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Lasting Health & Vitality Through Complete Inner Cleansing, Effective Cellular
Nutrition And A Healthy Lifestyle
Home About Us FAQ Contact Us


Yes YOU can improve your health, increase resistance to illness, eliminate
weight problems and regain energy for living ... you just need this easy,
powerful and comprehensive new guide to know how, but you MUST act before it's
too late ...



Safe Colon Cleansing Your Good Health Guide
How to Achieve Lasting Health and Vitality Volumes 1 & 2
ISBN 978-0-9775889-0-9 (set)
211 & 199 pages, Copyright 2006
A Tribar Press Publication


From: Dr Peter Tylee
Date:  Monday, September 11, 2023

Dear Health Seeker,

Are you serious about improving your health? Do you want some help? If you
answered yes to both questions then you're in the right place and I invite you
to read this whole page to discover how easily you can take control of your
health and add enjoyment to life. But first, register for your free mini course
below on the left now while you have a moment. Go ahead, I'll wait.


Colon Cleansing
7 Part eCourse
No Cost
Start NOW!

You will:

 * Discover the 5 top reasons why most colon cleansing fails
 * Uncover insider secrets that many colon-cleansing promoters don't want me to
   tell you but you really need to know
 * Discover the 6 characteristics of good health goals
 * Find out what health and medicine can learn from computer science related to
   colon cleansing
 * Learn the 12 special characteristics that make a healthy diet actually

Your email address is safe with us. See our Privacy Policy.


All signed up? Good. Let's get started...



Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? Do you know that most doctors
refer to a group of people as "the worried well"? They assume that there is
nothing really wrong with them, they just worry about their health too much!

The truth is that only a very small number of those people are really well.
Their doctors just don't know how to solve their problems so they dismiss them.

There is hope for you though. How do I know? That's easy, the fact that you're
here means you are willing to take responsibility for finding ways to improve
your wellbeing. That personal quality will serve you well. It may save your

There is usually a long time when vague and niggling symptoms occur. These can
be little aches and pains that come and go, occasional sleep disturbance,
constipation, windiness and bloating, easily strained muscles, flattened mood or
mood swings, minor allergies, and on and on. These do not have to happen, much
less be ignored!

These all relate to toxicity. Of course, you may be well past the early stage.

Are you already experiencing signs and symptoms that are bad enough and clear
enough that your doctor has diagnosed a disease or condition? Perhaps those
things are not so vague and niggling any more.

Have you already progressed to chronic constipation, serious digestive
disturbance, arthritis, skin disorders, depression or anxiety disorders? These
are just the common progressions, it's not an exhaustive list.



Many diseases, including:

 * Cancer
 * Diabetes
 * Heart Disease

Actually begin with problems in the colon.

Dr Stan Headley MD, ND


Or perhaps you have waited so long you now have life-threatening conditions,
such as heart disease or cancer.

Whatever your problem, even if not directly caused by long term accumulation of
toxins throughout your body, you will not heal as effectively without proper


Are you struggling to find enough time to learn how to effectively manage your
health? If you don't invest the time to discover how, you won't know if you are
spending your time wisely on your health. You must first learn how, then do.

Simply relying on health services providers, essentially buying their time, is a
serious mistake. Some don't care, some make errors, most don't have enough time
to deal with cleansing, even if they know how to achieve it.

Maybe time is the one thing that money can't buy. Time is certainly precious.
When it's gone, it's gone forever, you can't get it back. Don't let it take your
good health with it.

When you're sick, time is of the essence. As time passes, you are either getting
better or becoming worse.

The time lag, or latency period, between cause and effect in many disease
processes is illusory. It only seems like nothing is changing, but the process
is dynamic, not static. Are you getting better or worse right now?

You could spend many years of study trying to learn what you need to know. You
will need many years of experience too. It has taken me decades.

You could try other sources of information but they all take time. Even
searching the internet means trolling through seemingly endless websites. That
leads to another problem.



If you're looking for safe and sound advice on colon cleansing, Dr. Peter
Tylee's book is the one to trust. Dr. Tylee is known to be genuinely caring and
helpful and has more than 30 years of practise in medicine. His new book 'Safe
Colon Cleansing' is a detailed and comprehensive guide that will assist you to
regain and maintain a state of good health and vitality for years to come.

Being in the field of health and self-help myself for 20 years now, I have seen
much amateurish advice that was useless at best - if not even a real threat and
danger to your health. I can't stress enough how important professional advice
and safety is when it comes to colon cleansing. Dr. Tylee really cares and has a
strong emphasis on safety throughout his book.

I strongly believe with Dr. Tylee's advice every reader will improve his state
of health and eliminate many sources of illness. You will regain better health
and new energy and passion. I highly recommend this book, which is written by a
true professional.


Ralf Michael Skirr, Germany



You know what I mean, don't you?

I've looked around myself. I know for certain that many people who promote colon
cleansing are dangerous. Some are probably well-meaning but misguided. Others
appear to be simply exploiting people.

One big problem is the number of unqualified people who take it upon themselves
to sell you information on the subject. They may sound knowledgeable and
experienced, but beware.

You can't even necessarily trust medical and other health professionals. Some
are so stuck in their orthodox views that they deny the existence of toxins or
the effectiveness of cleansing. The truth is, they are ignorant or scared and
often "too busy" to bother opening their minds.


The real risk is that you will do nothing! That could spell disaster.

Unless you discover the proper way to ensure inner cleansing, and then follow
it, you risk failing to become well, worsening your condition and missing out on
the best enjoyment of life with robust good health and vitality.

Many people seem resigned to a reality where they will experience declining
health, loss of function and increasing dependency. Fortunately, many people are
discovering that life does not have to be that way!

If you are not paralyzed into inaction by overwhelming amounts of information
and the time and effort to sift through it, you may do more harm than good by
following unsound guidelines.

Remember, nothing in health is static. While you delay taking the right action
things are getting worse.


According to the National Institute of Health and the National Digestive
Diseases Information Center colon cancer is the Number One CANCER in America in
both men and women and the Number Two KILLER in America of men and women, second
only to heart disease.


So, to summarize:

 * Being overwhelmed to the point where you do nothing
 * Wasting too much time trying to find safe and effective answers
 * Adopting unsafe or exploitative methods ...

These are very real risks indeed. Fortunately, there is a solution, and ...



You see, I'm extremely fortunate. I am a qualified health professional who spans
both orthodox and alternative medicine.

I have spent many years of study, many years of clinical practice and many years
of teaching as a health professional in universities. My clinical practice
extends from general and specialty areas in major metropolitan hospitals, to
community health and primary health care.

I largely practice in natural medicine now, using clinical nutrition, healthy
lifestyle education and specific treatments when necessary. I prefer
preventative measures but when remedial work must be done, I mostly steer clear
of orthodox treatments that only mask symptoms and increase toxicity.

Showing people how to tap into the awesome healing capacity they have within is
very satisfying. Much more so than doling out drugs and subjecting people to the
risks associated with largely unnecessary procedures.

There are two things that I hold dear that most orthodox doctors seem to have

 1. The ethical principles of non-maleficence (do no harm) and beneficence (do
    positive good)
 2. The wisdom of Hippocrates who said: Let thy food by thy medicine and let thy
    medicine be thy food



Peter, you've provided some truly valuable health information here. Anyone who's
truly serious about improving their health shouldn't hesitate to read your

I have to say your book really did make me think about my health (something I
never really thought about at all before - I figured I'd wait until I got old to
worry about stuff like that).

I'll be completely honest, I haven't implemented all of your advice. In fact,
I've only made a few tiny changes as recommended in your guide. And I was very
surprised that even my half-hearted efforts have been rewarded.


Liz Barton, Sugarhouse, UT, USA


Now, if I may, let me be personal. When I was growing up my parents took me to
both medical doctors and naturopathic doctors. I have a long memory of the
differences between their approaches. Though I moved into orthodoxy and largely
forgot about natural medicine for many years, I eventually returned by choice
and necessity.

You see, regular, or orthodox, medicine just can't do what it claims most of the
time. It is big on promise and short on delivery, except for a few specialized
areas where it can be wonderful. A lot of harm is done in the name of "good

I discovered that I have a bowel condition for which orthodox medicine claims
there is no treatment. Since the belief is that there is no treatment, the
condition is given little or no attention and doctors regularly fail to diagnose
the condition.

Had I not known of an alternative way to health, I would have experienced
declining function, increasing problems, discomfort and distress and likely an
early death. That's why I say I'm "extremely" fortunate. I learned more and
successfully treated myself, returning to excellent health and wellbeing.

In the process I converted my practice to natural medicine and developed my
unique insights into colon cleansing. That's right, even though the words may
sound the same, my approach is definitely unique. It is important to know what
to do and what to avoid and what colon cleansing is really all about.



Overall impression is that it is obviously excellent and of all the literature I
have read on this subject in all honesty this has to be the one that makes most
sense to me and the one I would feel most comfortable in applying.

It gives great simple education on the very things needed to know to understand
the whole process and why it is done this way

Overall it is great for giving people enough (and the best) knowledge and
empowering them to do it themselves correctly and not just "hooking" into some


Bart Jarvis, Newcastle, Australia
Qualified Medical Assistant



You may have already been all over the net looking for help, browsing through
self-help forums, hearing about all kinds of strange treatments with conflicting
experiences, advice and recommendations. Frankly, some sound quite gruesome,
rather like torture!

Perhaps you have also been to your doctor a number of times or to several
doctors, yet no one has really heard you or been able to help. Maybe they even
told you there was nothing wrong with you or they just didn't seem to take you
too seriously.

Perhaps you have tried assorted home remedies or medicines from the drug store
without lasting benefits, or worse, with unwanted side effects. Maybe you have
wasted money on books and kits that have failed to deliver lasting benefits.

It doesn't feel too good does it?

Maybe you just want some extra energy to be able to play with your kids instead
of missing out on really being a part of their growing up. This can easily
happen if you constantly feel too tired or exhausted. It can impact on other
relationships too.

Perhaps you are already experiencing one of many symptoms that you don't want,
like sleep disturbance, mild depression, aches and pains, weight gain or many
others. Perhaps you are already being treated for some major disease and you
know that you could feel much better if you could safely perform an inner

Whatever your story happens to be, do you want to experience really good health
and vitality? Do you want to be someone who has abundant energy for getting on
with living, who doesn't get sick all the time?

Do you want an easy to understand and follow step-by-step guide to colon
cleansing with wholesome recipes you can prepare at home to build your health
with confidence? Well you can have all this and a lot more with...


Proper colon cleansing is a way of cleaning the toxins out of your whole body
and ensuring effective cellular nutrition for healing. It's far, far more than
just overcoming constipation. And, what's more, depending on your needs, it
usually does not have to involve fasting, enemas or expensive purgatives or
trips to a clinic.

You probably already know the benefits of a proper colon cleanse. But here is a
short list of:


 * Regain mental sharpness and think more clearly
 * Lose weight and/or control weight more effectively
 * Prevent, eliminate or reduce arthritis and related conditions
 * Overcome constipation and improve bowel disorders
 * Prevent, eliminate or reduce frequency and intensity of headaches
 * Achieve improved digestion and absorption of nutrients
 * Boost immune function and reduce infection risk
 * Substantially reduce the risks of serious disease, such as bowel cancer
 * Improve emotional health and stress tolerance
 * Eliminate catarrh and nasal and sinus congestion
 * Significantly reduce or eliminate hay fever and other allergies
 * Improve your eyesight and hearing and senses of taste and smell
 * Achieve a real sense of wellbeing
 * Reduce or eliminate PMS
 * Improve your sex life due to health improvements
 * Achieve a clearer skin and radiant complexion
 * Eliminate infestations with intestinal parasites, yeasts and fungi
 * Improve sleep quality and feel more rested and refreshed
 * Significantly improve your energy levels and recovery time

And many more! Why? Because proper colon cleansing detoxifies the whole body and
improves nutrition to every cell. This greatly supports and empowers healing and
the release of energy.

This means proper colon cleansing is quite foundational to good function in
every part of your body. No wonder you'll feel so good!

The fact is, even much of what people think of as aging is just the result of a
steady build up of toxins. Removing them can give you a new lease on life, a
real rejuvenation. But ...

You must do it properly.

You need to know how to do a proper cleanse. There are potential problems
associated with cleansing if you don't know how to do it safely. Cleansing can
certainly be very safe but for some people cleansing can be dangerous or
unsuccessful if they don't know how to proceed. Many people recommend and use
the wrong way!

To solve this safety problem and to make colon cleansing easy and effective for
your individual circumstances and goals I wrote Safe Colon Cleansing Your Good
Health Guide Volume 1.

Many years of helping people has taught me that even explicitly listing foods
that should be avoided and foods that should be eaten is not always enough. To
make life simpler people need actual recipes to follow.

So my wife, Dr jenny Tylee, wrote a special recipe book containing over 300
health producing recipes.

This is such an empowering addition it became Safe Colon Cleansing Your Good
Health Guide Volume 2. Together, volumes 1 and 2 comprise a powerful set of
tools for helping you understand your own situation, and to clarify, set and
achieve real health goals.

Be warned though, at over 400 pages this is a whole program for helping you deal
with your health needs. It is not a flimsy 30 page "secret quick fix" nor is it
a 1,000 page tome full of irrelevant padding.



Volume 2 ... is chock full of an extensive list of toxin cleansing, healthy
recipes. I couldn't even begin to count the number and diversity of the recipes
in this volume. Again, there is also a plan guide to help in creating a healthy
diet and eating lifestyle. These two volumes sure have me looking at food
commercials in a different way now!


Dave Gieber, Ogden, UT, USA
Retired Aerospace Engineer


This set is the real thing. Remember, you said above that you are serious about
improving your health and that you wanted some help.

This is the help.

Your three areas of need are all covered. The set provides:

 * comprehensive and detailed guidelines
 * available by immediate download without wasting more time
 * written by qualified and experienced experts you can trust

This means you can make the most of all the ...


With Safe Colon Cleansing Your Good Health Guide you will experience more
benefits than I can possibly list here. They will include discovering:

 * Comprehensive details of the main approaches to bowel cleansing
   So you can choose the one best suited to your circumstances and goals

 * The safe methods to add to the chosen approach for best results
   So you can personalize your method for optimal outcomes

 * The right amount of background for and explanation of the process
   So you can understand what you are doing and why it is important

 * The risks you face from toxins in your daily life
   So you can remove or avoid as many as you reasonably can

 * The 4 secrets from natural medicine to supercharge your cleanse
   So you can get the absolute maximum benefits in less time

 * How to choose the best method for you personally
   So you can focus on your own specific health goals
   So you can relate the cleanse to your lifestyle
   So you can stay within your budget

 * Step-by-step details of how to plan you inner cleansing
   So you will feel empowered
   So you will not be dependent merely on product suppliers' information

 * How each major element of the cleanse works and why you choose it
   So you can maintain your confidence and motivation

 * What the cleansing experience will feel like and what to expect
   So you will avoid any worry and anxiety

 * How to recognize the signs your cleanse is working
   So you will feel encouraged and not concerned

 * Helpful details of various suitable products you may need
   So you can choose quality products and avoid risks

 * An explanation of the benefits of cleansing
   So you can stay motivated to cleanse and to stay healthy!

 * The contra-indications for colon cleansing and how to deal with these
   So you will follow a safe method and avoid dangers
   So you will know when not to cleanse

 * 323 Recipes suited for colon cleansing and a healthy life
   So you will enjoy an effective home based colon cleanse
   So you will enjoy attractive, aromatic, delicious and satisfying nutrition

 * A comprehensive guide to improving health to levels you thought impossible
   So you will be empowered to enjoy life more
   So you won't have to waste time endlessly hunting for multiple solutions

So with Safe Colon Cleansing Your Good Health Guide you will really know what
you're doing. You will know how to choose the right way to cleanse for you, not
just some mythical average person. You will minimize your costs and discomfort
and maximize the effectiveness of your cleanse.

And there are further benefits just in the things you can happily avoid.

Some sites on the internet that promote colon cleansing do have some very useful
information. However, the problems I noticed with various sites included such
things as:

 * An inappropriate, in-your-face, wise guy, aggressive tone
   but in my book you'll find a friendly, professional and encouraging tone.

 * Dangerous recommendations of either technique or products or both
   but in my book you'll find an emphasis on safety.

 * An assumption that one approach is suitable for everyone
   but in my book you'll learn ways to personalize cleansing just for you.

 * A focus on their own product or products only
   but in my book the focus is on you and your health, not any particular

 * High costs (many hundreds of dollars for instruction and support!)
   but my book is brilliant value and will actually save you money because you
   won't waste money on unnecessary or inappropriate products or services or
   ineffective cleanses or longer use of any cleansing products than may be




Colon Cleansing, hmm, now this can be a sensitive subject. But it is an
important topic and we need to be addressing this in a more serious manner for
each of us. Dr. Tylee's book, "Safe Colon Cleansing, Your Good Health Guide"
really opened my eyes. I now have a lot stronger educated view on why I have
been feeling so crappy (sorry for the low class word, but this best explains it)
for the last several years.

His book (both volumes) is very well written. Almost like a textbook, but much
easier to understand. The chapter on how the entire digestive system works was
very enlightening. I have a much better understanding of what goes on every day
inside my intestinal track that I was previously unaware of. It really opened my
eyes to what I do every day that adds to my unhealthy lifestyle.

Not only did I discover how I have been poisoning myself through my western
style diet, but also the toxins I expose myself to every day around my home and
environment. Not only does Dr. Tylee educate about the many harmful toxins we
expose ourselves to every day, he gives an extensive plan as to how we can
cleanse our way back to health.


Dave Gieber, Ogden, UT, USA
Retired Aerospace Engineer


As a committed and caring health professional who is both experienced clinician
and educator, I want everyone to have this information. But many years of
experience has proven that the worst thing I could do would be to just give it

I know for a fact that free information is far less effective. People just don't
value it. But how does one determine value here?

I want you to have all the amazing health benefits. So I want you to take
action. My research shows that if you invest in yourself by obtaining Safe Colon
Cleansing Your Good Health Guide you will be in the best position to achieve
your health goals.

So I asked my publisher: what should I charge for this special guide to a
healthier and happier life? Its true value to you will always be far higher than
it will cost.

To cut a long story short, we agreed to set the investment at an affordable,
amazing value of just $79.95 and let you have this vital health information by
immediate download.

But I was unhappy to be in this position and now things have changed. After many
months of delays my own holding company has fully taken over Tribar Press. My
first act to celebrate conclusion of this acquisition on July 11, 2007 was to
reduce the price from $79.95 to just $47.00 for the 2 volume set.

Believe me, this is extraordinary value. What price would you place on feeling
great? How much will you save in doctor's bills and medicine costs? It could
easily be thousands of dollars.

And with Safe Colon Cleansing Your Good Health Guide you will save more dollars
by achieving efficiency in your cleansing and by not paying for more than you
need in achieving your health goals.

I must tell you that I have no plans to increase the price but I do urge you not
to delay your purchase because every day you remain toxic you suffer various
health problems and increase your risk of developing serious disease, perhaps
even leaving it too late. This is not intended to frighten you but to give
prudent advice, so I can sleep at night.


I know that people sometimes need some encouragement to invest in themselves. So
I am going to offer you an irresistible package. This bonus product is available
separately at www.HealthProductsSite.com and represents true added value.

Because I really want you to enjoy life with energy and happiness, free from the
many health complaints that rob your pleasure and achievement, I want you to
also have the bonus with my compliments when you buy Safe Colon Cleansing Your
Good Health Guide today. Please note that this is available right now but may be
removed or replaced at any time.


$29.95 Value


Guided Creative Visualization for Inner Cleansing

In this audio presentation I personally take you on a wonderful journey within

 * help speed your cleansing by harnessing the amazing power you have within
 * create an opportunity for more holistic cleansing and healing support
 * lead you through stilling and calming your mind and into deep relaxation for
   beneficial restoration

I don't just think Safe Colon Cleansing Your Good Health Guide explains how to
achieve maximum health through cleansing, I Know it Does. And I know it will
guide you to achieving wonderful improvements in your health, just like it has
for so many others.




Although I thought I could see the value in your books, I admit that when I
purchased I was reassured by the guarantee. In Australian dollars it cost me
just on $95 and I thought, oh well, at least I don't have to pay expensive

It's amazing, because I can already say it has been worth ten times the price. I
just can't imagine raising a family without having this guide.

I'll be sending my friends and family to your web site!


Christine Berude, Albury, Australia
School Teacher & Mum


Just so you don't have anything to worry about in making your purchase I offer
you my guarantee of satisfaction. Yes, that's my performance standard - Your

You have more than the usual 30 days, you have 56 days (a full 8 weeks)
guarantee. If you are not satisfied with Safe Colon Cleansing Your Good Health
Guide for any reason your purchase will be 100% refunded.

Because I believe I am helping sensible people, not only will I refund your
purchase price, you will be able to keep the complimentary bonus. I love to
remove risk, so there is no way you can lose by making this purchase, you are
going to gain a great deal.

Here right now is your opportunity to really discover the secrets to vibrant,
lasting energy and real health.

You'll discover:

 * How to unlock your natural healing power.
 * An improved understanding of how your body works and the risks you face and
   can avoid.
 * Step-by-step guidelines that walk you through choosing your best colon
   cleanse approach for complete inner cleansing.
 * Detailed recipes so you can prepare for and conduct the cleanse and sustain
   the maximum benefits.

Together with your FREE bonus valued at $29.95 for a total value of $76.95


This amazing value for only $47.00

There's no need to wait any longer to discover your own path to health and
greater happiness. Don't keep taking unnecessary health risks. Secure your copy
of this life changing health guide and obtain maximum benefits, including your
complimentary bonus.

Click the following buy button now to order safely in our secure system,
protected by my 8 weeks guarantee.



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Available to you immediately by download after purchase.
PDF documents & MP3 audio.
(Download sizes: 976KB, 2.6MB & 12.6MB)

I look forward to helping you meet your health goals.

With my very best wishes for your health!


Dr Peter J. Tylee
Safe Colon Cleansing
Your Good Health Guide
Volume 1


Remember, you really can dramatically improve your health, increase resistance
to illness, eliminate weight problems and regain energy for living.

Take control of your wellbeing now and empower yourself for enjoyment of life.
Discover real health through proper colon cleansing, a safe and effective way to
achieve inner cleansing for lasting benefits.

Act now and also receive your FREE bonus providing a total dollar value of
$76.95 and a health empowerment value that's priceless!

Discover Your Path To Lasting Health 2 Volume Set
PLUS Bonus
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Dr. Peter Tylee has written a wonderful health-care guide that helps you to
activate your body's natural healing system, so that you can heal almost any
health problem you might have at its root-source.

I highly recommend this program, and I'm confident the knowledge you'll gain
from it will prove extremely valuable for your health and well-being, for the
rest of your life.


Julia Nestler, Sweden
Self-improvement teacher, Self-esteem therapist, Author and former Medicine and
Healthcare practitioner



This amazing value for only $47.00

Take positive action now to discover your own path to health and greater
happiness. Don't keep taking unnecessary health risks. Secure your copy of this
life changing health guide and obtain maximum benefits.

Spare yourself the expense of bad foods, avoidable consultations, unnecessary
drugs and misguided advice. Avoid the risk of doing nothing.

Your order is quite safe in our secure system and you have my 56 days (full 8
weeks) 100% money back satisfaction guarantee.

I look forward to helping you meet your health goals.

Click the following buy button now to start your journey to health.



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Available to you immediately by download after purchase.
PDF documents and MP3 audio.
(Download sizes: 976KB, 2.6MB & 12.6MB)

Thank you


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