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Text Content

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Jobs References Blog

+49 (0)351 795 808 0

 * EN
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 * Employer Branding
    * Employer Branding Agency
    * Employer Branding Strategy
    * Employer Value Proposition
    * Employer Branding Measures

 * HR Marketing
    * HR Marketing
    * Performance Recruitment
    * Social Media Recruitment
    * Career website
    * Young Professionals
    * Trainee Marketing
    * Multiposting Service

 * Recruiting
    * Recruiting
    * Recruiting as a service
    * Social Recruiting
    * Recruitment agency
    * Temporary Staffing

 * HR Services
    * HR Services
    * HR Outsourcing
    * HR Shared Service Center
    * Onboarding
    * HR Consulting
    * Outsourcing payroll
    * Outplacement Consulting

 * HR Development
    * HR Development
    * Leadership development
    * Leadership Coaching
    * Further Education
    * Resilience Training

 * Jobs
    * ARTS Effect
    * Jobs
    * Unsolicited Application
    * Application Process
    * Job Profiles
    * Career Entrants
    * Professionals
    * Project Locations
    * Application Coaching

 * About ARTS
    * References
    * Blog

Contact us

Contact us


We are a full service HR agency. Thanks to our 22 years of expertise as an HR
service provider, we actively support you in mastering your personnel and
organisational challenges in the areas of recruiting, personnel marketing,
employer branding, HR services and personnel development. From HR consulting,
strategic planning and conception to implementation. For all your temporary and
permanent needs along the entire candidate and employee journey.

Our clients range from large corporations to small and medium-sized enterprises.
From A for Autobahn GmbH (high-volume recruiting) to S for SEYBOLD (employer
brand) to V for Volocopter (highly specialised temporary staff).



Give your employer brand a strong profile through clear employer branding now
and secure your talents in the long term! We support you in analysing and
creating your employer brand, including an attractive Employer Value Proposition

Employer Branding


Our HR services range from consulting in the area of your HR processes to the
provision of personnel support by means of flexible HR BPO packages. For your
existing employees, we offer support along the entire employee life cycle.

HR Services


Our HR marketing experts offer you comprehensive consulting services. We support
you with the questions "Who is the right target group for our vacancies? Through
which publication channels and with which message do I reach them?

HR Marketing


We take over individual personnel development processes or provide you with
complete support. Among other things, we offer you support in the operational
training and further education of your skilled workers and managers.

HR Development


Our recruiting specialists support you in your search for personnel with the
most modern recruiting tools and methods. Regardless of whether you want to fill
one or 100 positions in a short time. We are also happy to offer you alternative
contract types. 



Do you have a specific question or are you facing a current challenge that you
would like to tackle with a trustworthy and creative HR agency?

Then don't hesitate to get in touch and arrange an initial meeting with us.

Contact us

Find your dream job now!

All Jobs




International cusomers


Years of experience


"We appreciate the added value of focusing on its core business and bringing in
process experts. With ARTS' HR Shared Service Center, we quickly integrated a
digital process without sourcing our own infrastructure and hiring staff."

Ronald Scharf, CEO, FPA Services GmbH

Since August 2020, ARTS has been actively supporting us in the recruitment of
skilled workers in various fields of activity for the further development of our
company. In doing so, ARTS is particularly convincing as a reliable and
service-oriented partner. We would like to thank ARTS for the close and trusting
cooperation so far and look forward to further joint successes.

Tobias Lück
Head of Recruitment & Employer Attractiveness at Die Autobahn GmbH des Bundes

ARTS quickly recognizes the requirements of the respective recruiting process
and then provides very professional support in the implementation. The
cooperation is always collegial, with a lot of mutual understanding and
flexibility in case of short-term requirements.
We are very satisfied with ARTS' support and would recommend the collaboration
to anyone who needs help in their search for talent.

Silke Schöttler
Senior Talent Expert bei Amadeus Data Processing GmbH

I would like to thank you for the friendly and, as always, uncomplicated

Jenny Lehmann
Specialist Human Resources at SE 

"ARTS trained us on active sourcing. We received good examples, great insights
and everything explained in an understandable way."

Julia Dreßler
HR Recruiter, Klüh Catering GmbH

"We appreciate the added value of focusing on its core business and bringing in
process experts. With ARTS' HR Shared Service Center, we quickly integrated a
digital process without sourcing our own infrastructure and hiring staff."

Ronald Scharf, CEO, FPA Services GmbH

Since August 2020, ARTS has been actively supporting us in the recruitment of
skilled workers in various fields of activity for the further development of our
company. In doing so, ARTS is particularly convincing as a reliable and
service-oriented partner. We would like to thank ARTS for the close and trusting
cooperation so far and look forward to further joint successes.

Tobias Lück
Head of Recruitment & Employer Attractiveness at Die Autobahn GmbH des Bundes

ARTS quickly recognizes the requirements of the respective recruiting process
and then provides very professional support in the implementation. The
cooperation is always collegial, with a lot of mutual understanding and
flexibility in case of short-term requirements.
We are very satisfied with ARTS' support and would recommend the collaboration
to anyone who needs help in their search for talent.

Silke Schöttler
Senior Talent Expert bei Amadeus Data Processing GmbH

I would like to thank you for the friendly and, as always, uncomplicated

Jenny Lehmann
Specialist Human Resources at SE 

"ARTS trained us on active sourcing. We received good examples, great insights
and everything explained in an understandable way."

Julia Dreßler
HR Recruiter, Klüh Catering GmbH

"We appreciate the added value of focusing on its core business and bringing in
process experts. With ARTS' HR Shared Service Center, we quickly integrated a
digital process without sourcing our own infrastructure and hiring staff."

Ronald Scharf, CEO, FPA Services GmbH

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31/08/2023 Blog
4-day week - the future of work?

In a world where work takes up a large part of our time and energy, the idea of
a shortened work week seems like an…


10/08/2023 Blog
Employee survey - Do's and Don'ts

What do employees want for the summer party? How high is the stress level in the
various departments? And how much trust…


03/08/2023 Blog
The power of Boolean search in recruiting

Discover hidden talents with Boolean search! Use this precise and effective
method for successful recruiting!


27/07/2023 Blog
Innovative approaches to success: Focus on modern compensation systems

In view of demographic change and the continuing high demand for qualified
specialists, employers are required to retain…


02/05/2024 Blog
Unconscious bias in recruiting

The effects of unconscious bias in recruitment are manifold and can have
negative consequences for both companies and…


04/04/2024 Blog
The power of out-of-home in HR marketing

In an increasingly digital world where companies compete for the attention of
potential talent, traditional out-of-home…


07/03/2024 Blog
Green HRM - The future of HR work

In a world that is increasingly characterised by environmental awareness and
sustainability, a new approach is also…


19/02/2024 Blog
Embracing the Psychological Journey of Career Change

Whether you are looking for new career challenges, a better work-life balance or
simply want to develop personally and…


25/01/2024 Blog
Boomerang employees - the second chance to move your business forward

Boomerang employees are skilled workers who return to their former employer
after a temporary absence.


18/01/2024 Blog
Future skills in the workplace

Today's society, and therefore the labour market, is strongly influenced by
ongoing digitalisation and technologisation.…


04/01/2024 Blog
Candidate Experience strengthens employer branding

Employer Branding and Candidate Experience are closely related. If one is weak,
this has consequences for the other.…


16/11/2023 Blog
A fun way to get your dream job: Recruitainment as an innovative recruiting

The fusion of fun and recruitment: our blog article looks at how recruitainment
can help your company stand out from the…


31/08/2023 Blog
4-day week - the future of work?

In a world where work takes up a large part of our time and energy, the idea of
a shortened work week seems like an…


10/08/2023 Blog
Employee survey - Do's and Don'ts

What do employees want for the summer party? How high is the stress level in the
various departments? And how much trust…


03/08/2023 Blog
The power of Boolean search in recruiting

Discover hidden talents with Boolean search! Use this precise and effective
method for successful recruiting!


27/07/2023 Blog
Innovative approaches to success: Focus on modern compensation systems

In view of demographic change and the continuing high demand for qualified
specialists, employers are required to retain…


02/05/2024 Blog
Unconscious bias in recruiting

The effects of unconscious bias in recruitment are manifold and can have
negative consequences for both companies and…


04/04/2024 Blog
The power of out-of-home in HR marketing

In an increasingly digital world where companies compete for the attention of
potential talent, traditional out-of-home…


07/03/2024 Blog
Green HRM - The future of HR work

In a world that is increasingly characterised by environmental awareness and
sustainability, a new approach is also…


19/02/2024 Blog
Embracing the Psychological Journey of Career Change

Whether you are looking for new career challenges, a better work-life balance or
simply want to develop personally and…


25/01/2024 Blog
Boomerang employees - the second chance to move your business forward

Boomerang employees are skilled workers who return to their former employer
after a temporary absence.


18/01/2024 Blog
Future skills in the workplace

Today's society, and therefore the labour market, is strongly influenced by
ongoing digitalisation and technologisation.…


04/01/2024 Blog
Candidate Experience strengthens employer branding

Employer Branding and Candidate Experience are closely related. If one is weak,
this has consequences for the other.…


16/11/2023 Blog
A fun way to get your dream job: Recruitainment as an innovative recruiting

The fusion of fun and recruitment: our blog article looks at how recruitainment
can help your company stand out from the…


31/08/2023 Blog
4-day week - the future of work?

In a world where work takes up a large part of our time and energy, the idea of
a shortened work week seems like an…


10/08/2023 Blog
Employee survey - Do's and Don'ts

What do employees want for the summer party? How high is the stress level in the
various departments? And how much trust…


03/08/2023 Blog
The power of Boolean search in recruiting

Discover hidden talents with Boolean search! Use this precise and effective
method for successful recruiting!


27/07/2023 Blog
Innovative approaches to success: Focus on modern compensation systems

In view of demographic change and the continuing high demand for qualified
specialists, employers are required to retain…


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the ARTS environment.

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statutory provisions on data protection and also with this data protection
statement – please confirm the notice of the statement.


ThemesInformation about ARTS ServicesJobs & career



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