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Skip to main content × Search Search 2X MATCH! Give by December 31. UTILITY MENU * About toggle * Accomplishments * Funding & Financials * Mission & Values * Ways to Give * History * Regional Work * Programs * People * Racial Equity * Jobs * Media Center * Take Action toggle * Climate Accountability * Climate Campaign for the Future * Power Ahead * Transforming Transportation * Preventing Nuclear War * Healthy Food and Farms * Save Science, Save Lives * A Healthier Democracy * Science Forward * Science Network toggle * Be a Science Advocate * Build Skills * Connect * Reports & Multimedia en español Donate Donate + Donate now Renew Become a member Give monthly Gift memberships Gifts in honor & memory More ways to give 88% of funds go directly to programs Climate Report LOOMING DEADLINES FOR COASTAL RESILIENCE Between now and 2050, climate change–driven sea level rise will expose more than 1,600 critical buildings and services to disruptive flooding at least twice per year. CLIMATE CHANGE Climate change is one of the most devastating problems humanity has ever faced—and the clock is running out. Learn more about Climate * Impacts * Science * Accountability * Solutions SUPPORT RECOVERY FROM CLIMATE DISASTERS: WRITE CONGRESS TODAY. Send Letter Energy Activist Resource THE ELECTRIC UTILITY TOOLKIT A set of resources and ideas for making a more just and inclusive power grid. ENERGY The energy choices we make today could make or break our ability to fight climate change. Learn more about Energy * Renewable Energy * Nuclear Power * Fossil Fuels * Solutions DEMAND POWER PLANT OUTAGE INFORMATION BE MADE PUBLIC. Act Now Transportation Report FREEDOM TO MOVE We need a transportation system that centers the communities it’s meant to serve. TRANSPORTATION Our transportation system is outdated and broken—and it needs to change. Learn more about Transportation * Access * Technologies * Oil * Solutions DON'T LET CONGRESS ROLL BACK DECADES-LONG PROGRESS ON VEHICLE EMISSIONS. Send Letter Food Report WASTE DEEP Water pollutants from Tyson Foods' meat processing plants pose a risk to both people and the environment. FOOD AND FARMS The US food system should be providing healthy, sustainable food for everyone. Why isn’t it? Learn more about Food * Sustainable Agriculture * Healthy Food * Food Justice * Solutions THE FARM BILL MUST CENTER COMMUNITIES, NOT CORPORATIONS. Take Action Nuclear Weapons Video RISKS & CONSEQUENCES OF RUSSIA'S WAR ON UKRAINE What are the humanitarian costs of the use of tactical nuclear weapons? NUCLEAR WEAPONS They’re the most dangerous invention the world has ever seen. Can we prevent them from being used again? Learn more about Nuclear Weapons * Justice * Worldwide * Missile Defense * Solutions TELL CONGRESS: NO MORE NUCLEAR WEAPONS TESTING. Take Action Science & Democracy Report THE COMMUNITY GUIDE TO CUMULATIVE IMPACTS This guide is a resource to help protect us from cumulative impacts of pollution—especially in disproportionately impacted and overburdened communities. SCIENCE AND DEMOCRACY Democracy and science can be powerful partners for the public good—and both are under attack. Learn more about Science & Democracy * Independent Science * Evidence-Based Decisions * A Healthier Democracy HELP STRENGTHEN SCIENTIFIC INTEGRITY AT FEDERAL AGENCIES. Take Action Take Action Donate Donate + Donate now Renew Become a member Give monthly Gift memberships Gifts in honor & memory More ways to give 88% of funds go directly to programs Menu Close× MAIN MENU * Climate toggle * Impacts * Science * Accountability * Solutions * Energy toggle * Renewable Energy * Nuclear Power * Fossil Fuels * Solutions * Transportation toggle * Access * Technologies * Oil * Solutions * Food toggle * Sustainable Agriculture * Healthy Food * Food Justice * Solutions * Nuclear Weapons toggle * Justice * Worldwide * Missile Defense * Solutions * Science & Democracy toggle * Independent Science * Evidence-Based Decisions * A Healthier Democracy UTILITY MENU * About toggle * Accomplishments * Funding & Financials * Mission & Values * Ways to Give * History * Regional Work * Programs * People * Racial Equity * Jobs * Media Center * en español * Search * Take Action toggle * Climate Accountability * Climate Campaign for the Future * Power Ahead * Transforming Transportation * Preventing Nuclear War * Healthy Food and Farms * Save Science, Save Lives * A Healthier Democracy * Science Forward * en español * Search * Science Network toggle * Be a Science Advocate * Build Skills * Connect * en español * Search * Reports & Multimedia * en español * Search About / News HIGH-LEVEL NUCLEAR ENERGY SUMMIT FAILS TO ADDRESS SAFETY, SECURITY CONCERNS Statement by Dr. Edwin Lyman, Union of Concerned Scientists Published Mar 19, 2024 Media Contact SANJALI DE SILVA Former staff The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Prime Minister of Belgium will hold a Nuclear Energy Summit in Brussels on Thursday, March 21. The event is designed to bring together high-level leaders and members of the international nuclear lobby to discuss the role of nuclear energy in reducing global reliance on fossil fuels. The agenda for the event prioritizes conversations around innovation and the promotion of nuclear energy as a tool in addressing climate change but apparently lacks programming to discuss critical safety and security considerations around the technology. Below is a statement by Dr. Edwin Lyman, the director of nuclear power safety at the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS). “A review of the Nuclear Energy Summit agenda finds that the word ‘safety’ does not appear. Moreover, none of the panels have participants representing nuclear power regulators, much less any independent nuclear safety advocates. It appears the Summit will be taking place in an alternate universe where there is no risk that a nuclear plant will melt down, be attacked by terrorists or military forces, or be misused for production of nuclear weapon materials. This is disrespectful to the multitudes whose lives were upended by the 1986 Chernobyl and 2011 Fukushima Daiichi disasters, as well as the inhabitants of Ukraine and surrounding countries who today are facing a serious ongoing security threat at the Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. Willful ignorance of nuclear power’s very real risks is not a winning strategy if the international community is truly serious about expanding nuclear power to help address the climate crisis.” Get email updates Sign up for emails from the Union of Concered Scientists Email Contact Information Email (Optional) Your donation will be securely processed. Sign up for updates from UCS; unsubscribe at any time. Get text alerts Text "SCIENCE" to 67369 or sign up online. Sign up or text "SCIENCE" to 67369. Receive urgent alerts about opportunities to defend science. Recurring messages. Reply STOP to cancel. Msg & data rates may apply. Terms, Conditions, and Privacy Policy. SUPPORT OUR WORK $25 $50 $100 $250 $1000 Other Make it monthly Donate Visit the store Listen to the podcast View the blog FOOTER * Privacy Policy * State Disclosures * FAQ * Media Center * Jobs * Contact © Union of Concerned Scientists We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. 2 Brattle Square, Cambridge MA 02138, USA (617) 547-5552 Facebook Twitter Youtube Instagram Close× Double Your Impact Your gift helps fund critical science-based advocacy and research, creating a safer, healthier, and more just future. Donate by December 31 to have your gift count toward our special 2X match. I'm ready to give Learn More Vlad Tchompalov/Unsplash<>/figcaption> We use cookies to improve your experience. 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