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<h1>Tariff 2 - Railcar</h1>
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<p class="ms-rteElement-file-pdf"><a href="/en/customer-resources-site/Documents/tariff-2-railcar-supplemental-services-jun-01-2023.pdf" target="_blank">Tariff 2 - Railcar supplemental services</a><span
class="ms-rteElement-note">Effective June 1, 2023</span></p><br>
<p class="ms-rteElement-file-pdf"><a href="/en/customer-resources-site/Documents/tariff-2-railcar-supplemental-services-may-01-2023.pdf" target="_blank">Tariff 2 - Railcar supplemental services</a><span
class="ms-rteElement-note">Expires May 31, 2023</span></p><br><br><br>
<br><a class="ms-rteElement-file" href="/en/customer-resources-site/Documents/tariff-2-changes-to-asset-use-program-jan-01-2021.pdf" target="_blank">Brochure on 2021 changes to Asset Use</a><br><br><br><a class="ms-rteElement-button ms-rteElement-videoLink" href="https://vimeo.com/484119271">VIDEO on 2021 changes to Asset use</a><br><br>
</div> <div>
<a class="ms-rteElement-file-doc" href="/en/customer-resources-site/Documents/Notification%20to%20CP%20for%20assignment%20of%20Asset%20Use%20fees.docx" target="_blank">Notification to CP for assignment of Asset Use fees form</a><br>
<div><br><br> <h4>Tariff 2 serving areas:</h4>
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<p class="ms-rteElement-file-pdf"><a href="/en/customer-resources-site/Documents/tariff-2-calgary.pdf" target="_blank">Calgary</a><br></p> <br>
<p class="ms-rteElement-file-pdf"><a href="/en/customer-resources-site/Documents/tariff-2-edmonton.pdf" target="_blank">Edmonton</a><br></p> <br>
<p class="ms-rteElement-file-pdf"><a href="/en/customer-resources-site/Documents/tariff-2-harvey.pdf" target="_blank">Harvey</a><br></p> <br>
<p class="ms-rteElement-file-pdf"><a href="/en/customer-resources-site/Documents/tariff-2-medicinehat.pdf" target="_blank">Medicine Hat</a><br></p> <br>
<p class="ms-rteElement-file-pdf"><a href="/en/customer-resources-site/Documents/tariff-2-minneapolis.pdf" target="_blank">Minneapolis</a><br></p> <br>
<p class="ms-rteElement-file-pdf"><a href="/en/customer-resources-site/Documents/tariff-2-nahant.pdf" target="_blank">Nahant</a><br></p> <br>
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<p class="ms-rteElement-file-pdf"><a href="/en/customer-resources-site/Documents/tariff-2-regina-moose-jaw.pdf" target="_blank">Regina - Moose Jaw</a><br></p> <br>
<p class="ms-rteElement-file-pdf"><a href="/en/customer-resources-site/Documents/tariff-2-sutherland.pdf" target="_blank">Sutherland</a><br></p> <br>
<p class="ms-rteElement-file-pdf"><a href="/en/customer-resources-site/Documents/tariff-2-toronto.pdf" target="_blank">Toronto</a><br></p> <br>
<p class="ms-rteElement-file-pdf"><a href="/en/customer-resources-site/Documents/tariff-2-winnipeg.pdf" target="_blank">Winnipeg</a><br></p> <br>
<p class="ms-rteElement-file-pdf"><a href="/en/customer-resources-site/Documents/tariff-2-vancouver.pdf" target="_blank">Vancouver</a><br></p> <br>
<h3>Inside the railcar supplemental services guide</h3>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12">
<li>Shipping documentation </li>
<li>Using railway cars and CP track </li>
<li>Switching within CP’s network & with other railways </li>
<li>Last minute changes & special requests </li>
<div class="col-sm-12">
<li>Shipments in transit </li>
<li>Ensuring the safety of your car </li>
<li>Miscellaneous fees & services </li>
<li>Payments and disputes </li>
</div> <h2>Related tariffs</h2>
<ul class="ms-rteCustom-LinksList">
<li><a href="/en/customer-resources/pricing-and-tariffs/products-and-services-guide">Tariff 1 - CP's Guide to Products & Services</a></li>
<h2>FAQs about this tariff</h2>
<h4>How can I most effectively avoid "no-bill" type fees?</h4>
<p>Follow CP's Guide to Products & Services (tariff 1) and ensure that your team is sending electronic shipping instructions to CP, letting us know that your car is ready to go. Sending faxes or
emails to release loaded railcars, or asking the local CP train crew to take an extra car or two with them increases the risk of additional fees for cars that do not have proper shipping instructions.</p>
<h4>What can I do to avoid asset use or demurrage?</h4>
<p>The most effective way to avoid asset use fees is to make sure cars are not waiting for a request for placement on CP property and railway cars are loaded/unloaded and released within the time provided. CP
encourages customers to be as efficient as possible, and would prefer not to have cars waiting on CP track or railway cars taking longer than a day to load/unload. Ultimately, each customer may choose to develop more
efficient rail car ordering/processing capabilities or to pay CP for "short term parking" of railcars on CP track, and/or for additional time to load/unload a railway car at their facility. A few options to consider are:
<li>more efficient loading or unloading processes, tools, or facilities </li>
<li>both the shipper(s) and receiver(s) working very closely to ensure a smooth, consistent flow of traffic that can be received and unloaded as soon as it arrives </li>
<li>coordinate the ship date with your customer to coincide with when they will be able to receive it amongst their other orders</li>
<li>careful coordination between your purchasing and receiving teams to plan for a smooth arrival of product from various suppliers, etc.</li>
<li>purchasing additional local service ("special switch") if it is available </li>
<li>building additional storage capacity to store product at your facility </li>
<li>building track to hold railcars on your property instead of CP's</li>
<h4>When does Asset Use start?</h4>
<p>For cars headed to your facility, your quote includes the time up until the first scheduled opportunity to place the car, as per your service schedule. On the first scheduled opportunity to place the car, it will either
be 'actually placed' (PACT) at your facility, or 'constructively placed' (PCON) on CP track while waiting for you to request it. Asset use starts 24 hours after PCON or PACT, as described in Item 10 of Tariff
<h4>What about long-term railcar storage?</h4>
<p>Long term storage is not widely offered by CP and is on an as negotiated basis only. If a private railcar is on CP track longer than the time included in your transportation quote, asset use fees apply.</p>
<h4>What are CUF and APHIS fees?</h4>
<p>Customs User Fees (CUF) and Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) fees are both US government fees, which CP passes through as appropriate. For more information about these fees and how they may apply to
your shipments, please consult with your customs broker.</p>
<h4>CUF and APHIS fees Eastport ID & Sweetgrass MT</h4>
<p>Because CP is not the carrier that physically takes cars across the border at Eastport ID & Sweetgrass MT, CUF and APHIS fees are not assessed to CP by the US government, thus they will not applied by CP on
shipments crossing at these points. The connecting carrier at these points may pass these fees through.</p>
<h4>What happens if CP has only received shipping instructions for some of the cars I intend to release?</h4>
<p>CP crews will only pull cars for which valid shipping instructions have been received and processed. Crews on site will pick-up unobstructed billed and released inventory. If the crew has the ability to
switch out billed inventory blocked by other cars, tariff 2 item 22 will apply. If the crew cannot switch out billed inventory blocked by other cars, delays may occur.</p>
<h4>I have a temporary disruption in my operation and I am unable to take the arrived cars now, but will resume operation shortly. What happens?</h4>
<p>This is covered by the last minute change described in Item 30 of Tariff 2.</p>
<h4>I have a temporary disruption in my operation and will not be able to take the arrived inventory within the specified five days, what happens?</h4>
<p>Car(s) may be reassigned and will be subject to fee(s) for being ordered and not used. <br></p>
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<a href="http://www.cpr.ca/en/media/cp-announces-results-of-early-tenders-of-kcs-notes" itemprop="headline url">Canadian Pacific announces results of early tenders of Kansas City Southern notes</a>
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Text Content
GTM-WDGBZH Skip to main content It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. * Visit CPKCR.com * Investors * Financials * Key Metrics * Stock * News * Events * Investor Resources * Corporate Governance * Sustainability * Careers * Apply here * Why work at CP * Educational partners * Operations * Professional and salaried positions * Veterans * Media * News * Events * Photos & video * Social media * Rail Safety media kit * CP's response to COVID-19 * Français * Customer Login * Our Markets * Automotive * Coal * Energy * Ethanol * Fertilizer and potash * Food products * Forest products * Grain * Industrial products * Intermodal containers * Oversized and dimensional * Sulphur * Wind energy components * Choose Rail * Intermodal shipping * Transload & trucking * Perishable products - CP TempPro * Rail sidings to your facility * Global reach * Atlantic Gateway * Pacific Gateway * Mexico * Short line connections * Network map and facilities * Customer Resources * Become a customer * Pricing and tariffs * Customer safety * Port schedules * Customer Station * Shipping guides * Damage prevention and claims * Commercial dispute resolution * Canadian Grain Performance * Safe shipper awards * US Grain cycle times * Carbon Calculator * Customer API * Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) * Community * CP Has Heart * Canadian Pacific Women's Open * Spruce Meadows * Remembrance Day * Holiday Train * Rail projects near you * Living near the railway * Community Outreach & Mini-Train * Shoreham Repository * Calendar Competition * Public Works USA * Real Estate * Safety * Culture of safety * RailSense * HazMat * Bridge Management Program * CP Police Service * Crossing regulations & standards * Locomotive video recorders * Industry partnerships * Rail regulations TARIFF 2 - RAILCAR Page Content Tariff 2 - Railcar supplemental servicesEffective June 1, 2023 Tariff 2 - Railcar supplemental servicesExpires May 31, 2023 Brochure on 2021 changes to Asset Use VIDEO on 2021 changes to Asset use Notification to CP for assignment of Asset Use fees form TARIFF 2 SERVING AREAS : Calgary Edmonton Harvey Medicine Hat Minneapolis Nahant Regina - Moose Jaw Sutherland Toronto Winnipeg V ancouver INSIDE THE RAILCAR SUPPLEMENTAL SERVICES GUIDE * Shipping documentation * Using railway cars and CP track * Switching within CP’s network & with other railways * Last minute changes & special requests * Shipments in transit * Ensuring the safety of your car * Miscellaneous fees & services * Payments and disputes RELATED TARIFFS * Tariff 1 - CP's Guide to Products & Services FAQS ABOUT THIS TARIFF HOW CAN I MOST EFFECTIVELY AVOID "NO-BILL" TYPE FEES? Follow CP's Guide to Products & Services (tariff 1) and ensure that your team is sending electronic shipping instructions to CP, letting us know that your car is ready to go. Sending faxes or emails to release loaded railcars, or asking the local CP train crew to take an extra car or two with them increases the risk of additional fees for cars that do not have proper shipping instructions. WHAT CAN I DO TO AVOID ASSET USE OR DEMURRAGE? The most effective way to avoid asset use fees is to make sure cars are not waiting for a request for placement on CP property and railway cars are loaded/unloaded and released within the time provided. CP encourages customers to be as efficient as possible, and would prefer not to have cars waiting on CP track or railway cars taking longer than a day to load/unload. Ultimately, each customer may choose to develop more efficient rail car ordering/processing capabilities or to pay CP for "short term parking" of railcars on CP track, and/or for additional time to load/unload a railway car at their facility. A few options to consider are: * more efficient loading or unloading processes, tools, or facilities * both the shipper(s) and receiver(s) working very closely to ensure a smooth, consistent flow of traffic that can be received and unloaded as soon as it arrives * coordinate the ship date with your customer to coincide with when they will be able to receive it amongst their other orders * careful coordination between your purchasing and receiving teams to plan for a smooth arrival of product from various suppliers, etc. * purchasing additional local service ("special switch") if it is available * building additional storage capacity to store product at your facility * building track to hold railcars on your property instead of CP's WHEN DOES ASSET USE START? For cars headed to your facility, your quote includes the time up until the first scheduled opportunity to place the car, as per your service schedule. On the first scheduled opportunity to place the car, it will either be 'actually placed' (PACT) at your facility, or 'constructively placed' (PCON) on CP track while waiting for you to request it. Asset use starts 24 hours after PCON or PACT, as described in Item 10 of Tariff 2. WHAT ABOUT LONG-TERM RAILCAR STORAGE? Long term storage is not widely offered by CP and is on an as negotiated basis only. If a private railcar is on CP track longer than the time included in your transportation quote, asset use fees apply. WHAT ARE CUF AND APHIS FEES? Customs User Fees (CUF) and Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) fees are both US government fees, which CP passes through as appropriate. For more information about these fees and how they may apply to your shipments, please consult with your customs broker. CUF AND APHIS FEES EASTPORT ID & SWEETGRASS MT Because CP is not the carrier that physically takes cars across the border at Eastport ID & Sweetgrass MT, CUF and APHIS fees are not assessed to CP by the US government, thus they will not applied by CP on shipments crossing at these points. The connecting carrier at these points may pass these fees through. WHAT HAPPENS IF CP HAS ONLY RECEIVED SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS FOR SOME OF THE CARS I INTEND TO RELEASE? CP crews will only pull cars for which valid shipping instructions have been received and processed. Crews on site will pick-up unobstructed billed and released inventory. If the crew has the ability to switch out billed inventory blocked by other cars, tariff 2 item 22 will apply. If the crew cannot switch out billed inventory blocked by other cars, delays may occur. I HAVE A TEMPORARY DISRUPTION IN MY OPERATION AND I AM UNABLE TO TAKE THE ARRIVED CARS NOW, BUT WILL RESUME OPERATION SHORTLY. WHAT HAPPENS? This is covered by the last minute change described in Item 30 of Tariff 2. I HAVE A TEMPORARY DISRUPTION IN MY OPERATION AND WILL NOT BE ABLE TO TAKE THE ARRIVED INVENTORY WITHIN THE SPECIFIED FIVE DAYS, WHAT HAPPENS? Car(s) may be reassigned and will be subject to fee(s) for being ordered and not used. * Customer Resources * Become a customer * Pricing and tariffs * Products and services guide * Supplemental tariffs * Tariff 2 - Railcar supplemental services * Tariff 3 - Intermodal supplemental services * Tariff 4 - Transload supplemental services * Tariff 5 - Unit train supplemental services * Tariff 6 - Private equipment rules on CP * Tariff 7 - Between railways * Tariff 8 - Hazardous commodities * Tariff 9 - Automotive services * Tariff 10 - Miscellaneous * Fuel cost adjustment * Class rate tariffs * Intermodal tariff rates * Surcharge and exchange rates * Customer safety * Port schedules * Customer Station * Shipping guides * Damage prevention and claims * Commercial dispute resolution * Canadian Grain Performance * Safe shipper awards * US Grain cycle times * Carbon Calculator * Customer API * Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) RECENT CP NEWS * Canadian Pacific announces results of early tenders of Kansas City Southern notes April 3, 2023 * CP to report first-quarter 2023 earnings results on April 26, 2023 March 30, 2023 * Canadian Pacific commences offers to exchange and consent solicitations for seven series of Kansas City Southern notes for new Canadian Pacific Railway Company notes March 20, 2023 COMMUNITY * Rail projects near you INVESTORS * Overview CONTACT CP * CP EMERGENCIES Trouble near the tracks? This line is open 24 hours a day. 1-800-716-9132 | CP Police website * NOT SURE WHO TO CONTACT? Visit our contacts page. * Employees * Subscriptions * Royal Canadian Pacific * CP Shops * Surplus Inventory * Privacy Policy * Terms of use © 2023 Canadian Pacific