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Skip to content * About Us * Agency Profiles * Our History * Why choose an Independent Insurance Agency? * Products * Commercial Lines * Business Owners Insurance * Commercial Automobile Insurance * Commercial Bonds * Commercial Umbrella Insurance * Cyber Liability Insurance * Workers Compensation Insurance * Financial Services * Personal Lines * Homeowners Insurance * Automobile Insurance * Renters Insurance * Condominium Insurance * Dwelling Fire * Personal Umbrella Insurance * Additional Coverage * Specialty Lines * Claims & Billing * Automobile Claims * Homeowners Claims * Quotes * Automobile Insurance Quote * Commercial Insurance Quote * Homeowners Insurance Quote * Life Insurance Quote * Renters Insurance Quote * Reference Center * Reference Center * Insurance Questions * FAQs * We Serve Longmeadow, Springfield And MA Towns * Contact * Contact Us & Directions * Banks: Mortgage Requests * ChaseIns Scholarship Award * Refer A Friend * Careers * News CHASE, CLARKE, STEWART & FONTANA A firm of proven professionals and caring, conscientious people; the kind of people you can depend on now and in the event of a loss. Get a quote today HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE Save with our competitive homeowners insurance programs. Save even more by combining both your home and personal automobile insurance. AUTO INSURANCE We offer competitive Commercial Auto Insurance Programs for small to large commercial automobile exposures and anything in between. BUSINESS INSURANCE A comprehensive property and liability insurance policy developed to meet the needs of small, intermediate or large business. SPECIALTY INSURANCE Chase, Clarke, Stewart & Fontana offers a full range of comprehensive Specialty Insurance; including medical malpractice, church, non-profit, etc... MASSACHUSETTS: ARE YOU PAYING TOO MUCH FOR HOME INSURANCE? And more importantly are you properly covered? You may be surprised! Contact us and start saving today! Find out more CONTACT US And more importantly are you properly covered? You may be surprised! Contact us and start saving today! * Name First Last * Email* * Phone * Questions / Comments * CAPTCHA * Name This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. TESTIMONIALS "Words cannot describe how thankful we are for your help. You took the time to advise and guide us along the claims process. You were available for questions and returned our phone calls in a timely manner. Your help and patience were invaluable in our stressful time." SIMARD FAMILY OF EAST LONGMEADOW MA "Thank you very much for all your help with this…as usual, you made the process quick and easy. You’re the best!!!" GAIL CATJAKIS "Thank you so so much Yali, you have been awesome helping me with this and I really appreciate it!" ANNA OF LONGMEADOW MA "We are buying a coastal property and we needed homeowners and flood insurance, everyone was superb in gathering the information we needed, they were terrific!" WHITNEY FAMILY "Peggy Marshall has been an absolute pleasure to work with in handling our insurance coverage needs! There were a number of hoops that had to be jumped through for us to satisfy the bank. I want to thank Peggy and your entire team for their professional excellence and client-centered approach to their work; it is truly appreciated and refreshing!!" HENRY M. THOMAS III, JD ; PRESIDENT OF URBAN LEAGUE OF SPRINGFIELD, MA "I had an accident and I had a great experience and the process was very smooth. Thank you for taking care of everything!" LAURA ROSS "Words cannot describe how thankful we are for your help. You took the time to advise and guide us along the claims process. You were available for questions and returned our phone calls in a timely manner. Your help and patience were invaluable in our stressful time." SIMARD FAMILY OF EAST LONGMEADOW MA "Thank you very much for all your help with this…as usual, you made the process quick and easy. You’re the best!!!" GAIL CATJAKIS "Thank you so so much Yali, you have been awesome helping me with this and I really appreciate it!" ANNA OF LONGMEADOW MA "We are buying a coastal property and we needed homeowners and flood insurance, everyone was superb in gathering the information we needed, they were terrific!" WHITNEY FAMILY "Peggy Marshall has been an absolute pleasure to work with in handling our insurance coverage needs! There were a number of hoops that had to be jumped through for us to satisfy the bank. I want to thank Peggy and your entire team for their professional excellence and client-centered approach to their work; it is truly appreciated and refreshing!!" HENRY M. THOMAS III, JD ; PRESIDENT OF URBAN LEAGUE OF SPRINGFIELD, MA "I had an accident and I had a great experience and the process was very smooth. Thank you for taking care of everything!" LAURA ROSS Find out more © 2024 Chase Ins. All Rights Reserved. Website design by DIF Design Chase, Clarke, Stewart & Fontana P.O. Box 9031 Springfield, MA 01103 59 Bobala Road Holyoke, MA 01040 413-788-4531 Goss & McLain Insurance 59 Bobala Road Holyoke, MA 01040 413-534-7355 Privacy Policy *** PLEASE BE ADVISED AS OF MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18TH OUR FEEDING HILLS OFFICE WILL BE MOVING.*** ***ALL OF OUR STAFF WILL NOW BE LOCATED AT 59 BOBALA ROAD, HOLYOKE, MA 01040. *** OUR SPRINGFIELD AND HOLYOKE OFFICES ARE MOVING ON JULY 28TH! THE NEW ADDRESS IS 59 BOBALA ROAD, HOLYOKE, MA 01040 × Notifications