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    <div class="col-12 " role="group" aria-label="Upload your Resume/CV"><span id="grp_fld_1428148" class="form_field_grp ">
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              tabindex="0"> <span class="image_link"></span><span class="text-danger"></span></div>
        </div><span class="text-danger"></span>
    <div class="col-12 " role="group" aria-label="Highest Qualification"><span id="grp_fld_1428149" class="form_field_grp "><label class="control-label " for="fld_1428149" tabindex="-1">Highest Qualification</label><select class="form-control"
          name="fld_1428149" id="fld_1428149" data-other-option="group_fld_1428149_other" tabindex="0">
          <option value=""> Please select </option>
          <option value="No formal education">No formal education</option>
          <option value="Primary education">Primary education</option>
          <option value="Secondary education or high school">Secondary education or high school</option>
          <option value="GED">GED</option>
          <option value="Vocational qualification">Vocational qualification</option>
          <option value="Bachelor's degree">Bachelor's degree</option>
          <option value="Master's degree">Master's degree</option>
          <option value="Doctorate or higher">Doctorate or higher</option>
          <option value="Other">Other</option>
        </select><span class="text-danger"></span></span></div>
    <div class="col-12 " role="group" aria-label="Years of Experience"><span id="grp_fld_1428150" class="form_field_grp "><label class="control-label " for="fld_1428150" tabindex="-1">Years of Experience</label><br><input type="number"
          class="form-control" name="fld_1428150" id="fld_1428150" min="0" value="" tabindex="0"><span class="text-danger"></span></span></div>
    <div class="col-12 " role="group" aria-label="Current Organization"><span id="grp_fld_1428151" class="form_field_grp "><label class="control-label " for="fld_1428151" tabindex="-1">Current Organization</label><input type="text"
          class="form-control form-control" name="fld_1428151" id="fld_1428151" value="" placeholder="Enter Current Organization Name" tabindex="0"><span class="text-danger"></span></span></div>
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          class="form-control form-control" name="fld_1428152" id="fld_1428152" value="" placeholder="Enter Linkedin Profile Link" tabindex="0"><span class="text-danger"></span></span></div>
    <div class="col-12 " role="group" aria-label="Preferred Job Title"><span id="grp_fld_1428153" class="form_field_grp "><label class="control-label " for="fld_1428153" tabindex="-1">Preferred Job Title</label><input type="text"
          class="form-control form-control" name="fld_1428153" id="fld_1428153" value="" placeholder="Enter Preferred Job Title" tabindex="0"><span class="text-danger"></span></span></div>
    <div class="col-12 " role="group" aria-label="Preferred Industry"><span id="grp_fld_1428154" class="form_field_grp "><label class="control-label " for="fld_1428154" tabindex="-1">Preferred Industry</label><select class="form-control"
          name="fld_1428154" id="fld_1428154" data-other-option="group_fld_1428154_other" tabindex="0">
          <option value="">Preferred Industry</option>
          <option value="Information Technology (IT)">Information Technology (IT)</option>
          <option value="Healthcare">Healthcare</option>
          <option value="Finance">Finance</option>
          <option value="Education">Education</option>
          <option value="Manufacturing">Manufacturing</option>
          <option value="Retail">Retail</option>
          <option value="Marketing">Marketing</option>
          <option value="Hospitality">Hospitality</option>
          <option value="Real Estate">Real Estate</option>
          <option value="Energy">Energy</option>
          <option value="Agriculture">Agriculture</option>
          <option value="Telecommunications">Telecommunications</option>
          <option value="Transportation">Transportation</option>
          <option value="Biotechnology">Biotechnology</option>
          <option value="Aerospace">Aerospace</option>
          <option value="Media and Entertainment">Media and Entertainment</option>
          <option value="Nonprofit">Nonprofit</option>
          <option value="Pharmaceuticals">Pharmaceuticals</option>
          <option value="Automotive">Automotive</option>
          <option value="Construction">Construction</option>
          <option value="Environmental Services">Environmental Services</option>
          <option value="Legal Services">Legal Services</option>
          <option value="Fashion and Apparel">Fashion and Apparel</option>
          <option value="Consulting">Consulting</option>
          <option value="Government">Government</option>
          <option value="Food and Beverage">Food and Beverage</option>
          <option value="Insurance">Insurance</option>
          <option value="Sports and Recreation">Sports and Recreation</option>
          <option value="E-commerce">E-commerce</option>
          <option value="Design and Architecture">Design and Architecture</option>
          <option value="Social Services">Social Services</option>
          <option value="Gaming">Gaming</option>
          <option value="Renewable Energy">Renewable Energy</option>
          <option value="Human Resources">Human Resources</option>
          <option value="Public Relations">Public Relations</option>
        </select><span class="text-danger"></span></span></div>
    <div class="col-12">
      <input type="submit" id="submit" value="Register" class="btn btn-primary pull-right btn-lg mt-3" tabindex="0">

<form id="form" class="AffiniForm">
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Preferred IndustryPreferred IndustryInformation Technology
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Join us on October 23rd from 9 AM to 5 PM ET for an exclusive online recruiting
event for HBCU students and graduates. Connect with top employers, explore grad
school options, and access free professional development sessions to excel in
your career. Whether you're launching your career or considering a change, don't
miss this opportunity for life-changing connections.

 * EVENT LOCATION: This will be a virtual event hosted on vFairs:
 * EVENT DATE: October 23rd from 9am to 5pm Eastern Time
 * WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Diverse Professionals including students, alumni, and job
   seekers (active and passive)in search of excellent networking and career


 1. Register by completing the form on this page.
 2. Upload your resume via the registration form for consideration of hiring
 3. Share the event with your friends and colleagues.
 4. On October 23rd, visit
 5. Get ready to network, learn, and take the next step in your career journey!

Register Now

Gain unparalleled access to recruiters and hiring managers from a wide variety
of industries. Whether you're an HBCU student looking for internships or an HBCU
alum seeking new opportunities, this event connects you directly with employers
who are actively seeking diverse talent

Enhance your career readiness with free professional development sessions
tailored specifically for HBCU students and alumni. Learn from industry experts,
refine your resume, sharpen your interview skills, and get valuable insights
into navigating today's job market


Build your network by connecting with other HBCU students and alumni who share
your career aspirations. This event is an excellent opportunity to exchange
ideas, share experiences, and form relationships that can lead to mentorship,
collaboration, and future opportunities.

Attendees Sponsors

What is the purpose of the conference/career fair?

HBCU CONNECT will be commemorating and celebrating 25 years of contributions to
diversity recruitment. In addition, the 2 day conference will include personal
development, professional development and entertainment activities in
conjunction with the DC HBCU Alumni Alliance 5k run/walk on 6/29.

Are there any networking opportunities available?

Yes, the conference has been set up to offer numerous networking and engagement
touchpoints throughout the conference and weekend.

What should I bring with me to the conference/career fair?

Electronic version of your resume, business cards, appropriate attire (for the
career fair) and workout gear if you're participating in the DC HBCU Alumni
Alliance 5K run/walk (race) on 6/29/2024.

Will there be opportunities to meet with recruiters/employers?

The 6/28/2024 professional networking event will provide many opportunities to
engage with representatives from 50+ companies representing technology,
healthcare, finance and a host of other industries.

Will there be any workshops or seminars?

Yes, the professional networking reception will feature a number of guest
speakers who will speak on many topics ranging from Cybersecurity, Mental Health
and Behavior, Skin Care, Trusts/Wills and Real Estate Investing.

How can I get more information or contact the organizers?

Please feel free to send an email to

Who should attend the conference/career fair?

Early career and experienced professionals interested in landing opportunities
in the following(but not limited to) categories: IT & Engineering, Healthcare,
Sales & Marketing, Operations & Management, Government, and Education.


What is The ROI from This Event

 1. Interviews and Hires! At our typical recruitment reception for one of our
    clients with the toughest profile (IT/Software candidates) they were able to
    hire 12 candidates within 30 days of just one of our events. Most of our
    clients also are repeat customers and we have a waiting list for our
    services to host events such as this, which actually drove us to present
    this "networking and recruitment reception" format for multiple employers in
    one venue. We will deliver candidate resumes before and after the event, and
    we will also market your company and specific opportunities to candidates
    prior to the event to maximize the ROI for your participation.
 2. Branding! Our advertising campaign, and actual weekend events will draw over
    100,000 media impressions from professional African Americans in the
    mid-west considering our event and our partner's career opportunities.
 3. Pipeline Creation! We collect resumes from all interested attendees for
    every event and deliver a pipeline of hundreds of candidates that can be
    categorized by data points such as location, college, major, experience,
    industry, educational level, open to relocation, and more!

What Content do We Provide for The Event?

We will share your Video or Powerpoint slide content during our Career Fair.
Here is content you can share in your video or powerpoint slides:

 * Introduce your company and the types of roles you typically hire for.
 * Locations where you have openings, and maybe selling points for those
 * A pitch for working for your company. Why would someone love working for your
 * Your statement regarding diversity and its importance to your company.

How many Students and Graduates will be In Attendance?

 * Students: Over 1,500
 * Graduates: Over 2,500

How can I maximize engagement with candidates during the online career fair?

To maximize engagement, ensure your virtual booth is well-organized with clear
and appealing content, such as company videos, job listings, and brochures.
Utilize the chat and video features to interact with candidates in real time.
Hosting live Q&A sessions or sponsoring a session during our event can also
attract more candidates to your booth.

What should I include in my company profile to attract diverse talent?

Your company profile should highlight your commitment to diversity and
inclusion, including any initiatives or programs that support underrepresented
groups. Include success stories or testimonials from diverse employees, details
about your company culture, and information on career development opportunities.
Clear job descriptions with inclusive language can also help attract the right

How can I identify and engage with top candidates efficiently?

Before the event, review the resumes we share to identify potential candidates.
Use filters and search tools within vFairs to narrow down candidates based on
qualifications, experience, and interests. During the event, make use of the
chat function to reach out to these candidates directly. Afterward, follow up
with promising candidates to keep them engaged and informed about the next

What are the best practices for conducting virtual interviews during the career

Prepare structured questions that align with your company’s core competencies
and the specific role you’re hiring for. Get familiar with the vFairs platform
in advance to ensure smooth communication. Keep the interviews concise but
comprehensive, allowing time for candidates to ask questions. Providing
immediate feedback or outlining the next steps at the end of the interview can
leave a positive impression on the candidates.

How can I measure the success of my participation in the online career fair?

Measure success by tracking the number of candidate interactions, resumes
collected, and interviews conducted during the event. Assess the quality of
candidates by reviewing how many move forward in the recruitment process.
Additionally, gather feedback from your team on the ease of use of the platform
and from candidates on their experience with your booth. This data can help us
refine our process and make for better events in the future.

The sponsorship page says we would get a list of resumes. Does that mean the
ability to search and review resumes?

We provide a spreadsheet of all attendee resumes pre-event and post event. They
can contact any of those candidates that are of interest.

Are participants required to submit those prior to the event?

Yes, resumes are submitted prior to the event on our landing page (as with all

Do you provide technical support for employers on setting up their virtual
booths and other aspects of participation?

Yes, we will provide technical support setting up the virtual booths and all
aspects of participation including vFairs team if necessary.

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