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Submitted URL: https://www.immuno-oncologysummit.com/privacy
Effective URL: https://www.cambridgeinnovationinstitute.com/Privacy-Policy/
Submission: On September 23 via api from US — Scanned from DE
Effective URL: https://www.cambridgeinnovationinstitute.com/Privacy-Policy/
Submission: On September 23 via api from US — Scanned from DE
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<h1 class="page-title">Cambridge Innovation Institute Privacy Policy & GDPR</h1>
<p><a href="/GDPR-privacy-policy"><strong>GDPR compliance full details</strong></a></p><br>
<p><strong>About Cambridge Innovation Institute</strong><br>Cambridge Innovation Institute (CII) consists of two business areas: our coverage of advances in life sciences under the well-established Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI)
brand, and coverage of rechargeable batteries under the newly established Cambridge EnerTech (CET) brand. We focus on high technology fields where research and development are essential for the advancement of innovation.<br></p>
<p><strong>This Notice</strong><br>Cambridge Innovation Institute appreciates you visiting our web site. This privacy notice explains how we collect, share, use and protect information. Our privacy policy is designed to provide
transparency so you can make an informed choice about using this site and our other activities.<br></p>
<p><strong>What information do we collect?</strong><br>CII's collects information from interested parties when they register or subscribe to a newsletter, magazine, journal, conference or webcast. We will ask you for contact information
(e.g. email address) and your business information (such as industry and job function). The information we hold about your <strong>organization</strong> may include its size, address, telephone number, location, and industry
classification. The <strong>personal information</strong> we store about an <strong>individual</strong> may include name, job function and title, business address, business email, business phone, and social media handles. <strong>No
sensitive personal information</strong> is collected, stored, or processed.<br>We may ask you to provide information on a voluntary basis in order to get a clearer picture of our users. It is then entirely up to you whether you are
happy to give us this information.<br></p>
<p><strong>What use is made of this information?</strong><br>We will not sell, share or rent this data to others in ways different to those outlined in this statement:<br>We will use the information to create and draw your attention to
CII's products, editorial material and commercial opportunities that you have requested and that may be of interest to you. We also conduct market research and surveys.<br>We may share with advertisers, affiliates and other commercial
companies with whom we have, or might have an association. Unless you state otherwise during the registration or subscription process.<br>CII and all third parties are contractually bound by all laws and regulations pertaining to data
protection and online and offline communication. If you do not wish to receive communications from CII, email us at
<a href="mailto:removeme@cambridgeinnovationinstitute.com?cdtConferenceId=1579482932.1632405597&cdtRollupId=1579482932.1632405597">removeme@cambridgeinnovationinstitute.com</a> or click the
<a href="/unsubscribe/">unsubscribe link</a> that should be present in each message sent to you from CII. Or you may contact us at:<br>Cambridge Innovation Institute<br>250 First Ave, Suite 300<br>Needham, MA 02494<br>phone:
781-972-5448<br>Your file will be updated accordingly.<br><br>CII uses Legitimate Interest as the basis of its GDPR compliance. CII believes that it has met the requirements of legitimate interest, and has followed the following process
as part of the Legitimate Interest Assessment:<br></p>
<p><strong>The General Data Protection Regulation</strong></p>
<li>CII has conducted an assessment to ensure that we have legitimate business interests in processing the personal data.</li>
<li>The processing is necessary in pursuit of those interests</li>
<li>The rights of the individuals who are the subjects of the personal data we process have been taken into account and do not override our interests. Our Privacy Policy clearly states that we may process data under this lawful basis.
We never share information about individuals who have objected to processing under legitimate interests with our clients.</li>
<p><strong>Independent Resolution</strong><br>If you are a citizen of the European Union, you may report concerns to the Information Commissioner’s Office in https://ico.org.uk/concerns/your country. For the United Kingdom, go to:
<a href="https://ico.org.uk/concerns/" target="_blank">https://ico.org.uk/concerns/</a><br></p>
<p><strong>Notice of New Policy Changes</strong><br>If CII makes material changes to our data privacy practices, this policy will be updated and posted on our website in order to keep you informed of how we collect, use, manage, disclose,
and protect information. The policy effective date will be updated accordingly.<br></p>
<p><strong>Website</strong><br>Cookies CII, or one of our CII affiliated companies, or third party partners may place a "cookie" in the browser files of a user's computer. The cookie itself does not contain any personally identifying
information, except when such information has been supplied by a user.<br>If you have visited our Web site, the information in your "cookie" is used to provide a more personalized experience on the Web site. This cookie identifies you
as a unique user by means of a tracking ID. Please note, we cannot link that user ID with personal identifying information and data about you such as your name or e-mail address.<br>Browsers or third-party software can allow you to
block the use of cookies while you surf our site. In such cases, you would not be able to take advantage of most of the personalization services offered by CII.<br>Our cookie system was established to enable visitors to bypass forms to
access content without a username and password.<br></p>
<p><strong>Data Security</strong><br>We cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information that you transmit to us and you agree that you provide this information and engage in such transmissions at your own risk. Once we receive
information from you, we will endeavor to maintain its security on our systems. CII has established policies and procedures for securely managing information and protecting Data against unauthorized access and we continually assess our
data privacy, information management and data security practices. We do this in the following ways:<br><br></p>
<p>CII maintains commercially reasonable security measures to protect personal information against unauthorized access and disclosure and that are consistent with our business operations and generally accepted industry standards. These
measures include the implementation of technical, physical and administrative security safeguards. CII requires employees to abide by CII privacy policy.</p>
<li>Establishing policies and procedures for securely managing information</li>
<li>Limiting employee access to personal information</li>
<li>Protecting against unauthorized access to customer data by using data encryption, authentication, and virus detection technology, as required</li>
<li>Requiring service providers with whom we do business to comply with relevant data privacy legal and regulatory requirements</li>
<li>Monitoring our websites through recognized online privacy and security organizations</li>
<li>Requiring employee conformance with CII privacy policy</li>
<li>Assessing our data privacy, information management, and data security practices continually</li>
<li>Conducting regular patching and maintenance of all CII systems to ensure they are protected against current threats and intrusions</li>
<p><strong>Data Retention</strong><br>Data is retained on our file in accordance with legal requirements, the professional status of the data subject, and the data subject’s choice and preference.<br></p>
<p><strong>Transfers of Personal Information from the EU/EEA and Switzerland to the US</strong><br>Individuals in the European Union registering for a CII event, or otherwise purchasing CII products, will have their data and purchasing
details stored in the United States. This is because it is necessary for the performance of a contract and therefore in line with GDPR provisions.<br></p>
<p>Individuals consuming proprietary content, or engaging in CII’s marketing process without purchase, will be informed at the point of data collection that their data will be transferred to the United Sates. They may opt out of this
process. GDPR allows for data transfer with informed explicit consent.<br></p>
<p>From time to time CII marketing partners may transfer data to CII, and these are covered by Standard Contractual Contracts between the two parties.<br></p>
<p><strong>California Consumer Protection Act</strong><br>The California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA) which comes into effect in January 2020 requires organizations to Inform consumers about the personal data they hold and the purpose
for which it is held. Details of this can be found in this Privacy Policy.</p>
<p>Consumers must also be informed about their rights under CCPA. These include:</p>
<li><strong>Right to request the specific personal information we hold about you</strong></li>
<li><strong>Right to opt-out of the sale or sharing of personal information</strong></li>
<li><strong>Right of deletion on request</strong> (subject to certain exceptions)</li>
<li><strong>Availability of at least two methods of submitting requests.</strong> These are:</li>
<p><a href="mailto:dpo@cambridgeinnovationinstitute.com?cdtConferenceId=1579482932.1632405597&cdtRollupId=1579482932.1632405597">dpo@cambridgeinnovationinstitute.com</a> or the following address:<br>Cambridge Innovation
Institute<br>250 First Ave, Suite 300<br>Needham, MA 02494<br>phone: 781-972-5448</p>
<p>Cambridge Innovation Institute conforms to the requirement to ensure that the principles of data minimization (which consists of not collecting more personal information than needed for a particular purpose) and the principle of
purpose limitation (collecting personal information for a specific purpose) are followed. Additionally, all relevant employees are trained in the privacy principle of the business.</p>
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Text Content
* Who We Are * Divisions * Media * Careers * Contact CAMBRIDGE INNOVATION INSTITUTE PRIVACY POLICY & GDPR GDPR compliance full details About Cambridge Innovation Institute Cambridge Innovation Institute (CII) consists of two business areas: our coverage of advances in life sciences under the well-established Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI) brand, and coverage of rechargeable batteries under the newly established Cambridge EnerTech (CET) brand. We focus on high technology fields where research and development are essential for the advancement of innovation. This Notice Cambridge Innovation Institute appreciates you visiting our web site. This privacy notice explains how we collect, share, use and protect information. Our privacy policy is designed to provide transparency so you can make an informed choice about using this site and our other activities. What information do we collect? CII's collects information from interested parties when they register or subscribe to a newsletter, magazine, journal, conference or webcast. We will ask you for contact information (e.g. email address) and your business information (such as industry and job function). The information we hold about your organization may include its size, address, telephone number, location, and industry classification. The personal information we store about an individual may include name, job function and title, business address, business email, business phone, and social media handles. No sensitive personal information is collected, stored, or processed. We may ask you to provide information on a voluntary basis in order to get a clearer picture of our users. It is then entirely up to you whether you are happy to give us this information. What use is made of this information? We will not sell, share or rent this data to others in ways different to those outlined in this statement: We will use the information to create and draw your attention to CII's products, editorial material and commercial opportunities that you have requested and that may be of interest to you. We also conduct market research and surveys. We may share with advertisers, affiliates and other commercial companies with whom we have, or might have an association. Unless you state otherwise during the registration or subscription process. CII and all third parties are contractually bound by all laws and regulations pertaining to data protection and online and offline communication. If you do not wish to receive communications from CII, email us at removeme@cambridgeinnovationinstitute.com or click the unsubscribe link that should be present in each message sent to you from CII. Or you may contact us at: Cambridge Innovation Institute 250 First Ave, Suite 300 Needham, MA 02494 phone: 781-972-5448 Your file will be updated accordingly. CII uses Legitimate Interest as the basis of its GDPR compliance. CII believes that it has met the requirements of legitimate interest, and has followed the following process as part of the Legitimate Interest Assessment: The General Data Protection Regulation 1. CII has conducted an assessment to ensure that we have legitimate business interests in processing the personal data. 2. The processing is necessary in pursuit of those interests 3. The rights of the individuals who are the subjects of the personal data we process have been taken into account and do not override our interests. Our Privacy Policy clearly states that we may process data under this lawful basis. We never share information about individuals who have objected to processing under legitimate interests with our clients. Independent Resolution If you are a citizen of the European Union, you may report concerns to the Information Commissioner’s Office in https://ico.org.uk/concerns/your country. For the United Kingdom, go to: https://ico.org.uk/concerns/ Notice of New Policy Changes If CII makes material changes to our data privacy practices, this policy will be updated and posted on our website in order to keep you informed of how we collect, use, manage, disclose, and protect information. The policy effective date will be updated accordingly. Website Cookies CII, or one of our CII affiliated companies, or third party partners may place a "cookie" in the browser files of a user's computer. The cookie itself does not contain any personally identifying information, except when such information has been supplied by a user. If you have visited our Web site, the information in your "cookie" is used to provide a more personalized experience on the Web site. This cookie identifies you as a unique user by means of a tracking ID. Please note, we cannot link that user ID with personal identifying information and data about you such as your name or e-mail address. Browsers or third-party software can allow you to block the use of cookies while you surf our site. In such cases, you would not be able to take advantage of most of the personalization services offered by CII. Our cookie system was established to enable visitors to bypass forms to access content without a username and password. Data Security We cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information that you transmit to us and you agree that you provide this information and engage in such transmissions at your own risk. Once we receive information from you, we will endeavor to maintain its security on our systems. CII has established policies and procedures for securely managing information and protecting Data against unauthorized access and we continually assess our data privacy, information management and data security practices. We do this in the following ways: CII maintains commercially reasonable security measures to protect personal information against unauthorized access and disclosure and that are consistent with our business operations and generally accepted industry standards. These measures include the implementation of technical, physical and administrative security safeguards. CII requires employees to abide by CII privacy policy. 1. Establishing policies and procedures for securely managing information 2. Limiting employee access to personal information 3. Protecting against unauthorized access to customer data by using data encryption, authentication, and virus detection technology, as required 4. Requiring service providers with whom we do business to comply with relevant data privacy legal and regulatory requirements 5. Monitoring our websites through recognized online privacy and security organizations 6. Requiring employee conformance with CII privacy policy 7. Assessing our data privacy, information management, and data security practices continually 8. Conducting regular patching and maintenance of all CII systems to ensure they are protected against current threats and intrusions Data Retention Data is retained on our file in accordance with legal requirements, the professional status of the data subject, and the data subject’s choice and preference. Transfers of Personal Information from the EU/EEA and Switzerland to the US Individuals in the European Union registering for a CII event, or otherwise purchasing CII products, will have their data and purchasing details stored in the United States. This is because it is necessary for the performance of a contract and therefore in line with GDPR provisions. Individuals consuming proprietary content, or engaging in CII’s marketing process without purchase, will be informed at the point of data collection that their data will be transferred to the United Sates. They may opt out of this process. GDPR allows for data transfer with informed explicit consent. From time to time CII marketing partners may transfer data to CII, and these are covered by Standard Contractual Contracts between the two parties. California Consumer Protection Act The California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA) which comes into effect in January 2020 requires organizations to Inform consumers about the personal data they hold and the purpose for which it is held. Details of this can be found in this Privacy Policy. Consumers must also be informed about their rights under CCPA. These include: * Right to request the specific personal information we hold about you * Right to opt-out of the sale or sharing of personal information * Right of deletion on request (subject to certain exceptions) * Availability of at least two methods of submitting requests. These are: dpo@cambridgeinnovationinstitute.com or the following address: Cambridge Innovation Institute 250 First Ave, Suite 300 Needham, MA 02494 phone: 781-972-5448 Cambridge Innovation Institute conforms to the requirement to ensure that the principles of data minimization (which consists of not collecting more personal information than needed for a particular purpose) and the principle of purpose limitation (collecting personal information for a specific purpose) are followed. Additionally, all relevant employees are trained in the privacy principle of the business. 250 First Avenue, Suite 300 Needham, MA 02494 P: 781.972.5400 F: 781.972.5425 Innovation Portals Batteries Biological Therapeutic Products Biomarkers & Diagnostics Biopharma Strategy Bioprocess & Manufacturing Chemistry Clinical Trials & Translational Medicine Drug & Device Safety Drug Discovery & Development Drug Targets Energy Genomics Healthcare IT & Informatics Technology & Tools For Life Science Therapeutic Indications CII Divisions Cambridge Healthtech Institute Cambridge EnerTech Conferences Publications Training Business Development Corporate Information Cambridge Innovation Institute Executive Team Testimonials Mailing List Careers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Request Information Privacy Policy