easy-to-handle instrument that sits visibly in the ear. Because it is larger than other types of in-the-ear hearing aids, it can accommodate longer-lasting batteries and larger manual control options. Oticon Siya Half Shell offers optional Bluetooth wireless technology for seamless connectivity to your favorite devices, and an optional telecoil for enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=148690&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/ac6031ef-7f6d-47b9-9bd7-abf800d829e0/Oticon_Opn_ITEFullshell_R_C001Beige_Bat312_NFM_Angled_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Siya"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Siya Full Shell</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">The Oticon Siya Full Shell hearing aid is an easy-to-handle instrument that fills out most of the visible part of the ear rather than just the ear canal. Because it is larger than other types of in-the-ear hearing aids, it can accommodate longer-lasting batteries and larger manual control options. Oticon Siya Full Shell features optional Bluetooth wireless technology for seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. It also offers an optional telecoil for enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=409561&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/5204f21c-2056-47d7-866c-abf800d7fb62/Oticon_CROS_miniRITE_T_Left_C091SilverGrey_Speaker60_OpenDome_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon CROS"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon CROS miniRITE T</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">If you have no usable hearing in one ear and normal or impaired hearing in the other, Oticon CROS is designed for you. The Oticon CROS solution has two parts: a transmitter (powered by a disposable battery) with a microphone that wirelessly transmits the sound from the impaired ear to the better ear, and a hearing aid that picks up sound from the transmitter and plays it in your better ear. It's a revolutionary experience for the single-sided hearing impaired.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=386733&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/d677954e-5659-4b46-9669-ad3b016f74b7/Oticon_More_miniRITE_T_Left_C091SilverGrey_LEDgreen_Speaker60_OpenBassDome_500pctSize_cdn-optimized.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon CROS PX"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon CROS PX miniRITE R</div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">If you have no usable hearing in one hear and normal or impaired hearing in the other, Oticon CROS is designed for you. The Oticon CROS solution has two parts: a transmitter (powered by a rechargeable Lithium-ion battery) with a microphone that wirelessly transmits the sound from the impaired ear to the better ear, and a hearing aid that picks up sound from the transmitter and plays it in your better ear. It's a revolutionary experience for the single-sided hearing impaired.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a>
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<h4> Accessories (12)</h4>
<div class="cg__cards ">
<a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=368136&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/3b0c9565-23ee-4a14-8d19-ae5500cc6260/Oticon_SmartCharger_Angled_Open_Lid_w_More_miniRITE_R_C090ChromaBeige_900x900px_cdn-optimized.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon SmartCharger"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon SmartCharger </div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">The Oticon desktop charger is an intelligent blend of elegant form and simple functionality. Not only is it easy to use, it will also look good on your nightstand. Compatible with Oticon More™, Oticon Zircon, Oticon Play PX, Opn S™ and Oticon CROS PX miniRITE R styles</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=136477&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/3e62c02e-8fcf-4b67-8991-ac9800a434bb/178509_ConnectClip_2.4G_BL_Oticon_Front_Microphone_Clip_Standing_300pctSize_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="ConnectClip"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">ConnectClip </div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Turn your Oticon hearing aids into a wireless stereo headset with ConnectClip. Make hands-free phone calls and stream music from your smartphone. Tune in to someone speaking from a distance using its remote microphone functionality. You can even use ConnectClip as a discreet remote control for your hearing aids.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=139744&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/400c9897-e463-447c-b362-ac9800a3ed4d/168628_TV_adapter_3.0_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="TV Adapter 3.0"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">TV Adapter 3.0 </div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">The TV Adapter 3.0 allows you to enjoy watching TV at your preferred volume, while the rest of the family can keep the volume at a level that suits them. The sound is rich and natural and there are no delays, so the sound matches the visuals on your TV screen. The TV Adapter 3.0 is compatible with Oticon More™, Oticon Zircon, Oticon Play PX, Opn S™, Opn™, Opn Play™, Xceed, Xceed Play, Ruby and Siya.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=90039&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/5deb11da-eaca-4a89-9629-ac9800a40e89/169229_Remote_Control_3.0_Oticon_BL_Upright_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Remote Control 3.0"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Remote Control 3.0 </div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Oticon Remote Control 3.0 offers an intuitive, straightforward and discreet way to operate your hearing aids. With the remote control, you can perform the most common everyday adjustments without drawing attention to your hearing aids. The Remote Control 3.0 is compatible with Oticon More™, Oticon Zircon, Oticon Play PX, Opn S™, Opn™, Opn Play™, Xceed, Xceed Play, Ruby and Siya.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><button
type="button" class="cg__cards__button"> Show all
</button><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=225066&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/66856baa-28e7-4267-bce0-ac9800a4778f/191009_EduMic_2.4G_Oticon_standing_front_clip_out_300pctSize_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="EduMic"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">EduMic </div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">EduMic is a versatile hearing aid accessory. In remote microphone mode, it helps you when distance and noise make it difficult to hear the person speaking – in the classroom, in work situations, during sports, and more. EduMic can also plug in to devices via a standard 3.5mm headphone jack, to stream audio wirelessly to Oticon Bluetooth hearing aids. It also picks up audio from public hearing loop systems.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=189202&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/1fc63804-9697-41c2-ba4b-ac9800a56efe/Oticon_Ruby_miniRITE_R_C091SilverGrey_Black_Recharger_Front_Short_Cable_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Desktop Charger "></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Desktop Charger </div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">The Oticon desktop charger is an intelligent blend of elegant form and simple functionality. Not only is it easy to use, it will also look good on your nightstand.
Compatible with Oticon More™, Oticon Zircon, Oticon Play PX, Opn S™, Opn Play™, Ruby, and Oticon CROS PX miniRITE R styles</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=412503&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/c33417e9-ae85-4c71-a437-ae3900bd093a/Oticon_Charger_1.0_Front_w_cable_w_miniBTE_R_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon Desktop Charger "></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon Desktop Charger </div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">The Oticon charger displays an intelligent blend of elegant form and simplistic function. Not only is it easy to use but it will also look good on your nightstand.
Compatible with Oticon More™, Oticon Zircon, and Oticon Play PX miniBTE R styles.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=90038&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/0b63f963-ca9a-47d9-9ea9-ac9800a4bb7e/Oticon_ConnectLine_Phone_Adapter_2.0_front_view_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Phone Adapter 2.0"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Phone Adapter 2.0 </div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">The Phone Adapter 2.0 makes it possible to connect your hearing aid to a traditional analog landline phone. The solution supports both incoming and outgoing calls. During a call, your hearing aids become a headset and the ConnectClip or Streamer Pro is used as a microphone. Together, they enable convenient, hands-free landline calls.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=62416&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/63c099b4-fcfa-4937-9a6f-ac9800a3c682/151237_StrPr_1.3A_Linked_BL_Streamer_Pro_1.3A_CL_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Streamer Pro"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Streamer Pro </div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">By picking up the audio signal and sending it straight into both ears, Streamer Pro turns a pair of hearing aids into a small wireless headset. Streamer Pro is worn around the neck and features three dedicated buttons for the core applications: phone, TV and microphone. </div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=90037&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/cfe94696-25e2-4694-a3e2-ac9800a4991c/B38_ConnectLine_Microphone_Angle_A_Front_A4_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="ConnectLine Microphone"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">ConnectLine Microphone </div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Oticon ConnectLine microphone is a discreet microphone that connects wirelessly to Streamer Pro. It lets you enjoy clear and private one-to-one conversations, even in crowded, noisy environments.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=90036&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/50c5b7c9-2942-4692-ac8f-ac9800a393ab/124771_Connectline_TV_adapter_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="TV Adapter 2.0"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">TV Adapter 2.0 </div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Oticon ConnectLine TV Adapter 2.0 allows you to enjoy watching TV at your preferred volume, while the rest of the family can keep the volume at a level that suits them. The sound is rich and natural and there are no delays, so the sound matches the visuals on your TV screen. The TV Adapter 2.0 is compatible with Alta 2 Pro, Nera 2 Pro, Ria 2 Pro, and older devices.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=139525&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card hidden "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/5deb11da-eaca-4a89-9629-ac9800a40e89/169229_Remote_Control_3.0_Oticon_BL_Upright_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Remote Control 2.0"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Remote Control 2.0 </div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Oticon Remote Control 2.0 offers a discreet way to operate your hearing aids. With the remote control, you can perform the most common everyday adjustments without drawing attention to your hearing aids. The Remote Control 2.0 is compatible with Alta 2 Pro, Nera 2 Pro, Ria 2 Pro, and older devices.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a>
</div><button type="button" class="show-all cg__cards__button"> Show all </button>
<div id="result3">
<h4> Apps (2)</h4>
<div class="cg__cards ">
<a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=316113&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/9fa84e03-0521-486f-99a7-ac9800a4fb8c/Oticon_ON_Dashbord_iPhone_X_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon ON App"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon ON App </div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Enjoy a world of connectivity options. Oticon ON lets you discreetly adjust volume and programs, stream music or sound from your TV to your hearing aids and set personal listening goals through HearingFitness™. You can also easily check battery status and if you suffer from tinnitus, the app can help you control the tinnitus relief sounds set up by your hearing care specialist. You can also connect your hearing aids to your smart home controls – trigger your lights, home alarm or smart thermostat.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a><a href="https://www.oticon.com/solutions/product-details?productId=316114&redirectUrl=%2Fsupport%2Fcompatibility-guide" class="cg__card "><div class="cg__card__top"><div class="cg__card__spacer"></div><div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://p3.aprimocdn.net/dgs/8a62e3bb-59f8-495b-841d-ac9800a54724/Oticon_RemoteCare_Visit_Connected_iPhone_X_900x900px_Original%20file.png?format=png8&auto=webply&quality=65,20&width=280" alt="Oticon RemoteCare App"></div></div><div class="cg__card__bottom"><div class="cg__card__title">Oticon RemoteCare App </div><div class="cg__card__description" style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5;">Get expert follow-up consultations and online counseling in the comfort of your own home. Oticon RemoteCare puts you in contact with your hearing care specialist, who can adjust your hearing aids remotely and help ensure you get the most out of them. No more waiting weeks for an appointment or traveling long distances to get the support you need.</div><div class="cg__card__link"><div>Learn more</div></div></div></a>
<div id="result4">
<h4> Phones/Tablets (199)</h4>
<div class="cg__cards ">
<div class="cg__card cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy S10"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy S10 </div>
<div class="cg__card cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 10 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy S9+"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy S9+ </div>
<div class="cg__card cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 10 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy S9"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy S9 </div>
<div class="cg__card cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 9 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy S8+"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy S8+ </div>
</div><button type="button" class="cg__cards__button"> Show all </button>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 9 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy S8"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy S8 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Google-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Google Pixel 4"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Google Pixel 4 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Google-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Google Pixel 3a"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Google Pixel 3a </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 11 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Google-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Google Pixel 2"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Google Pixel 2 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 8 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Sony-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Sony Xperia XZ"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Sony Xperia XZ </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 9 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Moto-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Moto X4"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Moto X4 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 7 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Motorola-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Motorola Moto E4 Plus (2017)"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Motorola Moto E4 Plus (2017) </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 9 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/HTC-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="HTC U12+"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">HTC U12+ </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 9 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/LG-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="LG G6"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">LG G6 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 16 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPhone 11 Pro Max"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPhone 11 Pro Max </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 15 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPad Air 3"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPad Air 3 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 16 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPhone 11"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPhone 11 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 10 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Google-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Google Pixel"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Google Pixel </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 16 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPhone 11 Pro"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPhone 11 Pro </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 16 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPhone XS"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPhone XS </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 16 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPhone XS Max"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPhone XS Max </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 16 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPhone XR"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPhone XR </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 16 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPhone X"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPhone X </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 16 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPhone 8 Plus"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPhone 8 Plus </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 16 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPhone 8"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPhone 8 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 15 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPhone 7 Plus"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPhone 7 Plus </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 15 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPhone 7"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPhone 7 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 15 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPhone SE"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPhone SE </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 15 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPhone 6s Plus"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPhone 6s Plus </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 15 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPhone 6s"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPhone 6s </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 15 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPad Air 2"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPad Air 2 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 15 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPad mini 5"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPad mini 5 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 15 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPad mini 4"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPad mini 4 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 8 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy S7"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy S7 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 8 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy A5"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy A5 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 9 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy Note 8"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy Note 8 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 10 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Xiaomi-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Xiaomi MI Mix3"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Xiaomi MI Mix3 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 16 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPhone 12"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPhone 12 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 8 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/HTC-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="HTC 10"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">HTC 10 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 10 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Huawei-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Huawei P30"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Huawei P30 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 15 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPad 5th generation 9.7""></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPad 5th generation 9.7" </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 15 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPad Pro 1st generation 11""></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPad Pro 1st generation 11" </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 15 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPad Pro 1st generation 12.9""></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPad Pro 1st generation 12.9" </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 15 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPad Pro 1st generation 9.7""></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPad Pro 1st generation 9.7" </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 15 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPad Pro 2nd generation 10.5""></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPad Pro 2nd generation 10.5" </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 15 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPad Pro 2nd generation 12.9""></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPad Pro 2nd generation 12.9" </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 16 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPhone 12 mini"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPhone 12 mini </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 16 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPhone 12 Pro"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPhone 12 Pro </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 16 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPhone 12 Pro Max"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPhone 12 Pro Max </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 15 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPod touch 7th generation"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPod touch 7th generation </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 11 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/OnePlus-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="OnePlus 7T"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">OnePlus 7T </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/OnePlus-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="OnePlus 8T"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">OnePlus 8T </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 11 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy A20s"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy A20s </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 10 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy A50"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy A50 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 10 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy A70"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy A70 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy A71"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy A71 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 9 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy A8"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy A8 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 9 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy J7 Pop"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy J7 Pop </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy Note 10"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy Note 10 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 10 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy Note 10+"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 10 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy S10+"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy S10+ </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy S20"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy S20 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 11 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy Tab S6"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 7 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Sony-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Sony Xperia XA"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Sony Xperia XA </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 11 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Xiaomi-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Xiaomi MI 9 SE"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Xiaomi MI 9 SE </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 10 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Xiaomi-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Xiaomi Redmi Note 8"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 11 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Google-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Google Pixel 3"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Google Pixel 3 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 8.1 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/LG-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="LG Nexus 5x"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">LG Nexus 5x </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 11 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Xiaomi-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 11 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPhone 6"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPhone 6 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 11 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPhone 6 Plus"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPhone 6 Plus </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 11 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPhone 5s"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPhone 5s </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 11 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPad mini 3"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPad mini 3 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 11 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPad mini 2"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPad mini 2 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 11 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPod touch 6th generation"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPod touch 6th generation </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 8 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 11 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy A21s"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy A21s </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 11 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Xiaomi-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Xiaomi MI 10 5G"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Xiaomi MI 10 5G </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 11 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPad Air"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPad Air </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 7 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy S6"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy S6 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 8 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy J3 (2017)"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy J3 (2017) </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 9 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy J3 (2016)"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy J3 (2016) </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 8 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Google-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Google Pixel XL"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Google Pixel XL </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 7 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Motorola-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Motorola Moto Z"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Motorola Moto Z </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 8 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/LG-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="LG G5"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">LG G5 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 8 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/LG-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="LG V20"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">LG V20 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 8 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Huawei-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Huawei P10"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Huawei P10 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 8 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Huawei-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Huawei P20"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Huawei P20 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 8 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Huawei-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Huawei Nova 5 Pro"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Huawei Nova 5 Pro </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 8 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/ZTE-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="ZTE AXON 7"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">ZTE AXON 7 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 10 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Sony-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Sony Xperia XZ3"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Sony Xperia XZ3 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 11 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Motorola-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Motorola Moto G G9 Plus"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Motorola Moto G G9 Plus </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 15 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPad 8th generation 10.2""></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPad 8th generation 10.2" </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 11 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy A40"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy A40 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 10 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy A10"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy A10 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy Note 20 5G"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy Note 20 5G </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Google-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Google Pixel 5"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Google Pixel 5 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 10 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Huawei-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Huawei P30 Lite"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Huawei P30 Lite </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy S21"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy S21 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 16 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPhone SE (2020)"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPhone SE (2020) </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 15 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPad Air 4"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPad Air 4 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 9 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Doro-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Doro 8080"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Doro 8080 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 9 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Doro-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Doro 8050"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Doro 8050 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Doro-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Doro 7080"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Doro 7080 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Doro-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Doro 780X"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Doro 780X </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 16 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPhone 13"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPhone 13 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 16 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPhone 13 Pro"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPhone 13 Pro </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 16 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPhone 13 Pro Max"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPhone 13 Pro Max </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 2 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Huawei-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Huawei Mate 30 Pro (2019)"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Huawei Mate 30 Pro (2019) </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 16 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPhone 13 mini"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPhone 13 mini </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy S21+"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy S21+ </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 11 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy S10e"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy S10e </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy A52"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy A52 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 11 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy A12"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy A12 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Google-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Google Pixel 6"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Google Pixel 6 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 11 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Nokia-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Nokia XR20"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Nokia XR20 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 11 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Xiaomi-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Xiaomi Mi 10T Pro"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Xiaomi Mi 10T Pro </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 15 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPad Pro 5th generation 12.9" (2021)"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPad Pro 5th generation 12.9" (2021) </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 15 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPad Pro 3rd generation 11" (2021)"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPad Pro 3rd generation 11" (2021) </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 15 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPad 9th generation 10.2" (2021)"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPad 9th generation 10.2" (2021) </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 15 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPad mini 6th generation (2021)"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPad mini 6th generation (2021) </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 10 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Huawei-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Huawei Mate 10 Pro"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Huawei Mate 10 Pro </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 10 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy Note 9"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy Note 9 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 9 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Huawei-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Huawei P20 Lite"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Huawei P20 Lite </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 15 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPad 7th generation 10.2""></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPad 7th generation 10.2" </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 15 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPad Pro 3rd generation 12.9" (2018)"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPad Pro 3rd generation 12.9" (2018) </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 15 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPad Pro 4th generation 12.9""></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPad Pro 4th generation 12.9" </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Google-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Google Pixel 4a"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Google Pixel 4a </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 11 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy A41"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy A41 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 10 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy A20e"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy A20e </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 15 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPad 6th generation 9.7""></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPad 6th generation 9.7" </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy A51"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy A51 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Doro-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Doro 6060"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Doro 6060 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Doro-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Doro 7030"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Doro 7030 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 8 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Huawei-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Huawei Mate 10"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Huawei Mate 10 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 15 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPad 9th generation"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPad 9th generation </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 16 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPhone SE 3rd generation (2022)"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPhone SE 3rd generation (2022) </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 15 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPad Air 5th generation (2022)"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPad Air 5th generation (2022) </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Xiaomi-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Xiaomi 11T Pro"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Xiaomi 11T Pro </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Xiaomi-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Xiaomi 11 Lite 5G NE"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Xiaomi 11 Lite 5G NE </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/OnePlus-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="OnePlus 9"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">OnePlus 9 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 15 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPad Pro 3rd generation 11" (2018)"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPad Pro 3rd generation 11" (2018) </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info ios"> Requires iOS 15 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/apple-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="iPad Pro 2nd generation 11" (2020)"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">iPad Pro 2nd generation 11" (2020) </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy S22+"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy S22+ </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy Z Fold3"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy Z Fold3 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy S22"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy S22 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy A22"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy A22 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Xiaomi-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Xiaomi 12"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Xiaomi 12 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Google-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Google Pixel 3a XL"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Google Pixel 3a XL </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Google-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Google Pixel 3 XL"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Google Pixel 3 XL </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 13 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Google-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Google Pixel 4a 5G"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Google Pixel 4a 5G </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 13 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Google-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Google Pixel 6 Pro"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Google Pixel 6 Pro </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/LG-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="LG V60 ThinQ"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">LG V60 ThinQ </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Motorola-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Motorola Edge 30 Pro"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Motorola Edge 30 Pro </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/OnePlus-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="OnePlus 10 Pro 5G"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">OnePlus 10 Pro 5G </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/OnePlus-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="OnePlus 10R"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">OnePlus 10R </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/OnePlus-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="OnePlus 7T Pro"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">OnePlus 7T Pro </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 11 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/OnePlus-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="OnePlus Nord N20 5G"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">OnePlus Nord N20 5G </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Oppo-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Oppo A74 5G"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Oppo A74 5G </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy A13"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy A13 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy A52 5G"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy A52 5G </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy A52s 5G"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy A52s 5G </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy A71 5G"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy A71 5G </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy F23 5G"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy F23 5G </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy M31"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy M31 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy Note20 Ultra 5G"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy Note20 Ultra 5G </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy S20 5G"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy S20 5G </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 5G"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 5G </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra 5G"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra 5G </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy S20+ 5G"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy S20+ 5G </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy S21 5G"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy S21 5G </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy S21 FE"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy S21 FE </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy S22 5G"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy S22 5G </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra 5G"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra 5G </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Vivo-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Vivo IQOO Z6 Pro"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Vivo IQOO Z6 Pro </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Vivo-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Vivo X70 Pro+"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Vivo X70 Pro+ </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Vivo-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Vivo X80"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Vivo X80 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Vivo-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Vivo X80 Pro"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Vivo X80 Pro </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Xiaomi-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Xiaomi 12 Pro"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Xiaomi 12 Pro </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 11 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/BLU-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="BLU G91s"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">BLU G91s </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 10 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Motorola-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Motorola Moto G Power (2022)"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Motorola Moto G Power (2022) </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 11 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Motorola-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Motorola Moto G Stylus (2022)"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Motorola Moto G Stylus (2022) </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 10 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/OnePlus-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="OnePlus Nord N10 5G"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">OnePlus Nord N10 5G </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 10 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/OnePlus-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="OnePlus Nord N200 5G"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">OnePlus Nord N200 5G </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 11 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy A11"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy A11 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 10 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy A21"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy A21 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Asus-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Asus ROG Phone 3"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Asus ROG Phone 3 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 11 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Motorola-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Motorola Moto E40"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Motorola Moto E40 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Motorola-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Motorola Moto G22"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Motorola Moto G22 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 11 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Motorola-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Motorola Moto G31"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Motorola Moto G31 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Motorola-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Motorola Moto G52"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Motorola Moto G52 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 11 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Motorola-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Motorola Moto G60"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Motorola Moto G60 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 11 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Motorola-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Motorola Moto G71 5G"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Motorola Moto G71 5G </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 11 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/OnePlus-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="OnePlus 6T"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">OnePlus 6T </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 11 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Oppo-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Oppo A55"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Oppo A55 </div>
<div class="cg__card hidden cg__card--simple">
<div class="cg__card__top">
<div class="cg__card__top__info android"> Requires Android 12 or later </div>
<div class="cg__card__spacer"></div>
<div class="cg__card__image"><img src="https://wdh01.azureedge.net/-/media/oticon/main/Images/logos/Samsung-logo-phone-tablet.png" alt="Samsung Galaxy A31"></div>
<div class="cg__card__bottom">
<div class="cg__card__title">Samsung Galaxy A31 </div>
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The website uses cookies We respect and protect the privacy of our users, and we are dedicated to being transparent regarding the use of your personal data. Our Privacy Policy explains how we collect and use your personal data. It also explains your rights regarding your data, and how you can exercise those rights. You must be 18 years or older to use our website. We do not knowingly collect user data from minors. Select all Use necessary cookies only Strictly necessary Strictly necessary cookies help make a website navigable by activating basic functions such as page navigation and access to secure website areas. Without these cookies, the website would not be able to work properly. Name: CookieInformationConsent Provider: www.oticon.com Purpose: Supports the website's technical functions. Expiry: a year Data Processor: Cookie Information Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://cookieinformation.com/cookie-and-privacy-policy Name: ASP.NET_SessionId Provider: www.oticon.com Purpose: Supports the integration of a third-party platform on the website. Expiry: Session Data Processor: Microsoft, ASP.NET Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://privacy.microsoft.com/en-us/privacystatement Name: __cf_bm Provider: .fonts.net Purpose: Supports the website's technical functions. Expiry: 30 minutes Data Processor: Cloudflare Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://www.cloudflare.com/privacypolicy Name: JSESSIONID Provider: .nr-data.net Purpose: Collects information about the website and its contents for reporting and security purposes. Expiry: Session Data Processor: New Relic Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://newrelic.com/termsandconditions/privacy Functional Functional cookies make it possible to save information that changes the way the website appears or acts. For instance your preferred language or region. Name: scWffm_form_[0-9A-Z]{32}_anticsrf Provider: www.oticon.com Purpose: Security cookie used to protect users from cross-site request forgery. Expiry: Session Data Processor: Sitecore Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://www.sitecore.com/trust/privacy-policy Name: appframe-component Provider: www.oticon.com Purpose: Used to show certain components on the website e.g. our product tool. Expiry: Session Data Processor: Data Processor Privacy Policy: Name: wdh_lvbp Provider: www.oticon.com Purpose: Used in the blog section to give the users the navigation option of going to latest visited blog page. Expiry: Session Data Processor: Data Processor Privacy Policy: Statistical Statistical cookies help the website owner understand how visitors interact with the website by collecting and reporting information. Name: _hjTLDTest Provider: .oticon.com Purpose: Collects information about the users and their activity on the website for analytics and reporting purposes. Expiry: Session Data Processor: Hotjar Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://www.hotjar.com/legal/policies/privacy/ Name: SC_ANALYTICS_GLOBAL_COOKIE Provider: www.oticon.com Purpose: Collects information about the users and their activity on the website for analytics and reporting purposes. Expiry: a year Data Processor: Sitecore Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://www.sitecore.com/trust/privacy-policy Name: _gat_UA-xxx-xxx Provider: .oticon.com Purpose: Collects information about the users and their activity on the website for analytics and reporting purposes. Expiry: a few seconds Data Processor: Google Analytics Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites?hl=en Name: _ga Provider: www.oticon.com Purpose: Collects information about the users and their activity on the website for analytics and reporting purposes. Expiry: 2 years Data Processor: Google Analytics Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites?hl=en Name: _gid Provider: .oticon.com Purpose: Collects information about the users and their activity on the website for analytics and reporting purposes. Expiry: a day Data Processor: Google Analytics Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites?hl=en Name: _ga_xxx Provider: .oticon.com Purpose: Expiry: 2 years Data Processor: Google Analytics Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites?hl=en Name: _hjIncludedInPageviewSample Provider: www.oticon.com Purpose: Collects information about the users and their activity on the website through embedded elements with the purpose of analytics and reporting. Expiry: 2 minutes Data Processor: Hotjar Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://www.hotjar.com/legal/policies/privacy/ Name: _hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress Provider: .oticon.com Purpose: Collects information about the users and their activity on the website through embedded elements with the purpose of analytics and reporting. Expiry: 30 minutes Data Processor: Hotjar Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://www.hotjar.com/legal/policies/privacy/ Marketing Marketing cookies are used to track visitors across websites. The intention is to display ads that are relevant and interesting to the individual user and thus more valuable for publishers and third-party advertisers. Name: UserMatchHistory Provider: .linkedin.com Purpose: Supports online marketing by collecting information about the users to promote products through partners and other platforms. Expiry: a month Data Processor: LinkedIn Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy Name: Provider: www.facebook.com Purpose: Supports online marketing by collecting information about the users to promote products through partners and other platforms. Expiry: Session Data Processor: Facebook Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://www.facebook.com/privacy/explanation Name: xxx_p Provider: wdh.23video.com Purpose: Collects information about the users and their activity on the website through embedded video players with the purpose of delivering targeted advertising. Expiry: Session Data Processor: TwentyThree Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://www.twentythree.net/policies Name: cuvid Provider: .www.oticon.com Purpose: Used for online marketing by collecting information about the users and their activity on the website. The information is used to target advertising to the user across different channels and devices. Expiry: 2 years Data Processor: ClickDimensions Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://clickdimensions.com/about/privacy-policy Name: _uetvid Provider: www.oticon.com Purpose: Collects information about the users and their activity on the website. The information is used to track and analyze user behaviour and to deliver targeted advertising. Expiry: a year Data Processor: Microsoft, Bing Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://privacy.microsoft.com/en-us/privacystatement Name: _hjIncludedInSessionSample Provider: www.oticon.com Purpose: Collects information about the website and its contents for reporting and security purposes. Expiry: 2 minutes Data Processor: Hotjar Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://www.hotjar.com/legal/policies/privacy/ Name: VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE Provider: .youtube.com Purpose: Collects information about the users and their activity on the website through embedded video players with the purpose of delivering targeted advertising. Expiry: 6 months Data Processor: Youtube, Google Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites?hl=en Name: CONSENT Provider: .youtube.com Purpose: Collects information about the users and their activity on the website through embedded video players with the purpose of delivering targeted advertising. Expiry: 2 years Data Processor: Youtube, Google Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites?hl=en Name: li_gc Provider: .linkedin.com Purpose: Supports online marketing by collecting information about the users to promote products through partners and other platforms. Expiry: 6 months Data Processor: LinkedIn Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy Name: xxx_u Provider: wdh.23video.com Purpose: Collects information about the users and their activity on the website through embedded video players with the purpose of delivering targeted advertising. Expiry: Session Data Processor: TwentyThree Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://www.twentythree.net/policies Name: _hjSession_xxx Provider: .www.oticon.com Purpose: Used for online marketing by collecting information about the users and their activity on the website. The information is used to target advertising to the user across different channels and devices. Expiry: a few seconds Data Processor: Hotjar Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://www.hotjar.com/legal/policies/privacy/ Name: lang Provider: .linkedin.com Purpose: Supports online marketing by collecting information about the users to promote products through partners and other platforms. Expiry: Session Data Processor: LinkedIn Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy Name: uuid Provider: wdh.23video.com Purpose: Collects information about the users and their activity on the website through embedded video players with the purpose of delivering targeted advertising. Expiry: Session Data Processor: TwentyThree Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://www.twentythree.net/policies Name: wfivefivec Provider: .w55c.net Purpose: Collects information about the users and their activity on the website. The Information is used to track and analyze user behavior, to meet the individual user needs and to deliver targeted advertising. Expiry: a year Data Processor: Dataxu Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://www.dataxu.com/about-us/privacy Name: _hjFirstSeen Provider: .oticon.com Purpose: Collects information about the website and its contents for reporting and security purposes. Expiry: 30 minutes Data Processor: Hotjar Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://www.hotjar.com/legal/policies/privacy/ Name: cusid Provider: .www.oticon.com Purpose: Used for online marketing by collecting information about the users and their activity on the website. The information is used to target advertising to the user across different channels and devices. Expiry: 30 minutes Data Processor: ClickDimensions Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://clickdimensions.com/about/privacy-policy Name: _fbp Provider: .oticon.com Purpose: Identifies browsers for the purposes of providing advertising and site analytics services. Expiry: 3 months Data Processor: Facebook Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://www.facebook.com/privacy/explanation Name: bscookie Provider: .www.linkedin.com Purpose: Supports online marketing by collecting information about the users to promote products through partners and other platforms. Expiry: a year Data Processor: LinkedIn Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy Name: test_cookie Provider: .doubleclick.net Purpose: Used for online marketing by collecting information about the users and their activity on the website. The information is used to target advertising to the user across different channels and devices. Expiry: 15 minutes Data Processor: Google Marketing Platform Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites?hl=en Name: MUID Provider: .bing.com Purpose: Identifies unique web browsers visiting Microsoft sites. These cookies are used for advertising, site analytics, and other operational purposes. Expiry: a year Data Processor: Microsoft, Bing Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://privacy.microsoft.com/en-us/privacystatement Name: _uetsid Provider: www.oticon.com Purpose: Identifies unique web browsers visiting Microsoft sites. These cookies are used for advertising, site analytics, and other operational purposes. Expiry: a day Data Processor: Microsoft, Bing Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://privacy.microsoft.com/en-us/privacystatement Name: _hjSessionUser_xxx Provider: .oticon.com Purpose: Used for online marketing by collecting information about the users and their activity on the website. The information is used to target advertising to the users across the web. Expiry: a year Data Processor: Hotjar Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://www.hotjar.com/legal/policies/privacy/ Name: _gcl_au Provider: .oticon.com Purpose: Supports the integration of a third-party platform on the website to deliver targeted advertising. Expiry: 3 months Data Processor: Google Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites?hl=en Name: YSC Provider: .youtube.com Purpose: Collects information about the users and their activity on the website through embedded video players with the purpose of delivering targeted advertising. Expiry: Session Data Processor: Youtube, Google Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites?hl=en Name: AnalyticsSyncHistory Provider: .linkedin.com Purpose: Collects information about the users and their activity on the website. The Information is used to track and analyze user behavior, to meet the individual user needs and to deliver targeted advertising. Expiry: a month Data Processor: LinkedIn Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy Name: lang Provider: .ads.linkedin.com Purpose: Supports online marketing by collecting information about the users to promote products through partners and other platforms. Expiry: Session Data Processor: LinkedIn Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy Name: bcookie Provider: .linkedin.com Purpose: Supports online marketing by collecting information about the users to promote products through partners and other platforms. Expiry: a year Data Processor: LinkedIn Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy Name: lidc Provider: .linkedin.com Purpose: Supports online marketing by collecting information about the users to promote products through partners and other platforms. Expiry: a day Data Processor: LinkedIn Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy Name: IDE Provider: .doubleclick.net Purpose: Used for online marketing by collecting information about the users and their activity on the website. The information is used to target advertising to the user across different channels and devices. Expiry: a year Data Processor: Google Marketing Platform Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites?hl=en Name: A3 Provider: .yahoo.com Purpose: Used for online marketing by collecting information about the users and their activity on the website. The information is used to target advertising to the user across different channels and devices. Expiry: a year Data Processor: Yahoo, Oath Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://policies.oath.com/us/en/oath/privacy/index.html Name: cuvon Provider: .www.oticon.com Purpose: Used for online marketing by collecting information about the users and their activity on the website. The information is used to target advertising to the user across different channels and devices. Expiry: 30 minutes Data Processor: ClickDimensions Data Processor Privacy Policy: https://clickdimensions.com/about/privacy-policy Unclassified We are in the process of classifying unclassified cookies together with the providers of the individual cookies. Name: sessionStart Provider: www.oticon.com Purpose: Pending Expiry: Session Data Processor: Data Processor Privacy Policy: Name: dontShowBanner Provider: www.oticon.com Purpose: Pending Expiry: Session Data Processor: Data Processor Privacy Policy: Name: TempCookie Provider: www.oticon.com Purpose: Pending Expiry: Session Data Processor: Data Processor Privacy Policy: Name: tfpsi Provider: .oticon.com Purpose: Expiry: 30 minutes Data Processor: Data Processor Privacy Policy: Powered by: Cookie Information Do not sell my personal data I accept * Your Hearing * Solutions * Support * Testimonials * Blog * Inside Oticon * Professionals Login Top Explore Support How to Use and care Put on and remove hearing aid Turn hearing aids on and off Get started with IFTTT Connect to wireless accessories Use ConnectClip Use EduMic Use RemoteCare Wireless Listening Wireless connectivity guides Compatibility guide ConnectLine Highlights Tips for new users Download Center View all product literature and instructional videos Visit Download Center Find a Hearing Care Professional HEARING AIDS COMPATIBILITY GUIDE Here you can see which phones, tablets, and hearing aid accessories your hearing aids are compatible with. Simply select your hearing aids and the device you want to know about from the drop-down menus below. HEARING AIDS Which type will you use? Choose hearing aids Oticon CROS miniRITE TOticon CROS PX miniRITE ROticon More™ miniRITE TOticon More™ miniRITE ROticon More™ miniBTE ROticon More™ miniBTE TOticon Opn Play™ miniRITEOticon Opn Play™ miniRITE ROticon Opn Play™ miniRITE TOticon Opn Play™ BTE Plus PowerOticon Opn S™ miniRITEOticon Opn S™ miniRITE ROticon Opn S™ miniRITE TOticon Opn S™ BTE Plus PowerOticon Opn™ miniRITEOticon Opn™ miniRITE TOticon Opn™ BTE Plus PowerOticon Opn™ Invisible-in-the-Canal (IIC)Oticon Opn™ Completely-in-the-Canal (CIC)Oticon Opn™ In-the-Canal (ITC)Oticon Opn™ Half ShellOticon Opn™ Full ShellOticon Own™ Invisible-in-the-Canal (IIC)Oticon Own™ Completely-in-the-Canal (CIC)Oticon Own™ In-the-Canal (ITC)Oticon Own™ In-the-Ear Half Shell (ITE HS)Oticon Own™ In-the-Ear Full Shell (ITE FS)Oticon Play PX miniRITE ROticon Play PX miniRITE TOticon Play PX miniBTE ROticon Play PX miniBTE TOticon Ruby miniRITEOticon Ruby miniRITE TOticon Ruby miniRITE ROticon Ruby BTEOticon Ruby BTE Plus PowerOticon Siya miniRITEOticon Siya miniRITE TOticon Siya BTEOticon Siya Plus PowerOticon Siya Invisible-in-the-Canal (IIC)Oticon Siya Completely-in-the-Canal (CIC)Oticon Siya In-the-Canal (ITC)Oticon Siya Half ShellOticon Siya Full ShellOticon Xceed BTE Super PowerOticon Xceed BTE Ultra PowerOticon Xceed Play BTE Super PowerOticon Xceed Play BTE Ultra PowerOticon Zircon miniRITE ROticon Zircon miniRITE TOticon Zircon miniBTE ROticon Zircon miniBTE T I don’t know which hearing aids I have I want to be able to stream directly from my phone to my hearing aid MOBILE DEVICE Which phone or tablet will you use? Asus ROG Phone 3 BLU G91s Choose phone/tablet Doro 6060 Doro 7030 Doro 7080 Doro 780X Doro 8050 Doro 8080 Google Pixel Google Pixel 2 Google Pixel 3 Google Pixel 3 XL Google Pixel 3a Google Pixel 3a XL Google Pixel 4 Google Pixel 4a Google Pixel 4a 5G Google Pixel 5 Google Pixel 6 Google Pixel 6 Pro Google Pixel XL HTC 10 HTC U12+ Huawei Mate 10 Huawei Mate 10 Pro Huawei Mate 30 Pro (2019) Huawei Nova 5 Pro Huawei P10 Huawei P20 Huawei P20 Lite Huawei P30 Huawei P30 Lite iPad 5th generation 9.7" iPad 6th generation 9.7" iPad 7th generation 10.2" iPad 8th generation 10.2" iPad 9th generation iPad 9th generation 10.2" (2021) iPad Air iPad Air 2 iPad Air 3 iPad Air 4 iPad Air 5th generation (2022) iPad mini 2 iPad mini 3 iPad mini 4 iPad mini 5 iPad mini 6th generation (2021) iPad Pro 1st generation 11" iPad Pro 1st generation 12.9" iPad Pro 1st generation 9.7" iPad Pro 2nd generation 10.5" iPad Pro 2nd generation 11" (2020) iPad Pro 2nd generation 12.9" iPad Pro 3rd generation 11" (2018) iPad Pro 3rd generation 11" (2021) iPad Pro 3rd generation 12.9" (2018) iPad Pro 4th generation 12.9" iPad Pro 5th generation 12.9" (2021) iPhone 11 iPhone 11 Pro iPhone 11 Pro Max iPhone 12 iPhone 12 mini iPhone 12 Pro iPhone 12 Pro Max iPhone 13 iPhone 13 mini iPhone 13 Pro iPhone 13 Pro Max iPhone 5s iPhone 6 iPhone 6 Plus iPhone 6s iPhone 6s Plus iPhone 7 iPhone 7 Plus iPhone 8 iPhone 8 Plus iPhone SE iPhone SE (2020) iPhone SE 3rd generation (2022) iPhone X iPhone XR iPhone XS iPhone XS Max iPod touch 6th generation iPod touch 7th generation LG G5 LG G6 LG Nexus 5x LG V20 LG V60 ThinQ Moto X4 Motorola Edge 30 Pro Motorola Moto E4 Plus (2017) Motorola Moto E40 Motorola Moto G G9 Plus Motorola Moto G Power (2022) Motorola Moto G Stylus (2022) Motorola Moto G22 Motorola Moto G31 Motorola Moto G52 Motorola Moto G60 Motorola Moto G71 5G Motorola Moto Z Nokia XR20 OnePlus 10 Pro 5G OnePlus 10R OnePlus 6T OnePlus 7T OnePlus 7T Pro OnePlus 8T OnePlus 9 OnePlus Nord N10 5G OnePlus Nord N20 5G OnePlus Nord N200 5G Oppo A55 Oppo A74 5G Samsung Galaxy A10 Samsung Galaxy A11 Samsung Galaxy A12 Samsung Galaxy A13 Samsung Galaxy A20e Samsung Galaxy A20s Samsung Galaxy A21 Samsung Galaxy A21s Samsung Galaxy A22 Samsung Galaxy A31 Samsung Galaxy A40 Samsung Galaxy A41 Samsung Galaxy A5 Samsung Galaxy A50 Samsung Galaxy A51 Samsung Galaxy A52 Samsung Galaxy A52 5G Samsung Galaxy A52s 5G Samsung Galaxy A70 Samsung Galaxy A71 Samsung Galaxy A71 5G Samsung Galaxy A8 Samsung Galaxy F23 5G Samsung Galaxy J3 (2016) Samsung Galaxy J3 (2017) Samsung Galaxy J7 Pop Samsung Galaxy M31 Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ Samsung Galaxy Note 20 5G Samsung Galaxy Note 8 Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Samsung Galaxy Note20 Ultra 5G Samsung Galaxy S10 Samsung Galaxy S10+ Samsung Galaxy S10e Samsung Galaxy S20 Samsung Galaxy S20 5G Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 5G Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra 5G Samsung Galaxy S20+ 5G Samsung Galaxy S21 Samsung Galaxy S21 5G Samsung Galaxy S21 FE Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G Samsung Galaxy S21+ Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G Samsung Galaxy S22 Samsung Galaxy S22 5G Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra 5G Samsung Galaxy S22+ Samsung Galaxy S6 Samsung Galaxy S7 Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Samsung Galaxy S8 Samsung Galaxy S8+ Samsung Galaxy S9 Samsung Galaxy S9+ Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3 Samsung Galaxy Z Fold3 Sony Xperia XA Sony Xperia XZ Sony Xperia XZ3 Vivo IQOO Z6 Pro Vivo X70 Pro+ Vivo X80 Vivo X80 Pro Xiaomi 11 Lite 5G NE Xiaomi 11T Pro Xiaomi 12 Xiaomi 12 Pro Xiaomi MI 10 5G Xiaomi Mi 10T Pro Xiaomi MI 9 SE Xiaomi MI Mix3 Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro ZTE AXON 7 Why is my device not on the list? ADDITIONAL FEATURE Direct streaming vs. hands free communication I want to directly stream audio using my hearing aids and phone I want to stream via two-way hands-free audio Hearing aids (53) Accessories (12) Apps (2) Phones/Tablets (199) HEARING AIDS (53) Oticon More™ miniRITE T Oticon More is the world's first hearing aid with an on-board Deep Neural Network (DNN) that works more like the brain because it learned through experience. Oticon More miniRITE T uses a disposable battery. It can stream audio directly from iPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch®, and select Android™ devices. This is because Oticon More is a Made for iPhone® hearing aid with Bluetooth®, and is compatible with the new Android protocol for Audio Streaming for Hearing Aids (ASHA). To make handling easy, this miniRITE T style comes with a double push-button and an LED light. It also features a telecoil and Bluetooth® wireless technology for seamless connections with your favorite devices. Learn more Oticon More™ miniRITE R Oticon More is the world's first hearing aid with an on-board Deep Neural Network (DNN) that works more like the brain because it learned through experience. Oticon More miniRITE R uses a Lithium-Ion battery. It can stream audio directly from iPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch®, and select Android™ devices. This is because Oticon More is a Made for iPhone® hearing aid with Bluetooth®, and is compatible with the new Android protocol for Audio Streaming for Hearing Aids (ASHA). To make handling easy, this miniRITE R style comes with a double push-button and an LED light. It also features a telecoil and Bluetooth® wireless technology for seamless connections with your favorite devices. Learn more Oticon More™ miniBTE R Oticon More is the world's first hearing aid with an on-board Deep Neural Network (DNN) that works more like the brain because it learned through experience. Oticon More miniBTE R uses a Lithium-Ion battery. It can stream audio directly from iPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch®, and select Android™ devices. This is because Oticon More is a Made for iPhone® hearing aid with Bluetooth®, and is compatible with the new Android protocol for Audio Streaming for Hearing Aids (ASHA). To make handling easy, this miniBTE R style comes with a single push-button and an LED light. It also features a telecoil and Bluetooth® wireless technology for seamless connections with your favorite devices. Learn more Oticon More™ miniBTE T Oticon More is the world's first hearing aid with an on-board Deep Neural Network (DNN) that works more like the brain because it learned through experience. Oticon More miniBTE T uses a disposable battery. It can stream audio directly from iPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch®, and select Android™ devices. Oticon More is a Made for iPhone® hearing aid with Bluetooth®, and is compatible with the new Android protocol for Audio Streaming for Hearing Aids (ASHA). To make handling easy, this miniBTE T style comes with a single push-button and an LED light. It also features a telecoil and Bluetooth® wireless technology for seamless connections with your favorite devices. Learn more Show all Oticon Own™ Invisible-in-the-Canal (IIC) As the smallest in the Oticon Own family, the Invisible-In-the-Canal hearing aid is placed deep in the ear canal for ultimate discreetness*. A small removal string is used to easily remove the hearing aid. *Invisible in 9 out of 10 ears. * Rumley et al. (2022). Oticon Own evidence. White paper. Learn more Oticon Own™ Completely-in-the-Canal (CIC) Oticon's very discreet Completely-in-the-Canal hearing aid is placed inside the ear canal. It is available in a range of colors to match your skin tone. A small removal string is accessible making removal easy and discreet. Learn more Oticon Own™ In-the-Canal (ITC) Oticon Own In-the-Canal hearing aid is placed discreetly in the ear. With optional Bluetooth® wireless technology, Oticon Own In-the-Canal offers seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. It also offers an optional telecoil for enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema. Learn more Oticon Own™ In-the-Ear Half Shell (ITE HS) The Oticon Own ITE Half Shell hearing aid is an easy-to-handle instrument that is placed in the ear. It accommodates large manual control options. Oticon Own ITE Half Shell offers optional Bluetooth® wireless technology for seamless connectivity to your favorite devices, and an optional telecoil for enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema. Learn more Oticon Own™ In-the-Ear Full Shell (ITE FS) The Oticon Own ITE Full Shell hearing aid is an easy-to-handle instrument. It accommodates large manual control options. Oticon Own ITE Full Shell offers Bluetooth® wireless technology for seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. It also offers an optional telecoil for enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema. Learn more Oticon Play PX miniRITE R Oticon Play PX is the world's first pediatric hearing aid with an on-board Deep Neural Network (DNN) that learned the way children learn—through experience. Oticon Play PX miniRITE R uses a Lithium-ion battery. It can stream audio directly from iPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch®, and select Android™ devices. Oticon Play PX is a Made for iPhone® hearing aid with Bluetooth®, and is compatible with the new Android protocol for Audio Streaming for Hearing Aids (ASHA). To make handling easy, this miniRITE R style comes with a double push-button and an LED light. It also features a telecoil and Bluetooth® wireless technology for seamless connections with your child's favorite devices. Learn more Oticon Play PX miniRITE T Oticon Play PX is the world's first pediatric hearing aid with an on-board Deep Neural Network (DNN) that learned the way children learn—through experience. Oticon Play PX miniRITE T uses a disposable battery. It can stream audio directly from iPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch®, and select Android™ devices. Oticon Play PX is a Made for iPhone® hearing aid with Bluetooth®, and is compatible with the new Android protocol for Audio Streaming for Hearing Aids (ASHA). To make handling easy, this miniRITE T style comes with a double push-button and an LED light. It also features a telecoil and Bluetooth® wireless technology for seamless connections with your child's favorite devices. Learn more Oticon Play PX miniBTE R Oticon Play PX is the world's first pediatric hearing aid with an on-board Deep Neural Network (DNN) that learned the way children learn—through experience. Oticon Play PX miniBTE R uses a Lithium-ion battery. It can stream audio directly from iPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch®, and select Android™ devices. Oticon Play PX is a Made for iPhone® hearing aid with Bluetooth®, and is compatible with the new Android protocol for Audio Streaming for Hearing Aids (ASHA). To make handling easy, this miniBTE R style comes with a single push-button and an LED light. It also features a telecoil and Bluetooth® wireless technology for seamless connections with your child's favorite devices. Learn more Oticon Play PX miniBTE T Oticon Play PX is the world's first pediatric hearing aid with an on-board Deep Neural Network (DNN) that learned the way children learn—through experience. Oticon Play PX miniBTE T uses a disposable battery. It can stream audio directly from iPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch®, and select Android™ devices. Oticon Play PX is a Made for iPhone® hearing aid with Bluetooth®, and is compatible with the new Android protocol for Audio Streaming for Hearing Aids (ASHA). To make handling easy, this miniBTE T style comes with a single push-button and an LED light It also features a telecoil and Bluetooth® wireless technology for seamless connections with your child's favorite devices. Learn more Oticon Zircon miniRITE R Oticon Zircon is a comprehensive essential family to meet your hearing needs. Oticon Zircon miniRITE R uses a Lithium-Ion battery. It can stream audio directly from iPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch®, and select Android™ devices. Oticon Zircon is a Made for iPhone® hearing aid with Bluetooth®, and is compatible with the new Android protocol for Audio Streaming for Hearing Aids (ASHA). To make handling easy, this miniRITE R style comes with a double push-button and an LED light. It also features a telecoil and Bluetooth® wireless technology for seamless connections with your favorite devices. Learn more Oticon Zircon miniRITE T Oticon Zircon is a comprehensive essential family to meet your hearing needs. Oticon Zircon miniRITE T uses a disposable battery. It can stream audio directly from iPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch®, and select Android™ devices. Oticon Zircon is a Made for iPhone® hearing aid with Bluetooth®, and is compatible with the new Android protocol for Audio Streaming for Hearing Aids (ASHA).To make handling easy, this miniRITE T style comes with a double push-button and an LED light. It also features a telecoil and Bluetooth® wireless technology for seamless connections with your favorite devices. Learn more Oticon Zircon miniBTE R Oticon Zircon is a comprehensive essential family to meet your hearing needs. Oticon Zircon miniBTE R uses a Lithium-Ion battery. It can stream audio directly from iPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch®, and select Android™ devices. Oticon Zircon is a Made for iPhone® hearing aid with Bluetooth®, and is compatible with the new Android protocol for Audio Streaming for Hearing Aids (ASHA). To make handling easy, this miniBTE R style comes with a single push-button and an LED light. It also features a telecoil and Bluetooth® wireless technology for seamless connections with your favorite devices. Learn more Oticon Zircon miniBTE T Oticon Zircon is a comprehensive essential family to meet your hearing needs. Oticon Zircon miniBTE T uses a disposable battery. It can stream audio directly from iPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch®, and select Android™ devices. Oticon Zircon is a Made for iPhone® hearing aid with Bluetooth®, and is compatible with the new Android protocol for Audio Streaming for Hearing Aids (ASHA). To make handling easy, this miniBTE T style comes with a single push-button and an LED light. It also features a telecoil and Bluetooth® wireless technology for seamless connections with your favorite devices. Learn more Oticon Opn S™ miniRITE Oticon OPN S improves on the open sound experience. Oticon Opn S miniRITE uses a disposable battery and is easy to operate with a convenient single push-button for volume and program control. Featuring Bluetooth® wireless technology, Oticon Opn S miniRITE offers seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. Learn more Oticon Opn S™ miniRITE R Oticon OPN S improves on the open sound experience. Oticon Opn S miniRITE R uses a rechargeable Lithium-ion battery, has an LED indicator to monitor hearing aid status and a convenient double push-button for volume and program control. Featuring Bluetooth® wireless technology, Oticon Opn S miniRITE R offers seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. Its' built-in telecoil offers enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema. Learn more Oticon Opn S™ miniRITE T Oticon OPN S improves on the open sound experience. Oticon Opn S miniRITE T uses a disposable battery and has a convenient double push-button for volume and program control. Featuring Bluetooth® wireless technology, Oticon Opn S miniRITE T offers seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. Its' built-in telecoil offers enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema. Learn more Oticon Opn S™ BTE Plus Power Oticon OPN S improves on the open sound experience. Oticon Opn S BTE Plus Power uses a disposable battery, has an LED indicator to monitor hearing aid status and a convenient double push-button for volume and program control. Featuring Bluetooth® wireless technology, Oticon Opn S BTE Plus Power offers seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. Its' built-in telecoil offers enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema. Learn more Oticon Opn Play™ miniRITE Oticon Opn Play introduced the open sound experience for children. Oticon Opn Play miniRITE uses a disposable battery and is easy to operate with a convenient single push-button for volume and program control. Featuring Bluetooth® wireless technology, Oticon Opn Play miniRITE offers seamless connectivity to your child's favorite devices. Learn more Oticon Opn Play™ miniRITE R Oticon Opn Play introduced the open sound experience for children. Oticon Opn Play miniRITE R uses a rechargeable Lithium-ion battery, has an LED indicator to monitor hearing aid status and a convenient double push-button for volume and program control. Featuring Bluetooth®wireless technology, Oticon Opn Play miniRITE R offers seamless connectivity to your child's favorite devices. Its' built-in telecoil offers enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema. Learn more Oticon Opn Play™ miniRITE T Oticon Opn Play introduced the open sound experience for children. Oticon Opn Play miniRITE T uses a disposable battery and has a convenient double push-button for volume and program control. Featuring Bluetooth® wireless technology, Oticon Opn Play miniRITE T offers seamless connectivity to your child's favorite devices. Its' built-in telecoil offers enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema. Learn more Oticon Opn Play™ BTE Plus Power Oticon Opn Play introduced the open sound experience for children. Oticon Opn Play BTE Plus Power uses a disposable battery, has an LED indicator to monitor hearing aid status and a convenient double push-button for volume and program control. Featuring Bluetooth® wireless technology, Oticon Opn Play BTE Plus Power offers seamless connectivity to your child's favorite devices. Its' built-in telecoil offers enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema. For classroom settings, Bluetooth technology can be used for remote microphone access or an FM receiver can be connected directly to the hearing aids. Learn more Oticon Xceed BTE Super Power Xceed BTE Super Power introduced the open sound experience for people with severe-to-profound hearing loss. Oticon Xceed BTE Super Power uses a disposable battery, has an LED indicator to monitor hearing aid status, a convenient double push-button for volume control, and a seperate push-button for program control. Featuring Bluetooth® wireless technology, Oticon Xceed BTE Super Power offers seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. Its' built-in telecoil offers enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema. Learn more Oticon Xceed BTE Ultra Power Xceed BTE Ultra Power is the most powerful hearing aid for people with severe-to-profound hearing loss. Oticon Xceed BTE Ultra Power uses a disposable battery, has an LED indicator to monitor hearing aid status, a convenient double push-button for volume control, and a seperate push-button for program control. Featuring Bluetooth® wireless technology, Oticon Xceed BTE Ultra Power offers seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. Its' built-in telecoil offers enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema. Learn more Oticon Xceed Play BTE Super Power Designed for children with severe-to-profound hearing loss, Oticon Xceed Play BTE SP supports your child's ability to hear. Oticon Xceed BTE Super Power uses a disposable battery, has an LED indicator to monitor hearing aid status, a convenient double push-button for volume control, and a seperate push-button for program control. Featuring Bluetooth®wireless technology, Oticon Xceed Play BTE Super Power offers seamless connectivity to your child's favorite devices. For classroom settings, Bluetooth technology can be used for remote microphone access or an FM receiver can be connected directly to the hearing aids. Learn more Oticon Xceed Play BTE Ultra Power The most powerful hearing aid for children with severe-to-profound hearing loss, Oticon Xceed Play BTE Ultra Power supports your child's ability to hear. Oticon Xceed BTE Ultra Power uses a disposable battery, has an LED indicator to monitor hearing aid status, a convenient double push-button for volume control, and a seperate push-button for program control. Featuring Bluetooth® wireless technology, Oticon Xceed Play BTE Ultra Power offers seamless connectivity to your child's favorite devices. For classroom settings, Bluetooth technology can be used for remote microphone access or an FM receiver can be connected directly to the hearing aids. Learn more Oticon Ruby miniRITE Oticon Ruby provides Oticon sound quality in the essential category. Oticon Ruby miniRITE uses a disposable battery and is easy to operate with a convenient single push-button for volume and program control. Featuring Bluetooth® wireless technology, Oticon Ruby miniRITE offers seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. Learn more Oticon Ruby miniRITE T Oticon Ruby provides Oticon sound quality in the essential category. Oticon Ruby miniRITE T uses a disposable battery and has a convenient double push-button for volume and program control. Featuring Bluetooth® wireless technology, Oticon Ruby miniRITE T offers seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. Its' built-in telecoil offers enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema. Learn more Oticon Ruby miniRITE R Oticon Ruby provides Oticon sound quality in the essential category. Oticon Ruby miniRITE R uses a rechargeable Lithium-ion battery, has an LED indicator to monitor hearing aid status and a convenient double push-button for volume and program control. Featuring Bluetooth® wireless technology, Oticon Ruby miniRITE R offers seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. Its' built-in telecoil offers enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema. Learn more Oticon Ruby BTE Oticon Ruby provides Oticon sound quality in the essential category. Oticon Ruby BTE uses a disposable battery and a convenient double push-button for volume and program control. Featuring Bluetooth® wireless technology, Oticon Ruby BTE offers seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. Its' built-in telecoil offers enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema. Learn more Oticon Ruby BTE Plus Power Oticon Ruby provides Oticon sound quality in the essential category. Oticon Ruby BTE Plus Power uses a disposable battery, has an LED indicator to monitor hearing aid status and a convenient double push-button for volume and program control. Featuring Bluetooth® wireless technology, Oticon Ruby BTE Plus Power offers seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. Its' built-in telecoil offers enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema. Learn more Oticon Opn™ miniRITE The smallest behind-the-ear style in the Oticon Opn family, Oticon Opn miniRITE is discreet and easy to operate with a smart single push button for volume and program control. Oticon Opn miniRITE features Bluetooth wireless technology for seamless connectivity to your favorite devices and much more. Learn more Oticon Opn™ miniRITE T Based on the popular miniRITE, Oticon Opn miniRITE T is discreet and easy to operate with a convenient double push button for volume and program control. It features Bluetooth wireless technology for seamless connectivity to your favorite devices, and a built-in telecoil for improved hearing in public settings with hearing loop systems, such as the cinema or the theater. Learn more Oticon Opn™ BTE Plus Power Oticon Opn BTE PP features a compact design with a convenient double push button for easy operation of volume and programs. Featuring Bluetooth wireless technology, Oticon Opn BTE PP delivers seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. With a built-in telecoil, it offers enhanced listening in public settings with hearing loop systems, such as the theater or cinema. It also has an optional discreet, two-color LED indicator to monitor hearing aid status. Learn more Oticon Opn™ Invisible-in-the-Canal (IIC) Oticon Opn Invisible-in-the-Canal* hearing aid sits deep in the ear canal where no one will notice it. A small plastic removal string is accessible but not noticeable, making removal easy and discreet. *Invisible for 8 out of 10 people Learn more Oticon Opn™ Completely-in-the-Canal (CIC) Oticon's very discreet Completely-in-the-Canal hearing aid sits completely inside the ear canal. Available in a range of shades to match your skin tone, Oticon Opn CIC is barely visible. A small plastic removal string is accessible but not noticeable, making removal easy and discreet. Learn more Oticon Opn™ In-the-Canal (ITC) The Oticon Opn In-the-Canal hearing aid sits discreetly in the ear canal. A small part of the hearing aid is visible in the lower part of the ear. With optional Bluetooth wireless technology, Oticon Opn ITC can deliver seamless connectivity to your favorite devices and much more. It also offers an optional telecoil, for enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema. Learn more Oticon Opn™ Half Shell For people with dexterity issues who prioritize an easy-to-handle instrument, Oticon Opn Half Shell hearing aid sits visibly in the ear. Because it is larger than other types of in-the-ear hearing aids, it can accommodate longer-lasting batteries and larger manual control options. Oticon Opn Half Shell offers optional Bluetooth wireless technology for seamless connectivity to your favorite devices and an optional telecoil, for enhanced listening in public settings with hearing loop systems, such as the theater or cinema. Learn more Oticon Opn™ Full Shell Optimal for people with dexterity issues who prioritize an easy-to-handle instrument, Oticon Opn Full Shell hearing aid fills out most of the visible part of the ear rather than just the ear canal. Because it is larger than other types of in-the-ear hearing aids, it can accommodate longer-lasting batteries and larger manual control options. Oticon Opn Full Shell offers optional wireless connectivity and an optional built-in telecoil for enhanced listening in public settings with hearing loop systems, such as the theater or cinema. Learn more Oticon Siya miniRITE Oticon Siya miniRITE is a small and discreet hearing aid with a smart single push button for easy operation of volume and programs. Featuring Bluetooth wireless technology, Oticon Siya miniRITE delivers seamless connectivity to your favorite devices and much more. Learn more Oticon Siya miniRITE T Based on the popular miniRITE, Oticon Siya miniRITE T is easy to operate with a convenient double push button for volume and program control. Featuring Bluetooth wireless technology, Oticon Siya miniRITE T delivers seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. And its built-in telecoil offers enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema. Learn more Oticon Siya BTE The Oticon Siya BTE hearing aid features a compact design with a convenient double push button for easy volume and program control. Featuring Bluetooth wireless technology, Oticon Siya BTE delivers seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. It also has a built-in telecoil, which offers enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema. Available both as a thin tube or hook solution. Learn more Oticon Siya Plus Power Designed for severe-to-profound hearing loss, Oticon Siya Plus Power is a robust, powerful hearing aid fitted behind the ear. Featuring Bluetooth wireless technology, Oticon Siya BTE delivers seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. It also includes a built-in telecoil for enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema. Learn more Oticon Siya Invisible-in-the-Canal (IIC) The smallest in the Oticon Siya family, Oticon Siya Invisible-In-the-Canal* hearing aid sits deep in the ear canal where no one will notice it. A small plastic removal string is accessible but not noticeable, making removal easy and discreet. *Invisible for 8 out of 10 people Learn more Oticon Siya Completely-in-the-Canal (CIC) Oticon's very discreet Completely-in-the-Canal hearing aid sits completely inside the ear canal. Available in a range of shades to match your skin tone, Oticon Siya Completely-in-the-Canal is barely visible. A small plastic removal string is accessible but not noticeable, making removal easy and discreet. Learn more Oticon Siya In-the-Canal (ITC) Oticon Siya In-The-Canal hearing aid sits discreetly in the ear canal. A small part of the hearing aid is visible in the lower part of the ear. With optional Bluetooth wireless technology, Oticon Siya In-The-Canal offers seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. It also offers an optional telecoil for enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema. Learn more Oticon Siya Half Shell The Oticon Siya Half Shell hearing aid is an easy-to-handle instrument that sits visibly in the ear. Because it is larger than other types of in-the-ear hearing aids, it can accommodate longer-lasting batteries and larger manual control options. Oticon Siya Half Shell offers optional Bluetooth wireless technology for seamless connectivity to your favorite devices, and an optional telecoil for enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema. Learn more Oticon Siya Full Shell The Oticon Siya Full Shell hearing aid is an easy-to-handle instrument that fills out most of the visible part of the ear rather than just the ear canal. Because it is larger than other types of in-the-ear hearing aids, it can accommodate longer-lasting batteries and larger manual control options. Oticon Siya Full Shell features optional Bluetooth wireless technology for seamless connectivity to your favorite devices. It also offers an optional telecoil for enhanced listening in public settings with loop systems, such as the theater or cinema. Learn more Oticon CROS miniRITE T If you have no usable hearing in one ear and normal or impaired hearing in the other, Oticon CROS is designed for you. The Oticon CROS solution has two parts: a transmitter (powered by a disposable battery) with a microphone that wirelessly transmits the sound from the impaired ear to the better ear, and a hearing aid that picks up sound from the transmitter and plays it in your better ear. It's a revolutionary experience for the single-sided hearing impaired. Learn more Oticon CROS PX miniRITE R If you have no usable hearing in one hear and normal or impaired hearing in the other, Oticon CROS is designed for you. The Oticon CROS solution has two parts: a transmitter (powered by a rechargeable Lithium-ion battery) with a microphone that wirelessly transmits the sound from the impaired ear to the better ear, and a hearing aid that picks up sound from the transmitter and plays it in your better ear. It's a revolutionary experience for the single-sided hearing impaired. Learn more Show all ACCESSORIES (12) Oticon SmartCharger The Oticon desktop charger is an intelligent blend of elegant form and simple functionality. Not only is it easy to use, it will also look good on your nightstand. Compatible with Oticon More™, Oticon Zircon, Oticon Play PX, Opn S™ and Oticon CROS PX miniRITE R styles Learn more ConnectClip Turn your Oticon hearing aids into a wireless stereo headset with ConnectClip. Make hands-free phone calls and stream music from your smartphone. Tune in to someone speaking from a distance using its remote microphone functionality. You can even use ConnectClip as a discreet remote control for your hearing aids. Learn more TV Adapter 3.0 The TV Adapter 3.0 allows you to enjoy watching TV at your preferred volume, while the rest of the family can keep the volume at a level that suits them. The sound is rich and natural and there are no delays, so the sound matches the visuals on your TV screen. The TV Adapter 3.0 is compatible with Oticon More™, Oticon Zircon, Oticon Play PX, Opn S™, Opn™, Opn Play™, Xceed, Xceed Play, Ruby and Siya. Learn more Remote Control 3.0 Oticon Remote Control 3.0 offers an intuitive, straightforward and discreet way to operate your hearing aids. With the remote control, you can perform the most common everyday adjustments without drawing attention to your hearing aids. The Remote Control 3.0 is compatible with Oticon More™, Oticon Zircon, Oticon Play PX, Opn S™, Opn™, Opn Play™, Xceed, Xceed Play, Ruby and Siya. Learn more Show all EduMic EduMic is a versatile hearing aid accessory. In remote microphone mode, it helps you when distance and noise make it difficult to hear the person speaking – in the classroom, in work situations, during sports, and more. EduMic can also plug in to devices via a standard 3.5mm headphone jack, to stream audio wirelessly to Oticon Bluetooth hearing aids. It also picks up audio from public hearing loop systems. Learn more Oticon Desktop Charger The Oticon desktop charger is an intelligent blend of elegant form and simple functionality. Not only is it easy to use, it will also look good on your nightstand. Compatible with Oticon More™, Oticon Zircon, Oticon Play PX, Opn S™, Opn Play™, Ruby, and Oticon CROS PX miniRITE R styles Learn more Oticon Desktop Charger The Oticon charger displays an intelligent blend of elegant form and simplistic function. Not only is it easy to use but it will also look good on your nightstand. Compatible with Oticon More™, Oticon Zircon, and Oticon Play PX miniBTE R styles. Learn more Phone Adapter 2.0 The Phone Adapter 2.0 makes it possible to connect your hearing aid to a traditional analog landline phone. The solution supports both incoming and outgoing calls. During a call, your hearing aids become a headset and the ConnectClip or Streamer Pro is used as a microphone. Together, they enable convenient, hands-free landline calls. Learn more Streamer Pro By picking up the audio signal and sending it straight into both ears, Streamer Pro turns a pair of hearing aids into a small wireless headset. Streamer Pro is worn around the neck and features three dedicated buttons for the core applications: phone, TV and microphone. Learn more ConnectLine Microphone Oticon ConnectLine microphone is a discreet microphone that connects wirelessly to Streamer Pro. It lets you enjoy clear and private one-to-one conversations, even in crowded, noisy environments. Learn more TV Adapter 2.0 Oticon ConnectLine TV Adapter 2.0 allows you to enjoy watching TV at your preferred volume, while the rest of the family can keep the volume at a level that suits them. The sound is rich and natural and there are no delays, so the sound matches the visuals on your TV screen. The TV Adapter 2.0 is compatible with Alta 2 Pro, Nera 2 Pro, Ria 2 Pro, and older devices. Learn more Remote Control 2.0 Oticon Remote Control 2.0 offers a discreet way to operate your hearing aids. With the remote control, you can perform the most common everyday adjustments without drawing attention to your hearing aids. The Remote Control 2.0 is compatible with Alta 2 Pro, Nera 2 Pro, Ria 2 Pro, and older devices. Learn more Show all APPS (2) Oticon ON App Enjoy a world of connectivity options. Oticon ON lets you discreetly adjust volume and programs, stream music or sound from your TV to your hearing aids and set personal listening goals through HearingFitness™. You can also easily check battery status and if you suffer from tinnitus, the app can help you control the tinnitus relief sounds set up by your hearing care specialist. You can also connect your hearing aids to your smart home controls – trigger your lights, home alarm or smart thermostat. Learn more Oticon RemoteCare App Get expert follow-up consultations and online counseling in the comfort of your own home. Oticon RemoteCare puts you in contact with your hearing care specialist, who can adjust your hearing aids remotely and help ensure you get the most out of them. No more waiting weeks for an appointment or traveling long distances to get the support you need. Learn more PHONES/TABLETS (199) Requires Android 12 or later Samsung Galaxy S10 Requires Android 10 or later Samsung Galaxy S9+ Requires Android 10 or later Samsung Galaxy S9 Requires Android 9 or later Samsung Galaxy S8+ Show all Requires Android 9 or later Samsung Galaxy S8 Requires Android 12 or later Google Pixel 4 Requires Android 12 or later Google Pixel 3a Requires Android 11 or later Google Pixel 2 Requires Android 8 or later Sony Xperia XZ Requires Android 9 or later Moto X4 Requires Android 7 or later Motorola Moto E4 Plus (2017) Requires Android 9 or later HTC U12+ Requires Android 9 or later LG G6 Requires iOS 16 or later iPhone 11 Pro Max Requires iOS 15 or later iPad Air 3 Requires iOS 16 or later iPhone 11 Requires Android 10 or later Google Pixel Requires iOS 16 or later iPhone 11 Pro Requires iOS 16 or later iPhone XS Requires iOS 16 or later iPhone XS Max Requires iOS 16 or later iPhone XR Requires iOS 16 or later iPhone X Requires iOS 16 or later iPhone 8 Plus Requires iOS 16 or later iPhone 8 Requires iOS 15 or later iPhone 7 Plus Requires iOS 15 or later iPhone 7 Requires iOS 15 or later iPhone SE Requires iOS 15 or later iPhone 6s Plus Requires iOS 15 or later iPhone 6s Requires iOS 15 or later iPad Air 2 Requires iOS 15 or later iPad mini 5 Requires iOS 15 or later iPad mini 4 Requires Android 8 or later Samsung Galaxy S7 Requires Android 8 or later Samsung Galaxy A5 Requires Android 9 or later Samsung Galaxy Note 8 Requires Android 10 or later Xiaomi MI Mix3 Requires iOS 16 or later iPhone 12 Requires Android 8 or later HTC 10 Requires Android 10 or later Huawei P30 Requires iOS 15 or later iPad 5th generation 9.7" Requires iOS 15 or later iPad Pro 1st generation 11" Requires iOS 15 or later iPad Pro 1st generation 12.9" Requires iOS 15 or later iPad Pro 1st generation 9.7" Requires iOS 15 or later iPad Pro 2nd generation 10.5" Requires iOS 15 or later iPad Pro 2nd generation 12.9" Requires iOS 16 or later iPhone 12 mini Requires iOS 16 or later iPhone 12 Pro Requires iOS 16 or later iPhone 12 Pro Max Requires iOS 15 or later iPod touch 7th generation Requires Android 11 or later OnePlus 7T Requires Android 12 or later OnePlus 8T Requires Android 11 or later Samsung Galaxy A20s Requires Android 10 or later Samsung Galaxy A50 Requires Android 10 or later Samsung Galaxy A70 Requires Android 12 or later Samsung Galaxy A71 Requires Android 9 or later Samsung Galaxy A8 Requires Android 9 or later Samsung Galaxy J7 Pop Requires Android 12 or later Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Requires Android 10 or later Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ Requires Android 10 or later Samsung Galaxy S10+ Requires Android 12 or later Samsung Galaxy S20 Requires Android 11 or later Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Requires Android 7 or later Sony Xperia XA Requires Android 11 or later Xiaomi MI 9 SE Requires Android 10 or later Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Requires Android 11 or later Google Pixel 3 Requires Android 8.1 or later LG Nexus 5x Requires Android 11 or later Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro Requires iOS 11 or later iPhone 6 Requires iOS 11 or later iPhone 6 Plus Requires iOS 11 or later iPhone 5s Requires iOS 11 or later iPad mini 3 Requires iOS 11 or later iPad mini 2 Requires iOS 11 or later iPod touch 6th generation Requires Android 8 or later Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Requires Android 11 or later Samsung Galaxy A21s Requires Android 11 or later Xiaomi MI 10 5G Requires iOS 11 or later iPad Air Requires Android 7 or later Samsung Galaxy S6 Requires Android 8 or later Samsung Galaxy J3 (2017) Requires Android 9 or later Samsung Galaxy J3 (2016) Requires Android 8 or later Google Pixel XL Requires Android 7 or later Motorola Moto Z Requires Android 8 or later LG G5 Requires Android 8 or later LG V20 Requires Android 8 or later Huawei P10 Requires Android 8 or later Huawei P20 Requires Android 8 or later Huawei Nova 5 Pro Requires Android 8 or later ZTE AXON 7 Requires Android 10 or later Sony Xperia XZ3 Requires Android 11 or later Motorola Moto G G9 Plus Requires iOS 15 or later iPad 8th generation 10.2" Requires Android 11 or later Samsung Galaxy A40 Requires Android 10 or later Samsung Galaxy A10 Requires Android 12 or later Samsung Galaxy Note 20 5G Requires Android 12 or later Google Pixel 5 Requires Android 10 or later Huawei P30 Lite Requires Android 12 or later Samsung Galaxy S21 Requires iOS 16 or later iPhone SE (2020) Requires iOS 15 or later iPad Air 4 Requires Android 9 or later Doro 8080 Requires Android 9 or later Doro 8050 Doro 7080 Doro 780X Requires iOS 16 or later iPhone 13 Requires iOS 16 or later iPhone 13 Pro Requires iOS 16 or later iPhone 13 Pro Max Requires Android 2 or later Huawei Mate 30 Pro (2019) Requires iOS 16 or later iPhone 13 mini Requires Android 12 or later Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3 Requires Android 12 or later Samsung Galaxy S21+ Requires Android 11 or later Samsung Galaxy S10e Requires Android 12 or later Samsung Galaxy A52 Requires Android 11 or later Samsung Galaxy A12 Requires Android 12 or later Google Pixel 6 Requires Android 11 or later Nokia XR20 Requires Android 11 or later Xiaomi Mi 10T Pro Requires iOS 15 or later iPad Pro 5th generation 12.9" (2021) Requires iOS 15 or later iPad Pro 3rd generation 11" (2021) Requires iOS 15 or later iPad 9th generation 10.2" (2021) Requires iOS 15 or later iPad mini 6th generation (2021) Requires Android 10 or later Huawei Mate 10 Pro Requires Android 10 or later Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Requires Android 9 or later Huawei P20 Lite Requires iOS 15 or later iPad 7th generation 10.2" Requires iOS 15 or later iPad Pro 3rd generation 12.9" (2018) Requires iOS 15 or later iPad Pro 4th generation 12.9" Requires Android 12 or later Google Pixel 4a Requires Android 11 or later Samsung Galaxy A41 Requires Android 10 or later Samsung Galaxy A20e Requires iOS 15 or later iPad 6th generation 9.7" Requires Android 12 or later Samsung Galaxy A51 Doro 6060 Doro 7030 Requires Android 8 or later Huawei Mate 10 Requires iOS 15 or later iPad 9th generation Requires iOS 16 or later iPhone SE 3rd generation (2022) Requires iOS 15 or later iPad Air 5th generation (2022) Requires Android 12 or later Xiaomi 11T Pro Requires Android 12 or later Xiaomi 11 Lite 5G NE Requires Android 12 or later OnePlus 9 Requires iOS 15 or later iPad Pro 3rd generation 11" (2018) Requires iOS 15 or later iPad Pro 2nd generation 11" (2020) Requires Android 12 or later Samsung Galaxy S22+ Requires Android 12 or later Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra Requires Android 12 or later Samsung Galaxy Z Fold3 Requires Android 12 or later Samsung Galaxy S22 Requires Android 12 or later Samsung Galaxy A22 Requires Android 12 or later Xiaomi 12 Requires Android 12 or later Google Pixel 3a XL Requires Android 12 or later Google Pixel 3 XL Requires Android 13 or later Google Pixel 4a 5G Requires Android 13 or later Google Pixel 6 Pro Requires Android 12 or later LG V60 ThinQ Requires Android 12 or later Motorola Edge 30 Pro Requires Android 12 or later OnePlus 10 Pro 5G Requires Android 12 or later OnePlus 10R Requires Android 12 or later OnePlus 7T Pro Requires Android 11 or later OnePlus Nord N20 5G Requires Android 12 or later Oppo A74 5G Requires Android 12 or later Samsung Galaxy A13 Requires Android 12 or later Samsung Galaxy A52 5G Requires Android 12 or later Samsung Galaxy A52s 5G Requires Android 12 or later Samsung Galaxy A71 5G Requires Android 12 or later Samsung Galaxy F23 5G Requires Android 12 or later Samsung Galaxy M31 Requires Android 12 or later Samsung Galaxy Note20 Ultra 5G Requires Android 12 or later Samsung Galaxy S20 5G Requires Android 12 or later Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 5G Requires Android 12 or later Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra 5G Requires Android 12 or later Samsung Galaxy S20+ 5G Requires Android 12 or later Samsung Galaxy S21 5G Requires Android 12 or later Samsung Galaxy S21 FE Requires Android 12 or later Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G Requires Android 12 or later Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G Requires Android 12 or later Samsung Galaxy S22 5G Requires Android 12 or later Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra 5G Requires Android 12 or later Vivo IQOO Z6 Pro Requires Android 12 or later Vivo X70 Pro+ Requires Android 12 or later Vivo X80 Requires Android 12 or later Vivo X80 Pro Requires Android 12 or later Xiaomi 12 Pro Requires Android 11 or later BLU G91s Requires Android 10 or later Motorola Moto G Power (2022) Requires Android 11 or later Motorola Moto G Stylus (2022) Requires Android 10 or later OnePlus Nord N10 5G Requires Android 10 or later OnePlus Nord N200 5G Requires Android 11 or later Samsung Galaxy A11 Requires Android 10 or later Samsung Galaxy A21 Requires Android 12 or later Asus ROG Phone 3 Requires Android 11 or later Motorola Moto E40 Requires Android 12 or later Motorola Moto G22 Requires Android 11 or later Motorola Moto G31 Requires Android 12 or later Motorola Moto G52 Requires Android 11 or later Motorola Moto G60 Requires Android 11 or later Motorola Moto G71 5G Requires Android 11 or later OnePlus 6T Requires Android 11 or later Oppo A55 Requires Android 12 or later Samsung Galaxy A31 Show all 1. 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