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 * Lenovo ThinkSystem SR630 server Rack (1U) Intel Xeon Silver 2.1 GHz 32 GB
   DDR4-SDRAM 750 W



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Special Price£2,100.00 £2,520.00 Regular Price £2,757.23
In stock

Don't Miss Out! This promotion will expires in

Intel Xeon Silver 4208 (11MB Cache, 2.1GHz), 32GB DDR4-SDRAM (2933MHz), Matrox
G200e, LAN, 9350-8i, 750W

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Stock Availability: 16 available
UNSPSC: 43211501
Categories: Servers, Lenovo, Top Deals
Lenovo ThinkSystem SR630 is an ideal 2-socket 1U rack server for small
businesses up to large enterprises that need industry-leading reliability,
management, and security, as well as maximizing performance and flexibility for
future growth. The SR630 server is designed to handle a wide range of workloads,
such as databases, virtualization and cloud computing, virtual desktop
infrastructure (VDI), infrastructure security, systems management, enterprise
applications, collaboration/email, streaming media, web, and HPC. This product
guide provides essential technical and pre-sales information on the SR630
server, its key features and specifications, components and options, and
configuration guidelines. This guide is intended for technical specialists,
sales specialists, sales engineers, IT architects, and other IT professionals
who want to learn more about the SR630 server and consider its use in IT
More Information


ProcessorExecute Disable BitYesEmbedded options availableNoProcessor cache11
MBProcessor frequency2.1 GHzProcessor boost frequency3.2 GHzNumber of processors
installed1Processor model4208Processor manufacturerIntelMotherboard
chipsetIntel® C624Processor familyIntel Xeon SilverMemoryInternal memory32
GBMemory layout (slots x size)1 x 32 GBMemory clock speed2933 MHzInternal memory
typeDDR4-SDRAMECCYesStorageSupported RAID controllers9350-8iRAID supportYesRAID
levels0, 1, 5, 6, 10, 50, 60Optical drive typeNoInternal drive
bays8GraphicsOn-board graphics card modelMatrox G200eOn-board graphics
cardYesNetworkWi-FiNoEthernet LANYesCabling
technology10/100/1000Base-T(X)Optical driveOptical drive typeNoDesignRedundant
fans supportYesRack railsYesRack mountingYesOptical drive typeNoChassis typeRack
(1U)Product colourBlack, MetallicPerformanceCompatible operating
systemsMicrosoft Windows Server 2016 Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Red Hat
Enterprise Linux 7.4 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.9
Server x64 Edition SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise
Server 12 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 for AMD64/EM64TSP4 VMware vSphere
6.5 (ESXi) Update 1 VMware vSphere 6.5 (ESXi) VMware vSphere 6.0 (ESXi) Update
3Performance managementXClarity EnterpriseTrusted Platform Module
(TPM)YesSoftwareCompatible operating systemsMicrosoft Windows Server 2016
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4 Red Hat Enterprise
Linux 7.3 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.9 Server x64 Edition SUSE Linux Enterprise
Server 12 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
11 for AMD64/EM64TSP4 VMware vSphere 6.5 (ESXi) Update 1 VMware vSphere 6.5
(ESXi) VMware vSphere 6.0 (ESXi) Update 3Processor special featuresEnhanced
Intel SpeedStep TechnologyYesIntel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O
(VT-d)YesIntel VT-x with Extended Page Tables (EPT)YesIntel TSX-NIYesIntel
Trusted Execution TechnologyYesIntel 64YesIntel Virtualization Technology
(VT-x)YesPowerRedundant power supply (RPS) supportYesPower supply input
frequency50 - 60 HzPower supply750 WOperational conditionsStorage temperature
(T-T)-40 - 60 °COperating relative humidity (H-H)8 - 90%Storage relative
humidity (H-H)8 - 90%Operating temperature (T-T)5 - 45 °COperating altitude0 -
3050 mTechnical detailsIntel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O
(VT-d)YesTrusted Platform Module (TPM)YesRedundant fans supportYesRack
railsYesRack mountingYesChassis typeRack (1U)Management featuresPerformance
managementXClarity EnterpriseWeight & dimensionsWidth435 mmHeight43 mmDepth750

ManufacturerLenovoIn StockYMeta DescriptionIntel Xeon Silver 4208 (11MB Cache,
2.1GHz), 32GB DDR4-SDRAM (2933MHz), Matrox G200e, LAN, 9350-8i, 750W

0800 368 8427

Unit 10, Gatwick Metro Centre, Balcombe Road, RH6 9GA, United Kingdom

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