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Text Content

 6.  Philosophy
 7.  1. Manifesto
 9.  Governance
 10. 2. Overview
 11. 3. Committees
 12. 4. Governance process
 14. LIP
 15. 5. LIP-0001
 17. Venture
 18. 6. Preface
 19. 7. Mission
 20. 8. Investment thesis
 22. DAO Architecture
 23. 9. Moloch V3
 24. 10. Tokenomics
 25. 11. Fund management
 26. 1. 11.1. Portfolio
     2. 11.2. Syndicate
 27. 12. Investment template
 28. 13. Conclusion
 30. Infrastructure
 31. 14. Nym exit gateways
 32. 15. DarkFi ircd behind Nym Mixnet
 34. Surveillance
 35. 16. Introduction
 36. 17. European union chat surveillance
 37. 18. SIS
 38. 19. Data rentention initiative
 39. 20. Echelon
 40. 21. Facebook selling data
 41. 22. Google tracking users
 42. 23. Tik tok selling data to China
 43. 24. Wikileaks publications
 44. 25. Pegasus
 45. 26. Surveillance in China
 46. 27. Government requesting Big tech data
 47. 28. Fingerprinting & Tracking
 48. 29. SIM card data collection
 50. Opt out
 51. 30. Manuals
 52. 1.  30.1. Nokia "Banana" jailbreak
     2.  30.2. Randomizing IMEI
     3.  1. 30.2.1. IMEI table
     4.  30.3. Firejail
     5.  30.4. Virtualbox with Whonix
     6.  30.5. Tails
     7.  30.6. Fiat to crypto
     8.  30.7. Crypto to fiat
     9.  30.8. LUKS disk encryption
     10. 30.9. Monero privacy guide
     11. 30.10. VeraCrypt
     12. 30.11. SimpleX chat
     13. 30.12. BTC --> XMR atomic swap
     14. 30.13. SIP calls with & csip
     15. 30.14. Signal privacy guide
     16. 30.15. Taskwarrior
 53. 31. Privacy tools
 54. 32. Privacy resources
 55. 33. Privacy setup for android with Graphene OS
 57. Crypto
 58. 34. Anonymizing assets
 59. 1. 34.1. Changing RPC guide
 60. 35. Privacy projects
 62. Research
 63. 36. Anoma
 64. 37. Penumbra
 66. Tools
 67. 38. ircd
 68. 39. tau
 70. Education
 71. 40. Overview
 72. 41. Adalan Academy
 74. Resources
 75. 42. Articles
 76. 43. Books
 77. 44. Videos
 79. Support
 80. 45. FAQ

 * Light
 * Rust
 * Coal
 * Navy
 * Ayu



Information is power. Privacy and transparency are two antithetical dimensions
of information. Transparency must apply to those in power, to lay open their
machinations and hold them accountable. This includes any government,
supranational entity, corporations and conglomerates. Privacy is for the people,
to prevent the agents of power from intruding in the innermost parts of our
individual and social existence.

The mouthpieces of the surveillance state claim that our sanctuaries and agoras
are enabling criminals to sell drugs, weapons and human beings, and laundering
money through cryptocurrencies. They use this as an excuse to block our access
to DeFi and privacy tools and limit our autonomy. All the while the crimes we
stand accused of are carried out day by day on a massive scale by well-connected
and legally protected people, aided by national governments, their courts and
law enforcement bodies. While attacking tools that empower people, they
commandeer the black market and launder money through esteemed international

So-called democratic nation-states openly make profit by entertaining economic
relations with regimes they pretend to reject. Especially when it comes to war
industry, these profitable relations are carried out against international
conventions these states promoted themselves. Armaments are sold to regimes and
used against civilians and liberation movements in the name of profit.

Hegemonic nation-states and their financial institutions have control over our
lives. As long as we depend on their money we have no choice but to live under
the dominion of empires. Banks track and control the money flow and can freeze
assets at any time. They tempt us with the illusion of wealth, making us believe
that we are part of the big game, when really we are expropriated. We are the


Decades ago, cypherpunks foresaw the rise of censorship and surveillance. They
understood that cryptography and economic sovereignity were necessary to ensure
freedom. Bitcoin created an economy outside of financial hegemony and made it
possible for people to regain agency.

Today that is no longer enough.

Crypto’s resistance to capture makes it a target. And so the surveillance state
is on the attack. It has already started to make our software illegal. We are
forced to self-regulate to survive. Anyone who falls into this trap has already

Over the years, the voices upholding the cypherpunk mission have become fewer
and quieter, drowned out by a flood of easy money. The advocates of crypto's
liberatory mission lack unity as well as strategy.

LunarDAO provides such a strategy.


There are no institutions in this world that safeguard freedom. Those that try
to are being denounced as criminal and terrorist, co-opted, marginalized and
violently crushed. The existing establishment only maintains and intensifies our
enslavement. We, the people, must create new worlds to live a free life. Many
others before us have attempted to do so, and important contributions have been
given by freedom fighters. We walk on this path remembering and celebrating this
heritage and forging alliances with others struggling for liberation. We
recognize the contribution done by the team of Wikileaks, which has stripped the
American government of its historical immunity and shed light on the dark
affairs of world powers. The United States, eager to deny the right to privacy
of their citizens, are now persecuting Julian Assange for unmasking their own

While trying to regulate their internal markets and imposing strict surveillance
over the economic activities of their own citizens, countries like France have
developed unregulated markets in former colonies that are crippling local
economy. An exemplary case is the French sabotage in Guinea; after the former
colony declared its independence, France, led by De Gaulle, counterfeited the
new Guinean Franc in order to trigger an economic crisis and cast down the
elected leader Touré, as testified by former French secret services agent
Maurice Robert. The colonizers didn’t succeed with getting rid of Touré, but
managed to damage the Guinean economy enough to ensure dependency on France.
Guinean case is particularly symbolic for French policies in the former colonies
of West Africa, where economics has been weaponized against local people to keep
them enslaved.

This and others crimes are daily committed with impunity by authorities that
persecute, torture and imprison people building concrete alternatives of free

This is the case of Ross Ulbricht, among others. Creator of Silk Road, an
anonymous e-commerce website, Ulbricht has been sentenced to an unjustifiable
two life sentences and more, without parole, because some users used the
marketplace to sell and buy illegal goods, mostly cannabis. The fact that one of
the drug sellers has been condemned to five years makes if crystal clear that
Ulbricht has been turned into the scapegoat of the United States’ war against
privacy, to spread terror and deter the online community from searching for
alternatives to surveillance.

Economy is being weaponized in Iran against women struggling for their freedom,
as Iranian government is threatening to freeze the bank accounts of those who
refuse to adhere to the law imposing hijab. As economic warfare is a common
practice of the nation-states to impose their domain, building tools and
platforms to guarantee economic freedom is a crucial struggle.

Organization is the key to self-defense, and self-defense is necessary to live.
So believed J-Stark, 3D printing pioneer, who lived by the slogan ‘live free or
fucking die’. He did die for freedom – he was murdered by German police, guilty
of giving people a 3D technology that deprived the state of its monopoly on
weapon production. We celebrate his legacy, and recognize a society’s right to
self-defense against exploitation and occupation.

Since the dawn of the oppression of the state, free societies have armed
themselves and resisted. Countless have died to protect the free life of
humanity, and great victories have been achieved. But we slowly lost ground.
State civilization has imposed its own narrative, casting the memory of
democratic resistance in the shadows of the past - but our legacy has never
disappeared. Although at constant risk of being erased and forgotten, it still
continues in the resistance against occupation, fascism, patriarchy and ecocide.
It has flourished over the millennia in the uprisings of peasants against
landlords, in the knowledge of the witches, in the nomadic tribes refusing the
institutions of power. The spirit of freedom that inflamed Tiananmen Square and
the people of Falluja is a source of hope in Jenin and Kobane. The great battles
of the past are the urban guerrilla of today. Everywhere, David is striking back
at Goliath.

Ruling elites have robbed society of its knowledge, its memories and its
dimensions. They have monopolized economy, depriving it of its original meaning,
rewritten history and deviated the noble purpose of science. The greed of the
oppressors is pushing technology, one of the spearheads of humanity’s knowledge,
into degeneration. As they weaponize technology to enforce oppression, we are
committed to using our skills to promote liberation.

This is why lunarpunks gather in the periphery rather than the center. We make
our home in moonlit forests of encryption outside the reach of the state. We
refuse to leave our protection in the hands of governments and Big Tech. We
consider self-defense to be everyone's responsibility.

Rulers maintain authority by keeping people isolated. When we are alone, we
cannot build the strength to change our realities. That is why lunarpunks are
not content with the modern mirages of individual liberty. We form squads, clans
and communities and fight for collective liberation.


Freedom can only be found outside the logic of domination. Self-defense requires
a philosophy rooted in liberation and adequate tools. We must bypass the
all-pervasive mindset of submission and obedience. Lunarpunk forest is a
sanctuary where society can redefine itself, self-administrate and regain its
economic, political and moral agency. As our community grows, we witness how
society can truly flourish only when free from state. But in order to protect
ourselves and our communities from oppression, we need to practice self-defense.

Decentralized, private and anonymous networks are fundamental for communities to
defend themselves. Self-defense requires control over information,
infrastructure and material resources. Lunarpunks use zero-knowledge
cryptography to create a shield of privacy and anonymity that enables
communities to operate without persecution by the state.

The aims of LunarDAO are:

 * Enable parallel confederated societies that are diverse and autonomous but
   mutually protect each other against central authority.

 * Learn, educate, share knowledge. Education is fundamental in our struggle for
   free life, autonomy, and community.

 * Develop infrastructure for economy and politics beyond the state, that is
   uncensorable, sovereign and anonymous. Expand the dark forest.

LunarDAO invests in privacy projects and anonymity-oriented tooling for the
lunarpunk society. By prioritizing technical excellence, practicality and an
uncompromising philosophy of freedom it creates value building towards a
self-sustaining antifragile ecosystem. We believe that lunarpunk is not
something distant. It is available to anyone who is ready to make a choice: to
let nation-states control our lives or to join the fight for freedom.

Anyone can join LunarDAO and start a new investment project or take part in an
existing one. Learn how to use free software and privacy tools, extend the reach
of infrastructure, exit Big Tech and the surveillance state, learn programming,
study economics and build the counter-economy.

Sunset has arrived. The moonlit night is coming.


In the darkness of the night, the forest of encryption is alive. Many tribes
have found a sanctuary under the thick branches of its trees. Societies are
regaining their strength, and free life is being built under the gentle light of
the moon. Outside of the forest, war is raging. Nation states are in conflict
with one another, ecocide is being perpetrated against nature, and repression
strikes those who struggle for freedom. The more the agents of the state attack,
the more individuals and groups escape the scorching sun of surveillance and
seek refuge in the moonlight of anonymity. Societies, finally aware of
themselves, defend their forest through cyber-guerrilla and regain territory. A
new moon shines on earth.