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10 Inch Electronic Drawing Pad, A perfect Gift for kids. Its digital coloring
pad adopts pressure-sensitive technology to draw different thickness lines with
your pressure. Smart sketch pad bring you a vivid brighter drawing than paper.
With a LCD board, children can share their wonderful ideas with you anytime
anywhere. it is s a great tool for educators to help students learn math,
practice, write, draw, and scribble. Sketch board let kids release natural
instincts, enjoy painting, counting, spelling, scribble, doodle at any time
without making mess.


Comes with a MIFFY original Art Book, Inside its MIFFY Iconic Art graphic, for
children, follow the graphic and study how to draw a nice miffy and her


Color Printed MIFFY in in the back of LCD Drawing Pad. 



Our writing electronic pad is very suitable for students to use for arithmetic
and cultivate children's creativity and freely release their natural
instincts. This magic light board toy inspire brain development, thinking and
learning. Best Educational Toy


Sketch MIFFY board let kids release natural instincts, enjoy painting, counting,
spelling, scribble, doodle at any time without making mess

The educational drawing pad can reuse 120,000+ times like an endless sheet of
paper. We provide a replacement battery for long-term usage erasable writing
board with low energy consumption. 

Easy to Use with Sensitive Tech.

The pad adopts pressure-sensitive technology to draw different thickness lines
with your pressure.


Easily to clear by ERASE button

Save your favorite artworks by switching LOCK button. Smart sketch pad travel
toy bring you a vivid brighter drawing than paper. 

Eye Protection& Durable

The Miffy pad screen is no radiation, no glare, no blue light, no harm to
protect eyes. The water proof screen and resistant shock proof case of this kids
drawing gift is perfect for long time use and reduce the amount of time than
children spend on phones tablets




KingBull FULL Coverage Tempered Glass
Regular price $12.00
Regular price $15.98
Miffy 20W Wall Charger
Regular price $19.00
Miffy 20W Power Bank
Regular price $39.00



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